Matt Duss (Foundation for Middle East Peace President ) sums up the contradictions in Bibi’s speech in one tweet:
“There we go: Iran is run by crazy suicidal apocalyptic mullahs who will crack under greater economic pressure.”
Fareed Zakaria: ‘Netanyahu Has Been Talking About Iran’s Imminent Nuclear Program For 25 Years'[/b]
In July 1996, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [link=http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/foreignpolicy/mfadocuments/yearbook11/pages/14%20address%20by%20prime%20minister%20netanyahu%20to%20a%20joint.aspx]addressed a joint session of Congress,[/link]warning that Iran was “extremely close” to developing nuclear weapons and that if the United States didn’t act, “the lives of our children and our grandchildren” would be at risk.
“Ladies and gentlemen, time is running out,” he warned. “This is not a slogan. This is not over-dramatization.”
If you want a full detailed assessment of [i]all[/i]of Bibi’s dire warnings over Iran, [i][i]The Intercept[/i][/i] has conveniently compiled them.
The conclusion from this history is inescapable. Over the course of more than 20 years, Benjamin Netanyahu has made false claims about nuclear weapons programs in both Iran and Iraq, inventing imaginary timelines for their development, and making public statements that contradicted the analysis of his own intelligence advisers.
Despite this, he continues to be treated by lawmakers and media figures as a credible voice on this issue.-
Analysis grounded in reality
Iran already has the capacity to build a nuclear weapons program and got it in 2008 when it mastered the ability to produce centrifuges and enrich uranium. And yet, Iran has not done it. For almost 25 years now, Netanyahu has argued that Iran is on the verge of producing a nuclear weapon. [link=http://www.c-span.org/video/?73411-1/israel-prime-minister-speech]In 1996[/link] 19 years ago he addressed the Congress and made pretty much the same argument he made this week. Over the last 10 years he has argued repeatedly that Iran is one year away from a bomb.
2008…how would a nation in the axis of evil manage to achieve that?
Between 2003 and 2005, under another practical president, Mohammad Khatami, Iran negotiated with three European Union powers a possible deal to place its nuclear program under constraints and inspections. The chief nuclear negotiator at the time was [link=http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/president-of-iran-hassan-rouhani-time-to-engage/2013/09/19/4d2da564-213e-11e3-966c-9c4293c47ebe_story.html]Hassan Rouhani[/link], now Irans president.
Iran proposed to cap its centrifuges at very low levels, keep enrichment levels well below those that could be used for weapons and convert its existing enriched uranium into fuel rods (which could not be put to military use). Peter Jenkins, the British representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, told the Inter Press Service , [link=http://www.ipsnews.net/2012/06/u-s-rejected-2005-iranian-offer-ensuring-no-nuclear-weapons/]All of us were impressed[/link] by the proposal. But the talks collapsed because the Bush administration, acting through the British government, vetoed it. It was certain, Jenkins explained, that if the West could scare the Iranians, they would give in.
What was the result? Did Iran return to the table and capitulate? No, the country withstood the sanctions and, unimpeded by any inspections, massively expanded its nuclear infrastructure. Iran went from [link=http://isis-online.org/uploads/isis-reports/documents/irancascade.pdf]164 centrifuges[/link] to [link=http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/12/27/iran-developing-new-centrifuges/4216629/]19,000[/link], accumulated more than [link=https://www.iaea.org/sites/default/files/gov2015-15.pdf]17,000 pounds of enriched uranium gas[/link] and ramped up construction of a [link=http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2013/nov/11/irans-plutonium-game/]heavy water reactor at Arak[/link] that could be used to produce weapons-grade plutonium.
Heckuva job W
Jon Stewart played the old tape of Bibi as a witness pushing us in to the Iraq war..had trouble saying reverberations…speak English Bibi
24 hours before Bibi’s speech, Boehner could not bring a clean dhs bill to the floor for fear of losing his speakership. Does anyone else see a political deal here? Obama could have had all the democrats boycott the speech, cry treason, and it would only weaken relations with Israel and replace Boehner with someone truly crazy. By having dems show up, say stuff like “we are with Israel” he helped save Boehner’s speakership. I don’t think its coincidence that a clean DHS bill passed just after the rather good-for-republicans optics that the Bibi speech provided.
From Iran’s perspective, it looks like Obama is taking political hit points for simply negotiating and they will never get a better opportunity to make a deal. Of course Bibi and Obama hate each other and all that, but they are both playing to their strengths in order to get the Iranians to budge.
Netanyahu’s US approval ratings drop post- speech.
And it’s looking worse at home too
The latest opinion polls show momentum shifting to Zionist Union after weeks of running neck-and-neck with Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud, and the premier again warned voters who have abandoned his party for like-minded challengers that without their votes, he could lose.
Forecast to win up to 24 seats to Likud’s 21 in the 120-member parliament, Zionist Union hopes the gap will be wide enough to persuade Israel’s president to ask its leader, Labour party chief Isaac Herzog, rather than Netanyahu, to try to form a coalition government after Tuesday’s balloting.
“If we don’t close the gap in the coming days, there is certainly a risk that Tzipi Livni and Bougie Herzog will be the next prime ministers,” Netanyahu told Channel 2 in one of two primetime television interviews, using Herzog’s nickname.
Looks like Bibi’s now counting on fear of Livni to keep him as PM>-
on the John Oliver they showed his ad, it was ISIS driving truck into Israel if wasn’t re-elected.
Bibi showed the world and Israel that his Ego trumps everything including Israel
he needs to revisit the 7 deadly sins specifically PRIDE and Wrath
Quote from Thor
But Bibi promised us this wasn’t political….
And he wonders why no one except the delusional and end-of-timers believe him
Israeli opposition party takes lead….out with the old…time for achange
a desperate man says no Palestine..now either he is a huge flip flopper or he is a liar
NO. He’s not a liar. He is just finally being honest at a time when political expediency aligns with his honesty.
Everyone knows that Netanyahu has always been opposed to the 2-State solution and has actively worked to undermine any effort to put such a plan in place.
And like the GOP he just hates it when people exercise their right to vote
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2015 at 9:51 amWould you want the Palestinians running your country? Oh wait …
So some people just shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Pretty much speaks for itself
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2015 at 10:04 pm
Quote from Thor
So some people just shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Pretty much speaks for itself
Actually, yes.
