Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 9, 2020 at 7:11 am
Quote from kpack123
Crazy sheet
This is the once every 10-15 year eventRepublicans always eventually F up markets
When you say that for the 20th time after being wrong for 3 years, not many pay attention anymore. As if central banks and negative interest rates, valuations are created by a political party. You really are dumb, and a hack at that. I am surprised you claim you make money in the market, this much is too much to believe as you are getting pounded but like to try to make everything political, in order to feel better about your hate. It’s quite amusing.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 9, 2020 at 7:26 amDo you remember your post 2 Friday s ago?
Emotions and money dont mix
You love trump…… but as I told you eventually he will F things up
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 9, 2020 at 1:53 pm
Quote from kpack123
Do you remember your post 2 Friday s ago?
Emotions and money dont mix
You love trump…… but as I told you eventually he will F things up
Corporate junk bonds, central bank manipulation (helps prolong and create bubbles), oil cartels, hysteria over viruses … record debt and deficits (catapulted by that bozo you praise all the time) … Yeah, that’s all Donald Trump’s fault
You are a child, what’s funny is that it makes me wonder if you even actually invest or it’s all air. Your comments lack any understanding in any realm you address.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 9, 2020 at 2:38 pmWell I dont necessarily disagree with the stock market manipulation. In fact Ive seen this movie twice before
Another republican president another stock market debacle
Whats funny is soon it will be time to make real long term money
But you need to have cash to make it
I knew trump would F this up and Ive been cash ready waiting to pounce
Sorry you have no cash Gold 3500$
Gold? Far more liquid and pretty easy to redeem for long term equities if you want, kpack
You fail once again to see the genius after you gave up 20% to buy back more. Meanwhile, those of us in more resistant devices have plenty of reserves to buy. I find your lack of faith disturbing
The entire economic, keynesian experiment has been up your alley and you talk about some president that comes along and it’s his “fault.”
You’re silly man. It would be funny if we knew you weren’t serious and wrong over and over. But it’s ok, I’m making it rain. I’ll take advantage more on this slide, which is fine. The markets will ride this hysteria down, no problem, I’m short because it’s asymmetric right now. I could see buying tomorrow but momentum will be bad on the down side for a couple weeks at least still, until hotter weather comes, then the buying will re-commence. I’ll keep you posted since you keep losing money and need some advice.
All that Trump derangement stuff has you out of your gourd man
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 10, 2020 at 6:37 amHalliburton at 8$ is Insane no matter what type of market we are in
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 10, 2020 at 6:38 amAnd the banks are getting cheap
Quote from kpack123
Halliburton at 8$ is Insane no matter what type of market we are in
I think Jimmy Cramer is right when he says oil is no longer investible.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 10, 2020 at 8:30 amBut they are heavily into natural gas and pipeline materials too
7-8 bucks a share
Reminds me of 2008-9 when DOW chemical was 6
Quote from kpack123
But they are heavily into natural gas and pipeline materials too
7-8 bucks a share
Reminds me of 2008-9 when DOW chemical was 6
NatGas, NatGas delivery, NatGas services I feel like those are on the up. Coal power plants are converted to NatGas, you can buy Nat Gas generators, some cars can run off NatGas. It’s cheap and burns a lot cleaner.
I see a lot of oil products going out of favor. Plastic bags, cars are electrifying. Even something like an asphalt shingle roof can be cut over to solar roof, metal roof.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 10, 2020 at 9:49 amAgree 100%
Randomly heard advice for financial planning during coronavirus: “Treat your portfolio like your face …. Don’t touch it!”
I’m playing the down hysteria until April, then letting it stabilize, I”ll be buying in June.
If you are savvy you can make money on the way down.
ps — market buying continues late into the year, no worries for your favorite candidate. I’ve got 1 word for you, it’ll make you guys get more deranged:
No matter how hard you try, you’ll lose, again. So sorry.
