2024 Republican Candidates for President
Posted by btomba_77 on February 28, 2020 at 7:22 am[h3][link=https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/28/2024-republicans-trump-cpac-117991]GOP scramble is on to succeed Donald Trump in 2024 – Politico[/link][/h3]
Theyre visiting early primary states, reaching out to major donors, and in one instance even running commercials in Iowa. But perhaps the most overt display of ambition is on display this week here at the Conservative Political Action Conference, a rite of passage for White House aspirants eager to audition before thousands of activists whose support can be critical down the line.
Those with the most prominent speaking roles a list that includes the likes of Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are regarded as likely 2024 contenders. At Wednesday evenings opening reception, former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley was mobbed by fans, including a woman who wore a Nikki 2024 baseball cap. Haley took a picture with the woman and signed the hat.
Pete Seat, a former White House aide to George W. Bush, was on hand observing the Haley love fest. He called the annual conference a proving ground for Republicans intent on building a national profile.The Ted Cruzes, the Nikki Haleys, the Mike Pences, anyone whos looking at 2024 has to be here otherwise theyre committing political malpractice. And thats why youre seeing them here this week, said Seat, a former Indiana GOP executive director.
I wonder how much a Trump loss vs win in 2020 will change the GOP field in 2024. Will “neverTrumpers” suddenly come to prominence after a loss? Or will they be blamed?
Will the Trump children actually become a national political force? Who is the upcoming GOP contender that’s not on anyone’s radar? Will Trumpism ( nativist populism and protectionism … rough definition there) continue to be the driving force of the GOP or will it melt away?
kaldridgewv2211 replied 1 year, 4 months ago 26 Members · 923 Replies -
923 Replies
Great questions Dergon. I would suspect that certain views on the GOP would, and will… turn based on the Candidates and their sex. It was apparent when McCain and Palin ran and on the left, with the Mondal / Ferraro ticket. Each dynamic brought out questions that effected their base. The one Dynamic we have not seen so far is a 2 Female ticket. I.E Haley / Cheney (maybe Rice) and a Obama / Hilary ticket for example. That would be interesting to see this combination played. How would the opposite sides see each other and to what lengths would they go to trash each other. Again, good debate. Nice to have a questions of Hmmmm interesting vs statements of childish emotions.
Trump wins, but the degradation of the culture, the deep state bureacracy, and the inevitability of a propped up market with failed central gov’t programs coming to roost with the ultimate ME generation, no one will counter, in the end.
That means high likelihood of really weird and stupid clown show politics like Sanders et al in the 2025-2035 period.-
[b]Two GOP Senators Running Ads Outside Home States [/b]
Arkansas Republican Tom Cotton, a freshman senator up for reelection in November, launched a highly unusual new TV ad this week, [link=https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/14/cotton-scott-trump-128972]Politico[/link] reports.
The content was standard, pro-Trump, anti-Democrat fare. What was very atypical was that it aired hundreds of miles from his home state, in Ohio.
As it turns out, the ad had nothing to do with Cottons current campaign, and everything to do with the one hes eyeing four years from now for the White House. He and Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) are running commercials aimed at raising their profiles in key electoral battlegrounds and perhaps more important ingratiating themselves with President Trump and his supporters, who could prove critical in any future Republican presidential primary contest.-
[b][i]Will the Trump children actually become a national political force?[/i][/b]
NO. Don Jr has already ruined his reputation. Eric forget about. Maybe Ivanka but highly unlikely.-
Ill take a pass on Tom Cotton. I dont even think the dems are trying to run against him either.
Hard pass on douche-bro, the missing chromosome, and princess nepotista also.
You would need a populist with a handle on the issues, like Tucker Carlson, to run. I doubt a Republican will win in 2024 given what I think will happen to the world banks and economies in the second term.
[h1]Here is who Republicans are paying closest attention to in the race for 2024[/h1]
[h2]11. Donald Trump Jr.[/h2] [h2]10. Missouri Sen. Joshua Hawley[/h2] [h2]9. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan[/h2] [h2]8. Florida Sen. Rick Scott[/h2] [h2]7. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio[/h2] [h2]6. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo[/h2] [h2]5. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis[/h2] [h2]4. Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton[/h2] [h2]3. Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley[/h2] [h2]2. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz[/h2] [h2]1. Vice President Mike Pence[/h2]-
[b]Tucker Carlson In 2024? [/b]
[b] [/b]
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/02/tucker-carlson-2024-republicans-348334]Politico[/link]: Tucker Carlsons audience is booming and so is chatter that the popular Fox News host will parlay his TV perch into a run for president in 2024.-
Yikes. We can “never say never” at this point but Tucker is much better suited to his current role and that’s the nicest thing I can say about him.
