How would you confront the energy problem?
satyanar replied 1 year, 7 months ago 19 Members · 324 Replies
Some question. The verdict is death regardless by Darwell so the question is firing squad at sundown or hanging at sunrise, pick your poison to mix metaphors. Death regardless moving off of fossil fuels.
Good thing Darwell is not biased.-
[b]GM Drops Support for Trump Climate Rollbacks[/b][/h1]
General Motors abandoned President Trumps battle to nullify Californias fuel economy rules meant to curb global warming, the strongest sign yet that corporate America is moving on from Mr. Trump and adapting to an incoming Democratic administration, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/23/climate/general-motors-trump.html]New York Times[/link] reports.
The company also signaled that it was ready to work with President-elect Joe Biden, who has promised swift action to reduce climate-warming emissions in the auto sector.-
We should stop subsidizing oil and gas with Federal giveaways. It is government selecting winners and losers with fossil fuels as winners & renewables as the losers.
Self explanatory.
Denmark is to end all new oil and gas exploration with immediate effect as part of a plan to phase out fossil fuels by 2050, one of the most drastic moves by a crude-producing nation to curb carbon emissions.
The countrys parliament agreed to scrap planned licensing rounds in the North Sea and said extraction of oil and gas must end by the middle of the century, at which point Denmark aims to be carbon neutral.
While Denmark is a small oil producer by global standards, it is the most significant move to ban fossil-fuel extraction, following more symbolic gestures from countries such as France and New Zealand. The move highlights a global shift away from fossil fuels as countries and companies seek to reduce carbon emissions with the aim of limiting global warming.
Several major economies including Germany, the U.K., and France have recently signed into law targets to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, with China and other Asian countries making similar pledges.
While its output is dwarfed by the U.S. and Middle Eastern countries, Denmark is the largest oil producer in the European Union, which excludes Norway and the U.K. The Danish Energy Agency forecasts the Scandinavian country will produce just over 100,000 barrels of oil and gas a day this year.
This makes the point that we cant just tackle climate change through demand, said Andrew Grant, head of climate, energy and industry research at London-based think tank Carbon Tracker. It needs to be tackled from the supply side as well.
there’s like 150 Caddy dealers that are taking a GM buyout/franchise loss so they don’t have to get on board with electrified Cadilacs.
*in general I think the band is not exactly rocking out sales. so maybe it’s a good exit opportunity.-
Funny about Texas, blaming everyone but themselves for their power shutdown. Wasnt Texas outright laughing at California when Cali had power shutdowns due to high weather temperatures?
Schadenfreude is tempting but reality is that Texas wants to own the libs & blame the libs more than solving problems for their citizens.-
Further, Abbot is blaming the power failures on green energy when the state relies on fossil fuels for the vast majority of its power.
Part of it is that Texas didn’t want their grid integrated with adjacent states … a political move.
Now they’re hurting because of it.-
Even a nuclear plant is shutdown showing the problem is greater than they will admit.
Agree, their defensive politics plays a large role.-
Yeah. Im every dbag politician there was ready to laugh at California. Also theyre all seemingly trying to blame the green new deal which isnt really a thing right now. It was just an idea and never passed into law. Fox was laying into that one last night.
[b]Texas Republican Mayor Quits After Saying No One Owes You Anything[/b][/h1] [b]
Colorado City, TX mayor Tim Boyd (R) said that he had already resigned after he was widely condemned for writing on Facebook that people suffering in the cold without power shouldnt look to their local governments for help, the [link=https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2021/02/17/texas-mayor-says-he-had-already-resigned-after-writing-only-the-strong-will-survive-amid-cold-power-outages/]Dallas Morning News[/link] reports.
Boyd wrote in his typo-ridden post that no one owes you are your family anything; nor is it the local governments responsibility to support you during trying times like this! The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING!
Boyd continued, saying that he was sick and tired of people looking for handouts and that the current situation is sadly a product of a socialist government.