Another crazy day …
Was up 5% in the futures market overnight, opened up 3.5% .. then a tiny dip down .. then even .. then up a bit -
— Jeremy Taieb (@JeremyTaieb) March 11, 2020
@kpack123: Do you recommend any books/websites on real estate investing?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 11, 2020 at 6:35 amDividend.com
And one of my favorites
Sure dividend.com
Really good analysis and updated lists of dividends stock with history of increasing dividends yearly. Good times and bad
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 11, 2020 at 6:35 amDividend.com
And one of my favorites
Sure dividend.com
Really good analysis and updated lists of dividends stock with history of increasing dividends yearly. Good times and bad
The Obama bull market ended …
down 20% off of highs as of around 3pm.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 11, 2020 at 1:11 pmTrumps goal was to destroy everything Obama
Trump officially Fd up the bull
MarketRepublicans always F up the market
Goebbels back at it
Trump created the coronavirus in a lab, like Yaqub that dastardly scientist created the white man for the Nation of Islam
He is the cause of all evil, no doubt.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 11, 2020 at 7:45 pmI revisited this thread to see whether dergon & Co. were heppy about this opportunity to buy, and even though I’m familiar with how idiotic and bat**** crazy Leftists are, I kind of have to reread the posts here to make sure I’m seeing them right. You guys are blaming Trump for the Wuhan coronavirus’s impact on the market?
Unbelievable. dergon obviously has no idea how contagion works, but kpack isn’t a doctor to begin with, so it’s not too surprising in his case.-
Stock Market Futures Plummet After Trumps Speech[/h1]
U.S. stock market futures [link=https://www.cnn.com/business/markets/premarkets]fell nearly 1,000 points[/link] in the hours after President Trumps address to the nation on the global coronavirus pandemic. -
Gee knob. too bad the markets seem Democratic too in that their faith in Trump sees the market dump by over 1,000 points.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 12, 2020 at 3:19 amSeems like every time trump opens his mouth he confused is people
He pressured for rate cuts the market didnt really care for… the market got them then dumped… he promised markets something really really big the didnt deliver so they took another dump
He should just shut up
Fed will make emergent intervention in market
Stocks jump
U.S. stocks recovered some of their steep losses on Thursday after the Federal Reserve announced extraordinary funding actions of more than $1 trillion to ease strained capital markets in the wake of the coronavirus sell-off.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 12, 2020 at 12:05 pmThis minute by minute reaction by the trump team just shows what fng ametuer hour looks like
This is ridiculous he ought to just go hide under his bed for a month
10% haircut today and that’s with all the money being pumped in.
The Russell index is actually below when TRump was inaugurated.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 12, 2020 at 1:14 pmTrump needs to go on a long vacation and just lay low
He is killing the American investor
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 12, 2020 at 1:14 pmTrump needs to go on a long vacation and just lay low
He is killing the American investor
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 12, 2020 at 2:14 pmGreatest prediction in history of aunt Minnie
Quote from kpack123
Greatest prediction in history of aunt Minnie
That’s not a prediction, retard
Especially when by the end of the year, it comes back. Again, you were buying but you “knew” he would “F up” whatever both of those means, so why did you buy anything, ever during his presidency? You really are mentally challenged, beyond being a liar.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 12, 2020 at 4:39 pmBest prediction on Aunt Minnie in 15 years when I predicted George Bush would F up the markets
Again Nostradumbarse listen and learn
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 12, 2020 at 4:41 pmAs my daddy use to say
Keep your big ears open and your big mouth shut and you might just learn something
Instead of creating new aliases youd be better off be quiet…. listening…..and learning
Hey kpack & dergon, weren’t those accurate predictions all done by cigar/IB/CastleVamp first?
[size=”0″]I’m sure he will try to take credit.[/size]
Quote from Frumious
Hey kpack & dergon, weren’t those accurate predictions all done by cigar/IB/CastleVamp first?
[size=”0″][/size][size=”0″][/size][size=”0″][/size][size=”0″]I’m sure he will try to take credit.[/size]
When you predict a recession, or have a “recession coming?” thread for over 2 years, people stop paying attention.
LOL, good try though. I did better shorting than the guy who “made the prediction” lolololol
I think my new investment strategy is going to be to short the market every time Trump plans a national TV address
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 12, 2020 at 6:12 pmIm calling it right now.
You heard it here first.
Most accurate prediction ever on Aunt Minnie.
The sun will rise in the East tomorrow.-
Quote from raduser1
Im calling it right now.
You heard it here first.
Most accurate prediction ever on Aunt Minnie.
The sun will rise in the East tomorrow.
I like it. The thing that’s different about me is that I actually make very discrete predictions and put my own money on my stances. These other clowns just write in threads for years and have no skin in the game. kpack is one of the worst because he pretends to be a stock guru and invests for years (presumably) while the stock market goes up “under Trump” then complains when it falls. He’s never heard of debt, Central Bank intervention, GDP, repo markets, interest rates … etc
No, the Orange Man “F’d it up” … would you take stock advice from a guy who said that, among even dumber things? I wouldn’t.-
Futures limit up. But estimates now for recession 80% likely within 1 year
I heard one pundit say that this will be over in 2-6 months. The liquidity injected will remain afterwards and be very good for US companies and the economy.
