He got caught in another lie and Mitch stood quiet-all so they can dump on the poor and middleclass to give rich people huge tax cuts
“[i]Kakistocracy[/i] is a term that was first used in the 17th century; derived from a Greek word, it means, literally, government by the worst and most unscrupulous people among us”
John Kelly watch out–Trump is trying to entrap u in one of his lies
[link=http://www.politico.com/playbook-plus][color=”#0066cc”]Playbook source: John Kelly, wife sat at Michelle Obama’s table at Obama-hosted Gold Star family breakfast[/color][/link][b] [/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]-
so is 45 threatening to put a hit on McCain
just disgusting with the punch back–please McCain will go down in history with the thumbs down moment-
General Kelly needs to have someone remind him of the depravity of a sociopath–they will use any tool to manipulate you to do there bidding even if it is to turn you into a racist to throw shade at the first black American President–he tried to get u up on stage so u could be use as a prop in his show and u could feel the taste of fame–everything is done to manipulate u to do THE wrong thing
there’s a tweet from Trump today about the dossier saying “who paid for it, Russia, the FBI, or the Dems (or all)?”. So is this him admitting he believes in Russian tampering?
meanwhile no comment on Niger–he imho Knew about Niger–saw the drafted statement and because he knew this was his Benghazi he willing chose to ignore it because it threw right into his face his incompetence and lie that this would not happen when he was President
Sessions got so twisted –he threw himself under the bus for Jared/Manafort Don Jr who all met with the Russians–he is a weak link in that he is not bright enough to carry out the lie–he should wise up because he may get thrown under the Trump busQuote from DICOM_Dan
there’s a tweet from Trump today about the dossier saying “who paid for it, Russia, the FBI, or the Dems (or all)?”. So is this him admitting he believes in Russian tampering?
he cannot handle handing out candy to children on Halloween-called a little girl hun;-get candy if u have no weight problems–your parents are horrible
Brand is tanking—but when your dad soils the brand for a broke racist sheriff–what do u expect
Vanity Fair
[b]Ivanka Trumps[/b] speech about womens empowerment in Tokyo on Friday drew a crowd of such a minuscule size that [b][<font]Spicer[/b] might need to be enlisted to lie about it.[b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]-
even Betsy is throwing shade at #45
“I think I was undercoached”: Betsy DeVos blames the Trump transition team for its handling of her confirmation [link=https://t.co/b4OuGcQrun][color=”#1da1f2″][link]http://politi.co/2ysYn8c[/link][/color][/link][b] [/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]-
article in politico on Trump–draft dodger due to a bone spur
McIntosh ended up a year later with Trump at New York Military Academytheir fathers had talked about the school at the beach cluband so he saw the 45th president in his adolescence in that context, too. At NYMA, Trump was in the hobby and model club and got medals for neatness and order in the eighth and ninth grades. He especially liked sports. He played baseball and basketball and soccer and football. He wrestled and bowled[b] [/b][i] [/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]
The Dotard in Chief asked the Japanese why they don’t just build cars in the US instead of shipping them over. Duh, they build a whole lot of cars and trucks in the USA. There’s a large Honda plant in Ohio.
[link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9qv8RSreIM][color=”#001ba0″][b]Trumpy Bear[/b] Official Commercial – YouTube[/color][/link][b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]
there is a sucker born everday–wonder if Roy will buy all his girls one-
so Michael Eric Dyson clapped back on Trump’s temper tantrum on the basketball players–he said now get ready -Trump is throwing shade because these ungrateful negroes
Thinkly talking. Something beyond all of our thinkly skills. I know I can’t keep up with this smartest person in the world, as he modestly points out to we who are too dim to understand.
Look, having nuclear my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, okay, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, okay, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world it’s true! but when you’re a conservative Republican they try oh, do they do a number that’s why I always start off: [i]Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune [/i] you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners now it used to be three, now it’s four but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us. [President Trump]
so he is back to using slurs
Trump is resurrecting his Pocahontas attack on Senator Elizabeth Warren today. Remember, this was Trump back in 1993 testifying against Native American casinos: They dont look like Indians to me.[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/they-dont-look-like-indians-to-me-donald-trump-on-native-american-casinos-in-1993/2016/07/01/20736038-3fd4-11e6-9e16-4cf01a41decb_video.html][color=”#001ba0″]'[/color][/link]they don’t have 4 failed casinos either
Bipolar delusional Don back at it–he is questioning the authenticity of the Access Hollywood Tape– a tape he apologized for–his wife agreed on the ?locker room talk
Start gearing up for war. Nothing like another war to distract the public from Trumps failures.
And a government shutdown that Trump wants & will try to blame Democrats for.
President Trump paid undocumented Polish workers as little as $4 an hour to demolish department store[b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]
Looks like the $h1+ stirrer in chief is going to move the embassy and recognize Jerusalem as the capital. Surely no bad will come from that
Do you [i]really[/i] want U.S. policy to be dictated by terrorists? I hope not.
