[b]Trump Thought Democrats Would Replace Biden[/b][/h1]
Michael Bender writes in [i][link=https://amzn.to/3w3MK1g]Frankly, We Did Win This Election[/link][/i] that Donald Trump held back on focusing his firepower on Joe Biden during the primary stage of the election because he was convinced that the Democratic Party was scheming to switch out now president Biden for a different candidatesuch as Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obamaover the summer, [link=https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/trumps-deranged-theory-might-have-helped-him-lose-2020?mbid=social_twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_social-type=owned&utm_brand=vf]Vanity Fair[/link] reports.
The source of this conspiracy theory was Dick Morris, a former Clinton White House adviser who was quietly advising Trump last year.
Dick Morris told Trump that Biden was too old and too prone to gaffes to be the nominee. Others said Fox News anchor Sean Hannity expressed concern that Biden would collapse under a sustained attack from Trump. -
What’s old is new …. a bad Republican President breaks the American reputation and a Democrat restores it ….
[h1][b]Americas Image Abroad Rebounds[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2021/06/10/americas-image-abroad-rebounds-with-transition-from-trump-to-biden/]Pew Research[/link]: The election of Joe Biden as president has led to a dramatic shift in Americas international image. Throughout Donald Trumps presidency, publics around the world held the United States in low regard, with most opposed to his foreign policies. This was especially true among key American allies and partners. Now, a new Pew Research Center survey of 16 publics finds a significant uptick in ratings for the U.S., with strong support for Biden and several of his major policy initiatives.
In each of the 16 publics surveyed, more than six-in-ten say they have confidence in Biden to do the right thing in world affairs. Looking at 12 nations surveyed both this year and in 2020, a median of 75% express confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump last year.
[b]G-7 Summit Was Win for Biden[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/13/biden-brussels-global-win-g-7-494109]Politico[/link]: Overall, the G-7 has delivered a significant win for Biden. While the leaders were panned for not doing enough to vaccinate the world and frequently fell short of consensus on the toughest issues, theyre definitely moving in the same direction, and other leaders fell over themselves to welcome Biden to their table. -
[h1][b]How Joe Biden Won[/b][/h1]
A new [link=https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/]Pew Research analysis[/link] finds that even as Donald Trump was narrowing Democrats margins with white women and Hispanic voters in the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden was surging with other groups, like suburbanites, white men and voters who identified as independents.
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/30/new-trump-poll-women-hispanic-voters-497199]Politico[/link]: Pews survey of validated voters members of their survey panel whom they could match as people who cast ballots on state voter files is among the deepest analyses of who voted in the last presidential election and how. And because Pew also conducted similar studies of the 2016 and 2018 electorates, its possible to track how both parties coalitions evolved across the Trump era and where the battle lines for the 2022 midterm elections may fall.
[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/30/us/politics/pew-election-2020.html]Nate Cohn[/link]: Married men and veteran households were probably not the demographic groups that Democrats assumed would carry the party to victory over Donald Trump in the 2020 election. But Joe Bidens apparent strength among traditionally moderate or even conservative constituencies, and especially men, is emerging as one of the hallmarks of his victory.
To me that speaks of Biden’s moderate stance. Either party will do well to take note.
[b]Bidens Child Tax Credit Payments Go Out This Week[/b]
The expanded monthly tax credit payments announced by the White House in May will begin going out Thursday, Axios reports.
The enhanced child tax credit will provide eligible families with $300 monthly cash payments per child up to age 5 and $250 for children ages 617. About 39 million households and 88% of children in the U.S. will be covered by the monthly payments.
Something I heard from Barry Ritholz that sounded like a good idea. Every child that’s born get’s a $5000 investment account. Let it grow over 18 years.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Something I heard from Barry Ritholz that sounded like a good idea. Every child that’s born get’s a $5000 investment account. Let it grow over 18 years.
And then what ? They can buy vape-pens with it ?
Transfer the balance straight into the account of some for-profit college for a worthless diploma ?-
Joe Biden is so average, he even drove an 18 wheeler. Who knew ?
