Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 18, 2014 at 2:51 pm
Quote from radmike
The reason is to deflect and distract from the current problems in the W.H. admin.
Possibly, however, it’s not a “deflection” from the OP which is about the bridge scandal. You wanna talk about the W.H. admin, then start another discussion.
“I’m just amazed how much media is being utilized for such a “Who cares” event.”
The reason is to deflect and distract from the current problems in the W.H. admin.
Possibly, however, it’s not a “deflection” from the OP which is about the bridge scandal. You wanna talk about the W.H. admin, then start another discussion.I was responding to Cuda regarding media attention to NJ and not DC. That’s all.
what happens if Lt. Governor/governor have to step down ….does a special election have to occur
I guess no one read the Time article of when you look beneath the surface…it ain’t pretty
but when you spend over 20 million to have a special election so the limelight for your own victory does not have to be shared-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 20, 2014 at 2:36 pm$24 million.
The problem is that Christie has a history of doing things that stink a bit, this isn’t the 1st time. He was sued for defamation & lost for example.
thanks for the post…a pattern of stinky mixed with bully
Quote from Frumious
The problem is that Christie has a history of doing things that stink a bit, this isn’t the 1st time. He was sued for defamation & lost for example.
Rick Scott…no pictures together…speaks volumes
Rick Scott…no pictures together…speaks volumes
Carl Lewis got a call from Christie
don’t get the catty Lt. Gov jab of putting in the word about logic….looks like a nasty catty jab-
Christie reportedly fired someone because he did not like the tone ..then he/someone needs to talk with the Lt. Gov about her use of illogical…who is she to question someone’s mental status….the tone needs to be watched or you may get a defamation lawsuit directed at you …this is not a time for cattiness/be professional
Here’s the post scandal head-to-head
[b]January 21, 2014 – Bridgegate Takes Toll On Christie’s 2016 Hopes, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Hillary Clinton Is Big Winner As NJ Gov Crashes[/b]
In the wake of “Bridgegate,” the George Washington Bridge traffic scandal, several measures of New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie’s 2016 presidential prospects are down, as he trails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 46 – 38 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.
This compares to the results of a December 11 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University showing Gov. Christie at 42 percent and Secretary Clinton at 41 percent. The December results were almost identical to those of a November 13 survey.
The biggest shift since December is among independent voters who go from 47 – 32 percent for Christie last month to 41 percent for Clinton and 40 percent for Christie today.
American voters are divided 35 – 36 percent on whether Christie would make a good president, down from 49 – 31 percent November 13. Clinton would make a good president, voters say 52 – 40 percent, compared to 54 – 40 percent in November.
“New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie’s 2016 presidential drive is stuck in traffic, sideswiped by Bridgegate, the George Washington Bridge traffic scandal,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
“In the last few months, Quinnipiac University national and state polls showed him inching ahead of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Today, she zips past him. But the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary are still two years down the road.”
reportedly Bridget Kelly changed lawyer due to conflict??? anybody hear that
More dominos falling.
Last May 8, a severe rainstorm left the streets of this city flooded once again, causing the mayor, Dawn Zimmer, to recall the inundation from [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/h/hurricanes_and_tropical_storms/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier]Hurricane Sandy[/link].
So she dashed off a letter to Gov. [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/christopher_j_christie/index.html?inline=nyt-per]Chris Christie[/link], imploring him to help with Hobokens ongoing flooding emergency, and attached photos of cars in water up to their hoods. She was due to meet the next day with officials of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, when she hoped to talk about protecting Hoboken from the next catastrophic deluge to come.
But according to newly obtained emails sent among the participants, the first topic of discussion on the agenda was review of concepts for flood control measures at Rockefeller property, a reference to a billion-dollar office complex proposed at the north end of town. The developer, the Rockefeller Group, which had long been trying to gain approval from local officials, sent two executives, two lobbyists and an engineer to the meeting.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 30, 2014 at 8:56 am
Quote from Frumious
More dominos falling.
Perhaps, but no smoking gun…yet.
On the other hand it is certainly liable to affect public opinion.
Funny how Christie’s brother always seems in the middle of things funny.
And using the $$$ from Sandy as a political slush fund?
drip..drip….will he and the Lt gov serve out the term
Quote from Frumious
And using the $$$ from Sandy as a political slush fund?
Rudy now says 50-50 chance
is Bridget Kelly the key-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 31, 2014 at 1:50 pmWhat’s interesting is that we are not hearing ANYTHING about any of the ongoing investigation, and hundreds of subpoenas have been sent out to investigate those allegedly with info on the case.