The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol (which it has been since 1948) is indeed a slap in the face of the “palestinians” (a fake construct designed to be pawns of the Arab States)…because it gets in the way of the fantasy of wiping Israel off the map. And make no mistake, [i]that[/i] is their goal.
Once the “palestinians” get past their tantrums, and realize they actually have to deal with an Israel they can’t dream into non-existence, they might actually decide it’s best for their future to negotiate and work together with Israel. One can hope.-
I take your point. There’s the Jewish state and they’re in the right no matter what, and everyone else is a terrorist.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
I take your point. There’s the Jewish state and they’re in the right no matter what, and everyone else is a terrorist.
Not everyone else is a terrorist…. there is also the possibility that they are anti-semites.-
You can behave like that all you wish, although I find your comments disappointing in the extreme. It’s time to deal with reality. Which is what Trump is doing here. Jerusalem has been Israel’s capitol from ancient times, and since 1948 in its most recent incarnation. That is reality. Trump is acknowledging this. But that disturbs the murderous fantasies of Hamas and Edrogan, and all the others who would see the Jooooooooooos pushed into the Mediterranean if they had their way. Haven’t heard of any Jews threatening violence and riots if Jerusalem wasn’t recognized, have you? Haven’t heard of Jews slaughtering people whilst yelling in Hebrew, have you?
You know very well whom the terrorists are. That you wish to turn it back on Israel says a lot about your concepts of right and wrong. Or lack thereof.-
Probably a different thread for this but there in lies the problem. We get what we want based on ancient religious claims.
“Jerusalem has been Israel’s capitol from ancient times”
Myself I think they can find a way to live in peace. This isn’t going to help that goal, just like new settlements won’t help that goal.-
[font=”arial,helvetica,sans-serif”][size=”3″]Netanyahu said it best:[/size][/font]
[font=”arial,helvetica,sans-serif”][size=”3″]If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel'[/size][/font][/h1] And former Prime Minister Golda Meir also put the situation in perspective:
[b]”Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”[/b]
Israel existed in ancient times but hasn’t existed for centuries until 1948.
Looks like DJT tweeted BO about how “sad” it was that he held Hanukkah celebration early. How BO did it early to vacation. . Yet DJT did his tonight a whole 5 days early so he could make his Mur a Lago vacay.
was it a TIA moment or a denture moment–slurred words-? due to meds( dry mouth) or dentures( just old) or TIA–a red meat diet with that BMI is a walking MI
recall when Wendy Williams passed out live on TV
one thing for certain next Prez can’t be some old dinosaur like Bernie
don’t forget about the Jewish Americans he did not invite to the partyQuote from DICOM_Dan
Looks like DJT tweeted BO about how “sad” it was that he held Hanukkah celebration early. How BO did it early to vacation. . Yet DJT did his tonight a whole 5 days early so he could make his Mur a Lago vacay.
And now Nikki Haley is saying Trumps accusers should be heard.
They should be heard, and they should be dealt with, Ms. Haley said on CBSs Face the Nation. And I think we heard from them prior to the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.
Her remarks are the latest indication that the presidents behavior toward women more than a dozen have accused him of unwanted touching, forcible kissing or groping may not escape renewed scrutiny at a time when an array of powerful men have had their careers derailed because of their improper treatment of women, some of which took place decades ago.
Drip, drip, drip. Maybe things will be catching up on Trump after all? He is not coated in Teflon?
they should be dealt with, Ms. Haley said[b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]–is that a threat–female enabler works for a person who threatened to sue them—this is after she had to back track on her flippant Olympic remark
Mnuchin–produce a one page report with no signature on it–It is like someone is playing a joke on us–put together the most incompetent WH ever and laugh at the suckers that voted them in
I just read a Trump tweet threatening back at rocket man that Trump has a nuclear button on his desk that works. You can’t make this stuff up. Also that on Monday he’s having a fake news awards. Not like he should maybe worry more about governing.
Starting to hit news outlets
Trump tweeted. “Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”
men w/ small==no mine is bigger-no really–I take the T–whine mine is bigger whine–bigger [size=”2″]Bigger[/size][b][size=”3″] Bigger[/size][/b]
saw The Post and I do feel in the end the Russia thing will be proven and we will see some guilty verdicts
something this big like Watergate has too many holes to plug and has more incompetent people-
does a 71 obese button really work??? I mean there is some medication( Testosterone) can do
just really reeks of insecurity
The Post was so good–I saw it Yesterday-and when they play that Nixon tape after he learns the Supreme Court has ruled against him( Nixon-no Wapo reporters allowed)-someone screamed Donald stop–it was so funny because U know that’s how #45 would react-it would be on the order of The Post is dead to me
[link=http://bit.ly/2CZ7RHo]David Remnick[/link]:
Trump has no comprehension of policy and cares about it less. He surrounds himself with aides who are either wildly incompetent or utterly defeated in their attempts to domesticate the mulish and bizarre object of their attention. There are no lingering illusions about the Presidents capacities: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a fucking moron and spared us a denial. Wolffs book, which leans heavily on interviews with Steve Bannon, makes it plain that pretty much everyone in the Presidents circle agrees that he is, in terms of character and intellect, fantastically limited. There is no loyalty or deliberation in the White House, only a savage Lord of the Flies sort of chaos. Each day is at once preposterous, poisonous, and dangerous.
