Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2020 at 5:08 amMaybe we can have one day in which trump just stays in the Oval Office and doesnt say a word
Just one day
Maybe pigs can fly. Someday.
Unlikely he will be quiet. I mean usually one wants to hear leadership from the presidency, except in this case, no leadership, just chaos still after denials claiming hoax & conspiracies.
Also being quiet not his nature. He is the guy who said and always believed that there is no such thing as bad publicity, being in the news is the single important thing. He wants to do the reality show of being a leader.
Maybe The Apprentice will appear on Fox after January, “bringing back great ratings!”-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2020 at 8:31 amDow under 20,000
Orange preek Fd up the market as predicted
Wonder how the year it down types feel about I him now
Some businessman. Just Go from bankrupt real estate guy to bankruptcy and trash the country
Thanks trumpers you got your way
WWHD? What would Hilary have done at this time if elected? What could she have done any different? Mostly likely we would be in a depression right now. Since she doesn’t know how to create jobs, which creates TAX revenue, we would have been vulnerable to higher unemployment. She’s never had the skills for business or finance, just plain old mumbo jumbo lawyer blaming.
Please enlighten all of us dumb republicans on your gross distorted opinion of what “[i]Madame President Clog Ankles[/i]” would have done for us at this time.
Obamas last day the DJIA was 17,888. Think about that. You can spew your crap if… we get below that. Until then, you can’t predict nor provide advice on anything.
Quote from CudaRad
Obamas last day the DJIA was 17,888.
DJIA on Obama’s last day was 19,827.
Quote from dergon
Quote from CudaRad
Obamas last day the DJIA was 17,888.
DJIA on Obama’s last day was 19,827.
DJIA rising during Obama’s years had nothing to do with a 0.5% FF rate, right dergon?
LOL, you guys are exposing hack political warfare. That’s the whole point, rich got richer under Obama, you are there still to cheerleader — but claim to care about the non-elites, lol
Yeah, these guys are nuts, Castle man is right
He is sharp, listening to me — downturn for hte market coming again, let’s wait for gold to drop more and then get in. BTC will shine, 5 year hold will beat ANYONE here, I guarantee it.
[link=https://www.vox.com/2020/3/18/21181976/dow-jones-trump-lower-coronavirus]The Dow Jones is now lower than it was when Trump took office[/link]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2020 at 9:44 amOf course it is, it’ll go lower too. At least dergon has enough sense not to repeat what that moron keeps posting, as if anyone cares “F up market”
Let me guess, Trump created the virus in a lab, right? It’s just dumb. I’m shorting, and buying BTC and gold, because inflation will come after this, even if it recovers. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 22, 2020 at 4:07 pmIm thinking 16000-17000
Especially if trump keeps blubbering idiot updated
Quote from kpack123
Im thinking 16000-17000
Especially if trump keeps blubbering idiot updated
I already said that, are you going to give me credit if it hits that or act like I didn’t already say that
Down 5% or more at open tomorrow-
Stimulus deal collapses.
Senate is currently at 48/47. Trump wants to control stimulus fund distribution, dems want restrictions on how corporations can use $$
Market futures crash-
Federal Reserve announces unlimited QE in perpetuity …
market rise, up 2%-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 23, 2020 at 6:44 amBut …….
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 23, 2020 at 6:48 amDoesnt it seem like everytime the administration intervened the markets tank
They should Just STFU and sit on the sidelines for a little while
The markets will catch their breath and react when this thing peaks
This is not a bay to day thing and they just keep making it worse
It’s important to separate the independent Federal Reserve from “the administration.”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 23, 2020 at 3:30 pmMarkets will pop back but the highs will be lower and lower over the next 10 years.
kpack has money, but he will lose it slowly over this time period (but he likely has enough not to be worried) though he won’t be honest about it/will say it doesn’t matter even though I’m calling it
indexers will lose.