Quote from NYPhD
I heard one pundit say that this will be over in 2-6 months. The liquidity injected will remain afterwards and be very good for US companies and the economy.
I think a V-shaped recovery is the most likely outcome as long as this remains a demand-based recession, the number of cases remain within manageable numbers, and the financial system doesn’t seize up.
Less than 1% up now after the big early gains.
Unless Trump pulls out the bazooka (and articulates it in cogent fashion) get ready for a pre-weekend sell off
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 12:34 pm
Quote from NYPhD
I heard one pundit say that this will be over in 2-6 months. The liquidity injected will remain afterwards and be very good for US companies and the economy.
I am predicting that too, but there will be no bullets left in the chamber. Before the end of Trump term 2 there will be another big fall.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 12:35 pmI shorted JNK again, let’s see if this hurts as I thought it would … haha, make money either way.
and because I’m transparent, I am behind the 8 ball on that junk bond trade, but I have a few weeks before the expiration, so we’ll see what the markets do next week … VIX still riding high
Quote from dergon
I think my new investment strategy is going to be to short the market every time Trump plans a national TV address
It could be a good move, might be a horrible one, just tell me when you do it so we can keep track of how many predictions you make on each side. No one has enough time to check your selective past postings when you make threads that don’t come true for years and then dig up the 1 of 30 “predictions” that happened to look good, but you still didn’t put money on.
Who is pundit and based on what? That the pandemic will be over and contained and business will return back to “normal” levels with present being a long past memory?
there’s a Ben Bernanke clip floating around the twitter sphere from the last financial crisis. He’s talking about the Fed injecting money. He’s says something like all we do is the raise the number on the computer. I feel like that shows just how artificial the system is. The Fed gives out 1.5T but it’s really nothing physical. They just raise a number in a computer system.
Your “profits” and losses on your investments are just numbers on a computers screen, but they are very real. You don’t need to print money anymore or mint gold coins in order to increase the money supply.
Not really. I get traded X amount of dollars for my work. I can invest that into companies via stocks or a fund. THose companies make money trading products/services and that profit can be returned to me as a shareholder.
What Bernanke is describing is if I opened an account and was able to just use the computer to add 1.5T to my account. It’s not based on anything.
I think you’re describing electronic transactions vs hard currency.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 8:17 amTrump plans a 3:00 News conference
Honestly I wish he would just STFU and go vacation
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 1:13 pm
Quote from kpack123
Trump plans a 3:00 News conference
Honestly I wish he would just STFU and go vacation
In case you forgot that you said this, [i][b]markets up[/b][/i]. Wrong again, bro.
Someone’s gotta keep you honest. Otherwise you selectively recall and post, so sorry to be the one to do it, my man.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 12:38 pm
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Not really. I get traded X amount of dollars for my work. I can invest that into companies via stocks or a fund. THose companies make money trading products/services and that profit can be returned to me as a shareholder.
What Bernanke is describing is if I opened an account and was able to just use the computer to add 1.5T to my account. It’s not based on anything.
I think you’re describing electronic transactions vs hard currency.
The difference is that these are related to bank reserves and bonds; they don’t necessarily enter the economy. In fact, they haven’t. Ever heard of those guys always saying inflation was going to soar because of QE? Never happened. I wonder why? (I know).
This was the most expensive speech in history.
Wall Street strategist Luca Paolini, quoted by the [link=https://www.ft.com/content/454b7bb2-6405-11ea-a6cd-df28cc3c6a68]Financial Times[/link], after the equity markets tanked because President Trumps Oval Office address.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 12:31 pmTrump starts 3:30
Dow 902
Well there’s a nice surprise, the market settled up after TRump’s speech.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 1:14 pm
Quote from Frumious
Well there’s a nice surprise, the market settled up after TRump’s speech.
Yes, why not call your kbutt friend on that one. Why do I have to keep you guys honest. Oh yeah, I remember, you guys don’t care about honesty. Sorry, my bad -
Quote from Frumious
Well there’s a nice surprise, the market settled up after TRump’s speech.
