Trump Appears to Endorse Path to Citizenship for Millions of Immigrants
btomba_77 replied 3 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 192 Replies
More proof that you all care more about non citizens than citizens.
A sad day. But not surprising since you don’t believe in borders or our own country.
Yes, that makes you anti-American. Since you stand for nothing, you already fell for it.-
Concern for violence imposed on Hispanic women & children is anti-American. The new American way.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 12, 2018 at 8:33 amWhat would Jesus say
F@gan’s Jesus would say the new Sermon on the Mount
Screw the poor in spirit,
Screw those who mourn,
Screwed and weak are the meek,
Screw those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
Weak and un-American are the merciful,
Weak and un-American are the pure in heart
Weak are the peacemakers
Screwed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for they don’t deserve any help.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 12, 2018 at 11:47 amFunny crickets here when you bring up true Christian values of helping the poor being to your wife and family
You gotta a pornstar obsessed President with 3 wives and kids to 3 different women that we know of
Not sure evangelicals will ever recover from this
Jeff Sessions using Biblical passages to defend separating children from parents who come to the border for asylum.
Romans 13: Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
So Trump administration is established by God and any questioning or “rebelling” against the administration is rejecting what God has done and will bring God’s judgement upon us.
Evangelicals must be breaking out in hives from excitement, the beginning of a real authoritarian theological government. Just like Iran and Saudi Arabia only a different flavor. What’s next, “A Handmaid’s Tale” and The Commander?
Sarah Sanders keeps saying separation is the law but can’t seem to point out what law and just keeps parroting the phrase over and over. Finally she is asked about herself being a parent.
Where in the Bible does it say that it’s moral to take children away from their mothers? Acosta asked.
I’m not aware of the attorney general’s comments or what he would be referencing, Sanders replied. I can say that it is very biblical to enforce the law.
Sanders then falsely asserted that the Trump administration is separating children from their parents because it’s the law, and that’s what the law states. In fact, separation is not required by law but is a Trump administration practice that White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly [link=https://www.npr.org/2018/05/11/610116389/transcript-white-house-chief-of-staff-john-kellys-interview-with-npr]calls[/link] a tough deterrent.
Sanders gave the next question to CBS’s Paula Reid, who performed an on-the-spot fact-check.
There is no law that requires families to be separated at the border, Reid said. This was the administration’s choice.
Unmoved, Sanders continued to insist, falsely, that the Trump administration is simply doing what the law mandates. When Reid asked whether the administration will take responsibility for its policy change, Sanders replied, It’s not a policy change to enforce the law.
Sanders tried to move on from Reid, but Brian Karem, executive editor of the Sentinel newspapers in Maryland, interjected.
Come on, Sarah, you’re a parent! Karem said. Don’t you have any empathy for what these people are going through?
Answer the question, he said. It’s a serious question. These people have nothing. They come to the border with nothing, and you throw children in cages. You’re a parent. You’re a parent of young children. Don’t you have any empathy for what they go through?
you’d think they’d lose a challenge in court given the outright appearance that they’re basing policy on the Bible. Little thing called separation of church and state.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 15, 2018 at 7:00 amThe fake bible
Evangelicals helping trump re-define the Bible
Todays evangelicals are Satans children
like this NPR Headline.
[h1]’We Do Not Have A Policy’ Of Separating Families, DHS Head Says, Contradicting Policy[/h1]
[link=http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/392885-the-memo-child-separation-crisis-risks-katrina-moment-for-trump]This could be a “Katrina Moment” for Trump[/link]
…this issue could cause him deep damage because of its emotional resonance.
The possibility of it rising to the level of President George W. Bushs disastrous response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 seems increasingly plausible.
I think its bad, said Peter Wehner, who has served in the administration of several past Republican presidents, including Bush, but is a Trump critic. It seems to me to be an issue that is breaking through. They [the White House] seem panicked and they are operating in such an inept and dishonest way.
You cant simultaneously argue that family separation isnt happening, that its being used as a deterrent, that the Bible justifies it and that its @TheDemocrats fault. @POTUS is not being served well by his advisors on this issue, Scaramucci [link=https://twitter.com/Scaramucci/status/1008789583977504768]tweeted on Monday afternoon[/link].
The visuals are very powerful, the individual stories that you can tell are very powerful, said Grant Reeher, a professor of political science at Syracuse University. All the things that drive attention are there.
The danger politically is that it reinforces a pre-existing negative stereotype the dehumanization, the cruelty, he said.
This one, I think, will do damage. I dont know if its a Hurricane Katrina moment. But I think its more than a passing, ephemeral story.
