White supremacist nazi demonstration turns violent
kayla.meyer_144 replied 1 year, 4 months ago 12 Members · 319 Replies
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 18, 2017 at 7:35 pmNot a good week for trump
Standing shoulder to shoulder with David Duke and the new hitler youth may play well in some parts of rural America but he essentially lost big business and most moderates
Going to be hard for him to salvage much
Quote from kpack123
Not a good week for trump
Standing shoulder to shoulder with David Duke and the new hitler youth may play well in some parts of rural America but he essentially lost big business and most moderates
Going to be hard for him to salvage much
Two weeks from now the average american will confuse the Charlottesville riots with the incident where the the folks were murdered in the AME church in Charleston, SC.
The good news is that Kelly is getting rid of the clown-show in the Whitehouse.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 19, 2017 at 4:06 amNo this is much bigger
All he has left now is angry white guys and Protestants who support him
Trump basically tried to get the nazis and the KKK a pass
The Jews that supported him including big money donors have turned their back on him
He lost any catholic support he had when David duke cheered him on
This was a defining moment and he is pretty much toast
Trump is now ineffective politically andTrumps fate pretty much lies with what Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell can get through.
So fw, you want to honor the common soldiers like our Vietnam Memorial does, fine. But remember how controversial the memorial was for not portraying Vietnam as a heroic war. So Germany and Japan have memorials, but does Great Britain have memorials to their Civil War? To the Royalists who died fighting for their cause?
The problem with the South is that not only the losers live there but the winners do too, specifically those who gained their freedom after these soldiers were fighting their war of honor to keep them enslaved, to keep them as lower humanity. The memorials lie when they change the reason for the war as a war of resistance to the Northern States’ “aggression” and the Southern States’ struggle for “freedom.”
Let’s see proposals for memorials dedicated to the Northerners. Better, memorials to the slaves who were freed by the war, to this slaves who joined the Northern forces and fought the South, to the Northern blacks who belonged to regiments who fought the South, to the black prisoners who were captured and slaughtered by the Southern captors. To the post-War period right up to the present of the blacks who were re-enslaved by Jim Crow, murdered by the KKK and all the murders, to the black diaspora to escape the South’s oppression. Teach about and raise memorials about those murdered in the Tulsa “Race Riot” of 1921 for example, or the Wilmington Insurrection in North Carolina, the Rosewood massacre. Or memorials about black disenfranchisement, poll taxes, etc. and to the Civil Rights workers who fought and died. Let’s see the present war memorials re-labeled, “Robert E. Lee, who fought for the destruction of the United States and its Constitution to continue the enslavement of men.”
Let’s see some new memorials dedicated to the freedmen and relabel the memorials of all those who fought against the United States and our Constitution. All of that is history too. The problem is that these stories, these truths fly into the face of the Southern excuse for the Civil War as honorable.
Quote from Frumious
Teach about and raise memorials about those murdered in the Tulsa “Race Riot” of 1921 for example, or the Wilmington Insurrection in North Carolina, the Rosewood massacre. Or memorials about black disenfranchisement, poll taxes, etc. and to the Civil Rights workers who fought and died. Let’s see the present war memorials re-labeled, “Robert E. Lee, who fought for the destruction of the United States and its Constitution to continue the enslavement of men.”
Let’s see some new memorials dedicated to the freedmen and relabel the memorials of all those who fought against the United States and our Constitution. All of that is history too. The problem is that these stories, these truths fly into the face of the Southern excuse for the Civil War as honorable.
Tom Hanks writes an op-ed in the NYT about Tulsa[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/04/opinion/tom-hanks-tulsa-race-massacre-history.html]https://www.nytimes.com/2…-massacre-history.html[/link]
Tom Hanks: You Should Learn the Truth About the Tulsa Race Massacre[/h1]
The truth about Tulsa, and the repeated violence by some white Americans against Black Americans, was systematically ignored, perhaps because it was regarded as too honest, too painful a lesson for our young white ears. So, our predominantly white schools didnt teach it, our mass appeal works of historical fiction didnt enlighten us, and my chosen industry didnt take on the subject in films and shows until recently. It seems white educators and school administrators (if they even knew of the Tulsa massacre, for some surely did not) omitted the volatile subject for the sake of the status quo, placing white feelings over Black experience literally Black lives in this case.
How different would perspectives be had we all been taught about Tulsa in 1921, even as early as the fifth grade? Today, I find the omission tragic, an opportunity missed, a teachable moment squandered. When people hear about systemic racism in America, just the use of those words draws the ire of those white people who insist that since July 4, 1776, we have all been free, we were all created equally, that any American can become president and catch a cab in Midtown Manhattan no matter the color of our skin, that, yes, American progress toward justice for all can be slow but remains relentless. Tell that to the century-old survivors of Tulsa and their offspring. And teach the truth to the white descendants of those in the mob that destroyed Black Wall Street.
Should our schools now teach the truth about Tulsa? Yes, and they should also stop the battle to whitewash curriculums to avoid discomfort for students. Americas history is messy but knowing that makes us a wiser and stronger people. 1921 is the truth, a portal to our shared, paradoxical history. An American Black Wall Street was not allowed to exist, was burned to ashes; more than 20 years later, World War II was won despite institutionalized racial segregation; more than 20 years after that, the Apollo missions put 12 men on the moon while others were struggling to vote, and the publishing of the Pentagon Papers showed the extent of our elected officials willingness to systemically lie to us. Each of these lessons chronicles our quest to live up to the promise of our land, to tell truths that, in America, are meant to be held as self-evident.
I wonder if we eliminated the pseudo-threat of having/making less money how many Republicans on here would stop being so political.
Quote from angiemartinez
I wonder if we eliminated the pseudo-threat of having/making less money how many Republicans on here would stop being so political.
Very few. Lots of data on the Trump phenomenon shows that the “economic anxiety” theory of his support was a myth.
It’s a about racial attitudes, and imho, the loss of [i]cultural and political[/i] power that drives it more than economics.
Quote from kpack123
can’t compete well in today’s economy
This unfortunately seems to be a growing trend in both educated/uneducated individuals of all races
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 20, 2017 at 7:30 pmMost educated people can compete or at least figure a way to either gain nor marketable traits or additional education to compete
The uneducated can’t
So they get mad or do opiates….. watch fox and vote for trump
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 20, 2017 at 7:35 pmIn my experience, the “uneducated” tend to be more tolerable than the “educated.” Case in point ^
Quote from kpack123
Most educated people can compete or at least figure a way to either gain nor marketable traits or additional education to compete
The uneducated can’t
So they get mad or do opiates….. watch fox and vote for trump
This is not a partisan issue. About 50% of all US births are through medicaid. A huge chunk of people (white/black/brown etc) can’t figure out how to independently provide for themselves and families.-
It’s not partisanship? The question is jd, did the Trumpists vote for him because they are just worried about jobs or something else? Then why the Jans or the cigars or the others in the Trumpist lineup. Forget blue collar people, all the rads who expressed being in the Trumpist lineup? Many of the Trumpets are anything but unemployed and unable to be employed. Very many are affluent and at least comfortably middle class. From what I can see a very large demographic is older employed or retired adults with adult children who are employed.
Tolerance as Jan and this weeks’ events show tolerance has little to do with it.
i think there is a mixture of things that overlap but from what I can see, but partisanship and identity have much to do with it, along with resentment and anger. And I see much of that anger and resentment represented in terms that are less than admirable involving race and immigrants in general.
What is you opinion then of where the Trumpists’ support lies?
