Jon Stewart’s legacy … Lies, shape the political foundation of a whole generation.
Posted by Unknown Member on February 15, 2015 at 7:54 pmHow Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed an entire generation.
I always thought this was true. He used his considerable intelligence and wit to distort and smear conservatives. Most of his anti-Bush, anti-FOX rhetoric, has since been contradicted by facts, yet, it continues to be repeated by liberal zombies as dogma.
Weak minds are easily shaped by misinformation, as long as it is delivered with wit and sarcasm. Jon Stewart is a narcissistic master of misinformation. The damage he sowed will be with us for a long time. Good riddance!btomba_77 replied 3 years, 6 months ago 10 Members · 63 Replies -
63 Replies
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 16, 2015 at 7:36 amHaha Ruppert Murdock……. You mad Bro
Beat Ruppert over the head at his own game
Too funny Stewart exposed Fox News, prob the first to point out their absolute bias and agenda
And he did it all with a smile on his face
What’s wrong Alda. You mad to Bro
Yeah, the Right is pretty darned mad at Stewart’s legacy.
But there’s no doubt about it… he was both funny and on point. -
He is funny.
Blow-hard right wingers give him more opportunity to make fun of. If the republicans stop supporting clowns like Ted Cruz, Todd Aikin and Rand Paul, Steward and other comedians will run out of materials.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 16, 2015 at 7:50 amGlenn Reynolds on Stewart:
“His big impact wasnt on his mass audience, which wasnt that massive, but on the journalistic and pundit classes.”
The only thing worse than a fake clown is fake clown with an agenda. -
The American Right just doesn’t have an answer to “funny”.
Don’t get me wrong, there [i]are[/i] funny conservatives. But popular comedy, imho, is generally meant to be subversive, to challenge the establishment. Conservatives are torn. You can’t be simulatenously trying to maintain the status quo while poking at it.
Also, the fact that Stewart is a liberal and espousing liberal positions is [i]secondary[/i] to the fact that he is a comedian. Efforts at conservative comedy are generally conservative first, comic second … and that flops.
It’s like Christian Rock. If it’s “Christian” first and “rock” second you can be pretty sure it’s gonna suck.
But the bigger thing is that American conservatives are angry. And that comes through even when it’s in the form of a joke. Anger doesn’t make for good comedy and until the American loosens up a bit there won’t be any conservative version of [i]The Daily Show[/i] that gets any significant traction.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 16, 2015 at 8:09 amMost Conservatives by nature have limited senses of humor
They are stiff—–aka Conservative
That’s why outside of the Midwest and rural America they don’t sit well
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 16, 2015 at 8:11 amHow about Mike Huckabee hosting a FOX version of the daily show
[i]The Atlantic[/i] did a feature over the weekend titled [b]Waiting for the Conservative Jon Stewart: A unified theory of why political satire is biased toward, and talk radio is biased against, liberals in America. [/b]
So if conservatives have yet to produce their own Jon Stewart, it could be the relatively small number of working conservative comedians, or their lack of power in the entertainment industry. Or it could be that shows like[i]The Flipside[/i] are failing at least, in part, because theyre just not that funny. But what is it about political satire that makes it so hard for conservatives to get it right?
One of the reasons… for a lack of conservative satire is that the genre has always been aimed at taking down the powerful, from the Revolutionary War through Vietnam and 9/11. Conservatism supports institutions and satire aims to knock these institutions down a peg.”
This struggle to thrive in a particular genre isnt exclusive to conservatives and satire. At the end of the 1990s, when Jon Stewart took over [i]The Daily Show[/i], conservatives dominated one form of entertainment media: talk radio. Liberals have never managed to equal conservatives success in that arena. The Air America networkwhose talent included Rachel Maddow, as well as [i]Saturday Night Live [/i]alumnus and future Senator Al Frankenfiled for bankruptcy at the beginning of 2010. Even MSNBC has never been able to attract as large an audience as Fox News, the televised version of conservative talk radio.
Before the taping of one of the very last episodes of [i]The Colbert Report[/i], a warm-up comic asked audience members what they did for a living. His question drew predictable responses: artist, lawyer, teacher. Then the comedian came to a gay Broadway financier and his boyfriend who, it turned out, worked on a non-profit trying to help Hillary Clinton win the presidential election in 2016. The man lifted up his shirt and pulled down his pants to reveal a tattoo of Clintons signature near his nether regions. Colberts fans weren’t just representatives of liberalism; they were its apotheosis.
Before the start of the show, Colbert took several questions from his liberal tribe, finally calling on me for the last question. Who is your favorite conservative comedian? I asked from the furthest row in the back. I wondered whether hed be able to name anyone.