In the meantime, there is little doubt about who Donald Trump is, the harm he has done already, and the greater harm he threatens. He is unfit to hold any public office, much less the highest in the land. This is not merely an orthodoxy of the opposition; his panicked courtiers have been leaking word of it from his first weeks in office. The President of the United States has become a leading security threat to the United States.
what nickname would you give DT/ trumps
I suggest “Bipolar Donald” I have “Don the Con”
and this is a new one “Dumb As A Brick” Javanka-
Ari had a great psychiatrist on who discussed Trump’s use of projection–he also said he thinks Trump views Mueller as his father and he is going to throw Mueller out of his office the way Trump’s dad threw Trump out of the house and sent him to military school
as an aside I have felt he sees Kelly as his dad and throws constant tantrums–unfortunately Kelly was weak and did not know how to manage this so he became corrupted and assumed his master’s own bad behavior and attacked Representative Wilson with lies-
Big bunch of claptrap. You and yours have convinced yourselves that Trump is a buffoon, a cretin, a deplorable waaaaaay beneath your lofty levels, placed into office by rubes and racists, a man worthy only of your scorn. Your choice was ever so much better. Now the country is going to pot (literally) because no one listened to you and yours.
There is really nothing Trump could do or say to change your mind, is there? No don’t answer. Lying is a sin, you know.-
Sorry dear-u are sounding a little like Bipolar Donald–no -Michael Wolf has on tape people who work for Trump and who are on the Trump train–that the guy is an idiot-Sam Nunberg is on tv admitting it and he looks like an idiot because he has to still believe in order to not have to face he was a SUCKER–another victim
see daddy Trump felt of his kids Donnie was the best so he gets him attached to the ilk like Roy Cohen who help to pave this myth–now daddy and Roy are gone and Donnie is 71 —as Bannon said- he lost it–
now they are trying to back door Sessions at camp David–but little Donnie–a southern white male may be a witness against you yankee New Yorker if you throw him under the bus and fire him–stay tune kids–
the country is going to pot-look who is in charge –multiple turnover at a rate even us rads would be posting as a job to stay away if this was a Radiology practice
keep believing–maybe Miss Kaylah will invite you over for a cup of teaQuote from DoctorDalai
Big bunch of claptrap. You and yours have convinced yourselves that Trump is a buffoon, a cretin, a deplorable waaaaaay beneath your lofty levels, placed into office by rubes and racists, a man worthy only of your scorn. Your choice was ever so much better. Now the country is going to pot (literally) because no one listened to you and yours.
There is really nothing Trump could do or say to change your mind, is there? No don’t answer. Lying is a sin, you know.
wait to Bannon/Sessions/Reince–all become protected witnesses for the FBI
Quote from DoctorDalai
Big bunch of claptrap. You and yours have convinced yourselves that Trump is a buffoon, a cretin, a deplorable waaaaaay beneath your lofty levels, placed into office by rubes and racists, a man worthy only of your scorn. Your choice was ever so much better. Now the country is going to pot (literally) because no one listened to you and yours.
There is really nothing Trump could do or say to change your mind, is there? No don’t answer. Lying is a sin, you know.
Quote from DoctorDalai
Big bunch of claptrap. You and yours have convinced yourselves that Trump is a buffoon, a cretin, a deplorable waaaaaay beneath your lofty levels, placed into office by rubes and racists, a man worthy only of your scorn. Your choice was ever so much better. Now the country is going to pot (literally) because no one listened to you and yours.
There is really nothing Trump could do or say to change your mind, is there? No don’t answer. Lying is a sin, you know.
We unbelievers have no work to do as Trump himself daily proves he is a buffoon. Take the blinders off your own eyes. Trump is totally unqualified and you have enthusiastically bought the snake oil from an idiot-savant whom you continue to support. He has been only worthy of scorn since he appeared in the public arena in the 1970’s, the NY Clown of real estate. I thought so then & he only continues to confirm my worst thoughts and opinions about him and his intelligence.
It’s all about Trump, you really don’t matter except as the supporting audience. When you stop to ask questions or the veil falls & you see the Emperor has no clothes, you won’t matter at all except as a target of his twits. When are you going to realize that?-
Trump the buffoon became a multi billionaire and the President of the United States. You simply cannot stomach the fact that a “rube” beat the clay-footed tin-idol Shrillary. I suppose you believe SHE cared for you and SHE wasn’t a buffoon in her own right? SHE wasn’t worthy of scorn? SHE was qualified? Grow up. You and yours have swallowed the socialist snake-oil for years, to the point that you can’t recognize anything else.
