Trump Appears to Endorse Path to Citizenship for Millions of Immigrants
Posted by yao.bw39_792 on January 9, 2018 at 2:15 pmToo funny.
[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/09/us/politics/trump-daca-immigration.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0]https://www.nytimes.com/2….nav=top-news&_r=0[/link]btomba_77 replied 3 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 192 Replies -
192 Replies
Saw that…
He’s in over his head. The Republicans in the room nearly sh*t themselves trying to “clarify” what the President really meant.
Trump is all in favor of clean DACA, in agreement with DiFi 🙂-
That’s not new. He has said that he’ll give the Dems their dreamer project if they finance his wall. The DACA kids are in this unfortunate situation because their parents brought them across the border illegally. I don’t see how anyone in favor of the Dream Act could be against a wall.
stable genius made a fool of himself today—Bipolar D= unfit idiot
but GOP enablers will prop him up to sign anything that destroys this country
he did not know what a clean DACA meant
and Mr. Wolff is right –he repeats himself a lot-easy to detect since it is such a basic 6 th grade vocabulary
FredoQuote from dergon
Saw that…
He’s in over his head. The Republicans in the room nearly sh*t themselves trying to “clarify” what the President really meant.
Trump is all in favor of clean DACA, in agreement with DiFi 🙂
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 9, 2018 at 6:09 pmThis is a terrible mistake. Bunch of illegal Democrats-in-making. Same as the Reagan betrayal.
[url=http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/368256-white-house-official-transcript-fails-to-include-line-from-trump-on]White House deletes Trump exchange with Feinstein over ‘clean DACA’ from official transcript[/url]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 10, 2018 at 3:55 pmGood. Hopefully this means he realizes what a giant mistake he made in working with that San Franciscan traitor (that description is probably redundant, actually).
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 11, 2018 at 8:36 amHe’s either for the illegals or for Americans. He must decide.
[link=http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/368523-senators-on-verge-of-bipartisan-immigration-deal]Trump hits the brakes on Senate immigration deal | TheHill[/link]
Bipartisan group of Senators announce an agreement on DACA. Trump promptly sh*ts on it.
I wonder if the Senate is planning on jamming Trump with something he has to sign or make him the heel if he doesn’t. The Senators released a statement saying that their agreement meets the 4 points Trump focused on in their earlier meeting and that they plan to build congressional support.-
Quote from dergon
[link=http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/368523-senators-on-verge-of-bipartisan-immigration-deal]Trump hits the brakes on Senate immigration deal | TheHill[/link]
Bipartisan group of Senators announce an agreement on DACA. Trump promptly sh*ts on it.
I wonder if the Senate is planning on jamming Trump with something he has to sign or make him the heel if he doesn’t. The Senators released a statement saying that their agreement meets the 4 points Trump focused on in their earlier meeting and that they plan to build congressional support.
What’s being reported is that he said in the meeting “Why are we having all these people from $h1thole countried come here?”. At which point Lindsey Graham’s mouth dropped. So much for that whole looking presidential at a meeting thing.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 11, 2018 at 2:18 pmHopefully, the recorded meeting was nothing more than a ploy.
[b]Trump complains that US gets too many people from ‘sh*thole countries'[/b]
President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers in the Oval Office when they floated restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, the [link=http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-attacks-protections-for-immigrants-from-shithole-countries-in-oval-office-meeting/2018/01/11/bfc0725c-f711-11e7-91af-31ac729add94_story.html]Washington Post[/link] reports.
Said Trump: Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?
He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 11, 2018 at 3:09 pm
Quote from dergon
[b]Trump complains that US gets too many people from ‘sh*thole countries'[/b]
President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers in the Oval Office when they floated restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, the [link=http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-attacks-protections-for-immigrants-from-****hole-countries-in-oval-office-meeting/2018/01/11/bfc0725c-f711-11e7-91af-31ac729add94_story.html]Washington Post[/link] reports.
Said Trump: Why are we having all these people from ****hole countries come here?
He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway.
He’s right. [i]If [/i]he said that.
honey the Euro/-Russian unskilled trash that come into this country
had no problem hauling blacks in during slavery–at one point the number of black slaves in SC outnumbered the whitesQuote from dergon
[b]Trump complains that US gets too many people from ‘sh*thole countries'[/b]
President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers in the Oval Office when they floated restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, the [link=http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-attacks-protections-for-immigrants-from-****hole-countries-in-oval-office-meeting/2018/01/11/bfc0725c-f711-11e7-91af-31ac729add94_story.html]Washington Post[/link] reports.
