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  • gloriacazares

    March 15, 2023 at 6:15 am

    People have been saying that for ten years now. Still no meaningful AI in radiology and the job market is insane.

    Are you a practicing radiologist?

    Please go fear monger somewhere else

    • deo2mboka

      March 15, 2023 at 9:51 pm

      10 years…HA!
      When I was a teen, in the late 80’s, my best friends Mom (a Doc no less and quite a smart woman, with great business sense) used to say some specialties, such as Rads, would probably not be around by 2000 because of computers. 
      I am convinced that 33% of the doom and gloom of “AI will replace all rads by next Tuesday” is from folks looking to match into radiology.  33% is from hopeful IT people and snake oil hucksters and 33% is from Rads that are afraid of their own shadow.
      ….and that 1% that is left over, is from trolls. Perhaps the loudest and most useless people of all. 

      • kaldridgewv2211

        March 16, 2023 at 7:24 am

        recycled alarmism in a different forum section.

  • mariacardei7_785

    March 16, 2023 at 1:07 pm

    Ortho could use ANY intelligence, even AI

  • btomba_77

    March 16, 2023 at 2:00 pm

    ctrl c/ctrl v from the other medstudent AI thread 

    Quote from dergon

    I am asked by prospective students about this all the time.

    I tell them that I have many serious concerns about the future of the profession of radiology in the US

    Being replaced by AI is about 10th on the list.

    Quote from dergon

    Extensive consolidation making rads hostages to an oligopoly of groups, especially in certain markets.

    Disintermediation by corporate practices, be those private equity or “physician owned” practices that decrease compensation and damage radiology quality of life.

    Government regulation that truly limits access to advanced imaging, perhaps through a marked expansion of bundled payments or capitation.

    Move to a single payer or “medicare for all” system that quickly outstrips forecasted expenses and requires painful across the board reimbursement cuts from the government.

    Government deregulation that allows for non US based radiologists to render final interpretations on CMS studies

    Encroachment of mid-level providers into radiology image interpretation.

    Continued encroachment of other physician specialties into interpretation of high RVU imaging.


    OK… I can’t get to 10 off the top of my head.  But I consider all of those to be a greater risk to the profession of American radiology than AI.