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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    February 15, 2010 at 5:14 am

    Can I just express a little bit of concern over what might happen if (God forbid) the sun in 2012 (unfortunate date to have picked, I spose, but valid nonetheless) spits out a huge mass coronal ejection aimed just as the Atlantic Megnetosphere Rift is in line to recieve it, blows our crumbling power grid, and the entire country is left without electricity for months during a winter like we just had?
    A bit off-topic, I realize, but not really.
    This is to say, the quibbling over data, corrupted or not, and the actual cause of Climate Change, anthropocentric or just natural fluctuation, is a little beside the point. Kind of like the meteorologist confused by data in front of him who’s got to issue a local weather forecast…and chokes. Forgot he could just stick his hand outside the window and tell us it’s raining.
    The Sun’s behavior has been fluctuating and acting unpredictably, or against prediction, and appears to be interacting with the Earth’s protective magnetosphere in such a way as to make us
    prime for conceivable armageddon, and we’re wondering if it’s raining outside.