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  • Netanyahu Spat In Our Face????

    Posted by julie.young_645 on January 23, 2015 at 10:43 am

    [blockquote] he White Houses outrage over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus plan to speak before Congress in March a move [link=]he failed to coordinate[/link] with the administration began to seep through the diplomatic cracks on Friday, with officials telling Haaretz the Israeli leader had spat in President Barack Obamas face.
    We thought weve seen everything, [link=]the newspaper quoted an unnamed senior US official as saying[/link]. But Bibi managed to surprise even us.

    There are things you simply dont do. He spat in our face publicly and thats no way to behave. [u][i][b]Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price, he said.[/b][/i][/u]
    Officials in Washington said that the chickenshit epithet with which an anonymous administration official branded Netanyahu several months ago was mild compared to the language used in the White House when news of Netanyahus planned speech came in.
    And so it begins, well, really, so it deteriorates. Last I heard, it was Speaker Boehner who INVITED Netanyahu to speak to Congress. But the anti-semitic administration, which can’t easily go after Boehner, will instead target Netanyahu, and blame him for every single portion of the downfall of US-Israeli relations. Mr. Obama has never hid is dislike for Israel and his affinity for Israel’s enemies, and his warped sensibilities will now drag the region down with him. 
    The new Saudi leadership’s alliance with the US is questionable, and Yemen, which Mr. Obama praised three days ago even in light of its terror bases, is now without a government. Now he wishes to get into a pi$$ing contest with Netanyahu. You can bet that the Saudi’s would love for Israel to eliminate the potential disaster of a nuclear Iran, and they may look askance at our administration’s apparent coddling of the terror regime. Is that the price Netanyahu will pay? The US will encourage Iran to build a bomb and drop it on Israel out of Mr. Obama’s spite?
    The world just became an even more dangerous place.
    Spare me your idiotic, incoherant rants about Netanyahu. I think [i]another [/i]leader just proved to the entire planet how deranged he really is. 

    btomba_77 replied 1 year, 10 months ago 17 Members · 506 Replies
  • 506 Replies
  • kaldridgewv2211

    January 23, 2015 at 11:04 am

    Why not leave the religion stuff out of it.  Any one is an Anti-semite if they don’t want to kiss the hind parts of Israel.  The words lose meaning when you toss them out like mardi gras beads
    I don’t really think the US public wants a war with Iran the same way Israel seems to.  The idea that US encourages Iran to build a Nuc out of spite is disingenuous.

    • btomba_77

      January 23, 2015 at 11:18 am

      [h5]If a supporter of Israeli government policies in a discussion calls an opponent in a discussion an anti-semite they are expected to give precise, correct and justifiable reasons for using this term or they will be deemed to have been arguing in bad faith and have lost the argument. [/h5]  
      -Hirsh’s law.
      Dalai wins throwing out claims of antisemitism in post #1
      Good work, Dalai!

      • julie.young_645

        January 23, 2015 at 11:22 am

        Dalai’s 15th Law: Hirsh is an anti-Semite.

        • eyoab2011_711

          January 23, 2015 at 11:45 am

          Dalai’s 1st law…if you disagree with me about Israel you are an anti-semite

          • kayla.meyer_144

            January 23, 2015 at 11:53 am

            Not the 1st time Israel breached diplomacy. It was tried with Reagan & Bush too.

            Though some reports said the original idea for the Netanyahu invitation came from the Republicans, the Israeli daily [i]Haaretz[/i], quoting an unnamed Israeli official, said it grew out a suggestion put forward by Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer during his talks over the past few weeks with Boehner and Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to muster support for the Kirk-Menendez Iran sanctions bill.
            In previous showdowns in Congress with the White House, Israel and its supporters have not fared well. In one of the most famous confrontations, Israel in 1981 tried to block President Ronald Reagans plan to sell AWACS surveillance aircraft to Saudi Arabia, sending its AIPAC supporters to Capitol Hill to stop the sale. But Reagan lobbied hard, and Congress approved the sale.
            Such confrontations also have created unwelcome political fallout for Israeli leaders who sought them. After the elder Bush faced down Shamir over the loan guarantee dispute, Israeli voters tossed Shamir out of office in 1992, largely because he was perceived as having damaged the all-important U.S.-Israel relationship. As Netanyahu prepares for his address to Congress, thats a political lesson he also might want to consider.

          • odayjassim1978_476

            January 23, 2015 at 11:53 am

            to play devil’s advocate some will say this is  treason on JB part

            • kayla.meyer_144

              January 23, 2015 at 12:01 pm

              I think that what this proves beyond a doubt is that in spite of promises by McConnell about wanting to actually govern like responsible elected adults, the Republicans just want to do more of the same & subvert the Administration at any and every opportunity, regardless of the consequences to the Country.

              • odayjassim1978_476

                January 23, 2015 at 12:52 pm

                amen..I hope people protest outside of congress

                Quote from Frumious

                I think that what this proves beyond a doubt is that in spite of promises by McConnell about wanting to actually govern like responsible elected adults, the Republicans just want to do more of the same & subvert the Administration at any and every opportunity, regardless of the consequences to the Country.

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          January 23, 2015 at 1:42 pm

          Quote from DoctorDalai

          Dalai’s 15th Law: Hirsh is an anti-Semite.

          what are Dr. Dalai’s 1st-14th laws?  Inquiring minds want to know!!!

          • julie.young_645

            January 23, 2015 at 2:16 pm

            The 14th law is a secret.

  • odayjassim1978_476

    January 23, 2015 at 6:22 pm

    if I were a member in congress I would boycott the address

    • eyoab2011_711

      January 23, 2015 at 7:43 pm

      I think the current Conservative idea is to simply turn your back on him since they cheered the tactic as responsible when used against De Blasio

      • odayjassim1978_476

        January 23, 2015 at 7:51 pm


        Quote from Thor

        I think the current Conservative idea is to simply turn your back on him since they cheered the tactic as responsible when used against De Blasio

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          January 23, 2015 at 8:34 pm

          No surprise here.
          The US Republican Congress are a bunch of spineless jellyfish who will salivate at the chance to lick the shoes of the pro-settlement anti-peace Netanyahu.
          We all know that AIPAC controls the US Congress.
          If the President of AIPAC Bob Cohen needed his shoes shined, most members of Congress – with a few exceptions – would fight each other tooth and nail – to get a chance to be the first to shine his shoes.
          At least the White House at the present time is somewhat more free of AIPAC control – much to Netanyahu’s dismay.
          In Netanyahu’s ideal world, AIPAC would appoint all US public officials, the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff would take his orders from the IDF Chief of Staff, and the United States Military would the North American division of the IDF – ready to do Israel’s bidding and fight Israel’s wars at a pinch.
          Netanyahu wants Americans to fight Iran – let Bibi fight his own fight.  It’s a fight only Bibi wants – even the Iranians don’t want a fight.
          Iran – unlike Israel – has not invaded another country in over 100 years.
          Israel has nothing to fear from Iran.     

          • odayjassim1978_476

            January 23, 2015 at 10:05 pm

            even Rush had to say to a caller many of the Obama donors were just simple folks who gave 20 to 30 bucks(but just multiple people gave).

            Quote from SadRad

            No surprise here.

            The US Republican Congress are a bunch of spineless jellyfish who will salivate at the chance to lick the shoes of the pro-settlement anti-peace Netanyahu.

            We all know that AIPAC controls the US Congress.

            If the President of AIPAC Bob Cohen needed his shoes shined, most members of Congress – with a few exceptions – would fight each other tooth and nail – to get a chance to be the first to shine his shoes.

            At least the White House at the present time is somewhat more free of AIPAC control – much to Netanyahu’s dismay.

            In Netanyahu’s ideal world, AIPAC would appoint all US public officials, the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff would take his orders from the IDF Chief of Staff, and the United States Military would the North American division of the IDF – ready to do Israel’s bidding and fight Israel’s wars at a pinch.

            Netanyahu wants Americans to fight Iran – let Bibi fight his own fight.  It’s a fight only Bibi wants – even the Iranians don’t want a fight.

            Iran – unlike Israel – has not invaded another country in over 100 years.

            Israel has nothing to fear from Iran.     

            • pratapchandraari_713

              January 23, 2015 at 10:15 pm

              People actually believe Netenayu is right and we should get into a ground war with Iran?  Isn’t that treason???  Won’t Putin be jealous?  IMHO, We are watching the the last gasps of a guy who’s about to lose an election.  
              Is it wrong for me to dislike Likud and pray for a Labor victory?  Is that anti-semitic or not, i i just want to be sure (and apologize if I offended anyone)!??!?   

              • odayjassim1978_476

                January 23, 2015 at 11:55 pm

                Bibi’s kids won’t be fighting a war with the children of USA citizens will be doing that..nice job speaker of the house(pure sarcasm)
                I am sure D will hurl the insult

                Quote from Adeelmd

                People actually believe Netenayu is right and we should get into a ground war with Iran?  Isn’t that treason???  Won’t Putin be jealous?  IMHO, We are watching the the last gasps of a guy who’s about to lose an election.  

                Is it wrong for me to dislike Likud and pray for a Labor victory?  Is that anti-semitic or not, i i just want to be sure (and apologize if I offended anyone)!??!?   

                • odayjassim1978_476

                  January 24, 2015 at 12:32 am

                  will the infamous red line cartoon be shown again by Bibi …

                  • odayjassim1978_476

                    January 24, 2015 at 12:42 am

                    bad graphics in a speech is like Rubio reaching for water..found this on the net

                    • levandungyhn_513

                      January 24, 2015 at 12:55 am

                      When was Boner appointed to invite heads of state and conduct America’s foreign policy?

          • julie.young_645

            January 24, 2015 at 6:33 am

            Quote from SadRad

            No surprise here.

            The US Republican Congress are a bunch of spineless jellyfish who will salivate at the chance to lick the shoes of the pro-settlement anti-peace Netanyahu.

            We all know that AIPAC controls the US Congress.

            If the President of AIPAC Bob Cohen needed his shoes shined, most members of Congress – with a few exceptions – would fight each other tooth and nail – to get a chance to be the first to shine his shoes.

            At least the White House at the present time is somewhat more free of AIPAC control – much to Netanyahu’s dismay.

