Looking for Advice for a startup of USC students launching a multiplayer 3D Imaging app.
Posted by Unknown Member on November 7, 2020 at 9:51 amWe are a startup of students at USC and are working on a startup in the 3D imaging space, I would love to pick the forum’s brain about ideas on the technology we are building and also go-to-market strategy.
High level we built a 3D imaging visualization solution that allows remote collaboration in the data’s native format with lossless compression both online using AWS, but also on your own desktop, virtual/augmented reality, or mobile phone.
I won’t go into the technology too much but you can read more about it here ([link=https://visualizeapp.io%29%2C/]https://visualizeapp.io),[/link] we are looking for people that want to offer suggestions, and potentially in the future join as an advisor.
If you are up for a quick call, PM me or leave a message on this board and I would love to jump on a phone call with you.
Our team:
Kyle McClary, Ph.D.
His PhD research focused on using mass-spec proteomics, fluorescence imaging, and soft x-ray tomography to characterize pancreatic beta cells and integrate data from multiple experimental modalities to create whole cell models.
John Paul Francis
PhD Student at the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Biosciences
Jonathan Govette
[link=https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathangovette/]https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathangovette/[/link]samsone_882 replied 4 years, 3 months ago 13 Members · 23 Replies -
23 Replies
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 7, 2020 at 12:57 pmAppreciate taking a look. Equity in a company or helping students is not for everyone. Thank you
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 7, 2020 at 4:24 pmThanks for reviewing either way, we are always looking for great advice from people that love to help or want to make a difference in patient’s lives.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 7, 2020 at 5:16 pm..
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 7, 2020 at 5:32 pmSo our CEO is a student at USC that is going through his PHD program focused on using mass-spec proteomics, fluorescence imaging, and soft x-ray tomography.
What you are saying is that we can’t ask for advice?
We are all here for the same thing to help people or ask for help. I see nothing wrong with that.
His background:
He is working on pancreatic beta cells to integrate data from multiple experimental modalities to create whole cell models.
His research contributed to the Pancreatic Beta Cell Consortium, a group that he helped build into a coalition of 15+ research groups collaborating and contributing data to create cell models.
He also performed proteomics research at The Scripps Research Institute with Prof. John R. Yates III and X-ray tomography research at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with Prof. Carolynn Larabell of the University of California San Francisco.
Just checked out your link. I dont think we are your target audience. Viewing 3D renderings of medical imaging is a tiny fraction of what we do and we have excellent methods for viewing them already.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 8, 2020 at 8:48 amThere may be a future for 3d imaging in areas that I don’t understand, but now it is more of a gimmick. Perhaps in the spectrum of AI development, and operative planning etc.
I understand how lay people might see it as a great advancement; visually impressive.
But there is no need for it in my practice, over and above what is already available.
It looks cool though.
3D imaging and second options aren’t really a thing in radiology. Certainly not a business.
This is the gimmicky stuff I oood and aahd about as a first year medical student, haha.
Cut the guy some slack I think he just wants some of that sweet sweet VC cash. As Theranos and many currently active companies has taught us, lots of stupid money in Silicon Valley if you mine deep enough. Need to use more techie words though, youre almost there. Try to mix in a disrupt or two-
OP – I am with Flounce…
if you can –
Tell us EXACTLY what the product is intended to do. How it will help physicians in their work.I Don’t want to jump all over you, like some have, criticizing you because you don’t know medicine. That is a silly criticism.
Instead, I want to commend you for reaching out to get expert opinions. Too many companies have all the tech folks work on something that seems to them to be very valuable, but without any guidance or feedback from those who are experts in how imaging is actually done, how diagnosis with imaging is actually done, only to wind up with a product that has no applicability.The projects that have the most likelihood for success are those that start with a problem, and hone the tech to solve it. Not those that start with exciting tech, and look for a way to shoe-horn it into medicine.
OP, as others have stated, radiologists dont really have a need for this. Some potential targets if I roughly understand the 3D visualization correct (and this is probably stretching) might be young surgeons (for planning, those that use things like 3d printing) and patients (for novelty). For second opinions, Ive seen at least one of start up try this as one of their pitches with some academics on board and, to my knowledge, it wasnt successful. Several efforts for free second options have also been started. As others have said, radiologists have other radiologists to use as a resource for tough cases. I think yall need a local radiology on board as others have suggested
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 7, 2020 at 5:41 pmJust another note, we are trying to make the life’s of radiologists easier, specifically on the research and 2nd opinion side. Hence why we want to get advice.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 7, 2020 at 6:06 pm..
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 7, 2020 at 6:55 pmFlounce,
Maybe chill out a little, you’re getting too hung up on semantics. Dude is just trying to make some connections.-
As radiologist, we dont really need second opinions.
I have three dozen colleagues I can ask for a second opinion at any point in time.
Another 20 former colleagues from residency and or fellowship as well.The goal of anybody coming into the space is to take money out of the space. Usually its not about growing the pie. Its about taking from the pie.
Not sure why one would ever need this utility. No one is going to call up MGH for their opinion from joe schmo community hospital and the high and mighty MGH person is probably going to tell them some nonspecific stuff and bemoan their quality of the community images.
Most people with really crazy pathologies that are seldom seen and would perhaps benefit from something like this end up being transferred to higher level centers with radiologists more versed in crazy stuff and the patients tend to get reimaged anyway
virtual/augmented reality? these aren’t used in real practice. if its something you need to ask someone about, looking on your phone probably isnt helpful either.-
I think Florence is spot on.
As I said before, no one is interested in growing the pie. Simply shrinking it. Taking from the current pie.
The reality is that everything goes to biopsy, no matter what the pathology.
used to work in one of the centers where even when we were 95% confident in the diagnosis, it still went to biopsy.
And patients get referred to tertiary centers when needed.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 7, 2020 at 8:50 pmI’m still confused what the OP is selling. Sounds like a remote PACS for 2nd opinions(?). The message is muddled by a lot of marketing speak. Why not just collaborate with USC radiology?
Quote from 2BRads
Why not just collaborate with USC radiology?
It does beg the question eh
Agree with the above, language is everything. Your post seems aimed towards silicon valley investors. Like you’re selling a bad product wrapped in fancy words and tech-speak.
3D imaging space, I would love to pick the forum’s brain about ideas on the technology we are building and also go-to-market strategy.
High level
3D imaging visualization solution
remote collaboration
native format lossless compression
virtual/augmented reality
Also, maybe Im just a simple community radiologist, but Ive heard of soft x-ray tomography
*never heard of soft x-ray tomography. Also not exactly sure what fluorescence imaging is
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 8, 2020 at 8:36 amOP, try to better explain what the nature of the product is. I have a hard time understanding… I initially thought it was 3D reformats, and the expertise of your contributors in modalities that are not in widespread clinical use in community radiology makes me wonder what value they are adding to your team.
Only from reading the responses above do I sense that you are building a platform for offering remote 2nd opinions. If that is correct, my input is that radiologists generally have people they “curbside” tough cases, and these are the people they have come to trust. Unless the person we are consulting is, say, an academic radiologist that spends all day reading interstitial lung disease or similar, it does not provide enough benefit to enough people for the idea to take off, IMO.
Also, if you are pitching a product to radiologists, e.g. private practice radiologists, get someone on your team – someone who has financial stake in the product – that is a clinical radiologist to help you figure out what type of service would be most useful and how to sell it to, i.e. what is your ‘elevator pitch.’ What is a short description that quickly allows the listener to understand what you are offering and why he/she wants it.