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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    June 25, 2008 at 10:48 am

    Like the Space Race—>  Convert to Energy race… Scrap NASA budget and put it into NRG budget.  Put space budget into military/intelligence budget where it really belongs…  Place huge solar systems in our deserts, increase wind energy.  There is an entire military base that installed super solar system in CA… it suplies all energy needs to the base (per the recent solar salesman visit)…  Make it a priority like space exploration, offer a prize to top University working experiment, from all over the world…  Make it our global goal and tie into Global Warming… big kudos to all…  That would get OPEC slightly nervous, wonder if production would increase?
    Have all people run on treadmills or stationary bikes 1 hour a day hooked to generators! 🙂