[h1][b]How Biden Got the Infrastructure Deal Trump Couldnt[/b][/h1] [b]
[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/29/business/economy/biden-infrastructure-deal.html]New York Times[/link] –
President Bidens success at propelling an infrastructure deal past its first major hurdle this week was a vindication of his faith in bipartisanship and a repudiation of the slash-and-burn politics of his immediate predecessor, President Donald Trump, who tried and failed to block it.
Having campaigned as the anti-Trump an insider who regarded compromise as a virtue, rather than a missed opportunity to crush a rival Mr. Biden has held up the promise of a broad infrastructure accord not just as a policy priority but as a test of the fundamental rationale for his presidency.(btw — early on in one of the Trump thread I am *sure* I arm-chair advised Trump to go for infrastructure as his first action as President in order to build bipartisanship. It could have been the start to a successful presidency and legacy. — Instead he went with Muslim travel ban and repealing Obamacare)
[b] [/b][link=https://politicalwire.com/2021/08/02/bidenism-is-slowly-being-ratified/][b]Bidenism Is Slowly Being Ratified[/b]
[/link]Teagan Goddard:
Bidenism can be said to be pragmatic, empathetic, very in touch with popular opinion, wary of giving bad faith opponents easy targets, and very focused on ultimately getting the job done.
[b]In short: do popular things and stay on track.[/b]…
But I think Bidenisms ratification goes beyond just Democrats.
Consider the elevation of hard infrastructure as a marquee issue for Biden [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-quiet-biden-gop-talks-behind-the-infrastructure-deal/2021/08/01/4f669dea-f165-11eb-81d2-ffae0f931b8f_story.html]he really, really wants it[/link] and wont let go.
Its one of the least controversial items Congress regularly debates, but for better or worse, it really was at the edge of what a bipartisan Senate could move in terms of big/non-crisis legislation that might boost a Democratic Presidents standing.
In this way, the Democratic Party hasnt just bent in Bidens direction, but so too has the rest of Congress, and crucially, away from McConnellism.[/QUOTE]
WTH is Bidenism? Rampant illegal migration and inflation?
That article is opinionated nonsense of the fangirl variety.
[h1][b]Biden’s Big Bet: War-Weary America Will Reward Him[/b][/h1]
President Joe Biden is standing firmly by his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan, despite chaotic scenes of the Taliban rapidly seizing control and the U.S. rushing to airlift diplomats out of the country, [link=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/joe-biden-bets-war-weary-america-will-reward-him-leaving-n1277104]NBC News[/link] reports.
Behind his confidence is a political bet that a war-weary U.S. public will stick with him and enable him to weather a firestorm of criticism, not just from his Republican opposition but also from Democratic allies who promise to investigate failures surrounding the withdrawal.
I think that would’ve been a better bet under TRump. The withdrawal would’ve just been the scandal du jour.
[b]Congressional Democrats Highly United on Biden Agenda
[image]https://1lme911nv0cg3ned26127983-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/E-CotruWQAERg9h.png[/image] -
[b]Biden Plays the Long Game on Afghanistan[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/01/us/politics/biden-politics-afghanistan.html]New York Times[/link]: Still, after a half-century in national politics, Mr. Biden knows better than most how quickly the news cycle moves on. His advisers and allies expect another round of tough criticism around the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks with pictures showing the Taliban flag flying over Kabul.
Within days or weeks of that, though, they assume that attention will shift back again to the coronavirus pandemic, the presidents proposals for large public works projects and social welfare programs, and a dozen other issues that will absorb the public more than far-off Afghanistan. -
[h1][b]Biden Tells 11 Trump Appointees to Resign Immediately[/b][/h1] [link=https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/08/politics/trump-appointees-biden-boards/index.html]CNN[/link]
The Biden administration has told 11 officials appointed to military service academy advisory boards by former President Donald Trump including Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway and H.R. McMaster to resign or be dismissed.“The President’s objective is what any president’s objective is — to ensure you have nominees and people serving on these boards who are qualified to serve on them and who are aligned with your values. And so yes, that was an ask that was made,” Psaki told reporters at a White House briefing.