I would think that if there was a lot of testimony proving he didn’t know, that would have come out by now. But the fact that we’re not hearing anything usually means the prosecutor is building a case with solid evidence that’s under tight wrap.
breaking Friday news: David W says he has proof
who makes a deal first B or D
Rudy was like 50-50 after at first full support
will both the Gov and Lt gov have to resign
NY times
Key Christie (apparent) mistake…don’t antagonize those who have the goods on you-
it is almost like Shakespheare-can’t tick off everybody and expect people not to jump
Quote from Thor
Key Christie (apparent) mistake…don’t antagonize those who have the goods on you
keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 1, 2014 at 10:51 amDid anyone notice the “official” traffic study proposal?
Tell me how credible THIS is:
[blockquote][i]Hypotheses. The principal hypothesis of the study was that the tollbooth closings might ease traffic flow onto the bridge, due to fewer cars from Fort Lee being able to gain bridge access.Additionally, it was hypothesized that, if the two extra tollbooths were closed for an extended period of time, getting onto the bridge could prove so onerous for automobile commuters from Fort Lee that many of them might turn to public transportation or simply give up their jobs, thus ameliorating traffic congestion on the bridge on a more long-term basis.
Additional benefits that might accrue if the two tollbooths were closed permanently. It was posited that the space occupied by the two tollbooths in question might more efficaciously serve the revenue-flow needs of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey through a use other than collecting tolls for instance, concessioning them out as a Shake Shack or a retail outlet for selling such souvenirs as George Washington Bridge coffee mugs, Springsteen memorabilia and CDs of Don Imus drive-time radio shows from the 80s.
Methdology. The methodology of the study was to shut down two out of three tollbooths and [b]see what happened.[/b][/i]
[/blockquote] [spoiler alert: I’m pretty sure it’s a satire by Trillin; couldn’t possibly be an “official” document from the governor’s office…right?!]
did u catch B ill Baroni’s presentation before the committee
like how you attachment has a special dig IMHO to Foye who ended the mess
and as the Mayor of Fort Lee has repeatedly stated to Christie and everyone Fort Lee never had special lanes…when Christie mentioned that in one of his news conferences about those lanes then IMHO I KNEW something was up
Quote from Lux
Did anyone notice the “official” traffic study proposal?
Tell me how credible THIS is:
[blockquote][i]Hypotheses. The principal hypothesis of the study was that the tollbooth closings might ease traffic flow onto the bridge, due to fewer cars from Fort Lee being able to gain bridge access.Additionally, it was hypothesized that, if the two extra tollbooths were closed for an extended period of time, getting onto the bridge could prove so onerous for automobile commuters from Fort Lee that many of them might turn to public transportation or simply give up their jobs, thus ameliorating traffic congestion on the bridge on a more long-term basis.
Additional benefits that might accrue if the two tollbooths were closed permanently. It was posited that the space occupied by the two tollbooths in question might more efficaciously serve the revenue-flow needs of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey through a use other than collecting tolls for instance, concessioning them out as a Shake Shack or a retail outlet for selling such souvenirs as George Washington Bridge coffee mugs, Springsteen memorabilia and CDs of Don Imus drive-time radio shows from the 80s.
Methdology. The methodology of the study was to shut down two out of three tollbooths and [b]see what happened.[/b][/i]
[/blockquote] [spoiler alert: I’m pretty sure it’s a satire by Trillin; couldn’t possibly be an “official” document from the governor’s office…right?!]-
Alabama 3 ( Woke up this Morning: theme song for the Sopranos):
Woke up this morning
momma always said youd be The Chosen One
She said: Youre one in a million/ you’ve got to burn to shine
You woke up this morning
All the love has gone
Your papa never told you about right and wrong
You woke up this morning
The world turn upside down
Things aint been the same since the blues walked into town
what attorney would allow Christie to give another bad interview ..IMHO
that radio chit chat was awful if I was his attorney IMHO-
Quote from Noah’sArk
what attorney would allow Christie to give another bad interview ..IMHO
that radio chit chat was awful if I was his attorney IMHO
That’s the problem with political scandals. They’re not just legal, they’re political.
If Christie acted purely as he would if he was solely going on the guidance given by his criminal attorney he would just hole-up indoors and say “no comment” as he walked from the car to the office.