            In Netanyahu’s ideal world, AIPAC would appoint all US public officials, the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff would take his orders from the IDF Chief of Staff, and the United States Military would the North American division of the IDF – ready to do Israel’s bidding and fight Israel’s wars at a pinch.

            Netanyahu wants Americans to fight Iran – let Bibi fight his own fight.  It’s a fight only Bibi wants – even the Iranians don’t want a fight.

            Iran – unlike Israel – has not invaded another country in over 100 years.

            Israel has nothing to fear from Iran.     

            SadRad, what you have posted here is the worst, basest Anti-Semitic rhetoric from you to date. You have repeated some of the worst anti-Semitic screed out there. I’m quite certain you don’t see that. You believe yourself to be a crusader for the rights of the Palestinians, and now the defender of the Iranians and Grand Protector of the U.S. and the Congress. You believe yourself to be such a nice and fair and wonderful guy. 
            You have really just gone over the top. JEWS control Congress? JEWS this, Jews that? Jews want to control the US and the military? You have absolutely lost it and your delusions have now crossed the line into very dangerous and paranoid territory. Don’t bother hiding behind the AIPAC thing, we know you mean Jews, so be brave enough to say it, although honesty isn’t generally a liberal trait; it is quite clear just whom you think is running the show. Of course, only Dear Leader has the courage to call out this Jewish travesty and resist the thundering horde of….JEWS! 
            Deep in your dark, anti-Semetic hearts, you boys know you are wrong, but that’s part of being a liberal…no rules, no right or wrong, reality is what feels good to say at the moment. 
            Your deep delusional thinking would be amusing if it didn’t betray just how far gone you are. Now IRAN is the peace-loving gentle giant, being picked on by those nasty JEWS of Israel? You have GOT to be kidding! But, no, you do actually believe that, don’t you? Absolutely incredible. IRAN, the state sponsor of the majority of terrorism this world has seen since the Ayatollas came to power? The Iran that daily brags that it will destroy Israel and denies the Holocaust? Just wanted to make sure we are referencing the same country. 
            Let me set you anti-Semites (you are and you know it, but it just feels so bad to be a racist you have to resist the title) straight on one other point. Israel has never asked for the U.S. to fight its battles. In the case of Iran, Israel was going to go it alone, and might still. You may remember that there was a secret plan to work with Azerbaijan in the process of taking out the Iranian nuclear bomb laboratories. Your Dear Leader, the Anti-Semite in Chief, leaked it so as to thwart the Israelis from protecting themselves. Dear Leader is about as delusional as some of you gentlemen, thinking that his golden words alone will bring world peace. After all, he got the Nobel Peace Prize for simply not being Bush, so why not? (He’s now going for the Nobel Prize for literature, fiction division.)
            Israel has not attempted to conquer or destroy any other nation, and you are well aware of it. The major wars have all been defensive, and the lesser battles have been attempts to stop terrorists from continuing their incursions into Israel. That is invading? Of course you deem every breath an Israeli takes an attack on Palestinians and the world in general.
            Every time I think you cannot sink any lower into your liberal, anti-Semitic depravity, you manage to do it anyway. Simply Amazing! You may envision yourself a good and nice person. You are not. Your depth of anger and hatred, masked in your delusional piety, blissful wide-eyed false innocence and ecstasy of thereof, is plain to see. You’ll turn it around and call me names, which is the typical approach of your ilk. Yes, I’m angry, but mostly disappointed in you. That an intelligent man can believe the utter tripe you’ve posted here over the past many years is just incredibly sad. 
            The good news is that you get to save the money you wanted to spend on my lunch. I will not dine with someone who espouses genocidal hatred as you have.

            • kayla.meyer_144

              January 24, 2015 at 6:40 am


              • julie.young_645

                January 24, 2015 at 6:44 am

                One of Frumious’ more intelligent and worthwhile comments.

                • kayla.meyer_144

                  January 24, 2015 at 7:15 am

                  What most people don’t realize is that this is the start of Bibi’s election campaign. But not not as Israeli Prime Minister but as the Republican presidential candidate!
                  Jeb, Christie, Mitt, Huckapoo, give it up for Bibi & get with the program.
                  Next stop, the campaign for American GIs in Tehran! The GOP will re-do the 1953 coup d’etat of Mosaddegh only better this time.

                  • odayjassim1978_476

                    January 24, 2015 at 8:04 am

                    really ..its just another racist insult to our President..did not know that the GOP would stoop so low in their Obama derangement that they would commit treason…if I were a member of congress with an ounce of dignity I would not show up for that some point your character has to say f$$$k it

                    Quote from Frumious

                    What most people don’t realize is that this is the start of Bibi’s election campaign. But not not as Israeli Prime Minister but as the Republican presidential candidate!

                    Jeb, Christie, Mitt, Huckapoo, give it up for Bibi & get with the program.

                    Next stop, the campaign for American GIs in Tehran! The GOP will re-do the 1953 coup d’etat of Mosaddegh only better this time.

                    • julie.young_645

                      January 24, 2015 at 9:57 am

                      Treason? The only people providing aid and comfort to our ENEMIES would be our current administration and those of you who worship them.

                      Racist? I think being an anti-Semite puts you right there, fella.

                    • odayjassim1978_476

                      January 24, 2015 at 11:51 am

                      just declare non citizenship d and catch that plane to Israel where you can avoid military reqiuirement duties like bibi’s kids

                      Quote from DoctorDalai

                      Treason? The only people providing aid and comfort to our ENEMIES would be our current administration and those of you who worship them.

                      Racist? I think being an anti-Semite puts you right there, fella.

                    • julie.young_645

                      January 24, 2015 at 12:13 pm

                      Treason? The only people providing aid and comfort to our ENEMIES would be our current administration and those of you who worship them.

                      Racist? I think being an anti-Semite puts you right there, fella.

            • pratapchandraari_713

              January 24, 2015 at 10:04 am

              Quote from DoctorDalai

              Quote from SadRad

              No surprise here.

              The US Republican Congress are a bunch of spineless jellyfish who will salivate at the chance to lick the shoes of the pro-settlement anti-peace Netanyahu.

              We all know that AIPAC controls the US Congress.

              If the President of AIPAC Bob Cohen needed his shoes shined, most members of Congress – with a few exceptions – would fight each other tooth and nail – to get a chance to be the first to shine his shoes.

              At least the White House at the present time is somewhat more free of AIPAC control – much to Netanyahu’s dismay.

              In Netanyahu’s ideal world, AIPAC would appoint all US public officials, the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff would take his orders from the IDF Chief of Staff, and the United States Military would the North American division of the IDF – ready to do Israel’s bidding and fight Israel’s wars at a pinch.

              Netanyahu wants Americans to fight Iran – let Bibi fight his own fight.  It’s a fight only Bibi wants – even the Iranians don’t want a fight.

              Iran – unlike Israel – has not invaded another country in over 100 years.

              Israel has nothing to fear from Iran.     

              SadRad, what you have posted here is the worst, basest Anti-Semitic rhetoric from you to date. You have repeated some of the worst anti-Semitic screed out there. I’m quite certain you don’t see that. You believe yourself to be a crusader for the rights of the Palestinians, and now the defender of the Iranians and Grand Protector of the U.S. and the Congress. You believe yourself to be such a nice and fair and wonderful guy. 

              You have really just gone over the top. JEWS control Congress? JEWS this, Jews that? Jews want to control the US and the military? You have absolutely lost it and your delusions have now crossed the line into very dangerous and paranoid territory. Don’t bother hiding behind the AIPAC thing, we know you mean Jews, so be brave enough to say it, although honesty isn’t generally a liberal trait; it is quite clear just whom you think is running the show. Of course, only Dear Leader has the courage to call out this Jewish travesty and resist the thundering horde of….JEWS! 

              Deep in your dark, anti-Semetic hearts, you boys know you are wrong, but that’s part of being a liberal…no rules, no right or wrong, reality is what feels good to say at the moment. 

              Your deep delusional thinking would be amusing if it didn’t betray just how far gone you are. Now IRAN is the peace-loving gentle giant, being picked on by those nasty JEWS of Israel? You have GOT to be kidding! But, no, you do actually believe that, don’t you? Absolutely incredible. IRAN, the state sponsor of the majority of terrorism this world has seen since the Ayatollas came to power? The Iran that daily brags that it will destroy Israel and denies the Holocaust? Just wanted to make sure we are referencing the same country. 

              Let me set you anti-Semites (you are and you know it, but it just feels so bad to be a racist you have to resist the title) straight on one other point. Israel has never asked for the U.S. to fight its battles. In the case of Iran, Israel was going to go it alone, and might still. You may remember that there was a secret plan to work with Azerbaijan in the process of taking out the Iranian nuclear bomb laboratories. Your Dear Leader, the Anti-Semite in Chief, leaked it so as to thwart the Israelis from protecting themselves. Dear Leader is about as delusional as some of you gentlemen, thinking that his golden words alone will bring world peace. After all, he got the Nobel Peace Prize for simply not being Bush, so why not? (He’s now going for the Nobel Prize for literature, fiction division.)

              Israel has not attempted to conquer or destroy any other nation, and you are well aware of it. The major wars have all been defensive, and the lesser battles have been attempts to stop terrorists from continuing their incursions into Israel. That is invading? Of course you deem every breath an Israeli takes an attack on Palestinians and the world in general.

              Every time I think you cannot sink any lower into your liberal, anti-Semitic depravity, you manage to do it anyway. Simply Amazing! You may envision yourself a good and nice person. You are not. Your depth of anger and hatred, masked in your delusional piety, blissful wide-eyed false innocence and ecstasy of thereof, is plain to see. You’ll turn it around and call me names, which is the typical approach of your ilk. Yes, I’m angry, but mostly disappointed in you. That an intelligent man can believe the utter tripe you’ve posted here over the past many years is just incredibly sad. 

              The good news is that you get to save the money you wanted to spend on my lunch. I will not dine with someone who espouses genocidal hatred as you have.

