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  • eyoab2011_711

    September 26, 2014 at 4:28 pm

    She should go there…might help her…

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      September 27, 2014 at 3:24 am

      Really?.. that’s what you got?…  How about Obama repeatedly pronouncing the word Marine Corp… as Marine Corpse?..  he did that at least 4 times in one speech.. that’s much funnier..  Didn’t get much airplay tho.. due to a biased media

      • 19462008

        September 27, 2014 at 8:48 am

        1400 Penn? That’s where all the Navy CORPSman live. I agree Hero… That’s all they got… Well no… They have their own three stooges… Wasserman, Reid and Pelosi. Wub wub wub… Nuck nuck nuck.

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          September 27, 2014 at 9:57 am


          • odayjassim1978_476

            September 27, 2014 at 4:07 pm

            cause that’s how the Palin’s roll….she even pulled don’t U know who “I am”

            Quote from kpack123


            • Unknown Member

              Deleted User
              September 28, 2014 at 3:58 am


              Pure and simple class and family values

              Wonder if that was reported on by the fair and balanced fox news

              • kayla.meyer_144

                September 28, 2014 at 5:57 am

                At least Reid, Wasserman & Pelosi are intelligent. Palin is not and is the poster girl of who represents the Right. That is a main point of the issue.

                • Unknown Member

                  Deleted User
                  September 28, 2014 at 7:41 am

                  Pure Fng redneck class

                  • odayjassim1978_476

                    September 28, 2014 at 3:24 pm

                    THE don’t u know who I am comment got the person who does not read papers..none…can’t even remember Plessey vs  Ferguson…
                    but that’s how they roll..don’t mess with willow

                  • odayjassim1978_476

                    September 28, 2014 at 3:24 pm

                    THE don’t u know who I am comment got the person who does not read papers..none…can’t even remember Plessey vs  Ferguson…
                    but that’s how they roll..don’t mess with willow

                • 19462008

                  September 29, 2014 at 2:55 pm

                  That’s True Frumi… Many liars and theives are intellegent. How do you think those three have been there so long? Palin may not be the brightest of the bunch but she sure isn’t a blantant liar; a scoundrel; a cad to those that support her.  Plus she knows how to make money FOR the people… not FROM the people. 

                  • Unknown Member

                    Deleted User
                    September 29, 2014 at 4:32 pm

                    I liked the jerry springer reference to the classy Palin Clan

                    I agree she knows how to self promote and make money like other reality TV stars

                    Maybe she and Mike the situation can compete on Celebrity Boxing

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      September 29, 2014 at 6:27 pm

                      Sorry Cuda, she is. She promotes & manufactures division & anger & class warfare & resentment for her personal gain.

                      There’s money to be made in manufacturing anger & resentment & she’s hit a gold mine.

                      She’s low life. As low as it gets.

                    • odayjassim1978_476

                      September 30, 2014 at 1:44 am

                      so true..girl knows how imho to make a dolla

                      Quote from Frumious

                      Sorry Cuda, she is. She promotes & manufactures division & anger & class warfare & resentment for her personal gain.

                      There’s money to be made in manufacturing anger & resentment & she’s hit a gold mine.

                      She’s low life. As low as it gets.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      September 30, 2014 at 2:09 am

                      And let’s not forget by spewing hate and misinformation. As she says, there are “real Americans” and there are us. Us is me & those like me and we don’t fit in her version of America.
                      She talks of a separatist and exclusivist society based on hate.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      September 30, 2014 at 4:24 am

                      I gotta love..  Pelosi’s statement about Obamacare..  “We have to pass it before you know what’s in it’… 
                      I can say that same thing about a stool sample.. and that’s about what we got with Obamacare.. no.. Reid, Pelosi and Wasserman are not intellects.. The world is filled with dumbass statements.. Thing is. the Right do not find juvenile stuff like this funny.. we leave that for the Jon Stewart’s and Colbert’s.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      September 30, 2014 at 8:16 am

                      What’s that got to do with Palin’s hate speeches & making a fortune doing it?

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      September 30, 2014 at 9:07 am

                      I think he is been asleep for 3-4 yrs

                      That’s how old his past few arguments are

                      Next he will be talking about Obamas birth certificate

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      September 30, 2014 at 10:24 am

                      Obviously a forgery. & the State of Hawaii is in on the conspiracy too. A conspiracy that is decades old. Talk about early planning.

                    • 19462008

                      October 2, 2014 at 2:11 pm

                      Quote from Frumious

                      Sorry Cuda, she is. She promotes & manufactures division & anger & class warfare & resentment for her personal gain.

                      There’s money to be made in manufacturing anger & resentment & she’s hit a gold mine.

                      She’s low life. As low as it gets.

                      Are you sure you’re not talking about Wasserman? Your womens lib representative that supported an attorney who defended a wife beater? Yet calls Steve Walker out as a non defender or a dangerous person for womens rights? You guys just can’t take it when a Strong woman pushes back and addressed your class of Diatribe. What angers you guys so much when a looker like Palin puts you in your place. It seems to my Pride is more important than truth.
                      And what a bout Reid? how many times are you going to let him and Unc Joe slip with the Froedient racial remarks before you do something about it? Reids your biggest racist. And Wealth, maybe Palin learning from Pelosi play book about class warfare and division. When’s that last time she every been in the Poor side of town?  NEVER.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      October 3, 2014 at 4:50 am

                      Cuda, your arguments are irrelevant at best. What does being a “looker” have to do with anything substantial? Because you think she’s a MILF, she has something intelligent to say? And Reid is bad because he’s not exactly someone you think is in your LF category? 
                      Seriously, to call Palin a lightweight is a compliment, something for her to aspire to. She sells hate, defensiveness & victimization & she’s got filthy rich selling it. She knows the gold mine of manufactured alienation & how to to milk it, to mix metaphors. That’s her sole skill.