Said Trump: Why are we having all these people from ****hole countries come here?
He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway.
If true, he told the truth, again.
It’s never a loss. Challenging what is “supposed to be said.”
Another win.
[url=http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/368601-white-house-does-not-deny-trump-s-hole-comments]White House doesn’t deny Trumps sh*thole comments[/url]
“your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world. With what authority do you proclaim whos welcome in America and whos not. Americas greatness is built on diversity, or have you forgotten your immigrant background, Donald?”
~ Vicente Fox-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 11, 2018 at 4:36 pmIsnt Mexico paying for the wall?
What did I miss
Quote from dergon
“your mouth is the foulest ****hole in the world. With what authority do you proclaim whos welcome in America and whos not. Americas greatness is built on diversity, or have you forgotten your immigrant background, Donald?”
~ Vicente Fox
Even though I think Trump is all sorts of whacked out, I think Vicente looks for every opportunity to try and make himself relevant.
Quote from dergon
“your mouth is the foulest ****hole in the world. With what authority do you proclaim whos welcome in America and whos not. Americas greatness is built on diversity, or have you forgotten your immigrant background, Donald?”
~ Vicente Fox
Another foreign national telling us what we are supposed to think and believe.
America’s greatness is not built on diversity. It’s being brought down by its diversity, since diversity is just an idol.
And the authority he appeals to is that thing called … the truth. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 11, 2018 at 6:37 pm
Quote from dergon
“Americas greatness is built on diversity…”
~ Vicente Fox
Most companies value diversity and it makes them more successful. The same goes for research and academic studies. The guy that has his name on a hospital was an immigrant. Super successful businessman. Haters gonna hate, faggers gonna fag.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 11, 2018 at 6:50 pm
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Most companies value diversity and it makes them more successful. The same goes for research and academic studies. The guy that has his name on a hospital was an immigrant. Super successful businessman. Haters gonna hate, ****gers gonna ****.
They “value” diversity so that they won’t be subjected to ridiculous HR lawsuits and haranguing by the Jacksons, Sharptons, and $PLCs of the world.
Some companies do it for the virtue-signaling, but these are in the minority.-
We didn’t–Russia did and everyday he acts as a true Russian agent with his divisive negative comments
I have met so many Russians who were so happy to get out of that sh tty country rule by Putin–I believe there are scams where People come here and stay in homes to give birth to a child here and we will not forget all those mail order Russian bridesQuote from Frumious
Why did we elect a sh1th0le President?
Brilliant geopolitical move.
We insult the countries in Africa while China courts them.
Score another win for China, loss for US.-
He is the perfect Russian spy–divide/stain/destroy/isolate America
Quote from Nice Guy
Brilliant geopolitical move.
We insult the countries in Africa while China courts them.
Score another win for China, loss for US.
Trump denies sh*thole language
Dick Durbin immediately refutes:
[h4][link=http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/368686-durbin-fires-back-at-trump-denial-he-said-those-hateful-things-and-he-said]’He said those hateful things, and he said them repeatedly'[/link][/h4] “My colleague, [Sen. Graham], spoke up and made a direct comment on what the president said,” -
[b]Former RNC Chair says Trump is a racist[/b]
Former RNC chairman Michael Steele said on MSNBC that President Trumps shithole countries comment is incontrovertible evidence that Trump is racist.
Meanwhile, Trump denied …that he made the comments and suggested he probably should record future meetings.
Lindsay Graham statement
[link=http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/368777-goldman-sachs-ceo-trolls-trump-with-statue-of-liberty-photo]Goldman Sachs CEO trolls Trump with Statue of Liberty photo: ?Despite all the sh*t, American values will shine through? | TheHill[/link]
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein delivered a thinly veiled jab at [link=http://thehill.com/people/donald-trump]President Trump[/link] on Friday after the president allegedly slammed immigration from “shithole countries” in a private meeting a day earlier.