He paused, and for a second of silence it seemed as if he might not have an answer. Then, just before galloping back to his desk to start the show, he responded with an impish smile and a twinkle in his eye: Bill OReilly. The crowd roared and jeered with laughter.
I think a lot of credit should go to his writers and researchers.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 16, 2015 at 10:14 amCynical Machiavelli makes baby sounds and stupid faces when he gets caught in a lie. “I’m just a comedian”… except when I want to pass off liberal tripe as real news. There’s talent for you, the aging clown of the left.
got an example of Stewart being caught in a lie?
Stewart works because he uses Fox’s own words and hypocrisy against them. It is also why Cons can’t stand Media Matters…they point out their actual statements and lies.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 16, 2015 at 5:07 pm
Quote from DICOM_Dan
got an example of Stewart being caught in a lie?
Here are a few:
His biggest and most effective lie was the “Bush lied” lie. He even used this recently in order to defenf his buddy Brian Williams.
Stewart used his cunning and wit to present partial information, distorted information in order to ridicule or to editorialize without opportunity for rebuttal or cross-check. This is ok, if it is viewed as humor, but most of his audience actually used his show as a substitute for real news. Many got their news from Stewart’s very biased “humor”. When challenged, he simply resorted to the “I’m just a comedian” routine. -
Quote from aldadoc
Quote from DICOM_Dan
got an example of Stewart being caught in a lie?
Here are a few:
His biggest and most effective lie was the “Bush lied” lie. He even used this recently in order to defenf his buddy Brian Williams.Stewart used his cunning and wit to present partial information, distorted information in order to ridicule or to editorialize without opportunity for rebuttal or cross-check. This is ok, if it is viewed as humor, but most of his audience actually used his show as a substitute for real news. Many got their news from Stewart’s very biased “humor”. When challenged, he simply resorted to the “I’m just a comedian” routine.
So here’s my take away. The show doesn’t appear to be at all like they are slicing together footage to make people sound bad. I do think they find people who are doing bad, and definitely go after them and make them look bad. I remember when they did a hatchet job on Jim Cramer about the financial melt down. The one thing I see here that they did get wrong, they made a correction and apologized which shows they do in fact own when they make a mistake.
“Stewart ultimately went on to issue a retraction, and apologize to Ramos and the countys officers.” -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 16, 2015 at 8:41 pmAlda
Prove that bush did not lie
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 16, 2015 at 9:20 pmOK, kpack, here you go, try being objective for once.
Nah!, I don’t know why I bother. It will never happen, but here it goes anyways:
[link=http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/02/ny_times_discovers_that_saddam_did_have_wmds_after_all.html]http://www.americanthinke…ve_wmds_after_all.html[/link] -
Except Bush did lie. No matter how many misdirections and misrepresentations was brought up by the Right. You are arguing Alda that we went to war in Iraq over these few findings?
That’s the lie that still keeps on giving.
Stewart, Colbert & Oliver are/were some of the best sources for real news in media. -
I think Jeb has his work cut out for him ..saying I will not re-litigate such a painful part of our history seems cold..he will have to work on that mitt response
hill has to work on the laugh and what difference does it make..just relax..u are qualified..don’t be defensiveQuote from Frumious
Except Bush did lie. No matter how many misdirections and misrepresentations was brought up by the Right. You are arguing Alda that we went to war in Iraq over these few findings?
That’s the lie that still keeps on giving.
Stewart, Colbert & Oliver are/were some of the best sources for real news in media.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 17, 2015 at 6:25 amAlda
Nothing in your links proves your point
The facts aren’t adding up
The Bush administration misled the country and the world …….spent trillions…..got a lot of people killed
If you want to argue semantics of what constitutes a lie then use that word lie the same way in your other arguments
Your flip flopping on what constitutes a lie from bush vs Obama is amusing
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 17, 2015 at 7:12 amIf you want lie an deceit, then how about
“You can keep your doctor.”
“Not a smidgen of corruption”
” you didn’t build that”
“Al Queida is on the run”
“ISIS is like the JV”
” shovel-ready projects”The whole “Bush lied, people died” meme was a manufactured political hatchet job by Stewart and the anti-war left. As the truth dribbles out, we find that the heroes of the left, such as Joe Wilson, Ron Fournier and Jon Stewart were the real frauds.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 17, 2015 at 7:54 amWe can play the tu quoque argument game that the left likes to play, but the words mission accomplished were not uttered by Bush. “Al Quaeda is on the run”, came directly out of “The One’s” lips… over and over.