He concluded: Only the strong will survive and the weak will perish.-
[h1]Rick Perry: Texans would rather be without power for days than have more federal oversight[/h1] [link=https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2021/02/17/rick-perry-texans-would-rather-be-without-power-for-days-than-have-more-federal-oversight/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign]https://www.ksat.com/news…ocial&utm_campaign[/link] =snd&utm_content=ksat12
Painfully stupid
Too proud to admit you are a jerk.
As they say, You made your bed, now sleep in it.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserFebruary 17, 2021 at 11:15 amYears of trickle down economics as our infrastructure rots
Those Texans republican governors hate taxes so much they let things rot
wonder how many people might die. When I was in San Antonio there was a lot of homeless people. They had a low of 9 the other day.
At least Ted Cruz is taking it like a man.
When confronted with a barrage of attacks over prior tweets he had made blaming left wing politics for California’s brown-outs, he said
“I’ve got no excuse.”
[link=https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/environment/539266-feds-issue-lease-for-first-wave-energy-research]Feds issue lease for first wave energy research project in federal waters
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), an agency of the U.S. Department of Interior, [link=https://www.boem.gov/boem-issues-lease-first-wave-energy-research-project-federal-waters]announced[/link] Tuesday a new [link=https://www.boem.gov/sites/default/files/documents/renewable-energy/state-activities/P0560-OSU-Executed.pdf]lease[/link] dedicated to offshore energy research projects along the West Coast.
The lease has been issued to Oregon State University. Researchers from the school will work along the outer continental shelf of the West Coast of the U.S. and begin conducting renewable energy research.
This is the first time a lease has been issued to support the testing of wave energy equipment in federal waters off the U.S. West Coast, said BOEM Director Amanda Lefton. Ocean waves contain a tremendous amount of energy, and this opportunity offers exciting potential to demonstrate the viability of wave energy technology and expand the nations renewable energy portfolio.[/QUOTE]
the tech already exists. There was a company that made a charger you’d put in your back back. It would charge it’s battery or your phone by moving. Sort of like harnessing the energy of a shake weight. It had a plunger that would bounce up and down while you walk and create power. Apply that to something that just sits in waves and can harness that power.
the windmills they are supposedly frozen in TX are ones purchased without the heater package as they didn’t feel like that would come in handy. there’s plenty of windmills up in the north and other frozen countries that do not freeze. So chalk that up to TX. Guess the climate change really got them on that one.
also the nat gas is freezing. I’m not sure how that happens. I do believe it can freeze at 32 F like water. However, I thought that the pressure kept it from freezing. I’ve heard of regulators freezing before. The pressure can build and then comes a big boom if it leaks.-
Heaters cost money & its all about cheapin Texas.
Bet you nothing will happen as Texas calculates this will never happen again & when it does, so what. Deregulation is all that matters. Besides, Texas can just misdirect to green energy as the sole problem. Fox viewers dont know to question what they are spoonfed.
Insane GOP lies about Texas offer a depressing preview of coming climate debates[/h1]
{I}f youre a Fox News viewer, you have now learned that while no one was looking, hippies took over Texas and implemented the Green New Deal there, leading to the power outages that affected over four million people in the wake of a terrible snowstorm.
This is one of the most bonkers propaganda campaigns youll ever see, and though its centered on Fox it extends far beyond it. The purpose is to spin the tragic story unfolding in Texas into a reason to hate and fear liberal policy ideas which have [i]absolutely nothing[/i] to do with whats happening there.
…And its not just Fox. The far-right Wall Street Journal editorial board penned [link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-deep-green-freeze-11613411002]an editorial[/link] blaming the Texas outages on renewable energy. Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Tex.) acknowledged that the failures ran across all the different types of energy Texas uses, then bizarrely [link=https://twitter.com/RepDanCrenshaw/status/1361792737138335746]concluded[/link], Bottom line: Thank God for baseload energy made up of fossil fuels.