Trying to remember what I was reading last night about Trump. Essentially he’s so delusional that no matter how horrible this is, he’s still right to do it. His ego won’t let him be wrong. Even The Mooch called them out and he’s been favorable to Trump. He lives in his own reality.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 8:50 amThere is a difference between conviction toughness and cruelty
This is just cruelty for the sake of being cruel
-Pulling the wings if flies
kicking a dog
Being cruel just because you can
Nothing tough about this policy
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 9:07 amThis is an individual who claims to be tough but refuses to serve in Vietnam because he has heel spurs
…. yet criticized John McCain for getting captured
Total POS
For those worried about comparing people to Nazis, Mike Godwin (of Godwins Law) has given his approval
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 10:59 amwow. the lefties have really lost their minds.
left wingnuts in full force.-
Lefties like Ted Cruz, Orrin Hatch and the Freedom Caucus are all lining up to oppose this.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 11:42 amits fine to oppose it. maybe congress should do their job.
calling this equivalent to Nazi concentration camps is a bit over the top.
in case you are not aware but as a citizen if you commit a crime with your child in tow you will also be separated from your child if you are detained.
When your man Sessions feels he has to say “We are not like Nazis” because Nazis were trying to keep Jews in, you’ve lost the argument.
Drink your Kool Aid, IR. Add some sugar, helps the bitter medicine go down.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 11:43 am
Quote from Frumious
When your man Sessions feels he has to say “We are not like Nazis” because Nazis were trying to keep Jews in, you’ve lost the argument.
Drink your Kool Aid, IR. Add some sugar, helps the bitter medicine go down.
perfect timing as the leader of the left wingnuts weighs in
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 2:07 pmdo You have kids
You have to doubt it. Concern about children is a left-wingnut position according to IR.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 3:39 pmCruel just because you can be is cowardly
Trump just left a meeting with GOP Congress. Reports dribbling out that there is no talk at all about changing family separation policy. No executive order coming.
It’s going to have to be some immigration reform package (that can pass both the House and Senate) and be signed.
That’s a very, very heavy lift at any time… even more so in an election year.
This family separation story will get bigger before it gets smaller.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 4:21 pmOrange preek
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 5:53 pmHope you find your safe place. Anger is bad for your health…
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 19, 2018 at 6:12 pmSo is being a wussy
Trump backpedals and signs an EO ending family separation … for now
If he can’t get a favorable court ruing on child detention though we might be right back to this point again in 3 weeks.
Over 2000 kids still separated from their families with no formal plan or direction in the Trump order to reunite them.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 21, 2018 at 8:03 amWhere are the girls?
Why cant anyone see them?
Something isnt right here. This sounds more like sadaam Husseins regime than a Merican one
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Hope you find your safe place. Anger is bad for your health…
They’re already trying to figure out what to do with themselves now that no one believes the lies and Trump has always been a step ahead.
But wait, “He’s … He’s … stupid”
Don’t you see!
They don’t get tired of losing, these types, LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Less than 24 hours after declaring that “zero tolerance” would be the policy despite ending family separation, Trump ends “zero tolerance”
The U.S. government will no longer file criminal charges against parents who cross the border illegally, a senior U.S. Customs official told the [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/national/wp/2018/06/21/trump-administration-will-stop-prosecuting-migrant-parents-who-cross-the-border-illegally-with-children-official-says/]Washington Post[/link].
The dramatic about-face comes just one day after President Trump signed an executive order ending his administrations widely denounced practice of separating families apprehended at the Mexico border.
Trumps order said the government would maintain a zero tolerance policy toward those who break the law, but a senior U.S. official, when asked to explain how the federal government would change enforcement practices, told [i]The Washington Post[/i] that Border Patrol agents have been instructed to stop sending parents with children to federal courthouses for prosecution.
The swamp snake eats it’s tail.
I feel like Trump blaming the democrats is the new version of blaming Kevin Love. Girlfriend dumped you….blame he democrats. Get a flat tire…..blame the democrats.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 21, 2018 at 2:13 pmThe boy who cries wolf
He lies so much and so often that he erodes his ability to lead
Wow. Melania wears a jacket that says “I really don’t care. Do you?” For her border visit trip. That’s some all time tone deaf BS right there. WTF was she thinking.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Wow. Melania wears a jacket that says “I really don’t care. Do you?” For her border visit trip. That’s some all time tone deaf BS right there. WTF was she thinking.
probably a message with respect to the hysterical mainstream media
Or maybe a subversive message to her husband & his supporters.
Japanese detention camps and todays Hispanic criminals.
Well. That photo-op failed. Jacket-gate ate up any benefit from that news cycle.
Back to images and auto of crying kids without their parents.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 22, 2018 at 4:23 amNot sure what to think
Seems like a jacket a 14 yr old girl would wear
Just weird
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 22, 2018 at 4:36 amThat being said
The evil mainstream media did its job here
They exposed the anti American sheet going on and showed it to the public
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 22, 2018 at 4:36 amThat being said
The evil mainstream media did its job here
They exposed the anti American sheet going on and showed it to the public
Right-wingers fear “The Gubmint” takes your guns, that’s bad, very bad. “The Gibmint” take your kids, it’s good, very good. “The Gubmont” lose your kids, even better. After all, “they” are Hispanic & therefore “they” are criminals.
This administration appears to have no infrastructure, policy or plan in place to deal with the destruction of families seeking refuge or a new life in our country. The disarray and confusion are on full display at the detention hearings Ive attended for my clients those are the hearings to determine whether a charged individual will be allowed to stay out on bond while their criminal case is pending.