The stock market closed sharply higher in the middle of President Donald Trumps Friday Rose Garden news conference in which he announced a national emergency to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
But [b]the timing of the market close might have been fortuitous for the president, as the long-lasting moment from this appearance before the cameras likely came minutes later, after the markets closed for the week.[/b]The president didnt start taking questions until the markets were closing…
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 14, 2020 at 9:36 amWhat yesterday before the bell showed us
the markets want the US to focus on minimizing the virus and its effects
It doesnt give a shit about politics
It really doesnt care much about a stimulus
Trumps initial address was good. It calmed markets a little
….. then during the question and answer session he start lying fighting and misinforming people
Thats not good
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 14, 2020 at 9:41 amTrump lost a lot of faith as a leader because his lack of empathy and concern with markets over people
In process he pi$$ed of the people and he killed Markets.
Failure of leadership
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 1:01 pmDow closes 1973
The market wanted a plan not bull sheet or finger pointing
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 1:13 pmGood thing the question and answer session started after 4:00
He started finger pointing and politicizing it
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 13, 2020 at 12:36 pm
Quote from dergon
Quote from NYPhD
I heard one pundit say that this will be over in 2-6 months. The liquidity injected will remain afterwards and be very good for US companies and the economy.
I think a V-shaped recovery is the most likely outcome as long as this remains a demand-based recession, the number of cases remain within manageable numbers, and the financial system doesn’t seize up.
Finally, someone reasonable steps up. dergon at least comes with some good thoughts here and there
distance yourself from k-mentalpack and Frumi, dergon -
10% up, look up people, kpack’s fraud exposed again.
You act like we can’t read your dumb posts.
Take three months off-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 14, 2020 at 12:22 pmIts 25% down from the all time high
Are you this stupid?
No wonder you have no money
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 14, 2020 at 12:23 pmThe entire aunt Minnie community knows you as Nostradumbarse
Youve earned that title quite well
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 14, 2020 at 12:28 pmWhats even more funny
Nostradumbarse said he shorted the market…… the day before it had a 9% bounce
Again the guy is not only stupid…,. Biggest fng jinx Ive ever seen
Three posts in a row all deflecting from your 3:00 post Friday about Trump “not speaking or he’ll cause xyz” orange man bad
then the market skyrockets. I already copied and pasted that post 3x, but liars are gonna lie and deflect = you. -
Quote from kpack123
Nostradumbarse said he shorted the market…… the day before it had a 9% bounce
You don’t even know what buying JNK puts means
And you also think volatility will reign
I’m BTC long, you’ll see, but you’ll never be honest that $5k is an amazing price to snap this up right now. So silly, I won’t worry about it when you lose your purchasing power. Of course, you’ll try to say that that’s all I am buying or holding, since you know so little “Hey, when Trump speaks, short the market”!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2020 at 8:13 amThe entire board knows you as Nostradumbarse
Gold 3500$
Bitcoin easy double in a year when it was $18,000 a fng share …… it lost 70% of its value
Dow 12000 by 2016
All not only terrible but dumb as F predictions
You obvious have no money because with predictions like that you would surely be broke
So seriously just stop making financial predictions…… unless of course you enjoy being the board fool
If thats it playing the part of a fool
Thorn by all means keep giving your 2 cents-
Yeah. Wholly sharts. I actually applied to refi at JPM to a 15 yr locked at 2.99 a week or so back. It ends up saving a decent chunk of money and cutting like 7 years. I got the approval and Im wondering now if I can get it lower.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 15, 2020 at 3:05 pmAre you calling the bottom Nostradumbarse?
I told you, no need for name calling, and NO — never did. This is unprecedented, volatility too high to say anything about this week, for sure. My JNK puts right now looking good though. But as I said, overnight, could change quickly.
Good thing the Fed cut to 0% and bought all the securities and mortgages. -2000+ circuit tripped. All gains under Trump wiped out in 1 month.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2020 at 8:08 amWowser.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2020 at 8:23 amSo, predictions –
1) What’s the floor going to be?
2) When do we hit the floor?
3) Assuming the market does bounce back, where is it by July 4th?
Not using this for investment purposes, and certainly don’t recommend anyone getting their investment advice from a radiology forum, just curious as what people’s thoughts are?-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2020 at 8:40 amIf trump
Shuts up the floor is probably 19000-20000If he keeps lying exaggerating and blubbering
THe one interesting one I’m thinking is Amazon. I think people are going to turn there instead of shopping at the store. I bought stuff from there and never have before. I see the deliveries are taking longer. Not sure if that’s because of logistics like drivers calling in sick, or volume is way up. Might be a good buy if you can eat paying $1000+ for a share.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2020 at 10:43 amHow about Walmart it was as low as 95
possibly. AS long as it stocked up and people keep on panic buying.