Its as if you choked on a piece of steak, and I told you, Thats why you cant trust all those hippies who forced you to eat kale![/QUOTE]
[b]Ted Cruz In Cancun as Millions of Texans Have No Power [/b]
[link=https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ted-cruz-airport-power-crisis-texas]Fox News[/link] confirms what many [link=https://politicalwire.com/2021/02/18/did-ted-cruz-fly-to-cancun-during-texas-disaster/]saw on social media[/link] late last night: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) flew to Cancun, Mexico, with his family as Texas dealt with a winter storm that left millions without power.-
and you have the opposite with Beto who was calling elderly folks last night and arranging hot meals or warm places to stay. Yet the fine folks in TX still vote in Rafael Cruz. I guess it must be because he’s macho and Trump like. Sticks up for wife and family.
Ted Cruz flying home today …
As heard on the internet:
Ted appears to have a ticket for the Thursday afternoon flight home cutting the [link=https://twitter.com/hashtag/Cancun?src=hashtag_click]#Cancun[/link] vacation far too short for a sunburn, yet certainly long enough to get blistered.-
cool. Now lets make him quarantine for 10 days.
“Effective January 26, all airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. Alternatively, travelers to the U.S. may provide documentation from a licensed health care provider of having recovered from COVID-19 in the 90 days preceding travel. Check the CDC website for additional information and [link=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/testing-international-air-travelers.html#:~:text=On%2520January%252012%252C%25202021%252C%2520CDC,airline%2520before%2520boarding%2520the%2520flight.]Frequently Asked Questions[/link]. This requirement does not apply to travelers entering the United States by land or sea or to children under two years of age. It applies to U.S. citizens, as well as foreign nationals, regardless of vaccination status.”-
Quote from DICOM_Dan
cool. Now lets make him quarantine for 10 days.
Flyin’ Ted
It keeps getting worse for the douche. People drive by his house and it appears they left the family dog home alone. Id like to think they made some kind of arrangement for the dog to be watched. However, as of now its certainly a pretty bad look. And the dogs name is snowflake. A little white poodle.
If he was vaccinated he doesn’t have to quarantine.
He has always been an unlikeable guy. What he did was bad and he’ll pay politically for it. Certainly doesn’t rise to the level of resigning though, especially considering Cuomo isn’t going anywhere and Northam didn’t resign.
As far as this thread goes. The solution is three-fold:
1. Nuclear
2. Nuclear
3. Nuclear
Fission for now, fusion for our grandkids.-
There are also things like this:
Zero emission natural gas
Will still be blocked by Lefties since it’s called natural gas and realities don’t matter such as we’ve seen with nuclear for decades.
If the company was smart, they would change the name to something like organic acai berry juice and then Lefties would be fine with it.
[link=https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2021/01/08/net-power-ceo-announces-four-new-zero-emission-gas-plants-underway/?sh=183ebbbe175b]https://www.forbes.com/si…erway/?sh=183ebbbe175b[/link] -
Quote from Cubsfan10
If he was vaccinated he doesn’t have to quarantine.
He has always been an unlikeable guy. What he did was bad and he’ll pay politically for it. Certainly doesn’t rise to the level of resigning though, especially considering Cuomo isn’t going anywhere and Northam didn’t resign.
As far as this thread goes. The solution is three-fold:
1. Nuclear
2. Nuclear
3. NuclearFission for now, fusion for our grandkids.
whatever rules they’re applying to international travelers say regardless of vaccination status.