                    • drmaryamgh

                      October 3, 2014 at 10:42 am

                      Seriously, to call OBAMA a lightweight is a compliment, something for HIM to aspire to. HE sells hate, defensiveness & victimization & HE’S got filthy rich selling it. HE knows the gold mine of manufactured alienation & how to to milk it, to mix metaphors. That’s HIS sole skill.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      October 3, 2014 at 11:25 am

                      Quote from radmike

                      Seriously, to call OBAMA a lightweight is a compliment, something for HIM to aspire to. HE sells hate, defensiveness & victimization & HE’S got filthy rich selling it. HE knows the gold mine of manufactured alienation & how to to milk it, to mix metaphors. That’s HIS sole skill.

                      How so? What hate has he been selling?

                    • drmaryamgh

                      October 3, 2014 at 12:11 pm

                      You must have been asleep or will fully ignorant for the last decade.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      October 3, 2014 at 12:13 pm

                      So educate me. What hate from Obama?

                    • drmaryamgh

                      October 3, 2014 at 12:55 pm

                      Were going to punish our enemies and were gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.
                      He tried to walk it back later but we know what he meant.  I have neither the time or inclination to spoon feed you the rest.  If you are too intellectually lazy to pay attention then why should I waste my time with you?  If someone else wants to post them, then fine.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      October 4, 2014 at 4:15 am

                      Intellectually lazy?

                      What a biscuit

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      October 4, 2014 at 7:27 am

                      Quote from radmike

                      Were going to punish our enemies and were gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.

                      He tried to walk it back later but we know what he meant.  I have neither the time or inclination to spoon feed you the rest.  If you are too intellectually lazy to pay attention then why should I waste my time with you?  If someone else wants to post them, then fine.

                      Yes, we’re all aghast that there is politics afoot among the politicians. If that quote were the pinnacle of offensive partisan political oratory I would feel much better about the future of this divided land.

                    • drmaryamgh

                      October 5, 2014 at 11:59 am

                      Again, the childishness is on display.  Not referring to you, Uncleduke.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      October 7, 2014 at 11:59 am

                      Jennifer Rubin wants to know if Ted Cruz is the new sarah palin.

                      Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is fast becoming the king of useless fights and empty gestures. First came his destructive government shutdown gambit. Then came his half-baked idea for fighting the Islamic State. Then he set up a showy albeit unnecessary confrontation with a Christian group, managing to be the only one on the right these days [i]magnifying[/i] differences between Jews and Christians.
                      He made headlines in recent weeks for walking out of an event when a group of Arab Christians booed his vocal defense of Israel, and he has used his seat on Armed Services Committee to travel abroad during his time in office. But those I spoke with were, across the board, unimpressed. They universally characterized his worldview as shallow, opportunistic, and ever shifting to where he perceives the base of the party to be.


                    • 19462008

                      October 7, 2014 at 7:58 pm

                      Quote from Frumious

                      Cuda, your arguments are irrelevant at best. What does being a “looker” have to do with anything substantial? Because you think she’s a MILF, she has something intelligent to say? And Reid is bad because he’s not exactly someone you think is in your LF category? 

                      Seriously, to call Palin a lightweight is a compliment, something for her to aspire to. She sells hate, defensiveness & victimization & she’s got filthy rich selling it. She knows the gold mine of manufactured alienation & how to to milk it, to mix metaphors. That’s her sole skill.

                      No they are not. If she was a Hag, you guys would add that to your “She’s a Hater” comments. Let’s be clear… she’s plays in a mans world politically, meets your guys head on, talks like Uncle Joe did during the campaign and… you… just… don’t… like it.
                      What’s good for the Goose right?
                      And by the way, I would never refer to a Woman as a MILF. No matter how much I disagree with their political views. Just because I think Wasserman is just as bad (or worse) than your opinion of Palin, you shouldn’t put your OWN thoughts towards my words. Go wash your mouth out with soap or grow a new brain.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      October 8, 2014 at 2:05 am

                      Palin’s looks are irrelevant, period. Just as Ted Cruz’s are. It’s her ideas & words that suck. She is a terrible person.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      October 8, 2014 at 5:05 am

                      I have news for you

                      Palin is not all that good lookin

                      She is an average looking middle aged woman. Nothing wrong with that but make no mistake………..teenage boys are not taking longer showers because of Sarah Palin

                      She ain’t all that

                      Not even close to being all that

                    • btomba_77

                      August 1, 2021 at 10:02 am

                      Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) said she may yet jump back into politics, teasing the possibility of a Senate run in 2022 against incumbent Lisa Murkowski, the New York Post reports.

                      Said Palin: If God wants me to do it I will.

                    • ruszja

                      August 1, 2021 at 11:00 am

                      Quote from dergon

                      Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) said she may yet jump back into politics, teasing the possibility of a Senate run in 2022 against incumbent Lisa Murkowski, the New York Post reports.

                      Said Palin: If God wants me to do it I will.

                      I prayed about it and God told me to relay to Sarah Palin that he doesn’t want her to run.

              • odayjassim1978_476

                September 28, 2014 at 3:26 pm

                u can’t buy it/u either have it or u don’t
                 on a sadder note:Amber rose marriage went bust..gee I thought they were the forever couple 

                Quote from kpack123


                Pure and simple class and family values

                Wonder if that was reported on by the fair and balanced fox news