Haley and Desantis are the frontrunners imo.
It will be Harris v Haley is Biden wins this Nov. It will be AOC v Haley if Trump wins. The Left will not stand for another “moderate” losing to Trump and will overcorrect to an extreme liberal like AOC.-
[h1][b]GOP Governor Larry Hogan Already Looking at 2024 Presidential Bid[/b][/h1] [b]
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R), a frequent critic of President Trump, told the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/07/us/politics/larry-hogan-maryland-book-tour-2024-campaign.html]New York Times[/link] he is already considering a 2024 presidential bid.
Said Hogan: After this November election is over, regardless of who wins, there are a large majority of Americans who are completely convinced our political system is fundamentally broken, and theyre going to be looking for something different.
Hogan is also promoting his new memoir: [link=https://amzn.to/31PsKTP][i]Still Standing: Surviving Cancer, Riots, a Global Pandemic, and the Toxic Politics that Divide America[/i][/link].
Quote from Cubsfan10
Yikes. We can “never say never” at this point but Tucker is much better suited to his current role and that’s the nicest thing I can say about him.
Haley and Desantis are the frontrunners imo.
It will be Harris v Haley is Biden wins this Nov. It will be AOC v Haley if Trump wins. The Left will not stand for another “moderate” losing to Trump and will overcorrect to an extreme liberal like AOC.
Tucker would be the best candidate by far and would likely win — except for the fact that the way things are going and regions are becoming entirely unlivable due to large, blue city policies (suburbs will be affected very soon) — we may see that socialist sooner than later.
A woman definitely can’t win as a republican, Haley is the worst choice for many reasons, that’s one of the tops.-
Donald Trump Jr to release new book.
Of course, there’s a grammatical error on the book cover…. quite “on brand”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 11, 2020 at 3:43 pmHahahaha
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/12/larry-hogan-2024-republicans-358051]Larry Hogan argues for a bigger tent GOP as 2024 rumors swirl[/link]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 12, 2020 at 11:20 amDecent guy
Looks more like my uncle Charlie than a politician
No one is voting for Larry Hogan although he makes good points but every party wants a bigger tent.
Haley is by far the top choice at this point. If James wins the senate seat in MI then he would be in the running as well.
Although given history, the nominee is likely someone we aren’t even talking about right now.-
Legit question for the GOPers on Off-Topic:
If you were Nikki Haley and you were pretty much set up for being front-runner in 2024 would you accept the 2020 VP slot if offered by Trump to replace Pence?-
I’m not a Republican anymore but I would say No. I think she needs a clean slate and her own agenda(s), which is why I think she left the UN post to begin with.
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) tells The Hill he may run for president in 2024.
Said Christie: I feel like there are a lot of atmospheric things that happened in the lead up to the 2016 race, especially the Bridgegate matter which now has been dismissed by the United States Supreme Court in a 9-0 vote that there was no crime committed there. And yet the media and others convicted people before they even had a trial, and it materially affected my ability to run for president.
He added: Now that weve had that cleared away and its no longer a controversy, you know, from my perspective, maybe 2024 is time to try to go after that job again.
Here comes 2024 … Cotton goes to NH …
[h1]Trump Sons Hint At Future Runs As Presidents Polling Looks Dire[/h1] [link=https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/10/24/trump-sons-hint-at-future-runs-as-presidents-polling-looks-dire/#2599a25ef0b0]https://www.forbes.com/si…oks-dire/#2599a25ef0b0[/link]
and at the “Indian Republicans for Trump” event todayNikki Haley signing “Nikki 2024” hats
I dont think Pence is going to be back if they lose this time around. There is probably going to be some shakeup in the party. Trump did manage to find some support in the latino community outside of the crazy cubans. It’ll be interesting to watch whether that was just his charming personality or whether the gop is able to figure out a way to hold those voters.
Quote from fw
I dont think Pence is going to be back if they lose this time around. There is probably going to be some shakeup in the party. Trump did manage to find some support in the latino community outside of the crazy cubans. It’ll be interesting to watch whether that was just his charming personality or whether the gop is able to figure out a way to hold those voters.
I am unsure whether Trump’s coalition is also a GOP coalition.
(And as for Trump 2024… his problems with the NYAG and SDNY may act as a weight on that)-
Republicans are going to have an extremely hard time keeping the working white class after Trump. I think hispanics will continue to shift toward the Republicans if Dems keep going forward with the socialist, anti-religion agendas. A non-Trump Republican should gain back a lot of suburban vote though. Should be interesting.
WTF does any of this BS noise mean. Anti religion? Yeah the dems are really stopping you from practicing your faith.
