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  • btomba_77

    February 3, 2022 at 4:54 am

    Is there any agency that the Trump administration *didn’t* try to corrupt …


    [b]Memo circulated among Trump allies advocated using NSA data in attempt to prove stolen election[/b][/h1] [b]
    [h2]The proposal to seize and analyze NSA unprocessed raw signals data raises legal and ethical concerns that set it apart from other attempts that have come to light.[/h2]

    The memo used the banal language of government bureaucracy, but the proposal it advocated was extreme[b]: President Donald Trump should invoke the extraordinary powers of the National Security Agency and Defense Department to sift through raw electronic communications in an attempt to show that foreign powers had intervened in the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win.[/b]
    Proof of foreign interference would support next steps to defend the Constitution in a manner superior to current civilian-only judicial remedies, argued[link=] the Dec. 18, 2020, memo[/link], which was circulated among Trump allies.
    The document, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Post, laid out a plan for the president to appoint three men to lead this effort. One was a lawyer attached to a military intelligence unit; another was a veteran of the military who [link=]had been let go[/link] from his National Security Council job after claiming that Trump was under attack by deep-state forces including globalists and Islamists.


    • satyanar

      February 3, 2022 at 8:20 am

      This is good. The more we learn about how deep Trumps deviance goes, the more this will turn into the U.S. democracy in accelerating rise thread. Im even hearing on NPR that the Republicans are turning on Trump. Baby steps continue. 

      • kaldridgewv2211

        February 3, 2022 at 8:44 am

        The ones that aren’t look foolish.  Look at Lindsay GRaham.  HE was anti-trump and was on record saying as much.  Then he became the #1 lick spittle.  Then Trump called him a lil snitch RINO.  Lindsay looks like a clown.  Should’ve just stayed the course like Cheney.
        Or you have your large Marge types that act like fools for Trump all the time.

        • kaldridgewv2211

          February 3, 2022 at 9:18 am

          Here is AZ fake electors filming themselves doing their fake elector bit. Who ever the lady is she says theyre duly elected. Special kind of stupid.


          • btomba_77

            February 3, 2022 at 9:28 am

            Quote from DICOM_Dan

            Here is AZ fake electors filming themselves doing their fake elector bit. Who ever the lady is she says theyre duly elected. Special kind of stupid.


            That is Kelli Ward, Chair ofthe AZ GOP, Trump bootlick, and all around nutjob.
            She is currently suing the Jan 6 Special Select Committee to block investigation into her role with sending fake electors.

  • satyanar

    February 3, 2022 at 2:25 pm

    Yep, time for political pragmatism, not victories of extremists over moderates. The only way this happens is if each party makes it happen. I honestly thing the Dems are more likely to comply. I hope they do. 

  • btomba_77

    February 7, 2022 at 9:03 am

    [h1][b]Lies Are the Building Blocks of Trumpian Authoritarianism[/b][/h1]  
    [link=]William Saletan[/link]: But thats not how authoritarianism would come to America. In fact, its not how authoritarianism has come to America. The movement to dismantle our democracy is thriving and growing, even after the failure of the Jan. 6th coup attempt, because it isnt spreading through overt rejection of our system of government. Its spreading through lies.
    [b]It turns out that you dont have to renounce any of our nations founding principles to betray them. All you have to do is believe lies: that real ballots are fake, that prosecutors are criminals, and that insurrectionists are political prisoners. Once you believe these things, youre ready to disenfranchise your fellow citizens in the name of democracy. Youre ready to cover up crimes in the name of fighting corruption. Youre ready to liberate coup plotters in the name of justice.[/b]
    And thats where we are. Donald Trump and his party have sold these lies to more than 100 million Americans. He has built an army of authoritarian followers who think theyre saving the republic.

    • kayla.meyer_144

      February 7, 2022 at 10:19 am

      [b]”We had to destroy the town in order to save it!”[/b]
      Ah, deja vu all over again making the classic Vietnam excuse mainstream and patriotic.