              AIPAC = LIKUD, not AIPAC = ALL JEWS.  And there are some people in this country who may think AIPAC has too much say over US policy, in particular US-Israeli foreign policy.   I would love it if more liberal Israeli voices would gain traction to balance out their rhetoric.  For further clarification and to avoid any image of being labeled something I am not, I am a full supporter of Labor party and their agenda. I pray for a more liberal Israel in the near future.   
              And how is suggesting that Bibi would like more influence on the American Government anti-semitic?  That’s why he’s addressing congress, to have more influence on government.  What sad rad said may be innacurate, i may disagree with some of it, but calling it anti-semitism is an insult to the term.  There are real anti-semites out there, and the only differences between you, me and sadrad is in how best to deal with them.  
              Just think about it from Iran’s point of view.  They are never going to get a better chance to join the rest of the world. Remember, they hate ISIS as much as we do, and love oil just as much too!   It may not work, but it has a much better chance of working than boots on the ground or any policy I have heard from Bibi or Likud.   

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            January 25, 2015 at 6:31 pm

            Lets look at the facts:
            1. Iran is on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons. 
            2. Obama has backed down on every occasion giving Iran time and making concessions without reciprocity. 
            3. Iran already possess delivery systems capable of reaching Israel.  
            4. Iran sworn to wipe Israel off the map.
            5. The US is asleep at the wheel, while Obama has been trying to cut a bad deal with Iran.
            Netanyahu is here to tell us what many dreamers don’t want to hear: The current dynamic is a very dangerous and de-stabilizing dynamic. Netanyahu is not trying to get us to go to war for Israel, he’s trying to open our eyes to the gravity of the situation and the risks inherent to the Obama/Kerry concessions. By going to Congress, he makes sure that Israel’s concerns are heard and not swept under the carpet as an inconvenient nuisance. This is why Obama was so incensed.  Obama, the egomaniac that he is, feels like he has to always control the narrative. Netanyahu coming to speak to the US Congress just shoots that out of the water.
            Foreign (allied) leaders speaking to Congress is not a new concept.  Winston Churchill addressed Congress in 1941 in a speech in which he delineated the threat to our way of life, defined the task at hand, the nobility of the cause and warned of upcoming challenges. Churchill famously stated: “Sure I am that this day – now we are the masters of our fate; that the task which has been set us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our cause and an unconquerable will-power, salvation will not be denied us.”
            Bibi has the same intellect, vision and moral clarity as Churchill.  It will benefit our country to hear his perspective in order to cut through the drivel and propaganda fed to us by the left. I’m looking forward to his speech.
            By the way, for the few erudite minds on the forum, here’s an interesting side note on the Churchill / Hitler meeting that never happened in 1932 because of Hitler’s antisemitism:

            • eyoab2011_711

              January 25, 2015 at 6:43 pm

              1. Iran is on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons. 
              —If you listen to Bibi this has been the case for over 20 years
              2. Obama has backed down on every occasion giving Iran time and making concessions without reciprocity. 
              –Not a lot of other options out there.  We can have ineffectual unilateral sanctions; military involvement; or the current course of action.  The first two will guarantee Iran develops a nuclear bomb
              3. Iran already possess delivery systems capable of reaching Israel.
              –So do other countries 
              4. Iran sworn to wipe Israel off the map.
              –Show me where that is anything other than rhetoric.  Show me the last country Iran has invaded.  Does Israel have the capability to destroy Iran with nukes and has Bibi not said he will do whatever it takes to prevent nuclear weapons in Iran?  Is that not rhetoric to destroy Iran?
              5. The US is asleep at the wheel, while Obama has been trying to cut a bad deal with Iran.
              –What deal did W cut besides giving Iraq to Iran as a client state.  What magic deal/solution is out there?

              • eyoab2011_711

                January 25, 2015 at 6:48 pm

                BTW Bibi has spoken at AIPAC and the UN before, we already  know he is going to give the existential threat spew.  I hope he brings the cartoon bomb with him

                • Unknown Member

                  Deleted User
                  January 26, 2015 at 7:00 pm

                  To set a few basic facts straight.

                  When ahmedinijad said “Israel should be wiped off the map” – what he meant – and you can research this yourself if you don’t believe me – is for the Jewish state to be replaced with a predominantly Palestinian state, and for the Jews to return to their countries of origin – and all through PEACEFUL means. (Yes, for those whose eyebrows may be raised, I also believe that a Russian Jew’s real home is in Russia – although I support their right to live anywhere they choose to in the world – including even Israel)

                  But anyway, getting back to topic, NO Iranian leader has openly called for mass violence against Israeli Jews. Not one.

                  Even Khamenei recently said he completely opposes a slaughter of Jews in Israel.

                  So this talk of an existential threat is groundless and baseless.

                  Tomorrow is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. I honestly do believe the Jewish people in Israel can feel secure in the knowledge that it will never happen again.
                  Why is Netanyahu coming here?  Because the US Air Force can take out Iran’s nuclear program more easily than the Israeli Air Force.
                  Bibi wants the US Air Force to fight the war that the the Israeli Air Force either can not or will not fight – all at US taxpayer expense of course. 
                  And US Air Force pilots who are ineligible for Israeli citizenship (unless they happen to be Jewish) and are not Israeli citizens will have to risk their lives for Israel – and that too doing something that does not really need to be done even for Israel’s security.

                  • julie.young_645

                    January 27, 2015 at 5:44 am


                    Of course you approve, don’t you? Moral equivalence among the “there is no good or bad” crowd. I’m out if the country and don’t have time to properly respond to this latest spew of SadRad’s usual dreamy eyed lies. I’m not going to let a delusional one world liberal ruin my good time. I’ll drink one for ya.

                    • eyoab2011_711

                      January 27, 2015 at 10:11 am

                      Israel will award President Barack Obama the country’s Presidential Medal of Distinction during his upcoming visit.
                      Israeli President Shimon Peres’ office said Monday that Obama will be recognized for his “unique and significant contribution to strengthening the State of Israel and the security of its citizens.”

                    • btomba_77

                      January 30, 2015 at 3:48 pm

                      Bibi’s move to make US-Israeli relations so partisan is starting to hurt him at home.  
                      I think he has poorly served in this by the tactics/advide given by his Ambassador.  Ron Dermer is GOP partisan of the first order, closely linked to the Bush family and US GOP party politics.
                      Bibi picked him, and that was a mistake.
                      I’ll put down money that Dermer doesn’t make it out of 2015 as the Ambassador.  While Obama has to at least make some appearance at playing nice with the Prime Minister, the Ambassador is likely persona non grata already.

  • levandungyhn_513

    January 24, 2015 at 12:55 am


  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    January 24, 2015 at 12:38 pm

    AIPAC and Jews are far from being the same

    In fact the majority of American Jews don’t support AIPAC.

    The majority of American Jews also vote democratic – they must be self hating Jews who don’t really know what it means to be a Jew, right dr Dalai ?

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      January 24, 2015 at 12:44 pm

      Real Jews support expansion of settlements in the West Bank, expelling Arabs from eretz Israel, support Israel starting wars with neighbors, support the US bombing Iran, and idolize the late rabbi Kahane.

      If you’re a Jew and you don’t support all the above things,you’re a self hating self loathing Jew who does not know what it means to be a true Jew.

      And if you’re a non Jew and you don’t support the real Jews as defined above, you’re a raging anti-Semite.
      I’ve been accurate in making these statements, right Dr Dalai?

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        January 25, 2015 at 5:53 am

        On a more serious note, everyone please write to or call your member of congress and to your US Senator and ask them to boycott Netantahus speech.

        It’s bound to be a hateful speech and will ask congress to create new sanctions on Iran.

        The aim is to kill the negotiation process , scuttle any chance of peace and increase the chance of armed conflict with Iran.

        Ask your elected representatives to boycott the warmongers speech – which is utterly our of line with established diplomatic protocol.

        The US president – not the House Speaker – normally invites foreign leaders to address Congress.

        • 19462008

          January 25, 2015 at 5:20 pm

          I’ll call. Just as soon as Iran recognizes the state of Israel. A very simple request.

  • odayjassim1978_476

    January 27, 2015 at 1:41 pm

    I guess to smooth some feathers

    Quote from Thor

    Israel will award President Barack Obama the country’s Presidential Medal of Distinction during his upcoming visit.
    Israeli President Shimon Peres’ office said Monday that Obama will be recognized for his “unique and significant contribution to strengthening the State of Israel and the security of its citizens.”


    • btomba_77

      January 27, 2015 at 2:41 pm

      Quote from Noah’sArk

      I guess to smooth some feathers

      Quote from Thor

      Israel will award President Barack Obama the country’s Presidential Medal of Distinction during his upcoming visit.
      Israeli President Shimon Peres’ office said Monday that Obama will be recognized for his “unique and significant contribution to strengthening the State of Israel and the security of its citizens.”


      Umm… this article is 2 years old from when Peres was President.

      • eyoab2011_711

        January 27, 2015 at 5:38 pm

        But Obama has supposedly been hostile to Israel his whole life…perhaps this suggests Bibi is the problem not our President

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          January 27, 2015 at 6:56 pm

          Anything to make “Dear leader ” look good. He loves the attention.  Maybe they can give him the Nobel Peace Prize, for doing nothing. … oh, wait! They already did that.

          • eyoab2011_711

            January 28, 2015 at 9:09 am

            Demeaning an award given by Israel?  You anti-semite

            • julie.young_645

              January 28, 2015 at 8:23 pm


              It’s ok for Obama to attempt to influence a foreign election but a travesty and a crime for Netanyahu to accept an invitation to speak to Congress? I do believe we’ve entered the Twilight Zone.

              And Thor, feel free to mock me all you wish. Those who denigrate israel and ignore the murderous behavior of its neighbors do so for one reason and you know just what that is. You said above that you hold Israel to a higher standard. And that Iran was just kidding about wishing to destroy Israel. So….. Sounds to me like Thor is an even greater racist than he originally portrayed himself. Are we to believe that Arabs/Muslims are EXPECTED to lie and kill? Because that is EXACTLY what you are implying.

              I sure hope your program director doesn’t read the vile things you put here.

              • Unknown Member

                Deleted User
                January 28, 2015 at 8:48 pm

                For the record,
                Iranian President Hasan Rouhani has not traveled to any country asking it to use its own Air Force to bomb Israeli nuclear facilities.  This despite the fact that we all know Israel has a nuclear weapons program which could be used  someday.
                On the other hand, the Israeli PM is traveling to the US to ask the US Air Force to bomb Iran.
                Who is the actual instigator of violence here?
                Is it Netanyahu?  Or is it Rouhani?
                You know the answer.
                Does Bibi not understand that bombing Iran will kill Iranians and create widows and orphans? – Oh I forgot, since only non-Jews would be killed in an attack on Iran, their lives don’t matter to Bibi.