Mine? No. But a lot of people believe they are. Evangelicals went for Trump big time. There’s no question the Dems (the extreme Left, to be fair) have been attacking Judeo-Christian ideals for years. If you want to ignore it, that’s fine but it’s just true and the voting data reflects that.
Im a Christian. In no way do I feel like the GOP or Dems are attacking me. This is non sense.
Just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean that millions of people do. It’s in the voting stats. I’m glad you don’t feel that way. For the record, I don’t either. I’m just telling you that the voting stats show it and I have personal friends and family members who feel that way. If yours and my anecdotal experience matters, so does theirs.
The Covid restrictions clearly showed an attack on churches in liberal governed states. That was clear as day. Churches werent allowed to open nearly as soon as bars and restaurants.
Michael Smerconish: It’s easier for Trump to run in 2024 as a victim than as a loser.
First presidential candidate to run from prison.
Trump owns the republican party. They are all little children afraid of him.
Quote from dergon
President Trump and aides have had discussions about mounting a comeback run in 2024 should he lose reelection to Joe Biden, an adviser tells [link=https://twitter.com/Acosta/status/1324427747540828162?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]CNN[/link].
He was nominated under a very narrow set of circumstances. I doubt the party would touch him if he loses this time.Trump and aides have had discussions about mounting a comeback run in 2024 should he lose reelection to Biden, an adviser tells me. No word whether he would do it. But the subject has come up, I'm told.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) November 5, 2020
Quote from fw
Quote from dergon
President Trump and aides have had discussions about mounting a comeback run in 2024 should he lose reelection to Joe Biden, an adviser tells [link=https://twitter.com/Acosta/status/1324427747540828162?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]CNN[/link].
He was nominated under a very narrow set of circumstances. I doubt the party would touch him if he loses this time.
I think the *party* would do a lot of stuff to try to c*ck-block a Trump repeat run.
See also: Super-delegates and proportional delegate allocation. Say what you want about the clusterf*ck that is the DNC, but they kept Bernie out with great skill. And I personally think that Biden was the only guy in the field who would have pulled off this win, narrow as it is.Trump and aides have had discussions about mounting a comeback run in 2024 should he lose reelection to Biden, an adviser tells me. No word whether he would do it. But the subject has come up, I'm told.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) November 5, 2020
Mick Mulvaney says Trump would absolutely be on the short list for 2024 GOP
[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/23/opinion/politics/trump-2024-michael-wolff.html]Michael Wolff[/link]: To write three books in four years about Donald Trump has been an immersion into his obsessions and fixations. This is why I know the obvious:[b] Donald Trump will run for president again.[/b]
The top 10 GOP presidential candidates for 2024, ranked:
10. Mike Pompeo
9. Greg Abbott
8. Chris Christie
7. Donald Trump Jr.
6. Ted Cruz
5. Mike Pence
4. Tim Scott
3. Nikki Haley
2. Ron DeSantis
1. Donald Trump-
Quote from dergon
The top 10 GOP presidential candidates for 2024, ranked:
10. Mike Pompeo
9. Greg Abbott
8. Chris Christie
7. Donald Trump Jr.
6. Ted Cruz
5. Mike Pence
4. Tim Scott
3. Nikki Haley
2. Ron DeSantis
1. Donald Trump
DeSantis has gone too far to the right for me. Cruz, no. Any generation of DJT, no. Don’t know enough about the rest of them. Hopefully some of them are moderates (on the Republican spectrum; I realize none of them will seem moderate to some of you). In my ideal world we get a moderate D vs a moderate R and I don’t care who wins. Since no one’s passing what I consider significant health care reform in this country unless Bernie Sanders becomes dictator, I’m find with gridlock for a while.-
Quote from BHE
Quote from dergon
The top 10 GOP presidential candidates for 2024, ranked:
10. Mike Pompeo
9. Greg Abbott
8. Chris Christie
7. Donald Trump Jr.
6. Ted Cruz
5. Mike Pence
4. Tim Scott
3. Nikki Haley
2. Ron DeSantis
1. Donald TrumpDeSantis has gone too far to the right for me. Cruz, no. Any generation of DJT, no. Don’t know enough about the rest of them. Hopefully some of them are moderates (on the Republican spectrum; I realize none of them will seem moderate to some of you). In my ideal world we get a moderate D vs a moderate R and I don’t care who wins. Since no one’s passing what I consider significant health care reform in this country unless Bernie Sanders becomes dictator, I’m find with gridlock for a while.
BHE for FTW. As usual.-
In my ideal world we get a moderate D vs a moderate R and I don’t care who wins.
Buttigieg vs Hogan 2024.