Multi-billionaire? I have my doubts. Let’s see some tax returns.
some of his biographers have ??????billionaire status
but as an aside–when u are getting money from the dark side –like money laundering u do accumulate wealth until the Feds catch up to U–Quote from DoctorDalai
Trump the buffoon became a multi billionaire and the President of the United States. You simply cannot stomach the fact that a “rube” beat the clay-footed tin-idol Shrillary. I suppose you believe SHE cared for you and SHE wasn’t a buffoon in her own right? SHE wasn’t worthy of scorn? SHE was qualified? Grow up. You and yours have swallowed the socialist snake-oil for years, to the point that you can’t recognize anything else.
so much for a Manly man’s response–someone says your daughter is dumb as a brick in public and U come back with just sloppy Steve
like this is Truman’s response when someone threw shade on his daughter’s singing:
Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eye
Complaints by Trump about Wolff’s book are about how he really isn’t stupid. So apparently all the quotes in the book by those surrounding Trump are being deemed accurate.
Amazing this is the idiot we have as our Great leader who is still being supported by Republicans.-
top TV star??? Delusions of grandeur
and this beauty–I am like a PhD in Litigation–no it would be JD
stable genius= unfit idiot -
Happened to just watch video of him saying “Oh, are you happy you voted for me. You are so lucky that I gave you that privilege,”. Down in Nashville. Yes definitely a privilege to vote for someone who’s a public servant.
Bipolar Donnnald strikes again with his delusions of grandeur
also this weekend the midget of Hate Miller had to escorted out of CNN by security–this delicate icky guy grew up in Santa Monica,Ca and felt unloved/not most popular imho so he found a shtick on selling hateQuote from DICOM_Dan
Happened to just watch video of him saying “Oh, are you happy you voted for me. You are so lucky that I gave you that privilege,”. Down in Nashville. Yes definitely a privilege to vote for someone who’s a public servant.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 5, 2018 at 8:50 pm
Quote from sentinel lymph node
what nickname would you give DT/ trumps
I suggest “Bipolar Donald” I have “Don the Con”
and this is a new one “Dumb As A Brick” Javanka
Just goes to show that the Left truly has no original sense of humor. Which is why you guys get all of your jokes and snark from TV personalities who each have armies of people hired to think of jokes for each show.
No–I’ve tried it out–everybody loves–> “Bipolar Donald”–especially when it is sung with a rap beat–can’t wait to the music artist start a rap song with–Bipolar Dooonald—->hip hop a you don’t stop[b] [/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike], We got a madman in the WH( Rapper’s delight music in the background)
it is so much better than sloppy steve–like that’s third grade–tiredQuote from Jan the Third
Quote from sentinel lymph node
what nickname would you give DT/ trumps
I suggest “Bipolar Donald” I have “Don the Con”
and this is a new one “Dumb As A Brick” JavankaJust goes to show that the Left truly has no original sense of humor. Which is why you guys get all of your jokes and snark from TV personalities who each have armies of people hired to think of jokes for each show.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 5, 2018 at 11:02 pm
Quote from sentinel lymph node
No–I’ve tried it out–everybody loves–> “Bipolar Donald”–especially when it is sung with a rap beat–can’t wait to the music artist start a rap song with–Bipolar Dooonald—->hip hop a you don’t stop[b] [/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike], We got a madman in the WH( Rapper’s delight music in the background)
No doubt your acquaintances are founts of wit and taste.
like please Russianbots paid with rubles on Twitter/Facebook-armies of low wage Moscow residents lighting up the internet everyday
Quote from Jan the Third
Quote from sentinel lymph node
what nickname would you give DT/ trumps
I suggest “Bipolar Donald” I have “Don the Con”
and this is a new one “Dumb As A Brick” JavankaJust goes to show that the Left truly has no original sense of humor. Which is why you guys get all of your jokes and snark from TV personalities who each have armies of people hired to think of jokes for each show.
“Bipolar Donald”[b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]-hip hop a you don’t stop[b] [/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike], We got a madman in the WH( Rapper’s delight music in the background) [b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]
I know it’s effective -look at Jan’s the man’s reaction
Bipolar DonnnnnaldQuote from Jan the Third
Quote from sentinel lymph node
No–I’ve tried it out–everybody loves–> “Bipolar Donald”–especially when it is sung with a rap beat–can’t wait to the music artist start a rap song with–Bipolar Dooonald—->hip hop a you don’t stop[b] [/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike], We got a madman in the WH( Rapper’s delight music in the background)
No doubt your acquaintances are founts of wit and taste.
wolff says he heard ATT/Time Warner merger is not gonna happen–now that is getting dangerous
So which one of you believed the ‘Gorilla Channel’ excerpt ?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 9, 2018 at 9:15 am
Quote from fw
So which one of you believed the ‘Gorilla Channel’ excerpt ?
I did not immediately disbelieve it. -
Quote from fw
So which one of you believed the ‘Gorilla Channel’ excerpt ?