                • kayla.meyer_144

                  January 29, 2015 at 5:57 am

                  Making Obama & America Israel’s enemy is not playing well in Israel.

                  • julie.young_645

                    January 29, 2015 at 6:09 am


                    You cast the animals running Iran as innocent? When you support and approve of evil, you become evil yourself.

                    Israel simply wanted to take care of the problem itself and was thwarted by the pacifist dreamers in the White House. The world is a far more dangerous place thanks to their foolishness.

                    • odayjassim1978_476

                      January 29, 2015 at 7:50 am

                      BIbi supported 2 losers,,,stay out of American politics.. his star is fading…change is good

                    • julie.young_645

                      January 29, 2015 at 7:31 pm


                      Read every last word. Decide if you want to believe the lies and bias of the media. Acceptance of evil is encouragement of evil, and it makes the believer equally evil. This is where you boys are headed with your belief in the antisemitic lies you have spread here.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      January 29, 2015 at 8:39 pm

                      AdeleMD, Thor, Noah’s Ark,
                      DrDalai – as I understand his post –  is accusing all of us – and especially me I assume – of being “anti-Semetic”.
                      Any of you care to respond to these baseless allegations?
                      For years, he’s been calling me an anti-Semite (which by the way I have never been, am not and will never be).
                      I’m burned out refuting his charges of “anti-Semetism”

                    • odayjassim1978_476

                      January 30, 2015 at 12:09 am

                      I have told him it’s inappropriate and baseless multiple times but imho his insanity on the issue’s his protective blanket whenever he hits a wall on facts mentioned on a legitimate debate.  I feel for him because I know the pain he feels living in an area that he does but he won’t get into the gulf club but don’t let that cripple you from logic..Bibi doesn’t give squat about him or the people of Israel…he just cares about power IMHO
                      my mother told me the story of how she was riding the bus as a child and they hit some perceived area where the bus driver gets up and say all nigra##s to the back…her mother got up to move and he said oh I was not talking to you but to the little nig## Grandmother said Sir this is my daughter and walked to the back of the forward to me as a bouncing baby on the bus and a white female walks up to my mother what a sweet looking child/how long have you been employed to take care of the baby…painful but make your haters your motivators

                      Quote from SadRad

                      AdeleMD, Thor, Noah’s Ark,

                      DrDalai – as I understand his post –  is accusing all of us – and especially me I assume – of being “anti-Semetic”.

                      Any of you care to respond to these baseless allegations?

                      For years, he’s been calling me an anti-Semite (which by the way I have never been, am not and will never be).

                      I’m burned out refuting his charges of “anti-Semetism”

                    • julie.young_645

                      January 30, 2015 at 7:23 am

                      Baseless? Hardly. Go back and read your posts from the past many years denigrating everything Israel does. Then count up the number of similar posts against any other people or nation. The ratio will be about 50:1.

                      I’m not surprised you are unable to acknowledge what this makes you. Dear sweet pacifist doves couldn’t possibly be evil racists. But your posts say otherwise.

                    • eyoab2011_711

                      January 30, 2015 at 10:04 am

                      Thanks Dalai…the intellectual equivalent of you didn’t complain when my sister did it.  Perhaps we simply expect better from Israel while you choose to accept a moral equivalence between Israel and its neighbors

                    • julie.young_645

                      January 30, 2015 at 11:36 am

                      I don’t think you even begin to understand what comes out of your keyboard.

                    • julie.young_645

                      January 30, 2015 at 12:55 pm

                      More and more,your mentality is being recognized for what it is. Sacrificing Israel to Iran won’t save the U.S.; it will simply hasten our own destruction. But of course you gentlemen are far too immersed in your own hatreds to understand that.


                      Noah, I’m particularly disappointed in you. Your experiences of discrimination should make you less likely to be a hater. But somehow you can be devastated by being called a name when I’m expected to stand by and applaud the murder of Israelis. You think maybe you need to rethink a few things?

  • eyoab2011_711

    January 29, 2015 at 10:36 am

    At first I thought those images were from a Sarah Palin ad…unfortunately and sadly the assassination game is being played on both sides.  I realize you believe only Israel in justified when they carry out targeted assassination.
    As for acting, there is no rein on Bibi.  He is free to attack Iran any time he wants and if Bibi had real conviction he would do it himself.  The problem is he won’t do it unless he has us covering his behind and paying the price for his foolishness

    • pratapchandraari_713

      January 29, 2015 at 2:02 pm

      People have got to stop treating Iran (and other middle eastern countries) like they are a single person with one mind.   Geez, there are liberals in Iran DESPERATE to get a deal with the west.  Beyond the liberals, I can’t imagine a business owner in Iran who wouldn’t be for lifting of sanction no matter what the cost.   They are having the same liberal versus conservative debates about what the next step should be.   I want to give those liberal Iranian voices more influence and power in their government, and this peace process is just the start.  
      Whatever your views, stop thinking of countries as people.   Conservatives on both sides want to escalate tensions and liberals want to de-escalate, that’s the bottom line.  

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        January 29, 2015 at 7:10 pm

        Agree with adelmd

        I’d like to see the liberals and doves and in power everywhere – Washington, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Tehran.
        Link to an interesting article from right here on about how our Iranian radiologist brethren are suffering under sanctions.
        I would hate to see one of our radiologist brethren in Iran be maimed or killed in an USAF or IDF air strike and then simply referred to as “collateral damage”.

  • odayjassim1978_476

    January 30, 2015 at 2:08 pm

    you are so delusional imho…lost credibility on this issue years ago…I had hoped that your trip away would have rested you…have a nice day…your post are so divisive and nasty

    Quote from DoctorDalai

    More and more,your mentality is being recognized for what it is. Sacrificing Israel to Iran won’t save the U.S.; it will simply hasten our own destruction. But of course you gentlemen are far too immersed in your own hatreds to understand that.


    Noah, I’m particularly disappointed in you. Your experiences of discrimination should make you less likely to be a hater. But somehow you can be devastated by being called a name when I’m expected to stand by and applaud the murder of Israelis. You think maybe you need to rethink a few things?

  • btomba_77

    January 30, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    Ooh.. and it gets even better today.
    Now Dermer is putting the blame on Boehner.   It’s steaming pile of sh*t being tossed around.

    Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer believes any blame for a rift between the White House and House Speaker John Boehner rests solely with the speaker and not the Israeli government.
    In an [link=]interview [/link]with The Atlantics Jeffrey Goldberg published Friday, Dermer said it was the speakers responsibility and normal protocol for the speakers office to notify the administration about Boehners invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before Congress.
    Dermer told Goldberg that he negotiated the March 3 date for the speech directly with the speakers office, assuming that Republican congressional leaders would then inform the administration.
    For this reason, Dermer said, he chose not to relay news of the speech to Secretary of State John Kerry during a two-hour meeting the day before Boehners announcement. The administration ultimately heard about the speech on the morning before it was announced publicly, and reacted with furious anonymous quotes to various news outlets to what it perceived as a serious breach of diplomatic protocol.

    Suuuuuurrre.     *rolls eyes*

    • julie.young_645

      January 30, 2015 at 4:33 pm

      So you blame Netanyahu and now his subordinate Dermer and not boehner who actually did the inviting? Your hatred for Israel is even greater than that for conservatives? Who would have guessed.

      And Noah,the proper version of your usual quote is…that is the pot calling the kettle black. It is pretty clear that you don’t even read what is posted. You just spout off more angry gibberish that goes straight to file 13 for the vast majority of readers. Probably all of them really.

      • btomba_77

        January 30, 2015 at 4:38 pm

        It is almost beyond credulity to think that neither Bibi nor his Ambassador knew that the White House was out of the loop on the invite.
        And in the small percentage chance that they were, they stupid and sloppy to accept without checking first.
        Liars or incompetent… one of the two.  I favor the former, but could be the latter I suppose.

      • odayjassim1978_476

        January 30, 2015 at 4:39 pm

        get some rest this weekend your gibberish is delusional

        Quote from DoctorDalai

        So you blame Netanyahu and now his subordinate Dermer and not boehner who actually did the inviting? Your hatred for Israel is even greater than that for conservatives? Who would have guessed.

        And Noah,the proper version of your usual quote is…that is the pot calling the kettle black. It is pretty clear that you don’t even read what is posted. You just spout off more angry gibberish that goes straight to file 13 for the vast majority of readers. Probably all of them really.

        • eyoab2011_711

          January 30, 2015 at 5:09 pm

          Just another raging anti-semite I guess

          Here are five reasons Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should politely decline[b] [/b]
          [b]Its inappropriate.[/b]
          [b]It will damage Israels image in the United States[/b]
          [b] [/b][b]It is not good for the American debate over Iran[/b]
          [b] [/b] [b]It is not good for Congress.[/b] [b] [/b]
          [b]It fails the Churchill test.[/b]

          When even Kagan is against you it is time to rethink

          • julie.young_645

            January 30, 2015 at 5:46 pm

            Why are all of you blaming Netanyahu and not a word about Boehneemr? Hmmm?

            • Unknown Member

              Deleted User
              January 30, 2015 at 8:46 pm

              Netanyahu had to come and make the case against a deal with Iran. While we have been distracted with other issues, Obama has agreed to 80% of the Iranian’s demands.  Obama an Kerry are being played like the tools that they are. Netanyahu is going to make the case of why the deal Obama is cooking behind the scenes is a bad deal. Don’t you want to hear his side of the argument?  What is Obama so afraid of?
              [i]”[b]It is quite possible that, by the time Obama leaves office, no other country on Earth will have gained quite so much as Iran.”[/b][/i]

              • pratapchandraari_713

                January 31, 2015 at 1:42 am

                80%?? I thought it was 79% of Iran’s demands; that totally changes everything!!! 
                Guys, 80% of Iran’s demands are being MET!! Obama’s going to lift the sanctions and personally airlift supplies to the Iranians on air force one while we are all watching the superbowl!!   He’s going to pass an executive order requiring all of us to wear turbans and eat hummus, as commanded by his Saudi overlords!
                Noooo, $40 dollar oil + economic sanctions isn’t hurting Iran to the point desperation.  Nooooo, There can’t be an Iranian government official who really wants peace, that’s impossible!  Nooooo, Iranians are very strong and powerful and if we don’t beat them up first they are going to destroy our way of life!  Nooooo, we MUST shape our foreign policy to the whim of an Israeli political party that is about to lose an election because of their failed policies.   