Psaki added: “I will let others evaluate whether they think Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer and others were qualified, or not political, to serve on these boards, but the President’s qualification requirements are not your party registration, they are whether you’re qualified to serve and whether you’re aligned with the values of this administration.”
Other more prominent names include Heidi Stirrup, the former White House liaison to the Justice Department [link=https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/03/politics/heidi-stirrup-justice-department/index.html]who was banned from[/link] entering the building after she attempted to access sensitive information about possible election fraud in December 2020, and retired Col. Douglas Macgregor, a former ambassador pick and Pentagon official with [link=https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/12/politics/kfile-douglas-macgregor-west-point-board/index.html]a history of controversial comments.[/link] The duo were appointed to the boards of the Air Force Academy and West Point.
Other appointees who have been asked to resign are Michael Wynne, who was appointed to the board of the Air Force Academy; retired Gen. John Keane, Meaghan Mobbs, and David Urban appointed to the board of West Point; and John Coale and Russell Vought, Trump’s former director of the Office of Management and Budget, appointed to the Naval Academy’s board.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 9, 2021 at 2:32 pmWow
Great speech on the pandemic by Joe
Best speech by a president in years
Biden was a leader today that we havent seen in many
Loved the angry dad vibes. Hes had enough of the anti-vaxxers causing a ruckus in the back seat amd hes going to turn this car around.
Are you guys stoned all the time? That must be it.
Quote from dergon
[h1][b]Biden Tells 11 Trump Appointees to Resign Immediately[/b][/h1] [link=https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/08/politics/trump-appointees-biden-boards/index.html]CNN[/link]
The Biden administration has told 11 officials appointed to military service academy advisory boards by former President Donald Trump including Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway and [b]H.R. McMaster[/b] to resign or be dismissed.“The President’s objective is what any president’s objective is — to ensure you have nominees and people serving on these boards who are qualified to serve on them and who are aligned with your values. And so yes, that was an ask that was made,” Psaki told reporters at a White House briefing.
They are including H.R. on this list? Not qualified? Not aligned with values?-
He got a bit wacky on Afghanistan lately. He has been on TV conflating ISIS and the Taliban as if they are one entity. – I haven’t seen any reporting on the reasoning, but that seems likely while part of a chance wo wipe the slate clean.
Thanks. I havent been watching much of the media coverage. My experience with him is more personal where he seems very level headed. He always says he gives his opinion as a military advisor without regard to politics. That certainly puts him on the chopping block for both sides. Im sure he will be pleased to have been fired by two different administrations, one from each tribe.
Teagan Goddard:
[h2][link=https://politicalwire.com/2021/09/10/bidens-mandate-is-good-politics-but-there-are-risks/]Bidens Mandate Is Good Politics But There Are Risks[/link][/h2]
President Bidens embrace of vaccine mandates is not only good public health policy, its good politics:Heres why: Roughly 65% of voters are already vaccinated and about 75% have had at least one shot. With most Americans frustrated over the pandemic and increasingly blaming those who arent vaccinated theres not much risk to mandating the rest of Americans get the vaccine.
I suspect polling over the next week or so will confirm this.
But there are still at least two big political risks for Biden:
[ul][*]The vaccine mandate has given Republicans an issue to energize Trump voters ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.[*]Some of the disproportionately unvaccinated [link=https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/]such as Black and Latino voters[/link] are an important part of the Democratic coalition. [/ul] It will be really interesting to see how this plays out.