But he also happens to be an elected official with a reputation to maintain. Hence, “no comment” doesn’t cut it.
He has to play both sides of a delicate line. The truly skilled political actors can walk the line and keep their jobs and reputation at the other end (Bill Clinton). Others can’t. A lot depend on how long and thin “the line” turns out to be.-
he can’t ..he looked awful and sounded awful and still repeats traffic study and dedicated lanes to FT. Lee which we all know now is not true
and his continued use of these themes makes IMHO him look incompetent/desperate because Rockefeller and NY side of Port Authority all said there was no traffic study
Baroni was smart that he was not under oath when he gave that little presentation but it looks like they have dragged someone else in the mess with the attorney from the Port Authority who may have prepped him to perpetuate that traffic theme
it’s like Chris if u still don’t know there was not a traffic study, then IMHO you are unfit for the office and NJ taxpayers can continue to look forward to spending over 20 mill for special elections that they don’t need
Quote from dergon
Quote from Noah’sArk
what attorney would allow Christie to give another bad interview ..IMHO
that radio chit chat was awful if I was his attorney IMHOThat’s the problem with political scandals. They’re not just legal, they’re political.
If Christie acted purely as he would if he was solely going on the guidance given by his criminal attorney he would just hole-up indoors and say “no comment” as he walked from the car to the office.
But he also happens to be an elected official with a reputation to maintain. Hence, “no comment” doesn’t cut it.
He has to play both sides of a delicate line. The truly skilled political actors can walk the line and keep their jobs and reputation at the other end (Bill Clinton). Others can’t. A lot depend on how long and thin “the line” turns out to be.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 4, 2014 at 9:45 amThe “traffic study” ploy is an embarrassing hole they got themselves into.
Why does no Christie interviewer ask him [i]”Well, if it was a traffic study, Governor, then why did no one include the mayors of NYC and Ft. Lee, the Exec at NYNJPA, local law enforcement on both sides, and EMS on both sides, etc, in the planning discussions, or at least notify them afterwards?”[/i]
And also, [i]”Governor, what planning went into that traffic study that addressed public safety and first responder issues?”[/i]
The fact that he insists on repeatedly calling it a traffic study in light of such contradictory evidence is sheer lunacy and clearly is an act of a desperate man who knows darn well he is in the final throes of his political career.
Amen lux
it makes him look incompetent and desperateQuote from Lux
The “traffic study” ploy is an embarrassing hole they got themselves into.
Why does no Christie interviewer ask him [i]”Well, if it was a traffic study, Governor, then why did no one include the mayors of NYC and Ft. Lee, the Exec at NYNJPA, local law enforcement on both sides, and EMS on both sides, etc, in the planning discussions, or at least notify them afterwards?”[/i]
And also, [i]”Governor, what planning went into that traffic study that addressed public safety and first responder issues?”[/i]
The fact that he insists on repeatedly calling it a traffic study in light of such contradictory evidence is sheer lunacy and clearly is an act of a desperate man who knows darn well he is in the final throes of his political career.
Not to mention the silly references to Wildstein in high school…strikes of desperation
the irony of having a name Bridget and being a central figure in BRIDGEGATE
This is like watching a siege, during the part when the storming troops start succeeding in getting guys up on top of the ladders… the city is still safe for the moment but the walls are weakening and just beginning to slowly crumble…
well when you have a soldier like Loretta Weinberg who stood up to that all male panel at the Port authority and kept pressing for answers, U will get to the bottom of political shenanigans..she kept at it and kept her record of letters sent to everybody
Quote from IGotKids2Feed
This is like watching a siege, during the part when the storming troops start succeeding in getting guys up on top of the ladders… the city is still safe for the moment but the walls are weakening and just beginning to slowly crumble…
it is bizarre because he didn’t condemn Wildstein’s comments concerning the Fort Lee mayor: “it will be a tough November for this little Serbian”
which he could legitimately denounce as a type of ethnic slur but he attacks him on this high school stuff…like ok I am ok with that
and for the record the mayor is tall and Croatian
and the Mayor has a billion dollar building project going in land that has quite the historyQuote from Thor
Not to mention the silly references to Wildstein in high school…strikes of desperation
and the hits just keep on coming: Star ledger says it now regrets the Christie endorsement
the facts were always there…look at that Time article on why Mitt walked away..MsNBC showed the letter Christie had to publish in the paper for a lawsuit
but below is a nice pic…remember in Radiology, a picture with the findings will never go away-
tomorrow the Trenton mayor will be shown the door..how he stayed in office this long…come on Jersey get better
goggle on you tube this chris Christie soprano parody
wow …now I read in the paper about a helicopter ride that is being reviewed
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 11, 2014 at 6:40 pmI think the GOP shouldn’t give the fat boy the cold shoulder.