                • julie.young_645

                  January 31, 2015 at 2:50 am

                  How’s the family back in Teheran, Adeel?

                  Here’s another piece from the rather liberal Washington Post:


                  “The fact that Netanyahu felt compelled to speak directly to Congress in order to oppose the administrations position speaks poorly, not of Netanyahu, but of Obama. If the leader of one of our closest allies is so worried about the deal Obama is going to cut with Iran that he is willing to risk a diplomatic rift with the administration to speak out, perhaps the problem is not with Israel, but with the Obama administration. And it is not just Israel that opposes Obamas deal with Iran; Arab leaders have made clear that they share Israels view.”

                  But it’s ok. Thor tells us that Arabs and Iranians are a murderous lot, and so we don’t even bother to point out their crimes. Must be the Jews’ fault anyway. Oh, and when Iran says for the 45th time that they plan to wipe Israel off the map, we shouldn’t believe that because they are just a bunch of liars. I feel so much better. Netanyahu can stay home. Thor and our current administration have his back. Right.

                  • pratapchandraari_713

                    February 1, 2015 at 7:07 am

                    Quote from DoctorDalai

                    How’s the family back in Teheran, Adeel?

                    Here’s another piece from the rather liberal Washington Post:


                    “The fact that Netanyahu felt compelled to speak directly to Congress in order to oppose the administrations position speaks poorly, not of Netanyahu, but of Obama. If the leader of one of our closest allies is so worried about the deal Obama is going to cut with Iran that he is willing to risk a diplomatic rift with the administration to speak out, perhaps the problem is not with Israel, but with the Obama administration. And it is not just Israel that opposes Obamas deal with Iran; Arab leaders have made clear that they share Israels view.”

                    But it’s ok. Thor tells us that Arabs and Iranians are a murderous lot, and so we don’t even bother to point out their crimes. Must be the Jews’ fault anyway. Oh, and when Iran says for the 45th time that they plan to wipe Israel off the map, we shouldn’t believe that because they are just a bunch of liars. I feel so much better. Netanyahu can stay home. Thor and our current administration have his back. Right.

                    the truth can hurt, but may on occasion, give birth to wisdom.  

                    • ruszja

                      February 1, 2015 at 8:06 am

                      Quote from Adeelmd


                      the truth can hurt, but may on occasion, give birth to wisdom.  

                      Quoting a Haaretz editorial to argue a point about the israeli PM is like quoting Fox to comment on the current US president.

            • btomba_77

              February 6, 2015 at 9:21 am

              Quote from DoctorDalai

              Why are all of you blaming Netanyahu and not a word about Boehneemr? Hmmm?

              Another Israeli official makes the claim it was Boehner’s fault.

              “It appears that the speaker of Congress made a move, in which we trusted, but which it ultimately became clear was a one sided move and not a move by both sides,” Deputy Israeli Foreign Minister Tzachi Hanegbi told 102 FM Tel Aviv Radio on Friday.
              The interviewer asked if that meant Netanyahu had been “misled” into believing Boehner’s invitation was bipartisan, a characterization Hanegbi did not contest.


              • Unknown Member

                Deleted User
                February 6, 2015 at 10:09 am

                What exactly is the problem with the Majority Leader in the US House of Representatives inviting a head-of-state to address the Congress?  Are the opponents of the invitation so beholden to Obama that they are afraid to hear what the guy with the most at stake in the Middle East has to say about Obama’s secret negotiations with Iran? Are we to be see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing monkeys?
                The US has an ineffective foreign policy leader, a leader who is hell-bent on forfeiting the US traditional role as the leader of the free world and its moral high ground. We are now thrust into a world of moral relativism where enemies’ actions are justified by any number of historical and/or racial grievances, military action is preemptively ruled out and the only things we stand for are global warming and gay rights. Allies are treated like enemies, enemies are appeased and rewarded, hard work and success are attenuated by redistribution and punitive taxation, retirement savings are to be double taxed, intelligence is dismembered, national security is treated like poker chips and we apologize for military strength.
                Alice in Wonderland anybody? I think that it is time to ignore the lame duck idiot at the White House and have the other two branches of government go about the adult business of running the country.

                • julie.young_645

                  February 6, 2015 at 10:47 am

                  If Boehner had invited ANY other world leader to speak, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. What does that tell you?

                  • eyoab2011_711

                    February 6, 2015 at 10:58 am

                    Has Boehner invited ANY other leader to speak in front of Congress?
                    Don’t look now but Bibi is running for the exits and laying tire tracks on Boehner (so much for principled)

                    • eyoab2011_711

                      February 6, 2015 at 11:04 am

                      Sure nothing unusual at all….

                      The Hall of the House shall be used only for the legislative business of the House and for caucus and conference meetings of its Members, except when the House agrees to take part in any ceremonies to be observed therein. The Speaker may not entertain a motion for the suspension of this clause.
                      As precedent has evolved, however, the House has tended to use unanimous consent, rather than a resolution, for the purpose of receiving a foreign leader.
                      A Joint Session of Congress has been used almost exclusively to receive the Presidents State of the Union Address (prior to 1942 called the Annual Message), other presidential addresses, and the counting of electoral votes for the President and Vice President of the U.S. Both chambers follow a formal procedure to establish these occasions by adopting a concurrent resolution. Only twice have foreign dignitaries addressed a Joint Session of Congress: French Ambassador Andre de Laboulaye (20 May 1934), to mark the centennial of the death of the Marquis de Lafayette, and Cuban Ambassador Guillermo Belt (19 April 1948), to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Cuban independence after the Spanish-American War in 1898.


                    • julie.young_645

                      February 6, 2015 at 11:04 am

                      All you need to know…from your own link:
                      [blockquote]Netanyahu indicated Thursday that he intended to go ahead with this speech, saying it was my obligation as the prime minister of Israel to speak out against the danger of a nuclear agreement with Iran, and to do everything I can to prevent it.
                      [/blockquote] If ANY other world leader had been invited, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.  You know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it. You can continue to protest all you wish.

                    • eyoab2011_711

                      February 6, 2015 at 11:12 am

                      House speaker John Boehner has invited Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on February 11. The invitation is meant to be a repudiation of President Obama’s Iran policy, according to a draft Boehner’s prepared remarks this morning to the House Republican conference.
                      You may have seen that on Friday, the president warned us not to move ahead with sanctions on Iran, a state sponsor of terror. His exact message to us was: ‘Hold your fire.’ He expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran. Two words: ‘Hell no!’ were going to do no such thing,” Boehner’s expected to tell his fellow Republicans.
                      So today I will announce that I am inviting the Prime Minister of Israel, a great friend of this country, to address a joint meeting of Congress next month.
                      Nothing political whatsoever…
                      The key word remains “intended”…Someone he did not say would definitely when given the opportunity

