Keystone vote in 1 hour
Posted by odayjassim1978_476 on November 18, 2014 at 3:10 pmok I say 50/50
get your bets outkaldridgewv2211 replied 3 years, 5 months ago 11 Members · 112 Replies -
112 Replies
Now the question is-
Can Obama trade a non-Veto on Keystone in exchange for something else? If so, what?-
politics is about making a trade for a trade..some one playing devil’s advocate would say let it run thru all those red states that refuse obamacare and pollute their water
Quote from dergon
Now the question is-
Can Obama trade a non-Veto on Keystone in exchange for something else? If so, what?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 18, 2014 at 7:04 pm[b]Thump, Thump[/b].
That was the sound of Mary Landrieu being thrown under the bus.
What is the tally now, 29 or 30 Democrat senators who voted for Obamacare have lost their seats?-
Where she belongs….btw PPACA is doing just fine. And 100% of those who have promised repeal have failed
she should have really just tried to invest in getting black people out to vote..she kinda walked right up to the bus
Harry Reid still in power…Redskin name still under fire Mr. Snyder and DEA visited some teams recently but NFL still has their tax exempt status for NOWQuote from aldadoc
[b]Thump, Thump[/b].
That was the sound of Mary Landrieu being thrown under the bus.
What is the tally now, 29 or 30 Democrat senators who voted for Obamacare have lost their seats?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 18, 2014 at 8:06 pmNoah, when will you learn that racial politics is poison to the country and to the individual.
This is a very sensitive time in our social milieu. Those who choose to live off of racial baiting and identity politics will be rejected, as we saw just two weeks ago. The country can see right through this type of politics. It speaks to a lack of character and fair play.
Very, very bad character traits.
fairytales…be gone…U have no real power here
but Pot meet kettleQuote from aldadoc
Noah, when will you learn that racial politics is poison to the country and to the individual.
This is a very sensitive time in our social milieu. Those who choose to live off of racial baiting and identity politics will be rejected, as we saw just two weeks ago. The country can see right through this type of politics. It speaks to a lack of character and fair play.
Very, very bad character traits.
Remember, identity politics is for those “ends justify the means guys” like Gruber and all the liberal hacks on these boards. They use it because it works. Yes, they all consider the American people to dumb to know what’s good for them, so they decide the rules, take their money, and champion themselves masters of the universe. At least Gruber was honest. Like Zeke.
Obama is a pathological liar. If you can’t see that from his response to the Gruber thing, you’re as deluded as he is; he met with the man multiple times and got him paid millions.-
well Bibi has been called a liar so what USA is global leader
Quote from Cigar
Remember, identity politics is for those “ends justify the means guys” like Gruber and all the liberal hacks on these boards. They use it because it works. Yes, they all consider the American people to dumb to know what’s good for them, so they decide the rules, take their money, and champion themselves masters of the universe. At least Gruber was honest. Like Zeke.
Obama is a pathological liar. If you can’t see that from his response to the Gruber thing, you’re as deluded as he is; he met with the man multiple times and got him paid millions.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 19, 2014 at 6:20 amSo basically we get to wait until the republicans can push through a deal that essentially builds a pipeline for Canadian oil companies…………. A pipeline both to Vancouver and the east coast of Canada has according to a recent business week article nixed by Canadians
Our iwn US oil companies built their own pipelines with their own money
I’m extremely confused here. Republicans claim to hate government ……they don’t want government involved in anything……they hate government spending……BUT…..they want to pay for and gift wrap a pipeline for a foreign country and company
Rep speaker Boehner said oppenents to this pipeline were stupid
I guess the smart guy wants to buy a pipeline for someone else
Speaker Boner if you ask me
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 19, 2014 at 6:23 amIs Speaker boner related to Mr Gruber?
They both seem to think everyone is stupid except themselves
Boehner is an idiot, just less stupid than the Admin
All benefit.
You can’t commission interstate things like roads or pipelines unless it’s a Fed decision though, your criticism is unfair.
Turning a pipeline into a global warming issue is something else that’s insanely stupid and irrelevant. Price of tea in china type stuff. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 19, 2014 at 2:30 pmBINGO
The global warming issue is a red herring
The democrats are to fixated on it that they are failing to point out the important part
The pipeline is a gift to Canadian oil companies……..paid for and funded by US taxpayers
Western Canadians have already voted down a pipeline to go towards Vancouver ….. So our great and very smart republican leadership want us to pay for it
Thanks John Boner thanks a lot
As I understand it, the US would not pay for the pipeline, although there would probably be some subsidies. The cost would be borne by TransCanada and Conoco, yes?
Obama’s main objection has been due to the supposed environmental impact of the pipeline, although not global warming directly.
It seems like a mostly win-win scenario to me. It will create, at least for a few years, quite a few jobs and bring some Canadian dollars down here where it’s a bit warmer. -
Quote from kpack123
The pipeline is a gift to Canadian oil companies……..paid for and funded by US taxpayers
What public funding is in the keystone XL project ?
If you mean with ‘US taxpayers’ the US investors who buy TransCanada bonds to finance their capital campaign, you are of course correct.
This is not like the solar energy fiasco. ‘We built that’ does apply.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 19, 2014 at 8:52 pmA free ride for 875 miles through our borders is a total taxpayer expense
The American taxpayer takes the National Security risk of another major target
The American taxpayer takes the entire risk to the local environment if their is a spill
WTF maybe these people in Nebraska should give up their homes too
Hey it’s all in Canada’s best interest right
What do we get out of this that justifies free transit through our country?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 19, 2014 at 10:24 pm-Keystone will also carry 100,000 barrels/day of North Dakota and Wyoming oil. I know you libs are sore about Red States, but the last time I checked, those states were part of the U.S.
-Oil is fungible. Increasing the availability of North American oil helps to keep global oil prices low. This, coupled with increased US oil production has broken the back of the OPEC cartel.
– Increased oil supply and diversification of delivery and refinement options are good for our national security.
-Canadian oil delivered through the pipeline replaces Venezuelan oil.
-I’m confident that the klepto Democrats will find a way to tax the hell out of the pipeline, so don’t worry about who pays for it, because the Canadian oil companies will end up paying plenty.
– To date, all environmental impact studies suggest that the environmental impact of the pipeline will be minimal and insignificant.
– the pipeline will generate thousands of high-paying jobs.
My question is: Why do the libs care so much about the Heartland all of a sudden? I thought we were all stupid voters clinging to our guns in flyover territory. Go figure!
Quote from aldadoc
I know you libs are sore about Red States, but the last time I checked, those states were part of the U.S.
