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  • btomba_77

    October 2, 2016 at 6:07 am

    Back to Trump:
    Now Donald is alleging that Hillary has been unfaithful to Bill.

    • ruszja

      October 2, 2016 at 8:18 am

      Quote from dergon

      Back to Trump:


      Now Donald is alleging that Hillary has been unfaithful to Bill.

      I would be suprised if she didn’t get some action herself.

      Before his heart disease set in, the guy banged anything that wasn”t on a tree by a count of three. He obviously viewed this as an open marriage, she was probably just more discrete.

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        October 2, 2016 at 9:28 am

        I’m waiting for trump to bring it up in the debate

        …… Then be amazed when Hillary beatch slaps and brings up his own past history of infidelities, rape and raucous behavior

        Hillary is laying a trap for him

        Just watch

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          October 2, 2016 at 9:31 am

          Chuck Todd turned it on Rudy Guliania today

          Mr mayor…. Are you the right messenger on this topic given your own history of infidelities?

          Rudy….. Ahhhh yes. I’m catholic and I confessed it to my priest

          Then Rudy put is head down in anger and shame and told chuck Todd he was unfair for bringing his personal life into it

          I almost peed myself

          • btomba_77

            October 2, 2016 at 9:44 am

            Giuliani had the same duck & dive & dance on CNN.   But unlike Conway at Rudy comes off as a true believer in the Donald …. an [i]insane[/i] true believer but a believer nonetheless.

            • 100574

              October 2, 2016 at 6:49 pm

              Trump 3 marriages, Newt 3 marriages, Rudy 3 marriages..enuf said

              Quote from dergon

              Giuliani had the same duck & dive & dance on CNN.   But unlike Conway at Rudy comes off as a true believer in the Donald …. an [i]insane[/i] true believer but a believer nonetheless.

          • tdetlie_105

            October 2, 2016 at 10:51 am

            Quote from kpack123

            Chuck Todd turned it on Rudy Guliania today

            Mr mayor…. Are you the right messenger on this topic given your own history of infidelities?

            Rudy….. Ahhhh yes. I’m catholic and I confessed it to my priest

            Then Rudy put is head down in anger and shame and told chuck Todd he was unfair for bringing his personal life into it

            I almost peed myself

            They all live in glass houses…just a matter of what criticism sticks and what people will forgive/ignore 

  • btomba_77

    October 3, 2016 at 5:23 am

    [url=]Trump’s sexism on the set of the apprentice[/url]

    A former crew member who signed a non-disclosure agreement and asked not to be identified, recalled that Trump asked male contestants whether they would sleep with a particular female contestant, then expressed his own interest.
    “We were in the boardroom one time figuring out who to blame for the task, and he just stopped in the middle and pointed to someone and said, ‘You’d f… her, wouldn’t you? I’d f… her. C’mon, wouldn’t you?'”
    The person continued: “Everyone is trying to make him stop talking, and the woman is shrinking in her seat.”

  • btomba_77

    October 3, 2016 at 11:33 am

    The New York Attorney General has ordered the Trump a foundation to immediately cease soliciting donations.

    • kaldridgewv2211

      October 3, 2016 at 11:45 am

      I was kind of wondering when that would happen.  Sounds like they’ll need to put in a few more hours this week getting that paperwork done.
      “The Trump Foundation has no paid employees, and its board consists of Trump, three of his children and one Trump Organization employee. They all work one half-hour per week, according to the charitys most recent IRS filings”

      • btomba_77

        October 3, 2016 at 11:50 am

        The Trump mini scandals are coming on an almost hourly basis.

        Now BuzzFeed is reporting that Donald Trump has insulted soldiers with PTSD, calling them “not strong”.

        • btomba_77

          October 3, 2016 at 12:05 pm

          “When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat, they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over. And you’re strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can’t handle it,” Trump told an audience of military veterans at an event in Northern Virginia on Monday morning. “And they see horror stories, they see events that you couldnt see in a movie nobody would believe it.”

  • tdetlie_105

    October 3, 2016 at 12:22 pm

    Quote from dergon

    The Trump mini scandals are coming on an almost hourly basis.

    Now BuzzFeed is reporting that Donald Trump has insulted soldiers with PTSD, calling them “not strong”.

    He is def not helping his cause but the word to word scrutiny is pretty ridiculous.  Media (mainstream and right wing) should unbiasedly report and let us decide rather than try to influence our opinions.  Not one negative Clinton headline on Buzz Feed while Drudge is leading with a story on Bill’s love child with a prostitute

    • kayla.meyer_144

      October 3, 2016 at 12:25 pm

      Trump has been getting “unbiased” free media for months now. See Matt Lauer recent “interview” for example of media “bias” against him. The Fool Trump can’t hide anymore.

  • btomba_77

    October 4, 2016 at 8:49 am

    Vox: [url=]The lesson of the Machado saga: Americas enemies would find Trump predictable and easy to control. [/url]

    The problem isnt that Trump is cruel, though he is. The problem isnt that Trump is boorish, though he is. The problem isnt that Trump is undisciplined, though he is. … The problem is that Trump is predictable and controllable.

