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  • Tucker Carlson show returns

    Posted by amyelizabethbarrett28_711 on May 9, 2023 at 2:01 pm

    To Twitter.

    Try and censor him now


    Im sure The Party (the New Authoritarian Left) is going to pull some national security BS to try to shut him down.

    btomba_77 replied 1 year, 5 months ago 8 Members · 55 Replies
  • 55 Replies
  • kayla.meyer_144

    May 9, 2023 at 2:13 pm

    Censoring a malignant lying racist is a good thing. Let him move to fascist paradise in Hungary.
    Besides lets remember he was fired by a private business, whether for insubordination calling his bosses cunt$ or helping creat the fine of almost $1 billion. Hes a hateful person spreading hate.

    • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

      May 9, 2023 at 2:21 pm

      Yes, his business can fire him for anything. But the government censoring is a violation of the first amendment. Being a hateful person spreading hate is not a violation of the first amendment. We do still have that pesky thing you hate called the constitution. Freedom of speech is most important when its somebody you dont like saying something you dont like.

      Full stop.

      • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

        May 9, 2023 at 2:22 pm

        By the way, thanks for openly admitting that you are part of the New Authoritarian Left

        • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

          May 9, 2023 at 2:26 pm

          Fascists censor opinions they dont like.

          Like you and the rest of the New Authoritarian Left.

          • kayla.meyer_144

            May 9, 2023 at 2:41 pm

            Government was not involved in Tucker losing his venue, its all on him. He still has 100% of his 1st amendment rights secure.

            If you need to invent sh1t youve already lost the argument

            • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

              May 9, 2023 at 2:44 pm

              I said:

              Im sure The Party (the New Authoritarian Left) is going to pull some national security BS to try to shut him down.

              And you said Censoring a malignant lying racist is a good thing.

              Like the authoritarian fascist you are.

  • btomba_77

    May 9, 2023 at 2:55 pm

    This should really make those skittish Twitter advertisers come flocking back to the platform.

    • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

      May 9, 2023 at 3:00 pm

      Elon is sitting on a gold mine

      Did you see huw much Foxs ratings tanked when Tucker was fired?

      • btomba_77

        May 9, 2023 at 3:05 pm


        He *was* sitting on a gold mine. Now its less than half a gold mine.

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        May 9, 2023 at 3:29 pm

        Did you see huw much Foxs ratings tanked when Tucker was fired?

        No I did not

        But thats a good thing

        As for Tucker maybe his grandma and grandpa audiences will figure out how to use that Twitter

        Hahaha hahahaha hahahaha

        • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

          May 9, 2023 at 9:21 pm

          The NBC thought police are freaking out over the thought of Tucker having free speech: And they did it by bringing recently fired Brian Stelter on to discuss it!


          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            May 10, 2023 at 3:57 am


            That really is a complete freak out

            I thought his head was going to pop off

            He was definitely out of control

            Hahaha hahahaha hahaha NOT

            • btomba_77

              May 10, 2023 at 4:40 am

              Its a free for all its what Elon wants .. it may cement twotter as a right wing platform


              Yeah, thats a fair analysis by stelter

  • btomba_77

    May 10, 2023 at 4:47 am

    I don’t think the fundamental business reality of the platform has changed since Musk bought Twitter.  Carlson might drive views… but he will push advertisers away. 
     Musk is still left with the decision between trying to get his billions of dollars back by making Twitter profitable *or* making it a bastion for right wing free speech.    He can’t do both.

       From October-
    [b] The dull reality is that you still have to ban a bunch of legal speech if you want to make money.[/b]
    [b] [/b]
    [link=]Nilay Patel[/link]: You f*cked up real good, kiddo.
    Twitter is a disaster clown car company that is successful despite itself, and there is no possible way to grow users and revenue without making a series of enormous compromises that will ultimately destroy your reputation and possibly cause grievous damage to your other companies.
    I say this with utter confidence because the problems with Twitter are not engineering problems. They are political problems. Twitter, the company, makes very little interesting technology; the tech stack is not the valuable asset. The asset is the user base: hopelessly addicted politicians, reporters, celebrities, and other people who should know better but keep posting anyway. You! You, Elon Musk, are addicted to Twitter. Youre the asset. You just bought yourself for $44 billion dollars.