[b]The Boldness of Biden and Boris[/b][/h1]
[link=https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/p/the-boldness-of-biden-and-boris-37e?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTM1MDIsInBvc3RfaWQiOjQxMzc3OTcyLCJfIjoiVDRmV2oiLCJpYXQiOjE2MzE5MDA4MjEsImV4cCI6MTYzMTkwNDQyMSwiaXNzIjoicHViLTYxMzcxIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.tAQiItNCX8dvGcmBqjaofGNih-IHZe4pnHwOQZ1iohc]Andrew Sullivan[/link]: If the definition of political courage is making big calls crisply and effectively, despite obvious risks and unknowable consequences, then it seems to me that President Biden and Prime Minister Johnson qualify right now. Theyve made calls recently that go beyond the usual mush of compromise and calculation and might even merit being called bold.
Biden braved the Blob and got out of Afghanistan. We will debate how he did so, and with what consequences, for quite some time. But he still did it. Obama tried and failed. Trump made a big song and dance and signed a surrender deal. But Biden actually got us out
Equally this week, the sudden and surprise announcement that the UK, the US and Australia would form a new military and intelligence alliance in the Pacific, including new nuclear-powered submarines for Australia, was a bold signal to China that the US is not about to abandon that region, or its allies there. It came seemingly out of the blue, but had been in the works, apparently initiated by Australia, for some months. -
China policy is one area the Biden admin is getting nearly universal high praise. Even HRM was almost glowing with congratulatory words.
Biden links success of his legislative agenda with strength of our democracy in talk with Democrats
“In his private talks with legislators, Biden suggested a D defeat on the current bills would be a gift to Rs, empowering a party that he has judged a threat to democracy itself. Defeat, he warned, would embolden the same forces who tacitly blessed [the Jan. 6 insurrection.]”
In the closed-door meeting Friday with House Democrats, Biden tried to rally his party behind a common strategy, warning them not to squander the opportunity on the legislation, and reminding them that the world is watching to see whether democracy can deliver, according to a person familiar with his remarks who was not authorized to speak publicly about them.
In public and in his private conversations with lawmakers, Biden has framed passage of the two bills as his partys best chance to make the case for government action as a positive force in Americans lives. To prove it can still do big things.[link=https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-business-election-2020-congress-9f7bc6141c50616302f431e2de415d7c]https://apnews.com/articl…50616302f431e2de415d7c[/link]
And the suspense is killing me. Can the Allies stay organized against the New Axis, this time on home soil.
Interesting book review by a book written in 1989, an explanation of today’s craziness from 20 years ago on the origins of American culture and how it explains crazy today.
Through the spring and summer, Ive been watching the daily maps of Covid-19 cases and vaccinations the diagonal slash through Appalachia and the South to the Ozarks and Texas, where cases soared; the high vaccination rates in New England and Ive thought back to Albions Seed: Four British Folkways in America, David Hackett Fischers classic history of British migration to colonial America, which was published in 1989 and explained these phenomena with a clarity that seems even more stunning today. The divide between maskers and anti-maskers, vaxxers and anti-vaxxers is as old as Plymouth Rock. It is deeper than politics; it is cultural.
The Appalachian hill country and much of the Deep South were settled by a wild caste of emigrants from the borderlands of Scotland and England. They brought their clannish, violent, independent culture, which had evolved over seven centuries of border warfare. They were, Fischer wrote, a society of autonomous individuals who were unable to endure external control and incapable of restraining their rage against anyone who stood in the way. The spirit of the Scots-Irish borderlanders could also be seen in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol; their ancestors staged the Whiskey Rebellion against the U.S. Constitution.
Albions Seed makes the brazen case that the tangled roots of Americas restless and contentious spirit can be found in the interplay of the distinctive societies and value systems brought by the British emigrations the Puritans from East Anglia to New England; the Cavaliers (and their indentured servants) from Sussex and Wessex to Virginia; the Quakers from north-central England to the Delaware River valley; and the Scots-Irish from the borderlands to the Southern hill country. This is a controversial argument, especially now, as the very nature and importance of culture has become a point of contention, especially by those who would reduce the American experience to the single lens of race. And, of course, our national sensibility has evolved since the colonial migrations. There are centuries of non-British immigrants to account for and there are the formerly enslaved African Americans, who brought distinctive cultures of their own to the mix. (Fischer planned a second volume on Southern plantation culture, but it hasnt appeared. He drops a hint, though: The values of the Virginia Cavaliers caused the unusual brutality of the American system of Black enslavement.)
