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  • Interview with Sam Hupert PromedicusCEO

    Posted by hugo.duarte125_221 on November 6, 2020 at 7:18 pm

    Here is an interview with Sam Huppert, co-founder and CEO of Promedicus – parent company of Visage.
    It comes from an investor podcast and is of course slanted towards an investor’s view. I found it interesting to see the business side from the vendor’s perspective
    Pro Medicus is based in Australia but speaking as an Australian radiologist, Visage doesn’t seem to have a large presence in Australia. I have used their RIS in one private price group I locumed with (my thought was meh) but Inteleviewer has a much larger presence in private imaging clinics and other vendors like GE, Sectra, etc seem to have the lion’s share of the hospitals.

    hugo.duarte125_221 replied 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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