The original concept in the US was to have only the landowners vote. Maybe we would have been better off that way. It makes no sense to have the looters in society voting mere benefits for themselves at the expense of the productive segments of society.
“[i]When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.[/i]”- Ben Franklin (maybe not Franklin’s quote, but it is still a good quote)
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2015 at 10:06 pmHey, by the way, it looks like Bibi won the election. Noah’s head must be exploding. David Axelrod’s head is.
very disturbing to see him raise his hand in his post election speech in a hail hitler manner..like its ok for me to spread fear and hate against those pesky Palestinians because I am Bibi/
very sad day for Israel..an ego driven guy.should never be allowed to rule a country..they just drag the country IMHO down into isolation..Europe may say hasta USA..sanctions are a no go as long as This travesty remains in office..we got our own problems …
what does it take to ranson a country from a guy who has to win….oh come Emmanuel
dear Israel take note of the lack of funds available after the marion barry debacle..u will be on your own with bibi in office..good luck cause karma comes back
Bibi ; I am Marion Berry/Teflon: but the citizens imho who foolishly bought in this will remain poor and isolated
Squeaking through the election was the desired goal. He won but this is the very definition of an “ugly win”.
Now Netanyahu (and Israel) has to write the check to pay for all the cost Bibi put on the rhetorical credit card over the last months.
Added to the diplomatic disagreement with the US is a [i]hard[/i] tack to the right in the last days of the campaign, abandoning international agreements on the 2-state solution and making some very questionable statements about Arab-Israeli voters.
His complete abandonment of the Palestinians will cost him with the Iran negotiations and will hurt with his Middle East neighbors too.
How much cost will have to be paid is TBD. But I see no reason why the Obama administration would want to do anything but punish Israel for so blatantly waling away for diplomacy.
I look to see if finally the US cover provided to Israel in the UN begins to wear away in the last years of the Obama administration.
Also don’t be surprised to see divestment campaigns and calls for sanctions on Israel to become much more prominent.-
We need to discuss weaning the suckling Israel from America’s teat.
If there was ever an agreement on a two-state solution, the palestinians reneged on it years ago by their turn towards hamas. He just put in words what has been obvious since 2000.
One could easily argue that Israel reneged on any agreement long before Hamas. And in the absence of any agreement, one is not prevented from any actions, just because Israel doesn’t like it is irrelevant. Let Israel negotiate the terms at the table.
There are 2 major problems with negotiations, Israel wants the Palestinians to capitulate on any expectations before they even come to the table & the Palestinians are not able agree on much of anything in order to come to any table.-
now they Palestinians and the world know they are dealing with a racist..a boycott of Israel will soon begin
Obama should have met with him when he was in DC. Politics got in the way of running the government.
Without the possibility of a productive peace process with the Palestinians there is little for Obama to gain from any association with Israel for the rest of his term.
I think the most that can be expected is very tense and rare diplomatic meetings so that neither leader completely takes the blame for ruining the relationship.
But there will be no meaningful rapprochement between these two men.
If a deal is reached with Tehran then it will be back to Bibi very publicly and aggressively lobbying the GOP congress to scuttle the deal. That will just put gas on the fire… and possibly very soon.
the irony is Bibi came to US for increase sanctions against Iran but with his racists comments he will bring international sanctions against Israel..no one wants to work with a declared racist
well the begging for aid will start because who wants to visit a country run by a bigot
Quote from Frumious
We need to discuss weaning the suckling Israel from America’s teat.
Funny bit from the Onion “US worried about living up to Natanyahu campaign promises”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2015 at 3:33 pm“On Tuesday, he released a video on Facebook claiming leftists were bringing “huge amounts” of Arabs by bus to vote against Likud. Arabs make up about 20% of [link=http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/04/world/israel-fast-facts/index.html]Israel[/link]’s population.”
I don’t get it. If a US Republican poltician were to say something like “The leftists are bringing huge numbers of blacks to the polls by bus to vote against us – get out and vote” – that person would be denounced a divisive racist by the mainstream media.
But, it’s Ok for Netanyahu to spout divisive racist rhetoric, huh?
It’s disgusting.
As for Netanyahu’s comment about no Palestinian state, if there is no Palestinian state, anybody with half a brain knowns that Israel as a Jewish democratic state can not survive unless the Pals are separated out into their own state.
If Netanyahu and co. want to dig Israel’s grave as a Jewish and democratic state, let them.
Here is a how the New York Times will read in the year 2025 “Frustrated Palestinians in West Bank have abandoned plans for their own state as a Pal state is no longer workbale due to innumerable settlements. They are now wanting Israeli citizenship and voting rights. Reminscent of the South African style struggle for voting rights, most of the world stands with the Palestinians as they seek to obtain their democratic rights as equal Israeli citizens.”-
goggle Bibi’s racist history but the GOP have david duke without the baggage/continue to put Lynch to the back of the bus so birds of a feather
Quote from SadRad
“On Tuesday, he released a video on Facebook claiming leftists were bringing “huge amounts” of Arabs by bus to vote against Likud. Arabs make up about 20% of [link=http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/04/world/israel-fast-facts/index.html]Israel[/link]’s population.”
I don’t get it. If a US Republican poltician were to say something like “The leftists are bringing huge numbers of blacks to the polls by bus to vote against us – get out and vote” – that person would be denounced a divisive racist by the mainstream media.
But, it’s Ok for Netanyahu to spout divisive racist rhetoric, huh?
It’s disgusting.
As for Netanyahu’s comment about no Palestinian state, if there is no Palestinian state, anybody with half a brain knowns that Israel as a Jewish democratic state can not survive unless the Pals are separated out into their own state.
If Netanyahu and co. want to dig Israel’s grave as a Jewish and democratic state, let them.
Here is a how the New York Times will read in the year 2025 “Frustrated Palestinians in West Bank have abandoned plans for their own state as a Pal state is no longer workbale due to innumerable settlements. They are now wanting Israeli citizenship and voting rights. Reminscent of the South African style struggle for voting rights, most of the world stands with the Palestinians as they seek to obtain their democratic rights as equal Israeli citizens.”
and Cheney has the nerve of the race card with Obama…what was Bibi doing..playing the religion card
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2015 at 8:44 pmTechnically, yes, he was playing the religious card, not the race card, but it’s still the same damn thing.
It’s marginalizing a minority community.
