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  • kayla.meyer_144

    May 5, 2009 at 4:31 pm

    The “solution” is not to look at the lowest common denominator and therfore conclude there is no better way forward, in fact, there is no way forward. History is the proof that you are wrong. The world is better than it was 2000 years ago, better than 500 years, better than 100 years ago. What is the American character? To see a new day, a new beginning. People came here, why? Because Americans are fat & smoke a lot & will steal the shirt off your back, just screw & pass on STDs & other infectious diseases and live risky lifestyles to the detriment of themselves and society at large.

    Where’s humanity in your observations? They’re all the walking dead? Did you ever live with these walking dead, speak to them & hear their lives? You wife agrees & stays in the profession? Why? It’s a lucrative job?

    I’ve lived with these people all my life, in my own family even. Sometimes a swift kick is the best they deserve but they want something better, especially for their kids, the vast majority of them. Some are leeches some are hopeless meaning they gave up their dreams or never had them. I’ll stop before I cry but they are not a waste. I don’t want to give the time to some of them either but they all don’t deserve condemnation. Most don’t deserve to be thrown away. A lot of successful adults came from broken hard lives. Not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Not every kid is a doctor’s son.

    What you don’t like about Socialism is intrusive government so the alternative is, what? Get them before they get you? Every man for themselves?

    Community is the social in socialism. Your church requires social responsibility. Is that Socialism? You spoke of religion and Christianity & history. Christianity’s Messiah lived with society’s outcasts, not the rich and socially favored. Things were even worse that what you and I and your wife have seen and experienced.

    You say you would do the same for your mother or daughter or wife. What about your son or brother? You would do the same & yet criticize him because he thought he could “pull it off.” It is a story that things are not as bleak as you paint them. People can be altruistic without being stupid. The story was more an illustration however because it was so different of how Conservatives paint ‘reality.’ Conservatives believe in the dark side of humanity but that is not the way forward. It is not how history has progressed. There is more opportunities for the human detritus now than there was 50 years ago & there could be more opportunities in the future. People don’t come to America because the American Dream is less hopeful than the life they left behind.

    Watch some john Ford movies & see.

    Profit motive is not evil but it can be a lower road. The government has not made things worse otherwise it would have no support at all for evils like Social Security & Medicare & Medicaid & equality and air and water quality and other laws. Detroit and Wall St collapsed because of the blind belief in short-term profits over long-range goals. Capitalism like Democracy is the worst, except for all other ways. But even democracy has limiting rules. Too much of a good thing can kill you.