Hadn’t heard, had to look up what you were referring to. Sounded a bit too bizarre & irrelevant. Who would care as faithfully watching Fox & Friends is bizarre enough already.
Further proof that Trump is pure genius can be found in his decision to open offshore drilling, which was immediately reversed for Florida, and now other governors are saying ‘what about us?’
Genius on par with Einstein, Hawking, Tesla.
Twilight Zone -It’s a Good Life episode:-A monster had arrived in the village. This is the monster. He’s six years old, with blue eyes. You keep thinking bad thoughts about me. The child and the enablers.
DT/GOP enablers– must not think bad thoughts about our guy/me-
He talked up the sale of “F-52s” to Norway. It only exists in Call of Duty the video game. He’s like real smart, greatest memory of all time.
more Carrier workers lose the job
he is the Madoff of the political world but also Axis 1 Crazy-imho–this is not just axis 2–this is very seriousQuote from DICOM_Dan
He talked up the sale of “F-52s” to Norway. It only exists in Call of Duty the video game. He’s like real smart, greatest memory of all time.
Trump’s WH released a press release that say the President would Greet the Prime Minister of Normay
like it is Norway—dumb as a brick as Bannon would say
The White House and DJT dispute that he said I probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un of North Korea,. Well the WSJ was nice enough to bring the receipts as they say. Sure sounds like an accurate quote from Trump.
Trump tweeted today about how nice the weather is for women to March and celebrate the economy and the lowest female unemployment in 18 years.. I don’t even understand if he’s trying to be condescending or out of touch with reality. Maybe both.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 21, 2018 at 8:00 pmIt’s a strange beast called a sense of humor.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Trump tweeted today about how nice the weather is for women to March and celebrate the economy and the lowest female unemployment in 18 years.. I don’t even understand if he’s trying to be condescending or out of touch with reality. Maybe both.
Honestly not sure why they are marching. Did quality of life really deteriorate that much for women under Trump this past year? Where was this march 2, 5, 10, 15, 25 etc years ago?
I get it–but sad to say some don’t
A qualified Female lost to the most unqualified man heard on tape of ? raping women because he is a star-not to hard to see why the first March happened–we all know HRC would have hired qualified people and u would not have empty unfilled slot–and here we are with another just disgusting drip of Trump and a porn star–drip drip drip-U have to wonder if in the next month if the street TV screens in time square will be hijacked and all of a sudden we will see some porn Russian tape starring 45–that’s the kind of blackmail we could be dealing withQuote from jd4540
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Trump tweeted today about how nice the weather is for women to March and celebrate the economy and the lowest female unemployment in 18 years.. I don’t even understand if he’s trying to be condescending or out of touch with reality. Maybe both.
Honestly not sure why they are marching. Did quality of life really deteriorate that much for women under Trump this past year? Where was this march 2, 5, 10, 15, 25 etc years ago?
Quote from jd4540
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Trump tweeted today about how nice the weather is for women to March and celebrate the economy and the lowest female unemployment in 18 years.. I don’t even understand if he’s trying to be condescending or out of touch with reality. Maybe both.
Honestly not sure why they are marching. Did quality of life really deteriorate that much for women under Trump this past year? Where was this march 2, 5, 10, 15, 25 etc years ago?
Maybe because of what Donald tweeted. Probably because of attitudes like the ones expressed in what you just wrote. Maybe because it’s their right to do so. Maybe to have their voices heard and to be engaged. or to encourage engagement in the political process, like voting.
I question more why Nazi’s feel the need to march and chant “you will not replace us”. They’ve already been replaced.-
so another FBI director was about to quit because of a vendetta-like 45 hates McCabe that much( fire him before he gets benefits–so Trump is afraid very afraid–he should learn that in the end Roy Cohn died )
but Cohn is another interesting link between Trump and Murdoch and now wendy deng who put Jared and Ivanka together–the dots are all aligned
Cohn also counted R. Murdoch[u][/u] among his clients, pressuring President Ronald Reagan repeatedly in furtherance of Murdoch’s interests. Cohn is credited with introducing Trump and Murdoch in the mid-1970s, marking the beginning of what was to be a deep and pivotal association between them.[b] [/b][i] [/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]
per wiki
In 1971, businessman Trump moved to Manhattan where he became involved in large construction project. In 1973 the Justice Department accused him of violating the Fair Housing Act in his operation of 39 buildings.Representing Trump, Cohn filed a countersuit against the government for $100 million, asserting that the charges were irresponsible and baseless. Trump settled the charges out of court in 1975 without admitting guilt, saying he was satisfied that the agreement did not “compel the Trump organization to accept persons on welfare as tenants unless as qualified as any other tenant.”[b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike][b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike][b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike][b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike][b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][strike][/strike]-
Darn those state laws allowing babies to be born full term. The stable genius with one of the best memories in history said this while addressing the right to life rally.