The longer the liberals froth at the mouth over this nonsense, the more they don’t focus on any actual candidates.
No one wants this fat RINO in the office, he’s just a nice big target for the outrage seeking liberal media, and I’m delighted that they’re keeping the focus on how he may have known about knowing that there might have been something to know about.
On the best day, he’s better than the Butcher of Benghazi Clinton, but a gun grabbing corrupt New Jersey thug like him has no place in the White House.-
he actually needs to resign IMHO…he said he could not recognize the FT. Lee Mayor but they sat down together and broke bread..to me either he has early dementia which disqualifies him for the governorship or he says what I call stupid lies( lies that can be quickly disproved)..another example was he didn’t know DW but there is a picture there of the 2 together on 9/11(what is he thinking..like weird)
He has never said publicly that he did not like the Serbian comment that came out in the emails/ he has still not addressed the odd comment made by his Lt. Gov concerning the Hoboken mayor and logic..like this is your Lt gov that a very serious issue that has been raised.
he is reported to have told an ex-gov that unless you have my approval you can’t raise money in my state..are u kidding
he is never at fault …he is just a potted plant and his picked staff can dupe him at every corner..then ManUP and resigned because the state has a lot of problems and someone who is a potted plant or has early dementia won’t help the state.
Quote from BruceCampbell
I think the GOP shouldn’t give the fat boy the cold shoulder.
The longer the liberals froth at the mouth over this nonsense, the more they don’t focus on any actual candidates.
No one wants this fat RINO in the office, he’s just a nice big target for the outrage seeking liberal media, and I’m delighted that they’re keeping the focus on how he may have known about knowing that there might have been something to know about.
On the best day, he’s better than the Butcher of Benghazi Clinton, but a gun grabbing corrupt New Jersey thug like him has no place in the White House.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 11, 2014 at 7:32 pm
Quote from BruceCampbell
The longer the liberals froth at the mouth over this nonsense, the more they don’t focus on any actual candidates.
First of all, liberals aren’t frothing, they’re celebrating. And they [i]would[/i] focus on actual candidates…if there [i]were[/i] any.
Second, I recall a time when Republicans were considering Christie to be a prime candidate until he did something stupid and thanked the President for actually caring about New Jersey.
I believe Rick Perry did not see him when he went to Texas..let him put some of his brand of sunshine on CPAC
as here is a slight change to what Boehner sang today: zippidy doodah/ zippidy day oh let the Christie brand shine on CPAC today..we got to save our party from the baggersQuote from Lux
Quote from BruceCampbell
The longer the liberals froth at the mouth over this nonsense, the more they don’t focus on any actual candidates.
First of all, liberals aren’t frothing, they’re celebrating. And they [i]would[/i] focus on actual candidates…if there [i]were[/i] any.
Second, I recall a time when Republicans were considering Christie to be a prime candidate until he did something stupid and thanked the President for actually caring about New Jersey.
Christie under microscope looking worse and worse. As usual it takes one small incident to bring out all the other key information about this guy-
he just gets up and walks out of the meeting…there is a long line of people he has bullied in the past and it has caught up with him
Quote from Thor
Christie under microscope looking worse and worse. As usual it takes one small incident to bring out all the other key information about this guy
Scott Walker says he believes Christie..like even Palin was like hold up
Scotty has been pulled into the Christie vortex but he was not ever Presidential to me either(just mho)
Quote from BruceCampbell
I think the GOP shouldn’t give the fat boy the cold shoulder.
The longer the liberals froth at the mouth over this nonsense, the more they don’t focus on any actual candidates.
No one wants this fat RINO in the office, he’s just a nice big target for the outrage seeking liberal media, and I’m delighted that they’re keeping the focus on how he may have known about knowing that there might have been something to know about.
On the best day, he’s better than the Butcher of Benghazi Clinton, but a gun grabbing corrupt New Jersey thug like him has no place in the White House.
