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  • DRotMD

    July 24, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    this happens to us quite a bit also.
    this is our workaround..(rightly or wrongly).. and working within the limitations of our PACS..
    rather than annotate images to obscure names which looks downright ugly and unprofessional, we crop the dicom images in pacs (impax) to exclude the wrong patient header information and then export the cropped images as jpg’s. Once exported we reimport the cropped jpgs back to the patient and delete the dicom ones. The image quality while not as “nice’ as the dicom ones, it is deemed satisfactory and a better alternative in this situation.
    A better option for us would be to just to crop and save the cropped dicom images in PACS. However we need to do the jpg bit above as when transmitted to our web viewing platform for the broader hospital community, uncropped images always get sent.