    Donald Trump can be forgiven for being caught off-guard in the moment. His presidency-disqualifying sin came in the hours after the debate. The Clinton campaign released a slickly produced video featuring Machado. The Guardian and Cosmopolitan rushed pre-planned Machado profiles to publication. Hillary [b]Clinton did everything but spray paint THIS IS A TRAP on the side of Trump Tower.[/b]  …And still Trump fell for it. And fell for it. And fell for it. Six days later, hes still falling for it.

    What is extraordinary in all this is how enthusiastically Trump has taken the Clinton campaigns bait, and how unconcerned hes been with the fact that they meticulously planned all this in advance to damage him. It is almost not fair to call what the Clinton campaign created a trap. They publicly, explicitly, and warmly invited him to participate in their campaign strategy, and he accepted their invitation, because the satisfaction he receives from settling old scores and venting his rage is greater than the satisfaction he receives from leading in national opinion polls.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      October 4, 2016 at 8:53 am

      He is mentally unstable
      and he is a liar multiple times bigger than Hillary
      The Alt Right wants change because they feel they have been left behind by a progressive society…………………THey would hat this guy in a year.

    • btomba_77

      October 4, 2016 at 8:57 am

      Donald Trump used his private foundation, funded by outside donors, to launch and fuel his political ambitions. Such contributions, if they were made solely for Trumps benefit, could violate federal self-dealing laws for private foundations, [link=]RealClearPolitics[/link] reports.
      From 2011 through 2014, Trump harnessed his eponymous foundation to send at least $286,000 to influential conservative or policy groups In many cases, this flow of money corresponded to prime speaking slots or endorsements that aided Trump as he sought to recast himself as a plausible Republican candidate for president.

      • kaldridgewv2211

        October 4, 2016 at 11:29 am

        it sort of seems like Trump uses his charity as a personal piggy bank.  Him and Hillary and both scoundrels.  

        • 100574

          October 4, 2016 at 11:54 am

          back up..don’t include HRC in that because there is no evidence to support it but there is a 25 k check given by Trump to AG Bondi and suddenly Trump U cases drop

          Quote from DICOM_Dan

          it sort of seems like Trump uses his charity as a personal piggy bank.  Him and Hillary and both scoundrels.  

          • kaldridgewv2211

            October 4, 2016 at 7:28 pm

            I didn’t say why she’s a scoundrel. She is. See email server, pay to play etc….

            • tdetlie_105

              October 4, 2016 at 7:50 pm

              Quote from DICOM_Dan

              I didn’t say why she’s a scoundrel. She is. See email server, pay to play etc….

              Say what you want to say about Trump but honestly if someone can’t see HRC as a corrupt self-serving politician, they are intellectually-challenged, clueless and/or politically tribal (eg. whipped beyond help)

            • 100574

              October 4, 2016 at 8:20 pm

              stick with the facts..the only thing that looks like pay to play is Trump’s 25 k to Florida AG and oh look at that my Trump u cases go away and I am soooooooo sloppy I leave a trace for the IRS with a check..guess he needs to get that sniff checked

              Quote from DICOM_Dan

              I didn’t say why she’s a scoundrel. She is. See email server, pay to play etc….

              • tdetlie_105

                October 4, 2016 at 8:29 pm

                Quote from sentinel lymph node

                stick with the facts..the only thing that looks like pay to play is Trump’s 25 k to Florida AG and oh look at that my Trump u cases go away and I am soooooooo sloppy I leave a trace for the IRS with a check..guess he needs to get that sniff checked

                Quote from DICOM_Dan

                I didn’t say why she’s a scoundrel. She is. See email server, pay to play etc….

                C’mon SLN, stop looking through the lens of partisan politics, HRC and Trump are more or less equally morally corrupt/bankrupt, Trump with his business endeavors and HRC with politics

                • Unknown Member

                  Deleted User
                  October 5, 2016 at 10:59 am

                  I think Trump lies more than Hilary
                  Is much more out for his own personal gain and the gain of his Children
                  Anybody that can even Joke about the destruction of Nato and 60 years of Alliances that have largely kept the Peace in Europe is fng insane
                  We beatch and complain about middle east Wars and Asian wars……………………….But we are threatened by destruction with a large scale European war.
                  Some get fired up over emails and the the Benghazi issue  easily forgetting about Reagan and the 80’s…………but Ohhh that was OK I guess.
                  Its an obvious choice of who to vote for.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 5, 2016 at 10:28 am

    Alleged moral equivalency…??? 
    Trump- calls people names, does questionable business deals, and is in general unlikable—real but flawed
    HRC- treated Bills “girls” like *hit, email scandal, got people killed in Bengazi- fake but flawed
    I will take real over fake every-time…..cannot stand the sanctimonious fakeness that is so popular today
    -Peace Out

  • btomba_77

    October 8, 2016 at 8:58 am

    The Onion: 
    Donald Trump[url=]:I Know That Was Pretty Bad, But Lets Just Say Youre Going To Want To Save Your Energy[/url]

    Advising pundits, reporters, and the general public to rein in their indignation for the time being, Republican nominee Donald Trump admitted Friday that he knew his recently unearthed comments about groping women and attempting to engage them in extramarital affairs were pretty bad, but that everyone should really save [their] energy for what he was going to say next.
    Im fully aware that what I was recorded saying about using my celebrity status to sexually assault women is extremely vile and disturbing, but I want you to know that youre really best saving your outrage and disgust for some thoughts I still havent verbalized yet, believe me, said Trump, noting that if everyone worked themselves into a frenzy at his assertion that he couldnt help but make aggressive advances on every woman he finds physically attractive or his use of the phrase grab them by the pussy, they simply wouldnt have the stamina to denounce a series of forthcoming statements that the candidate assured would be even more reprehensible.