  • btomba_77

    February 20, 2022 at 6:53 am

    on the “global” side of this topic ….
    [h3][link=]A Lurch to Dictatorship Blights Arab Springs Last Hope[/link][/h3]
    [b]As freedoms shrivel and the economy sputters, anger boils in Tunisia once more [/b]

    President Kais Saied has denied hes seeking one-man rule and has vowed to protect freedoms. Nonetheless, many have taken Ayads treatment as a flashing-red warning for the state of Tunisias fledgling democracy, one of the few lasting achievements of the 2011 popular uprising that ousted a longtime dictator and inspired years of tumult across the Arab world.
    After a landslide election win in 2019, the former law professor is accused of crushing the revolution with a power grab and crackdown on dissent that stirs echoes of the days of deposed President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

    If Tunisians once reveled in their newfound freedom of expression, Saieds critics can now face trial for a mere Facebook post, as happened to one lawmaker who was in court this month for describing the presidents moves as a coup. Protests, a staple of the political landscape for the past decade as successive governments struggled to address economic ills, face more frequent crackdowns. Secret detentions of perceived opponents have multiplied, according to Human Rights Watch.[/QUOTE]

  • btomba_77

    March 9, 2022 at 8:12 am

    from your lips to god’s ears:

    [link=]Janan Ganesh[/link]:

    [b]Why the Ukraine crisis is so bad for western populists[/b]

    [i]It is not the moral stain, but the blow to the idea that autocrats are competent[/i]

    By cutting immigration and elevating technocracy, the coronavirus pandemic wounded populism. But the Ukraine war is much the worst setback for that movement since its electoral breakthrough in the US and UK in 2016.

    “For western populists, the idea that autocracy has a sort of hideous efficiency is nothing less than existential. If it starts to look ridiculous, so do they.”

    • kayla.meyer_144

      March 9, 2022 at 8:55 am

      Unfortunately, “facts” have never been the strongest weapon in swaying Republicans and especially GQP Republicans for very many years, in fact decades now.
      If anything, Republicans will double down and move further to the extremist Right. Fuentes types and others will become more mainstream and “moderates,” the few that remain will find themselves either silenced by exile or self-censorship. And the extremists will have YUGE fund-raisers and win elections in their districts and even states.
      I mean, how many “moderate” Republicans can you count in Congress? Betcha you’ll have fingers left over after the count.

      • satyanar

        March 9, 2022 at 10:26 am

        Haha. Why did you not post a similar rant when I began writing a few weeks ago that this situation was placing global democracy on a solid accelerating incline?

        We know this is your message. Might as well stick with it while you are proven wrong again and again.

  • btomba_77

    March 10, 2022 at 6:09 am

    [link=]John Harris[/link]: 

    [h2]Ready to Die? Why Most People Flunk the Zelenskyy Test.[/h2]
    [b]Tyranny has triumphed in recent years because real courage is rare.[/b]

    This might be the last time you see me alive, he told European leaders in a conference call, shortly after his country was invaded. He repeated the words a few days later as he pleaded with House and Senate members for more U.S. assistance.
    Zelenskyys warning of his imminent demise is powerful for two reasons. One is that it is self-evidently credible. The Ukrainian presidents public willingness to court death to defend his country is probably now his best protection against death. Zelenskyys new stature suddenly, he is likely the free worlds most admired person has increased the costs Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay if Zelenskyy is killed during the Ukraine invasion. But no one, least of all Zelenskyy, can have much confidence that Putin cares about those costs.
    The fact that Zelenskyy joined by vast numbers of his fellow Ukrainians is willing to sacrifice everything makes him a clarifying agent in the great contest of the age, between free societies and despotic ones. For the past generation, liberal democracy and individual freedom have been defeated by tyranny in multiple arenas. The reasons are diverse, but unified by a common truth: Most people, on most occasions, arent willing to follow the Ukrainian example.

    That kind of devotion always comes more easily to the absolutist mind people in the grip of authoritarian belief systems than it does to people oriented to the pluralistic, materialistic, relativistic cultures that characterize most liberal democracies. To put it bluntly, autocrats often believe that people animated by liberal values are too soft to withstand the steady, ruthless application of force. The past generation offers many examples of why autocrats believed this. Tiananmen Square signaled hope that freedom was on the rise in China; the three decades that followed showed that it is mostly in retreat there. The joyful optimism of the Arab Spring protests of 2011 has long since curdled. Along the borders of Europe, leaders in Hungary, Turkey and many other places have far more in common with Vladimir Putin than Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

    Historically, liberal democracies have acted this way divided, self-protective, irresolute until their backs were forced to the wall. Only then do democracies, led by the United States, summon the kind of strength that ultimately defeated the totalitarian challenges from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in the 20th Century. It may be Putins misjudgment that he pushed events so far that the lines are once again drawn that sharply.