Right now, a number of state laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mothers womb in the ninth month. It is wrong.”
so The Stormy effect is still blowing
[u][color=”#000024″]First Lady Melania Trump[/color][/u], in a change of plans, will not be joining President Donald Trump on his trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, later this week.
the dysfunction
and now they say Wilbur ross days may be numbered because he falls asleep in meetings too often and he drools-
Two conservatives discussing Trumpocracy.
DAVID FRUM: First, those differences may be less than you suppose. Ive stressed over and over my belief that Trump is a kleptocrat first. He hates criticism and contradiction, yes, but he mostly seeks to plunder. In order to get away with the plunder and also with his improper connections to Russia Trump must in self-preservation turn off the burglar alarms of the American state. He has attacked the F.B.I. and other means of upholding public integrity. Very relevantly for your concerns, he has degraded the National Security Council and other foreign-policy decision-making arms. They get in his way on Russia.
FRUM: Heres what the Russians have achieved. 1) They blocked from office a capable and effective foreign-policy president who understood them, their aims and how to build effective coalitions against them. 2) They gained a president who for reasons of vanity or worse has left the country vulnerable and exposed to further attack. 3) They gained a president who is smashing apart Americas alliance structures. What intelligent South Korean can look for protection to the United States when its president regularly tweets that it is to China, not the United States, that South Korea should look for protection and who is contemplating sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Korean lives to protect mainland U.S.A.? 4) The Russians gained a United States that operates in ways they are comfortable with open to corruption and oligarchy and they have scored points for the argument that democracy is a joke and a fraud. 5) They have helped install a racial provocateur who identifies every stress point in American political culture and inflames it to the point that the United States polarizes and paralyzes I could go on
Good discussion.
Frum is about as “conservative” as you are. It simply adds to his readership to pretend to be one.
AM not friendly to IOS.
FRUM: Your use of the word unilaterally casts a useful clarifying light on what may be the foundation of our disagreement. Let me be very clear what I do not mean by Trumpocracy, at least not yet: Caesarism. The authoritarian-nationalist system Trump is building is not being built against Congress, but with Congress and even more, with Republican Parties at the state level. The big reveal to Republicans in the second Obama term, continuing now into the first Trump term, is that you and Reihan Salam and Ramesh Ponnuru and Henry Olsen and other reformicons were right on the politics of Paul Ryan-style conservatism: Such politics simply could not prevail in a free and fair democratic contest. You and they (and me, too) assumed, or at least hoped, that Paul Ryans party would respond to this better-late-than-never recognition of the obvious by moderating their policies. More health care, less immigration, more infrastructure, more family-friendly tax policy, etc.
Instead, they concluded: What if we shaped the electorate to be a little more friendly to us? Might our formerly unpopular ideas prevail then? The G.O.P. is complicit with Trump because he delivered a success that finer leaders and better methods could not deliver. Trumpocracy is the fusion of Trumps authoritarian instincts with the G.O.P.s plutocratic instincts in the context of a country trending in very different directions.
Two conservatives discussing Trumpo[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/opinion/david-frum-trumpcocracy.html]https://www.nytimes.com/2…frum-trumpcocracy.html[/link]
DAVID FRUM: First, those differences may be less than you suppose. Ive stressed over and over my belief that Trump is a kleptocrat first. He hates criticism and contradiction, yes, but he mostly seeks to plunder. In order to get away with the plunder and also with his improper connections to Russia Trump must in self-preservation turn off the burglar alarms of the American state. He has attacked the F.B.I. and other means of upholding public integrity. Very relevantly for your concerns, he has degraded the National Security Council and other foreign-policy decision-making arms. They get in his way on Russia.
FRUM: Heres what the Russians have achieved. 1) They blocked from office a capable and effective foreign-policy president who understood them, their aims and how to build effective coalitions against them. 2) They gained a president who for reasons of vanity or worse has left the country vulnerable and exposed to further attack. 3) They gained a president who is smashing apart Americas alliance structures. What intelligent South Korean can look for protection to the United States when its president regularly tweets that it is to China, not the United States, that South Korea should look for protection and who is contemplating sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Korean lives to protect mainland U.S.A.? 4) The Russians gained a United States that operates in ways they are comfortable with open to corruption and oligarchy and they have scored points for the argument that democracy is a joke and a fraud. 5) They have helped install a racial provocateur who identifies every stress point in American political culture and inflames it to the point that the United States polarizes and paralyzes I could go on
Good discussion.
POLITICO: [link=https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/24/trump-davos-elites-learn-to-live-with-trump-367517][b]The buffoon presidency?[/b] Davos elites learn to live with Trump The president will arrive in Switzerland to find global business leaders ready to welcome him or at least to say he hasnt been as bad as they thought he’d be.[/link]
What has come as a surprise to many of those people is how much they are learning to live with and in some cases even enjoy the Buffoon Presidency.
However much the typical Davos habitué disagrees with Trumps rhetoric on free trade and global integration, these are supremely practical types. One year into Trump, they are accommodating themselves to a changed power reality.