[h1][b]Bidens Legislative Agenda Remains Very Popular[/b][/h1]
A new [link=https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3823]Quinnipiac poll[/link] finds Americans support a roughly $1 trillion spending bill to improve the nations roads, bridges, broadband, and other infrastructure projects, 62% to 34%.
In addition, Americans support a $3.5 trillion spending bill on social programs such as child care, education, family tax breaks, and expanding Medicare for seniors, 54% to 40%.
Hope this link works. Worth some discussion at least.
Granted Peggy deserves some mockery and ridicule for some of her history. Can we look at her writing here without historic judgment?-
Paywalled … you’ll have to link a few choice paragraphs.
Lying Joe’s approval rating according to Quinnipiac sits at 38%. Huge drop among independents
Quote from dergon
Paywalled … you’ll have to link a few choice paragraphs.
Missed this. I’ll try at some point. -
Quote from dergon
Paywalled … you’ll have to link a few choice paragraphs.
This is the gist of it:
[b]”Progressives Hold the Capital Captive Biden turns out to be far less moderate than advertised, and voters arent liking what they see.”[/b]
Given I have already heard this same concern from a member of the Pelosi clan, it rings true to me.
Edit to add bold and quotes.
Some more:
“Im not a huge respecter of polls (only snapshots, not a measure of greatness or consequence) but when polls put numbers on what youre sensing you pay attention. And so the Quinnipiac [link=https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3824]poll[/link] this week on the president. [link=https://www.wsj.com/topics/person/joe-biden]Joe Biden[/link] had a 38% overall approval rating, with 53% disapproval. Those are Trump numbers. On the issue of the border, 23% approve of the job Mr. Biden is doing and 67% disapprove. The economy: 39% approve, 55% disapprove. Asked if the administration has been competent in running the government, 42% said yes and 55% no.
Democrats, this Im a big ol progressive and were rewriting spending and taxing along left-wing ideological priorities and isnt this dynamic and exciting? thing isnt working. The whole You think Im Joe Biden but if you squint you can see Im really Lyndon Johnson thing isnt working. Ideological aggression isnt working.
Mr. Biden is showing a lot of it. Get out of the way, he tells Republicans, on the debt limit. If you dont want to help save the country, get out of the way so you dont destroy it. Hes more rhetorically hostile to the unvaccinated than he is to the Taliban: Weve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us. His statement on Sen. Kyrsten Sinema being harassed in a ladies room by activists who hissed like the devils imps was wan and passive-aggressive: I dont think theyre appropriate tactics, but it happens to everybody. . . . Its part of the process. It doesnt happen to everybody and to announce it is part of the process is to [i]make [/i]it part of the process. It was as if he were saying: [i]Yeah, shes got me mad. Hound her some more.”[/i]
The hobby posters aka circle jerk gang will not respond. They have avoided having any dialogue/posts about how awful this President is. Instead they continue to copy/paste Trump stuff to deflect from any conversation on Lyin’ Biden.
Here’s the difference IMO. One can argue whether or not Biden or Trump are worse for the country. Most rational people know the answer. I voted for Biden based on my opinion. At least I voted for the moderate Biden we were supposed to get.
The reality for the Dems is, to be linked with the progressive side of the party is bad politics. Strangely almost as bad as being linked to Trump.-
I disagree with the take on that quote
Actually, the progressive part of the agenda ( infrastructure , Medicare expansion, child tax credit , stick it to the rich) is the most popular thing he is doing imho
Covid management, Afghanistan, immigration, DC stalemate are the things dragging him down
But those Positives you quote haven’t happened and probably won’t. People are growing old of his mandates and the immigration issues. The next wave of 40 -60 K caravan to hit the US will definitely be a bone of contention. Rising Prices, Stagnant economy, People losing Jobs over Vax Mandates. People are starting to see his incompetence and lack of leadership. Midterms could be very rough.