     Look, I get it. What I said, frankly, should not be accepted in civil society, let alone by a major party candidate for president of the United States, but weve got another whole month until the electionIm going to say a lot more unconscionably repulsive things. Trust me, you will be much more sick to your stomach with the stuff Im going to say after this. Its going to be so, so revolting. At press time, Trump was standing at 44 percent in the national polls.

  • btomba_77

    October 8, 2016 at 4:16 pm

    Every Woman in America Knows Donald Trump and Billy Bush[/h1] : [link=]We all know these guys, and we just hope we’re not married to them, or related to them, or working for them. We just hope they’re not doing it to us.[/link]

    Were worried we are Melania Trump, newly-married and pregnant with the child of a man who brags to a member of the media how amazing it is to be famous, because being famous means he can grab womens pussies and kiss them without their consent. Were worried we are Ivanka Trump, who has stood up for her father at every turn, reassuring audiences that he cant be all that bad since he raised her into such a poised and confident woman. Were worried that our fathers are talking about our tits to their friends, or trying to f*ck our friends. Were worried that the men we have stood up for and believed in are secretly garbage.

    Weve always had a sinking feeling that maybe this was happening to us, that maybe the men were closest to are pulling a fast one. But weve waved it off like wed wave off a low-grade fever. Believing that when we leave a room the men who are left alone seize the opportunity to go beyond whats acceptable boyish banter about attraction and veer into dark assault fantasies is psychically unsustainable. We cant waste our time thinking about that. It would drive us crazy.  

    We talk to and deal with and sleep with and date and hire and depend on and love men every day. But unlike Melania, Arianne, Ivanka, and Nancy, well never know for sure what they think about us.

    • 100574

      October 9, 2016 at 12:18 am

      Ivanka–enabler( my dad is not a not..boycott)
      Melania-enabler( so we are still waiting for Don the con promise interview where u sit for a formal interview and present all your legal documents with respect to when u came here, when u Worked here and your obtainment of US citizenship) and a thief( stole FLOTUS speech)

      Quote from dergon

      Every Woman in America Knows Donald Trump and Billy Bush : [link=]We all know these guys, and we just hope we’re not married to them, or related to them, or working for them. We just hope they’re not doing it to us.[/link]

      Were worried we are Melania Trump, newly-married and pregnant with the child of a man who brags to a member of the media how amazing it is to be famous, because being famous means he can grab womens pussies and kiss them without their consent. Were worried we are Ivanka Trump, who has stood up for her father at every turn, reassuring audiences that he cant be all that bad since he raised her into such a poised and confident woman. Were worried that our fathers are talking about our tits to their friends, or trying to f*ck our friends. Were worried that the men we have stood up for and believed in are secretly garbage.

      Weve always had a sinking feeling that maybe this was happening to us, that maybe the men were closest to are pulling a fast one. But weve waved it off like wed wave off a low-grade fever. Believing that when we leave a room the men who are left alone seize the opportunity to go beyond whats acceptable boyish banter about attraction and veer into dark assault fantasies is psychically unsustainable. We cant waste our time thinking about that. It would drive us crazy.  

      We talk to and deal with and sleep with and date and hire and depend on and love men every day. But unlike Melania, Arianne, Ivanka, and Nancy, well never know for sure what they think about us.

      • kaldridgewv2211

        October 9, 2016 at 5:55 am

        So will the GOP just throw it away this year or dump Trump. Maybe we can pull off a Kasich/Pence.

        • btomba_77

          October 9, 2016 at 5:58 am

          Quote from DICOM_Dan

          So will the GOP just throw it away this year or dump Trump. Maybe we can pull off a Kasich/Pence.

          Almost impossible to pull off at this point …. except perhaps as a symbolic gesture.
          Since the filing deadline for ballot access has passed in many states, it would require an army of Republican lawyers going state-by-state suing to get election laws changed and ballots reprinted.
          So replacing Trump with Kasich/Pence would be mostly a symbolic gesture and a nod toward the future of the GOP as opposed to an actual attempt to win the election.

          • ruszja

            October 9, 2016 at 6:25 am

            Quote from dergon

            Since the filing deadline for ballot access has passed in many states, it would require an army of Republican lawyers going state-by-state suing to get election laws changed and ballots reprinted.

            Not necessary. You remember the ‘John Ashcroft lost to a dead guy’ trope? No, he didn’t lose to a dead guy, he lost to the dead guys replacement, it is just that the ballots didnt’t have the replacements name on it.