Quote from dergon
Market goes limit down as Trump is speaking … again
Sounding more and more like k-tard
They aren’t selling due to massive overvaluation of “Obama’s market” are they? Or no one at work? Or the world financial sector in negative rates and huge debt? LOL, you guys are as insane as we thought. You love what you perceive as political gain, yet you won’t win … anyway. That’s the best part.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2020 at 10:40 amWhat would Hillary of done
1. Wouldnt have fired the US pandemic response team….. you know the one trump called not worth paying doctors for standing around doing nothing
2. Would not have refused the testing kits from WHO …… because our test are better
3. Would not have downplayed and labeled this a hoax……. putting us a month behind the get serious curve
4. Would not have royally Fd the markets with daily beastly incoherent babble and attempted blame shifting
Do you want more?
Dumbarse trumpers Fd the country for a few years to come.
Stupid Fs
5. Would have continued rational Obama administration dealing with 3 AM calls and all other 24/7 calls.
6. Would have had experienced and competent people in her administration, unlike the present one.
7. Finally, Hillary is magnitudes more competent than the Orange Man man-child in office now.
Competency matters, for the person in charge and his/her team.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2020 at 11:04 am8. Fd up the future radiology job market for new/rads so they can get use to bending over and taking it up the keister fit the foreseeable future
THose people will be OK and still way better off than most people.
It’s kind of odd because we thought of 08-09 as like a once in a generation collapse/opportunity. Looks like that might be twice in a lifetime.-
Getting monotonous these opportunities always hitting during Republican administrations when deficits are already high.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 18, 2020 at 12:06 pmRepublicans always F up markets
Then we have the Whitney apologist on here trying to blame Obama and Hillary
Trump cant lick either Obama or Hillarys bare arse
Carnival broker who is out of his league
All I can say is at least George Bush let Paulson call the shots and got the hello out of the way
Quote from DICOM_Dan
THose people will be OK and still way better off than most people.
It’s kind of odd because we thought of 08-09 as like a once in a generation collapse/opportunity. Looks like that might be twice in a lifetime.
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Quote from kpack123
What would Hillary of done
1. Wouldnt have fired the US pandemic response team….. you know the one trump called not worth paying doctors for standing around doing nothing
2. Would not have refused the testing kits from WHO …… because our test are better
3. Would not have downplayed and labeled this a hoax……. putting us a month behind the get serious curve
4. Would not have royally Fd the markets with daily beastly incoherent babble and attempted blame shifting
Do you want more?
Dumbarse trumpers Fd the country for a few years to come.
Stupid Fs
I hope you and Frumi are not in Hospital Clinical Administration cause based on the stupidity of human value reasoning you two spew produce… under your administration, a patient with a hangnail dx in ER, would get an MRI , US, then be admitted and then die. You two should go back to gaming and weed and let the medical grown ups run the country. You two have no clue about health and patient care in a team environment.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 19, 2020 at 1:11 pmThats all you got?
Very weak
GBTC up 20%
another one I told you to buy
Yeah, I don’t know anything lol
cue the stupid lies from kpack in the face of more $$$ calls by IB
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 19, 2020 at 7:13 pm
Quote from CudaRad
Quote from kpack123
What would Hillary of done
1. Wouldnt have fired the US pandemic response team….. you know the one trump called not worth paying doctors for standing around doing nothing
2. Would not have refused the testing kits from WHO …… because our test are better
3. Would not have downplayed and labeled this a hoax……. putting us a month behind the get serious curve
4. Would not have royally Fd the markets with daily beastly incoherent babble and attempted blame shifting
Do you want more?
Dumbarse trumpers Fd the country for a few years to come.
Stupid Fs
[b][i][u] I hope you and Frumi are not in Hospital Clinical Administration[/u][/i][/b] cause based on the stupidity of human value reasoning you two spew produce… under your administration, a patient with a hangnail dx in ER, would get an MRI , US, then be admitted and then die. You two should go back to gaming and weed and let the medical grown ups run the country. You two have no clue about health and patient care in a team environment.