It is the Right, people like Sarah Palin who speak about “real Americans,” meaning not us Blue Staters and liberals. It is the Right leaving out minorities. It is the Right talking about the 47%, or in your case, the 75%. It is the Right that talks about “2 Americas,” the “makers and the takers.” It is the Right who have been talking about secession. It is the Right who have threatened “2nd Amendment solutions.”
It is the Right who have always used the language of division and separateness, “us vs them.” -
The Right may talk about those divides but the Left created them. It is the Left that felt the need to “fundamentally transform ” this country into a Socialist dystopia. It is the Left that keeps minoritied on the welfare plantation to keep them voting for democrats. It is the Left that race-baits. It Is the Left that calls for income redistribution.
Need I go on?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 20, 2014 at 6:20 amAlda
Why do you want a Foreign country to have a free pass through our country on a daily basis
I’m all for pipelines….. In fact I have been accumulated Kinder Morgan and other American based company stock (spectra etc) for 2 years now
I have no problem carrying North Dakota oil
I have a huge problem with the free pass given to the Canadians
And …..This is a very important point
Canadian oil is not earmarked for US consumption it will go anywhere
American oil I believe is earmarked for US consumption
You want hyperbole? How about the Right’s dream of a richman’s paradise with the poor hoi polloi working for sub-standard wages – if they can get work. Just like the economy in every 3rd World country. Keep a large pool of unemployed so that wages stay down.
Look around, Dalai. the “median” household income is $55k. Most people’s wages have been stagnant since 1980. Many jobs have no benefits and have very low pay. Yes, physicians don’t have to worry about substandard living due to low wages but a very large portion of Americans do. When right-wing heroes like Wal-Mart will “help” their associates by providing information on how to get government assistance for their family & have fund raisers where people can make food donations to the Wal-Mart associates so that their families can enjoy Holiday dinners, there is something wrong. But all you see is a “socialist” paradise whose purpose is to enslave the proletariat? The world was better in Dicken’s time? “Please Sir, may I have more?”
You are blinded by your hating & angry politics. Maybe people just need well-paying jobs. There’s something to dismantle the “Socialist” paradise. Have these fabulously rich corporations create jobs, provide benefits and pay people enough so that they don’t need government assistance. Make health care affordable with costs publicly available for cost comparison. But in your mind the slave is the one who gets government support in order to feed her or his family, even while working for Wal-mart. Government slavery vs good ‘ol Wal-Mart.
Except where in the world does this Right-wing Utopia exist where everyone is affluent, works hard & there is no poverty? Where everyone is a physician or CEO living the affluent life?
Wal-mart is already dipping its toe into health care. What happens when its employee physicians’ pay is cut to make the medical costs go down while keeping Wal-mart profits up? General Radiology forum is already screaming of the “good old days” where you could go out & buy a Porsche for cash are gone.
We in health care are not immune to declining wages.
You haven’t addressed any of my concerns other than income redistribution citing Walmart as an example of a villain. Just so everyone knows.
Let’s talk about Walmart. Why are they successful? For the same reason most of our consumer products are made in China. The consumer, by virtue of simple economics, will buy a product at the lowest price possible. Walmart offers thousands of items at lower prices, and Chinese labor is much cheaper than (mainly unionized) American labor. And before you say it, I’ll say it for you. Walmart’s low prices drive the competition out of town, or out of business, and they can then set the price for labor. Fair? Technically, yes. I don’t like it particularly, but I shop there, and I’ll bet all of us do. What’s your answer to this? Stop shopping there? Go ahead…won’t affect them much. Get the government to raise the door-greeter’s salary? Ultimately, that is probably what you want to happen. Would that solve the problem? Probably not. Prices would rise to accommodate the increase in salaries, maybe Walmart wouldn’t grow as fast, but it still has the economy of an international scale and would still dominate. And it would find ways around the higher salaries, cutting benefits somewhere else. Simple economics again. Businesses will do whatever they can to minimize expenditure and maximize profit. That is how it works. Take this to the logical end. If they are regulated to death, to the point that there is no more profit, they will simply shut down, the Waltons walk away with their billions, and the poor will have fewer low price options for shopping.
We, the consumers, have created Walmart, iPhones made in China, the illegal-alien workforce. Would you pay a premium for your sundries at Walmart? Would you pay $1,000 for an iPhone? I would rather not, thanks.
And by the way, I’ve never owned a Porsche. -
iPhone already costs up to $1,000 regardless.
The Porsche issue were comments made on General Radiology. Not too difficult to find using “Porsche” for the keyword. That will help you with context.
I would have no, none, zero issue with paying more for goods at Wal-mart or McDonalds, etc so that employees could earn a living wage. Point of issue, we all already pay high medical costs so that you and I live comfortably. Ask the public if they would be willing to lower our pay to Wal-Mart scale so that they would find medical costs much more affordable.
Wal-mart was able to exploit the China connection & cheaper goods to sell to those people who lost the good paying jobs to China, if you enjoy ironic jokes. I don’t look forward to that happening to us.
I take issue with the “Socialism” bull all the time & the “takers” and the “government plan to enslave everyone. REALLY? Israel could use some cold turkey “tough love” if that is the case.
Like I said, the solution to subvert the government “plan” is pretty easy, provide private sector jobs that pay livable middle class wages. Just like in “Leave It To Beaver” or “Father Knows Best” days.
Quote from kpack123
A free ride for 875 miles through our borders is a total taxpayer expense
What is that ‘free ride’ you are talking about ? TransCanada pays the landowners for the easements to run the line under their property. They also pay for crop-loss or lost ag-leases during the construction year. There is some negotiating involved for the landowner to get the best deal, most farmers are quite knowledgeable on how to get the best money for their land and have attorneys who manage those deals for them. If the pipeline runs across school land or public land, the respective agency receives the easement payments. In SD and MT Transcanada has reached agreements with 100% of landowners. They must all be idiots.
You failed to answer what public funding Transcanada receives to build the pipeline.
On the contrary, once the pipeline is built, it is an industrial facility like anything else and subject to property tax at the county or school-board level. In 17 of the 27 counties the pipeline crosses, it will increase the tax base by more than 10%. For the county residents, this either means their taxes go down, or the county/school can build things they couldn’t build before. If I was on the county commission of Ziebach county, I would have fought tooth and nail for Transcanada to route their pipeline through my county, not neighboring Meade county.