    Even the most interventionist voices are not urging the United States or NATO countries to directly join the war to save Ukraine. But, in what now promises to be a long and costly conflict in a multitude of ways, its becoming impossible to avoid the Zelenskyy test: What are you willing to sacrifice in the name of your ideals?

    • satyanar

      March 10, 2022 at 9:35 am

      A great leader is inspiring all of us. We are on the incline. Leave it to people like this and our palls on AM to tells how rare it is. Pessimists dream. Im glad I declared my position as an optimist here years ago. It why I have been saying lately we must be willing to give up something in this fight. Even if its merely a few dollars more a gallon. 
      Putin and Trump have turned the vast majority against them. Time to ride the rising tide. Dont worry. There are plenty of pessimists to tell us why it cant be done. Dont let them get you down.   

  • btomba_77

    March 11, 2022 at 6:45 am

    Historian Nancy Koehn weighs in on Putin and Zelensky:

    GAZETTE: Are there broader takeaways from the contrast between the two leaders?


    Putin teaches us that[b] if the international community is willing to allow geopolitical thuggery in exchange for short-term material gain, such as access to fossil fuels, much of the world first and foremost right now, millions of ordinary Ukrainian men, women, and children will pay a terrible price for this bargain. [/b]It is time for all of us to recognize three things now: First,[b] the long game of international stability, the rule of law, and democracy [/b] and the ongoing refusal of too many leaders to own this and educate their citizens about this has now become the short game of global survival and possibility.

    Second, if COVID could not teach us that the fate of each of us is inexorably bound up with the fate of the community, may we see this now in the war Russia is making on Ukraine. Third, [b]there is no time to waste in calling our leaders to account in becoming better stewards of our countries and our interdependent futures.[/b]


    Zelensky helps us see that courageous leadership is alive and well on the global stage. His work on behalf of his country is raising the bar, not only for other national leaders, but for many ordinary people, who see with new clarity and focus what right and, by contrast, wrong look like from those in power. The thoughtfulness, ingenuity, and strategic deftness of what he is communicating and doing are inspiring countless young men and women around the world to take up a worthy purpose and lead.


    • satyanar

      March 11, 2022 at 9:21 am

      Great quotes. Look forward to reading the whole thing. I suspect I whil agree with everything she says. 

      • satyanar

        March 11, 2022 at 10:58 am

        Yep. Agree with everything. Especially this:
        Zelensky helps us see that courageous leadership is alive and well on the global stage.

        • satyanar

          March 11, 2022 at 11:05 am

          Never let a good crisis go to waste
          We have a chance to eliminate two of the most dangerous leaders on the world stage at one time. 

  • btomba_77

    March 15, 2022 at 5:59 am

    [h1][b]Romney Warns of Extraordinary Challenge for Democracy[/b][/h1]  [link=]CBS News[/link]-
    Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) offered more than 200 Republican donors a stark message on the fragility of American democracy during private remarks on Monday night at a fundraiser in Northern Virginia.

    According to five attendees, Romney told the crowd that he has a chart in his Senate office tracing the history of civilizations over the past 4,000 years. He said it is a reminder of how they can rise and collapse, and of how unusual American democracy is in global history.
    “What has kept us from falling in with the same kind of authoritarian leader as Vladimir Putin are the strengths of our institutions, the rule of law, our courts, Congress, and so forth.”

    • satyanar

      March 15, 2022 at 7:14 am

      Good read. He feels the same way I do:
      At home, Romney said, “what has kept us from falling in with the same kind of authoritarian leader as Vladimir Putin are the strengths of our institutions, the rule of law, our courts, Congress, and so forth.” 
      “People of character and courage,” Romney said, “have stood up for right at times when others want to look away.
      Such a person is Liz Cheney.” 
      The crowd roared its approval, attendees said.
      The Frumi proof is getting weaker:
      The fundraiser was organized by veteran Republican power brokers Bobbie and Bill Kilberg, who have decades of links to past Republican presidents. 
      In an interview late Monday, Bill Kilberg said the event went “exceedingly well,” not only in terms of the fundraising total, but for rallying Republicans who are increasingly worried about their party and nation. 