(notice that Hogan didn’t even make the top 10 list despite sending some real signas he plans to run.)
It is a distinct possibility … perhaps even a likelihood … that a moderate can still win the D nomination.
It is *very* *very* unlikely that the GOP will do so. The choice in the Republican party is going to be Trump vs Trumpy vs not-quite-as-Trumpy versus hard right not-Trump.
Quote from dergon
It is *very* *very* unlikely that the GOP will do so. The choice in the Republican party is going to be Trump vs Trumpy vs not-quite-as-Trumpy versus hard right not-Trump.
yep; they’ve got to find a way to (a) not have Trump run and (b) ideally not let him be kingmaker. I’m certain they know this. Whether or not they can manage it, IDK. If he were a reasonable person there might be a way, but (and this should be clear to everyone at this point, no matter where you are on the political spectrum) he is not. -
First question, nowadays, what exactly is a “moderate” R?
Someone who will not go along with the GQP lines of stolen election to appease Trump?
Next question, WHO are “moderate” R’s? Cheney? Kinzinger? Romney? Christie? Haley? Tim Scott? How strong a chance do they stand of winning their next primary? Kinzinger is out already. Cheney? Romney? Scott likely since he never made a compromise agreement with Democrats on police reform? And this answers the question in another thread about “defund” vs status-quo police reforms & why reforms cannot be done when you cannot get a single Republican vote to do that.
How about any of the 13 Republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill? Next question is how long will they survive in the GQP? Right now the Republicans are devouring their own children.
Speaking of Revolutionaries, how about Bannon, the Leninist? But then he’ll never run, he only works from the sidelines. But he’s not out as are none of his Republican compatriots. They are hardcore centrists in the GQP.
Is this all about state or federal positions? I mean we have no real idea how Youngkin will be, whether competing with DeSantis or Trump himself. WHO are good examples of “good and moderate” Republicans?
Makes no difference to me. In this climate and IMHO, there is no such thing as a “moderate” R worth voting for, especially considering the Republicans’ behavior since 2016 if not 2009 to today and their support of fictions like “stolen elections” not to mention real violence like the Jan 6 Insurrection.
Talking about “moderate” Republicans in today’s GQP climate is pure wishful fantasies. After decades of Republicans moving in this direction we are finally here now and it is anything but a “moderate” party in a “moderate” place.
1st question for the “moderate” GQP wishers, how to you get Trump and Trumpism out of the GQP? Or is that a Democratic fantasy?
Quote from dergon
The top 10 GOP presidential candidates for 2024, ranked:10. Mike Pompeo
9. Greg Abbott
8. Chris Christie
7. Donald Trump Jr.
6. Ted Cruz
5. Mike Pence
4. Tim Scott
3. Nikki Haley
2. Ron DeSantis
1. Donald TrumpChris Christie? NOT in anyone’s lifetime.
Greg Abbott? Yes, I’m sure. NOT in anyone’s lifetime.
Tim Scott? The Right’s answer to Obama? NOT in anyone’s lifetime.
Pence? You mean after they take his body down from the gallows?
The rest are the usual suspects of corruption (Pompeo, Trump Jr) or kiss-ass ineptitude (Cruz, Haley). I’d give DeSantis a possible but not if he challenges TRump. This is an automatic nomination for Trump. Consider that Republican majority will not tolerate ANY challenge or disagreement with TRump. Even minor criticism like saying Trump lost the election is grounds to being cast as a RINO and turncoat.
This is an empty list at this time. The only way any Republican has a chance of the nomination is if Trump is literally dead or convicted of some felony.
[b]Trump Eyes Early 2024 Announcement[/b][/h1]
Republicans are bracing for Donald Trump to announce an unusually early bid for the White House, a move designed in part to shield the former president from a stream of damaging revelations emerging from investigations into his attempts to cling to power after losing the 2020 election, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/01/us/politics/trump-republicans-campaign-2024.html]New York Times[/link] reports.
While many Republicans would welcome Mr. Trumps entry into the race, his move would also exacerbate persistent divisions over whether the former president is the partys best hope to win back the White House. The party is also divided over whether his candidacy would be an unnecessary distraction from midterm elections or even a direct threat to democracy.-
[h1][b]Liz Cheney Mulls Run for President[/b][/h1]
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) acknowledged the possibility of a presidential run in 2024 in an [link=https://www.axios.com/2022/07/03/liz-cheney-2024-presidential-run]interview with ABC News[/link], but said she hasnt made a decision about that yet.