“View from our building today reminds me that despite all the sh*t, American values will shine through,” Blankfein wrote on Twitter, posting a photo of a foggy New York Harbor with the Statue of Liberty still clearly visible.[/QUOTE]
[link=https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nation-tracker-americans-weigh-in-on-trump-immigration-remarks-first-year-in-office/]CBS poll: 70% of Americans favor DACA program[/link]
A year ago, this study began analyzing four groups: the strongest of Trump backers (whom the study labeled “believers”); another set of those who support the president on the condition that he delivers what they want (the “conditionals”); a group opposing the president for now but willing to back him if things change, (the curious) and those who are firmly opposed (whom the study labels the “resisters.”)
On the issues looming now, most Americans — 70 percent — favor [link=https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-calls-daca-agreement-from-bipartisan-group-of-senators-a-big-step-backwards/]DACA[/link]. Among Mr. Trump’s backers, a slim majority support it. But in a sign of how much they want the [link=https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-wants-18-billion-from-congress-for-border-wall/]border wall[/link] built, most of his backers are in favor of cutting a deal on DACA to get the wall funded. Resisters are overwhelmingly opposed to such a deal.
Separate poll:Americans by an almost 8 to 1 margin 79 percent think Dreamers should be allowed to remain in the country and apply for citizenship putting most voters at odds with GOP immigration hardliners in Congress and the Trump administration, [link=https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2512]a new Quinnipiac poll said[/link] Thursday.
Another 7 percent say they should stay but not become citizens while only 11 percent say they should get the boot.
President Trump has sent mixed signals about the fate of the Dreamers ending the program but expressing sympathy for those protected by it but
conservatives in Congress and his administration are dead set against citizenship for them.[/QUOTE]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 14, 2018 at 3:11 pmI love how the poll omits the fact that the “undocumented immigrants” were brought [i][u][b]illegally[/b][/u][/i].
Leftists are just about the most loathsome creatures on the planet.
I think you also if or the fact that some of the dreamers might well have been children who wouldn’t have known they were illegally being brought to the USA. This is all they know. It’s not always black and white.
If someone broke into your house while you were on vacation and had a baby whilst squatting (legal term) illegally in a house they dont belong in, do you have an obligation to keep and care for the baby? The kid certainly didnt ask to be born under these circumstances…
What a lousy analogy. These children raised in our household are to be discarded by you only because you object to buying milk for them. As if they weren’t buying their own milk, as if they are worth nothing above that quart of milk you think you bought, as if they contribute nothing to the country, even after serving and/or earning degrees and being productive in every measure.
Many of them dont buy their own milk and the analogy is perfect whic is why it makes you angry. What part of ILLEGAL dont you understand?
To be fair, I actually would support service in the military as the one and only way for these kids to jump the line.
Lindsay Graham takes a little dig at fellow Republican Senators Cotton and Perdue saying his recollection of the words used “hasn’t evolved”.
My memory hasnt evolved. I know what was said and I know what I said.
Quote from DoctorDalai
Many of them dont buy their own milk and the analogy is perfect whic is why it makes you angry. What part of ILLEGAL dont you understand?
To be fair, I actually would support service in the military as the one and only way for these kids to jump the line.
Many have served but are still “ILLEGAL” and therefore many people want to throw them out to go “back to” a country many don’t know.
Oh, and these illegals do hold jobs & pay taxes including SS. They are not collecting welfare.
That is not true for ALL of them, maybe some. Don’t tell falsehoods to prove your point. And ILLEGAL means ILLEGAL, hence my analogy.
Since you won’t believe me, perhaps the words of your idol will clarify the situation:
[blockquote][font=”arial,helvetica,sans-serif”][size=”4″]Like millions of Americans, the immigrant story is also my story. My father came here from Kenya, and I represent a State where vibrant immigrant communities ranging from Mexican to Polish to Irish enrich our cities and neighborhoods. So I understand the allure of freedom and opportunity that fuels the dream of a life in the United States. But I also understand the need to fix a broken system. [/size][/font]
[font=”arial,helvetica,sans-serif”][size=”4″] When Congress last addressed this issue comprehensively in 1986, there were approximately 4 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. That number had grown substantially when Congress again addressed the issue in 1996. Today, it is estimated that there are more than 11 million undocumented aliens living in our country. [/size][/font]
[font=”arial,helvetica,sans-serif”][size=”4″] The American people are a welcoming and generous people. [i][b]But those who enter our country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law. And because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. Americans are right to demand better border security and better enforcement of the immigration laws.[/b][/i] [/size][/font]
Is that clear enough for you? ILLEGAL MEANS ILLEGAL. I’m sorry the lawbreakers decided to involve their children in their ILLEGAL activities, but that was their choice.-
The fact that they are here illegally does little to inform the decision of what should be done now.