The other one is companies that make teleworker/network. I have a device called a Meraki at my house so I can fire up my laptop and it just like being at work. No need to launch a VPN client, it phones home and extends the network to me. I think Cisco owns them.
I kind of think that’s the future anyway and this is forcing that hand. With space at a premium and remote capabilities you don’t have to maintain office space for everyone.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2020 at 1:36 pmCan we all finally agree that maybe trump should just pull a G W Bush and stay away from the public eye for a while until the experts put this thing on track
Can we at least agree on that
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2020 at 1:44 pmWhy are you so obsessed with Trump
stop with the partisan idiocy, man, it’s a market, if you haven’t noticed
CENTRAL BANKS are in trouble, [b]for all of the[/b] Obama years it was the same interest rates as now, they tried to normalize in 2018 … what happened? They found out they are hooked to the juice. There is no way out and it has nothing to do with the president.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2020 at 2:01 pmBecause the markets view trump as the virus
The lying the misinformation and the contradiction is killing the markets
He needs to STFU
I actually think he sounded like somehow reason might have entered his brain. I just saw some clips of his presser and he seemed more normal. He did say hes giving himself a 10 out of 10 for handling this.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 16, 2020 at 2:45 pmThe market was down 1500 when he started talking
Then dropped 1500 points when he started
Went from 2000-3000 down when he started beatch fighting with reportersLook the guy is a virus to the market
Lets just try a few days where he lays low
Quote from DICOM_Dan
I actually think he sounded like somehow reason might have entered his brain. I just saw some clips of his presser and he seemed more normal. He did say hes giving himself a 10 out of 10 for handling this.
More like -11 out of -10.
Fundamentals, Central Banks, valuations via Shiller PE mean nothing … no, kpack thinks the markets rely solely on the president’s press conferences.
And he claims to know about “markets.” Come on now, you are leaving no way for people to take you seriously at all anymore, if anyone here still does. I gave you three chances to be sane, and you still are a looney.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2020 at 6:26 amPersonally
I could care less about being taken seriously
I semi retired at 46 so listening to someone who said the following…. by know means impressed me
– claim gold 3500$ a no brainer
– Dow will be 12000 under Obama by 2016
– claim bitcoin will be an easy double when its 18,000 as it falls 70%
– and many many others
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2020 at 6:32 amIf this was handled appropriately by trump we would have seen a slow market decline to about 23-25000 on the Dow
Because of the denials lies mischaracterizations and downplaying we are seeing a panic mode
If he keeps blubbering we will see 16000
Quote from kpack123
I could care less about being taken seriously
Good, no one does and your posts recently where you obviously understand nothing about the Fed, Keynesian economies, the markets reaction to such, etc are the reason why-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2020 at 8:11 amEveryone understands your call of
Gold 3500$ no brainer
Dow 12000 under Obama by 2016
BTC 18,000 easy double in a year…. and it dropped 70%
Not sure why you still insist on spewing your stupidity when everything you say financially is wrong
And wrong quickly too
I mean your prediction get totally obliterated within days sometimes hours
Its weird how fast they get blown up
But you still keep spewing stupidity
Liked a deranged mutant little energizer bunny
Devil rabbit
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2020 at 12:09 pm
Quote from Intermittent Blasting
Quote from kpack123
I could care less about being taken seriously
Good, no one does and your posts recently where you obviously understand nothing about the Fed, Keynesian economies, the markets reaction to such, etc are the reason why
Like you, I keep wondering if this guy actually looks at valuations, markets, and analysis of any type. The TDS is strong with this one … and he claims to be an investor.
At least Frumi doesn’t claim anything with all the nonsense she spouts. It seems kpack and Frumi might be the same poster; neither makes much sense but always shows us that TDS rages among the plebs-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2020 at 12:12 pmPlease
You are the same turd poster
Just stop this stupid sheet already
What a fng joke you are
Just block the A-hole kid in all his IDs. You miss nothing, he’s just a kid trying to show off thinking he’s an adult by trolling.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2020 at 3:41 pmDone
It’s funny that he brings up real issues and you guys just say “paranoia, block block, we can’t respond or defend our silly positions”
Very telling.
Creating chaos has always worked for Trump, not just in past 3 years but in over 3 decades. Why would he stop now? Its all he knows.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 17, 2020 at 7:37 amHe is crushing the markets
No doubt about that
They should lock him a room without WiFi for a month
Quote from kpack123
He is crushing the markets
No doubt about that
They should lock him a room without WiFi for a month
We should just lock him in a cell. Solitary.