I used to have a an easement containing a 24in Amoco products pipeline bordering my backyard. Best neighbor I ever had. It was nicely graded and between the bordering landowners, we kept the gophers in check and maintained it as a neighborhood soccer field. An underground pipeline carries very little restrictions to the land uses on top of it. You can’t erect structues, can’t drill, can’t lay drain-tile and you can’t impound water for a cattle pond. Other than that, the pipeline company doesn’t care whether you graze cattle, grow crops or hunt the land over their pipeline. My neighbor was the one who had signed the easement in 1954, used the money to buy a tractor and to send their son to ‘teacher college’. Continued to farm the land until they retired and sold it for development.The American taxpayer takes the National Security risk of another major target
Yeah, a crude pipeline, dug in the ground 4-20ft is just the perfect target [shake head]
It may be news to you, but the country is already criss-crossed by hundreds of thousands of miles of pipelines. Some carrying crude, some natural gas, some products and some ‘diluent’ (the stuff needed to make bitumous crude flow). If I am some nutter who wants to blow something up, I would go for a gas pipeline in a built up area, not a crude pipe in some montana pasture.
The American taxpayer takes the entire risk to the local environment if their is a spill
Mh, no. the pipeline company carries most of the risk. County and state may front some of the cleanup work, but in the end it is the company that pays. One of the bigger spills has been the Kalamazoo river spill. So far, Enbridge has spent 1.2bil to clean up the mess. More typical is something like the Tioga spill from 2013. About 20,000barrels of crude. They are still working on it and the bill is somewhere around 20-25mil.
WTF maybe these people in Nebraska should give up their homes too
Are there any residential properties they are trying to take ? All I have seen is easements across farm and ranch lands.
What do we get out of this that justifies free transit through our country?
To start with, it is not a free ride.
We gain:
– pipeline capacity to move Bakken crude to market reducing the dependence on crude by rail shipments
– more supply of crude to the TX refineries. If the product remains in the US, it generates tax revenues here. If it gets exported, there is very little tax revenue from it as the refineries are in free-trade zones.
Canada is a good neighbor. Nothing wrong with supporting a project that benefits them. It’s a NAFTA thing. -
Meh. I don’t consider Keystone opposition (or support) a particularly high priority.
But I’d be just fine with letting them do the Energy East pipeline instead. The net economic benefit of bringing it through the US is pretty small. Canada will still pump the oil no matter what but will bear the local spill and other environmental risks if they use the East route.
Keystone is a small thing overall and won’t have any significant effect on US/Canada relations either way.
I’d prefer “no” but if Obama can get some significant concession in exchange .. fine with me.
For a non-high priority, the pro pipeline people are making a stink as if it will cure all of our ills.
My opinion is that the reality is mostly smoke and mirrors for a political stance & support of the oil industry. Reality regarding jobs & the economy & making gas& oil cheaper, well I have an bridge I can sell you too. & this little bottle of snake oil will do wonders for you, I mean me once you turn over the cash. -
Well, it’s become a symbol on both sides.
For the left it is like the polar bear and the arctic ice. “If we can’t stop [i]this[/i], what can we stop?”
For the right it is about supporting the “Drill baby, drill” approach to energy policy mixed with a “Global warming doesn’t exist so why the hell not?!”
The value to the US economically and in energy security is low. THe value to the climate change fight is also low. Because that oil is getting pumped either way.
So I go back to advocating using it as a political chip. If the GOP wants it badly enough, let them give something for it. -
Documents obtained by the Sierra Club under the Freedom of Information Act and reported by BuzzFeed’s Evan McMorris-Santoro show that the firm chosen to conduct the environmental review for the State Department had links to TransCanada that it never revealed. This was the second time that a company tasked with reviewing the pipeline had been found to have links to TransCanada. Legal experts have pointed out that such analysis requires a level of expertise and investment that makes it less feasible for the government to conduct it.
The State Department’s independent Inspector General has been investigating the relationship between ERM, the firm that did the review, and TransCanada, but that it would not release those findings on Friday.
According to the Cornell University study,
[blockquote] Keystone XL will increase the price of heavy crude oil in the Midwest by almost $2 to $4 billion annually, and escalating for several years. It will do this by diverting major volumes of tar sands oil now supplying the Midwest refineries, so it can be sold at higher prices to the Gulf Coast and export markets. As a result, consumers in the Midwest could be paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel, adding up to $5 billion to the annual U.S. fuel bill.
[/blockquote] My logical view is this: while the additional jobs would be most welcomethey would be temporary and last one or two years at best, which is reality, not stretching the truth. TransCanada admits permanent jobs would only number in the hundreds. On the flip side, the pipeline would be permanent, and the rise in price for this oil that we already consume would rise for decades to come. How are higher oil prices going to help the economy? They won’t. The National Petroleum Refiners Association claimed that exportswhich the TransCanada pipeline may bringhelp move this country to recovery faster more exports of Canadian oil. Did you know that refiners are shipping nearly 20 percent of produced distillate (heating oil, diesel) out of this country? What’s to stop Canada from exporting this oil once the pipeline starts shipping oil close to ports of export? Nothing. Want to know why diesel prices are hovering at or over $4 per gallon? Look no furtherhigh exports of diesel/distillate are keeping supply tight. What’s to stop that situation from happening with Canadian oil? Nothing. Who will it hurt most if Keystone XL is built and Canada uses it to export oil out of North America? Americans and Canadians. Exactly why Keystone XL may not be a good ideaunless there are restrictions on exporting the oil out of North America, but something that will probably never happen.
The Cons have dug in their heels on this one for unclear reasons. There is no conservative case to be made for a pipeline for a foreign company that takes US land and forces Americans to give up their land (yet they came to defend Cliven Bundy…).
If the case is that it will bring oil and gas from North Dakota etc to refineries, then make the case for a new US pipeline (which doesn’t require state dept review either). Where are those arguing to build the pipeline but not cross the Canadian border?
This is at its heart a US bailout of a Canadian oil company and says something about what Republicans really think of the American people -
The main problem is that this has been portrayed as an environmental issue and nothing but. The discussion above is what needed to take place no matter if one favors the pipeline or not.
The reason for that is it was the environmentalists who highlighted the project and the crossing of the pipeline through migratory bird wetlands and Ogalalla (sp?) aquifer. The environmental risks are what drive the risk v benefit…the rest of it is typical govt hypocrisy and crony capitalism
Quote from Thor
The reason for that is it was the environmentalists who highlighted the project and the crossing of the pipeline through migratory bird wetlands and Ogalalla (sp?) aquifer. The environmental risks are what drive the risk v benefit…the rest of it is typical govt hypocrisy and crony capitalism
And transporting the oil via Train lines are going to be safer for the environment? Rails go through towns and cities. I believe Warren Buffet has a large vested interest in Trains now and could increase his porfitablity of that oil… IF the pipleine doesn’t go through. Would that not be Cronyism as well? Someone is going to make money on oil. I bet everyone on this blog has something in their 401k related to oil. Hell… some people think the physicians are Cronys as well.