Disgraceful that the so called leader of a so called democratic country was decrying “Arabs voting in droves”.
A true democratic leader should celebrate all citizens of all religious, racial, and ethnic backgrounds voting in droves. That’s what democracy is really all about.
That everyone can and should vote.
I know I will be howled at for making this comment, but it seems what Netanyahu wants is a Kahanist state – not a democracy.
In the Kahanist state, only Jews have voting rights.
Arab Israelis and West bank Arabs are to be denied voting rights, citizenship rights and membership in the Knesset – that’s what Netanyahu really wants.
Better yet, he wants the Arab Israelis, West Bank Palestinians and the Arabs in Gaza – a Grand total of 6.3 million human beings – to simply perish – maybe to move to other Arab nations, maybe elsewhere in the world – he just wants to be rid of them so theat he can have his pure Jewish state where non-Jews, liberal Jews, reform Jews and other undesirable elements won’t be a part of the society.-
technically I think I’m going to stick with bigotry because he did not say all those muslims(religion)..he specifically targeted a group of people
Price Charles may speak before Congress…hopefully he can fumigate the room from the hate that had been unleased with Bibi’s speechyes bigot is right and his name begins with a B ..in his desperation he definitely prove he is no Winston Churchill
Quote from SadRad
Technically, yes, he was playing the religious card, not the race card, but it’s still the same damn thing.
It’s marginalizing a minority community.
Disgraceful that the so called leader of a so called democratic country was decrying “Arabs voting in droves”.
A true democratic leader should celebrate all citizens of all religious, racial, and ethnic backgrounds voting in droves. That’s what democracy is really all about.
That everyone can and should vote.
I know I will be howled at for making this comment, but it seems what Netanyahu wants is a Kahanist state – not a democracy.
In the Kahanist state, only Jews have voting rights.
Arab Israelis and West bank Arabs are to be denied voting rights, citizenship rights and membership in the Knesset – that’s what Netanyahu really wants.
Better yet, he wants the Arab Israelis, West Bank Palestinians and the Arabs in Gaza – a Grand total of 6.3 million human beings – to simply perish – maybe to move to other Arab nations, maybe elsewhere in the world – he just wants to be rid of them so theat he can have his pure Jewish state where non-Jews, liberal Jews, reform Jews and other undesirable elements won’t be a part of the society.
Quote from SadRad
I don’t get it. If a US Republican poltician were to say something like “The leftists are bringing huge numbers of blacks to the polls by bus to vote against us – get out and vote” – that person would be denounced a divisive racist by the mainstream media.
There are plenty of republicans who say that about democrats.
As for Netanyahu’s comment about no Palestinian state, if there is no Palestinian state, anybody with half a brain knowns that Israel as a Jewish democratic state can not survive unless the Pals are separated out into their own state.
It would really take someone with half a brain to think that. For israel, there is little difference whether the west-bank and gaza are operated as a occupied area under military administration or as a palestinian state. The terrorists keep coming either way.
It looks like the palestinian citizens of israel finally changed their voting behavior and start to focus on their lives rather than the lost-cause of a west-bank state. Time will tell if they can turn that momentum into an improvement of their own lot.
Maybe one of these days the palestinians will elect a leadership that is interested in peaceful coexistence with israel. If they can settle on such a leadership and reign in the terrorists in their midst, then israel can re-visit the issue of a palestinian state.
Like maybe how the Irish elected leadership that was interested in peaceful coexistence with Britain so long ans Britain continued to occupy Ireland. The Irish terrorists never stopped no matter how much the British demanded they stop before the British would negotiate.
The analogy isn’t perfect but the Irish showed that they could carry on the conflict for a very, very long time and it didn’t matter that the British considered all the Irish leadership “terrorists.” Peace was only obtained when the British gave up their occupation and gave Ireland its land back to form their own state. Northern Ireland took longer for identical reasons seeing peace only recently.
Right now the Palestinians have no constructive reason, no “carrot” to stop resisting just as Northern Ireland had no reason to stop until Britain negotiated real terms.
The formula for Israel & the Occupied Territories is just more of the same in spite of the “simple” desires of the Israelis and the Palestinians who “only” want the other side to go away first, then they will negotiate.-
I thought this was a good op-ed in the NYT [link=http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/19/opinion/thomas-friedman-bibi-will-make-history.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=c-column-top-span-region®ion=c-column-top-span-region&WT.nav=c-column-top-span-region]http://www.nytimes.com/20…column-top-span-region[/link]
Will they become a 1 state non-jewish democracy or a 1 state jewish non-democracy.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
I thought this was a good op-ed in the NYT [link=http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/19/opinion/thomas-friedman-bibi-will-make-history.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=c-column-top-span-region®ion=c-column-top-span-region&WT.nav=c-column-top-span-region]http://www.nytimes.com/20…column-top-span-region[/link]
Will they become a 1 state non-jewish democracy or a 1 state jewish non-democracy.
That’s a good piece. Sums up a lot.
If there is only one state, Israel cannot be Jewish and permit West Bank Palestinians to exercise any voting rights alongside Israeli Arabs. But if Israel is one state and wants to be democratic, how does it continue depriving West Bankers of the vote when you can be sure they will make it their No. 1 demand.
I doubt, in the heat of the campaign, Netanyahu gave any of this much thought when he tossed the two-state solution out the window of his campaign bus in a successful 11th-hour grab for far-right voters. To be sure, he could disavow his two-state disavowal tomorrow. It would not surprise me. He is that cynical. But, if he doesnt if the official platform of his new government is that there is no more two-state solution it will produce both a hostile global reaction and, in time, a Palestinian move in the West Bank for voting rights in Israel, combined with an attempt to put Israel in the docket in the International Criminal Court. How far is the Obama administration going to go in defending Israel after it officially rejects a two-state solution? I dont know. But well be in a new world.
And that is why I am certain that Benjamin Netanyahu is going to be a historic, very impactful prime minister in Jewish history. I just hope that somehow a Jewish democratic Israel survives his tenure.-
just call him Backtrack Bibi. Apparently a kinder, gentler Bibi was on NBC.
Well the biggest victory was for Iran. Israel no longer has global credibility till Bibi is gone
such a dishonorable win..he sinks lower each day that he opens his month
Quote from Thor
Well the biggest victory was for Iran. Israel no longer has global credibility till Bibi is gone
US opinions on Israel now show the most partisan split ever.
