[h1]How Biden Is Dealing With RFK Jr.: Ignore and Let Him Implode[/h1]
[h2]The president is content to let his long-shot rivals controversial comments speak for themselves[/h2]
as long as he’s around saying crazy stuff the GOP can say well he’s a democrat.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
as long as he’s around saying crazy stuff the GOP can say well he’s a democrat.
But the GOP media is portraying the stuff he says as *sensible*
If you watch the Fox/Newsmax coverage of RFK Jr. it’s not “look at the crazy crap this Democrat is spewing!” … It’s “Finally there’s a sensible Democrat! Why isn’t the lamestream media covering him?!”
The sensible things he is saying is regarding the corruption of the Biden administration.
House Democrats voted to censor RFK Jr during a hearing on censorship at which he was invited to speak
House Democrats voted to censor RFK Jr during a hearing on censorship at which he was invited to speak pic.twitter.com/tsw8ETMydL
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 20, 2023
invited by?
Also it’s tough to try and pull the I’m not idiot, racist, weirdo card when you’re on camera being all of those things.
This chyron is great. RFK denies saying the things he said.
RFK Jr. says he didn't say what he said. Enough said. pic.twitter.com/fGglyOXzwM
— Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN) July 20, 2023
UNH poll, Dem voters –
RFK Jr. has a 9% favorable rating
69% unfavorable
thats right there with Putin
[h1][link=https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/4109922-jfk-grandson-calls-rfk-jr-s-white-house-bid-an-embarrassment-endorses-biden/]JFKs grandson calls RFK Jr.s White House bid an embarrassment, endorses Biden[/link][/h1] The grandson of former President John F. Kennedy is ripping Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s 2024 White House bid and throwing his support behind President Biden.
{Biden} shares my grandfathers vision for America: That we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. He is in the middle of becoming the greatest progressive president weve ever had, he said, citing unemployment and jobs figures, infrastructure and green energy investments and the appointment of federal judges. He ended the COVID pandemic and he ended Donald Trump.”
These are the issues that matter. And if my cousin, Bobby Kennedy Jr., cared about any of them, he would support [link=https://thehill.com/people/joe-biden/]Joe Biden,[/link] too.”
Instead, hes trading in on Camelot, celebrity conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame. Ive listened to him. I know him. I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president.”
I’m shocked! Shocked!
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/31/rfk-jr-super-pac-gop-donor-00109101]https://www.politico.com/…pac-gop-donor-00109101[/link][h2][b]RFK Jr. super PAC got more than half its funds from GOP mega donor[/b][/h2] $5 million came from former Trump supporter Timothy Mellon.
classic Democrat move [image]https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif[/image]
RFK jr. says he would sign a 3 month abortion ban
Democrats take the opportunity to bash RFK jr. over his abortion remarks:
Republicans can attempt to dress Kennedy up as a Democrat but its still just lipstick on a pig. RFK Jr.s comments are further proof that he doesnt represent the views of Democratic voters. An anti-vax, COVID-denying, anti-choice candidate like Kennedy should find himself right at home with his pals in the Republican Party. ~Michael Starr Hopkins, Democratic strategist
The questions posed to him by NBC were clear; he wasnt confused. A transcript has been released. He was offered ample opportunity to clarify his statements, especially in light of the growing outcry for more access to abortion rights and womens reproductive health, not less. RFK Jr. has never tried to appeal to Democrats or the partys primary voters. His stance on abortion access runs an affront to not only the Democratic Party but the majority of Americans regardless of partisan stripe. ~ Ameshia Cross, Democratic strategist
[link=https://twitter.com/AuthorKimberley/status/1690842970851840000]https://twitter.com/Autho…us/1690842970851840000[/link]but, in an act of contrition meant to show his real appeal to Democratic voters, RFK Jr. did what he needed to do … he went on Tucker [image]https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif[/image]
[h3]FiveThirtyEight: [link=https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/rfk-jr-democrat-republican-primary-favorability/]If RFK Jr. Wants To Be President, He’s Running In The Wrong Party[/link][/h3]
Democratic voters have an [b]unfavorable[/b] opinion of RFK jr. (average of -8)
But Republicans [b]love[/b] him, with a +28 favorable/unfavorable with GOP voters.
[link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOGgGirbHLU]Cor Strategies[/link] Illinois Dem primary voters poll
Biden 81%
RFK Jr 6%
Williamson 2%