Heck, I assumed they were in Hospital Clinical Administration based on the stupidity they produce.
Ok… you got me on that one. I don’t hold any C level position as “all knowing” in my work. I’ve seen and worked with a few Doozy’s in my time.
[h1][b]Market Selloff Isnt Over Yet[/b][/h1]
The most brutal stretch for global markets since the financial crisis likely isnt over yet, say investors and analysts who believe it is too early to assess the possible scale of economic damage from the coronavirus, the [link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-worst-of-the-global-selloff-isnt-here-yet-banks-and-investors-warn-11584877018?mod=hp_lead_pos2]Wall Street Journal[/link] reports.
I agree, DOW opens down 600 points tomorrow. The hysteria of stupidity is not even close yet, all you will hear is the dumb, retarded hysteria of “cases” that means nothing but will spook people all the more. If talk or action of a quarantine/lockdown in full manner ensues, 1500 or lower?
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Dow 17,000. We’re so close.
You’re pretty much the last person who can even have a conversation around here anymore, credit to you, even if you are jazzing me there (-:
[b]Kudlow Says Government May Take Equity Stakes[/b][/h1]
The White Houses top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, said the administration may consider asking for an equity stake in corporations who want coronavirus aid from taxpayers, [link=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/kudlow-says-government-may-take-equity-stakes-for-company-aid]Bloomberg[/link] reports.
Kudlow also said the administration could up the ante beyond its $1.3 trillion stimulus proposal if the economic impact of the coronavirus is worse than anticipated. -
Quote from dergon
Quote from CudaRad
Obamas last day the DJIA was 17,888.
DJIA on Obama’s last day was 19,827.
Sorry, was meaning election night before the win. it was 17,888. Trumps win made the market jump, Obama did nothing in the last few months to increase the Market. This is CNN’s report, so therefore… it’s true.
[link=https://money.cnn.com/2016/11/09/investing/dow-jones-trump-wins-election/index.html]https://money.cnn.com/201…ns-election/index.html[/link] -
There a lot of non-sense from the admin about what is going on with purchasing and supply chain for needed items. Ventilators and masks. Saying states should take care of themselves but seemingly implying theyre getting stuff too.
Notably the senate is also not doing much on this supposed relief bill. (Randy the dandy also has tested positive).
As if.
Donald speaks “Newspeak.” Changing history on a daily, even minute by minute basis, as if we have no memories. As if there are no records, no witnesses, no video, only Donald’s word for it that changes on a whim, as needed for his BS.
US President Donald Trump says he wished China would have told him earlier about the novel coronavirus, despite previously praising the country’s transparency on the issue.
“I wish they could have told us earlier about what was going on inside,” Mr Trump said during a briefing on the federal government’s coronavirus response.
“We didn’t know about it until it started coming out publicly.”
And then, believing in multiple contradictory stories at the same moment in time.
Mr Trump added that China “was very secretive and that’s unfortunate.”
On January 24, Mr Trump praised China and President Xi Jinping for the country’s “efforts and transparency” in dealing with the coronavirus.
[b]That praise came nearly a month after the country informed the World Health Organisation about the virus.[/b]
So when did China inform the world? December 2019 sometime?
Yes, very secretive indeed. Withholding information.
[b]Stock Market Sees Biggest One-Day Jump Since 1933 [/b]
[b] [/b]
U.S. stocks rallied sharply Tuesday, with the Dow surging to its biggest one-day gain in more than 85 years on signs that lawmakers and the Trump administration were nearing a deal on a giant stimulus package aimed at limiting the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, the [link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/global-stock-markets-dow-update-3-24-2020-11585012632?mod=hp_lead_pos1&mod=article_inline]Wall Street Journal[/link] reports.