Republicans by a ratio of more than 2-to-1 say the U.S. should support Israel even when its stances diverge with American interests, a new Bloomberg Politics poll finds. Democrats, by roughly the same ratio, say the opposite is true and that the U.S. must pursue its own interests over Israel’s.
Further illustrating how sharply partisan the debate has become, Republicans say they feel more sympathetic to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu than to their own president, 67 percent to 16 percent, while Democrats are more sympathetic to President Barack Obama than to Israel’s prime minister, 76 percent to 9 percent.
Religion appears to play an important role in shaping the numbers. Born-again Christians are more likely than overall poll respondents, 58 percent to 35 percent, to back Israel regardless of U.S. interests. Americans with no religious affiliation were the least likely to feel this way, at 26 percent. Ideological identification also has a strong connection: 62 percent of self-identified conservatives say supporting Israel is key, while that drops to 35 percent among moderates.
Obama and Netanyahu to meet face-to-face for the first time in over a year.
Saw that WH spokesman Josh Earnest was pre-poking Bibi on backing away from the 2-State solution ahead of the meeting. I expect some very frowny photo-ops from the meeting.
now that he has outed his bigotry, I wonder how many 2016 GOP hopefuls will court Bibi…he is damaged goods imho..stay away from the bigot
Churchill had honor…now Bibi is being slimy saying he did not mean what he said 3 days ago..the stench around this man is quite repugnant
Netanyahu flip-flops within 48 hours. He now supports the 2- [strike]State[/strike] [b]Faced[/b] solution.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 19, 2015 at 2:32 pmBibi’s victory has become an excuse for unfettered antisemitism by the left. They are just following Obama’s lead and pettiness. Now they can express their antisemitism freely, because it is officially sanctioned by Emperor Obama.
Fortunately, the rest of the world no longer fawns over Obama like the American libtards. Israel’s global credibility does not hinge on whether or not Bibi wins an election. It hinges on the strength of their democracy and their national resolve. I think that Israel has plenty of credibility. What they can’t control, is the wave of antisemitism in the world, with or without Bibi.
The call for unilateral Israeli disarmament and institutional devolution of their country is a fool’s errand. The Israelis know this. That is the reason they gave Bibi and the Likud a great victory. Obama’s bruised ego pouting over Bibi is just fueling the antisemites. What a small man!-
you are defending a bigot and ?liar
Quote from aldadoc
Bibi’s victory has become an excuse for unfettered antisemitism by the left. They are just following Obama’s lead and pettiness. Now they can express their antisemitism freely, because it is officially sanctioned by Emperor Obama.
Fortunately, the rest of the world no longer fawns over Obama like the American libtards. Israel’s global credibility does not hinge on whether or not Bibi wins an election. It hinges on the strength of their democracy and their national resolve. I think that Israel has plenty of credibility. What they can’t control, is the wave of antisemitism in the world, with or without Bibi.
The call for unilateral Israeli disarmament and institutional devolution of their country is a fool’s errand. The Israelis know this. That is the reason they gave Bibi and the Likud a great victory. Obama’s bruised ego pouting over Bibi is just fueling the antisemites. What a small man!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 19, 2015 at 7:20 pmAladoc, your post is ridiculous and demonstrates that you are quite delusional.
If anyone criticizes Israel, you immediately brand them an anti semite. This is the logic of a weak minded person. Most of the world respects Israel and its people, but despise Netanyahu’s lies and devious tactics.
In 2009 Netanyahu says he advocates a two state solution. Then, days before the election he flip flops on this position. And now that the election is over, he has flip flopped once again to advocate a two state solution. It is quite clear to everyone that Netanyahu does not want peace. He wants a perpetual war so that the Israeli people remain in fear and his far right party stays in power.
As Thomas Friedman says: “Netanyahu will be the father of the one-state solution. And the one-state solution means that Israel will become, in time, either a non-Jewish democracy or Jewish non-democracy.” [link=http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/19/opinion/thomas-friedman-bibi-will-make-history.html?action=click&contentCollection=Economy&module=MostEmailed&version=Full®ion=Marginalia&src=me&pgtype=article]http://www.nytimes.com/20…=me&pgtype=article[/link]
Netanyahu has ensured that the Middle East will continue to be one of the most unstable and violents parts of the planet. In short, Netanyahu is a horrible leader. Obama’s leadership skills are way above those of Bibi.
Also, how is it that Aladoc whines about anti semitism, but then wants to claim that we live in a post racial society? Aladoc’s hypocrisy is quite amusing!-
oh agree he is like pot meet kettle
no international leader can form any agreement with Bibi because of his desperate acts to win an election…Churchill left with dignityQuote from sea64
Aladoc, your post is ridiculous and demonstrates that you are quite delusional.
If anyone criticizes Israel, you immediately brand them an anti semite. This is the logic of a weak minded person. Most of the world respects Israel and its people, but despise Netanyahu’s lies and devious tactics.
In 2009 Netanyahu says he advocates a two state solution. Then, days before the election he flip flops on this position. And now that the election is over, he has flip flopped once again to advocate a two state solution. It is quite clear to everyone that Netanyahu does not want peace. He wants a perpetual war so that the Israeli people remain in fear and his far right party stays in power.
As Thomas Friedman says: “Netanyahu will be the father of the one-state solution. And the one-state solution means that Israel will become, in time, either a non-Jewish democracy or Jewish non-democracy.” [link=http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/19/opinion/thomas-friedman-bibi-will-make-history.html?action=click&contentCollection=Economy&module=MostEmailed&version=Full®ion=Marginalia&src=me&pgtype=article]http://www.nytimes.com/20…=me&pgtype=article[/link]
Netanyahu has ensured that the Middle East will continue to be one of the most unstable and violents parts of the planet. In short, Netanyahu is a horrible leader. Obama’s leadership skills are way above those of Bibi.
Also, how is it that Aladoc whines about anti semitism, but then wants to claim that we live in a post racial society? Aladoc’s hypocrisy is quite amusing!
Quote from Noah’sArk
Churchill had honor…now Bibi is being slimy saying he did not mean what he said 3 days ago..the stench around this man is quite repugnant
‘If you like your health plan, you can keep it.’
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 19, 2015 at 7:26 pmSimply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.