    • 100574

      October 10, 2016 at 8:27 pm

      will see if Bush survives.. per internet he was crying
      I say we call a boycott on Survivor( on CBS) until Burnett releases Apprentice footage–hit him in the pocket until he does the patriotic thing and gives up the footage

      Quote from dergon

      Every Woman in America Knows Donald Trump and Billy Bush : [link=]We all know these guys, and we just hope we’re not married to them, or related to them, or working for them. We just hope they’re not doing it to us.[/link]

      Were worried we are Melania Trump, newly-married and pregnant with the child of a man who brags to a member of the media how amazing it is to be famous, because being famous means he can grab womens pussies and kiss them without their consent. Were worried we are Ivanka Trump, who has stood up for her father at every turn, reassuring audiences that he cant be all that bad since he raised her into such a poised and confident woman. Were worried that our fathers are talking about our tits to their friends, or trying to f*ck our friends. Were worried that the men we have stood up for and believed in are secretly garbage.

      Weve always had a sinking feeling that maybe this was happening to us, that maybe the men were closest to are pulling a fast one. But weve waved it off like wed wave off a low-grade fever. Believing that when we leave a room the men who are left alone seize the opportunity to go beyond whats acceptable boyish banter about attraction and veer into dark assault fantasies is psychically unsustainable. We cant waste our time thinking about that. It would drive us crazy.  

      We talk to and deal with and sleep with and date and hire and depend on and love men every day. But unlike Melania, Arianne, Ivanka, and Nancy, well never know for sure what they think about us.

  • btomba_77

    October 8, 2016 at 5:21 pm

    Bill Pruitt: “As a producer on seasons 1 & 2 of [link=]#theapprentice[/link] I assure you: when it comes to the [link=]#trumptapes[/link] there are far worse. “[link=]#justthebegininng[/link]

  • btomba_77

    October 10, 2016 at 7:46 pm


    [url=]Dear Donald Trump: I played in the NFL. Heres what we really talk about in the locker room.[/url]

    We talk about our families. We talk about our significant others, our children, and our parents. We talk about our fears that if a Hitler wannabe who can’t even string together a coherent statement on domestic policy becomes president, what that might mean for those of us who are married to a member of a minority community, or are a member of a minority community, or have children going to schools where hopefully nobody screams racial epithets at them or tells them to go back to [insert foreign country they couldn’t identify on a map here].

    We talk about women (and sex!). We talk about wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, fans, and groupies. Most guys respect women, some guys don’t, but never have I heard anyone use your particularly disgusting brand of sadism that refers to women as objects and not people. Even the most debauched club-hopping party animal talks about women more civilly than you. We don’t let each other talk like that about women, because it lessens our humanity, and even though we’re modern-day gladiators, we still hold ourselves accountable to the idea of basic human decency.

    So let me conclude with some advice for you, Donald. The next time you want to claim that something is “locker room talk,” take a moment to recognize the fact that were you in an actual locker room, you would be universally reviled as a cancerous, egotistical train wreck of a disgrace that no team could possibly find the time to employ and, honestly, would never even have on their draft board to begin with.  

    Chris Kluwe
    Former NFL player, proud father of two daughters Im afraid you would eagerly deport and/or molest, American citizen)

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      October 10, 2016 at 7:51 pm


      That was good

      • savpruitt_28

        October 10, 2016 at 8:39 pm

        Ok it was, in my opinion, the “Porky’s” bad comedy version of lockeroom banter. Coming from a 59 year old dirty old man, it’s kind of nauseating.

    • kaldridgewv2211

      October 11, 2016 at 6:12 am

      Quote from dergon

      [link=]Dear Donald Trump: I played in the NFL. Heres what we really talk about in the locker room.[/link]

      We talk about our families. We talk about our significant others, our children, and our parents. We talk about our fears that if a Hitler wannabe who can’t even string together a coherent statement on domestic policy becomes president, what that might mean for those of us who are married to a member of a minority community, or are a member of a minority community, or have children going to schools where hopefully nobody screams racial epithets at them or tells them to go back to [insert foreign country they couldn’t identify on a map here].

      We talk about women (and sex!). We talk about wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, fans, and groupies. Most guys respect women, some guys don’t, but never have I heard anyone use your particularly disgusting brand of sadism that refers to women as objects and not people. Even the most debauched club-hopping party animal talks about women more civilly than you. We don’t let each other talk like that about women, because it lessens our humanity, and even though we’re modern-day gladiators, we still hold ourselves accountable to the idea of basic human decency.

      So let me conclude with some advice for you, Donald. The next time you want to claim that something is “locker room talk,” take a moment to recognize the fact that were you in an actual locker room, you would be universally reviled as a cancerous, egotistical train wreck of a disgrace that no team could possibly find the time to employ and, honestly, would never even have on their draft board to begin with.  

      Chris Kluwe
      Former NFL player, proud father of two daughters Im afraid you would eagerly deport and/or molest, American citizen)

      I think Chris Kluwe is so FoS his eyes are brown.  Dude was a punter, mediocre at best.  See Richie Incognito for how it really is.