[link=https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2022/07/03/biden-takes-a-back-seat-to-cheney-00043877?nname=playbook&nid=0000014f-1646-d88f-a1cf-5f46b7bd0000&nrid=0000014e-f0ed-dd93-ad7f-f8edad790000&nlid=630318]Playbook[/link]: You would expect last week to have been dominated by President Joe Biden. The Supreme Court set back the liberal policy agenda by decades on abortion, gun control, the separation of church and state and climate change while the Jan. 6 committee presented its most compelling evidence that Donald Trump may be criminally responsible for the attack on the Capitol.
But it was Cheney rather than Biden who emerged as the face of the opposition to Trumpism.____________
On the future of the GOP:
It cant survive if hes our nominee. I think that he cant be the party nominee, and I dont think the party would survive that.
Looks like Trump has officially declared was on DeSantis
Trump claims he intervened in the 2018 election to stop the vote from being counted, giving Ron the win
Trump has ripped the band aide off
Out tonight with a screaming statement blasting @GovRonDeSantis
A lot here, we will have more shortly pic.twitter.com/y3GNcaDZYZ
— Matt Dixon (@Mdixon55) November 10, 2022
I hope you are enjoying this Trump meltdown as much as I and my Republican friends are dergon.
Yeah … no biggie. Just the former president claiming in writing that he weaponized the FBI to interfere in the 2018 Florida election on behalf of the Republican gubernatorial candidate.
Nothing to see here.-
Quote from dergon
Yeah … no biggie. Just the former president claiming in writing that he weaponized the FBI to interfere in the 2018 Florida election on behalf of the Republican gubernatorial candidate.
Nothing to see here.
I have to ask as I read this again. Were you interpreting my and my friends enjoyment of his meltdowns as nonchalance?
As Trump announces 2024 bid tonight, Gov. DeSantis will be delivering the keynote speech at the Republican Governors Association
I love Trump running. A chance for all of the losers of the Republican Party to stay in daylight. Us moderates dont want them to hide under rocks. We want them to lose over and over. Its the only hope to get moderates put up at some point. Can be a bit gut wrenching at times but I remain optimistic.
How’s the Trump speech going to go. I’m up by 50points over Ron DiSanctimonious and 75 points over Glen “kimchi” Young Kin. The only way they won is because I did a teleconference with millions of MAGA. I’m the only stable genius.
You dont do a very good Trump impression. Im sure he will come up with a lot more absurdity than that.
Quote from Thread Killer
I love Trump running. A chance for all of the losers of the Republican Party to stay in daylight. Us moderates dont want them to hide under rocks. We want them to lose over and over. Its the only hope to get moderates put up at some point. Can be a bit gut wrenching at times but I remain optimistic.
I wish I could share your optimism. 2016 ptsd I guess.
I’d much prefer Trump not run.-
The fact that Trump got 71 million votes in 2020 plus his candidates did not lose by a couple of lengths but by a nose or photo finish, 1 dumbass getting a new election entirely & finally the majority of Republicans support him still which is approx 30%-40% of the voters is not exactly a guarantee hes dead as yet.
2024 National Republican Primary:
Trump 46%
DeSantis 28%
Pence 7%
Cruz 3%
Haley 2%
Rubio 1%
Pompeo 1%
T. Scott 1% -
Emerson poll:
2024 National Republican Primary:
Trump 55% (+30)
DeSantis 25%
Pence 8%
Cheney 4%
Cruz 3%
Haley 3%
Hogan 1%
Hawley 0% -
Ted Cruz does have a fantastic mustache. It seems to get better with age. Like fine wine.
Listening to a great interview with Jeff Greenfield on the 2024 primary / delegate process
his take: if you want to see whether the GOP is really looking to dump Trump, watch the state party rules making. Winner take all primaries strongly favor Trump, allowing him to take all of a states delegates with 30-40% support.
Missouri moving to a caucus system, which is meant to give the high intensity base. Trump supporters the edge.
if state parties start moving to proportional delegates, thats a sign theyre trying to block Trump
The arm of the GOP that wants Trump is either big enough to get him in as the nominee or they aren’t. Either way they are losers.
Frumis last post was perfect. He thinks we need to pick a side. Not if we can only support a part of the partisan agenda we dont. I understand why one must choose a side in here though. Thanks for proving my point again. Its a bunch of hobby posting that only makes sense when analyzing how it helps their tribe.
Just think. If I had chosen a side I wouldnt have been called an apologist by members of each team. That was too fun to pass up.
If Frumi had any idea what hobby posting was they might be funny. Its hilarious. They must think its awfully terrible to keep trying to pass it off like cooties.
Josh Kraushaar:
[b]”The conventional wisdom that Trump is the favorite to be the GOP nominee is no longer borne out by the polling data.”[/b]
Trump on Desantis: Ron wouldve not been governor if it wasnt for me. Number 1, he wouldnt have gotten the nomination, and number 2 – he wouldnt have beaten his Democrat opponent. So then when I hear he might run, I consider that very disloyal.