[b]Dick Cheney
August 26, 2002[/b]
Quote from fw
Quote from Noah’sArk
Churchill had honor…now Bibi is being slimy saying he did not mean what he said 3 days ago..the stench around this man is quite repugnant
‘If you like your health plan, you can keep it.’
While we are talking about two-faced: I hear Obama called to congratulate Netanyahu.
Quote from fw
While we are talking about two-faced: I hear Obama called to congratulate Netanyahu.
That’s a petty statement. When he didn’t call right away I’d already heard criticism from the Right about Obama NOT calling Bibi with congratulations. Now the criticism is that he waited too long AND gave Bibi a back-handed congratulations.
Always bitchin, never happy Right.”Do as I say, not as I do.”
a man with class would do that…a man without class puts out the message they are busing in arabs in droves …big difference
Quote from fw
While we are talking about two-faced: I hear Obama called to congratulate Netanyahu.
a man with class would do that…a man without class puts out the message they are busing in arabs in droves …big difference
Quote from fw
While we are talking about two-faced: I hear Obama called to congratulate Netanyahu.
[link=http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/11/obama-netanyahu-israeli-palestinian/414849/] What Obama Should Say to Bibi When They Meet in Washington on Monday [/link]
How about, “Hey A$$hole. What brings you into town? Need more money? Again? I know it’s not to promote Middle East peace”
If someone posted something about Netanyahu saying “Hey A$$hole” to Obama, your head would explode.
Mr. Obama has done more than any other president to inflame the Middle East, guarantee that there will NEVER be a two-state solution, and just generally make the world such a dangerous place we won’t live long enough to die from global climate warming change confusion. BELIEVE that.-
What makes you think the equivalent hasn’t already happened? After all, Obama is a liar who hates white people, is not a citizen as he was born in Kenya, Is a Muslim himself, created the ACA as a give-away compensation to black people for slavery, is a Socialist bent on destroying America and it’s economy, has “job-killing” policies like the ACA, the “worst President everrrr,” has created systems “worse than slavery,” wants to enslave Americans, wants to destroy the Constitution, is anti-2nd Amendment & wants to confiscate guns same as Hitler did when he took over the Reichstag (there would not have been a Holocaust had the Nazis not confiscated guns), Obama is a terrorist who is a friend of and to terrorists, he looks simian, he is a simian, his wife has big arms and looks simian and so on and so on and so on.
Bibi has never supported a 2-State solution, he is the opposition. And if you’d like to see less inflammation in the Middle East, tell Bibi to stop supporting settlement of occupied lands.-
You got the first paragraph right at least.
Israel won the land in war, and has given a lot of it back. Might as well quit whining about it like a good anti-colonialist. Just ask Egypt about the land they got back in return for truly peaceful intentions.
IF the “palestinians” had behaved like human beings, there would have been peace with them 20 years ago. But they haven’t, Obama has egged them on, and now peace is further away than it has ever been.-
It’s all tit for tat. One side does something, other side retaliates.
Black clad Arab mothers whipping out a 10 inch knife and stabbing Israelis is retaliation for what, exactly?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 9, 2015 at 9:42 amThere is a whole generation of Palestinians that has been brainwashed with rabid anti Jewish propaganda.
The stuff they get taught from early childhood is demonstrably false and hate filled. It will take many generations and an all out re-educational process of the Palestinians before there is a chance of peace.
Quote from DoctorDalai
Black clad Arab mothers whipping out a 10 inch knife and stabbing Israelis is retaliation for what, exactly?
All the ways that the Palestinians feel slighted by Israel. Is the root cause of the issue that many Palestinians (any one who lived there) where driven their homes to create Israel?
Most “palestinians” who left were told to do so to get out of the way so the Arab armies could kill all the Jews in 1948. Didn’t happen that way. Many of the knife-wielding fools today are Israeli citizens with full rights.
So you people believe it’s OK to just randomly stab people you don’t like because you feel slighted? Remind me to avoid wherever it is you live. -
Most “palestinians” who left were told to do so to get out of the way so the Arab armies could kill all the Jews in 1948. Didn’t happen that way. Many of the knife-wielding fools today are Israeli citizens with full rights.
So you people believe it’s OK to just randomly stab people you don’t like because you feel slighted? Remind me to avoid wherever it is you live.
I think there’s more complexities than just the Arab armies are coming in regardless to how Israel was established and how all that are was split up, like with Britain. I don’t think it’s right to stab someone. I think that’s the Stone Age mentality. Instead of working out the issues they’ll stab you.
What’s the difference between there and the rest of the civil world?
It’s not like there is a shortage of land where Arabs can live if they choose to. They have turned these people into willing pawns.
Accepting a 2 state solution was never in the cards because by its very definition, it means accepting and acknowledging that Israel is one of the 2 and the fact that it exists. For the Palestinian leaders, this has never been acceptable. 2 state solutions have been put on the table for decades and been rejected.
And “palestinian” used to refer to anyone who lived in that area. Prior to the creation of the State of ISrael, the word “palestinian” included them too.-
Well we have a lot of empty land the Arabs can move to, no?
You think it’s really easy to move form ancestral land? The Native Americans had to be moved by military force from their homelands to the new reservations. Cherokees for instance historically lived in Georgia & were moved to Oklahoma. It’s not as if, “Why don’t they just move to Saudi Arabia. Might be because they aren’t Saudis, they are Palestinians. Refugees from Syria are now moving “voluntarily” into Europe, there’s plenty of empty land, why won’t the Europeans just take them in?
Because it’s never that easy. I’m sure Native Americans all to a person are happy they have been moved from their ancestral lands to “better” lands.
The other problem, xrayer, is that in both religions, both sides say GOD gave them the land, GOD gave them Jerusalem, both sides say GOD gave them Al-Aqsa mosque, known by the Jews as the Temple Mount.
GOD gave it to ME so it’s mine, not yours.
Muslims built the mosque in 637 & held it until 1967, the Six Day War. It is considered occupied land still.
The Quran declares that Israel belongs to the Jews. And even after Jerusalem was reclaimed in 1967, Israel continued to let Jordan administer the Muslim sites on the Temple Mount.
When Jordan held Jerusalem, it turned the Western Wall into a latrine and a garbage dump. But I don’t suppose you are able to understand the dichotomy.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 9, 2015 at 7:59 pmBy the way, recently, there were a few Israeli terrorists who set a Palestinian home on fire in the West Bank and burned a baby to death.