I forgot the one about the Benghazi embassy attack was over a “despicable video”
Where was Jon Stewart? The Obama lies are so common, that comedians (conveniently) rarely bother with them. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 17, 2015 at 8:22 amSo Alda let me get this straight
You believe the country was misled by A comedian Jon Stewart and not the administration that started the war manufactured and selected the rationale etc
God are you crazy!!!
Um I think you guys are kind of missing the point. If you are a news network it’s a problem if you are espousing an agenda. News is supposed to be objective. That’s why Fox News is so heavily criticized. They are puppets for a party and you this can’t get useful news from that organization. By contrast, the John Strwart show, Colbert show etc are comedy shows on a comedy network. Hopefully you can see why these needn’t be held to the same journalistic standard. I don’t care if a comedian is totally making crap up. I do care when a supposed news network does. Sadly Fox News should lose the news and rename the whole “fair and balanced” bit humor. Call it the Fox comedy network and we will cut them some slack.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 17, 2015 at 10:02 amOh, and let’s not forget Brian Williams, was he a comedian too?
No and that’s why he’s appropriately getting tarred and feathered.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 17, 2015 at 2:42 pmYeah Alda
What in the hello does Brian Williams have to do with this
He got placed on unpaid leave and essentially disgraced
What goes on in your mind???!!!!!!!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 18, 2015 at 8:23 am
Quote from kpack123
Yeah Alda
What in the hello does Brian Williams have to do with this
He got placed on unpaid leave and essentially disgraced
What goes on in your mind???!!!!!!!
The liberal/progressive purveyors of “truth” and the architects of conventional wisdom in our society are being unveiled as frauds; some under the guise of a clown act and others operating under the patina of authenticity at major news networks. Either way we have been getting our “news” filtered through agenda driven, dishonest individuals. Stewart, Williams and the propaganda arm of the White House are all one and the same, political tools! -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 18, 2015 at 10:16 amBrian Williams embellished stories
He pretty much got fired for it
In your alternative world you are viewing this as some sort of vindication
Sorry but that’s Fng weird
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 18, 2015 at 10:17 amSecondly
After reading your last response it solidified my earlier comments
Conservatives have no sense of humor……or at best a very different sense of humor than other people
We are just different
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 18, 2015 at 10:19 amAnd Stewart just decided to step down because he wanted to do something else
It seems like you are trying to suggest that this is something more
And it’s not
Shoot what next…….are you going to go a crusade against South Park?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 19, 2015 at 12:14 amI have nothing against political humor, as long as it is equal time humor. Irreverent humor as dispensed by John Belushi and the old SNL was funny. Everyone got hit equally. Johnny Carson and Jay Leno were funny. Kimmel is funny too. When parody becomes an excuse for a political agenda or a shameless arm of the DNC, then it is no longer funny. It is pedantic. Stewart is pedantic.
There is not right nor should there be an expectation of “equal time” in humor…. or in the college classroom…or anywhere else. Ideas need to compete on the stage of public opinions. Unfunny people/topics don’t deserve equal consideration just like creation doesn’t deserve time with evolution.
Quote from aldadoc
Johnny Carson and Jay Leno were funny.
And anyone who would actually be willing to say that Jay Leno was funny [b]does not[/b] get humor.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 19, 2015 at 6:50 amAs time goes by I just realize that we are very different
I really support some conservative ideas but from a personality standpoint, I realize I’m nothing like the wing nuts
I guess that why we will never see eye to eye
++++1 Vorhees
Quote from Vorhees
Um I think you guys are kind of missing the point. If you are a news network it’s a problem if you are espousing an agenda. News is supposed to be objective. That’s why Fox News is so heavily criticized. They are puppets for a party and you this can’t get useful news from that organization. By contrast, the John Strwart show, Colbert show etc are comedy shows on a comedy network. Hopefully you can see why these needn’t be held to the same journalistic standard. I don’t care if a comedian is totally making crap up. I do care when a supposed news network does. Sadly Fox News should lose the news and rename the whole “fair and balanced” bit humor. Call it the Fox comedy network and we will cut them some slack.
Staunch conservative (and frequent [i]Daily Show[/i] guest) Judge Andrw Napolitano breaks the trend of conservatives bashing Jon Stewart.
Jon is a comic genius and may be the smartest personality on television.”[/h2]
I was saddened when Jon announced his retirement last week. Jon is a comic genius. His ratings are the envy of all in cable TV. He is the principal news source for millions of young people, who are the principal targets of TV advertisersand God love him, he is his own boss. He has five dogs who run around that studio, and also a lot of love. Agree with him or not, he is intellectually honest, sharp as a tack, and so warm and engaging that you just don’t want your time with him to end.
