[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/08/opinion/biden-jobs-infrastructure-economy.html]Ezra Klein[/link]:
Four Ways of Looking at the Radicalism of Joe Biden[/h1] [b]Its unexpected, but its not inexplicable.
[b]The collapse of the Republican Party as a negotiating partner. [/b]Most discussions of the renewed ambitions of the Democratic Party focus on ideological trends on the left. The real starting point, however, is the institutional collapse of the right. Before Biden, Democratic presidents designed policy with one eye on attracting Republican votes, or at least mollifying Republican critics. Thats why a third of the 2009 stimulus was made up of tax cuts, why the Affordable Care Act was built atop the Romneycare framework, why President Bill Clintons first budget included sharp spending cuts. Both as a senator and a vice president, Biden backed this approach. He always thought a bipartisan deal could be made and usually believed he was the guy who could make it.
But over the past decade, congressional Republicans slowly but completely disabused Democrats of these hopes.…
The result is that Obama, Biden, the key political strategists who advise Biden and almost the entire Democratic congressional caucus simply stopped believing Republicans would ever vote for major Democratic bills. They listened to McConnell when he said that the only way the American people would know that a great debate was going on was if the measures were not bipartisan. And so Democrats stopped devising compromised bills in a bid to win Republican votes.
This has transformed policy design: These are now negotiations among Democrats, done with the intention of finding policies popular enough that Republican voters will back them, even if Republican politicians will not. Biden still talks like he believes bipartisanship is possible in Congress, but his administration has put the onus on Republicans to prove it, and to do so on the administrations terms. That, more than any other single factor, has unleashed Democrats legislative ambitions.[/QUOTE]
Boring as promised.
“The Biden administration has dramatically reduced search interest in Trump without stimulating interest in Biden. Searches for Congress, Pelosi, AOC, & others are also at low points, suggesting Biden’s start may have have reduced the salience of politics overall.”
[b]Like a State of the Union Address, Only Smaller[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2021/04/14/a-gaslighting-chamber-of-insanity-moderate-republicans-seethe-at-biden-492469?nname=playbook&nid=0000014f-1646-d88f-a1cf-5f46b7bd0000&nrid=0000014e-f0ed-dd93-ad7f-f8edad790000&nlid=630318]Playbook[/link]: Speaker Nancy Pelosi [link=https://politicalwire.com/2021/04/13/biden-to-address-joint-session-on-april-28/]formally invited[/link] Biden to address a joint session of Congress on April 28. Itll be like a State of the Union address, but much smaller and socially distanced. An official involved in the planning said there would be a limit on the number of lawmakers allowed to attend to comply with coronavirus protocols. (Another person told us they believed that number could be as low as 200 rather than the typical 535 members of Congress, but those details are still being worked out.)
Lawmakers will also be barred from bringing guests. And the entire event will be designated as a national special security event, meaning extra protection for everyone present.-
[b][i]meaning extra protection for everyone present.[/i][/b]
Pelosi should check w rep the squad esp Rep Rashida Tlaib. She is tweeting do away w police, incarceration etc. Meanwhile she goes to work in a building surrounded by fencing, w numerous armed personnel and not a word from her telling Pelosi to get rid of the security.-
Except there is essentially zero probability of her being killed by Capital security for not being compliant enough. A very large difference.
It is the type of policing that is being fought against, the policing that teaches that civilians are the enemy.
So should we take bets on which congress people try and storm in when it’s limited seating for the SOTU. MTG been doing her pull ups.
[b]Behind Bidens Pivot to Boring[/b][/h1]
[link=https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/04/joe-biden-first-100-days.html]Jonathan Chait[/link]: Bidens strategy of boringness is a fascinating counterpoint to a career spent trying desperately to be interesting. Biden used to overshare, with frequently disastrous results that led him to accurately self-diagnose as a gaffe machine. Whether his advanced age has slowed him down or made him wiser, he has finally given up his attention-seeking impulse and embraced the opposite objective.
Bidens success is a product of the crucial yet little-appreciated insight that substantive advances dont require massive public fights. The drama of inspiration and conflict is not only unnecessary to promote change but even, in certain circumstances, outright counterproductive.