     [b]That means you have to ban racism, sexism, transphobia, and all kinds of other speech that is totally legal in the United States but reveals people to be total a——-. So you can make all the promises about free speech you want, but the dull reality is that you still have to ban a bunch of legal speech if you want to make money. [/b]And when you start doing that, your creepy new right-wing fanboys are going to viciously turn on you, just like they turn on every other social network that [link=]realizes the same essential truth[/link].

    • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

      May 10, 2023 at 5:16 am

      Elon did not do this for the money.

      • btomba_77

        May 10, 2023 at 5:27 am

        Quote from acpce1

        Elon did not do this for the money.

        Wait. I thought he was sitting on a gold mine?

        • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

          May 10, 2023 at 5:31 am

          He did not do this for money.

          But he is a successful entrepreneur. He came in, found out how much waste was on the payroll, and fired 7000 out of the 8000 employees. And the app is more innovative than it ever has been. He is going to turn this into a media app, a communications app, and a payments app. The Everything app.

          But he did not do this for money. Its going to be a long long time, if ever, before its worth the 44 billion he paid for it.

          • kayla.meyer_144

            May 10, 2023 at 5:36 am

            I doubt even Elon believes losing $44 billion was a smart and strong entrepreneurial move and is patting himself on the back for buying his addiction for such a small sum.

          • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

            May 10, 2023 at 5:47 am

            Re:, the segregation example in your freedom article: people are free to segregate themselves. And you have the first amendment right to say you support segregation. But they are not free to make this a public policy when it infringes upon the freedom of someone else

            The Democrats just dont like it because it is the only social media outlet where people cannot be censored for Wrongthink.

            Before Elon, everything I ever discussed in this forum about things like harms of school closures, lab leak theory, harms of lockdowns, and ineffectiveness of masks were censored on all social media platforms. I was kicked out of physician Facebook groups for suggesting that masks may be detrimental to the learning process and psychosocial development of children. And the new authoritarian Democrats cannot stand that things like this can now be openly debated.

            • btomba_77

              May 10, 2023 at 6:05 am

              So Musk didn’t do it for the money but he’s sitting on a gold mine and he’s never going to get his money back out of it but he’s going to transform twitter into the world’s biggest media empire ever known.
              Got it.

              • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

                May 10, 2023 at 6:19 am

                Knock it off

                Im saying Tucker is going to help his bottom line a lot

              • Unknown Member

                Deleted User
                May 10, 2023 at 6:35 am

                He is definitely an innovative genius as far as technology is concerned

                But if you look at his recent investments in bitcoin and Twitter I dont know if Id label him as a successful entrepreneur

                He got fleeced with bitcoin and Twitter

                But I guess when you have multiple billions losing 10 or so billion isnt that much

                • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

                  May 10, 2023 at 6:38 am

                  I dont know if Id label him as a successful entrepreneur

                  Lol wut

                  You do realize hes worth hundreds of billions of dollars and is the richest man in the world, correct?

                  • Unknown Member

                    Deleted User
                    May 10, 2023 at 7:09 am

                    He bought Bitcoin at an average price of 55,000 and dumped it at 30k

                    He paid 4 times what Twitter is worth and is running it into
                    The ground

                    So Id call him a tech genius that built a good company once but hasnt done much lately

                    • btomba_77

                      May 10, 2023 at 7:30 am

                      I think both things can be true.  A person can be a wildly successful entrepreneur ( PayPal, Tesla, Spacex) and can also make terrible mistakes of hubris (Twitter, Bitcoin, perhaps the future of Tesla) trying desperately to either recreate past successes to stay relevant or to stroke their own massive ego.

                    • Unknown Member

                      Deleted User
                      May 10, 2023 at 7:40 am


                      Lately he has been on a real losing streak

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      May 11, 2023 at 5:34 am

                      WSJ reports that Twit might not be so thrilled about Carlson’s “new show” considering advertisers are not exactly supporting Tucker or Elon so much.
                      Poop emojis seem to reflect the maturity of Elon.