I hope mine doesn’t.-
Jon Stewart challenges Fox to
a Lie-Off!
[link=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2015/02/26/daily-shows-jon-stewart-challenges-fox-news-to-a-lie-off/]http://www.washingtonpost…fox-news-to-a-lie-off/[/link]Following the announcement this month that Jon Stewart would be leaving The Daily Show, some Fox News commentators werent bemoaning the development. Most notably, prime-time host Megyn Kelly riffed as follows: I can tell you my own feeling on Jon Stewart, while I enjoy consuming his news product this fake news product, you know at home and laughing at it, said Kelly. I dont think overall hes been a force for good. Because I think especially in his later years he got a little nasty. I think he got a little burnt-out. And I can speak personally to a lot of the attacks that were levied on me, had no foothold in the facts.
Citing that clip, Stewart responded, I challenge you, Fox News, to a lie-off. Your distortions and lack of fact footholds against mine. At that point, he played a Vine showcasing 50 alleged lies that have appeared on Fox News, complete with date, quotation and a head shot of the utterer. Plenty more where that came from. Only have a 22-minute show, riffed Stewart, explaining why he didnt go more slowly through the inventory.
In their {Fox News’} mind the opposite of bad isnt good the opposite of bad is conservative.”
Take it from someone whos been watching what they do for a blessedly almost over 16 years or so. Their chronically angry war for ideological purity, where every aspect of life becomes a two dimensional battle for americas soul it ages you. Even watching it is killing me. ~Jon Stewart
I think them trying to get down on Stewart shows how detached from reality they actually are. One of the things I enjoyed in the rivalry was the Stewart vs O’Reilly debate. I think that’s still on youtube.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 27, 2015 at 6:53 amConservatives are just different
One way their way and no others….everything else is bad and be very very very afraid of what you do know.-
When you say it like that, you sound just like what you perceive Conservatives to be…
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 27, 2015 at 8:16 amI don’t think so
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 8, 2015 at 11:03 am[link=http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/09/opinion/sunday/jon-stewart-patron-saint-of-liberal-smugness.html?_r=0]http://www.nytimes.com/20…ral-smugness.html?_r=0[/link]
[i]”His claims to be objective fell flat. For instance, Mr. Stewart [link=http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/pm4vbu/you-can-t-prove-that-on-television]denied being in President Obamas corner[/link] by re-airing a clip in which he had made fun of the [link=http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/ok4102/the-weakest-link—healthcare-gov]Obamacare websites rollout[/link], as if that was the same as questioning Obamacare itself. That was par for Mr. Stewarts course, mocking liberals tactics and implementation but not their underlying assumptions or ideas.[/i]
[i]He could have made the liberals in his audience more open to dialogue across the great left/right divide by asking them to examine themselves more carefully and to admit that both ideological camps contain fools. Instead, he was a cultural entrepreneur who provided those viewers with the validation they wanted.”[/i]
Quote from aldadoc
Oh yes. I’m sure the American Enterprise Institute is no fan of Stewart.
The above op-ed brought to you by the guy who wrote such non-partisan pieces as [link=http://www.claremont.org/article/progressive-fat-cats/#.VcZHkPlVhBc] Progressive Fat Cats[/link], [link=https://www.aei.org/publication/the-party-of-civil-rights/]Republicans: The Party of Civil Rights[/link] , and of course the highly reasoned [link=https://www.aei.org/publication/why-are-liberals-so-condescending/]Why are Liberals so Condescending?[/link]
Trevor Noah to Succeed Jon Stewart on The Daily Show[/b][/h1]
Big shoes to fill.I think Comedy Central is going to struggle mightily to hold any viewer numbers even close to those of Stewart/Colbert at 11:00/11:30 with their new hosts.
I’m not sure that [i]The Daily Show[/i] brand is strong enough to carry. We’ll see. I wish Trevor Noah well in the endeavor.
Jon Stewart Secretly Met With Obama at White House[/url][/h1]In 2011 and again in 2014, Mr. Stewart came to Washington for coffee with the president, entering the White House grounds at the entrance where the public tours begin. He shook hands with several tourists and was escorted to the Oval Office for his one-on-one sit down with the commander in chief.
He joked in 2011 to his escort that he felt like he was being called to the principals office.
The two meetings recorded in the official White House visitor log were[link=http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2015/07/jon-stewarts-secret-white-house-visits-000178?hp=t3_r]first noted[/link] this week by Politico. Current and former White House officials confirmed the visits, describing them as efforts by the president and his communications team to tap into Mr. Stewarts influence with younger voters.