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/03/24/stocks-economy-senate-stimulus-fed/]Washington Post[/link]: The massive stimulus is designed to be a lifeline to Americans and their employers until the coronavirus is brought under control and the country returns to some semblance of normalcy. The Federal Reserve signaled the gravity of the situation Monday when, in an unprecedented move, said it would spend whatever it takes to preserve the U.S. financial system.
Hey, first time I’ve seen you post the ups … not that it matters, this VIX is nutty, slightly slowing
Around April 8 I am likely going to buy VIX puts for late year. I see volatility jumping back to higher levels approaching that time.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 26, 2020 at 8:00 amAmazing, Delta Airlines I also saw was A- rating, and within a year or so they’re now BBB-
These rating agencies keep them in the game, same thing with these NJ or IL governments, they never go full throttle on them as junkity junk because it’s a scratch my back situation. -
Quote from dergon
S&P up 4%
Ford debt downgraded to junk status.
The thing that I find interesting. It looks like some of these companies have the ability to do way more than make cars. I was reading in Jalopnik about the respirator Ford came up with just using stuff they have on hand. It was Apollo 13 kind of stuff. I’m surprised they don’t broaden into other things under normal circumstances.
[/link][b]JP Morgan calls the bottom[/b]
Conditions that JPMorgan had set for market stabilization and revival have largely been met, with recession-like pricing, a reversal in investor positioning and extraordinary fiscal stimulus, strategists led by John Normand wrote in a note Friday. [link=https://fortune.com/2020/03/29/coronavirus-social-distancing-april/]Coronavirus infection rates[/link] remain a wild card, as they remain high even if theyre slowing in the U.S. and Europe.
Risky markets should remain volatile as long as infection rates create uncertainty about the depth and duration of the Covid recession, but enough has changed fundamentally and technically to justify adding risk selectively, Normand wrote. Most risky markets have probably made their lows for this recession, except perhaps oil and some EM currencies beset by debt-sustainability issues.
Most risk assets should trade higher in the second quarter of the year, Normand said. He recommends that investors average into oversold markets, particularly those where central banks are buying directly. (Averaging into markets entails spreading out the purchases over time rather than diving in in one go.)
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 30, 2020 at 4:49 amIm not as much interested in price now
I want stable companies that arent going to cut their dividend
There are a lot of solid companies with 5-7% yields
Considering interest rates are near zero you cant beat that yield
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 2, 2020 at 7:40 amOil jumpin
Halibuurton was at 5
Wonder if we ever see that again
I dont understand JPM calling a bottom or let alone revival. How is the supposed 30% unemployment going to stabilize the market.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
I dont understand JPM calling a bottom or let alone revival. How is the supposed 30% unemployment going to stabilize the market.
A lot of people still think there will be a snap-back to normal.
I think that is getting less and less likely. I think we’ll be at least 4 quarters before we get back to Q1 2020 GDP.
At this point the stock market seems to be priced to a fairly quick recovery … it wouldn’t surprise me to see another leg down … or two … or three
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 3, 2020 at 5:39 amWe are going to see a lot of yo-yo days
But the market isnt going to do much positive for a while
Periods like these really show the value of dividend investing
I know I sign like a broken record but this is where that extra 3-5% really make a difference
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 9, 2020 at 11:08 am
Quote from kpack123
We are going to see a lot of yo-yo days
But the market isnt going to do much positive for a while
Periods like these really show the value of dividend investing
I know I sign like a broken record but this is where that extra 3-5% really make a difference
Or it will just keep going up since you said that, every day, up 12% since your post.
The FED is all in, will do whatever it take, like Japan, just constant BID. Clown world, but for now, the powers that be like it, I guess.
[link=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-13/goldman-says-u-s-stocks-have-likely-bottomed-on-policy-support?srnd=premium]Goldman Says U.S. Stocks Have Likely Bottomed[/link][/h3]
Unprecedented policy support and a flattening viral curve have dramatically cut risks, the bank says.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 13, 2020 at 9:39 amNo way they’ve bottomed.