[link=https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2021/04/26/democrats-spar-over-bidens-next-mega-proposal-492595?nname=playbook&nid=0000014f-1646-d88f-a1cf-5f46b7bd0000&nrid=0000014e-f0ed-dd93-ad7f-f8edad790000&nlid=630318]Playbook[/link]: The key insight here is that [b]talking too much about his agenda, aside from its most blandly popular pillars Covid and recession bad! Infrastructure and jobs good! only serves to polarize debate around the issues and provoke a more ferocious backlash from the right.[/b] Better to say nothing and ram stuff through Congress in enormous bills than to speak every day making a detailed case for each agenda item. -
And, from the GOP alternate reality bubble…
Lindsey Graham says Biden has been “very destabilizing” in first 100 days.
Using the identical logic how Obama was the most racial divisive president ever.
Translation: The racial animus division was Obama’s fault for being President while Black.
It is now Biden’s fault for not kow-towing to minority Republicans as Republicans never did and allowing Republicans to stop any successes by Biden. Ergo, Biden is “very destabilizing” for not being the stealth Trumper.
Imagine theres a car alarm thats been going off for a long time and suddenly its quiet.
Former GOP operative Sarah Longwell, quoted [link=https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article250957159.html]by McClatchy[/link], on the Trump-to-Biden voters she conducted interviews with, calling them the most optimistic group in the history of focus groups Ive done.
[b]Americans See Biden as More Moderate Than Obama[/b][/h1]
A new [link=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/100-days-americans-see-biden-more-moderate-obama-n1265380]NBC News poll[/link] released finds that 44% of registered voters see President Joe Biden as very or somewhat liberal, while 42% see him as moderate.
In contrast, in April 2009, the NBC News poll found that 59% of registered voters saw Barack Obama as very or somewhat liberal, while 30% saw him as moderate.
If Biden can pull this off … governing like a bold progressive while maintaining his reputation as a moderate … it bodes very well for his own and Democrats’ electoral chances.-
Depends on how many buy into the grievance politics as pushed by the GOP.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Depends on how many buy into the grievance politics as pushed by the GOP.
Amazing, now the GOP is the grievance party.
What more can you guys get 180 deg wrong-
Quote from Casino Royale
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Depends on how many buy into the grievance politics as pushed by the GOP.
Amazing, now the GOP is the grievance party.
What more can you guys get 180 deg wrong
Hey dittohead cigar and your numerous past AM names, the GOP has been the Grievance Party since 1992 and they all became “dittoheads.” The difference is that this victimization has increased and amplified especially with the election of Obama and then Trump.
And look on the bight side, your man Trump has destroyed the GOP as you wished back in 2016.
[b]Most See Biden Reaching Out to Republicans, Republicans as Obstructing[/b][/h1]
A new [link=https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/1387500735185801217]CBS News/YouGov poll[/link] finds 58% of Americans say President Biden is trying to find common ground with Republicans in Congress.
In contrast, 61% said that Republicans were just opposing Biden as much as possible. -
[h1][b]What Made Bidens Speech Effective[/b][/h1] [link=https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/04/29/biden-speech-ideologically-ambitious-484990]John Harris[/link]: Though rarely described as gifted orator, Bidens speech was a remarkable performance in part because it didnt soar and largely didnt even try to. In plain-spoken language, he depicted a breathtakingly large agenda as plain common sense. Instead of imploring partisans to take sides, he projected bewilderment that any practical-minded person of any persuasion could be opposed.
Kpack did you take his mask? Where’s Joe’s mask? Did you see Jill run up to try to help? LOL –
Full display for the entire world to see. I’ll bet Putin and Xi were having a good laugh.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 30, 2021 at 2:47 pmAre you longing for the days in which white nationalists stormed the capital?
I guess thats all you got
Crawl back to your rural American hole and complain about how unfair life is and why you are such a victim
[b]Biden Makes the EU Look Like the Bad Guys[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.politico.eu/article/biden-makes-the-eu-look-like-the-bad-guys/]Politico[/link]: On everything from trade and taxes to coronavirus vaccines, U.S. President Joe Biden is transpiring to be every inch as much of a pain in Brussels bureaucratic backside as his predecessor hitting the EU exactly where it hurts, while robbing it of the moral high ground it loves to occupy. Bidens bombshell proposal to waive intellectual property rights on coronavirus vaccines is a perfect case in point.