                      Tucker Carlsons announcement that he is moving to Twitter isnt getting an enthusiastic reception on Madison Avenue, as many advertisers are already skittish about spending on the [link=]Elon Musk[/link]-owned social-media platform.
                      Mr. Carlson said Tuesday that [link=]he is launching a show on Twitter[/link], just weeks after Fox News [link=]canceled his nightly telecast[/link]. Mr. Carlson was one of Foxs most popular anchors, but his controversial brand of programming repelled blue-chip advertisers, and he was the target of organized advertiser boycotts.
                      Several ad buyers said the arrival of Mr. Carlson will make it even harder for Twitterwhich has faced [link=]an exodus of advertisers[/link]to lure brands back.

                      Tuckers transition to Twitter will terrify advertisers, said Brendan Gahan, chief social officer at digital-ad agency Mekanism. Mr. Carlsons move will likely further taint Twitters image and keep advertisers away, Mr. Gahan said.
                      A spokesman for Mr. Carlson declined to comment. Twitter auto-replied to a request for comment with a poop emoji.


    • kayla.meyer_144

      May 10, 2023 at 5:18 am

      Did anyone watch, “Under the Banner of Heaven” on Hulu TV? The actor, Wyatt Russell playing Dan Lafferty trying to corral and keep control of his group had a speaking manner & cadence that singularly reminded me of Tucker Carlson’s manner of speech as the character just “asked questions” that directly led you into his corner of religious paranoia and divine retribution.
      Interesting and spooky at the same time.
      Evil lives.

      • kayla.meyer_144

        May 10, 2023 at 5:30 am

        Article on “Freedom” and what it means for some.

        At the heart of the American ethos is the contested idea of freedom.
        This dispute is possible because freedom as an abstraction is fraught with multiple and often conflicting meanings. The debate over where to draw the lines between freedom, liberty, rights, democracy, responsibility, autonomy, obligation, justice, fairness and citizenship has been going on for centuries, but has steadily intensified with the success of the liberation [link=]movements[/link] of the [link=]past seven decades[/link]  the civil rights, [link=]womens[/link] rights, gay rights and [link=]sexual[/link] [link=]rights revolutions[/link].
        [link=]Jefferson Cowie[/link], a history professor at Vanderbilt, captured the intensity and depth of division over freedom during the civil rights movement in his book [link=]Freedoms Dominion: A Saga of White Resistance to Federal Power[/link], which won the Pulitzer Prize for history this week.
        Cowie wrote that the governor of Alabama, George Wallace, in his Segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever [link=]inaugural speech[/link], on Jan. 14, 1963,
        [blockquote] invoked freedom 25 times more than Martin Luther King Jr. used the term later that year in his I Have a Dream address at the March on Washington. Let us rise to the call of freedom-loving blood that is in us, Wallace told his audience, and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon the South.
        [/blockquote] [b]For Wallace, in other words, the right to maintain segregation was a form of freedom.[/b]
        The dichotomy between the notions of freedom promulgated by George Wallace and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. continues to polarize the nation today.
        For Trump and DeSantis, Smith argued, freedom is more constrained and restrictive. For these two:
        [blockquote] Freedom means having governmental policies that protect the ways of life they favor against those they dont. Their notion of freedom is the narrowest: in fact, it is primarily an argument for using coercive governmental power, and in Trumps case private violence, against all who they see as threats to their preferred ways of life. They support democracy as long as, but only as long as, it produces the results they want.
        [/blockquote] Conservative Republicans, including but not limited to DeSantis, have [link=]enacted[/link] [link=]restrictions[/link] on teaching about race and sex in public schools, have [link=]banned books[/link] in public libraries, [link=]barred[/link] cities from passing ordinances on the minimum wage, paid sick leave, firearms policy, plastic bags and marijuana decriminalization, and purposefully sought to suppress voting by [link=]minorities[/link] and [link=]college students[/link].
        [link=]Isabel V. Sawhill[/link], a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, proposed in an email that Biden and the Democratic Party are well positioned to claim the freedom mantle:
        [blockquote] I want to suggest two reasons why this focus may not only be warranted but also have great appeal. The first is the battle over abortion rights. The second is the new attitude of Republicans toward the business community.
        [/blockquote] The bottom line, she concluded, was that when Democrats talk about freedom, its not just rhetoric. There is substance behind the message.
        [link=]Francis Fukuyama[/link], senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford, makes the case that the threats to freedom from the right are far more dangerous than those from the left.
        In an April 24 essay, [link=]When Conservatives Used to be Liberals[/link], he argues that traditionally American conservatives differed from their European counterparts in their emphasis on individual liberty, a small state, property rights and a vigorous private sector. These principles, he continued, defined the Republican Party under Ronald Reagan, which wanted lower taxes, deregulation, federalism and multiple limits on state power.
        This understanding of conservatism, Fukuyama writes, has been upended with the rise of Trumpist populism.