Several members of the Palestinian family later died.
In accordance with Israeli treatment of terrorists, how come the Jewish Israeli terrorists who did this awful deed have not
A. Had their houses blown up
B. Had their health insurance canceled
C. Been deported from Israel
Oh I forgot, there are different rules for different terrorists – and Jewish Israeli terrorists get coddled by the Jewish state.
In a real democracy, all terrorists would get punished to the equal extent of the law.
Nw everybody – sit back and watch DrDalai try to make excuses on this one.
DrDalai could just say these Jewish Israeli terrorists should have their houses blown up too and get kicked out of Israel too – despite their Jewish background – but I doubt he will take that moral higher ground.
When SadRad is defining the moral high ground, we have hit an all time low. I’m not going to fall into the usual moral equivalency claptrap.
Murderers should be punished. Period. Those who murdered the “palestinians” in this case and a VERY few other similar cases should be given 10 consecutive life-sentences and thrown under the jail. But there is no systematic movement for Jews to kill “palestinians” and don’t bother to consult your anti-Semitic/neo-Nazi websites to provide false “proof”.
Leftist/Socialist math is always faulty. One Jew who commits murder confirms the blood-lust of a “nation” of “palestinians” that wants to eliminate all the Jews. But hundreds of knife-wielding “palestinians” is a freedom movement. Go figure.
What you Lefties never, ever understand, in your blind quest for the holy grail of “revolution” which you also don’t comprehend but desire nonetheless, is that terror campaigns will only harm the innocents they are supposed to be championing. This current wave of stabbing of innocents has completely quashed the peace process, and might well lead to the expulsion of Muslims from the entirety of Israel, pre and post 1967. Count on it.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 10, 2015 at 9:24 amAll of this vitriol among highly intelligent, highly trained, highly educated individuals over something that we don’t even know exists. All of this angry rhetoric, rhetoric which mirrors the same rhetoric that has been going on for thousands of years.
Can you imagine being one of the first products of evolution, one of the first beings to walk with the ability to think about things other than food and reproduction?
So, there you are…..and you have the ability to think…and it is light, and then the sun goes down. Since science is tens of thousands of years in the future, how terrifying must that darkness have been? We couldn’t explain it, so we came up with a God to explain the darkness.
Then it became light again…so we created another God, this one the God of light.
How horrific must the cataclysms of nature must have been thousands of years ago……for instance, say when a volcano erupted, or there was an earthquake of massive proportions. We had no science to explain it, so we were scared, nay, we were terrified……so we came up with a God to explain it. Comets and meteors came and went…..and we saw them, but couldn’t explain them……how horrifying that must have been to our earliest ancestors.
Other peoples and other tribes had the same abilities to now think, and thus they had the same fears, and so they did the same things in distant lands.
Then people started to populate the earth more, and to actually travel a bit…..and they found other peoples and other tribes. And, as communication became possible over time, we found that other peoples had the same thoughts and fears, and we discovered that they were just as terrified and scared as we were, and that they had created their own Gods. However, their God, and their Gods, were different than our own.
So we killed them.
And so it has continued for thousands of years.
Over those tens of thousands of years, really it has been only a brief moment that science has become capable of explaining what we didn’t know…really over the last six or seven hundred years. And, it is only within the last few decades that we have been able to understand the earth, our galaxy, and the universe. Now we know and accept the big bang theory, we know about molecules, atoms and what makes them up…
Wouldn’t it be ironic…if…….we really are just a collection of molecules…sub-atomic nuclei forged together since time immemorial when the big bang happened, and a few random molecules, shuttled about by cosmic collisions, happened to be at the same spot at the perfect time, and that when we die, our molecules, our sentinent beings as such, that we simply return to the vastness…….and nothingness…NOTHINGNESS…of empty space. That, to be clear, we are born…we live…and we die. And that’s it.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if all of the massacres, all of the invasions, all of the inquisitions, all of the killing…..that have happened over different God’s, and that these God’s didn’t exist at all. How much of our life, how much of the life of billions of people has been spent hating and killing, because our earliest fears were assuaged by a different “God” than those we didn’t know.
Wouldn’t it be ironic.
There have been over 5,000 different Gods, created and defined by man since record-keeping began. But, don’t worry…….I’m sure that your God is the right one.-
An interesting take. Judaism and Christianity call for peace, and in theory Islam does as well. Buddhism and the other Eastern religions are mystical and do not call for strife. The problem is generally mankind’s incorrect (sometimes deliberately) interpretation of G-d’s intent.
What Stir fails to mention is that far, far more people have been murdered in the name of Socialism (including National Socialism) / Communism / Maoism etc than anything any organized religion has managed. Like dozens, and even hundreds of millions. Never forget that when you pine for the “revolution”.-
Hitler was a Communist? Please explain. Other than the word, “Socialist” in the name, “National Socialist German Worker’s Party,” the Nazis hardly seemed to be practicing Socialists. What did they do that was socialist? And Hitler also justified hating Jews because they were “Bolsheviks,” “their new religion.”
I mean, let’s face it, all the Communist countries in the 20th Century called themselves the “Democratic People’s Republic of China,” or The Democratic Republic of North Korea, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, The Democratic Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Germany, etc, etc, etc. Were they all democratic because it was in their names too???
As for more dead by Communism than religion, how so? There are centuries of killing in the name of believing in the wrong religion. Or no religion. At best I think you have a race to the bottom but not a clear winner. I mean just for a start there were the Crusades, the Inquisition, the wars between the Protestants and Catholics, the various Muslim sects, the Muslim conquest in general, the conquest of the New World and the enslavement & killing of the native people by the Catholics & Protestants. And the historical persecution of Jews, for “killing Jesus.”
Not a clear winner.
There are dozens of other sources. Call it 100 Million dead by the hand of Communists, and that doesn’t include the Nazis.
Who were simply socialists of another flavor:
I’m so sorry to disturb your and SadRad’s fantasies about how wonderful life would be after the Revolution when the Socialists rule.
But I thought the Palestinians were responsible for the Holocaust; Hitler wouldn’t have done it otherwise…at least that is what Bibi tells us
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 10, 2015 at 6:50 pm[link=http://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Kansas-City-JCC-shooter-sentenced-to-death-432637]http://www.jpost.com/Dias…tenced-to-death-432637[/link]
We have terrorists at home too right here in America.