I watched 20/20 the other night…there are some real crazies on both the Nazi and Antifa sides. The white supremacists scare me the most though, even though the far left’s intolerance for intolerance has gained so much support.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 21, 2017 at 5:37 amThis is for cigar Jan or whatever your name is this week
The question wasn’t about tolerance
The question was
What is it about these people attracted to Nazi-ism & Supremacist groups?
Case in point
Quote from kpack123
This is for cigar Jan or whatever your name is this week
The question wasn’t about tolerance
The question was
What is it about these people attracted to Nazi-ism & Supremacist groups?
Case in point
You guys are so paranoid, it actually informs you about how out of touch the lefty sympathizers are. An overwhelming majority of the states voted for Trump, most people realize the media is a sham, institutionally universities particularly outside of STEM are absolutely a net negative and so harming to people in the societies, even the “graduates” who have nothing but lies taught to them and big loans that enslave them — yet you act like our point of view on life, self reliance, values, tradition and accountability are somehow a problem.
I hope you get what you wish for, I’ll take all the traditional, productive people and we’ll actually obey reason, tradition, accountability — you can live with your lying marxist dream and suffer with all the confused people you created who will drag you down. I wonder how much you’ll love “diversity” then.
The left has historically been far more damaging, violent, death-ridden, murderous and crazy than anything I’ve ever encountered with the supposed “right”. You can’t even admit that Stalin, Fidel, Mao, and all your heroes of some of the worst human beings to ever preside over countries on the planet — what’s worse is that you extoll them as virtuous.
SJWs created a paradigm where “white” people (they don’t even know what that means, just like they don’t know history) are somehow privileged, can’t understand anyone else, and are locked into their own life and mindset, so they should go their own way. Then, when this stupid ideology sees its fruits come out in “white” supremacy movements, they ask why do these guys exist?, we hate them! Yet they told these very guys that’s what they wanted, and then are surprised by it.
The left is toxic and out of control.
Quote from walshnuc
I watched 20/20 the other night…there are some real crazies on both the Nazi and Antifa sides. The white supremacists scare me the most though, even though the far left’s intolerance for intolerance has gained so much support.
Intolerance for intolerance?
Isn’t that an oxymoron? Is tolerance for intolerance good? Canada is a pretty tolerant country, no? Would it be better to be intolerant?
I don’t understand. Are you equating equal violence on both right and left? I don’t see that either.
Quote from jd4540
Quote from kpack123
Most educated people can compete or at least figure a way to either gain nor marketable traits or additional education to compete
The uneducated can’t
So they get mad or do opiates….. watch fox and vote for trump
This is not a partisan issue. About 50% of all US births are through medicaid. A huge chunk of people (white/black/brown etc) can’t figure out how to independently provide for themselves and families.
and 1% of the population has more money than the bottom 90% combined. More money than can ever be spent. Yet we still have like minimum wages that don’t really make even a meager existence possible. So you have people that are really poor, probably have very bad or no insurance, but still have babies. So boom medicaid kicks in.
If we want to get people off government subsistence, it’s time to start paying better wages. Not everyone is going to college to become doctors, lawyers, etc….-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 21, 2017 at 6:27 amIn order to justify better wages however you need a better educated and better trained workforce
Many many many of the angry people are undereducated and/or undertrained to compete in today’s workforce
Instead of focusing their anger on the elites the immigrants women etc. they need to get off their arses and get themselves better trained or better educated
Marching in groups while chanting blood and soil or chanting anti-Jewish rhetoric isn’t going to change their economic plight
Quote from kpack123
In order to justify better wages however you need a better educated and better trained workforce
Many many many of the angry people are undereducated and/or undertrained to compete in today’s workforce
Instead of focusing their anger on the elites the immigrants women etc. they need to get off their arses and get themselves better trained or better educated
Marching in groups while chanting blood and soil or chanting anti-Jewish rhetoric isn’t going to change their economic plight
Not really. I don’t need the person taking out the office trash or cleaning the rest rooms to have a college degree or advanced training. Here it was changed so that everyone starts at minimum of $12 an hour which is about 50% higher than Ohio minimum wage. Not everyone will or is cut out to take a career path like military, go to college, or become a tradesman. Many of the angry people you mention might works these kind of jobs, I have no idea, but there’s normal every day people also.
Different argument from just white supremacist, but to me people on the bottom are the tide that will lift all the boats. Getting some wealth concentration back down the ladder to rung #1 will get more money into the economy.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 21, 2017 at 7:47 amI was making the argument pertaining to why there are so many angry white guys between the ages of 20-60
My point is that it’s pretty much their own fault
If you don’t have wealthy parents or were born into money the only way to get a head is to work you arse off and acquire marketable skills
If you don’t do this then you should accept the fact that all you can do is take out the trash or flip burgers and accept what the market pays you
But as I noted before, Trump supporters are not limited to those with few opportunities, otherwise the minority communities would be number 1 supporters of Trump since they have been economically limited for decades. No, I have seen many people who are anything but economically challenged, who are in the upper 3%-1% who are avid fans of Trump. You can read them here on AM, rads are not exactly hard-up for income & yet very many of them support Trump. so why is that?
It is identity that has much to do with it. And fear-mongering. Too many listen to right-wing media which is all about the next catastrophe and spreading fear and loathing and anger & resentment against “them.” there is always a “them” to fear and loathe.
Quote from kpack123
I was making the argument pertaining to why there are so many angry white guys between the ages of 20-60
My point is that it’s pretty much their own fault
If you don’t have wealthy parents or were born into money the only way to get a head is to work you arse off and acquire marketable skills
If you don’t do this then you should accept the fact that all you can do is take out the trash or flip burgers and accept what the market pays you
I think it’s much more complex than just working hard. Wealthy suburb, or urban school district? Are you in a district that can still pay for the sports teams? Does the school have access to technology? One parent or two? Do you have food on the table?
Quote from DICOM_Dan
I think it’s much more complex than just working hard. Wealthy suburb, or urban school district? Are you in a district that can still pay for the sports teams? Does the school have access to technology?
Interestingly, all those factors make remarkably little difference.
One parent or two? Do you have food on the table?
And those factors are controlled by the parents, not society.-
Quote from fw
Quote from DICOM_Dan
I think it’s much more complex than just working hard. Wealthy suburb, or urban school district? Are you in a district that can still pay for the sports teams? Does the school have access to technology?
Interestingly, all those factors make remarkably little difference.
One parent or two? Do you have food on the table?
And those factors are controlled by the parents, not society.
fw nailing it again. Next thing they’ll tell you is that terrorism is inversely proportional to wealth, when it has been shown 30 years now with studies, otherwise. Same thing with violence. All of the left’s maxims are lies. I’ve investigated all of them.
“Privilege is having two parents” is what they mean but never talk about, because the biggest threat to central authority is a strong family. The biggest boons? Sexual promiscuity, vice, and atraditional living and unhealthy thinking.
The privilege bs idea shows precisely how stupid their concepts and lying terminology are. -
You are choosing to ignore the National Review articles. And real world evidence. Marriage & 2 parents has nothing to do with it. Youll find all of that in poor white areas & still have poverty, unemployment, violence, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.
Get your head out of that dank dark space, Faager, you are showing your ignorance.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 21, 2017 at 6:15 pmActually, poor Whites have a pretty *good* showing on the violent crime front. Poor White counties in Appalachia fare better WRT violent crime than the [i]national average[/i].
on the GOP plantation
Quote from Jan the Third
Actually, poor Whites have a pretty *good* showing on the violent crime front. Poor White counties in Appalachia fare better WRT violent crime than the [i]national average[/i].
Quote from Jan the Third
Actually, poor Whites have a pretty *good* showing on the violent crime front. Poor White counties in Appalachia fare better WRT violent crime than the [i]national average[/i].