Quote from dergon
[b]Ted Cruz In Cancun as Millions of Texans Have No Power [/b]
[b] [/b]
[link=https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ted-cruz-airport-power-crisis-texas]Fox News[/link] confirms what many [link=https://politicalwire.com/2021/02/18/did-ted-cruz-fly-to-cancun-during-texas-disaster/]saw on social media[/link] late last night: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) flew to Cancun, Mexico, with his family as Texas dealt with a winter storm that left millions without power.[link=https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/texas/ercot-asking-texans-conserve-power-6-facilities-offline-may-13/269-d7955eeb-882c-4a3f-bc41-f2d51fddee62] ERCOT asking Texans to conserve power after 6 facilities go offline Friday
struggling avoid a repeat of Winter 2021’s outages and energy price spikes this weekend:With unseasonably hot weather driving record demand across Texas, ERCOT continues to work closely with the power industry to make sure Texans have the power they need. [i]This afternoon, six power generation facilities tripped offline resulting in the loss of approximately 2,900 MW of electricity. [/i]At this time, all generation resources available are operating.
[i]Were asking Texans to conserve power when they can by setting their thermostats to 78-degrees or above and avoiding the usage of large appliances (such as dishwashers, washers and dryers) during peak hours between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. through the weekend[/i].
Remaining isolated from the Western and Eastern grids on its own home brew grid is idiotic … and given the spike cost structure, massively expensive for TX energy consumers.
[b]Germany Will Fire Up Coal Plants Again[/b][/h1]
Germany will restart coal-fired power plants in order to conserve natural gas, the countrys economy minister announced on Sunday, amid concerns about a looming supply shortage after Russia cut gas deliveries to Europe this week, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/19/world/europe/germany-coal-power-plants.html]New York Times[/link] reports.-
Reopening coal because Russia chocking off natural gas supply. Long term, Germany wants to move to low and no carbon footprint generation and no nuclear. Even if nuclear was considered, building a nuclear plant requires years so nuclear as a solution means Germans must wait years for energy, not exactly a brilliant idea. Coal unfortunately is the devil’s choice for short term energy supply.
Im also in favor of next gen nuclear (with either heavy governmental regulation or direct government control ) in addition to every other renewable we can think of.
But for now there is no immediate replacement for oil and gas . So for Germany coal is their short term option
We could use more refinery capability and also more storage for LNG. Some of the newer reactor technology seems like it’s a safer bet. Like pebble reactors. We haven’t built a new reactor in something like 30 years.
The caveat to nuclear besides safety (see Chernobyl & Fukushima) is spent fuel & radioactive containers. We have 85k metric tons of spent fuel now & creating 2000 metric tons per year. Thats just the US, not other countries waste. Half life is 45,000 years. Waste is presently stored at many spent sites, not always safely with no real firm plans for present waste, not to mention future waste. So Im not convinced we are & would be trading one serious problem for another. A Hobsons choice.
Quote from Frumious
The caveat to nuclear besides safety (see Chernobyl & Fukushima) is spent fuel & radioactive containers. We have 85k metric tons of spent fuel now & creating 2000 metric tons per year. Thats just the US, not other countries waste. Half life is 45,000 years. Waste is presently stored at many spent sites, not always safely with no real firm plans for present waste, not to mention future waste. So Im not convinced we are & would be trading one serious problem for another. A Hobsons choice.
Spent fuel is a local problem. There is plenty of open space in the U.S. to figure it out. CO2 levels are global. Not a tough decision.
Of course we have the NIMBYs to deal with but the health of the planet depends on it so we will figure it out at some point, or not and our children and children’s children will be living in a far harsher environment. -
Quote from dergon
Im also in favor of next gen nuclear (with either heavy governmental regulation or direct government control ) in addition to every other renewable we can think of.
But for now there is no immediate replacement for oil and gas . So for Germany cola is their short term option
Yes. I only answered nuclear because its becoming clear that nuclear is key to a long term solution. The fact that Germany needs to burn coal in the short run proves the point.
Quote from Cubsfan10
If he was vaccinated he doesn’t have to quarantine.
He has always been an unlikeable guy. What he did was bad and he’ll pay politically for it. Certainly doesn’t rise to the level of resigning though, especially considering Cuomo isn’t going anywhere and Northam didn’t resign.