Quote from CudaRad
Quote from Thor
The reason for that is it was the environmentalists who highlighted the project and the crossing of the pipeline through migratory bird wetlands and Ogalalla (sp?) aquifer. The environmental risks are what drive the risk v benefit…the rest of it is typical govt hypocrisy and crony capitalism
And transporting the oil via Train lines are going to be safer for the environment? Rails go through towns and cities. I believe Warren Buffet has a large vested interest in Trains now and could increase his porfitablity of that oil… IF the pipleine doesn’t go through. Would that not be Cronyism as well? Someone is going to make money on oil. I bet everyone on this blog has something in their 401k related to oil. Hell… some people think the physicians are Cronys as well.
As pointed out, it’s already being transported, only to North Dakota where it is refined, not to Texas where it can be exported out.
Somehow, call me naive, but I don’t think Buffett is behind any conspiracy to block the pipeline so trains can be used instead. -
Quote from Frumious
Quote from CudaRad
And transporting the oil via Train lines are going to be safer for the environment? Rails go through towns and cities. I believe Warren Buffet has a large vested interest in Trains now and could increase his porfitablity of that oil… IF the pipleine doesn’t go through. Would that not be Cronyism as well? Someone is going to make money on oil. I bet everyone on this blog has something in their 401k related to oil. Hell… some people think the physicians are Cronys as well.
As pointed out, it’s already being transported, only to North Dakota where it is refined, not to Texas where it can be exported out.
Somehow, call me naive, but I don’t think Buffett is behind any conspiracy to block the pipeline so trains can be used instead.
Yes you are naive, and apparently clueless about the material flows in the petro business.
The accident in Lac Megantic was Bakken crude shipped form New Town, ND to St John, NB. The canadians are also shipping their goop via rail to the St Lawrence and from there to europe. Building or not building the pipeline will not affect how much of the stuff is being mined and how much is being burned. We can refine it in the US and catch that part of the value or not do it, it gets burned anyway. -
So Warren Buffett is behind the opposition to Keystone so that he can earn more $$$ through his railroad investments! That is your point? I think you are wrong.
Bringing the oil to a refinery in the Gulf won’t make a difference to how much is mined & burned?
I have a bridge you can buy from me. -
Maybe if all is as fw says he can explain why Canada hasn’t built their own pipeline
Quote from Frumious
So Warren Buffett is behind the opposition to Keystone so that he can earn more $$$ through his railroad investments! That is your point? I think you are wrong.
He is no stranger to getting his lackeys in DC to pass laws and regulations for his benefit. There are entire sections of the federal aviation regulations penned by his lawyers.
And so this is all been planned by Buffett. And as Citizen’s United is teaching us, this is all about Free Speech of rich guys.
Anyway, Keystone is still not a great idea even if Buffett was opposed purely on the basis of his earning profits on his train transportation.
But you haven’t shown a shred of evidence that Buffett is behind this anyway. -
Land owners and the “taking” of their land and rights by corporate interests.Corporations apparently can just walk on your property & take it away, “Sign these papers for your consent, but the reality is we don’t need your consent.” And any $$$ er promise today is not promised for tomorrow even if pumping oil from “your” land is highly productive.
[link=http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/11/24/us/north-dakota-oil-boom-politics.html]http://www.nytimes.com/in…oil-boom-politics.html[/link] -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 26, 2014 at 7:00 amDo yourself a favor
Look and see who the main owners of Transcanada are
What a Fng joke
Keystone is a gift from the American taxpayer to a few foreign people
It will create a few thousands jobs for a year and a few hundred jobs after that
And if the price of oil goes back Canadian oil companies will actually use it
That’s pretty much it in a nutshell
it also goes thru Native American tribal lands
Quote from DoctorDalai
The main problem is that this has been portrayed as an environmental issue and nothing but. The discussion above is what needed to take place no matter if one favors the pipeline or not.
Quote from Noah’sArk
it also goes thru Native American tribal lands
Quote from DoctorDalai
The main problem is that this has been portrayed as an environmental issue and nothing but. The discussion above is what needed to take place no matter if one favors the pipeline or not.
I think there are a lot of people who don’t want the pipeline going through their backyards, their property or public lands. All Red States. I’ve read a number of stories talking about seizing land attempts for TransCanada by local governments.
On Wednesday, a Nebraska judge struck down a state law that would have allowed [link=http://www.forbes.com/companies/transcanada/]TransCanada[/link] [link=http://www.forbes.com/companies/transcanada/]TRP +0.53%[/link] to use the power of eminent domain to seize private land to help construct a short 300-mile segment of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline between Cushing and Steele City, Nebraska.
The law in question, LB 1161, allows Nebraska Governor David Heineman and TransCanada to avoid regulators in siting a crucial portion of the pipeline.
Lancaster County District Judge Stephanie Stacy sided with three landowners who challenged the law, finding that regulatory power over industrial companies such as TransCanada must remain with agencies such as the Nebraska Public Service Commission, not the governors office.
The judge ruled that the law violated the state constitution, and she issued an injunction blocking the Governors office from taking any action on the Governors January 2013 approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline route, which would include allowing land to be acquired through eminent domain ([link=http://www.dominalaw.com/documents/LB-1161-Court-Order-Feb-19-2014.pdf]Court Documents[/link]).[link=http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/24/us/texas-judge-rules-transcanada-can-seize-pasture-for-keystone-xl.html]http://www.nytimes.com/20…e-for-keystone-xl.html[/link]
The Canadian energy company TransCanada can take over land owned by a Texas farmer to build its [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/keystone_pipeline/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier]Keystone XL[/link] pipeline, a county judge ruled on Wednesday night. In a 15-word ruling sent from his [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/i/iphone/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier]iPhone[/link], Judge Bill Harris of Lamar County Court at Law upheld TransCanadas condemnation of a 50-foot strip of land across Julia Trigg Crawfords pasture here. The pipeline is being built to carry oil to Texas refineries from Canada.
The case has shed light on a loophole in Texass oil and gas regulation one that critics say has given pipeline companies carte blanche to seize private land. Activists across the political spectrum have rallied behind Ms. Crawfords cause, from conservative rural landowners and [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/t/tea_party_movement/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier]Tea Party[/link] organizations to environmental groups.
At issue was whether TransCanada is a common carrier a company with pipeline open to any oil company willing to pay published rates. In Texas, a common carrier has the power to condemn land with little oversight.
In Texas, property rights are sacred. Its encoded into our ethosin this state, your ranch is your kingdom. If you catch strangers inside your fenceline, by golly, you can shoot them. No one can infringe on your land.
Unless it happens to be a pipeline company. Then pipeline operators can do pretty much what they want. Even, it turns out, if that pipeline company is Canadian.