WOW! That’s some propaganda piece. The “goyim?” “They parrot what [i][b]we[/b][/i] teach them on [b][i]our[/i][/b] TV and movies?”
And that baby ape? Are you trying to create some racial equivalence with a baby ape? Or is that just a stereotype black baby? Like the stereotype Jew? Explain please, I’m a naive librul, my eyes do spin like the cartoon when I see dreck like your post.
Pretty despicable article & cartoon. This is your belief system wrapped up in 1 cartoon?
Race and crime. Is that your point? What the Jews teach us? Miscenegation is the problem too, diluting the white race?
Thanks for letting us know your real beliefs.
HOLY SH!TE, Jan, I read some more of your link. It is downright racist, no ifs, ands or buts about it. It attacks everyone. Interestingly it complements Asians by stating Asians have higher IQs than even whites and Jews the highest. Guess that’s why they are a threat to take over banking and the world? But except for that, it’s a screed against blacks.
His ABOUT his website says it all:
Our Kosher owned and controlled Media is negligent in reporting black crime in general, and more specifically, Interracial crime, and that was the impetus for the creation of this blog.
Updates will follow..
I am not a white supremist, but a Realist and one that favors segregation as any common sense person of any race, does. I prefer to be around my own, like Asians, Mexicans, Italians, Irish and Jews do. I am not Anti Semitic, I am a practicing Christian who finds my Faith diametrically opposed to Judaism and to those that Killed Christ. Rather, I find Talmudic J EWs to be Anti Christian and Anti Gentile. I refer any Christian to 1 Thessalonians 2:15.
As a poorer white kid growing up in an all white area I lived in an infinitely happier, freer, cleaner, safer, more enriching environment than my kids do living in an economically well-off multicultural environment. F*ck Marxist multiculturalism.
WOW again.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 6:29 amI will grant that I did not read the entire page on the link I posted. I skimmed the first few paragraphs, and I didn’t notice the offensive material. I’ll remove the link from my post and provide a less objectionable source.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 6:59 am[link=http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/america-s-10-poorest-counties-are-gulf-coast-states-kentucky-and-indian-reservations]http://www.cnsnews.com/ne…nd-indian-reservations[/link]
The 10 U.S. counties with the lowest annual median household incomes are:
1. Owsley County, Ky. – $21,177
2. Zavala County, Texas – $21,843
3. Clay County, Ky. – $22,255
4. Knox County, Ky. -$22,493
5. Wilcox County, Ala. – $22,611
6. Quitman County, Miss. – $22,625
7. Sumter County, Ala. – $22,857
8. McCreary County, Ky. – $23,163
9. East Carroll Parish, La. – $23,186
10. Lee County, Ark. – $23,716
Now, I did some research into the violent crime rates of each of these counties…
Owsley: lower than US and Kentucky averages ([link=http://www.civicdashboards.com/county/owsley-county-ky-05000US21189/violent_crimes_per_100000)]http://www.civicdashboard…ent_crimes_per_100000)[/link]
Zavala: lower than Texas and national averages ([link=http://www.civicdashboards.com/county/zavala-county-tx-05000US48507/violent_crimes_per_100000)]http://www.civicdashboard…ent_crimes_per_100000)[/link]
Clay: lower than KY and national averages ([link=http://www.civicdashboards.com/county/clay-county-ky-05000US21051/)]http://www.civicdashboard…unty-ky-05000US21051/)[/link]
Knox: lower than state and national ([link=http://www.civicdashboards.com/county/knox-county-ky-05000US21121/violent_crimes_per_100000)]http://www.civicdashboard…ent_crimes_per_100000)[/link]
Wilcox: generally lower than state and national, though it surpassed those in 2014 ([link=http://www.civicdashboards.com/county/wilcox-county-al-05000US01131/violent_crimes_per_100000)]http://www.civicdashboard…ent_crimes_per_100000)[/link]
Quitman: far lower than national average, at least in 2015 ([link=https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ms/quitman/crime)]https://www.neighborhoods.ut.com/ms/quitman/crime)[/link]
Sumter: lower than state and national ([link=http://www.civicdashboards.com/county/sumter-county-al-05000US01119/)]http://www.civicdashboard…l-05000US01119/) [/link]
McCreary: beats state and national ([link=http://www.civicdashboards.com/county/mccreary-county-ky-05000US21147/).]http://www.civicdashboard…-05000US21147/). [/link]
East Carroll Parish: WORSE than state and national ([link=http://www.civicdashboards.com/county/east-carroll-parish-la-05000US22035/)]http://www.civicdashboard…rish-la-05000US22035/)[/link]
Lee: lower than state and national ([link=http://www.civicdashboards.com/county/lee-county-ar-05000US05077/)]http://www.civicdashboard…unty-ar-05000US05077/)[/link]
Sorry, the excuse that poverty causes violent crime doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Crime overall, perhaps – people will seek to better their lots in life one way or another, but there’s a great moral difference between, say, illegal opiate use and killing another person. -
Quote from Frumious
HOLY SH!TE, Jan, I read some more of your link. It is downright racist, no ifs, ands or buts about it.
And that surprises you?
That is [i]exactly[/i] the kind of social media diet I would expect that member to ingest. -
Being obviously obvious about it is the surprise. Guess I have to get on the new program & get used to it now that Trump is elected.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 11:16 amHow typical that the intellectual mediocrities spend their time attacking a source without addressing substance.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 11:22 amHoley sheet
Aren’t you the one that submitted a source without reading it….. then removed it when called out
This is another example of trump dumbness……… just spout of stupid sheet with confidence
Then walk it back when called out
Trump dumbness
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 11:36 amI didn’t walk anything back, you numbskull. My argument remains the same; I removed the link because the article offends in a way that I find distasteful. And I posted that I would edit out the link – it wasn’t exactly like I hid the fact.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 12:22 pmSo wait
You submit a source to substantiate your claim
later admitted that you didn’t read the entire article
Someone pointed out your source was garbage …… basically the substance of your source sucked
You remove it
Then criticize someone for attacking a source without addressing substance
Trump dumbness
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 12:24 pmI guess that’s why so many trumpers are just angry but don’t why
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 1:02 pm
Quote from kpack123
So wait
You submit a source to substantiate your claim
later admitted that you didn’t read the entire article
I didn’t. Just the part that, you know, demonstrated the point I was making.Quote from kpack123
Someone pointed out your source was garbage …… basically the substance of your source sucked
Garbage in what way? Offensive? Yes. Wrong (WRT income and violent crime not being directly correlated as a rule)? No.Quote from kpack123
You remove it
Then criticize someone for attacking a source without addressing substance
Trump dumbness
Yes, I removed it because the offensive content of the linked article distracts from the point I made.
I can’t believe that someone as stupid as you is a radiologist. Didn’t this specialty used to be competitive? -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 1:23 pmYeah. You are a fng genius huh?
Put your diaper back on before Someone wraps it around your headend chokes you with it you little candy arse
Quote from kpack123
Yeah. You are a fng genius huh?
Put your diaper back on before Someone wraps it around your headend chokes you with it you little candy arse
Wow, you told him off !