What are you doing, dergon? -
Virus dies in the summer with a whimper.
Snap back depends on how quickly people feel comfortable resuming normal activities
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 14, 2020 at 12:55 pmThe virus is already dead. The problem is that we don’t have herd immunity.
Its not really a problem that we dont have herd immunity to a virus with a sub 1% mortality rate
A problem would be if an actual deadly pathogen spread through the country
That’s right, but the fear mongers can use their self fulfilling prophecy to keep halting XYZ or stopping the NFL, or whatever. It’s just dumb.
Stocks will be down by 20%+ from this level in July/start of Q3. -
I tend to agree with this take:
[h3][link=https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-04-17/coronavirus-stock-market-investors-are-too-optimistic?srnd=premium]Stock Market Investors Are Too Optimistic[/link][/h3]
The monetary and fiscal response has been spectacular but can it prevent a permanent loss of growth if peoples consumption, travel and working practices have been altered fundamentally? A wave of defaults, credit downgrades into junk territory, bankruptcies and price drops in real assets such as aircraft and property would change the more positive stock market narrative quickly, as would a second wave of the virus. Parts of the world, Europe in particular, were at risk of recession before the outbreak. Crude oil prices below $20 per barrel dont suggest global demand will come roaring back.
The equity market is meant to reflect anticipated corporate earnings, and although its often given to wild optimism, this is an entirely new situation. How can anyone say with a straight face that they can estimate future earnings right now?
Catastrophe has been avoided but most of the emergency measures are geared toward liquidity and borrowing costs. Growth is the thing that matters most for equity valuations in the medium term, and no one can guarantee that.
Consumers will only return to familiar spending habits if they have regular income and governments dont raise taxes to pay for the current splurge. More [link=https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-04-15/get-ready-to-work-longer-thanks-to-coronavirus-hitting-pensions]dividends will be cut[/link] or cancelled. The hit to earnings will only be partially recoverable as most consumption is immediate and large items such as cars and electrical goods can be put off for other years.
Equity markets are betting big on the lasting results of all the stimulus. A swifter end to lockdowns or a promising vaccine development would be something to get excited about. Until we have that, the confidence looks overdone. -
Quote from dergon
I tend to agree with this take:
[h3][link=https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-04-17/coronavirus-stock-market-investors-are-too-optimistic?srnd=premium]Stock Market Investors Are Too Optimistic[/link][/h3]
The monetary and fiscal response has been spectacular but can it prevent a permanent loss of growth if peoples consumption, travel and working practices have been altered fundamentally? A wave of defaults, credit downgrades into junk territory, bankruptcies and price drops in real assets such as aircraft and property would change the more positive stock market narrative quickly, as would a second wave of the virus. Parts of the world, Europe in particular, were at risk of recession before the outbreak. Crude oil prices below $20 per barrel dont suggest global demand will come roaring back.
The equity market is meant to reflect anticipated corporate earnings, and although its often given to wild optimism, this is an entirely new situation. How can anyone say with a straight face that they can estimate future earnings right now?
Catastrophe has been avoided but most of the emergency measures are geared toward liquidity and borrowing costs. Growth is the thing that matters most for equity valuations in the medium term, and no one can guarantee that.
Consumers will only return to familiar spending habits if they have regular income and governments dont raise taxes to pay for the current splurge. More [link=https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-04-15/get-ready-to-work-longer-thanks-to-coronavirus-hitting-pensions]dividends will be cut[/link] or cancelled. The hit to earnings will only be partially recoverable as most consumption is immediate and large items such as cars and electrical goods can be put off for other years.
Equity markets are betting big on the lasting results of all the stimulus. A swifter end to lockdowns or a promising vaccine development would be something to get excited about. Until we have that, the confidence looks overdone.
Agreed. I think we are well beyond expecting a V-shaped recovery. If something doesn’t change soon, we may move from a U-shaped recovery to an L-shaped “recovery”.