If it’s not “RINO” Christie then the GOP had better hope it’s one of the other “RINOs”. If the republicans try to put up a Ted Cruz or a Rand Paul as the nominee they will get their asses handed to them. That would just look like ’72 in reverse. They could be the GOP’s 2016 McGovern.
this is sold cold hearted if its true: HEARD on MsNBC that cops were tapping on people’s window who were stuck on the bridge ane telling them to call Ft. Lee mayor with complaints
The same mayor who couldn’t get his calls to the gov answered until he used a different phone number and some lowly staffer picked the call up-
Ahh… glad to see that’s all settled. Christie all cleared of wrongdoing.
Chris Christie’s ‘Bridgegate’ given a $1-million coat of whitewash
I mean I know I am not a lawyer but when you start throwing in relationship/gossip issues and that a mayor could not be threatened since she was yawning on stage …then I am thinking someone knows he is going to be testifying before either a jury or the feds . I mean he would have done better for his case if he just didn’t spend another 1 mill of NJ taxpayers and do this so call investigative report that does not interview any of the major players/ some of whom have been told by the feds to not talk about this case with anyone
but he can take his little report to vegas and hopes it impresses the king there and makes him outshine Jeb
and like now he has another alternative of what David said to him on 9/11 after Christie initially said like David who
Quote from dergon
Ahh… glad to see that’s all settled. Christie all cleared of wrongdoing.
Chris Christie’s ‘Bridgegate’ given a $1-million coat of whitewash
Women habitually lie (Hoboken’s Zimmer) and are emotionally unstable (Kelly). That’s the story and they are sticking to it.
That explains everything.
But the report commissioned by Mr. Christie and released Thursday doubles down on a strategy of portraying Ms. Kelly as duplicitous, weeping frequently and dependent on men for approval and stability.
Though the lawyers who wrote the report did not interview her, they explain her conduct in unusually personal terms she is out of the office attending to a family member who had been hospitalized; a brief relationship had cooled at the behest of the man, Mr. Christies campaign manager, Bill Stepien.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 28, 2014 at 6:58 am
Quote from Frumious
Women habitually lie (Hoboken’s Zimmer) and are emotionally unstable (Kelly). That’s the story and they are sticking to it.
A pearl of a meme if there ever was one.
If the Dems play that card, what woman would vote for Christie ever again?-
The ones whose home rebuilding depend on Sandy’s rebuilding funds.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 28, 2014 at 11:41 amIn any case, far less than 1% of the national vote.
well I guess Christie is like see Mitt my lawyers vetted me and I’m good…
Stepian is not tooo pleez to have a tabloid dating issue out there…I mean really Christie that is a s bad as the high school teacher stuff made at David-
Sampson resigns
Christie, I guess really wants to impress this Saturday… but what does the General really think????-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 28, 2014 at 2:30 pmI can’t help but think the general population is simply shaking its head in mild disappointment and zero surprise. The sad part is that people reflexively say [i]”How typical!”[/i] which, of course, is an indictment of how low US political standards have become.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 29, 2014 at 10:31 amThe left put all their hopes on some Chritie wrongdoing and comes out empty-handed again. Guess they better move on to the next smear target! Koch brothers, Ryan, Cruz?
Sorry Noah, I know you had high hopes.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 29, 2014 at 10:53 amEmpty-handed, huh?
In what cave have you been watching TV?
There is simply no way Christie is going to win an election outside of New Jersey.He will get a good handful of votes from people he bailed out who got whacked by Sandy. But there were many more who suffered damage from Sandy that insurance did not cover nor did the state of New Jersey. And those people will neutralize any goodwill Christie thinks he earned at that time.
Meanwhile we have not heard from any of the dozens of subpoenas that have been issued. This is far from over and is hardly leaving anyone empty-handed except possibly Christie.
And frankly, based on your track record, the fact that YOU predicted empty-handedness probably means there is a nuclear bomb revelation waiting to be revealed.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 29, 2014 at 12:21 pm
Quote from Lux
Empty-handed, huh?
In what cave have you been watching TV?
There is simply no way Christie is going to win an election outside of New Jersey.He will get a good handful of votes from people he bailed out who got whacked by Sandy. But there were many more who suffered damage from Sandy that insurance did not cover nor did the state of New Jersey. And those people will neutralize any goodwill Christie thinks he earned at that time.
Meanwhile we have not heard from any of the dozens of subpoenas that have been issued. This is far from over and is hardly leaving anyone empty-handed except possibly Christie.
And frankly, based on your track record, the fact that YOU predicted empty-handedness probably means there is a nuclear bomb revelation waiting to be revealed.