Quote from DoctorDalai
That is not true for ALL of them, maybe some. Don’t tell falsehoods to prove your point. And ILLEGAL means ILLEGAL, hence my analogy.
What’s you point here? No, not everyone served & I never claimed such so follow your own advice about telling falsehoods to prove your point. And if ILLEGAL means ILLEGAL, you are already leaving them out of consideration.
So what’s your point other than being contrary?
[b]Trump willing to trade short term DACA fix for wall funding[/b]
President Trump is willing to entertain a temporary extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in exchange for border-wall funding in the upcoming spending bill, the [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/trump-is-open-to-short-term-daca-deal-white-house-tells-gop-leaders/2018/03/14/b08e364e-273a-11e8-b79d-f3d931db7f68_story.html?utm_term=.e294e51db3a5]Washington Post[/link] reports.
The move, which White House officials communicated to Republican congressional leaders this week, represents a stunning shift for Trump, who has insisted for months on including strict limits on legal immigration as part of any deal to protect DACA recipients. A deal could largely remove immigration from the national agenda until after the 2020 election.
[blockquote] [i][b]Oh, and these illegals do hold jobs & pay taxes including SS. They are not collecting welfare. [/b][/i]
I’m getting tired of playing Whack A Sh1th0le with you guys. You clearly think yourselves saints and angels because you want to generously allow people who are here as the result of illegal activities to stay at MY expense. So you can all pat yourselves on the back and feel ever so good about yourselves.
Truth is, YOU are being played as I noted above, and no one disagreed. The Dems are using your desire to feel good about yourselves to create millions of Dem votes forever more, and some of the uber-rich on BOTH sides want these people here so they can profit off of cheap ILLEGAL labor. NOW how good do you feel about yourselves?-
I did not know “ILLEGALS” could vote. News to me.
They often do, because you folks don’t like voter ID’s which might keep that from happening. But clearly you are being obtuse. The big push to grant citizenship to ILLEGALS is so you instantly gain millions of Democrat voters.
How? You can google, and you’ll find as many sites saying it didn’t happen as saying it did. But without voter ID, how can you PROVE it didn’t?
Quote from DoctorDalai
How? You can google, and you’ll find as many sites saying it didn’t happen as saying it did. But without voter ID, how can you PROVE it didn’t?
I didn’t bring it up. You said “they often do” referring to illegals voting because there are no voter ID laws. Yet you, DJT, or anyone else can’t furnish any proof.
This Time article sheds some light on it. There are a few illegal votes, but it barely registers against the total number of votes cast.
This is from Florida. You’d think if you were going to find illegals, Florida would be packed with them.
“In 2012, Florida conducted this type of analysis of its list of 12 million registered, active voters. At first the state believed it had identified 180,000 potential ineligible voters by searching a state database with out-of-date citizenship information. Upon further investigation, the state narrowed that list down to 2,600 and sent it on to county election officials for review. After the counties conducted their own investigations, [link=http://www.politifact.com/florida/article/2013/sep/12/noncitizen-voter-purge-makes-comeback-florida/]Florida removed just 85 ineligible registrants from their statewide list[/link] and only [link=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/31/josef-sever-canadian-voter-fraudflorida_n_1846662.html]one[/link] person was convicted for fraud. Investigations in [link=http://www.denverpost.com/2012/09/07/gessler-identifies-35-non-citizens-who-voted-but-holds-off-on-rule-making/]Colorado[/link], [link=http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/editorials/2014/05/16/matt-schultz-crusade-heavy-cost-light-vote-fraud/9157749/]Iowa[/link], [link=http://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127–317582–rss,00.html]Michigan[/link], and [link=http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2015/03/12/husted-voting.html]Ohio[/link] ended similarly.”-
[b]Pastor denounces Trump in front of Pence:[/b]
During a church service attended by Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, a pastor denounced the shithole country remarks made by President Trump, [link=http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/maryland/dehumanizing-pastor-denounces-trumps-remarks-during-service-attended-by-vp-pence/508027658]WUSA-TV[/link] reports.
Pastor Maurice Watson called the presidents comments hurtful and dehumanizing and called for the president to be held accountable for his words.