TransCanada is the Canadian multinational behind the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, a plan to ship bitumena low grade, asphalt-like petroleum product from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, to the Texas Gulf Coast, where it would be refined into crude oil. In trying to secure the pipelines route through Texas, TransCanada had to gain consent from thousands of landowners along the way. Where landowners have refused to sign, TransCanada has gone to court and seized control of their land through eminent domain.
It appears that pipeline companies in Texas can seize whatever land they want and that no one is regulating the process.
And TransCanada is a foreign company. So they can come here & steal our property. And Conservatives are for this.
Ah, Obama’s fault.
why is BP pumping oil in our country
Quote from Frumious
Quote from Noah’sArk
it also goes thru Native American tribal lands
Quote from DoctorDalai
The main problem is that this has been portrayed as an environmental issue and nothing but. The discussion above is what needed to take place no matter if one favors the pipeline or not.
I think there are a lot of people who don’t want the pipeline going through their backyards, their property or public lands. All Red States. I’ve read a number of stories talking about seizing land attempts for TransCanada by local governments.
On Wednesday, a Nebraska judge struck down a state law that would have allowed [link=http://www.forbes.com/companies/transcanada/]TransCanada[/link] [link=http://www.forbes.com/companies/transcanada/]TRP +0.53%[/link] to use the power of eminent domain to seize private land to help construct a short 300-mile segment of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline between Cushing and Steele City, Nebraska.
The law in question, LB 1161, allows Nebraska Governor David Heineman and TransCanada to avoid regulators in siting a crucial portion of the pipeline.
Lancaster County District Judge Stephanie Stacy sided with three landowners who challenged the law, finding that regulatory power over industrial companies such as TransCanada must remain with agencies such as the Nebraska Public Service Commission, not the governors office.
The judge ruled that the law violated the state constitution, and she issued an injunction blocking the Governors office from taking any action on the Governors January 2013 approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline route, which would include allowing land to be acquired through eminent domain ([link=http://www.dominalaw.com/documents/LB-1161-Court-Order-Feb-19-2014.pdf]Court Documents[/link]).[link=http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/24/us/texas-judge-rules-transcanada-can-seize-pasture-for-keystone-xl.html]http://www.nytimes.com/20…e-for-keystone-xl.html[/link]
The Canadian energy company TransCanada can take over land owned by a Texas farmer to build its [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/keystone_pipeline/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier]Keystone XL[/link] pipeline, a county judge ruled on Wednesday night. In a 15-word ruling sent from his [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/i/iphone/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier]iPhone[/link], Judge Bill Harris of Lamar County Court at Law upheld TransCanadas condemnation of a 50-foot strip of land across Julia Trigg Crawfords pasture here. The pipeline is being built to carry oil to Texas refineries from Canada.
The case has shed light on a loophole in Texass oil and gas regulation one that critics say has given pipeline companies carte blanche to seize private land. Activists across the political spectrum have rallied behind Ms. Crawfords cause, from conservative rural landowners and [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/t/tea_party_movement/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier]Tea Party[/link] organizations to environmental groups.
At issue was whether TransCanada is a common carrier a company with pipeline open to any oil company willing to pay published rates. In Texas, a common carrier has the power to condemn land with little oversight.[link=http://www.texasobserver.org/pipeline-companies-seize-land-in-texas-at-will/]http://www.texasobserver….land-in-texas-at-will/[/link]
In Texas, property rights are sacred. Its encoded into our ethosin this state, your ranch is your kingdom. If you catch strangers inside your fenceline, by golly, you can shoot them. No one can infringe on your land.
Unless it happens to be a pipeline company. Then pipeline operators can do pretty much what they want. Even, it turns out, if that pipeline company is Canadian.
TransCanada is the Canadian multinational behind the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, a plan to ship bitumena low grade, asphalt-like petroleum product from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, to the Texas Gulf Coast, where it would be refined into crude oil. In trying to secure the pipelines route through Texas, TransCanada had to gain consent from thousands of landowners along the way. Where landowners have refused to sign, TransCanada has gone to court and seized control of their land through eminent domain.
It appears that pipeline companies in Texas can seize whatever land they want and that no one is regulating the process.And TransCanada is a foreign company. So they can come here & steal our property. And Conservatives are for this.
Ah, Obama’s fault.
Quote from Noah’sArk
it also goes thru Native American tribal lands
Well thank god it does, gives them badly needed property tax revenue. -
Quote from fw
Quote from Noah’sArk
it also goes thru Native American tribal lands
Well thank god it does, gives them badly needed property tax revenue.
Except they don’t seem to share your enthusiasm. They seem to be against the pipeline.
Native American protesters concerned about pollution of ancestral lands by the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline rallied Monday outside the State Capitol.
Members of the Indigenous Council of Nebraska, the Lincoln Indian Center and a grass-roots movement from Canada called Idle No More called on President Barack Obama to resist growing political pressure and reject the pipeline. They said the project represents a threat to soil, water and the atmosphere by unleashing more greenhouse gases that many scientists have linked to global warming.
[link=http://ads.bhmedianetwork.com/RealMedia/ads/click_lx.ads/omaha.com/news/1453442473/BottomLeft/default/empty.gif/5255714f673152755166344143787744?x][image]http://imagec18.247realmedia.com/RealMedia/ads/Creatives/default/empty.gif[/image][/link]This is more than just a native issue. It’s more than just an indigenous issue, it’s an issue for everybody, said Jessica James of Lincoln, a member of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes.
Quote from dergon
So I go back to advocating using it as a political chip. If the GOP wants it badly enough, let them give something for it.
So you are advocating to hold a private company hostage to further a political objective. It figures. -
It looks like transcanada didn’t know that a donation to the Clinton Foundation is what it takes to get DOS approval.
And an answer to my own question:
[url=http://www.care2.com/causes/did-canadian-voters-just-save-the-u-s-from-the-keystone-xl-pipeline.html]Did Canadian Voters Just Save the U.S. From the Keystone XL Pipeline?[/url]
Could a liberal party really spell doom for the Keystone XL pipeline? Some investors seem to think so. The stock for Suncor Energy Inc., the company tied to the pipeline project, quickly dropped by over 4 percent following the election results. Certainly, people who have been banking on the company experiencing massive profits once the project kicks off are less confident in its success at this point.
This is great news for environmentally conscious Americans who werent anticipating this potential support from the Canadian side of the border. Although President Barack Obama has done a good job of at least stalling the pipelines approval, the 2016 election could quickly turn the tides. Not only do most Republicans support the Keystone XL, but Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton also has some notable ties to the projects investors leaving many to assume shed ultimately allow construction to occur.