      “I think people are really hungry for a sensible, rational alternative in our political dialogue,” Bill Kilberg said. “They’re not happy with the direction of the Republican Party and they’re not particularly happy with the direction of the Democratic Party.” 
      “They saw two, sensible, intelligent, rational conservatives, and they were excited. It’s been a long time since we had that opportunity.”

  • btomba_77

    April 4, 2022 at 3:40 am

    You are here: [link=]Home[/link] / [link=]Political History[/link] / A Turning Point in History
    [h1]The War in Ukraine: A Turning Point in History[/h1]  
    [link=]Ishaan Tharoor[/link]:

    It was, in the words of Scholz and his allies, a Zeitenwende a turning point in history, a watershed moment made all the more pronounced by the German languages knack for sprawling, declarative nouns.

    For many on both sides of the Atlantic, the battles in Ukraine may even mark something more stark a Zeitenbruch, as [link=]coined by former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer[/link], which is a rupture in history, the closing of one age and the entry into another marked by even deeper uncertainty and great power rivalry.


    In Washington, let alone the capitals of Western Europe, theres a palpable change in atmosphere. The heroism of Ukraines defenders and the reported atrocities carried out by Russian forces have fired the imaginations of the Beltway class, which after years of quagmire and stalemate in the Middle East now has a far more morally clear and potentially winnable conflict to get behind.
    American flags seldom fly in my left-leaning Washington neighborhood, but a brief Sunday stroll turned up myriad iterations of Ukraines blue-yellow bars hanging from fences and doorways. European diplomats in the city speak of an unprecedented solidarity among NATO allies and hail the Biden administrations leadership in rallying support for Ukraine and sweeping sanctions on Russia. The West as a geopolitical entity has rarely been more united as a bloc and more coherent as a political project.

    For some U.S. commentators, Ukraine is not just ground zero in a confrontation with the Kremlin, but the battlefield for the future of liberalism.[b] If [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is successful in undermining Ukrainian independence and democracy, the world will return to an era of aggressive and intolerant nationalism reminiscent of the early twentieth century,[/b] [link=]warned political theorist Francis Fukuyama[/link]. The United States will not be immune from this trend, as populists such as [Donald] Trump aspire to replicate Putins authoritarian ways.

    • satyanar

      April 4, 2022 at 7:04 am

      All of that good news and you bold that last paragraph? A giant if that is already looking extremely unlikely because U.S. democracy is alive and well. 

  • btomba_77

    April 6, 2022 at 6:50 am

    [h1][b]Erdogan Changes Turkeys Election Laws [/b][/h1]  
    Turkeys Recep Tayyip Erdogan approved on Wednesday a set of changes to the countrys electoral rules that would bolster his partys prospects and consolidate the shift toward an all-powerful presidency set to be tested at the ballot box next year, [link=]Bloomberg[/link] reports.

  • satyanar

    April 6, 2022 at 12:20 pm

    This last post supports the first sentence in the title of this thread. Its the second sentence I have never believed. Even less so recently.

    • smfst7_929

      April 11, 2022 at 4:26 am

      Democrats just as much to blame as Republicans for the unraveling of our country. Should check out the Bari Weiss interview from 3/15 on youtube. She saw the writing on the wall and quit NYT because it has become a propaganda machine for the left and less and less a news organization. Almost no centrist viewpoints anymore. Sad.

      • satyanar

        April 11, 2022 at 7:02 am

        Its not a blame game. However, you are correct that a mole hill can do as much damage to the foundation as a mountain. 

      • kaldridgewv2211

        April 11, 2022 at 8:33 am

        Quote from sartoriusBIG

        Democrats just as much to blame as Republicans for the unraveling of our country. Should check out the Bari Weiss interview from 3/15 on youtube. She saw the writing on the wall and quit NYT because it has become a propaganda machine for the left and less and less a news organization. Almost no centrist viewpoints anymore. Sad.

        Yes Bari Weiss.  Bari Weiss who’s anti “cancel culture” until it’s someone who she wants cancelled, or if it’s ivermectin.

        • btomba_77

          April 11, 2022 at 9:22 am

          Quote from DICOM_Dan

          Quote from sartoriusBIG

          Democrats just as much to blame as Republicans for the unraveling of our country. Should check out the Bari Weiss interview from 3/15 on youtube. She saw the writing on the wall and quit NYT because it has become a propaganda machine for the left and less and less a news organization. Almost no centrist viewpoints anymore. Sad.

