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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    June 27, 2008 at 10:29 am


    Of course, we should be pouring billions of dollars, preferably in tax credits, to the guys.  With fusion, of course that is expensive, so only the gov’t can really fund that.  The others are much more viable, and giving them tax credits or tax free period of 20 years would really get funding going.

    But that by no means should preclude our obtaining energy in the near term either.

    I agree.  Of course, there is the pesky problem of how to pay for such laudable governmental programs.

    Pollution taxes, anyone?  Not even a little pollution tax?

    Even if funded by other means, I agree that basic research is almost always a great investment of public funds.

    Pollution taxes used to fund anti-pollution research is a great combination.  You give a carrot to those who would reduce pollution while giving the stick to those who pollute.  You take the money from the polluters and give it to those who clean it up.

    C’mon Mistrad…I can’t do this without you…