Well have to wait and see how aggressively the New Democratic Party stands against the pipeline. It is unlikely that even progressive Alberta politicians will try to completely dismantle the oil industry given the populations reliance on oil money and jobs. Still, if Notley and her peers stay true to their goal of prioritizing renewable energies over oil, theyll do their parts to make sure the Keystone XL pipeline doesnt come to fruition.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 10, 2015 at 6:36 amIt’s a useless pipeline
The economic and potential environmental effects are both way overblown
It’s basically a Big Canadian oil company looking for the cheapest way to get their oil to market………and trying to get everyone else to pay for it
That’s all it is
From an environmental standpoint the risks are minimal too
It’s not creating many long term jobs
My problem with it is a big foreign company essentially trying to get something for nothing and getting a right if way through the US to do it
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 6, 2015 at 1:15 pm[b]Remember, identity politics is for those “ends justify the means guys” like Gruber and all the liberal hacks on these boards. They use it because it works. Yes, they all consider the American people to dumb to know what’s good for them, so they decide the rules, take their money, and champion themselves masters of the universe.[/b]
Kinda like the The Right wing media trap that Gold was going to 3500 an ounce because Obama was ruining the economy.
All glen Beck and his advertising buddies did was steal money off of suckers like you
Too Funny -
There’s probably still some $ to be made but it wasn’t buying at $1900 and then hitting $3500 because of Obama.
Bob on FOX says the deal may be sweetened if they agree to use only us steel
kpack keeps bringing up gold even though when I talked about buying it, it was barely higher than it is now. What’s more? I talked about 2016. This house of cards market is going to keep going up, isn’t it kpack?
I do lots of investments. -
To be a sucker, you have to lose money, by the way.
Also, kpack, that has what to do with Gruber and the cronies you support lying to people?
A prediction is not the same as a lying, thieving, cheat. You support the former then make conclusions about other people based on internet postings. You couldn’t have less of an idea about either, and furthermore don’t care, so why even bother? -
Speaking of lying thieving cheats, McDonnell is going to prison for 2 years.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 7, 2015 at 7:11 am[b]Also, kpack, that has what to do with Gruber and the cronies you support lying to people? [/b]
I specifically cited your audacious Gold commentary because you mentioned something about those with vested interests and “liberal hacks”
Well, 5-6 years ago those with very vested interests ……Tea party types, conservative talk radio hosts and their respective advertisers fabricated the fear that Obama was destroying our economy and the only safe investment was Gold which was going to skyrocket.
They sucked people much like you into their dumbarse beliefs and had all the brainwashed minions like yourself parroting the buy gold mantra because its going to Skyrocket simply to extort money from their own minions….like you.
I believe your exact sentiment was Gold was a safe investment and going to 3500 (from 1900) in a 2-3 years.
How did that work out for you dipsquit?
The reason this sticks with me so succinctly is a day or so before I read that post I was pretty convinced the Bubble in gold was going to burst and in fact I beleive you were even called out on that post or maybe shortly thereafter at that time
Its just funny when someones think have a no brainer and you realize how frickin lost they are -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 7, 2015 at 7:16 am[b]This house of cards market is going to keep going up, isn’t it kpack?[/b]
No way in hello this market is a house of cards.
I beleive certain sectors are overpriced.
I beleive with the price of Oil where it is will drive the market Higher this year.
But I am not naive enough to think that catasthrophic events cannot happen and give the market a big haircut (of course if that did happen I would be their buying as the blood ran in the street)
Barring unforeseen economic or social catastrophe this market is up 10-15% this year
[h1][b]White House issues Keystone veto threat[/b][/h1]
Looks like there are between 60-63 votes in the Senate. Enough to pass, not enough to over-ride. First Obama veto looks like it’s coming.
I say go ahead and veto. Although I would also would be fine if Obama was able to trade the pipeline for some other piece of energy policy like making renewable credits permanents or something like that. -
Good. Now maybe State can tell Trans Canada to take their refuse elsewhere
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 25, 2015 at 8:55 amThis veto was stupid all the way around. The environmental impact study showed no deleterious impact. The US had gotten an agreement that the oil that went through the pipeline would remain in the US. All of the oil passing the pipeline would be taxed = $$revenues. The pipeline was to be built with US manufactured steel. Decreased dependency on Venezuela and Saudi oil. This is an ideologic play.
Joe Manchin already said that he’s breaking from Obama. Watch the Democrats self destruct. Blind loyalty to the Pied Piper is going to cost Red State Democrats dearly.
[i]We need to have a clean DHS, Department of Homeland Security, funding bill. Ive said that. Dont play politics with it. So now, Mitch McConnell is going to pull that out separately. I appreciate that. I support that wholeheartedly, Manchin said on CNNs New Day.[/i]
[i]I agree the president went over, and he overstepped his boundaries,[/i] Manchin said. I will vote against those orders, basically, if we have to vote on it. I will be voting with the Republicans on that issue there. ~Joe Manchin-
Manchin broke with Obama on Keystone a while back.
There’s still 4 votes to go to an override. Even if all nine Democrats (including Manchin) who voted to approve Keystone in January support overriding Obama’s veto, the Senate would still fall short.
And getting to 2/3s in the house would require dozens of democratic votes.
It’s not big enough an issue to “self-destruct” over.
Now there will some gnashing of teeth over the veto, the override will fail, and it will go back to the State Department process.
The question is whether Obama decides to bite the bullet and approve the thing ahead of the 2016 campaign. If he does so he will incur the wrath of the democratic left flank, but would be giving a big gift to Hillary. Mrs. Clinton could wash her hands of the issue and not have to deal with it as a wedge in 2016.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 25, 2015 at 9:10 amCanada can build its own pipeline to the east or west
No use america being their slaves-
Quote from kpack123
Canada can build its own pipeline to the east or west
No use america being their slaves
The Canadian government has already approved the Northern Gateway Pipeline to the Pacific.
But getting it done in Canada is even harder than in the US.
In its annual filing,Enbridge did say that Northern Gateway is going to be substantially more expensive than the most recent cost estimate of $7.9 billion, in part because of the cost of satisfying the 209 conditions imposed by the federal government. The company has not yet released the new cost estimate, but did say the earliest it will be in operation is 2019.
There are numerous hurdles to be overcome before then:
[ul][*]Meet 209 conditions – fewer than 30 have been fully completed[*]Bring aboriginal communities onside – 26 of 45 have signed up[*]Deal with First Nations court challenges[*]Secure continued commercial support[*]Satisfy British Columbias conditions [/ul]
This has led to talk that the project is being quietly shelved due to the increased costs and the low price of oil.