Yes you would disagree. You support the progressive cause. It leaves you a bit out of touch with those afraid of it, including the moderate wing of your party.
There is a reason Bernie could only muster 16% of the Democrat vote despite polling data that suggested a majority liked some of his policies. Its the reality of politics. The progressives are keeping the Democrats from the power they should have.
Biden is above water … about 50% on handling of the economy
mandates get about 65% approval.
Yes, his agenda hasn’t gone through yet…. that’s part of the drag. But the polling on all the things in it as mentioned above…. all around 55%-65% approval.
I stand by my assessment on the drag. …. The things I mentioned, not “Biden too liberal”
If he gets Covid under control (and the likely additional economic bump it would bring) and he gets both bills through congress the whole “we voted for competency argument” becomes solid again.
We will have to wait and see what comes to pass.-
You and I differ on the value of polling for sure. Time will tell.
Quote from dergon
[b]Covid management[/b], Afghanistan, immigration, DC stalemate are the things dragging him down
Now that Denmark has shown us all we need is 81% vaxxed and 61% boosted to achieve an IFR and hospitalization rate low enough to stop NPI, does it make sense for Biden to stop with the mandate talk? It is only a political tool, not a science based policy recommendation now.
I know that would make people angry who want to punish the stupid and and frankly criminal who chose not to get vaccinated. The reality is at this point, from a public health perspective, they have done their job by getting immunity from infection or killing themselves off. Yes, I know it was a terrible way to get there with the stress on the hospital system and associated mortality. The fact is there is little to gain now.
Biden could score big points with moderates if he chose to follow the science rather than the perceived best political path. Sure it would make most Dems upset. It’s not like they wouldn’t vote for him though.
Federal or state vaccine mandates will not help the public health as a whole. What’s sad is most places will get there on their own and the places that need the push will just refuse again. The leadership in Denmark is a lot smarter than ours.
[b][link=https://www.ft.com/content/af3d50c3-38f0-44d2-b661-f559d917e2b9]Financial Times : Strong US jobs numbers vindicate Bidens economic record[/link][/b]
Biden needs about three of these headlines a week for the next 6 months.-
And he can get them if he stops recommending any COVID NPI and trying to force vaccination through federal mandates.
[b]The West Is Winning, Russia Is Losing, and Biden Is Doing a Good Job[/b]
[link=https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fthetriad.thebulwark.com%2Fp%2Fthe-west-is-winning-russia-is-losing%3Ftoken%3DeyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMTM1MDIsInBvc3RfaWQiOjQ5NDY0Njg2LCJfIjoiRW8rcUciLCJpYXQiOjE2NDYwNzU2MDAsImV4cCI6MTY0NjA3OTIwMCwiaXNzIjoicHViLTg3Mjc0Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.PN9jjCqEdFaoEhKioGkLnsnmt14vlshU6rCWTY1LuzU%26utm_source%3Durl]Jonathan Last[/link]: Biden did not draw lines in the sand. He did not personalize the conflict. He did not turn himself into the star of the show. He did not allow anyone, anywhere, to believe that this was about America.Since the invasion, Biden has been a full partner with our European allies. He has not pushed them into decisions. He recognized that having a united front was more important than any particular aspect of the response. And after only four days Europe came to the conclusionon its ownthat it would do everything the American foreign policy establishment had wanted. Biden understood that these countries needed to come to the decision to fight back on their own, and not be publicly cajoled into it.
Biden also understood that the EU and NATO are actually very powerful allies and that when they work in concert with the United States, we represent a significant geopolitical force.
Yes, a President even a Country Club Moderate” can get behind, at least on his policy regarding Ukraine/Russia.
Quote from dergon
Since the invasion, Biden has been a full partner with our European allies. He has not pushed them into decisions. He recognized that having a united front was more important than any particular aspect of the response. And after only four days Europe came to the conclusionon its ownthat it would do everything the American foreign policy establishment had wanted. Biden understood that these countries needed to come to the decision to [b]fight back on their own, and not be publicly cajoled into it[/b].