Trump on Desantis: “Ron would’ve not been governor if it wasn’t for me. Number 1, he wouldn’t have gotten the nomination, and number 2 - he wouldn’t have beaten his Democrat opponent. So then when I hear he might run, I consider that very disloyal.” pic.twitter.com/11r2k3b6z0
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) January 29, 2023
538 politics podcast
[h3][link=https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/politics-podcast-could-nikki-haley-actually-win-the-gop-nomination/]Politics Podcast: Could Nikki Haley Actually Win The GOP Nomination[/link][/h3]
tl;dr – nope
Trump Inches Higher In GOP Primary, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds:
In an early look at the 2024 Republican presidential primary, 46 percent of Republican and Republican leaning voters support former President Donald Trump, who has declared his candidacy, and 32 percent support Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is seen as a potential candidate, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll released today. Former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley receives 5 percent. Of the remaining 12 listed declared or potential candidates, no one tops 3 percent of the vote. Trump has widened his lead over DeSantis. In Quinnipiac University’s February poll, Trump led DeSantis 42 – 36 percent.
In a head-to-head Republican primary matchup between the two leading Republican candidates, Trump receives 51 percent support and DeSantis receives 40 percent support.
[b]Indictment Makes More Republicans Back Trump[/b][/h1]
A new [link=https://www.reuters.com/world/us/americans-divided-over-criminal-charges-against-trump-reutersipsos-poll-2023-04-06/]Reuters/Ipsos poll[/link] finds that 40% of Republicans said the criminal case against Donald Trump made them more likely to vote for Donald Trump in 2024, while 12% said it made them less likely to support him. Another 38% said it had no impact.
In the GOP primary race, Trump leads Ron DeSantis for the Republican nomination by a wide margin, 58% to 21%. On Monday, Trump had only 48% support among Republicans. -
[h1][b]Ron DeSantis is Making Trump Look More Electable[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.messageboxnews.com/p/does-ron-desantis-want-trump-to-win?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=65026&post_id=133264680&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email]Dan Pfeiffer[/link]: The largest drivers of electoral outcomes are beyond anyones control the mood of the country, the state of the economy, world events, etc. There are two factors, however, that a candidate can ostensibly control their performance on the stump and their campaign strategy. I spend a lot of time in this newsletter and on Pod Save America, gleefully documenting Ron DeSantiss shortcomings as a candidate. He lacks charisma, presence, humanity, and oratory skills. The Florida governor is the political equivalent of a baseball player who cannot throw, catch, or bat. In other words, what does Ron DeSantis bring to the table?
Sometimes, good candidates run bad campaigns. Other times, candidates are so lacking in talent that even an incredible strategy executed perfectly is insufficient. Ron DeSantis is a bad candidate running a very bad campaign. In fact, his campaign seems designed in a lab to make Donald Trump more electable.
The last couple elections seem like they were turns away from Trumpism. The red wave BS never happened. Ron’s like not even catering to the fringe, he’s putting from the rough. I’m not sure his complete disdain for people is a good campaign.
It seems he is now running on “I am even more a cruel a**hole than Trump”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 6, 2023 at 7:52 amThe video is odd
I heard someone describe as both homoerotic and homophobic at the same time
Desantis seems strange and very very weird
DeSantis continues his slide in the polling averages
Jan 7, 2023:
Trump 42.4%
DeSantis: 40.5%
June 8, 2023:
Trump 53.8%
DeSantis 21.3%
Pence 5.4%
aley 4.5%August 1, 2023:
Trump: 53.4%
DeSantis: 15.6%
Ramaswamy: 6.9%
Pence: 4.4%-
Charlie Sykes:
[link=https://morningshots.thebulwark.com/p/two-harsh-reality-checks#:~:text=No%20candidate%20in%20the%20history,t%20over%2C%E2%80%9D%20Catoggio%20writes.]https://morningshots.theb…D%20Catoggio%20writes.[/link][h1]Two Harsh Reality Checks[/h1]
Yesterdays NYT/Siena poll which found Trump leading his nearest rival 54-17 highlighted Trumps iron grip on the GOP. Nick Catoggio calls it [b][link=https://thedispatch.com/newsletter/boilingfrogs/the-doom-poll/]The Doom Poll.[/link][/b]
[i]The frontrunner has tripled the vote share of the only opponent who seemed to have a chance of defeating him. No candidate in the history of modern presidential polling has [/i][i][link=https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/31/upshot/poll-trump-republican-primary.html]lost a lead of as much as 20 points[/link] at this stage of a campaign, let alone 37.[/i]
Theres no good news for Ron DeSantis; and little hope for the rest of the field, which is putting up a series of feeble single-digits.[b] The primary isnt over, Catoggio writes. It never began.[/b]
I can’t imagine what angry orange is like in another 4 years.