As far as this thread goes. The solution is three-fold:
1. Nuclear
2. Nuclear
3. NuclearFission for now, fusion for our grandkids.
Ummmm, at least 1 nuclear plant was reported to have frozen. Somehow these “planners” did not paln so well.
And you have to explain to me how other countries – and states – who commonly experience the winter Texas is feeling – and much worse – are able to function without massive shutdowns. It has zero to do with renewables since Texas gas pipelines are frozen in place too.
No, “nucular” plants won’t be the solution if Texas has no GDmned idea how to plan for the cold.-
Oh Texas f’d up. I wasn’t addressing that. I thought we were just talking about energy needs in general.
The answer is renewables that do not leave massive millions of tons of waste products that are radioactive for tens-of-thousands of years or leave millions of tons of CO2 and methane into the atmosphere to heat the climate.
We’ve talked about this.
There are new nuclear designs without waste and there’s new natural gas I just showed you that is emission free. Aren’t you open to those?
Solar is dirty due to rare materials and land use. Wind is dirty due to raw materials, land use, and bird killings. Both don’t work full time. They can be part of the solution but can’t be the whole solution – it’s literally impossible for them to be at current tech.
Solar panels in space would be nice but that’s nuclear fusion level future stuff.-
Ted Cruz has now also failed the crisis management part of this.
The old adage stands: “Tell it early. Tell it all. Tell it yourself.”
Ted gets an F
Those nuclear plants do not exist. Name one.
The Allam Cycle is about carbon sequestration. We’ll have to see if it is a massive game changer.
Quote from Frumious
Quote from Cubsfan10
If he was vaccinated he doesn’t have to quarantine.
He has always been an unlikeable guy. What he did was bad and he’ll pay politically for it. Certainly doesn’t rise to the level of resigning though, especially considering Cuomo isn’t going anywhere and Northam didn’t resign.
As far as this thread goes. The solution is three-fold:
1. Nuclear
2. Nuclear
3. NuclearFission for now, fusion for our grandkids.
Ummmm, at least 1 nuclear plant was reported to have frozen. Somehow these “planners” did not paln so well.
And you have to explain to me how other countries – and states – who commonly experience the winter Texas is feeling – and much worse – are able to function without massive shutdowns. It has zero to do with renewables since Texas gas pipelines are frozen in place too.
No, “nucular” plants won’t be the solution if Texas has no GDmned idea how to plan for the cold.
In fairness we have our fair share of bad infrastructure relating to power in the north also. Anywhere we have utilities above ground are prime to have issues during summer time storms and winter time storms. That just goes to speak to the need for an overall redo. The country can be better at producing energy and delivering energy. If anything that need will probably grow with future electrification.
I showed you those nuclear techs multiple times. They are earlier in this thread.
Quote from Cubsfan10
I showed you those nuclear techs multiple times. They are earlier in this thread.
Uh, no. There are no functioning molten salt thorium reactors. I’e pointed that out multiple times. Earlier in this thread.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
wonder how many people might die. When I was in San Antonio there was a lot of homeless people. They had a low of 9 the other day.
Biden signs emergency declaration for TX relief.
Amazing. He didn’t withhold aid while blaming Texas for failing to rake their own windmills or holding out until the Republican governor went on TV to praise him or anything.-
Amazing. Biden could have taken DeSantis’ lead who threatened to withhold vaccines from Florida counties who criticized him.
Stupid Democrats, always trying to help even as their hands are bitten by those they are helping.
Last night SNL cold open-
A daily floating electric rate. Let the market control everything. The “invisible hand” is never wrong. What could possibly go wrong?
Only electric bills in the thousands of dollars, that’s what. Deja vu all over again what ENRON deliberately did to California 20 years ago. Texas thought it very funny at the time & cheered Enron on. Price caps? You mean government control and overreach and socialism, no?
Schadenfreude is very tempting.