          Yes Bari Weiss.  Bari Weiss who’s anti “cancel culture” until it’s someone who she wants cancelled, or if it’s ivermectin.

          Weiss is a real piece of work.
          She burned the place down with her departure letter from the NYT decrying “McCarthyism’
          New York Times employees publicly smear me as a liar and a bigot on Twitter with no fear that harassing me will be met with appropriate action 
          At the same time she rails about losing “free speech,” she is literally asks NYT to prevent others (mostly black employees at the Times) from exercising their free speech in criticizing her, simply on the grounds that she dislikes the criticism, and thinks it is wrong. Ironic.

  • btomba_77

    April 11, 2022 at 9:45 am

    Weiss aside, it is true that both elected Democrats and Republicans (and their constituencies) are contributing to American polarization.
    But one party … the Republican party … is a current true threat to American democracy.
    As David Frum wrote years ago: “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. ”

    • katiemckee84_223

      April 11, 2022 at 10:01 am

      Quote from dergon

      Weiss aside, it is true that both elected Democrats and Republicans (and their constituencies) are contributing to American polarization.

      But one party … the Republican party … is a current true threat to American democracy.

      As David Frum wrote years ago: “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. ”

      add it to the list of mindless buzzwords that the culture co-opted long ago in its attempts (succesfully) to propagandize the minds of people like dergs

    • satyanar

      April 11, 2022 at 11:56 am

      Quote from dergon

      As David Frum wrote years ago: “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. ”

      Yes, dergon. Some tried. Good thing they failed. Many “conservatives” are just as pleased as you and I are. 

      • alyaa.rifaie_129

        April 11, 2022 at 12:10 pm

        Oh how quickly it is forgotten and never posted here by the libs that we now know the DNC & HRC campaign was behind the Steele Dossier that resulted in two special councils, investigations by Inspector General, the weaponization of the FBI using rogue agents, and lying to the FISA court  and the story being pushed by left leaning media outlets for the purpose of taking down the sitting President. 

        • alyaa.rifaie_129

          April 11, 2022 at 12:17 pm

          Not to mention the sitting President’s predecessor and the current President, as VP, knew.

        • smfst7_929

          April 11, 2022 at 1:54 pm

          People honestly just need to watch the recent Bari Weiss interview on youtube. I know dergs et al won’t bother because they want to keep the blinders on.  How inconvenient that Bari Weiss is lesbian, Jewish and a liberal yet she rails against the failings of the left.  It’s quite refreshing to hear her viewpoints. I’ve subscribed to her substack called common sense and her podcast called Honesty.  I’ve found out partially through her that I am one of the silent majority of “forgotten” people in this country, people without a political home. I can’t call the democratic or republican party my home with the current state of politics.  So I guess I’m an independent, but not many viable options nowadays to vote for in terms of centrist thinkers.  Sad state of affairs.  Her thinking is that there will be a counter revolution of sorts in the next few years against the current authoritarian identity politics of the left.  I hope she is right.  We will begin to check the country’s temperature at midterms.  Democrats will likely face a wake up call.

        • smfst7_929

          April 11, 2022 at 2:06 pm

          For those of you with open minds. Long video but perfectly encapsulates some of the biggest issues facing our society today.

          • btomba_77

            April 11, 2022 at 2:47 pm

            It’s been a while since I thought about Weiss and the [i]Times[/i], but this is a pretty good piece on it:
            [link=] The Self-Cancellation of Bari Weiss [/link]
            Like much of her writing, the former New York Times editors resignation letter is long on accusation and thin on evidence.

            The notion that the [i]Times[/i] has succumbed to a woke mob has been percolating for a while …  Weiss wants to frame her resignation as a consequence of this supposed hostile takeoverthat shes a free thinker cast out by an intolerant, illiberal regime. But her letter, while long on invective (and just plain long), is short on evidence, and what shes done instead amounts to auto-cancellation: quitting, then blaming her peers for driving her out. Its a rhetorical mode that many of her fellow travelers in the Intellectual Dark Web are familiar with.