Very manly, very manly.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 2:39 pmThanks coming from a trumper like you I will take that as a compliment
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 2:45 pmThe thing I don’t get about trumpers is
They can call people names call them stupid make stuff up
Then some one confronts them…. and they cry like babies
Yikes guys. OK just cut to the point. That horrible article (half-arsed opinion piece) doesn’t even claim what Jan seems to be claiming. The real claim that article is trying to make is that skin color is a better indicator of violent crime than poverty. Taking a few poverty stricken neighborhoods and comparing their violence rate to random mixed neighborhoods, and making some claim about poverty and violence, without correcting for any other variables is just such bad use of statistics I almost want to vomit.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 3:14 pmYep
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 6:44 pmYes but we are intellectual mediocrities so what do we know
Obviously all the trumpers are the geniuses
Almost cult like these types like fw and Jan/cigar/peace are
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 9:00 pm
Quote from over-caffeinated
Yikes guys. OK just cut to the point. That horrible article (half-arsed opinion piece) doesn’t even claim what Jan seems to be claiming. The real claim that article is trying to make is that skin color is a better indicator of violent crime than poverty. Taking a few poverty stricken neighborhoods and comparing their violence rate to random mixed neighborhoods, and making some claim about poverty and violence, without correcting for any other variables is just such bad use of statistics I almost want to vomit.
It’s impossible to control for every possible variable and confounder – that’s why statistics are highly suspect in the real world. But, yes – race actually *does* predict violent crime better than poverty does.
If we take a figure of Whites composing 63% of the US population and Blacks composing 13% (approximate data), we would expect, if all else were equal, Whites to have ~4.85x as many murderers as Blacks. But according to FBI data, 2013 had 3005 White-committed homicides and 2509 Black-committed homicides – a ratio of 1.20. 4.85/1.20 = 4.04. And the inverse (1.20/4.85 = 0.25) represents how much *lower* the White:Black ratio is than would be expected based on demographic percentages alone. Now, if Blacks’ income were approximately 1/4 that of Whites, the “income basically correlates with, say, murder” approach might have merit. But Whites don’t have anywhere near 4x the median or mean income of that of Blacks, so it’s pretty clear that, at least when it comes to homicide, income does not tell the whole story.
There are clear racial differences. Similar trends hold true for all sorts of violent crimes. [link=http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/analysis_and_planning/year-end-2016-enforcement-report.pdf ]http://www1.nyc.gov/asset…ement-report.pdf [/link] -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 8:14 am
Quote from Frumious
You are choosing to ignore the National Review articles. And real world evidence. Marriage & 2 parents has nothing to do with it. Youll find all of that in poor white areas & still have poverty, unemployment, violence, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.
Get your head out of that dank dark space, Faager, you are showing your ignorance.
Quote from Jan the Third
Actually, poor Whites have a pretty *good* showing on the violent crime front. Poor White counties in Appalachia fare better WRT violent crime than the [i]national average[/i].
In my post quoted above, I linked to this article thats objectionable in a number of ways, but – at its outset – makes precisely the point I did, which is that poverty does NOT smoothly correlate with violent crime rates. Contiguous quote from the beginning of the blog post:
White Privilege yea right. More on this later.
Newsflash: The Top 10 Poorest Counties in America are in Appalachia and populated By Whites.
Folks, this is REAL Poverty seen below, as in no subsidized vouchers to pay for modern forced Central Air (HVAC) with which to set at 85F in the dead of winter paid for by tax payers, but (Whites) Living with NO power or running water, and using stoves that burn wood or coal for heat. No government supplied vouchers are sent to Appalachian families to burn said wood either.
Dont cut wood= No heat.
Not many Section 8 vouchers either for that matter, in this neck of the woods. Majority White West Virginia is much safer than majority black Mississippi, despite being one of the poorest states in America. West Virginia is the 2nd poorest state (behind only Mississippi), the 4th whitest state at 93.9% white, and is the 13th safest state vs Mississippi which Americas Most Dangerous State at 40% Black, the highest percentage in America. This indicates that race is a better predictor of crime.
The 10 U.S. counties with the lowest annual median household incomes are:
1. Owsley County, Ky. $21,177
2. Zavala County, Texas $21,843
3. Clay County, Ky. $22,255
4. Knox County, Ky. -$22,493
5. Wilcox County, Ala. $22,611
6. Quitman County, Miss. $22,625
7. Sumter County, Ala. $22,857
8. McCreary County, Ky. $23,163
Yet, The violent crime rate for Appalachia in 2010 was [b]lower[/b] than the national violent crime rate average by 56.76%
A number of posts later, over-caffeinated writes this:
Quote from over-caffeinated
Yikes guys. OK just cut to the point. That horrible article (half-arsed opinion piece) doesn’t even claim what Jan seems to be claiming. The real claim that article is trying to make is that skin color is a better indicator of violent crime than poverty.
But this is flat-out wrong. The blog post makes the same point I did, which is that poverty is a laughably poor predictor of violent crime rates.
Its sad that Leftists so confidently make declarations that make not an ounce of sense. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 8:22 amLook you said some stupid sheet
Just stop digging as you are making yourself look worse
What is it with you trumpers that you feel compelled to double down on stupidity even when called to the carpet
You are in an alternate universe and its getting smaller
You would think if Jan took his data and combined it with Fager’s Gini coefficient, and what it really says about violence, they might be able to make a coherent point.
Neither poverty nor race are great predictors of homicidal violence. Living with democrat controlled city government however is.
See fw get’s it. He just skipped the whole causality thing and went right to effect.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 9:49 am
Quote from fw
Neither poverty nor race are great predictors of homicidal violence. Living with democrat controlled city government however is.
This would be a comforting explanation for some, but it doesn’t really bear out in reality.
Quote from fw
Neither poverty nor race are great predictors of homicidal violence. Living with democrat controlled city government however is.
You are saying there is no Republican controlled city with high violence?
You’re in danger of showing yourself to be as dumb as Jan and Faager.
This is fun with statistics for the ignorant and uninformed. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 1:17 pmIt’s almost to the point you can’t argue with the trumpers
They live in a different world
fw does the same simple-minded “analysis” that Jan does. Except the analysis is does not follow. Non sequitur unless you already believe violence is primarily due to blacks and Democratic enablers.
Neither fw or Jan are interested in really analyzing any causes of violence, they just want to draw the conclusion that it is minorities who are behind violence. Let’s ignore and forget caucasians who are violent, they can be ignored since they don’t fit in with the pre-conclusions. So must be false data. Or white violence is “understandable” and justifiable and therefore also does not fit in with the prior conclusion.
I have to tell you, its an unbelievably complex subject, Trump said. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.
Sums things up doesn’t it? -
Quote from Frumious
Quote from fw
Neither poverty nor race are great predictors of homicidal violence. Living with democrat controlled city government however is.
You are saying there is no Republican controlled city with high violence?
You’re in danger of showing yourself to be as dumb as Jan and Faager.
This is fun with statistics for the ignorant and uninformed.
Singular examples with Republican leadership would not invalidate the premise.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 4:14 pmNeither would your thumb up your butt
Basically your argument is the same as you personally performing that task on yourself
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 4:37 pmWatching kpack attempt to debate is like watching Shia Labeouf lose his mind after being trolled. I’ve got my popcorn.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 4:48 pmDebate what your bassakward assertions
You can’t debate an intellectually dishonest person like your self. You will just lie or create a false premise based on a bogus source like you did above that is baseless and act like it actually proves your point
As for fw he doesn’t debate…. he just takes an opposite side approach to everything and when beaten he will pull a pee wee Herman and do I know you are but what am I.
Basically you guys own trump and all of his flip flopping craziness…… most of us are just here to remind you of that
Quote from Frumious
You are saying there is no Republican controlled city with high violence?
You’re in danger of showing yourself to be as dumb as Jan and Faager.
This is fun with statistics for the ignorant and uninformed.
This is just for class A cities >250k. First number is per capita 2016 homicide rate.