The S&P 500 P/E ratio is right back up where it was at its highs due to decreased reported earnings.
I still think the risk is greater to the down side than the up side. -
Bi-polar. One day deliriously optimistic, the next day suicidal pessimistic.
It is, no one wants to break through 2800 and change.
I’m playing for the late May, June, July drop. Then it’ll slowly languish. 80% chance.
20% the foreign outflows and Fed keep it propped up. -
[h1][b]Trump Says Rich Guys Talking Down the Stock Market[/b][/h1] President Trump accused wealthy investors for supposedly manipulating the stock market by making strong statements, [link=https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/13/trump-warns-rich-guys-could-be-talking-down-stock-market-to-profit.html]CNBC[/link] reports.
Said Trump: When the so-called rich guys speak negatively about the market, you must always remember that some are betting big against it, and make a lot of money if it goes down. Then they go positive, get big publicity, and make it going up. They get you both ways. Barely legal?
I’m inclined to agree with the President here. If there’s one thing Trump knows about it “Barely Legal” 😉 -
Is he referring to the Jerry Powell at the Fed.? Im not sure he wasnt speaking truth when he said something like we are not out of the woods yet.
Quote from dergon
Quote from DICOM_Dan
I dont understand JPM calling a bottom or let alone revival. How is the supposed 30% unemployment going to stabilize the market.
A lot of people still think there will be a snap-back to normal.
I think that is getting less and less likely. I think we’ll be at least 4 quarters before we get back to Q1 2020 GDP.
At this point the stock market seems to be priced to a fairly quick recovery … it wouldn’t surprise me to see another leg down … or two … or three
I was listening to Fauci on the NYT daily podcast yesterday. He was saying that thy might be able to get this under control by summer but expects it to be back by fall (hopefully not in a bigly way). That relies on testing and it seems like we’re just woefully behind on testing. Maybe some things can re-open but would you want to go to a packed bar or starbucks etc…I have a hard time seeing things back to normal until we get people vaccinated.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 9, 2020 at 6:46 amJust head this on CNBC and I laughed and spit out my coffee
if Dodd-Frank did anything right it made sure that banks had actual cash to wether these kind of storms
Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Gosh I like Steve Leesman but cmon man that was the entire Fng point my man
Gas falls below a $1.00/gal in some places. It’s actually cheaper than a gallon of water.
McConnell wants states to declare bankruptcy instead of the Feds helping out.
Brilliant idea! As Cuomo said, watch New York state declare bankruptcy & see what happens to the national economy. Not to mention the other states also declaring bankruptcy.
Reminds me of the 1970’s, “Drop Dead New York!”-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 23, 2020 at 6:23 pmSince when did crashing the economy matter to you, Frumi-licious?
This is you at [b]peak [/b]stupid.
[link=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-15/fed-warns-of-significant-hit-to-asset-prices-if-pandemic-grows?srnd=premium]Fed Warns of Significant Hit to Asset Prices If Crisis Grows[/link]
The Fed made the assertion in its twice-yearly financial stability report, in which it flags risks to the U.S. banking system and broader economy. The document highlighted the central banks race to intervene in markets and temporarily dial back regulations on financial firms in response to the Covid-19 crisis.
Asset prices remain vulnerable to significant price declines should the pandemic take an unexpected course, the economic fallout prove more adverse, or financial system strains reemerge, the Fed said in the report. It cited commercial real estate as being particularly susceptible to falling valuations because prices were high relative to fundamentals before the pandemic, and there have been severe disruptions in the hospitality and retail industries.
deflation will bring it down, QE doesn’t work (in the short term)
people just think it does = long term languishing
MMT is the true worry.
interesting retail number. Target reported their average day of sales in April was bigger than cyber monday holiday sale.