            At an all-staff meeting following the [i]Times[/i] publication of the Cotton op-ed in June, Weiss [link=]tweeted[/link] that a civil war was raging inside the paper: on one side, the papers besieged over-40 staffers, who believe in free inquiry and free speech; on the other, under-40 staffers who believe in safetyism, a creed in which the right of people to feel emotionally and psychologically safe trumps what were previously considered core liberal values, like free speech. [b]It was a bold accusation and a [link=]self-serving one[/link]. [/b]For most of her career, Weiss has [link=]warned[/link] [link=]about[/link] [link=]the politically correct masses[/link] streaming out of college campuses every year. Now those masses had breached the walls of the most important journalistic organization in the country.
            But there was one problem: A large number of [i]Times[/i] staffers tweeted back that Weiss was [link=]mischaracterizing[/link] both the meeting they were attending and their workplace. 

            Weiss is convinced she was targeted for her centrist beliefs, but a great deal of the criticism she has received has been about specific flaws with her writing. She has been critiqued for her [link=]uncritical glamorizing[/link] of right-wing YouTube celebrities, for citing a fake Twitter account as evidence of the illiberalism on college campuses, and for her hypocrisy on the subject. (As an undergraduate at Columbia, Weiss targeted Muslim professors, claiming that they were antisemitic. Shortly after Weiss was hired by the [i]Times,[/i] The Intercepts Glenn Greenwald [link=]wrote[/link]: Its truly amazing: Weiss now postures as some sort of champion of free thought on college campuses. Yet her whole career was literally built on ugly campaigns to attack, stigmatize, and punish Arab professors who criticize Israel.)
            Far from displaying a commitment to free inquiry or open-mindedness, much of Weisss work displays a knack for taking thin, anecdotal evidence and framing it in grandiose culture-war terms. Mistakes are an inevitable part of opinion journalism, but Weiss has routinely turned any criticism of her work into proof that her critics are illiberal and out to silence her. (Appearing on Bill Maher in the wake of making a series of errors, Weiss [link=]suggested[/link] that she was being targeted by the mob for her beliefs. After [link=]incorrectly calling[/link] an Asian American figure skater an immigrant on Twitter, Weiss said she was using poetic license and lashed out at her critics.) You see this tendency in her claims of a civil war at the [i]Times[/i] and again in the letter itself, in which little distinction is made between social media abuse and criticisms of her work. Weisss critics never have a valid point; theyre only trying to silence her.
            Weisss letter blurs another critical distinctionbetween being fired and quitting. Its a fitting end to her tenure at the [i]Times[/i]. [b]She has spent years claiming that illiberal dogma was spreading throughout college campuses and beyond and that cancel culture would one day come to infect all of American culture. The evidence of such a wholesale transformation remains thin. After all, Weiss was awarded with a plum perch at the countrys most influential newspaper. Now, with her exit from the [i]Times, [/i]she has made herself a character in her dubious narrative. She need only cite herself as proof of the malign influence of the woke left and cancel culture in Americas most hallowed institutions. Itll make the perfect ending for her [link=]next book[/link]. 


            • smfst7_929

              April 11, 2022 at 3:15 pm

              Huffpost really? I officially give up. You wont watch the video and your evidence is from Huffpost. Well just have to agree to disagree. Im staying out of the echochamber that is Off-po for now.

              • cpmolnar

                April 11, 2022 at 3:22 pm

                Quote from sartoriusBIG

                Huffpost really? I officially give up. You wont watch the video and your evidence is from Huffpost. Well just have to agree to disagree. Im staying out of the echochamber that is Off-po for now.

                It seems that you’re quite comfortable in your own echo chamber…

                • btomba_77

                  April 11, 2022 at 3:27 pm

                  It’s New Republic

        • btomba_77

          April 24, 2022 at 1:43 pm

          Macron wins in France.
          And, though a small country, looks like the right-wing populist authoritarian Orban/Trump/Putin wanna be in Slovenia is seeing his party getting a walloping today too.
          Good day for liberal democracy.

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            April 24, 2022 at 2:32 pm

            Lol liberal democracy, the only kind of democracy the leftists recognize

            • btomba_77

              April 24, 2022 at 3:32 pm

              Quote from Foreignbodylanguage

              Lol liberal democracy, the only kind of democracy the leftists recognize

              Tell me you don’t understand the definition of “liberal democray” in one sentence or less.

              • kaldridgewv2211

                April 26, 2022 at 12:40 pm

                File under ranked choice voting also.  This sounds like some serious shady business.  Florida Police Force to Police voting established, and banning ranked choice voting.