[link=https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/u-s-cities-experienced-another-big-rise-in-murder-in-2016/]https://fivethirtyeight.c…ise-in-murder-in-2016/[/link]59.3 St Louis Lyda Crewson (D)
51.2 Baltimore Catherine Pugh (D)
44.9 Detroit Mike Duggan (D)
44.5 New Orleans Mitch Landrieu (D)
33.5 Cleveland Frank G. Jackson (D)
33.0 Newark Ras Baraka (D)
31.9 Memphis Jim Strickland (D)
27.9 Chicago Rahm Emanuel (D)
26.4 KCMO Sly James (D) (nonpartisan election)
23.9 Atlanta Karim Reed (D)
Not even an independent in the sorry bunch. -
Woohoo aren’t statistic fun!
Denver, CO (D)
Seattle, Wa (D)
Washington DC (D)
San Francisco, CA (D)
Minneapolis, MN (D)
San Diego, CA (R)
Huston, TX (D)
Dallas, TX (D)
Boston, MA (D)
Tampa, FL (D)
Phoenix, AZ (D)
Atlanta, GA (D)
Thanks for playing.
Quote from over-caffeinated
Woohoo aren’t statistic fun!
Denver, CO (D)
Seattle, Wa (D)
Washington DC (D)
San Francisco, CA (D)
Minneapolis, MN (D)
San Diego, CA (R)
Huston, TX (D)
Dallas, TX (D)
Boston, MA (D)
Tampa, FL (D)
Phoenix, AZ (D)
Atlanta, GA (D)Thanks for playing.
Thanks for making my point. There is one (R) in that list. The homicide rate for San Diego, CA is 3.5/100k in 2016. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 7:25 pmNot that I give 2 sheets about this argument bu………..Basically most cities lean democrat so
Isn’t that statistical bias
Of course. Which is why it’s only a political punchline cause the whole argument collapses when you go into the wealthy and peaceful suburban cities, which also tend to favor Democrats.
Quote from over-caffeinated
Of course. Which is why it’s only a political punchline cause the whole argument collapses when you go into the wealthy and peaceful suburban cities, which also tend to favor Democrats.
Here is a suburban town for you:
0.4 Plano, TX (pop 286k) mayor: Harry LaRosiliere (R)
(for those bad at math, that’s less than 1/100th the homicde rate of St Louis or Baltimore)
Quote from over-caffeinated
Of course. Which is why it’s only a political punchline cause the whole argument collapses when you go into the wealthy and peaceful suburban cities, which also tend to favor Democrats.
The argument is that all the major US cities with third-world homicide rates are democrat controlled. St Louis and Baltimore are Venezuela level bad. Show me a republican managed city with similar carnage.
You made no point other than to point out that Democrats tend to have the big cities and all the problems, and benefits, that go with them. Why so few Republicans on either list? Do Republicans not like the big cities? Or are they just out of their comfort zone having to actually govern among diversity? OR something else?
Quote from kpack123
I was making the argument pertaining to why there are so many angry white guys between the ages of 20-60
My point is that it’s pretty much their own fault
If you don’t have wealthy parents or were born into money the only way to get a head is to work you arse off and acquire marketable skills
If you don’t do this then you should accept the fact that all you can do is take out the trash or flip burgers and accept what the market pays you
Your party lied to them for the last 40 years.
They finally figured it out.
Now you just call them angry.
Go have a sandwich with a LGBTQ alphabet person and tell me how wonderful it is. You’re just as confused as all these lefty idiots that your party panders to-
I’m trying to figure out what “your” Party ever did for them for the past 40 years. Last time I looked these Trump voters actually love the Democratic laws put into place since Roosevelt, like Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid & now even Obamacare. Even clean air and water, employment insurance, etc.
So list what “your” party has done for anyone? Iraq? Afghanistan? What else?-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 21, 2017 at 9:33 amI call them angry because they hate everything and blame everyone for their plights
Sorry I’ve lived in the same country the same times and grew up in the same rust belt bucket of despo….so I fill little pain for them
Maybe if they spent less time being mad at the world they’d have better lives
Basically it’s their own damn fault
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 21, 2017 at 10:25 amwow—tolerance and acceptance of all…….NOT!
Is this not the sentiment historically ascribed to angry white men towards blacks? but for some reason now its ok….??? now it works? Really the hypocrisy and double standard is outrageous and stunning.
“Maybe if they spent less time being mad a the world they’d have better lives
Basically it’s their own dam fault”- Kpac123
-Peace Out
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 21, 2017 at 10:45 amI never claimed to be tolerant
In fact as far as personal responsibility goes I’m probably not real tolerant of whiners or complainers
All I know is they aren’t improving their lot in life by being mad at everyone and everything
….. and Donald Trump certainly is not going to help them change their lot in life
It’s pretty much up to them
Quote from peace
wow—tolerance and acceptance of all…….NOT!
Is this not the sentiment historically ascribed to angry white men towards blacks? but for some reason now its ok….??? now it works? Really the hypocrisy and double standard is outrageous and stunning.“Maybe if they spent less time being mad a the world they’d have better lives
Basically it’s their own dam fault”- Kpac123-Peace Out
You have a skewed sense of reality, wearing blinders & giving a pass when your side criticizes the same people pack does but noticing only when criticized by someone not in your court. For years right-wingers have stated here on AM that the problem with the Trump supporters type – this was before Trump – that they were uneducated, violent, alcohol and drug abusers with unstable family lives who blamed others, etc. I guess you missed those statements.
Or chose to ignore them because they don’t fit your script.
This from the National Review in 2014:
Owsley County, Ky. There are lots of diversions in the Big White Ghetto, the vast moribund matrix of Wonder Breadhued Appalachian towns and villages stretching from northern Mississippi to southern New York, a slowly dissipating nebula of poverty and misery with its heart in eastern Kentucky, the last redoubt of the Scots-Irish working class that picked up where African slave labor left off, mining and cropping and sawing the raw materials for a modern American economy that would soon run out of profitable uses for the class of people who 500 years ago would have been known, without any derogation, as peasants.
Thinking about the future here and its bleak prospects is not much fun at all, so instead of too much black-minded introspection you have the pills and the dope, the morning beers, the endless scratch-off lotto cards, healing meetings up on the hill, the federally funded ritual of trading cases of food-stamp Pepsi for packs of Kentuckys Best cigarettes and good old hard currency, tall piles of gas-station nachos, the occasional blast of meth, Narcotics Anonymous meetings, petty crime, the draw, the recreational making and surgical unmaking of teenaged mothers, and death: Life expectancies are short the typical man here dies well over a decade earlier than does a man in Fairfax County, Va. and they are getting shorter, womens life expectancy having declined by nearly 1.1 percent from 1987 to 2007.
If the people here werent 98.5 percent white, wed call it a reservation.
There is no cure for poverty, because there is no cause of poverty poverty is the natural condition of the human animal. It is not as though labor and enterprise are unknown here: Digging coal is hard work, farming is hard work, timbering is hard work so hard that the best and brightest long ago packed up for Cincinnati or Pittsburgh or Memphis or Houston. There is to this day an Appalachian bar in Detroit and ex-Appalachian enclaves around the country. The lesson of the Big White Ghetto is the same as the lessons we learned about the urban housing projects in the late 20th century: The best public-policy treatment we have for poverty is dilution. But like the old project towers, the Appalachian draw culture produces concentration, a socio economic Salton Sea that becomes more toxic every year.
The government gives people checks, but nobody teaches them how to live, says Teresa Barrett, a former high-school principal who now publishes the Owsley County newspaper. You have people on the draw getting $3,000 a month, and they still cant live. When I was at the school, wed see kids come in from a long weekend just starved to death. But youll see those parents at the grocery store with their 15 cases of Pepsi, and thats all theyve got in the buggy you know what theyre doing. Everybody knows, nobody does anything. And when you have that many people on the draw, thats a big majority of voters.
