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  • dr_avani

    October 4, 2007 at 12:23 pm

    OK, but I didn’t see Eric Prince that way. The most generous thing I can say about him is that he’s got a business and he’s “protective”. Regarding comparing the honesty of our leaders and him, that’s a low bar to set. I think there’s a whole lot of back-scratching going on.

    As far as Blackwater staff, too many reports have been out and are coming out now about how they are less than professional and seem to engage in drive-bys. Maybe they’re protecting “the package” but woe to anyone nearby in the line of fire or who happens to be at an intersection that doesn’t clear fast enough when they drive in.

    Besides, doesn’t this just underline the whole issue of overextending our military & substituting high paid contractors (or mercenaries, however you prefer)? It used to be marines who did this duty & now we’re paying these private security guards at rates multiples what we pay our soldiers? Too many reports in the past about “contractors” being involved in these episodes regarding Abu Ghraib & drive-bys & Iraqi govt bodyguards being shot dead, etc. They sound like a lot of loose cannons running around with automatic weapons, high salaries & bonuses.