As usual soapy, you are out there in gagaland!!! I’ll take a bridegate over a Benghazi any day. Unsightly ol’ hillary is toast to any moral, Constitution abiding Conservative that we choose to elevate to POTUS. There are so many of them it will be hard to choose. All you have is ol’ hil. [b] LOL[/b] (a soapy exclamation[/b][/b])-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 29, 2014 at 3:00 pmI only hope the GOP keeps thinking that way.
aldi…the last press confer and talk with Sawyer..IMHO..show a man who knows the fall is coming…he now has Kelly and Step see how low he will go to throw other people under the bus to save himself(imho)
Quote from aldadoc
The left put all their hopes on some Chritie wrongdoing and comes out empty-handed again. Guess they better move on to the next smear target! Koch brothers, Ryan, Cruz?
Sorry Noah, I know you had high hopes.
What is it with this guy and bridges
Investigations into the Christie administration and the [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/p/port_authority_of_new_york_and_new_jersey/index.html?inline=nyt-org]Port Authority of New York and New Jersey[/link] have zeroed in on possible securities law violations stemming from a $1.8 billion road repair agreement in 2011, according to people briefed on the matter.The inquiries into securities law violations focus on a period of 2010 and 2011 when Gov. [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/christopher_j_christie/index.html?inline=nyt-per]Chris Christie[/link]s administration pressed the Port Authority to pay for extensive repairs to the Skyway and related road projects, diverting money that was to be used on a new Hudson River rail tunnel that Mr. Christie canceled in October 2010.
drip…drip…drip..there is a reason Christie is losing weight
who makes a deal on the other case???Sampson/BRIDGET(luv the irony)/Widestein/BaroniQuote from Thor
What is it with this guy and bridges
Investigations into the Christie administration and the [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/p/port_authority_of_new_york_and_new_jersey/index.html?inline=nyt-org]Port Authority of New York and New Jersey[/link] have zeroed in on possible securities law violations stemming from a $1.8 billion road repair agreement in 2011, according to people briefed on the matter.The inquiries into securities law violations focus on a period of 2010 and 2011 when Gov. [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/christopher_j_christie/index.html?inline=nyt-per]Chris Christie[/link]s administration pressed the Port Authority to pay for extensive repairs to the Skyway and related road projects, diverting money that was to be used on a new Hudson River rail tunnel that Mr. Christie canceled in October 2010.
Port Authority police officers working at the George Washington Bridge last September say they were told by superiors to keep quiet after expressing concern that closing local access lanes would snarl traffic, according to a summary of the officers accounts.
In one case, according to the summary, a veteran officer who reported over his police radio that the closing of two of three access lanes was creating a hazardous condition and asked that the lanes be reopened was told by a supervisor to “shut up,” then visited at his post and told his radio comments had been inappropriate.
The officers accounts were summarized in a memorandum prepared by Michael W. Khoo, a lawyer for the New Jersey Legislative Select Committee on Investigation, a joint Senate-Assembly panel convened in January to investigate the lane closings and other Port Authority matters.
The contents of [link=https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1283440-papd-document.html]the memo[/link], a copy of which was obtained by The Star-Ledger, were culled from a conference call involving Khoo; Reid Schar, a lawyer for the investigative committee; and Daniel Bibb, a lawyer hired by the Port Authority Police Benevolent Association to represent the officers in the investigation of the controversial closings.-
how does he managed to hang on..Edwards had money…McDonnell didn’t really and Christie does he really have a nust egg to use for lawyers
Quote from dergon
Port Authority police officers working at the George Washington Bridge last September say they were told by superiors to keep quiet after expressing concern that closing local access lanes would snarl traffic, according to a summary of the officers accounts.
In one case, according to the summary, a veteran officer who reported over his police radio that the closing of two of three access lanes was creating a hazardous condition and asked that the lanes be reopened was told by a supervisor to “shut up,” then visited at his post and told his radio comments had been inappropriate.
The officers accounts were summarized in a memorandum prepared by Michael W. Khoo, a lawyer for the New Jersey Legislative Select Committee on Investigation, a joint Senate-Assembly panel convened in January to investigate the lane closings and other Port Authority matters.
The contents of [link=https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1283440-papd-document.html]the memo[/link], a copy of which was obtained by The Star-Ledger, were culled from a conference call involving Khoo; Reid Schar, a lawyer for the investigative committee; and Daniel Bibb, a lawyer hired by the Port Authority Police Benevolent Association to represent the officers in the investigation of the controversial closings.
Federal probe looks to be clearing Christie.