Nicholas Kristof, visiting nearby Jackson, Ky., last year, was shocked by parents who were taking their children out of literacy classes because the possibility of improved academic performance would threaten $700-a-month Social Security disability benefits, which increasingly are paid out for nebulous afflictions such as loosely defined learning disorders.
Jim DeMint likes to say that marriage is our best anti-poverty program, and he also has a point. But a 2004 study found that the majority of impoverished households in Appalachia were headed by married couples, not single mothers.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 10:21 am
You have a skewed sense of reality, wearing blinders & giving a pass when your side criticizes the same people pack does but noticing only when criticized by someone not in your court. For years right-wingers have stated here on AM that the problem with the Trump supporters type – this was before Trump – that they were uneducated, violent, alcohol and drug abusers with unstable family lives who blamed others, etc. I guess you missed those statements.Or chose to ignore them because they don’t fit your script.
Frumi- get a grip. I never mentioned Trump in my email, talk about a skewed sense of reality….
My point was simply hateful degrading rhetoric on any side is not helpful nor right……those are the same sentiments used against many minorities in the past. Are there instances where it may be valid? Probably, but as a general globalized comment it is more inflammatory then accurate.
-Peace Out
Quote from peace
You have a skewed sense of reality, wearing blinders & giving a pass when your side criticizes the same people pack does but noticing only when criticized by someone not in your court. For years right-wingers have stated here on AM that the problem with the Trump supporters type – this was before Trump – that they were uneducated, violent, alcohol and drug abusers with unstable family lives who blamed others, etc. I guess you missed those statements.
Or chose to ignore them because they don’t fit your script.
Frumi- get a grip. I never mentioned Trump in my email, talk about a skewed sense of reality….
My point was simply hateful degrading rhetoric on any side is not helpful nor right……those are the same sentiments used against many minorities in the past. Are there instances where it may be valid? Probably, but as a general globalized comment it is more inflammatory then accurate.-Peace Out
You are not reading. I did not say you said “Trump.”
Read it again. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 12:55 pmI did read…. my message was not about Trump but you had to drag Trump into the discussion–why oh why?
-Peace Out -
Also from National Review for you peace.
Read a bit more. There is a VERY BIG nuanced world out there. It’s more complicated than “evil lefty liberals” vs cons.
It is immoral because it perpetuates a lie: that the white working class that finds itself attracted to Trump has been victimized by outside forces. It hasnt. The white middle class may like the idea of Trump as a giant pulsing humanoid middle finger held up in the face of the Cathedral, they may sing hymns to Trump the destroyer and whisper darkly about globalists and odious, stupid term the Establishment, but nobody did this to them. They failed themselves. If you spend time in hardscrabble, white upstate New York, or eastern Kentucky, or my own native West Texas, and you take an honest look at the welfare dependency, the drug and alcohol addiction, the family anarchy which is to say, the whelping of human children with all the respect and wisdom of a stray dog you will come to an awful realization. It wasnt Beijing. It wasnt even Washington, as bad as Washington can be. It wasnt immigrants from Mexico, excessive and problematic as our current immigration levels are. It wasnt any of that. Nothing happened to them. There wasnt some awful disaster.
There wasnt a war or a famine or a plague or a foreign occupation. Even the economic changes of the past few decades do very little to explain the dysfunction and negligence and the incomprehensible malice of poor white America. So the gypsum business in Garbutt aint what it used to be. There is more to life in the 21st century than wallboard and cheap sentimentality about how the Man closed the factories down. The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. Forget all your cheap theatrical Bruce Springsteen crap. Forget your sanctimony about struggling Rust Belt factory towns and your conspiracy theories about the wily Orientals stealing our jobs. Forget your goddamned gypsum, and, if he has a problem with that, forget Ed Burke, too. The white American underclass is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trumps speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isnt analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul.
One more gift of information to open your mind, from 2016. The writer is also a conservative.
Simply put, Americans are killing themselves and destroying their families at an alarming rate. No one is making them do it. The economy isnt putting a bottle in their hand. Immigrants arent making them cheat on their wives or snort OxyContin. Obama isnt walking them into the lawyers office to force them to file a bogus disability claim.
For generations, conservatives have rightly railed against deterministic progressive notions that put human choices at the mercy of race, class, history, or economics. Those factors can create additional challenges, but they do not relieve any human being of the moral obligation to do their best.
Yet millions of Americans arent doing their best. Indeed, theyre barely trying. As Ive related before, my church in Kentucky made a determined attempt to reach kids and families that were falling between the cracks, and it was consistently astounding how little effort most parents and their teen children made to improve their lives. If they couldnt find a job in a few days or perhaps even as little as a few hours theyd stop looking. If they got angry at teachers or coaches, theyd drop out of school. If they fought with their wife, they had sex with a neighbor. And always always there was a sense of entitlement.
It was indeed meant to be an oxymoron. I’m just concerned with how far the intolerance could go. What happens if “they” decide eating meat is murder and this won’t be tolerated? I might take up arms to protect my right to eat bacon. And yeah, we’re pretty tolerant here in Canada for the most part, but it got pretty ugly in Quebec over the weekend.
Quote from walshnuc
It was indeed meant to be an oxymoron. I’m just concerned with how far the intolerance could go. What happens if “they” decide eating meat is murder and this won’t be tolerated? I might take up arms to protect my right to eat bacon. And yeah, we’re pretty tolerant here in Canada for the most part, but it got pretty ugly in Quebec over the weekend.
I sincerely doubt that eating meat will become some sort of crime. Yes, there are those who are “pure in heart” like PETA but so far & I would bet in the future they will just continue to be considered nut jobs.
I am not worried someone will object to my eating meat or pork to make it some sort of crime or social faux pas.
But I do see real intolerance for people who look different or who have different customs & religions. That is real intolerance and a real danger. Vegans are just odd to me.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 21, 2017 at 5:26 pmFunny how the whiners and complainers have no solutions
Anger and blame and blow it all up
How’s that working out for you?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 1:37 pm
Quote from kpack123
Yeah. You are a fng genius huh?
Put your diaper back on before Someone wraps it around your headend chokes you with it you little candy arse
Haha! Such a thin skin. SAD!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 22, 2017 at 2:01 pmWipe your tears
Which of course is an entirely seperate discussion than poverty and violence, and entirely seperate subject, an entirely seperate collection of blogs taking limited data and making questionable conclusions.
Bottom line is you found an unflushed turd floating in the toilet bowl of the internet and invited us to all take a big whiff and now think it’s our duty to discuss it rather than do what you should have done… Flush it.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 4:12 amMy favorite part is he criticizes someone for not talking about source…….right after citing the sheetiest source on record
….. and calling everyone else intellectual mediocrity in the process
Poverty has been proven that it has nothing to do with violence and crime. Ever hear of the Gini coefficient? PROVEN. On the county, state, national level, you name it. There are thousands of places in the world far more impoverished than any bad place in the USA you can name, that have literally zero crime. I shouldn’t have to even mention the Gini coefficient to you because the thought experiment is that obvious. But alas, we’re dealing with leftist ideologues who only care about false ideas like “poverty” and “oppression” that they’ve repeated ad nauseum as lies now for decades. Not an original thought in any of the chaotic, anti-American fools.
Anything is a better indicator of crime than poverty, because poverty has been proven to have nothing to do with crime.
Another lie of the left goes down in flames.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 7:59 amWhat’s your solution
Quote from over-caffeinated
See fw get’s it. He just skipped the whole causality thing and went right to effect.