Across the spectrum, it seems evident that the pleas of Trump critics in the United States [i]dont normalize an abnormal presidency [/i] have been rejected by the government and industry leaders who congregate at the World Economic Forums annual gathering in the Alps.
Aside from Trumps incendiary bluster, many say, the actual consequences of his presidency have been more agreeable (or less disagreeable) than they feared a year ago. This is especially true in business circles, where people note that both the U.S and European economies are purring nicely.
That was almost complementary. Do you have the flu? Should we call the ER for you?
Economy is good.
US tax cuts are great for the US (and global) elite.
What’s not to like … unless you’re poor … or brown … or undocumented …or want good health care.-
They should kiss his butt because he’ll love them for it. I think k he’s probably easily played by appealing to his ego. Also they want to do business with the USA. We are a lot of consumers.
Did the tax cuts kick in? I was trying to compare a check from last year to a check from today. Looked like I saved a whole $7 in Federal.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 25, 2018 at 9:00 amIt’s depressing to see so many Leftists scowling into their beers simply because Trump puts Americans first. All it would take for you guys to be happy are a little bit of decency and at least a smidgen of self-respect.
All it would take for you guys to be happy are a little bit of decency
Pot. Kettle.
Ahead of Trumps address to globalists in Davos the video monitors in the main hall are running clips of anti-Trump protestors wearing pink hats.
Coincidence. Trump education secretary Betsy Devon met with Michigan State president 2 days before rolling back title 9 protection for sexual assault victims. Just so happens to be the epicenter of the USA gymnastics doctor abusing all the girls.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Coincidence. Trump education secretary Betsy Devon met with Michigan State president 2 days before rolling back title 9 protection for sexual assault victims. Just so happens to be the epicenter of the USA gymnastics doctor abusing all the girls.
Meh. Still made sense to roll back those protections. They did little to help the cause.
I mean…look at how much good they did with the MSU case, as just one example.-
SO our Russian agent 45 will not enact the law that Congress passed to put sanctions on Russia
Quote from MISTRAD
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Coincidence. Trump education secretary Betsy Devon met with Michigan State president 2 days before rolling back title 9 protection for sexual assault victims. Just so happens to be the epicenter of the USA gymnastics doctor abusing all the girls.
Meh. Still made sense to roll back those protections. They did little to help the cause.
I mean…look at how much good they did with the MSU case, as just one example.
What’s that got to do with anything? What protected the boys at Penn State from Sandusky or all the choir boys from sexual predators in the Catholic Church. Get rid of the laws because they didn’t work?
Conflating everything into a big nothing by arguing nothing works solves nothing.
[b]Quote of the day: [/b]
He cheats like hell so I dont quite know how he is in business. They say that if you cheat at golf, you cheat at business. Im pretty sure he pays his caddie well, since no matter how far into the woods he hits the ball, its in the middle of the fairway when we get there.
Norwegian golf ace Suzann Pettersen, in an interview with [link=https://www.vg.no/sport/i/bKzErq/lpga-star-on-trump-he-cheats-like-hell-]VG[/link], on playing golf with Donald Trump.
There’s video of him playing pro-ams etc… you can find on youtube. He says he’s a scratch golfer. I’ve seen his swing. It’s too flat and his tempo is like someone playing whack-a-mole.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 30, 2018 at 11:48 amMy handicap is 10.
There is no way he is a scratch golfer.
Having said that, cheating is rampant among amateur golfers.-
Quote from IR_CONSULT
My handicap is 10.
There is no way he is a scratch golfer.
Having said that, cheating is rampant among amateur golfers.Maybe start a golf topic and post some proof that cheating is rampant.
That he cheats and lies is only more reason for the Trump supporters to cheer for him even more. It’s more fingers in the eyes of Liberals and Democrats and Establishment Republicans, everything else is irrelevant other than building a wall and keeping immigrants out, whether legal or illegal.
Trump’s antics are a distraction that he uses to best advantage and frankly these antics should be ignored. It’s like Captain Renault being shocked, shocked! Trump’s being an idiot is only reason to support him more because it bothers those who his supporters hate.
Stick with the investigation & protect the investigation & findings. The release of the memo is going to be another breathless distraction.-
By way of illustration:
In the daily circus of the Trump presidency the tweets, the porn star, the racist trolling, the Russia investigation and the bizarro conspiracy theories about the Russia investigation its easy to lose sight of normal political stories like Carrier. [b]But normal stories are Trumps biggest vulnerability, and the circus is actually his friend. Democrats would be wise to remind themselves of this fact every single day.[/b]
To that end, I dont think anyone should get too worked up by the inevitable punditry on Tuesday night that will treat Trump, for at least one night, as a normal president, delivering a standard State of the Union speech. I fully understand why that commentary is maddening. Trump is not a normal president, and the speech will not mark a pivot, a reset, a turning point or a cliché to be named later.