      • ruszja

        October 11, 2016 at 8:33 am

        His lack of achievement on the field doesn’t invalidate his argument. This is not locker-room banter.

        I have hard time coming up with a scenario where Trump could have been in a locker room in the last 50 years. Maybe this was stuff at his prep school were bloviating about, who knows.

        • tdetlie_105

          October 11, 2016 at 8:43 am

          Don’t think punters/kickers are privy to the down and dirty locker room talk!….trumps comments were raunchy, juvenile, and lewd but let’s tone down the self-righteousness. if the comments were so horrendous why did it take 10 years to release them, it’s not like trump was an unknown back then

          • savpruitt_28

            October 11, 2016 at 8:51 am

            Because 10 years ago he wasn’t running for POTUS! Nobody cared what a adulterous, multi-divorced, self-absorbed billionaire playboy thinks of women. Good grief he is not running for captain of the damn football team.

            • tdetlie_105

              October 11, 2016 at 8:57 am

              Exactly he stated those comments when he was not running for POTUS, so basically political motives….while one can point out HRC shadyness, “congenital” lying, two-faced nature while she was actively in politics.

              • savpruitt_28

                October 11, 2016 at 9:03 am

                Uh no sorry JD, if you think I am, or anyone else, should let a 70-year old man slide on his entire past actions because, ummm, he wasn’t running for president at the time then you are out of your mind.

              • 100574

                October 11, 2016 at 10:08 am

                no JD because Trump is trying to use what is alleged with Bill 22 years ago to excuse his behavior ten years ago..please he is a big whiny baby

                Quote from jd4540

                Exactly he stated those comments when he was not running for POTUS, so basically political motives….while one can point out HRC shadyness, “congenital” lying, two-faced nature while she was actively in politics.

  • 100574

    October 10, 2016 at 9:09 pm

    Flood gates that Noah’s ark can’t handle
    Attorney Gloria Allred getting contacted by women who allege inappropriate contact

    Quote from over-caffeinated

    Ok it was, in my opinion, the “Porky’s” bad comedy version of lockeroom banter. Coming from a 59 year old dirty old man, it’s kind of nauseating.

    • 100574

      October 10, 2016 at 11:13 pm

      Casey Anthony attorney representing person who alleges rape

      • 100574

        October 10, 2016 at 11:15 pm

        Trump per Huffpo advise dbill cosby on rape allegations but on youtube saw an item that Trump was angry about Bill laughing him off..who knows the truth

        • 100574

          October 10, 2016 at 11:46 pm

          Bill Cosby on today show 4/2011;-the only thing Trump is running is mouth

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 11, 2016 at 9:05 am

    Quote from DICOM_Dan

    Quote from dergon

    [link=]Dear Donald Trump: I played in the NFL. Heres what we really talk about in the locker room.[/link]

    We talk about our families. We talk about our significant others, our children, and our parents. We talk about our fears that if a Hitler wannabe who can’t even string together a coherent statement on domestic policy becomes president, what that might mean for those of us who are married to a member of a minority community, or are a member of a minority community, or have children going to schools where hopefully nobody screams racial epithets at them or tells them to go back to [insert foreign country they couldn’t identify on a map here].

    We talk about women (and sex!). We talk about wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, fans, and groupies. Most guys respect women, some guys don’t, but never have I heard anyone use your particularly disgusting brand of sadism that refers to women as objects and not people. Even the most debauched club-hopping party animal talks about women more civilly than you. We don’t let each other talk like that about women, because it lessens our humanity, and even though we’re modern-day gladiators, we still hold ourselves accountable to the idea of basic human decency.

    So let me conclude with some advice for you, Donald. The next time you want to claim that something is “locker room talk,” take a moment to recognize the fact that were you in an actual locker room, you would be universally reviled as a cancerous, egotistical train wreck of a disgrace that no team could possibly find the time to employ and, honestly, would never even have on their draft board to begin with.  

    Chris Kluwe
    Former NFL player, proud father of two daughters Im afraid you would eagerly deport and/or molest, American citizen)

    I think Chris Kluwe is so FoS his eyes are brown.  Dude was a punter, mediocre at best.  See Richie Incognito for how it really is.

    Wrong.  Absolutely wrong.  I played high school football, basketball, track, and college football.  I continue to referee football and basketball at the high school and college level.  Chris Kluwe is right on, and if you don’t think punters are an integral part of the team, well, you don’t know squat about the team concept.  Richie Incognito is, and was an outlier- and, he paid a price for his ignorance and dumbassery, though he is now back in the league.  Dan, if you think locker rooms-especially locker rooms in the last 25 years are like what Trump describes you are sadly mistaken.  Hell, anymore there is very little talk until the coaches come in……most players are sitting there and getting dressed with their headphones on.

    • kaldridgewv2211

      October 11, 2016 at 10:42 am

      Quote from stir22

      Wrong.  Absolutely wrong.  I played high school football, basketball, track, and college football.  I continue to referee football and basketball at the high school and college level.  Chris Kluwe is right on, and if you don’t think punters are an integral part of the team, well, you don’t know squat about the team concept.  Richie Incognito is, and was an outlier- and, he paid a price for his ignorance and dumbassery, though he is now back in the league.  Dan, if you think locker rooms-especially locker rooms in the last 25 years are like what Trump describes you are sadly mistaken.  Hell, anymore there is very little talk until the coaches come in……most players are sitting there and getting dressed with their headphones on.