Teflon. This might give him time to get well clear of all this (or at least [i]mostly[/i] clear) before the 2016 campaign season really heats up. -
Chris Christie broke the law with pension move
In a major blow to Gov. [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/christopher_j_christie/index.html?inline=nyt-per]Chris Christie[/link], a New Jersey judge ruled on Monday that he violated state law when he declined to make the full payment into the states pension system for public employees last year and ordered him to find a way to fund it now.
The decision further complicates Mr. Christies hopes of reviving his presidential ambitions, which have suffered in recent weeks as his approval ratings in New Jersey have sunk to the lowest point of his tenure, and Republican donors have moved to other contenders for the partys nomination.
The challenge is steep, with the states economy lagging well behind its neighbors and the nations, the state surplus dried up, and the governor loath to raise taxes.
Mr. Christie will now be scrambling also to find the $1.57 billion the judge ordered him to pay.Nicework , Governor Christie — the state can’t meet its obligations, despite a stock market that is up 250% from 2009.
and from the ruling: “Judge Mary C. Jacobson of State Superior Court also ordered the administration to pay the legal fees of the several public sector unions that sued to force the payments.”
He has already retorted with the “liberal judicial activism” defense……”the liberal activist judge” was appointed by a GOP governor.
[url=http://www.wnyc.org/story/christie-aide-exchanged-messages-their-cover-story-unravelled/]Christie, Aide Texted As Bridgegate Cover Story Unraveled[/url]
{N}ewly disclosed phone records – supplied by AT&T to the New Jersey legislature and obtained by WNYC – show that Christie’s current Chief of Staff, Regina Egea, communicated by cell phone with Gov. Christie 12 times during that hearing on December 9, 2013. The Governor initiated the contact, about 30 minutes into the testimony, and sent a total of three texts to the aide. Egea replied nine times before the testimony concluded. The records show only one other text from Egea to Christie that month, on Christmas Day.
The new evidence contrasts with a report the governor’s legal team issued last March, which did not reveal any texts about the lane closures sent from Christie to anyone from September 2013, when the Fort Lee traffic tie-ups occurred, through January. And it contradicts the sworn testimony of Egea that there was only one text from her to Christie that day.
Egea testified at another legislative hearing, in July, that she might have texted the governor once during the December testimony concerning the professional demeanor of Port Authority staff. Under repeated questioning from lawmakers, she said specifically that she hadn’t heard back from the governor, and she held to the assertion that there was just one text.
and Christie is still going to run for PresidentQuote from dergon
[link=http://www.wnyc.org/story/christie-aide-exchanged-messages-their-cover-story-unravelled/]Christie, Aide Texted As Bridgegate Cover Story Unraveled[/link]
{N}ewly disclosed phone records – supplied by AT&T to the New Jersey legislature and obtained by WNYC – show that Christie’s current Chief of Staff, Regina Egea, communicated by cell phone with Gov. Christie 12 times during that hearing on December 9, 2013. The Governor initiated the contact, about 30 minutes into the testimony, and sent a total of three texts to the aide. Egea replied nine times before the testimony concluded. The records show only one other text from Egea to Christie that month, on Christmas Day.
The new evidence contrasts with a report the governor’s legal team issued last March, which did not reveal any texts about the lane closures sent from Christie to anyone from September 2013, when the Fort Lee traffic tie-ups occurred, through January. And it contradicts the sworn testimony of Egea that there was only one text from her to Christie that day.
Egea testified at another legislative hearing, in July, that she might have texted the governor once during the December testimony concerning the professional demeanor of Port Authority staff. Under repeated questioning from lawmakers, she said specifically that she hadn’t heard back from the governor, and she held to the assertion that there was just one text.
Former Port Authority chairman David Samson won’t cooperate … will plead guilty to felony amid Bridgegate probe: [/url][/h1]A
key figure in the Bridgegate scandal swirling around New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will reportedly plead guilty within the next week.
David Samson, former chairman of the Port Authority and mentor to Christie, will plead guilty to a single felony charge related to his regular use of a United Airlines flight from Newark Airport to a small airport in South Carolina, the [link=http://observer.com/2016/07/breaking-key-bridgegate-figure-to-accept-guilty-plea/]New York Observer[/link] reported.