        [b]The result: American conservatives are now talking more like older European ones, older ones like Spains Francisco Franco or Portugals Antonio Salazar who were happy to see democracy abolished in their countries altogether.[/b]


  • btomba_77

    May 16, 2023 at 8:59 am

    [h1][b]Tucker Carlsons Ouster Was Part of Dominion Settlement[/b][/h1]  
    [link=]Variety[/link]: On April 26, Carlson spoke by phone with one of Fox Corp.s eight board members, who told the host that his recent benching was a condition of Fox News settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.
    The unnamed board member told Carlson that the condition does not appear in any of the settlements documents, and instead was a verbal agreement. If Fox didnt comply, the settlement was off, Carlson was told. Dominion had plenty of leverage given that the $787.5 million deal to settle Dominions defamation suit against the network wouldnt officially close until late-May.
    Dominion denies the story

    • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

      June 7, 2023 at 8:07 am

      Episode 1:


      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        June 7, 2023 at 9:46 am


        Missed that episode

        And cant say I ever watched one

      • btomba_77

        June 8, 2023 at 3:49 am

        Quote from acpce1

        Episode 1:

        and as expected …
        [b] Fox News says Tucker Carlson breached his contract  [/b]
        Fox News Wednesday notified [link=]Tucker Carlson[/link]’s lawyers that the former prime-time anchor violated his contract with the network when he launched his own Twitter show on Tuesday, according to a copy of a letter obtained by Axios.

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          June 8, 2023 at 3:57 am

          Of the millions of viewers how many were Russian?

          Or Russian bots?

          • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

            June 8, 2023 at 4:15 pm

            Episode 2 [link=]…Rf5Slh6vTdZ1HlG6L2Fkcw[/link]

            • kaldridgewv2211

              June 8, 2023 at 5:02 pm

              Maybe fox can recoup some money they lost. Partly wondering if someone is backing tuckers play. Lose money to fox and get back stopped by Elon.

              • btomba_77

                June 9, 2023 at 3:33 am

                Quote from DICOM_Dan

                Maybe fox can recoup some money they lost. Partly wondering if someone is backing tuckers play. Lose money to fox and get back stopped by Elon.

                 Um yeah …
                It’s Elon

                • adrianoal

                  June 12, 2023 at 6:57 am

                  Quote from dergon

                  Quote from DICOM_Dan

                  Maybe fox can recoup some money they lost. Partly wondering if someone is backing tuckers play. Lose money to fox and get back stopped by Elon.

                  Um yeah …

                  It’s Elon

                  so apparently Fox is continuing to pay Tucker, and just doesn’t want him to be able to have a show anywhere until his contract is up in 2025. So, they didn’t so much fire him as just take him off the air.
                  both sides lawyering up. Note that Fox’s contract is with Tucker, not Twitter. If Fox wants to get money back it will come from Tucker, not Twitter.

                  • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

                    June 12, 2023 at 8:54 am

                    Will be interesting to see how this shakes out. Its not like they can prevent him from talking in front of a camera and putting it out there.

                    • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

                      June 13, 2023 at 7:36 pm

                      Episode three


                  • kaldridgewv2211

                    June 14, 2023 at 3:36 am

                    Quote from BHE

                    Quote from dergon

                    Quote from DICOM_Dan

                    Maybe fox can recoup some money they lost. Partly wondering if someone is backing tuckers play. Lose money to fox and get back stopped by Elon.

                    Um yeah …

                    It’s Elon

                    so apparently Fox is continuing to pay Tucker, and just doesn’t want him to be able to have a show anywhere until his contract is up in 2025. So, they didn’t so much fire him as just take him off the air.

                    both sides lawyering up. Note that Fox’s contract is with Tucker, not Twitter. If Fox wants to get money back it will come from Tucker, not Twitter.