      I played football in high school, 94-98, and we definitely talked some game (not football).   Hell now it’s all about sexting, mind you, kids do that now.  There’s been local issues with it.  Punters are integral members of the Cleveland Browns.

      • 100574

        October 11, 2016 at 12:14 pm

        Heidi Klum–the other woman that was forced into the spot light when Trump said sadly she is no longer a ten..a sick pattern of put downs

        • henriqueabreu

          October 11, 2016 at 12:19 pm

          No longer a 10.  LOL And he’s a fat, ugly orange slob about 80 lb overweight.   Maybe looked decent 30 years ago, but has aged very poorly.  
          per his doc, “healthiest individual ever to run for presidency”  hahahaha

          • 100574

            October 11, 2016 at 12:26 pm

            so true but that is his projection–he has the cold heart–he is the snake the party let in
            oh and Billy Bush is out per politico–everything Trump touches turns to crap..the taj closed yesterday( no Trump not the 8th wonder of the world)

            Quote from hey

            No longer a 10.  LOL And he’s a fat, ugly orange slob about 80 lb overweight.   Maybe looked decent 30 years ago, but has aged very poorly.  

            per his doc, “healthiest individual ever to run for presidency”  hahahaha

            • tdetlie_105

              October 11, 2016 at 1:09 pm

              Number of punters in football HOF: 1….you guys make it sound like no one in the history of sports have ever made comments more heinous than trump, it’s ridiculous…a chunk of athletes are womanizers who have kids with multiple women (cromaterie), assault women (Kobe), or just have sex with thousands of random women (Chamberlain, 20k). I’m sure these guys never say anything raunchy and lewd

              • henriqueabreu

                October 11, 2016 at 1:28 pm

                Yes, and these people are running for president.  [for the party that is the ‘family values’ party]

                • btomba_77

                  October 11, 2016 at 1:52 pm

                  [i]Entertainment Tonight[/i] and [i]Today[/i] address the issues around Bush and O’Dell.

                  • afazio.uk_887

                    October 11, 2016 at 2:31 pm

                    Did the punter just call himself a modern day gladiator?

                    Next thing u know we will hear from the gangsta rappers about how much they respect women…..

                    Trump is a moron but these self-righteous dbags with lack of self awareness aren’t very far behind.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 11, 2016 at 3:37 pm

    Quote from DICOM_Dan

    Quote from stir22

    Wrong.  Absolutely wrong.  I played high school football, basketball, track, and college football.  I continue to referee football and basketball at the high school and college level.  Chris Kluwe is right on, and if you don’t think punters are an integral part of the team, well, you don’t know squat about the team concept.  Richie Incognito is, and was an outlier- and, he paid a price for his ignorance and dumbassery, though he is now back in the league.  Dan, if you think locker rooms-especially locker rooms in the last 25 years are like what Trump describes you are sadly mistaken.  Hell, anymore there is very little talk until the coaches come in……most players are sitting there and getting dressed with their headphones on.

    I played football in high school, 94-98, and we definitely talked some game (not football).   Hell now it’s all about sexting, mind you, kids do that now.  There’s been local issues with it.  Punters are integral members of the Cleveland Browns.

    Interesting.  I played high school in the 70’s, played college ball in the late 70-early 80’s, coached for awhile and have referee’d ever since.  football and basketball.   that’s pretty much 4 straight decades in locker rooms and around athletes of virtually every level.  Sure, there was some bawdy talk at times……but, nothing that approaches what drumpf has said.  I have never- not once- heard an athlete at any level say they would “grab her by the pu$$y”, nor anything even remotely as disgusting as that.    The stuff I have heard by surgeons in the operating room is far, far more disgusting and reprehensible than anything I have ever heard from an athlete at the high school, collegiate and semi-pro level as a player, coach or referee.

    • tdetlie_105

      October 11, 2016 at 4:35 pm

      To me the term “locker room” talk is basically same as frat party talk or alcohol induced talking cr*p…now if trumps comments are the worst you ever heard in those settings, then you all are choir boys…trump is a narcissist, egomaniac without any filter, as a celebrity he probably got away with a lot of stuff with women than most, does it make it right, no but this media driven overreaction is just ridiculous, particularly since it happened a decade ago before he was in politics…if you’re truly offended by his comments how can you not be sickened/livid by Bills past actions? It’s hypocritical

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        October 11, 2016 at 4:49 pm

        Quote from jd4540

        To me the term “locker room” talk is basically same as frat party talk or alcohol induced talking cr*p…now if trumps comments are the worst you ever heard in those settings, then you all are choir boys…trump is a narcissist, egomaniac without any filter, as a celebrity he probably got away with a lot of stuff with women than most, does it make it right, no but this media driven overreaction is just ridiculous, particularly since it happened a decade ago before he was in politics…if you’re truly offended by his comments how can you not be sickened/livid by Bills past actions? It’s hypocritical

        Im not Offended by Trumps comments.  Honestly Im creeped out by them.  Picture a rich Fat 60 yr old guy making this comment about your sister or daughter or Wife.
        [b]Getting with a married woman and grabbing her by the Pu$$Y[/b]
        Seriously if you heard some random guy say this …………..Wouldnt you think he is fng creep and perv.

