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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    September 4, 2008 at 8:05 am

    This is funny this same issue came up yesterday at our hospital.
    I was coming here to get some information on this very issue. Some tech’s here have always done these with the patient laying on the ruler with one leg then under the other leg. Then some of our tech’s tape the ruler down to the table and tape the feet together and then both legs at the same time. I feel this way is a better then having the patient move around and switching legs. Doing both legs together you only take 3 exposures not 6 like when doing them separate. Which way is more accurate?
    I have also mentioned using the CT scanner and doing scanograms. Which is fine but can anyone give the amount of dose and how much more or less it is compared to using general radiology.Also the price difference?
    Any information would be helpful.