Less than 20 minutes after Donald Trump Jr. laments total lack of action from virtually all of the 2024 GOP hopefuls in pushing his fathers campaigns false claims of voter fraud, Tom Cotton emerges:
All votes that are *legally* cast should be counted.
Eric Trump: “Where’s the GOP?! Our voters will never forget.”
[h1][b]2024 Republicans Race to Georgia to Fill Trump Power Vacuum[/b][/h1]
President Donald Trumps defeat has set off a flurry of activity as would-be successors start to position themselves for 2024 and a battle to lead a Trump-less Republican Party begins to take shape, [link=https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/09/republicans-trump-power-vacuum-435229]Politico[/link] reports.
Likely Republican candidates are about to descend on Georgia to campaign in a pair of Senate runoffs that will determine control of the chamber. Theyre taking to Fox News to defend Trumps refusal to concede. The Republican National Committee is bracing for a possible fight over its chairmanship. And Donald Trump Jr. is aggressively staking out a role as a future GOP powerbroker.
All the forces we’ve seen working to defeat Donald need to load the elephant gun and take Georgia.
Rubio Says GOP Needs a Reset[/h1]
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) told [link=https://www.axios.com/rubio-gop-reset-trump-872340a7-4c75-4c2b-9261-9612c590ee14.html]Axios[/link] that after the 2020 election Republicans need to rebrand their party as the champions of working-class voters and steer away from its traditional embrace of big business.
Rubio said he is leaving the door open for a 2024 presidential run so his comments are some of the earliest signals of how the GOP contenders may try to acknowledge President Trumps successes while finding their own path.-
I think Rubio is in the cross hairs in 2022. Also he’s kind of a crappy candidate who has sullied himself. There’s pre-Trump Rubio and full on Trumper Rubio. Kind of like Ted Cruz. I can see ads running now. Like would a real Texan stand up for his wife when she’s called ugly.
Rubio is done as a Presidential candidate IMO. Ditto Cruz.
Why have them when you can have Trump again??-
Anyone mention Pompeo yet. Supposedly hes eyeing a 2024 run. I cant see him making it far. Ive never seen him not come across as a pompous blow hole.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Anyone mention Pompeo yet. Supposedly hes eyeing a 2024 run. I cant see him making it far. Ive never seen him not come across as a pompous blow hole.
He was on the list on page one:
[h1]Here is who Republicans are paying closest attention to in the race for 2024[/h1]
[h2]11. Donald Trump Jr.[/h2] [h2]10. Missouri Sen. Joshua Hawley[/h2] [h2]9. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan[/h2] [h2]8. Florida Sen. Rick Scott[/h2] [h2]7. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio[/h2] [h2]6. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo[/h2] [h2]5. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis[/h2] [h2]4. Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton[/h2] [h2]3. Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley[/h2] [h2]2. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz[/h2] [h2]1. Vice President Mike Pence[/h2]-
That seems like a fair list but I don’t think 2., 9., or 11. have any shot at all.
Also the Donald himself is not on there.-
By then he might be living in Moscow to avoid US extradition.
[b]Trump Freezes 2024 Presidential Field[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/16/trump-2024-presidential-field-436864]Politico[/link]: While Trumps loss was supposed to trigger a Republican Party reset, his flirtation with a 2024 bid ensures hell remain the dominant force in the party and cast a shadow over anyone looking to succeed him. Even the possibility of Trump running again will impede other Republicans from laying groundwork for their own bids lest they upset Trump and his tens of millions of supporters, many of whom are convinced the election was stolen.-
I can’t imagine Trump’s mental fitness at age 78. It’d be nice if he just went away and golfed for his remaining years.
[h1]Trump privately plots his next act including a potential 2024 run[/h1]
In a nod to the reality that he is destined to leave office in January, the president is seriously contemplating life beyond the White House, telling advisers that he wants to remain an omnipresent force in politics and the media perhaps by running for the White House again.
Trump has told confidants he could announce a 2024 campaign before the end of this year, which would immediately set up a potential rematch with President-elect Joe Biden.
[h1]Pompeo Trolls Critics in Long Goodbye as He Looks to His Future[/h1]By the time Secretary of State Michael Pompeo was wrapping up a 10-day swing through Europe and the Middle East, he had angered Turkeys leaders, infuriated the Palestinians and befuddled the French.