Jon Stewart was a key influencer for millennials, said Dag Vega, who worked for several years at the White House developing relationships with media figures. They relied on him for an honest take on the news, and the president and senior staff know that.
Officials involved in the visits said that Mr. Obama requested the meetings, which each lasted about an hour. Mr. Vega recalled that it was often remarked in senior staff meetings that he was the Walter Cronkite for the millennial generation. Thats why it was important to meet up with him and engage with him.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 29, 2015 at 10:00 pmTold you… Behind the guise of a clown lies a political hack.
[i]”Jon Stewart the man who loves to be called a nonpartisan, a scourge of cant, an honest soul who follows the truth wherever it leads has been secretly taking trips to the White House to receive intense one-on-one lobbying from President Obama.[/i]
[i]Moreover, [link=http://www.politico.com/playbook/0715/playbook19321.html]Politico reported Tuesday[/link], Daily Show staffers routinely call up the White House to get the administrations input.”[/i]
OMG, OMG a popular entertainer was invited to meet the president. The scandal, the conspiracy, it was even put into the whitehouse visitors log, how nefarious !
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJuly 29, 2015 at 10:23 pmLobbied by the President, Axelrod, Goulbee etc on [b]multiple[/b] trips to the White House…HACK!
NPR Morning Edition looks at Jon Stewart’s legacy and his long coat tails.-
You can tell Alda never watched the Daily show. Stewart was very critical of Obama
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 3, 2015 at 2:43 pmStewart was only critical of Obama at the end, when he was trying to paint himself an an impartial observer. For the most part, he was a fawning liberal sycophant and a hack.
Ask yourself why the Democrats are now trying to get Stewart to run for president, if not for the fact that he is a flag bearer for liberal Democrats (See below link).
Again, no problem with someone having a political opinion as long as they are not hypocritical in trying to pass of as balanced.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 3, 2015 at 2:53 pm[b]Ask yourself why the Democrats are now trying to get Stewart to run for president[/b]
Dude…..The article was a joke…..satire… like kinda Stewart himself-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 4, 2015 at 9:42 amYoda, what do you think of Alda?
“Delusion is strong with this one, yes!”
Look, you can spin things all you want. At the end of the day, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz et al are liars, and let’s not parse words, they *are* war criminals.
They will be going to their graves with the blood of MILLIONS on their hands. End of story.
American history may not write it that way, but much of the rest of the world will.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 4, 2015 at 4:15 pmLiberals have their head so far up Obama’s but that they can’t tell when they’re being played.
Sorry you’ve lost your ability to think independently.
I would be offended, but then it is easy to laugh off the world’s greatest purveyor of Fox talking points
[url=http://www.vox.com/2015/8/6/9114849/colbert-stewart-final-show]Colbert says goodbye to Jon Stewart[/url]
No [i]Daily Show[/i] (at least no *Stewart* version) and no [i]Colbert Report[/i].
I don’t know how I’m going to survive the 2016 campaign without them.
if you have HBO John Oliver is pretty good. In terms of John Stewarts Legacy one thing that stands out to me is the enormous amount of talent that has come out of there. I kind of forgot a lot of the correspondents etc… from over the years until they all paraded out.
Don’t close the book on that legacy just yet …..
[url=http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/11/03/454319142/jon-stewart-signs-new-four-year-deal-with-hbo]Jon Stewart Signs New 4-Year Deal With HBO[/url]Announcing what could be a string of projects from the former host of [i]The Daily Show[/i], HBO says it has reached an exclusive four-year deal with Jon Stewart. In the first phase of the deal, Stewart will produce “short-form digital content,” HBO says.
“In his first project for HBO under the new deal, Stewart will view current events through his unique prism. Working with the pioneering cloud graphics company OTOY Inc., he is developing new technology that will allow him to produce timely short-form digital content, which will be refreshed on HBO NOW multiple times throughout the day. Additional projects will be announced as they are confirmed.”
In moving to HBO, Stewart is following in the footsteps of John Oliver, a former correspondent for The Daily Show who now has his own weekly show at the cable network.
[link=https://9to5mac.com/2021/07/10/problem-with-jon-stewart-apple-tv/]Jon Stewarts new Apple TV+ show begins taping next week in front of a live audience, tickets available
[/link][link=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-05/the-problem-with-jon-stewart-debuts-on-apple-tv-this-fall]Jon Stewart Heads to Apple TV This Fall to Take On His Successors[/link]