                    • julie.young_645

                      February 6, 2015 at 11:14 am

                      And as usual for liberals, the truth is limited to what they wish to say it is. Anyone who wishes to look further at Thor’s link would find this:
                      DateAddresses by Foreign Heads-of-State and Dignitaries[sup]1[/sup] September 18, 2014 Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. May 8, 2013 Park Geun Hye, President of  Republic of Korea [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. October 13, 2011 Lee Myung-bak, President of Republic of Korea [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. May 24, 2011 Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. March 9, 2011 Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia[link=] addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. May 20, 2010 Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, President of Mexico [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link].[i] [/i] November 3, 2009 Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. March 4, 2009 Gordon Brown, Prime Minster of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. April 30, 2008 Bertie Ahern, Prime Minister of Ireland addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. November 7, 2007 Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. March 7, 2007  King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. July 26, 2006 Dr. Nouri Al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 7, 2006 Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of Latvia addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. May 24, 2006 Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. March 15, 2006 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. March 1, 2006 Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  July 19, 2005 Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. April 6, 2005 Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. September 23, 2004 Ayad Allawi, Interim Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 15, 2004 Hamid Karzai, Prime Minister of the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. February 4, 2004 Jose Maria Aznar, President of the Government of Spain addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. July 17, 2003 Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 12, 2002 John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. The scheduled address by Prime Minister John Howard of Australia to a [link=]Joint Meeting of Congress on September 12, 2001[/link], was cancelled. September 6, 2001 Vicente Fox, President of Mexico addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. September 14, 2000 Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of India addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. July 15, 1998 Emil Constantinescu, President of Romania, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 10, 1998 Kim Dae-jung, President of South Korea, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. February 27, 1997 Eduardo Frei, President of Chile, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. September 11, 1996 John Bruton, Prime Minister of Ireland, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. July 10, 1996 Benyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. February 1, 1996 Jacques Chirac, President of France, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. December 12, 1995 Shimon Peres, Prime Minister of Israel, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 26, 1995 Kim Yong-sam, President of South Korea, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. October 6, 1994 Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. July 26, 1994 Hussein I, King of Jordan, and Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. May 18, 1994 Narasimba Rao, Prime Minister of India, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 17, 1992 Boris Yeltsin, President of Russia, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. April 30, 1992 Richard von Weizsäcker, President of Germany, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. November 14, 1991 Carlos Saul Menem, President of Argentina, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. May 16, 1991 Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. April 16, 1991 Violeta B. de Chamorro, President of Nicaragua, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 26, 1990 Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress, South Africa, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. March 7, 1990 Giulio Andreotti, President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. February 21, 1990 Vaclav Hável, President of Czechoslovakia, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. November 15, 1989 Lech Walesa, chairman of Solidarnoœæ labor union, Poland, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. November 18, 1989 Roh Tae Woo, President of South Korea, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. October 4, 1989 Carlos Salinas de Gortari, President of Mexico, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 7, 1989 Benazir Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 23, 1988 Robert Hawke, Prime Minister of Australia, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. April 27, 1988 Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. November 10, 1987 Chaim Herzog, President of Israel, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. September 18, 1986 Corazon C. Aquino, President of the Philippines, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. September 11, 1986 Jose Sarney, President of Brazil, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. October 9, 1985 Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 13, 1985 Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. March 20, 1985 Raul Alfonsin, President Argentina, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress March 6, 1985 Bettino Craxi, President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. February 20, 1985 Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. May 16, 1984 Miguel de la Madrid, President of Mexico, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. March 22, 1984 François Mitterand, President of France, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. March 15, 1984 Dr. Garett FitzGerald, Prime Minister of Ireland, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. October 5, 1983 Karl Carstens, President of West Germany, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. April 21, 1982 Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  February 22, 1977 Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau of Canada addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. September 23, 1976 President William R. Tolbert, Jr., of Liberia addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 2, 1976 Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  May 18, 1976 President Valery Giscard dEstaing of France addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  March 17, 1976 Prime Minister Liam Cosgrave of Ireland addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  January 28, 1976 Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  November 5, 1975 President Anwar El Sadat of Egypt addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 17, 1975 President Walter Scheel of West Germany addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  June 15, 1972  President Luis Echeverria Alvarez of Mexico addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 3, 1970 President Rafael Caldera of Venezuela addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. February 25, 1970 President Georges Pompidou of France addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  October 27, 1967 President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mexico addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  September 15, 1966 President Ferdinand E. Marcos of the Philippines addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  May 28, 1964 President Eamon de Valera of Ireland addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  January 15, 1964 President Antonio Segni of Italy addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. April 12, 1962 Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Shahanshah of Iran, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  April 4, 1962 President Joao Goulart of Brazil addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. September 21, 1961 President Manuel Prado of Peru [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. July 12, 1961 President Mohammad Ayub Khan of Pakistan [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link].  May 4, 1961 President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  June 29, 1960 Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  April 28, 1960 Mahendra, King of Nepal addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  April 25, 1960 President Charles de Gaulle of France addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  April 6, 1960 President Alberto Lleras-Camargo of Columbia addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  May 12, 1959 Baudouin, King of the Belgians, addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. May 18, 1959 President Sean T. OKelly of Ireland addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  March 11, 1959 President Jose Maria Lemus of El Salvador addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  January 21, 1959 President Arturo Frondizi of Argentina addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 18, 1958 President Carlos F. Garcia of the Philippines addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  June 5, 1958 President Theodor Heuss of West Germany addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. May 9, 1957 President Ngo Dinh Diem of Vietnam [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link].  May 17, 1956 President Sukarno of Indonesia addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  February 29, 1956 President Giovanni Gronchi of Italy addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. January 27, 1955 President Paul E. Magliore of Haiti addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  July 28, 1954 President Syngman Rhee of South Korea [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. May 28, 1954 Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress.  May 4, 1954 Governor General Vincent Massey of Canada addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. January 29, 1954 President Celal Bayar of Turkey addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. April 3, 1952  Queen Juliana of the Netherlands [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. January 17, 1952 Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link]. September 24, 1951 Prime Minister Alcide de Gasperi of Italy addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. June 21, 1951 President Galo Plaza of Ecuador [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link].  April 2, 1951 President Vincent Auriol of France addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. May 19, 1949 President Gaspar Dutra of Brazil addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. April 19, 1948 Ambassador Guillermo Belt of Cuba addressed a Joint Session of Congress held to memorialize the 50th anniversary of Cuban independence.  May 1, 1947 President Miguel Aleman of Mexico addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. November 13, 1945 Prime Minister Clement R. Attlee of the United Kingdom addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. May 19, 1943 Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. December 26, 1941 Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. May 20, 1934 Ambassador Andre de Laboulaye of France addressed a Joint Session of Congress held to memorialize the centennial anniversary of the death of Lafayette. December 18, 1874 A Joint Meeting of Congress is held to receive King Kalakaua of Hawaii.  
                      No doubt the table won’t reproduce properly, but there are dozens of other instances of foreign leaders addressing a Joint Session. Did the President approve each and every instance? I really don’t care. 
                      Let me repeat it so you grasp that your intentions are very clear to everyone here:

                    • btomba_77

                      February 6, 2015 at 11:17 am

                      Quote from DoctorDalai

                      If ANY other world leader had been invited, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.  You know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it. You can continue to protest all you wish.

                      No. I don’t think that’s true at all.
                      I think if it was any other controverisal leader we would absolutely be discussing it as a protocol breach.
                      If it was Castro it would be huge news.  Putin..huge news.   Ahmadinejad .. huge news.
                      There are a range of world leaders for whom the degree of the breech of protocol would be considered a significant affront to foreign policy role of the executive branch.
                      Even if it was the Danish pm or someone relatively non-controversial it would have been bad form … it just wouldn’t become news.

                    • julie.young_645

                      February 6, 2015 at 11:20 am

                      I respectfully disagree with you, Dergon. You [i]will [/i]see Raul (or maybe Fidel) invited before too much longer, although the invite will come from the White House and not the Speaker.

                    • eyoab2011_711

                      February 6, 2015 at 11:25 am

                      Ok so there is a difference between a joint session and a joint meeting…probably sloppiness by the press on categorizing what Netanyahu has been invited to…you are correct joint meetings are different
                      Of course Bibi has been invited and spoken before without the outcry…because unlike then Boehner actually communicated with the WH and it was not a naked political power play
                      May 24, 2011 Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel [link=]addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress[/link].

                    • btomba_77

                      February 6, 2015 at 12:38 pm

                      Quote from DoctorDalai

                      I respectfully disagree with you, Dergon. You [i]will [/i]see Raul (or maybe Fidel) invited before too much longer, although the invite will come from the White House and not the Speaker.

                      What I’m saying is … it’s not just because it is Netanyhahu that it is an issue. You said that if it was any other world leader we wouldn’t be talking about it.
                      But let’s flip it around. Nancy Pelosi invites Castro without the approval President Rubio.  
                      You bet your a** that’s news and a three page thread.

                    • julie.young_645

                      February 6, 2015 at 12:40 pm

                      President Rubio!? Now THAT’S news!

  • btomba_77

    January 31, 2015 at 6:19 am

    Quote from DoctorDalai

    Why are all of you blaming Netanyahu and not a word about Boehneemr? Hmmm?

    I think Boehner’s role is clear.
    I fully agree it was unprofessional, bad politics, bad precedent.
    But I think we all know he didn’t act alone either.

    • btomba_77

      January 31, 2015 at 7:25 am

      Unfortunately, there is nothing that President Obama can do about Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, or John A. Boehner, the speaker of the House, for their deliberate snub of the White House in arranging the prime ministers invitation to address Congress.
      There is, however, very definitely something he can do about Ron Dermer, the Israeli ambassador, who, in a long meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry, failed to mention the imminent Boehner-Netanyahu announcement. Defiantly, Mr. Dermer told The Times that he has no regrets whatsoever about his conduct.
      It is clearly within the prerogative, either of President Obama or Mr. Kerry, to declare Mr. Dermer persona non grata, and to send him home. That might give Mr. Dermer some regrets.
      At the very least, after Mr. Dermers demonstrated contempt for our president, that action would surely please a great many American Jews, including this one.
      RON BONN

      Quite exemplary of the worsening alienation of Americans jews caused by this breech of protocol.

      • ruszja

        January 31, 2015 at 8:39 am

        Big theater about nothing.

        • eyoab2011_711

          January 31, 2015 at 10:22 am

          Here’s another piece from the rather liberal Washington Post:

          The rather “Liberal” Washington Post…the one who is owned by Jeff Bezos?  The one whose editorial page is run by Fred Hiatt…one of the chief supporters of the invasion of Iraq?  The one that runs Charles Krauthammer weekly?  The one that has given defender of torture Marc Thiessen a weekly platform?  The one that publishes George Will a twice weekly column?  The one that allows Jennifer Rubin to incessently blog nonsense in the defense of Bibi?
          That Washington Post?
          By the way since I read the post does that make it anti-semitic?

          • eyoab2011_711

            January 31, 2015 at 10:25 am

            Do you believe military action against Iran will solve the problem or harden their resolve to develop nuclear weapons and wipe Israel from the face of the earth?  What do you believe you are accomplishing?

            • julie.young_645

              February 1, 2015 at 11:47 am

              Quote from Thor


              Do you believe military action against Iran will solve the problem or harden their resolve to develop nuclear weapons and wipe Israel from the face of the earth?  What do you believe you are accomplishing?

              A very reasonable question, Thor, although you imply that I have some say in the matter, which I don’t, for better or worse. 
              Here are the facts as I see them.
              Iran is on the road to creating one or more nuclear weapons. No one really disputes this. They have missiles capable of delivering a nuclear warhead anywhere in Israel, which is not very far away from Tehran. 
              The Iranians support terror throughout the region. Even the Saudis and Egyptians don’t like them much.
              The political and religious (blurred margins at best) leadership has been ranting about destroying Israel, Jews, and America for that matter for many years. 
              Within said leadership are those who believe in an apocalyptic “twelfth Mahdi” scenario.
              There are moderates within Iran who could have been supported in an “Iranian Spring” to bring democracy to Iran but our administration ignored them completely.
              Our administration continues to channel Neville Chamberlain with respect to this issue, thinking we can achieve peace with no stick (and no carrot beyond allowing the WMD to come to fruition) because Mr. Obama says we can.
              I think I have these correct. You might disagree on the latter few, but the first three points are the most critical. 
              With all due respect, I believe Thor, Adeel, SadRad, and maybe Dergon to a lesser extent, think that the leadership of Iran (and the Palestinians, and Hamas, and Hezbollah, and others of the same ilk) are rational in the Western sense. You gentlemen truly think these folks just want peace like the rest of us, and are misunderstood over here. Ultimately, you believe that if we lay down our arms, they will do the same. This is dangerously, tragically, and fatally wrong. We are dealing with what we in the West would define as madness, with racist, genocidal hatreds that go back hundreds and hundreds of years. People who want peace don’t call for the murder of an entire race, an entire nation, even if they are just bluffing, or grandstanding for their minions. These are people who strap bombs to children and name public squares and sports events after “martyrs” who murder innocents. 
              I don’t think you can dispute any of that, either.
              I believe there is one thing they understand, and that is overwhelming force. If we show, or at least make it perfectly clear, that there are HUGE consequences, in the form of a flattened Tehran, for any nuclear misadventure, the madmen will think twice before pushing the button. If we make it clear, that there are no consequences, that we don’t have the spine or the stomach to stop their genocidal programs, they will laugh at us and THEY will be the ones to spit in the face of the American leader for whom they have zero respect. And they will proceed to build a nuclear WMD no matter what piece of paper they signed while snickering at the weak Americans. So, yes, I do believe military action, or at least the CERTAINTY that Israel would be allowed to take such action, would stop this crisis. And a crisis it is.
              At this point, I HOPE wiping out the Iranian nuclear facilities is even possible. To reference a previous thread, it is OUR leadership that is truly made up of “Chickensh*ts” who stopped Israel from taking care of this deadly problem when this could have been easily accomplished. That Mr. Obama and friends have the unmitigated gall to then turn that epithet on the Israeli Prime Minister is as childish a behavior as I’ve ever seen coming out of Washington since Nixon was playing his little games. 
              Madmen generally will state quite clearly what they intend to do. It is foolish in the extreme to ignore them.