Looks like this miserable wretch and lousy excuse for a human being will ultimately meet with the fate he deserves.
All terrorists – Jewish, Arab, and white supremacist – should share the same fate. -
Quote from Thor
But I thought the Palestinians were responsible for the Holocaust; Hitler wouldn’t have done it otherwise…at least that is what Bibi tells us
I have less and less respect for academics. Given this whopper you just told, it is pretty obvious how the lies inherent in the global climate warming confusion scam have propagated.
Bibi did NOT mention “the palestinians” in his comments and you know that quite well. Netanyahu [i]did[/i] discuss the involvement of the Grand Mufti Husseini, and that is quite correct historically.
If you are going to make things up to win pitiful little arguments like this, go back to high-school debate where you might be appreciated. -
Quote from DoctorDalai
Who were simply socialists of another flavor:
[link=http://traditionalliberalism.blogspot.com/2010/09/fascism-keynesianism-socialism.html?m=1]http://traditionalliberal…ism-socialism.html?m=1[/link]I’m so sorry to disturb your and SadRad’s fantasies about how wonderful life would be after the Revolution when the Socialists rule.
But they’re all democratic governments, it says so in all of their names. [i]DEMOCRATIC[/i] Republic of XXX
These are idiotic arguments, surface deep if even, that discard actual thinking. This is no analysis, it’s all in the name, that says everything the author – and you – need. The web site itself is suspicious as it has very many invented quotes attributed to famous people.
A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. -Thomas Jefferson
There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people.” -Thomas Jefferson
This hardly sounds like Jefferson. It all does sound frighteningly familiar to right-wing talking points, however. The whole site is invented nonsense.
Bibi apologizes in his way.
Prime Minister [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/n/benjamin_netanyahu/index.html?inline=nyt-per]Benjamin Netanyahu[/link] of [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/israel/index.html?inline=nyt-geo]Israel[/link] made a direct appeal on Tuesday to Democrats still troubled by the public feud over the nuclear deal with Iran, appearing at a leading liberal think tank aligned with [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/o/barack_obama/index.html?inline=nyt-per]President Obama[/link] to declare that support for his country in the United States must remain a bipartisan proposition.
I know that my visit here has been a source of some controversy, so I doubly appreciate the invitation, he told Neera Tanden, the groups president, who has been criticized by some progressive advocates for providing a forum for Mr. Netanyahu despite his bare-knuckled tactics in lobbying against the Iran deal.
I came here, he added, because I think its vital to understand how important it is for me that Israel remain an issue of bipartisan consensus.
The relationship with the United States all parts of the United States and the American people is a strategic asset to our national security and our future, the prime minister said
On Tuesday, Ms. Tanden welcomed Mr. Netanyahu cordially but challenged him with some pointed questions about his approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including concerns about Israel settlement activity and violence against [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/p/palestinians/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier]Palestinians[/link]. She also said that progressives had been taken aback by a remark Mr. Netanyahu made on the eve of his re-election that seemed to suggest he wanted to discourage Israeli Arabs from voting.
Mr. Netanyahu disavowed the comment, as he has previously, saying that while he had sought to make a point about a particular group that was opposed to him, the statement was wrong and should not have been said. He said he had personally apologized to [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/p/palestinians/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier]Palestinian[/link] leaders for it, and told them he considered himself the prime minister of each of you.
Netanyahu can be diplomatic, believe it or not.
As for your foot-stomping about the Nazi’s being Socialist, try this discussion:
It is quite interesting to see your discomfort at the comparison. -
So the American Nazi Party, the Aryan Brotherhoods, the White Aryan Resistance, etc are all Socialists?
So the Holocaust was done by Socialists? Palestinian Socialists.
Who knew.
The whole “analysis” of Nazi=Socialist is entirely of 2 arguments, the name, National [i]Socialist[/i] and that under dictatorships, you do as told or else. In other words, “State ownership,” compulsive ersatz socialism.
Thin, very thin. Doing illogical painful acrobatics like that shows that the authors don’t understand the difference. That is their argument, they don’t understand. I mean, “wage and price controls?”
But what specifically established [i]de facto[/i] socialism in Nazi Germany was the introduction of price and wage controls in 1936. These were imposed in response to the inflation of the money supply carried out by the regime from the time of its coming to power in early 1933. The Nazi regime inflated the money supply as the means of financing the vast increase in government spending required by its programs of public works, subsidies, and rearmament. The price and wage controls were imposed in response to the rise in prices that began to result from the inflation.
As I recall, Germany was one of the countries to first exit the Depression. Coincidence?
Nixon was a socialist if that’s all it takes. For that matter, mises.org has a book that argues that we’ve had 40 centuries of wage & price controls.
Really, 40 centuries? That’s a bit earlier than either the Nazis or Socialists, no?
These people have a belief first & then bend arguments & facts to suit that belief. This is nothing to do with the real world. Anymore than the Democratic Republics were Jeffersonian democracies. The name does not define reality.
First and foremost, socialism is an economic theory and Naziism is a nationalist political ideology with a large helping of racism. -
Quote from DoctorDalai
National Socialism still has more in common with regular ol’ Socialism than Capitalism or anything else. Your spirited defense of Socialism really tells the readers all they need to know.
As a matter of fact, the first prisoners in the concentration camps were not Jews but were socialists and leftists. Labor unions were destroyed and funds confiscated. Bolsheviks were the enemy.When the Nazis took over they privatized a number of businesses including banks, steelworks and railroads. Isn’t that the opposite of what you all say socialists do?
Hitler didnt want to exterminate the Jews at the time [of the meeting between the mufti and the Nazi leader]. He wanted to expel the Jews, Netanyahu said. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, If you expel them, theyll all come here [to mandatory Palestine],’ continued the prime minister.
So what should I do with them? He [Hitler] asked, according to Netanyahu. He [Husseini] said, Burn them.’
Haj Amin al-Husseini was one of the leading architects of the Final Solution, he said in 2012 during a speech at the Knesset. He, more than anybody else, convinced [Hitler] to execute the Final Solution, and not let the Jews leave [Europe]. Because, God forbid, they would come here. Rather that they would be annihilated, burned, there.
Seems pretty clear to me -
Interesting Bibi news. His kid might have blabbered about some corruption while drunk with his buddies at a strip club.
I’m only guessing the Israeli strip clubs must be off the hook. -
I suspect the Israeli strip clubs are better than those in the Arab world, but I’ve never been to one in either location.