We’ll, you seem to think that living in a dangerous rathole causes people to vote democrat. The alternate explanation is that dem city politicians turn anything they run into trash. We’ll see how the NYC experiment turns out.
“We’ll, you seem to think that living in a dangerous rathole causes people to vote democrat.”
Well, you are suggesting that voting for democrats causes places to become dangerous ratholes.
P.S. we shouldn’t have to wait your premise should have enough data to go on right now.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 23, 2017 at 4:55 pmdebating a racist debate with racist is about as useless and futile as one can get
I’m in agreement with the anti-fascist on this point….. it’s best to just hit them in mouth and sort it out later…. nothing good comes with talking
As for a real debate the only thing important is ….Is the trump presidency essentially over?
I’m starting to think probably to yes
If he can’t get tax reform and infrastructure done….. his presidency is essentially over
‘The alternate explanation is that dem city politicians turn anything they run into trash.’
‘Neither poverty nor race are great predictors of homicidal violence. Living with democrat controlled city government however is.”You made a couple claims, they are both garbage. You might as well say there are lots of people in crime ridden cities therefore the real association is having a lot of people. I also hear there are republicans in crime ridden cities, maybe the association is having republicans in close proximity to people. Please, if there was any real association the republicans would give their collective left nuts (pun intended) to prove it. There isn’t.
So there are no minority communities that are either or both affluent and low crime and violence? Because it the argument that crime and violence is somehow racial and “in the genes,” – I am understanding fw’s and Jan’s arguments correctly, no? – then there should be no such minority communities , affluent and/or violent/crime-ridden that exist in the US, or even the world. After all, the Nazis believed the racial Jews were behind world domination, not just limited to Germany and Austria and Europe.
So Obama is an anomaly. Ben Carson is an anomaly. Noah/SLN is an anomaly. Must be their “white” sides coming through? Noah/SLN?
Too much Nazi beliefs about race and purity for my taste. We’re all mutts out of Africa.
Quote from Frumious
So there are no minority communities that are either or both affluent and low crime and violence? Because it the argument that crime and violence is somehow racial and “in the genes,” – I am understanding fw’s and Jan’s arguments correctly, no? – then there should be no such minority communities , affluent and/or violent/crime-ridden that exist in the US, or even the world. After all, the Nazis believed the racial Jews were behind world domination, not just limited to Germany and Austria and Europe.
So Obama is an anomaly. Ben Carson is an anomaly. Noah/SLN is an anomaly. Must be their “white” sides coming through? Noah/SLN?
Too much Nazi beliefs about race and purity for my taste. We’re all mutts out of Africa.
You are back to freely making up stuff that you can argue against. I said neither race nor poverty are good predictors.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 24, 2017 at 7:04 amAnd againpassive agressive argument when cornered …. the pee wee Herman defense
I know you are but what am I
You are on cigar level and no longer worth responding too
Quote from kpack123
And againpassive agressive argument when cornered …. the pee wee Herman defense
I know you are but what am I
You are on cigar level and no longer worth responding too
Its ok if you stop responding, you have nothing of value to contribute.
Most of your recent posts have been ad hominem attacks. Others at least google some stuff in an attempt to make a point.
Actually they are all making different arguments while avoiding one correct correlation. Fager hit upon it but he didn’t go far enough with his Gini coefficient. Gini coefficient measures inequality 0=everyone is equal, 1=maximum inequality (basically 1 person owns everything). It can measure things like income and education opportunities and other things. A higher number positively correlates with violence. This is why you can have supposed anomalies like dirt poor communities with low violence, everyone is relative dirt poor and equally treated so there is low violence. Conversely, in big cities there tends to be large inequalities and hence more violence. It might explain the big city and democrat phenomenon as democrats are into things like public funding of schools and social services (thus probably lowering the Gini coefficients in these areas to make up for local high income coefficients).
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 24, 2017 at 9:47 amSeems like there are lots of economists and sociologists eager to be as inventive as possible in order to dance around the clear correlation between certain demographics and violent crime rates.
Well there are people who study such things and try to understand, and people who just say and accept stuff that sounds simple.
Your wiki link actually supported it. It just called it “deprivation”.
Quote from over-caffeinated
Actually they are all making different arguments while avoiding one correct correlation. ****er hit upon it but he didn’t go far enough with his Gini coefficient. Gini coefficient measures inequality 0=everyone is equal, 1=maximum inequality (basically 1 person owns everything). It can measure things like income and education opportunities and other things. A higher number positively correlates with violence. This is why you can have supposed anomalies like dirt poor communities with low violence, everyone is relative dirt poor and equally treated so there is low violence. Conversely, in big cities there tends to be large inequalities and hence more violence. It might explain the big city and democrat phenomenon as democrats are into things like public funding of schools and social services (thus probably lowering the Gini coefficients in these areas to make up for local high income coefficients).
Because correlation always implies causation. Right.
Probably some truth to the Gini coefficient. If some people have nice stuff, those who dont want to work make it their business to take that nice stuff with force.
The difference is what to do about it. The socialists want everyone dirt poor and on the government dole, the forces of enterprise want everyone, including those at the bottom to do better.-
Well if things are going well, it certainly is easier to make the claim that whatever you are doing, even if it is to do nothing, is working. Rich people also vote Democrat as well as Republican so it’s probably a lot more complicated than just Haves vs Takers.
Quote from kpack123
And againpassive agressive argument when cornered …. the pee wee Herman defense
I know you are but what am I
You are on cigar level and no longer worth responding too
This is classic leftist posting in a so-called debate.
Notice how they say nothing but add name calling and somehow think that’s a debating tactic or productive?
I haven’t seen kpack make a single assertion and back it up with any real life facts since he stopped “responding” to Cigar who was actually right on predictions, which proved kpack out of touch. So of course, he didn’t say anything. Cuz he couldn’t.
Looks to be continuing that way.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 24, 2017 at 12:39 pmAre you referring to your gold 3500$ prediction
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 24, 2017 at 12:44 pmOne thing I’m consistently consistent on is not getting involved in wax on wax on mental masturbation type arguments…. basically arguing just for the sake of taking an opposing side
Obviously people get their kicks in different ways
this board has sucked since Alda and Mistrad left and others just kind of post sporadically
Now all that’s from the right are a few people that no one else wants to play with
Quote from kpack123
One thing I’m consistently consistent on is not getting involved in wax on wax on mental masturbation type arguments…. basically arguing just for the sake of taking an opposing side
Obviously people get their kicks in different ways
this board has sucked since Alda and Mistrad left and others just kind of post sporadically
Now all that’s from the right are a few people that no one else wants to play with
And again, your contribution to the discussion is zero.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 24, 2017 at 5:40 pmAs Frumi loves to tell us that the way she see’s it all the hate is from the right………….
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 24, 2017 at 6:26 pmkpack123 is practically the definition of projection. When I arrived here, I immediately noticed that the conservative/”right-wing” voices on the forum were head and shoulders above the Leftists with respect to substance and judgment.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 24, 2017 at 6:29 pmAnd angry as hell
In the 1960s I read a book, Black Like Me, about a white man who went undercover in the South as a black man. This article is about a black man today who went undercover as a racist white man on social media & the internet. Very good article & his Ted Talk about his experiences & what he learned. Everyone should read it & listen to his Ted Talk, he has something valuable to contribute to the discussion about that man-made invention called race & what some believe it means.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 24, 2017 at 7:53 pmJust maybe you don’t know the race of the people you are engaging with on AM??????? Trump reportedly won 8% of the black vote which means millions of blacks voted for Trump. That’s alot of racists according to the Clemson professor. I’d like to believe that the majority of Democrats are not racists and I’d like to believe that the majority of Republicans are not racists. I find that Democrats like to paint all Republicans with a broad brush as racists. Trying to defend yourself that you are not racist is usually a lost cause. To the point that even black Republicans have to defend themselves as not racist….