Samson is declining to cooperate with the sprawling probe stemming from the 2013 George Washington Bridge lane-closings, according to the report.-
I still say will Trump roll the dice with Christie..the Tennessee guy came up weak tonight on stage
Quote from dergon
Former Port Authority chairman David Samson won’t cooperate … will plead guilty to felony amid Bridgegate probe: [/link]A
key figure in the Bridgegate scandal swirling around New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will reportedly plead guilty within the next week.David Samson, former chairman of the Port Authority and mentor to Christie, will plead guilty to a single felony charge related to his regular use of a United Airlines flight from Newark Airport to a small airport in South Carolina, the [link=http://observer.com/2016/07/breaking-key-bridgegate-figure-to-accept-guilty-plea/]New York Observer[/link] reported.
Samson is declining to cooperate with the sprawling probe stemming from the 2013 George Washington Bridge lane-closings, according to the report.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 5, 2016 at 7:37 pmTrump looks really bad
Tired fat and old
This campaign has aged him even more
He doesn’t have to stamina to do this campaign thing
Soft spoiled rich guy who never really had to do anything physical in his life….. And it’s showing
And across the creek we have ‘Tunnelgate’. DiBlasio had the port authority block a lane in the lincoln tunnel so one of his donors and his guests could travel unimpeded by traffic.
If I can make it there
I’ll make it anywhere
It’s up to you
New York, New York
Who knew that he was talking about graft.
Quote from dergon
Former Port Authority chairman David Samson won’t cooperate … will plead guilty to felony amid Bridgegate probe: [/link]
Misleading headline. Has nothing to do with ‘bridgegate’. He abused his position as chair of the port authority to have United fly a unprofitable route from Newark to his vacation home. Just the good old fashioned graft that is the hallmark of all the ‘authorities’ in NY and NJ.-
amen…he was going down anyway
Quote from fw
Quote from dergon
Former Port Authority chairman David Samson won’t cooperate … will plead guilty to felony amid Bridgegate probe: [/link]Misleading headline. Has nothing to do with ‘bridgegate’. He abused his position as chair of the port authority to have United fly a unprofitable route from Newark to his vacation home. Just the good old fashioned graft that is the hallmark of all the ‘authorities’ in NY and NJ.
Quote from fw
Quote from dergon
Former Port Authority chairman David Samson won’t cooperate … will plead guilty to felony amid Bridgegate probe: [/link]Misleading headline. Has nothing to do with ‘bridgegate’. He abused his position as chair of the port authority to have United fly a unprofitable route from Newark to his vacation home. Just the good old fashioned graft that is the hallmark of all the ‘authorities’ in NY and NJ.
“Amid Bridgegate Probe”
His crimes were discovered during the Bridgegate investigation.
He could have gotten a deal had he decided to cooperate on furthering the Bridgegate investigation.
He chose not to.
He will instead plead guilt to a felony charge.
I think the headline is a succinct summary.
[i]Newark Star Ledger[/i]: [url=http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/07/with_trumps_help_nj_republicans_climb_out_of_debt.html#incart_most_shared-politics]Trump pays N.J. Republicans’ Bridgegate legal fees[/url]
With the help of Donald Trump, the New Jersey Republican State Committee has paid its legal fees connected to the George Washington Bridge lane-closing scandal.
Campaign finance reports released Tuesday show the Republican State Committee not only paid its Bridgegate-related bills, but has enough money in the bank to cover its remaining debts. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, had a lot to do with that, hosting a $25,000-a-ticket event in May to raise money for the state GOP.
Trump held a separate fundraiser for Gov. Chris Christie’s presidential campaign that same day, bringing in $142,000. That was enough to whittle down Christie’s campaign debt but did not pay it off.
“He flat-out lied!”
Shocking, simply shocking that someone so close to Trump would lie like this.
[link=http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/11/nyregion/chris-christie-george-washington-bridge-case.html]http://www.nytimes.com/20…ngton-bridge-case.html[/link]Mr. Christie said he had been unaware of any plot at the time of the Dec. 13 news conference and had been assured by his staff members that they too were unaware. He said his campaign chief, Bill Stepien, had also vowed that he had no knowledge of such a plot.
Oh, yeah, Ive spoken to Mr. Stepien, whos the person in charge of the campaign, and he has assured me the same thing, Mr. Christie said during the news conference.
As soon as Ms. Renna heard that, she suggested to Peter Sheridan, a campaign worker, that the governor was not telling the truth. He just flat out lied about senior staff and Stepien not being involved, she texted.
Mr. Sheridan responded that Mr. Christie was doing fine and holding his own up there, according to the filing.Ms. Renna replied: Yes. But he lied.