              • btomba_77

                February 1, 2015 at 12:26 pm

                With all due respect, I believe Thor, Adeel, SadRad, and maybe Dergon to a lesser extent, think that the leadership of Iran {snip} are rational in the Western sense.

                I don’t view the Iranian “leadership” as a monolith any more than I think the US has only one voice.
                There are factions inside Iran. Some are quite dangerous and radical while others are more moderate look for a return to normalization.  
                I’m not so naive as to believe that Iran is on the edge of transitioning into becoming a Western style democracy any time soon.  But I do believe that diplomacy remains the best alternative at present.
                A highly publicized push for implementing further sanctions strengthens the hands of the hands of the radicals who want to see diplomacy fail, giving them an out to blame the US should negotiations fall apart.   It’s not as if Iran isn’talready feeling pressure, knowing that new sanctions will be added if they walk away.  
                I would add that the IAEA is on the ground presently and monitoring Iranian nuclear activity as negotiations proceed.  They have released monthly reports and have continually and unequivocally stated that Iran is in compliance.
                If negotiations collapse, war is a real future possibility.    Iran walks away, blaming the US.  The US ratchets up sanctions further, maybe abandons the NPT and off we go down the path to another middle East conflict.  I don’t think that would be good for the US.  I don’t think that would be good for Israel either (although that is nowhere near my primary concern). 

              • eyoab2011_711

                February 1, 2015 at 1:02 pm

                I believe there is one thing they understand, and that is overwhelming force. If we show, or at least make it perfectly clear, that there are HUGE consequences, in the form of a flattened Tehran, for any nuclear misadventure, the madmen will think twice before pushing the button.

                Already done the US and Israel already have that capability.  Or do you suggest that the penalty for owning a nuclear weapon is a nuclear attack on Tehran (BTW how would Putin respond to that?  What about China?)  Or have you not thought through the entire scenario?

                To reference a previous thread, it is OUR leadership that is truly made up of “Chickensh*ts” who stopped Israel from taking care of this deadly problem when this could have been easily accomplished.

                Curious…how did we stop them?  Bibi has the ability to do whatever he wants; he is clearly not beholden to our President; so how on earth did we “stop him”?
                Why are you blaming the US for Bibi’s failing?

  • julie.young_645

    February 3, 2015 at 9:27 am

    I am not privy to the backchannel communications between the two governments. I do know that a secret agreement between Israel and Azerbaijan was outed by our administration, thus thwarting one of teh few tactical aproaches available for Israel. 
    I’m quite amazed at how you and the administration vaccilate between wanting Israel to undertake the potential erasure of Iran’s nuclear weapons program and being horrified that they would think to do so. Please make up your mind if you can. Perhaps deep down, the Left had hoped Israel would protect us all from these madmen, eh?
    Putin and China, for all their bluster have not announced before the UN and the world that their goal was to wipe out another nation. Iran has done so. As I said above, madmen will tell you exactly what they plan, and it is suicidal to ignore them when they do.

    • eyoab2011_711

      February 3, 2015 at 11:08 am

      Nope, not horrified by the prospect of Israel trying to take out Iran.  If they believe it is a pressing need then they should do so, but not expect the US to bail them out.  For all of Bibi’s red lines he has never acted on one and I don’t believe he has the guts to do it.  I would be interested more in this madman theory of yours however…care to share some examples
      Here is one of several courtesy of NK circa 1993.  American military exercises with the ROK will result in the flattening of Seoul courtesy of Kim Il Sung; Kim Il Jong promised to bury his father in Seoul and never did.  See madmen say a lot of things most of which is bluster.  You can be prepared without running around like a chicken with your head cut-off

      • julie.young_645

        February 3, 2015 at 12:21 pm

        Hitler certainly tried to deliver on his promises.
        How much of a risk are you willing to take that a madman’s bluster is bluster? If some deranged individual plowed into your reading room brandishing a gun and yelling, “I’m gonna kill Thor!” would you simply laugh and call it bluster?

    • kaldridgewv2211

      February 3, 2015 at 2:03 pm

      Quote from DoctorDalai

      that their goal was to wipe out another nation. Iran has done so. As I said above, madmen will tell you exactly what they plan, and it is suicidal to ignore them when they do.

      Here’s just one source but the wipe Israel off the map thing seems like it’s been discredited. 

      • eyoab2011_711

        February 3, 2015 at 4:53 pm

        I missed the part where Iranians were marching through Israel brandishing nuclear weapons.  Let’s put it this way many politicians and individuals have received death threats for various things by a variety of “madmen or women” and yet we don’t constantly hear of “pre-emptive strikes. 

        • julie.young_645

          February 4, 2015 at 7:25 am

          And on and on and on.
          Absolutely typical liberal mentality, excuse the bad behavior, make the victim the villain and the villain the victim. I should not be surprised that you gentlemen would now take the tack of becoming Iran-apologists: [i]Oh, they never said the wanted to destroy Israel! Oh, it was just a translation error! Oh, they didn’t really mean it, it’s just bluster. [/i]
          I’m sure you’ll be coddling yourselves with this pablum right up until Iran launches.

          • kaldridgewv2211

            February 4, 2015 at 7:48 am

            Quote from DoctorDalai


            And on and on and on.

            Absolutely typical liberal mentality, excuse the bad behavior, make the victim the villain and the villain the victim. I should not be surprised that you gentlemen would now take the tack of becoming Iran-apologists: [i]Oh, they never said the wanted to destroy Israel! Oh, it was just a translation error! Oh, they didn’t really mean it, it’s just bluster. [/i]

            I’m sure you’ll be coddling yourselves with this pablum right up until Iran launches.

            Wikipedia, the source of all truths.  To my knowledge Iran hasn’t victimized Israel.

            • julie.young_645

              February 4, 2015 at 7:50 am

              They have threatened for many years, and [i]have [/i]attacked via their proxy in Lebanon, Hezb’ollah. What else would you like to see?

        • julie.young_645

          February 4, 2015 at 7:25 am

          Sorry…repeat post, although you should read it twice anyway.

  • btomba_77

    February 4, 2015 at 9:35 am

    Democrats consider boycotting the Netanyahu address

    • julie.young_645

      February 4, 2015 at 10:12 am

      Let ’em. That might confirm to certain people that Jews do NOT run Congress. Of course, they would likely be going against the will of their constituents, but that probably doesn’t bother any of you.

  • odayjassim1978_476

    February 4, 2015 at 11:24 am

    it would be nice to see him show up to an empty room…BoyCott The Bib

    • btomba_77

      February 4, 2015 at 11:29 am

      Of course, they would likely be going against the will of their constituents

      Like most things, the polling on that shows a distinct partisan split.
      For a large number of Democratic congressman a majority of the constituents do not think that Netanyahu should be speaking without Presidential invitation/approval.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      February 4, 2015 at 11:30 am

      Well, the majority of congress is republican so I doubt
      the room would be empty. Forgot your smart pill today?

      • odayjassim1978_476

        February 4, 2015 at 11:45 am

        if they don’t want to look like Benedict Arnold they would smart up to the fact that many see this as treason and that they are being played by Bibi and the speaker who does not look like Einstein with this gesture
        they call out everybody as being un-American and then the speaker does this ..quite sad

        • eyoab2011_711

          February 4, 2015 at 6:11 pm


          The tendency to explain negative behavior as the result of hostile intention rather than circumstance or other factors is called the fundamental attribution error. This error also blinds actors in situations of conflict to possibilities of cooperation.
          The illusion of transparency, another finding of Kahnemanns confirmed by laboratory experiments, reinforces the fundamental attribution error by discounting how our actions are perceived as threatening by others. We view the sanctions against Iran as a response to Irans hostile actions and intentions. Hard-liners in Iran view the sanctions as proof of [i]our[/i] hostile intent our determination to overthrow or weaken the Islamic Republic, regardless of its nuclear policies. Hence hard-liners on both sides see little reason to make concessions.


          • btomba_77

            February 4, 2015 at 7:09 pm

            The heart of the disagreement over Iran turns on whether you think it’s 1938 or 1970

            In case the implications aren’t obvious, let’s spell them out. If it’s 1938 again, then the threatening power of this moment is equivalent to Nazi Germany; the ambition of that power should be understood as the full extermination of its foes, starting with the Jewish people; there can be no compromise with flat-out evil; the only failure lies in being too slow to recognize the threat; and anyone who dreams of compromise risks being seen by history as similar to the man who shook hands with Adolf Hitler in 1938, Neville Chamberlain.
            From my point of view, this comparison is imprecise, to put it mildly. In fact, it’s crazy. By the late 1930s, Nazi Germany had perhaps the strongest military in the world and one of the most powerful economies. Today’s Iran is not close to having either. Hitler’s Germany was so relentlessly expansionist that 10 years after he took power, the world was in flames. Iran, by contrast, has been ruled by Islamists for well over three decades yet has not expanded its borders by one inch. The Germany of 1938 was perfecting the obscene science of internal death camps. No one has suggested anything remotely comparable about repression in Iran. The position of a nuclear-armed state of Israel, the dominant military power in its region, is vastly different from that of Europe’s persecuted Jewish population of the 1930s. The record of Iran’s leaders contains no evidence of the will-to-national-suicide that an attack on Israel would entail. Today’s Iran is not yesteryear’s Reich.

