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  • btomba_77

    June 7, 2023 at 8:12 am

    Have it.
    5 million
    It’s about $600/yr
    It’s something you hope to *never* use …

    • g.giancaspro_108

      June 7, 2023 at 8:42 am

      $5M  about $500/yr.

    • aldoctc

      June 7, 2023 at 8:43 am

      As an attorney friend put it:  “$5 million should be enough to make most problems disappear.  And if it isn’t, no amount of insurance is gonna save you.”  
      Other than the basics like homeowner, auto, health insurance and MP insurance for a doc, an umbrella policy will help you sleep at night.  If you’re young and have a family, something like 20 year term life insurance is wise (after 20 years you should have saved enough so that your family can make it if you kick).  Whole life policies can be useful for estate planning purposes in certain situations, but are often pitched as ‘investments’ where the insurance agent neglects to inform you that you’re funding his ‘investment’.  

      • pankajkaira1982_700

        June 7, 2023 at 8:47 am

        2 million. ~250/year.
        cheap and affordable for us I assume.
        Get it.

        • adrianoal

          June 7, 2023 at 9:45 am

          lot of lawyers in my family. they think you’re nuts if you have assets and don’t have an umbrella policy

          • smfst7_929

            June 7, 2023 at 10:16 am

            I was thinking 1-2 mill to start. Im still under a million net worth bc of paying off loans. 5 mill seems like a lot for now right? Do most people wait until a few million assets before they up it to 5 million?

            • g.giancaspro_108

              June 7, 2023 at 10:50 am

              The cost difference between 2M and 5M of coverage isn’t that great, and your personal assets don’t necessarily correlate to what someone will try to extract from you because, after all, you are a doctor and their lawyer knows it.

              • rhiannonsmith84

                June 7, 2023 at 11:32 am

                When new associates join my group, which is is a tort reform state as far as medmal goes, I tell them that they need to buy an umbrella policy.  Here, it is nearly impossible to lose your wealth through a medmal tort, but not that hard to lose it through a regular civil suit.  You’re only one car wreck away from losing all your stuff, unless your umbrella policy eclipses your weatlth.

                • lisa.kipp_631

                  June 7, 2023 at 12:12 pm

                  Just to echo I have a close friend who is a scumbag personal injury attorney. He cant stress enough the value of an umbrella policy. Hes in the trenches every day, in the wrong side of it but still.

                  • annajatkiewicz

                    June 7, 2023 at 1:49 pm

                    Is this mostly done to supplement car insurance? Or something random like you got into a fist fight with a bum? I mean what other realistic scenarios to have to use it besides a car wreck?

                    • btomba_77

                      June 7, 2023 at 2:01 pm

                      Quote from Apple1919

                      Is this mostly done to supplement car insurance? Or something random like you got into a fist fight with a bum? I mean what other realistic scenarios to have to use it besides a car wreck?

                      15 year old gets torn to shreds in the prop of your boat … and you’d had 4 drinks
                      A guest falls off the deck of your place in Aspen slipping on ice and lands 2 stories down, ending up paralyzed
                      Same trip skiing in Aspen you lose control and accidentally run a guy off trail, who hits a tree and has a severe traumatic brain injury requiring life long care.

                    • g.giancaspro_108

                      June 7, 2023 at 2:05 pm

                      Someone slips and falls on your driveway.
                      Your dog bites someone.
                      Your kid is playing with another kid and the other kid’s tooth gets knocked out.
                      Your trampoline blows away during a storm and smashes windows on your neighbor’s house.
                      You’re in a crowded restaurant and someone falls, injuring themselves, and claims you/your spouse/your kid knocked them over.

                      Quote from Apple1919

                      Is this mostly done to supplement car insurance? Or something random like you got into a fist fight with a bum? I mean what other realistic scenarios to have to use it besides a car wreck?

                    • hiba

                      June 9, 2023 at 3:32 pm

                      1 mil- $70 thru erie insurance. Premium hasnt changed for past three years

                    • abd.fawzi_217

                      June 10, 2023 at 11:18 am

                      1 mil seems too low for umbrella insurance. In a disaster scenario where you need it you’re going to want more than 1 mil…

                    • alvarezgga1

                      June 10, 2023 at 1:39 pm

                      3 million…costs around 380 bucks. 
                      There is an article on whitecoatinvestor site. Recommendation was 3 mil should be plenty.

                    • 6541165

                      June 10, 2023 at 6:44 pm

                      Don’t know much about umbrella. 
                      Is this something that should be purchased ASAP as a resident just like disability or term life? My net worth right now is probably -500k so it feels premature to protect assets I don’t have. If I were to get sued for a couple million right now, what would happen? Would I have to liquidate what I do have (e.g., cash out retirement account, sell car) and my future wages would be garnished? Cuz in that case it seems like I should do it now. 

                    • sdurham

                      June 10, 2023 at 8:03 pm

                      I thought the 3 million article on WCI was regarding malpractice. Generally your retirement accounts are safe 401k more than IRA depending on state. You can get a small policy as a resident for not much at all.

                    • smfst7_929

                      June 10, 2023 at 10:03 pm

                      Ive heard just have enough to cover your net worth. Technically they cant touch retirement money in a lawsuit and at least a portion of your house in most states. I mean if you have a negative or minimal net worth youd just declare bankruptcy in the event of some catastrophic lawsuit. But dont quote me on any of this. My parents dog was attacked once by some scumbag people with a vicious free roaming dog. Vet bill ended up being like 6k. They won in small claims court but the people just declared bankruptcy. Pretty sure thats what would go down if you really have a negative net worth.

                      I think umbrella from my understanding is most important once you accumulate a few million net worth. Someone please correct me if Im wrong.

            • g.giancaspro_108

              June 7, 2023 at 10:50 am

              The cost difference between 2M and 5M of coverage isn’t that great, and your personal assets don’t necessarily correlate to what someone will try to extract from you because, after all, you are a doctor and their lawyer knows it.