Its a trip that seemed almost calculated to offend — and to burnish Pompeos conservative credentials for a possible 2024 presidential campaign. Never one for niceties of etiquette or protocol, Pompeos last big tour as Americas 70th secretary of state offered provocations of those who have questioned Donald Trumps America First foreign policy and Pompeos role as its No. 1 promoter.
Like President Trump, Pompeo refuses to publicly acknowledge Joe Bidens victory in the Nov. 3 election. Nonetheless, the seven-nation journey, one of the longest hes taken as secretary, offered evidence that Pompeo is already looking past the Trump era, chockablock as the trip was with pronouncements likely to make Bidens life difficult and setting out a platform for his own political future.[/QUOTE]
[b]2024 National Republican Primary:[/b]
Trump 53%
Pence 9%
Cruz 4%
Haley 4%
Romney 4%
Kasich 3%
Rubio 2%
DeSantis 2%
Rick Scott 1%
Cotton 1%
Carlson 1%
Noem 1%
Tim Scott 1%
Pompeo 1%
[b]2024 National Republican Primary, Without Trump:[/b]
Pence 20%
Trump Jr. 20%
Cruz 7%
Haley 6%
Romney 5%
Ivanka Trump 4%
Kasich 3%
Rubio 3%
Desantis 2%
Cotton 2%
Noem 2%
Tim Scott 2%
Pompeo 1%
Carlson 1%
Rick Scott 0%
[link=https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/529021-marylands-larry-hogan-releases-video-calling-for-change-within-gop]Maryland’s Larry Hogan releases video calling for change within GOP
We are once again at a time for choosing, Hogan says in the video. Are we going to be a party that cant win national elections or are we willing to do the hard work of building a durable coalition that can shape our nations destiny.
Look, Im a guy that tells it like it is, he continues. So heres a truth that our party needs to hear: no one will listen to our message if they dont believe that were listening to them.
The video is likely to fuel speculation that Hogan may be moving toward a 2024 presidential campaign. Allies of the Maryland governor say that he has not yet made a decision on a White House bid, but he has also refused to rule one out.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) told Florida Politics he will run for reelection in 2022 and that he thinks Donald Trump will clear the field if he runs for president in 2024.
Said Rubio: If he decides to run, I think what it means is that Donald Trump will be the next Republican nominee I still have work to do in the U.S. Senate I have every intention of being on that ballot in November of 2022.
people going to come out of the woodwork to primary liddle Marco.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
people going to come out of the woodwork to primary liddle Marco.
I think his “OMG Trump is and will continue to be so strong!” vibe is meant at keeping away a primary opponent.
There’s really no down side for him in making those comments now. And when it turns out Trump doesn’t run he, Rubio can still throw his hat in the ring from the safety of a Senate he holds until 2028 either way.-
Trump is now calling for the supreme court to overturn the election. Yesss, keep talking Mr Trump, that’s exactly what judges want, encouragement from one of the parties.
Waiting for him to declare OUT LOUD,
[font=”arial black,avant garde”][size=”5″]YOU OWE ME![/size][/font] -
Quote from dergon
Quote from fw
Quote from dergon
President Trump and aides have had discussions about mounting a comeback run in 2024 should he lose reelection to Joe Biden, an adviser tells [link=https://twitter.com/Acosta/status/1324427747540828162?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]CNN[/link].
He was nominated under a very narrow set of circumstances.[b] I doubt the party would touch him if he loses this time.[/b]
I think the *party* would do a lot of stuff to try to c*ck-block a Trump repeat run.
See also: Super-delegates and proportional delegate allocation. Say what you want about the clusterf*ck that is the DNC, but they kept Bernie out with great skill. And I personally think that Biden was the only guy in the field who would have pulled off this win, narrow as it is.
went back to the start of this thread and this post from Novemeber 2020, before the election was even settled and before Jan 6 etc …
It turns out the Republican [b]party[/b] has done pretty much nothing to keep Trump from getting the nomination. They continue to pray that someone else/ something else takes him out.
But the base just keeps flocking to him and he’s still the frontrunner and the GOP primary rules still favor a guy who can get 30-40% of the vote in a big field and take 100% of the delegates.
Is anything going to shake off the base?Trump and aides have had discussions about mounting a comeback run in 2024 should he lose reelection to Biden, an adviser tells me. No word whether he would do it. But the subject has come up, I'm told.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) November 5, 2020
Harry Enten: Until shown otherwise, Trump is the 2024 GOP frontrunner. There have been few losing prez incumbents in the polling era, but Trump’s polling significantly better than all of them at this pt. (Yes, it’s extremely early, so view this as a first check-in.)-
Trump 2024 campaign slogan ideas
– The airing of grievances
– Draining the swamp again
– Make America Great Again, Again, Again