            But if you think it’s more like 1970

            In the early 1970s, Richard Nixon understood that despite long-lasting, serious disagreements with mainland China, it was far better overall to find a way to work with Mao and his successors, rather than trying to bring them to heel through continued isolation. There was more to gain than lose through this non-Chamberlain-style “compromise.” The government of Taiwan and its supporters in the United States bitterly resisted this change, but [i] [i]from America’s point of view [/i] [/i]they were wrong.
            I believe that something similar applies with Iran as well. As with China in the 1970s and Cuba in recent years, there is no evidence that the national population itself has become deeply anti-Western or anti-American. Restoring relations, while it would hardly eliminate all disagreements, would have enough benefits to be worth pursuing as a strategic goal. Even if the pursuit doesn’t pay off, the potential benefits, from the American point of view, are substantial enough not to give up prematurely, by imposing pre-conditions that would make any negotiations impossible.


            • kayla.meyer_144

              February 5, 2015 at 1:57 pm

              I think the truth of the argument is that Bibi fears retirement & being irrelevant, so like any “good leader” fearing ‘retirement,” amplifies the fear factor.

              • julie.young_645

                February 6, 2015 at 8:57 am

                OK, it’s 1938 if that makes you feel better. Iran’s leadership has made it’s intentions quite clear. Go ahead, practice your usual moral relativism. There are no bad guys, no one wants to kill anyone. Iran just wants a nuclear weapon so it can look good in the UN locker room, and take their rightful place among the peace-loving nations of the world. They would never actually USE it.
                Right. If you gentlemen believe that, I’ve got a bridge. Maybe it’s that Liberal lack of fear of imminent danger that lets you wallow in such fantasy.  About all I can do is hope you are right, because if you aren’t, we are in big trouble. 

  • eyoab2011_711

    February 6, 2015 at 10:30 am

    Don’t let those straw men anywhere near a flame…

  • julie.young_645

    February 6, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    Yup, and in 2011 the White House was informed late about it and they  hrugged. But this time, Netanyahu will be pointing just how dangerous Mr. Obama’s slipshod, anti-American foreign policy is to the rest of the world, and we simply [i]cannot [/i]have that, can we?

  • btomba_77

    February 6, 2015 at 1:43 pm


    Vice President Joe Biden will not be attending Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before a joint session of Congress next month, news agencies reported.

    A statement released by aides to Biden, who is usually in his seat whenever a foreign leader addresses the legislature by dint of his position as president of the Senate, indicated that the vice president will be traveling abroad during the speech.

    Translation: “Well, F-U too, Bibi.”
    And Nancy Pelosi thinking about it too:   “I see him on TV every Sunday morning.”

    • eyoab2011_711

      February 6, 2015 at 4:43 pm

      Bibi does not need to be in Congress to say whatever he wants
      Boehner did this specifically to inflame as opposed to 2011 and the WH was notified in 2011 before the invitation was given
      It is nice how you conflate America as the entire world…now who is the narcissist?

    • odayjassim1978_476

      February 6, 2015 at 5:51 pm

      I hope boycotters are there with signs as he walks into the capitol…booing him..saying shame to on you to use this as a ploy to get don’t think I want code pink to show up but peaceful protest is a must for this treason

      Quote from dergon


      Vice President Joe Biden will not be attending Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before a joint session of Congress next month, news agencies reported.

      A statement released by aides to Biden, who is usually in his seat whenever a foreign leader addresses the legislature by dint of his position as president of the Senate, indicated that the vice president will be traveling abroad during the speech.

      Translation: “Well, F-U too, Bibi.”


      And Nancy Pelosi thinking about it too:   “I see him on TV every Sunday morning.”

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        February 6, 2015 at 6:02 pm

        Watch him get a standing ovation!
        Warning, rabid libs may need psychotherapy after the event.

        • odayjassim1978_476

          February 6, 2015 at 6:29 pm


          Quote from aldadoc

          Watch him get a standing ovation!
          Warning, rabid libs may need psychotherapy after the event.

          • odayjassim1978_476

            February 7, 2015 at 10:10 pm

            Boycotting the speech: Rel John Lewis,GK Butterfield, Earl Blumenauer
            and Biden will be out of town
            true American leaders

            • odayjassim1978_476

              February 7, 2015 at 11:12 pm

              Anti-defamation league urges Bibi to cancel

              • Unknown Member

                Deleted User
                February 8, 2015 at 12:58 am

                Liberals love censorship. Such intolerance!

                Noah, are you any chance an administrator at Brandeis University?

              • btomba_77

                February 8, 2015 at 5:59 am

                Quote from Noah’sArk

                Anti-defamation league urges Bibi to cancel


                Abrahm Foxman, the group’s national director and a leading voice in the Jewish community, told The Jewish Daily Forward that the controversy over Netanyahu’s speech is unhelpful. He added that Netanyahu should stay home.
                One needs to restart, and it needs a mature adult statement that this was not what we intended, Foxman said in an interview published Friday. It has been hijacked by politics. Now is a time to recalibrate, restart and find a new platform and new timing to take away the distractions.

                This will likely provide lots of political cover Jewish Congress members who were torn on the issue.   I bet we see more “will be unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts” over the next couple of weeks.

                • julie.young_645

                  February 8, 2015 at 8:23 am

                  Sadly, this has been a Jewish response to persecution for a very long time. Just ignore the Egyptians/Assyrians/Greeks/Romans/Inquisitors/Nazis/Muslims/Socialists/Communists/Democrats…Pay them their tributes, pay lip service to their rants, keep your head down, and they’ll probably go away. You could say that since the Jews have survived all this time, while most of their tormentors are long gone, the approach has some merit. But only the fact that Jews were spread world-wide, with a pleurality in America, kept them from disappearing. Now, we seem to want to finish the job by sucking up to the Liberal Democrats who would be very happy for Israel to vanish in a nice, tidy mushroom cloud.

                  That Foxman takes on the Warsaw Ghetto mentality is an embarassment to Jews everywhere.

                  • eyoab2011_711

                    February 8, 2015 at 10:42 am

                    And there it is…if you are Jewish and don’t agree with Bibi you are a self-loathing Jew…who is it that is trying to limit free and open discussion?

                    • btomba_77

                      February 8, 2015 at 10:44 am

                      Yep. Abe Foxman is an anti-semite 😉

                    • odayjassim1978_476

                      February 8, 2015 at 2:31 pm

                      I know we get it with being called oreo/uncle Tom but Delai can’t pull that with Foxman…it would really diminish his credibility  Foxman is a self haters because question Bibi’s actions

                      Quote from Thor

                      And there it is…if you are Jewish and don’t agree with Bibi you are a self-loathing Jew…who is it that is trying to limit free and open discussion?

                    • julie.young_645

                      February 8, 2015 at 3:49 pm

                      Hollande isn’t a Jew, last I heard. Sarkozy IS Jewish, by the way, at least by birth. 
                      As usual, the Left LOVES to put words in people’s mouths. I did not call Foxman an anti-Semite…self-hating, probably not quite, but almost as bad. In many ways, I think Jews fall victim to the Stockholm syndrome, thinking that sucking up to their oppressors (today, the anti-Semitic Left) will save them. It never works. I am ashamed of Foxman’s behavior.
                      And as for the latest disTHORtion…It seems to any logical non-anti-Semite that [i]letting[/i] Bibi speak would promote free and open discussion. As usual, the liberals are the ones trying to thwart the truth from coming out but claiming it to be someone else’s doing.  Again, I wonder which one of us is insane. Either you are psychotic or I am, and I’m not hearing any voices today. 
                      By the way, Mr. Obama, the Democrats, and in particular every single liberal on this thread owes me and Mr. Netanyahu an apology…According to the [link=]NEW YORK TIMES[/link] of all the Socialist organs:
                      [blockquote][b]Correction: January 30, 2015 [/b]
                      [b]An earlier version of this article misstated when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accepted Speaker John A. Boehners invitation to address Congress. He accepted after the administration had been informed of the invitation, not before.[/b]
                      Nice little correction buried where they didn’t think anyone would see it. I’ll be holding my breath waiting on your apologies. You wish.

                    • julie.young_645

                      February 8, 2015 at 4:03 pm

                      Oh, and from the other wing of Pravda, the [link=]Washington Post[/link]:
                      [blockquote] [b][i]This correction has circulated in conservative and pro-Israel circles, but doesnt seem to have led to any followup, or any investigations by those who initially reported the opposite. If the correction is correct, then we have a situation in which the administration was so grossly incompetent that it was circulating false information about Netanyahu from multiple spokespeople, or that it intentionally sought to undermine Netanyahu by lying about his alleged breach of protocol. Its also possible that the administration strongly objected when it was told of the invitation, but Netanyahu accepted anyway, but there has been no indication from the White House that this is the case.[/i][i]
                      [/blockquote] A typical fuster cluck from the most incompetent administration in the history of the world. I’m waiting on your apologies, gentlemen.

                    • odayjassim1978_476

                      February 8, 2015 at 6:17 pm

                      yawn ..he has no business coming here so close to an election where he can try to manipulate it to look like an endorsement.. and the speaker overstepped himself .. Bibi has no truth that I am interested in.. I don’t need a cartoon speaker to tell me the truth

                      Quote from DoctorDalai

                      Oh, and from the other wing of Pravda, the [link=]Washington Post[/link]:
                      [blockquote][b][i]This correction has circulated in conservative and pro-Israel circles, but doesnt seem to have led to any followup, or any investigations by those who initially reported the opposite. If the correction is correct, then we have a situation in which the administration was so grossly incompetent that it was circulating false information about Netanyahu from multiple spokespeople, or that it intentionally sought to undermine Netanyahu by lying about his alleged breach of protocol. Its also possible that the administration strongly objected when it was told of the invitation, but Netanyahu accepted anyway, but there has been no indication from the White House that this is the case.[/i][i]
                      [/blockquote] A typical fuster cluck from the most incompetent administration in the history of the world. I’m waiting on your apologies, gentlemen.

                    • eyoab2011_711

                      February 8, 2015 at 7:22 pm

                      Like it or not the invitation was cooked up by Dermer and Boehner without consulting Dems.  Read carefully (I know you don’t do it) the WH apparently was notified before Netanyahu formally accepted but after the invitation was already given.  We don’t know if he was asked not to accept and did so anyway.  The admin has been very clear on the concerns related to timing
                      BTW Bibi can stand on any soapbox he wants and give a speech nobody is preventing him from that; there is no need to parade him in front of Congress so that he can give a campaign speech for his re-election; so your whining of speech suppression is rather hollow

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