Pence reportedly became visibly red-faced at times throughout the speech.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 15, 2018 at 2:07 pmTypical Democratic MO. Intentionally create a “crisis” by manipulating or refusing to obey the law, and then turn around and use the “crisis” to guilt Republicans and moderates into going along with the Democratic agenda to gain ever more power.
Quote from Jan the Third
Typical Democratic MO. Intentionally create a “crisis” by manipulating or refusing to obey the law, and then turn around and use the “crisis” to guilt Republicans and moderates into going along with the Democratic agenda to gain ever more power.
This is almost like describing DJT. Create a crisis like when he claimed millions of illegals votes and we need a election fraud commission. This was more like his ego writing checks his butt can’t cash. Right now the GOP has all the power. Controls the congress, and WH. The way the dems will get power back is by the republicans doing a crap job, and republicans leaving their seats. Both of which are happening.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
I didn’t bring it up. You said “they often do” referring to illegals voting because there are no voter ID laws. Yet you, DJT, or anyone else can’t furnish any proof.
This Time article sheds some light on it. There are a few illegal votes, but it barely registers against the total number of votes cast.
TIME.COM. Therein LIES the problem. Google as I suggested. Every single [strike]Pravda[/strike] Mainstream Media site says No voter fraud. Every conservative site says YES there was voter fraud. I won’t believe yours and you won’t believe mine. But please tell me HOW you track who voted if they don’t have to present ID!
But that is almost a non sequitur…What I was saying was that the Dems want to fast track citizenship for ILLEGALS so the can have millions more Dem votes without having to resort to (as much) voter fraud. [i]Comprende[/i]?
That is from google. You can also google Florida’s election commission which will confirm what the Time article says about their study. But hey it’s fake news because it doesn’t back up your views right? 85 purged out of 180k they suspected. Voter ID is like a manufactured problem for the GOP because it absolutely keeps minorities from voting. That’s in the GOP interest. And I know people are going to say well everyone can get an ID. I think that turns a blind eye to reality. It was easy for me because I’m from a middle class family, I had two parents who took care of me, taught me drive, paid my license. That’s Just not reality for everyone. The LIES are mainly from team Trump and you’re really lying to yourself if you think the guy embraces honesty. The guy lies like a rug.
We won’t change each other’s minds on voter fraud, but again please tell me how you track fraud without ID?
But AGAIN you ignore the important part:
[b]What I was saying was that the Dems want to fast track citizenship for ILLEGALS so the can have millions more Dem votes without having to resort to (as much) voter fraud. [i]Comprende[/i]? [/b]
Quote from DoctorDalai
We won’t change each other’s minds on voter fraud, but again please tell me how you track fraud without ID?
But AGAIN you ignore the important part:
[b]What I was saying was that the Dems want to fast track citizenship for ILLEGALS so the can have millions more Dem votes without having to resort to (as much) voter fraud. [i]Comprende[/i]? [/b]
Well answer your own question. You stated that every conservative site declares there was and is voter fraud. But then you say voter fraud can’t be proven. Which leaves your and your conservative sties exactly where?
The fact that there have been numerous investigations involving voter fraud & ALL of them have turned up similar results that declares nothing significant happened after investigating thousands down to a small handful that becomes a single prosecution, if even that. But you reject all of those investigations as “fake news” because they don’t reach the same conclusions you believe to be true but all without any evidence at all.
You are the one making false allegations, Dalai. If you declare it you have to show it & none of your sites can show anything of any note except further declaring getting an ID is inconsequential in spite of evidence to the contrary. So at most you are creating a solution for a non-existent problem.-
James Hohmann: Credibility is like virginity. You only get to lose it once.
After Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) said that President Trump had complained about the United States taking immigrants from shithole countries, two Republican senators who attended the meeting Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AZ) and Sen. David Purdue (R-GA) took issue with their Democratic colleague. It turns out their denials were based on hearing Trump say shithouse instead of shithole as it that makes a difference.
Cotton and Perdue will be defined by this moment, in part, because other senators will remember their attacks on Durbin. This will make them less trustworthy as potential partners and thus less effective as members of Congress.
Jennifer Rubin: Colleagues on both sides of the aisle should keep these two Republican senators rampant, flippant dishonesty in mind going forward. Should either come before the Senate for a confirmable position, the Senate should reject the nomination. If they lied about this, theyd lie about anything.
As usual, someone is lying. Durbin has done so before, and Lindsey bends to the wind.