Senate fails to over ride Veto 62-37
Quote from kpack123
Canada can build its own pipeline to the east or west
No use america being their slaves
The NDP takes Alberta in Canadian elections after 40 years of PC rule
[url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/elections/alberta-votes/alberta-election-2015-results-ndp-wave-sweeps-across-province-in-historic-win-1.3062605]Alberta election 2015 results: NDP wave sweeps across province in historic win[/url][url=http://www.edmontonjournal.com/Alberta+leader+taking+pipeline+cues+from+federal+counterpart+Prentice/11018731/story.html]?What it means for Keystone?[/url]
{Alberta NDP leader Rachel} Notley has said she will not pursue the Keystone XL or Northern Gateway pipelines, believing both to be bogged down in legal and political wrangling that could go on for a decade or more. Instead, she will push for the Energy East pipeline and Kinder Morgan expansion, both of which she says could be exporting Alberta oil sooner.
Publicly, TransCanada, the company behind the embattled pipeline, insists it is still optimistic it will win the long-running standoffnot just over Keystone, but another pipeline project that has faced environmental opposition as well, Energy East. Were optimistic for both of our projects, TransCanada spokesman Mark Cooper told the New Republic.
The speculation in private, however, is that the writing may be on the wall for Keystone at least. “The rumor is that the decision to deny has been made, and they’re just waiting for the right time and venue,” an unnamed source familiar with the company told The Canadian Press this month. Republican lawmakers in the U.S. have echoed the pessimism. I dont see a scenario where the president would sign off on Keystone, Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chair Lisa Murkowski told Bloomberg recently. Then there are Obamas own words over the last year, which suggest hes leaning against the project.
This decision will be Obamas final word on the Keystone XL pipeline. But for TransCanada, it won’t be the end of the story. Even if its permit is rejected, TransCanada has a few paths forward for keeping Keystone alive. The company may eye a NAFTA lawsuit arguing trade discrimination, or it may submit a new application under the next presidentif its a Republican, the company would face a much easier time.
Clinton comes out in opposition to Keystone XL pipeline.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 22, 2015 at 4:07 pmShe just lost the Canadian vote
[url=http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/03/us/politics/transcanada-suspends-request-for-permit-to-build-keystone-pipeline.html]TransCanada Suspends Request for Permit to Build Keystone Pipeline[/url]
The company seeking to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline asked the Obama administration on Monday to suspend its yearslong review of the project, potentially bringing an abrupt halt to a politically charged debate that had become part of a broader struggle over President Obamas environmental policies.
It was not immediately clear whether the administration would grant the request, which was swiftly denounced by environmental activists as a bid to dodge a near-certain rejection of the pipeline. Allowing the delay would push off a decision until after the 2016 presidential election.
The companys request introduced a new element of uncertainty into the administrations decision-making process, offering the potential to free Mr. Obama from a politically difficult choice that has hung over much of his presidency. But if anything, it appeared to intensify pressure on him from crucial Democratic constituencies to reject the pipeline or risk being blamed for punting to another president. A delay would keep the issue alive in the presidential campaign.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 3, 2015 at 5:01 amIt’s not a political choice
As time rolls own it’s being seen for what it is
Build a pipeline for big Canadian Oil companies
Maybe we could get Mexico to pay for it too
If they want it suspended fine, but they have to start from square one when they wish to begin the review process anew
Obama Said to Reject Keystone Project, Win for Environmentalists[/url][/h1]President Barack Obama has decided to reject TransCanada Corp.s Keystone XL pipeline, ending seven years of debate over an infrastructure project that swelled into one of the most contentious environmental issues of his presidency, according to a people familiar with action.
Obama plans to announce his decision at the White House this morning, the people said, speaking on condition of anonymity ahead of the announcement.
The rejection is a victory for environmental advocates, who sought to couple the 1,179-mile pipeline to Obamas campaign to combat global warming. The proposed cross-border pipeline, which would carry Canadian oil sands to U.S. refineries near the Gulf of Mexico, spawned a multi-million-dollar lobbying campaign and protests by groups that said the pipeline would add to climate change.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 6, 2015 at 5:17 pmSimple solution
Canada can build their own pipeline to the east or west and a refinery
Hmmmmmm wonder why they won’t?
[url=http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-06/transcanada-files-suit-over-keystone-xl-will-take-writedown]TransCanada Files Suit Over Keystone XL Oil Pipeline Denial[/url]
TransCanada Corp. filed a lawsuit in U.S. Federal Court in Houston, saying President Barack Obamas decision to deny construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline exceeded his power under the Constitution.
The company also gave notice of its intent to initiate a claim under the North American Free Trade Agreement. Through the NAFTA claim, TransCanada said it is seeking to recover more than $15 billion in costs and damages that it has suffered as a result of the permit denial. TransCanada said it plans to take an estimated C$2.5 billion to C$2.9 billion ($1.78 billion to $2.06 billion) after-tax writedown.
Isn’t this all Hyphothetical money they’re losing? Frankly I don’t see how these Hosers can file a suit like this to force their own agenda.
So Trump gave a waiver on buy America for the pipeline? What? Russian steel coming in for this job.
In related news:
The army corps of engineers has finished cleaning up the protest camp on the banks of the Cannonball river. It took 835 roll-off dumpsters to clean up the garbage the ‘water protectors’ left behind in the rivers floodplane.
Also, the horizontal drilling contractor has completed most of the operation that put the pipeline between 90 and 110ft below the floor of Lake Oahe.
(its about a mile of continuously welded pipeline that was laid out on rollers on one side of the river and got pulled/pushed through the slightgly undersized hole with a system of hydraulic rams)
Also, the US District court for the District of Columbia denied a motion to stop the oil from flowing.
So it looks like its all going to end well.
The “water protectors” had to live somewhere in shelters & have cooking materials, etc, or you expect them to live out exposed in the Dakota winter eating nothing.
Quote from Frumious
The “water protectors” had to live somewhere in shelters & have cooking materials, etc, or you expect them to live out exposed in the Dakota winter eating nothing.
The Standing Rock Sioux had offered a site for the camp on higher ground within the reservation boundaries (as opposed to USACE land in the floodplain). The ‘water protectors’ refused. This was not about water.-
Trump like to compare his campaign to Andrew Jackson. They both do have something in common now. They both take from the native inhabitants.
interesting that Jewish groups have not pointed out the anti-semitic bent to this –go on far right sites and u get a clear picture of who they thought Jackson was fighting with the banks
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Trump like to compare his campaign to Andrew Jackson. They both do have something in common now. They both take from the native inhabitants.
Quote from DICOM_DAN
Trump like to compare his campaign to Andrew Jackson. They both do have something in common now. They both take from the native inhabitants.
No native land was taken for the construction of the pipeline. The land the pipeline is on is outside of the treaty* boundaries.
