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  • Unexpected opening-Breast Imaging Fellowship University of Iowa 2021-2022

    Posted by chrys1 on October 13, 2020 at 9:13 am

    The Breast Imaging fellowship program at the University of Iowa has an unexpected opening for 2021-22.  We currently offer a one-year non-accredited fellowship with opportunities for participation in clinical research and teaching. As one of the largest teaching hospitals in the country, we have a growing screening and diagnostic breast imaging program.  
    [h2]Clinical Training Opportunities[/h2] Fellows will receive hands-on training performing and interpreting full-field digital and tomosynthesis mammograms, hand-held and 3D automated breast ultrasound, and MRI studies.  They will have opportunities to perform breast interventional procedures using mammographic, stereotactic, tomosynthesis, ultrasonographic, and MRI guidance:
    [ul][*]Localizations (needle-wire and radioseed)[*]Needle biopsies[*]Cyst aspirations[*]Galactography [/ul] In addition to training in our clinics, fellows can opt for electives in breast surgery and breast pathology.
    [h2]Teaching and Research Opportunities[/h2] Fellows enhance their own experience through teaching of medical students and residents rotating on the Breast Imaging service, preparing didactic lectures for residents and technologists, and preparing and participating in our multi-disciplinary breast imaging tumor board, journal clubs, and external consult reads.
    Our research interests include radiology-pathology concordance and management, utility of imaging, image quality, and resident education. Our department has several PhD radiology faculty available to collaborate on projects.
    Women and members of minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.  We currently accept one candidate per year.
    To apply, go to:  [link=]https://gme.medicine.uiow…g-fellowship/how-apply[/link]

    chrys1 replied 4 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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