Traditional black support of Republican candidates is 10% +/- 5% since the 1990s. Obamas election was the exception when Republican support went down to 4%.
Quote from fw
Quote from Frumious
So there are no minority communities that are either or both affluent and low crime and violence? Because it the argument that crime and violence is somehow racial and “in the genes,” – I am understanding fw’s and Jan’s arguments correctly, no? – then there should be no such minority communities , affluent and/or violent/crime-ridden that exist in the US, or even the world. After all, the Nazis believed the racial Jews were behind world domination, not just limited to Germany and Austria and Europe.
So Obama is an anomaly. Ben Carson is an anomaly. Noah/SLN is an anomaly. Must be their “white” sides coming through? Noah/SLN?
Too much Nazi beliefs about race and purity for my taste. We’re all mutts out of Africa.
You are back to freely making up stuff that you can argue against. I said neither race nor poverty are good predictors.
You always infer, seldom state so you always have culpable deniability. You do refer to cities linking them to crime and to Democratic mayors but you then still have your exit set up of actually saying nothing. “Some people say…” is not an argument for anything except innuendo & dog whistling. And no, I am not quoting you per se as having said literally, “some people say,” so no need to defend against that. Just an innuendo and dog whistle of my own.
Just sayin.
What is interesting is that there was violence on only 1 side, the Nazi/Supremacist side but Trump & others insist that the anti Nazi demonstrators were just as violent all without presenting anything in the way of evidence, just ignore the dead and injured bodies of people killed and injured by the Right’s demonstrators while seeing no dead or injured done by the Anti-Nazi demonstrators.
A change of times when denouncing violent Nazis and Supremacists is seen by many as proof of anti-white sentiment and calling all whites :racist.”
I am white & I denounce Nazis and Supremacists. But some of AM posters thinks that is suspect & hateful of me?
Strange world when denouncing Nazis offends some people. -
Quote from Frumious
You always infer, seldom state so you always have culpable deniability. You do refer to cities linking them to crime and to Democratic mayors but you then still have your exit set up of actually saying nothing. “Some people say…” is not an argument for anything except innuendo & dog whistling. And no, I am not quoting you per se as having said literally, “some people say,” so no need to defend against that. Just an innuendo and dog whistle of my own.
Just sayin.
So you admit being a troll ?
[h1]Man explaining Confederate flag is heritage not hate drops most racist Freudian slip ever[/url][/h1][size=”4″]I dont believe its a symbol of racism, I dont believe its a symbol of slavery, said Walker. Hey, I go down the street, I see Martin Luther Coon uh, I shouldnt have said that Martin Luther King. I mean
No, you [i]should[/i] have said that. You made the point quite well.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 25, 2017 at 7:05 amPerhaps we should listen to Gen Rbt. E. Lee, with respect to erecting Confederate memorials:
“The general did, however, object to the idea of raising Confederate monuments, writing in 1869 that it would be wiser “not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to do away with the marks of civil strife.”-
Why don’t you guys post the desires of the BLM crowd and tell me how a random idiot saying coon is more of a problem for blacks or the nation.
Since you asked the question, why not include all the “polite” euphemisms for “black” and declare they effect nothing for the over-sensitive blacks. Then move onto other groups like Jews and their euphemisms & tell them the names have no meaning.
The Economist shows its support of BLM.
The days of slavery and de jure segregation have mercifully passed, but black Americans remain poorer, less healthy and more likely to be killed by police than whites. You can agree or disagree with BLMs platform, but nothing in it promotes hatred of any race or group.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 25, 2017 at 1:34 pmI just hope everyone realizes that after all the statues, monuments, flags and mounts are gone nothing will have changed. The troubling issues plaguing the United States will still be there to be dealt with.
Quote from Ben Casey
I just hope everyone realizes that after all the statues, monuments, flags and mounts are gone nothing will have changed. The troubling issues plaguing the United States will still be there to be dealt with.
It’ll all be good once the Warren administration pays out the reparations. They will be funded by an across the board wealth tax. Nobody needs to have more than a million dollars in assets. Anything beyond that will be put to better use by paying it out in cash every friday afternoon to those deemed disadvantaged.-
Quote from fw
Quote from Ben Casey
I just hope everyone realizes that after all the statues, monuments, flags and mounts are gone nothing will have changed. The troubling issues plaguing the United States will still be there to be dealt with.
It’ll all be good once the Warren administration pays out the reparations. They will be funded by an across the board wealth tax. Nobody needs to have more than a million dollars in assets. Anything beyond that will be put to better use by paying it out in cash every friday afternoon to those deemed disadvantaged.
Save more $ by removing the subsidies and tax benefits to the deemed entitled rich. Robbing from the poor and giving to the rich has made this a poorer country since Reagan, hollowing out the Middle Class. Yet these poor people support the Party that is robbing them of their jobs and income. Go figure.
White supremacist Sebastian Gorka resigns. Some actual swamp draining.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 26, 2017 at 7:52 am
Quote from DICOM_Dan
[b]White supremacist [/b]Sebastian Gorka resigns. Some actual swamp draining.
Citation for bolded text, please.
I’m wrong. It appears the White House would be saying “you’re fired” to SG.
“”Sebastian Gorka did not resign, but I can confirm he no longer works at the White House, the White House said in an [link=https://twitter.com/JesseRodriguez/status/901249016687710208]official statement to press[/link].”
You can look up appearances by Gorka and see his attitude toward racism. Bannon, Gorka, and I hope he hits the trifecta with Miller.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 26, 2017 at 10:20 amCharlottesville was a defining moment for trump
Getting rid of the white supremacists in his office is an attempt to get back on track
Probably his last chance to salvage his presidency
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 26, 2017 at 10:31 amHey Kpack, glad you’re back. Where have you been?
Trump likes the drama. I doubt if he’s racist or has any strong feelings about anything except whatever happens to bolster his ego, but he just likes the drama and the attention and the love of a certain part of the electorate, so that’s what he did. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 26, 2017 at 10:43 amJust been living the dream trying to ramp up my bike/running shop up for the upcoming season
some are saying he lost his security clearance–next up Jared
Quote from DICOM_Dan
I’m wrong. It appears the White House would be saying “you’re fired” to SG.
“”Sebastian Gorka did not resign, but I can confirm he no longer works at the White House, the White House said in an [link=https://twitter.com/JesseRodriguez/status/901249016687710208]official statement to press[/link].”
You can look up appearances by Gorka and see his attitude toward racism. Bannon, Gorka, and I hope he hits the trifecta with Miller.
Quote from Frumious
Quote from fw
Quote from Ben Casey
I just hope everyone realizes that after all the statues, monuments, flags and mounts are gone nothing will have changed. The troubling issues plaguing the United States will still be there to be dealt with.
It’ll all be good once the Warren administration pays out the reparations. They will be funded by an across the board wealth tax. Nobody needs to have more than a million dollars in assets. Anything beyond that will be put to better use by paying it out in cash every friday afternoon to those deemed disadvantaged.
Save more $ by removing the subsidies and tax benefits to the deemed entitled rich. Robbing from the poor and giving to the rich has made this a poorer country since Reagan, hollowing out the Middle Class. Yet these poor people support the Party that is robbing them of their jobs and income. Go figure.
What subsidies are you talking about ? Remember, an allowable deduction is not a subsidy.
The only subsidies are refundable tax credits like EITC and some of the alternative energy boondoggles.
Paris was called out by our community–will people call out what appear to be self-haters—????bananas