Remind anyone of another more effective tool than the stick?-
OMG, the man is retarded. He told soldiers of the 82nd airborne that they will be fighting in Ukraine soon.
[b][i]Message to the White House – Don’t hand Biden an open mic when he is a war zone. [/i][/b]
Yesterday in Brussels was asked about sanctions as deterrent. He replied sanctions dont deter. Meanwhile last month Harris, Blinkin, Sullivan, and Psaki all told media the purpose of sanctions is to deter.
The guy is brain dead. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 25, 2022 at 2:37 pmNew York
PostOr Briebart?
Quote from Ixrayu
[b][i]Message to the White House – Don’t hand Biden an open mic when he is a war zone. [/i][/b]
Yesterday in Brussels was asked about sanctions as deterrent. He replied sanctions dont deter. Meanwhile last month Harris, Blinkin, Sullivan, and Psaki all told media the purpose of sanctions is to deter.
The guy is brain dead.
I watched that press conference live. I was hoping for someone to come to the stage, usher him off and announce that there has been a schedule change.
I mean with Trump you never knew what crazy thing he was going to say next either, but this is just embarassing. -
Faux pas/gaffe vs crazy, “What’s the point of having nuclear weapons if you can’t use them?”
I’ll still take a faux pas/gaffe president every day over squirrel nut crazy. Not to mention over corrupt and downright incompetent. Biden has been tripping over his tongue since as long as I can remember. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 25, 2022 at 8:13 pmThe fng guy seriously wanted to us all to inject bleach
But the old senile man misspoke
So its all good
Apples to apples
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 26, 2022 at 4:36 amYeah well
You dont pull NATO back together by Twitter fighting and making up stupid sheet
I think Biden’s political skills and foreign policy chops allow him to do that in the face of decline. I’m not sure how much mental decline he is having… he doesn’t seem to gaffe any more or less than when he was a younger man.
But damn he looks old all of a sudden. -
From Kennedy on, I recall reading articles for virtually every administration on how people noticeably age upon becoming president.
As for doing the job, let’s recall Reagan became president with Alzheimer’s in evidence & left with Alzheimer’s in full bloom. Pressers were consistent with Press Secretary Larry Speakes appearing after to “translate” by stating, “What the president meant to say was…”
But then even Republicans believed in government and institutions and were not busy dismantling trust.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 26, 2022 at 6:04 amMade the mistake of watching FOX for 10 minutes
They really are a Russian propaganda network
Amazing how Fd up the republicans are
Quote from Chirorad84
Made the mistake of watching FOX for 10 minutes
They really are a Russian propaganda network
Amazing how Fd up the republicans are
fw pointed out the “lame” “your guy is worse argument”.
This Frumi proof is my favorite lame argument. -
Quote from Chirorad84
Yeah well
You dont pull NATO back together by Twitter fighting and making up stupid sheet
Also, a year and 3 months in, the retreat to ‘but the other guy was worse’ whenever his impairments become obvious gets a bit lame. He needs to stand on his own merits.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 26, 2022 at 7:40 amYou and the pro Putin media are using a minor misspeak to undermine confidence in a president during a time of international crisis
Doing Putins work for him
Careful FW Chiro thinks Putin is reading your undermining posts. Tribal lunacy is now become paranoia.
Quote from Chirorad84
You and the pro Putin media are using a minor misspeak to undermine confidence in a president during a time of international crisis
Doing Putins work for him
‘Mis-speak’ ? He revealed that the US is planning to deploy US troops into a disputed territory. Thats not a stutter or stammer, that’s the inability of the frontal lobe to control what the emotions want him to say.
Him losing his marbles for everyone to see is undermining confidence, not the russians.
‘Not being as crazy as the last guy’ may have been enough to get elected, it doesn’t make one qualified for the job otherwise.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 26, 2022 at 9:23 amWhat has Biden done with this current Russia-Ukraine war that you disagree with?
what would you do differently?