During the hearing, the federal prosecutor puts an agent on the stand to give an account of whats happened in the case, and then I am able to cross-examine. You would never know from the agents testimony that were dealing with a parent who has been separated from a child. That is not mentioned in the complaint. The prosecutor asks no questions about the child. At no point do they discuss the child. The child might as well not exist.
During cross-examination of one agent, I asked if she was aware that my client was arrested with his 4-year-old daughter. She said no. I was shocked, but this is the game. I asked whether she was the lead investigator, and if she had talked to field agents in this case. She said yes. I asked if it had become known to her that my client had his 4-year-old child with him. Yes, she said, but added that she didnt know the child was a 4-year-old female.
The judge just glared at her.
This is how it goes. I ask about the child; the government objects; the judge forces the agent to answer. The answer is always the same.
Do you know the location of the child? No or unknown.
Did you provide my client with information as to the location of his child? No or unknown.
Did you provide my client with any information as to how he could go about finding his child? No or unknown.
[b]At another hearing before a different judge, as one of my colleagues asked the agent on the stand about the whereabouts of my clients child, the prosecutor objected to the relevance of the questions. The judge turned on the prosecutor, demanding to know why this wasnt relevant. At one point, he slammed his hand on the desk, sending a pen flying. This type of emotional display is unheard of in federal court. [i]I cant understand this,[/i] the judge said.[i] If someone at the jail takes your wallet, they give you a receipt. They take your kids, and you get nothing? Not even a slip of paper?[/i][/b][i][/i]
I’ve not read the story but David Cay Johnston has pointed out they’re also seating animals and putting the dogs into a nice doggy day care in California I believe.
It was also interesting that they pointed out the makers of that jacket also make the Jewish star NAZI death camp fashion shirt. And Schwastika hand bag.
Again it’s hard to play that up as Melenia sticking it to the man. It’s like if showed up at work Monday and decided to sport a Hitler mustache. That stache is ruined and this jacket probably should’ve been tossed in the dumpster.
I would love to see big name design houses stop selling to her. No more Gucci for Melania.
It is appropriate to remember Pastor Martin Niemöller’s poem for today’s America. Just add “immigrant” or “Hispanic to the poem.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for meand there was no one left to speak for me.-
So 2 days after signing an executive order titled “Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation” Trump tweets to tell Congress to stop working on immigration.
And now we can formally add Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade to the list of deplorables:
Like it or not, these arent our kids. Show them compassion, but its not like hes doing this to the people of Idaho or Texas. These are people from another country.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 22, 2018 at 2:22 pmHe go his arse kicked so he is taking his ball and going home
And they are not “white” but Hispanic? Is that what “not our kids” means?
These children are being used as pawns by the Left. Everyone knows these detention centers are really recreation centers. & these kids never had it so good.
Rachel Campos-Duffy, a Fox News contributor, drew stinging criticism this week after she compared immigration detention centers favorably with public housing, backing up her thesis by citing the opinions of unnamed African-Americans.
I spoke to some African-Americans who say, Gosh, the conditions of the detention center are better than some of the projects that I grew up in, Ms. Campos-Duffy, a conservative commentator, said Thursday night during an appearance on the Fox News Channel talk show The Ingraham Angle.
As her comment reverberated across social media on Friday, some people questioned whom, exactly, Ms. Campos-Duffy had spoken with and pushed back against associating African-Americans with poverty in public housing. Some poked fun at her language, noting that Black people dont say gosh.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 24, 2018 at 8:24 amWell
She does have some black friends
Kinda like the guy on here who……. has some liberal friends
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/trump-advocates-depriving-undocumented-immigrants-of-due-process-rights/2018/06/24/dfa45d36-77bd-11e8-93cc-6d3beccdd7a3_story.html?utm_term=.9dcc8e946ec8]Washington Post[/link] : [b]Trump wants to end due process for illegal immigrants[/b]
President Trump explicitly advocated depriving undocumented immigrants of their due-process rights, arguing that people who cross the border into the United States illegally must immediately be deported without trial and sowing more confusion among Republicans ahead of a planned immigration vote this week.”
In a pair of tweets sent during his drive to his Virginia golf course, Trump described immigrants as invaders and wrote that U.S. immigration laws are a mockery and must be changed to take away trial rights from undocumented migrants.
Trump & the Right believe the Constitution applies only to the “right kind” of Americans. Specifically not non-citizens and should not apply to “anchor babies” who parents “use our laws against us.” so the solution is to deny these laws and rights given by these laws to the people the Administration and its supporters don’t like.
[b]Trump Fear Mongers About Haitian Migrants[/b][/h1]
Former President Donald Trump, who [link=https://politicalwire.com/2018/01/14/trump-bragged-friends-shithole-remark/]famously described Haiti as a shithole country[/link] while in office, [link=https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1446291149128445960]told Fox News[/link] that many Haitians crossing the U.S. border probably have AIDS and letting them in like a death wish.