  • smfst7_929

    April 11, 2022 at 2:01 pm

    Quote from dergon

    Quote from DICOM_Dan

    Quote from sartoriusBIG

    Democrats just as much to blame as Republicans for the unraveling of our country. Should check out the Bari Weiss interview from 3/15 on youtube. She saw the writing on the wall and quit NYT because it has become a propaganda machine for the left and less and less a news organization. Almost no centrist viewpoints anymore. Sad.

    Yes Bari Weiss.  Bari Weiss who’s anti “cancel culture” until it’s someone who she wants cancelled, or if it’s ivermectin.

    Weiss is a real piece of work.

    She burned the place down with her departure letter from the NYT decrying “McCarthyism’

    New York Times employees publicly smear me as a liar and a bigot on Twitter with no fear that harassing me will be met with appropriate action 

    At the same time she rails about losing “free speech,” she is literally asks NYT to prevent others (mostly black employees at the Times) from exercising their free speech in criticizing her, simply on the grounds that she dislikes the criticism, and thinks it is wrong. Ironic.

    It’s clear you only watched/read one sided news on the topic.  Weiss (jewish) was called a Nazi among other harrassment.  Imagine someone calls you a Nazi in the reading room on a daily basis.  You’re clearly not and I doubt you would put up with that for too long.  Can’t blame here for leaving a toxic workplace.  If you are an open minded person you’ll watch the video. Feel free to watch and report back your rebuttal. I won’t hold my breath, but I’ll be pleasantly surprised if you even watch 5 minutes of it.

  • btomba_77

    April 20, 2022 at 8:22 am


    Rick Hasan writing in the Harvard Law Review:


    The United States faces a serious risk that the 2024 presidential election, and other future U.S. elections, will not be conducted fairly and that the candidates taking office will not reflect the free choices made by eligible voters under previously announced election rules. The potential mechanisms by which election losers may be declared election winners are: (1) usurpation of voter choices for President by state legislatures purporting to exercise constitutional authority, possibly with the blessing of a partisan Supreme Court and the acquiescence of Republicans in Congress; (2) fraudulent or suppressive election administration or vote counting by law- or norm-breaking election officials; and (3) violent or disruptive private action that prevents voting, interferes with the counting of votes, or interrupts the assumption of power by the actual winning candidate.

    Until recently, it would have been absurd to raise the possibility of such election subversion or a stolen election in the United States. Few cases have emerged in at least the last fifty years of actual election sabotage by election officials,1 leading to an election loser being declared the election winner, despite other unique pathologies of American election administration.2

    The conduct of former President Donald Trump in repeatedly and falsely claiming that the 2020 election was stolen has markedly raised the potential for an actual stolen election in the United States. Millions of Trumps Republican supporters now believe the false claim of a stolen election, and some Republican elected officials have pursued sham audits and taken other steps that undermine voter confidence in the fairness of the election process. States have passed new laws not only restricting the vote but also making it easier to sabotage election results. Threats of violence and intimidation have led to unprecedented attrition among election administrators, and some exiting officials are being replaced by those who may not have allegiance to the integrity of the election system. Those Republican election officials who stood up to President Trump in 2020 and saved the United States from a potential constitutional and political crisis have been censured, stripped of power, and challenged for office by those embracing the Big Lie. Together, these actions serve both to delegitimate the election of Democrats, including President Joe Biden in 2020, and to open the door to election manipulation in future elections. Elected officials, election officials, and others believing or purporting to believe the false claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen may seek to justify subverting future election results in response to earlier purported fraud.


  • btomba_77

    April 27, 2022 at 4:28 am

    Quote from DICOM_Dan


    File under ranked choice voting also.  This sounds like some serious shady business.  Florida Police Force to Police voting established, and banning ranked choice voting.

    [link=]J Michael Luttig:[/link]

    The Republicans mystifying claim to this day that Trump did, or would have, received more votes than Joe Biden in 2020 were it not for actual voting fraud, is but the shiny object that Republicans have tauntingly and disingenuously dangled before the American public for almost a year and a half now to distract attention from their far more ambitious objective.
    That objective is not somehow to rescind the 2020 election, as they would have us believe. Thats constitutionally impossible. Trumps and the Republicans far more ambitious objective is to execute successfully in 2024 the very same plan they failed in executing in 2020 and to overturn the 2024 election if Trump or his anointed successor loses again in the next quadrennial contest.
    The last presidential election was a dry run for the next.

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