Frumious, you can get your panties in a wad all you want and throw taunts all you want. I don’t think either side can prove voter fraud does or doesn’t exist, so take your pick of whom you believe. Keep trying to distract from the MAJOR point here:
[blockquote] [b]What I was saying was that the Dems want to fast track citizenship for ILLEGALS so the can have millions more Dem votes without having to resort to (as much) voter fraud. [i]Comprende[/i]? [/b]
Posted three times with no answer…because you know and agree that this is what it’s all about. Remember what your old pal Lyndon once said: “We’ll have those ni##ers voting Democrat for 200 years!”
Same sh1th0le, different day.-
So if my or your wadded panties can’t prove voter fraud exists or does not exist, why are you wasting time on creating solutions for something that’s not there?
And so far illegals still can’t vote so that’s a non-issue also. There are no plans to extend voting rights to non-citizens anywhere. You are arguing a major point about a non-existent condition. Might as well argue for painting elephant’s toenails red so you can’t see them in the apple tree. You don’t see them you say? See, it works.-
Yes, Dalai. As I posted before Democrats see political advantage in providing a pathway to citizenship for current undocumented immigrants.
It both rallies a portion of their current core constituency, Latino voters and provides a new cohort of voter which are likely to disproportionately vote Democrat.
The problem is that there a few realistic solutions to the problem that don’t provide for some pathway.
A pragmatic middle solution would allow for legal status that stops shy of citizenship (and voting rights). That would keep families together, help curb predatory employment and criminal practices against undocumented immigrants by allowing them to come out of the shadows, would help stop wage depression as those workers could more effectively organize and call out abuses.
It would also help ease the minds of the GOP who feel that immigration
Anyway … that’s my “middle” for addressing current undocumented immigrants who came to this country as adults.
(Those brought as children should have the same pathway to citizenship as legal immigrants)-
Quote from dergon
A pragmatic middle solution would allow for legal status that stops shy of citizenship (and voting rights). That would keep families together, help curb predatory employment and criminal practices against undocumented immigrants by allowing them to come out of the shadows, would help stop wage depression as those workers could more effectively organize and call out abuses.
Put them in the category of ‘temporary permanent residency’ and don’t allow them to move into regular permanent resident status until every least legal immigrant and work related non-immigrant who is currently in the system has been given the opportunity to become a citizen. Also, put all funding for the process into a separate pot tha has to be filled from user fees generated by the amnesty program. Anything that makes the current illegals simply eligible to become permanent residents screws over the millions who paid tens in thousands in legal and filing fees to go through the existing process. Put them to the back of the line and have them pay for the expenses they created.
But that’s not what the dems want.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 16, 2018 at 12:04 pm
Quote from Frumious
You are the one making false allegations, Dalai. If you declare it you have to show it …
Good God, this sure is rich coming from you.
Quote from DoctorDalai
We won’t change each other’s minds on voter fraud, but again please tell me how you track fraud without ID?
But AGAIN you ignore the important part:
[b]What I was saying was that the Dems want to fast track citizenship for ILLEGALS so the can have millions more Dem votes without having to resort to (as much) voter fraud. [i]Comprende[/i]? [/b]
you’re saying the dems need voter fraud which is completely unsubstantiated. No secretary of state (GOP/Dem) has found any credible evidence of this mass voter fraud you think is helping Dems win. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that no one has ever tried to sneak one by the goalie because there have been some. It’s just such a small percentage it barely even registers. The voter roles are already under scrutiny and votes can be challenged in any state. So why is no one finding any evidence of this fraud you think is happening. There’s cameras on everything now. Why does no one have video if the bussed in illegals that Trump thinks happened? I’m really starting to think you live in the same altered reality as Trump.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that no one has ever tried to sneak one by the goalie because there have been some. It’s just such a small percentage it barely even registers.&
Last month the balance in the VA house of delegates was decided by a single vote. A single illegal vote cast for the democrat could have altered the balance of power in the state. Without governor McAwfuls mass pardons of felons, the vote wouldn’t have been that close to start with.
Quote from fw
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that no one has ever tried to sneak one by the goalie because there have been some. It’s just such a small percentage it barely even registers.&
Last month the balance in the VA house of delegates was decided by a single vote. A single illegal vote cast for the democrat could have altered the balance of power in the state. Without governor McAwfuls mass pardons of felons, the vote wouldn’t have been that close to start with.
yet the local election officials can look over the roles, scrutinize them, candidates can ask for recounts. They did purge people from the voting rolls as I recall. So what’s the evidence that they swayed this race?