        • tdetlie_105

          October 11, 2016 at 8:09 pm

          Quote from kpack123

          Quote from jd4540

          To me the term “locker room” talk is basically same as frat party talk or alcohol induced talking cr*p…now if trumps comments are the worst you ever heard in those settings, then you all are choir boys…trump is a narcissist, egomaniac without any filter, as a celebrity he probably got away with a lot of stuff with women than most, does it make it right, no but this media driven overreaction is just ridiculous, particularly since it happened a decade ago before he was in politics…if you’re truly offended by his comments how can you not be sickened/livid by Bills past actions? It’s hypocritical

          Im not Offended by Trumps comments.  Honestly Im creeped out by them.  Picture a rich Fat 60 yr old guy making this comment about your sister or daughter or Wife.

          [b]Getting with a married woman and grabbing her by the Pu$$Y[/b]

          Seriously if you heard some random guy say this …………..Wouldnt you think he is fng creep and perv.

          Yes but he’s never been a random…apparently if he is telling the truth, then fat rich 60 year olds guys do get away with this type of behavior in todays society, many people are for sale, that may be his reality however offensive it is, athletes, musicians, celebrities etc do crazy immoral cr*p and get away with it…the media/many people have been up in a tizzy about Trumps comments from a decade ago. why is no one even remotely bothered by HRC’s claim to the FBI that she did not know that C meant classified? Either she’s incompetent and/or a blatant lair. Won’t that affect her ability to be president or have we accepted that all politicians are corrupt?

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            October 12, 2016 at 4:32 am

            Look it’s fng creepy as sheet that an old fat guy would be going after a married woman and threatening to grab her genitals

            Down play if you want

            But that’s one sick fng dude

          • kayla.meyer_144

            October 12, 2016 at 5:01 am

            I’ll have to instruct my wife and daughter that being offended by some loud-mouthed man with little hands grabbing their tits and genitals is an over-reaction & they should just get over it. Besides, it’s a compliment, don’t they realize? Maybe he’s rich and actually taking the time to grab their genitals!
            If they want to be offended, just think about an email server where nothing has been proved that anything happened! Now THAT’s offensive!
            Now where’s the story about Hillary stating that there’s nothing she like better than to grab some pretty man’s penis, explaining the men “Let you do it!” Oh, but that’s the way all women talk when they get together!

            • btomba_77

              October 12, 2016 at 5:03 am

              Two separate reports today.  Trump walked in on naked beauty pageant contestants.

              Buzzfeed: [url=]Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said Donald Trump walked into the dressing room while contestants some as young as 15 were changing[/url]

              CBS: [url=]Miss USA Contestants Were Forced To Greet Trump Even When Not Fully Dressed[/url]

              • Unknown Member

                Deleted User
                October 12, 2016 at 5:45 am

                More alpha male guy stuff

                Donald thinks if she is old enough to pee…….

                What a creepy perv he is

              • ruszja

                October 12, 2016 at 7:53 pm

                Quote from dergon

                Two separate reports today.  Trump walked in on naked beauty pageant contestants.

                Buzzfeed: [url=]Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said Donald Trump walked into the dressing room while contestants some as young as 15 were changing[/url]

                CBS: [url=]Miss USA Contestants Were Forced To Greet Trump Even When Not Fully Dressed[/url]

                Yikes. In his own words:

                Ill tell you the funniest is that Ill go backstage before a show and everyones getting dressed, Trump told Howard Stern in recordings released Saturday by CNN. No men are anywhere, and Im allowed to go in, because Im the owner of the pageant and therefore Im inspecting it. … Is everyone OK? You know, theyre standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that. [/i]

                If you are a creepy peeping Tom, at least don’t boast about it.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      October 11, 2016 at 4:41 pm

      There are several things wrong with the things Trump said and his excuse

      First off it’s not normal locker room talk….. it’s frickin weird and coming from a 60 yr old guy it’s downright creepy

      Do guys say dumb things in the company if other guys… yeah but there is a line that you usually don’t cross

      I have a golfing group and a running group and a biking group and yeah after a game or a work out we might go out for a beer and say or do some questionable stuff….. but bragging about trying to get with a married woman and grabbing by the crotch is just fng weird and creepy and it would probably make most of us avoid you in the future

      He is a fng creep

      • jquinones8812_854

        October 11, 2016 at 5:43 pm

        Quote from kpack123

        There are several things wrong with the things Trump said and his excuse

        First off it’s not normal locker room talk….. it’s frickin weird and coming from a 60 yr old guy it’s downright creepy

        Do guys say dumb things in the company if other guys… yeah but there is a line that you usually don’t cross

        I have a golfing group and a running group and a biking group and yeah after a game or a work out we might go out for a beer and say or do some questionable stuff….. but bragging about trying to get with a married woman and grabbing by the crotch is just fng weird and creepy and it would probably make most of us avoid you in the future

        He is a fng creep

        My bigger problem is people being all of a sudden surprised by this. 