If Bibi is corrupt, he will be prosecuted and jailed. There are a number of high-level officials who have met that fate. Unlike this country, where the corrupt campaign for their wives and other party members. -
Quote from DoctorDalai
If Bibi is corrupt, he will be prosecuted and jailed. There are a number of high-level officials who have met that fate.
[link=https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-46417300]https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-46417300[/link][i]Israeli police have recommended indicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara for alleged fraud and bribery.[/i]
these leaders with their loser kids
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Interesting Bibi news. His kid might have blabbered about some corruption while drunk with his buddies at a strip club.
I’m only guessing the Israeli strip clubs must be off the hook.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 10, 2015 at 1:28 pm
Quote from DoctorDalai
An interesting take. Judaism and Christianity call for peace, and in theory Islam does as well. Buddhism and the other Eastern religions are mystical and do not call for strife. The problem is generally mankind’s incorrect (sometimes deliberately) interpretation of G-d’s intent.
What Stir fails to mention is that far, far more people have been murdered in the name of Socialism (including National Socialism) / Communism / Maoism etc than anything any organized religion has managed. Like dozens, and even hundreds of millions. Never forget that when you pine for the “revolution”.
No argument there. And, I realize it Dr. D, my post wasn’t to get into the blame game. The only revolution I’m pining for is the one when people stop killing each other in the name of their own particular Sky Wizard, or their take on it. There is vast evidence of science and evolution…there is little to no evidence of Sky Wizards being actually factual. I just find it sad that so many millions have been killed in the name of something that may or may not exist. Why the different sects, and religions cannot worship mother earth, nature, and respect each other is beyond me. -
Why do you liberals lie and expect people to believe you? You and Thor are both pushing a LIE…Netanyahu discussed the FACT that Grand Mufti Husseini urged Hitler to kill Jews. This is not in historical question. To conflate that into “palestinian socialists” causing the Holocaust is intellectual dishonesty of the worst order. But you on the Left are quite familiar with that tactic.
National Socialism still has more in common with regular ol’ Socialism than Capitalism or anything else. Your spirited defense of Socialism really tells the readers all they need to know.-
I think it’s more about the context in which he did it and not the fact that it happened.
I like the idea of a 1 state solution, call it something else other than Israel/Palestine. Make a peace deal that says everyone go about your own business, to each his own. -
Quote from DoctorDalai
Why do you liberals lie and expect people to believe you? You and Thor are both pushing a LIE…Netanyahu discussed the FACT that Grand Mufti Husseini urged Hitler to kill Jews. This is not in historical question. To conflate that into “palestinian socialists” causing the Holocaust is intellectual dishonesty of the worst order. But you on the Left are quite familiar with that tactic.
Where is the information proving the Mufti was the force behind the Holocaust?
When did the Mufti speak to Hitler? Didn’t he meet Hitler in 1941? Wasn’t that after Jews were being rounded up and murdered?
[b]Netanyahu Indicted on Bribery and Fraud Charges [/b]
[b] [/b]
Israels attorney general announced that his office had indicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges after a two-year investigation, [link=https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-prime-minister-benjamin-netanyahu-indicted-bribe-fraud-charges-n977571]NBC News[/link] reports.
The prime minister faces one count of bribery and two counts of fraud and breach of trust.
[link=https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-47399539]BBC[/link]: The prime minister is alleged to have accepted gifts from wealthy businessmen and dispensed favors to try to get more favorable press coverage.-
Ah, the unbearable lightness of Fascism. Like a perfume that allures – sexy.
Fascism becomes provocative and heady in Israel. If Israel starts loving Fascism, what of the rest of the world?
Things are so much simpler under a strong leader who doesn’t let things get in the way.
Netanyahu Charged With Bribery, Fraud and Breach of Trust, Capping a Dramatic Political Year
Netanyahu becomes first sitting prime minister in Israel’s history to be charged with bribery, in case involving quid-pro-quo with telecom tycoon-
[size=”0″]Netanyahu dines with state’s witness against him in Hawaii[/size]
Greece investigates plane crash that killed witness in Benjamin Netanyahu corruption trial[/h1]
Bibi also repeating the fake news story that Biden fell asleep in his meeting with the Israeli PM
[h1]Democrats’ Sympathies in Middle East Shift to Palestinians[/h1]
After a decade in which Democrats have shown increasing affinity toward the Palestinians, their sympathies in the Middle East now lie more with the Palestinians than the Israelis, 49% versus 38%.
Todays attitudes reflect an 11-percentage-point increase over the past year in Democrats sympathy with the Palestinians. At the same time, the percentages sympathizing more with the Israelis (38%) and those not favoring a side (13%) have dipped to new lows.As a result of this years partisan shifts, sympathy toward the Palestinians among U.S. adults is at a new high of 31%, while the proportion not favoring a side is at a new low of 15%. The 54% of Americans sympathizing more with the Israelis is similar to [link=https://news.gallup.com/poll/390737/americans-pro-israel-though-palestinians-gain-support.aspx]last years 55%[/link] but is the lowest since 2005.
Here we go again.
[link=https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jta.org%2F2023%2F04%2F19%2Fpolitics%2Fkevin-mccarthy-to-address-israeli-knesset-amid-chill-in-relations-between-biden-and-netanyahu]Kevin McCarthy to address Israeli Knesset amid chill in relations between Biden and Netanyahu[/link]
The announcement of McCarthys speech comes amid a chill in relations between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Joe Biden, who has repeatedly criticized Netanyahus controversial judicial overhaul plans and other policies. Three weeks ago, soon after Netanyahu announced a pause on the judicial reform, Biden [link=https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jta.org%2F2023%2F03%2F28%2Fisrael%2Fbiden-says-israel-cannot-continue-down-this-road-says-he-wont-invite-netanyahu-soon]said he wouldnt be inviting him to the White House[/link] in the near term. Israeli prime ministers conventionally schedule a White House visit soon after they take office.
The invitation to McCarthy, the most senior Republican in Washington, D.C., appears to be a response to that snub. It also marks a return to a familiar Netanyahu tactic: turning to Republicans to fend off criticism from Democrats.
In a Hebrew-language video announcing McCarthys speech, Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, a Netanyahu ally, called McCarthy a real friend of Israel, with a slight but discernible emphasis on the word real.