I heard that this morning. Target profit margin was down a good bit though b/c it was primarily a jump in food and staples… low margin stuff
S&P closes at new record high-
The S&P 500 index closed at a new record high Tuesday, recovering all of its coronavirus-driven losses despite the long road to a full economic recovery ahead for the U.S. at large.
The S&P closed Tuesday at 3389.78, a little more than 3 points higher than the record close set in February before the onset of the pandemic plunged financial markets into chaos. Both the S&P and Nasdaq composite have set new records after the coronavirus-driven crash that began in late February and stretched into mid-March.
Dow down another 800+ this morning …
back into correction territory iirc-
Per Bloomberg radio:
if current market hold through Friday it would be the worst election week performance for the S&P since 1928.
It’s not fun watching any gains for 2020 slip slidin’ away like Paul Simon. For like the second or third time this year.
Quote from Frumious
Chaos is this administration’s winning policy.
You finally admitted it. Good to see you are coming to grips with the fact that you are a loser, and Trump is a winner.-
Dow futures +1,500
liking that Biden bounce
Maybe Pfizer vaccine data has a little to do with it 😉 )-
before hand I was reading that the markets were pricing in a Biden W. Since it was kind of a Trump sinker, things might normalize as the Biden presidency becomes real. States are finalizing counting, he’s winning those states, and it feels like the veil of uncertainty is lifting. (the Pfizer announcement seems like a big deal too).
I think we have one major obstacle to overcome. That would be the the Trumpty Dumpty going full on arsonist on his way out the door. We still have till inauguration for him to fudge stuff up.-
Unfortunately I bought 1000 shares of Pfizer Total Landscaping
BTC and Gold. Long term you all lose if you don’t preserve purchasing power, especially now. The BTC naysayers already have egg all over their face.
Quote from Casino Royale
BTC and Gold. Long term you all lose if you don’t preserve purchasing power, especially now. The BTC naysayers already have egg all over their face.
Ha! Gold.
Nice one cigar… Maybe invest in apples.-
Apparently Four Seasons Lawn Care is now selling shirts that say:
Make America Rake Again
Lawn & Order
Quote from ghostofosler
Apparently Four Seasons Lawn Care is now selling shirts that say:
Make America Rake Again
Lawn & Order
Now thats funny!
Goldman Sachs calls …. the next “Roaring 20s”
We lift our year-end 2020 target to 3700 (+4%)
4300 year-end 2021 target (+16%)
Smerconish did a segment on this yesterday. Historically there have repeatedly been post-pandemic societal, economic, and cultural changes …[h1]Epidemiologist looks to the past to predict second post-pandemic ‘roaring 20s'[/h1]
{O}nce pandemics end, often there is a period in which people seek out extensive social interaction, and which Christakis predicts will be a second roaring 20s just as after the 1918 flu pandemic.
…This future, Christakis predicts, will not come until society has had time to distribute the vaccine, probably through 2021, and had time to recover from the socioeconomic devastation it has wrought, probably through 2023. But the vision he lays out for 2024 and beyond is one filled with experiences pined for in isolation: packed stadiums, crowded nightclubs and flourishing arts.
In 2024, all of those [pandemic trends] will be reversed, he said. People will relentlessly seek out social interactions. That could include sexual licentiousness, liberal spending, and a reverse of religiosity.
Andrew Sullivan agrees[link=https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/p/why-2021-is-going-to-be-epic-d0e]https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/…to-be-epic-d0e[/link]
Looking forward to it!
Quote from DICOM_Dan
(the Pfizer announcement seems like a big deal too).
I think we have one major obstacle to overcome. That would be the the [b]Trumpty Dumpty going full on arsonist on his way out the door. [/b] We still have till inauguration for him to fudge stuff up.
I think today’s run up in the DOW was primarily due to the Pfizer announcement. No doubt the market is not too afraid of Biden policies though.
I have an investor friend who is shorting the DOW based on today’s gain and the thesis of a high likelihood of the in bold above.
Some good opportunity to play volatility with good asset allocation and rebalancing.