        The guy was a known creep FOR DECADES. Heck, you didn’t need an expose to know this; simply listen to his own words on Howard Stern.
        The guy is an ass, should be considered an ass. 

  • 100574

    October 12, 2016 at 1:45 pm

    major protest outside Trump Tower today

    • afazio.uk_887

      October 12, 2016 at 2:16 pm

      I like those signs though ha ha

      • savpruitt_28

        October 12, 2016 at 2:37 pm

        I didn’t know there was an Apple store at Trump Tower.

      • 100574

        October 12, 2016 at 2:46 pm

        Steve Schmidt on Trump as the nominee:
        This candidacy has exposed the intellectual rot in the Republican party.. the hypocrisy;-the modern day money changers in the temple like Jerry Falwell

  • btomba_77

    October 12, 2016 at 4:43 pm

    The Clinton campaign gatling gun of oppo research continues to fire. They’re almost coming too fast post.

    CBS: [link=]…onable-trump-comments/[/link]]A new clip filmed by an Entertainment Tonight crew in 1992 where Donald Trump says about a clearly young girl: I am going to be dating her in ten years. Can you believe it?
    NYT: [link=] Two women make secual assault allegations against Trump[/link]

    • kaldridgewv2211

      October 12, 2016 at 5:08 pm

      Pretty much what I was thinking. Loves the lime light so there’s going to be plenty of clips coming out. Chalk that into the creeper column. There was video talking about one of his and Marla Maples kids. Saying something about seeing if she grows up to have Marlas “assets”.

      He’s either creepy, rapey, or both with these clips. Dude is toast.

      The worst part is there’s so much negative coming out on HRC any half way decent oppo could probably take her down easy.

      • 100574

        October 12, 2016 at 6:02 pm

        pretty certain some who walked away realized early..there is probably more

        Quote from DICOM_Dan

        Pretty much what I was thinking. Loves the lime light so there’s going to be plenty of clips coming out. Chalk that into the creeper column. There was video talking about one of his and Marla Maples kids. Saying something about seeing if she grows up to have Marlas “assets”.

        He’s either creepy, rapey, or both with these clips. Dude is toast.

        The worst part is there’s so much negative coming out on HRC any half way decent oppo could probably take her down easy.

    • 100574

      October 12, 2016 at 6:07 pm

      NY times reporter said Trump yelled U are a disgusting human being and threatened to sue
      new palm beach post allegation

      Quote from dergon

      The Clinton campaign gatling gun of oppo research continues to fire. They’re almost coming too fast post.

      CBS: [link=]…onable-trump-comments/[/link]]A new clip filmed by an Entertainment Tonight crew in 1992 where Donald Trump says about a clearly young girl: I am going to be dating her in ten years. Can you believe it?

      NYT: [link=] Two women make secual assault allegations against Trump[/link]

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        October 12, 2016 at 6:15 pm

        The one woman called Trump an octopus

        I’m picturing Dr octopus from Spider-Man

        • btomba_77

          October 12, 2016 at 6:18 pm

          [url=]Trump supporters launch new Twitter hashtag: [link=]#DefeatThe19th[/link], calling for repeal of women’s suffrage. (After Nate Silver publishes electoral map showing that Trump would win if only men voted) [/url]

          • savpruitt_28

            October 12, 2016 at 6:33 pm

            You knew this was coming. 70 year old billionaire playboy who has never been subject to serious public scrutiny of any kind… Ever. It’s going to be a nonstop flood of dirt till election day. Don’t complain about the timing of it or act surprised. I said before, he KNEW what was in his closet the whole time.

          • 100574

            October 12, 2016 at 7:19 pm

            look at the women who go on record to support him and his people want to take away your right to vote

            Quote from dergon

            [link=]Trump supporters launch new Twitter hashtag: [link=]#DefeatThe19th[/link], calling for repeal of women’s suffrage. (After Nate Silver publishes electoral map showing that Trump would win if only men voted) [/link]

            • 100574

              October 12, 2016 at 7:26 pm

              we are going to see a caged animal until election day..hang tight folks..he needs the cameras or twitter for oxygen..don’t let the jerk bring us or the country down

              • 100574

                October 12, 2016 at 7:33 pm

                Wayne Barrett-trump biographer:- he thought Marla would help mim to win the south when he wanted to run in the past not Ivana but now he doesn’t need Marla , he has race to try to win..

                • 100574

                  October 12, 2016 at 8:11 pm

                  I am sure Warren Buffett is laughing..hee hee Trump I pay taxes and don’t have this drama

                  • 100574

                    October 12, 2016 at 8:12 pm

                    as an aside TMZ showing tape of billy bush asking J lo about her butt

                    • 100574

                      October 12, 2016 at 8:29 pm

                      Barry Diller says tapes from Apprentice could be released..we need to boycott MGM and CBS for airing survivor until those tapes are made public for the American people to review

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