*[size=”1″] assuming that any of the treaties the US signed with the tribes are valid to start with. One can make an argument that the US negotiated all of them in bad faith and that the treaties were never valid.[/size] -
[url=https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/24/business/energy-environment/keystone-oil-pipeline.html]Trump issues official permit for Keystone XL pipeline[/url]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 25, 2017 at 12:15 pmWoooooohooooo
12 jobs created and all that steel being used
Oooops steel is from China
Quote from kpack123
12 jobs created and all that steel being used
Oooops steel is from China
You need to watch less MSNBC.
China isn’t even a player in that market. 50% of the pipe comes from Little Rock, AR, 25% fro Regina, SK and the rest from India and Italy. -
Quote from fw
Quote from kpack123
12 jobs created and all that steel being used
Oooops steel is from China
You need to watch less MSNBC.
China isn’t even a player in that market. 50% of the pipe comes from Little Rock, AR, 25% fro Regina, SK and the rest from India and Italy.
Are you talking about the pipe or the raw steel?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 25, 2017 at 2:24 pm[link=http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/03/04/president-trump-keystone-pipeline-american-steel/98734238/]http://www.usatoday.com/s…erican-steel/98734238/[/link]
Now maybe it’s time for you to go back to your own country
Quote from kpack123
Doesn’t say anything about chinese steel.
That article quotes the sources that Transcanada gave the regulators. 50% US, 24% Canada, the remainder Italy and India.[link=https://www.theguardian.com/environment/keystone-xl-pipeline]https://www.theguardian.c…t/keystone-xl-pipeline[/link]
Click-bait-o-rama. Says nothing about the sources for the pipes.Now maybe it’s time for you to go back to your own country
Hey little guy, did some polish kid take your lunch money ? You are really hung up on that xenophobic tack. It’s not healthy to hold a grudge that long.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2017 at 9:30 am
Quote from Frumious
The “water protectors” had to live somewhere in shelters & have cooking materials, etc, or you expect them to live out exposed in the Dakota winter eating nothing.
I live fairly close, and took a drive over there a few weeks ago. It was pretty disgusting the way the people were trashing the land. From what I could see it wasn’t the local people, it was the “imports”.-
Quote from stir22
Quote from Frumious
The “water protectors” had to live somewhere in shelters & have cooking materials, etc, or you expect them to live out exposed in the Dakota winter eating nothing.
I live fairly close, and took a drive over there a few weeks ago. It was pretty disgusting the way the people were trashing the land. From what I could see it wasn’t the local people, it was the “imports”.
The tribal officials had asked them to leave a long time ago. The violence kept guests away from the tribal casino and the large mass of people put a strain on emergency and social services.
Well that didn’t take long …
[h1]Keystone pipeline spills more than 350,000 gallons of oil in North Dakota[/h1][link=https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/468353-keystone-pipeline-spills-over-350000-gallons-of-oil-in-north-dakota]https://thehill.com/policy/energy-en…n-north-dakota[/link]
Don’t worry. Invisible hand of the market will mop that right up
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 31, 2019 at 4:01 pmYep
All that for 12 jobs and infrastructure for a Canadian company
This must be what winning is like
Quote from dergon
Well that didn’t take long …
[h1]Keystone pipeline spills more than 350,000 gallons of oil in North Dakota[/h1]
Don’t worry. Invisible hand of the market will mop that right up
A year from now you won’t be able to tell where the spill happened.
Until we find a way to run our cars on unicorn farts or ‘hope & change’, we are going to have to drill holes in the ground to get oil + gas.
Magically the oil will disappear. Angels and fairies will magically take it away. Just like it does on the Gulf of Mexico bottom. How about the Exxon Valdiz? Long gone, no? Never even know anything at all happened.
Wonderful to believe in magic, isn’t it?
You don’t know what you are talking about. You spout ignorance.
Perhaps energy companies can show a bit more competence and accountability. Gee, with all this inability to do anything right these corporations act like governments.
Except government is accountable.-
Yep. Because if you can’t see the oil on the ground then clearly it must follow that there was no environmental damage. *rollseyes*
Quote from Frumious
Magically the oil will disappear. Angels and fairies will magically take it away.
Dump trucks and excavators will take it away.
Just how dumb are you ?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 1, 2019 at 9:35 amWinning
[b]Biden to Cancel Keystone Pipeline Permit on Day One[/b][/h1]
President-elect Joe Biden has indicated plans to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit via executive action on his first day in office, sources confirmed to [link=https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/biden-keystone-xl-1.5877038]CBC News[/link] on Sunday.-
Quote from dergon
[b]Biden to Cancel Keystone Pipeline Permit on Day One[/b][/h1]
President-elect Joe Biden has indicated plans to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit via executive action on his first day in office, sources confirmed to [link=https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/biden-keystone-xl-1.5877038]CBC News[/link] on Sunday.
Going from one senile autocrat to the other .
He needs to stop the leases on drilling rights in the arctic refuge also. That should be shut down post haste.
Quote from fw
Quote from dergon
[b]Biden to Cancel Keystone Pipeline Permit on Day One[/b]
President-elect Joe Biden has indicated plans to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit via executive action on his first day in office, sources confirmed to [link=https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/biden-keystone-xl-1.5877038]CBC News[/link] on Sunday.
Going from one senile autocrat to the other .
Ah, you mean the autocrat government that decided to place the pipeline in Native American lands, contrary to their wishes and removing their property rights.
Yes, we are losing our freedom to the idol of business and oil with government help.
The Keystone XL pipeline project has been terminated.[/h1]
Owner cancels Keystone XL pipeline months after Biden revoked permit
[link=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-27/work-stops-on-controversial-u-s-penneast-natural-gas-pipeline]Work Stops on Controversial U.S. PennEast Natural Gas Pipeline
The companies behind the PennEast natural gas pipeline, a proposed 116-mile (187-kilometer) conduit that would have run through Pennsylvania and New Jersey, halted development on the project after failing to get environmental permits.
Despite a [link=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-29/supreme-court-clears-penneast-pipeline-to-sue-for-land-rights]June Supreme Court ruling[/link] that gas pipeline projects with federal approval can seize state-owned land, and support from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the project still hasnt received water quality certification and other wetland permits for the New Jersey section.Therefore, the PennEast partners, following extensive evaluation and discussion, recently determined further development of the Project no longer is supported, PennEast said in an emailed statement. Accordingly, PennEast has ceased all further development of the Project.
One of the Trump sticking points is going to be how only he made America energy independent and Biden has crippled the energy industry.
It’s like we need to have things like gasoline, and nat gas. We also need to have things like clean water, fisheries, and other natural resources. That later should win every time. The Trump ghouls wanted to dig the Alaskan refuge. It’s like the last true untouched wilderness.