                    I’m not sure what the contract looks like but I think potentially Fox owns his schtick.  Hard to tell if he was a big scalp for dominion, or Fox had to pull him.  Lost in the news turnover I think they were also getting drug to civil court by a producer for workplace issues.  Like Nancy Pelosi bikini pictures, lewd talk etc…

                    • adrianoal

                      June 14, 2023 at 5:22 am

                      not sure what you’re saying there. If you’re saying Fox may have the right to sue Tucker if he goes somewhere else, that may well be. They have a contract with Tucker.
                      Or are you saying Fox may have a case against Twitter? IANAL but hard to imagine Fox has a case against Twitter (nor have I seen any evidence that they’re suggesting they do, or that Fox is suing Twitter). 
                      Fox “owns” (copyright) Tucker’s prior broadcasts on Fox, I’m sure trademarked whatever the name of his show was, etc. Beyond that they just have a contract with Tucker. 

                    • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

                      June 14, 2023 at 5:36 am

                      Since Tucker is still cashing fat checks from Fox, maybe hes doing the show on Twitter for zero dollars all while building a massive audience until his contract expires.

                    • buckeyeguy

                      June 15, 2023 at 6:05 pm

                      Quote from acpce1

                      Since Tucker is still cashing fat checks from Fox, maybe hes doing the show on Twitter for zero dollars all while building a massive audience until his contract expires.

                      Likely. I wonder if the Don will drop by
                      (not Lemon) lol

            • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

              June 8, 2023 at 5:42 pm

              I listen to Maddow and Lemon (formerly) all the time. Its good to educate yourself with other people are saying. (For chiro)

              • ruszja

                June 8, 2023 at 7:10 pm

                Its not censoring if a private company decides to part ways with a employee.

              • Unknown Member

                Deleted User
                June 9, 2023 at 3:25 am

                I listen to Maddow and Lemon (formerly) all the time. Its good to educate yourself with other people are saying. (For chiro)

                Hahaha at least someone is listening to them

                Can honestly say I never listened to them either

                • amyelizabethbarrett28_711

                  August 23, 2023 at 12:50 pm

                  Tucker interview with Trump airing tonight at 8:55 PM on X, five minutes before the Republican debate airs on Fox.

                  Savage move.

  • btomba_77

    June 29, 2023 at 4:17 am

    Tucker Carlson Raising Money to Launch New Media Company[/h1]  
    Carlson “is raising capital to launch a new company that may yet prove more influential” than his current shtick of posting videos on Elon Musk’s Twitter platform.
    Carlson is expected to get help in this venture not only from “an incongruous number of ultra wealthy conservative media investors” but also from several longtime staffers on his old show that were essentially axed by Fox News this week.
    Tuckers new media play might if executed adroitly serve as a paradigm for a generation of TV news personalities with huge followings and fandoms who remain marooned to their desks amid shrinking audiences.


    • kaldridgewv2211

      June 29, 2023 at 7:55 am

      are any of the wealthy conservatives from the middle east?  Like Saudi Arabia.  or maybe Russian.

  • btomba_77

    July 12, 2023 at 6:17 am

    Tucker spent 2 1/2 hours interviewing a sex trafficker yesterday.

    [link=]Tucker Carlsons 2.5 Hour Interview With Sex Trafficking Woman Abusing Fraud Andrew Tate ([/link]

    • btomba_77

      July 17, 2023 at 1:26 pm

      Tucker Carlson has agreed to a seven-figure deal with conservative shopping app Public Square for his new show on Twitter according to [link=]CNBC[/link] 

  • btomba_77

    August 8, 2023 at 5:05 am

    [h1][b]Tucker Carlson Set for Big Name Conservative Investors[/b][/h1]  
    Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson could see two of the wealthiest GOP business megadonors, Rebekah Mercer and Peter Thiel, invest in his new media company, [link=]CNBC[/link] reports.
    Mercer has spoken with Carlson since his April departure from Fox News about possibly investing in his as yet unnamed media companyThiel has hinted to allies that he could invest in the venture after hearing from Carlsons side.

  • btomba_77

    August 27, 2023 at 2:09 pm


    Tucker Carlson says that American policy makers hate Russia and Hungary because they are Christian nations

  • btomba_77

    September 6, 2023 at 4:23 am


    Tucker Carlson claims Barack Obama enjoyed smoking crack and having gay sex – but that nobody reported it ahead of 2008 election

    getting ever-closer to the Ann Coulter predicament of attention coming only if saying ever-more outrageous things