At least dergon addressed my point. I’m wondering if Frumious needs new glasses.
My “middle” answer: to those who came illegally, and those who want to come legally but speed up the process: SERVE this nation for five, OK, maybe even three, years in the military or equivalent. I think we could all agree on that path.-
I would support development of a domestic service corps as an alternative to military service that could also allow for a pathway to citizenship.
Quote from DoctorDalai
At least dergon addressed my point. I’m wondering if Frumious needs new glasses.
My “middle” answer: to those who came illegally, and those who want to come legally but speed up the process: SERVE this nation for five, OK, maybe even three, years in the military or equivalent. I think we could all agree on that path.
I do but the Republicans don’t want that avenue. Lip service but no real proposals. And as dergon says, alternative service to military.
DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is getting a good squirming in the Senate.
She recalls everything about the Oval Office meeting … she knows that Trump used strong language. She knows that it was impassioned. She can deny that Trump used sh*thole. But of course she “can’t recall” the exact words used.
And apparently she also doesn’t know that Norway is a majority white nation.
Come on. DHS secretary is not suppose to be a partisan position. This is person we count on to tell us the full truth in time of nation crisis and emergency. Now she’s forever known as a partisan hack … Trump diminishes yet another person around him.-
It is interesting how conveniently you did not post that she also said there were a lot of people in that room using language. I do not agree or support Trump using that language but don’t post to make it look like he was the only one.
[i]Nielsen said the conversation was impassioned and the president was using tough language. She added that “others in the room were also using tough language.”[/i]
Fine. She [i]also[/i] remembers that multiple people were using strong language.
The one thing she can’t recall is what Trump said…. which is a load of BS.
Jennifer Rubin:[b] Kirstjen Nielsen has to look in the mirror ask herself some questions:[/b]
“In a nutshell, this is why you cannot serve a president who is racist, dishonest or personally corrupt. You inevitably wind up enabling racism, dishonesty and corruption. If you thought you could remain untainted, you were wrong. And now, you need to either quit or face the legal and personal consequences.”
Quote from dergon
Jennifer Rubin:[b] Kirstjen Nielsen has to look in the mirror ask herself some questions:[/b]
“In a nutshell, this is why you cannot serve a president who is racist, dishonest or personally corrupt. You inevitably wind up enabling racism, dishonesty and corruption. If you thought you could remain untainted, you were wrong. And now, you need to either quit or face the legal and personal consequences.”
So typical of the absolutely infantile modus operandi of the Left and their media mouthpieces. Say nasty things about Trump, far more reflective of the reporter than the President, and then try to strike fear in his associates with false association. “Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas!” Except the President is NOT racist, dishonest, or personally corrupt.
Fake News just loves repeating the lies over and over and over again, Goebels-style; this affects those of weak mind, but not the rest of us.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 16, 2018 at 12:30 pmTrump hates non-Whites so much that he even helped finance Rand Paul's removal of >200 cataracts in Haiti. Dastardly!
Lindsay Graham: [b]Immigration debate has turned into a ‘sh!t show'[/b]
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the immigration debate has turned into an shit show, lamenting what he said was President Trumps abrupt change in tone on the topic last week, [link=https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/16/lindsey-graham-immigration-daca-debate-341182]Politico[/link] reports.
Said Graham: This has turned into an s-show, and we need to get back to being a great country where Democrats and Republicans work together to do something that we should have done years ago.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 16, 2018 at 12:32 pmBush Jr., McCain, Graham, Flake… Interesting how the most mediocre of the Republicans gain the adulation of the Left as soon as they cross the aisle to virtue-signal.
I hope Rand got the cash up front & not a promissory not that never came. Or maybe it was from the Trump Foundation from other people but donated in Trump’s personal name & personal account?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 16, 2018 at 1:12 pmSpeculation and lies are all we read from some on this forum. Highly unfortunate.
Quote from Frumious
I hope Rand got the cash up front & not a promissory not that never came. Or maybe it was from the Trump Foundation from other people but donated in Trump’s personal name & personal account?
Like the BILLIONS of dollars meant for Haiti that somehow never got there and ended up in coffers and pockets of the Clinton Foundation and their various cronies?