[b]And yet its precisely when he is trying to act like a normal president that he is least effective. Remember: The circus is his friend.[/b]
Just consider the past six weeks. Theyve included Stormy Daniels, his vulgar rant about Haitians, his much-mocked physical exam and the many stories spawned by Michael Wolffs book, Fire and Fury. You know what else has happened in the last six weeks? [link=https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/?ex_cid=rrpromo]Trumps approval rating[/link] has risen a couple of percentage points, as have the share of voters saying they [link=https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-generic-ballot-polls/?ex_cid=rrpromo]plan to vote[/link] for a Republican congressional candidate this year.
Not all of Trumps outrages can or should be ignored. [link=https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/14/opinion/sunday/trump-lies-obama-who-is-worse.html]His lies[/link]need to be fact-checked. [link=https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/15/opinion/leonhardt-trump-racist.html]His racism[/link] needs to be called out. Most important, his attempts [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/28/opinion/impeachment-donald-trump.html]to obstruct of justice[/link] need to be stopped, not encouraged, by Congress. But people who are disturbed by his presidency should keep reminding themselves of the big goal here: persuading Trump supporters and Trump agnostics that his presidency is damaging the country.
The successful strategy in Italy and elsewhere is to treat the demagogue like a normal politician whos failing to deliver. Think of the Carrier layoffs. Or Trumps various moves to let Wall Street [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/mick-mulvaney-cant-legally-kill-the-cfpb-so-hes-starving-it-instead/2018/01/25/4481d2ce-0216-11e8-8acf-ad2991367d9d_story.html?utm_term=.355cdf32d74b]take advantage of consumers[/link]. Or [link=https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/01/08/making-china-great-again]Beijings glee[/link] at Trumps weak foreign policy. Or Trumps tax cut for his fellow millionaires. Or his cuts to health care programs, both the ones hes enacted and the larger ones he tried to enact.[b]Democrats need to cast him more like a plutocrat and a feckless president and less like a buffoon and a cartoon villain. They need to treat him more like any other Republican president.[/b]
He is an agent for Russia–no sanctions although Congress passed a law
Quote from Frumious
By way of illustration:
In the daily circus of the Trump presidency the tweets, the porn star, the racist trolling, the Russia investigation and the bizarro conspiracy theories about the Russia investigation its easy to lose sight of normal political stories like Carrier. [b]But normal stories are Trumps biggest vulnerability, and the circus is actually his friend. Democrats would be wise to remind themselves of this fact every single day.[/b]
To that end, I dont think anyone should get too worked up by the inevitable punditry on Tuesday night that will treat Trump, for at least one night, as a normal president, delivering a standard State of the Union speech. I fully understand why that commentary is maddening. Trump is not a normal president, and the speech will not mark a pivot, a reset, a turning point or a cliché to be named later.
[b]And yet its precisely when he is trying to act like a normal president that he is least effective. Remember: The circus is his friend.[/b]
Just consider the past six weeks. Theyve included Stormy Daniels, his vulgar rant about Haitians, his much-mocked physical exam and the many stories spawned by Michael Wolffs book, Fire and Fury. You know what else has happened in the last six weeks? [link=https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/?ex_cid=rrpromo]Trumps approval rating[/link] has risen a couple of percentage points, as have the share of voters saying they [link=https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-generic-ballot-polls/?ex_cid=rrpromo]plan to vote[/link] for a Republican congressional candidate this year.
Not all of Trumps outrages can or should be ignored. [link=https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/14/opinion/sunday/trump-lies-obama-who-is-worse.html]His lies[/link]need to be fact-checked. [link=https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/15/opinion/leonhardt-trump-racist.html]His racism[/link] needs to be called out. Most important, his attempts [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/28/opinion/impeachment-donald-trump.html]to obstruct of justice[/link] need to be stopped, not encouraged, by Congress. But people who are disturbed by his presidency should keep reminding themselves of the big goal here: persuading Trump supporters and Trump agnostics that his presidency is damaging the country.
The successful strategy in Italy and elsewhere is to treat the demagogue like a normal politician whos failing to deliver. Think of the Carrier layoffs. Or Trumps various moves to let Wall Street [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/mick-mulvaney-cant-legally-kill-the-cfpb-so-hes-starving-it-instead/2018/01/25/4481d2ce-0216-11e8-8acf-ad2991367d9d_story.html?utm_term=.355cdf32d74b]take advantage of consumers[/link]. Or [link=https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/01/08/making-china-great-again]Beijings glee[/link] at Trumps weak foreign policy. Or Trumps tax cut for his fellow millionaires. Or his cuts to health care programs, both the ones hes enacted and the larger ones he tried to enact.
[b]Democrats need to cast him more like a plutocrat and a feckless president and less like a buffoon and a cartoon villain. They need to treat him more like any other Republican president.[/b]
Drain that swamp baby!!! Your CDC director folks.
“Trump’s top health official traded tobacco stock while leading anti-smoking efforts”
EDIT: Another one bites the dust. Swamp creature running CDC resigns. -