Americas vaccine gambit is not a one-off. In only a few months, Biden has exposed both the folly in the EUs trade policy toward China and Europes lack of ambition in plans to tax digital multinationals A hundred days into the new administration, the Europeans are starting to sense that they are being offered pretty tough love from their ally.-
[b]Biden Has a Quick Temper[/b][/h1]
President Biden has a short fuse at times and is reportedly susceptible to flares of impatience, especially when aides and advisers are unable to answer his many hyper-detailed questions, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/14/us/politics/joe-biden-policy-decisions.html]New York Times[/link] reports.
Occasionally, hes even hung up the phone on someone who he thinks is wasting his time.
[link=https://theweek.com/speedreads/982691/biden-reportedly-short-fuse]The Week[/link]: Its a description seemingly at odds with the congenial and easygoing persona the American public usually sees.
I listened to an interview on Smerconish this week with Trump’s impeachment lawyers. It was good.One of the most interesting anecdotes was regarding the negotiations over witnesses between Trump’s team and the Dem House Impeachment Managers. The Dems were pushing for witnesses and, according to the Trump lawyer, Biden made a call …
“There aren’t going to be any f*cking witnesses. This ends tomorrow!” … and hung up.
That’s a common symptom of people with early dementia.
[h1][b][b]When Kamala Harris Blindsided Biden In the Debate[/b][/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/05/19/edward-isaac-dovere-2020-campaign-book-excerpt-joe-biden-kamala-harris-489347]Politico[/link] runs an excerpt from Edward-Isaac Doveres forthcoming book, [link=https://amzn.to/3bD53ly][i]Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats Campaigns to Defeat Trump[/i][/link]:
Biden, taken aback, plodded through a response. She was mischaracterizing his position, he said. Thats not what he stood for, and she knew that. He found his way to the end of the answer and stopped speaking. A few minutes later, the moderators paused for a commercial break. Biden leaned over to Pete Buttigieg, at the podium to his right. They barely knew each other, but Biden was looking for someone to share the moment with.
Well, he said, according to multiple people to whom the conversation was relayed afterward. That was some f*cking bullsh*t.
[b]What Happened to Joe Biden?[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/20/opinion/joe-biden-david-brooks-interview.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage]David Brooks[/link]: Many people thought he was a moderate incrementalist, but now hes promoting whopping big legislative packages that make many on the progressive left extremely happy.
I asked him that when I spoke on the phone with him this week. The answer seems to be its complicated.
The values that drive him have been utterly consistent over the decades, and the policies he is proposing now are similar to those hes been championing for decades.
Its the scale that is gigantically different. Its as if a company that was making pleasure boats started turning out ocean liners. And thats because Biden believes that in a post-Trump world were fighting not just to preserve the middle class, but to survive as the leading nation of the earth. -
[h1][b]Biden Starts to Feel Pressure from the Left[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/sunday-take-biden-liberals-israel/2021/05/22/d6131834-bb0d-11eb-96b9-e949d5397de9_story.html]Dan Balz[/link]: Biden will have to make some difficult choices about the unfinished parts of his economic and domestic agenda. He will continue to feel pressure from the left on voting rights, immigration, racial injustice, guns and the filibuster. So far he has maneuvered through this with relative confidence, but he has been forced by circumstances to adapt to the changes within his party and govern accordingly.
[link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/progressives-pressure-top-democrats-on-israel-arms-deal-policing-11621697400?mod=hp_lead_pos5]Wall Street Journal[/link]: An increasingly vocal progressive wing is putting more pressure on Democratic leaders over hot-button issues including U.S. military aid to Israel, Capitol security funding and policing practices.
I hear all the folks on TV saying why doesnt Biden get this done? Well because Biden only has a majority of effectively four votes in the House and a tie in the Senate, with two members of the Senate who vote more with my Republican friends.
President Joe Biden, quoted by [link=https://twitter.com/kathrynw5/status/1399830637616320512]CBS News[/link].