My savings is gone, said Scott Willoughby, a 63-year-old Army veteran who lives on Social Security payments in a Dallas suburb. He said he had nearly emptied his savings account so that he would be able to pay the $16,752 electric bill charged to his credit card 70 times what he usually pays for all of his utilities combined. Theres nothing I can do about it, but its broken me.
Mr. Willoughby is among scores of Texans who have reported skyrocketing electric bills as the price of keeping lights on and refrigerators humming shot upward. For customers whose electricity prices are not fixed and are instead tied to the fluctuating wholesale price, the spikes have been astronomical.
The steep electric bills in Texas are in part a result of the states uniquely unregulated energy market, which allows customers to pick their electricity providers among about 220 retailers in an entirely market-driven system.
Under some of the plans, when demand increases, prices rise. The goal, architects of the system say, is to balance the market by encouraging consumers to reduce their usage and power suppliers to create more electricity.[b]Robert McCullough, an [link=https://www.mresearch.com/about-us/]energy consultant[/link] in Portland, Ore., and a critic of Mr. Hogans, said that allowing the market to drive energy policy with few protections for consumers was idiotic and that similar actions had devastated retailers and consumers following the California energy crisis of 2000 and 2001.[/b]
Wonder how Elon’s Texas factories are doing now he’s moved out of California?
“Renewables” is the new market, not fossilized fossil fuels.
What has happened is a widespread failure across all forms of energyincluding coal, natural gas, and nuclearamid a cold snap that is severe by Texas standards. In fact, even with the weather conspiring against it, wind still appears to have produced [link=https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/02/texas-power-grid-crumples-under-the-cold/]significantly more capacity[/link] in Texas during the current crisis than anticipated, Bloomberg [link=https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-02-17/texas-s-power-crisis-shows-what-happens-when-we-ignore-climate-change?srnd=opinion]noted[/link].
There are [link=https://www.marketwatch.com/story/whats-behind-the-texas-power-outages-11613508031]myriad, complex reasons[/link] for the collapse of our power here in the Lone Star State. But they all fall under the umbrella of something thats simple to understand: Those in charge [link=https://allyenergy.com/baby-its-cold-outside-and-the-consequences-of-climate-change-are-mounting/]failed to plan[/link] for severe weather and adequately shore up our energy infrastructure.
[b]The rush to blame renewables came with a heavy dose of irony, because it came from people who claim to be supporters of the markets. For years, the markets have been sending a clear message: Invest in renewables.[/b]
This isnt the first time in recent years that Texas has suffered through a crisis driven by climate change. As I write this, Im sitting in my car, trying to warm upjust outside the home that my family rebuilt after it was destroyed during [link=https://www.barrons.com/articles/how-climate-change-could-hurt-the-commercial-real-estate-market-51553688001?mod=article_inline]Hurricane Harvey[/link]. The Army Corps of Engineers released [link=https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/458465-two-years-after-harveys-devastation-the-wake-up-call-has-not-been]dams[/link], flooding out my neighborhoodanother planning failure, that time by the federal government. We had to be rescued by boat.
As the new documentary [link=https://www.hotmoneyfilm.com/]Hot Money[/link] points out, fixing and updating our energy infrastructure is doable. Its not a technology problem, its not an engineering problem, its a financial engineering problem, Gen. Wesley Clark says in it.
These events are always amusing to me as sides try their political spin when the reality is always something more mundane/non-partisan.
Texas energy shortage due to freeze – Republican State – blame renewables
California huge wildfires – Democrat State – blame climate change
So the California fires did actually come from that Jewish space laser then and have nothing at all to do with climate change.
Got it.
[b]North Dakota Blocks Wind Power to Save Coal Jobs[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/02/25/npr-north-dakota-officials-block-wind-power-in-effort-to-save-coal]Minnesota Public Radio[/link]: North Dakota has lots of coal. It also has strong and consistent winds. It might be the perfect spot to showcase the long-awaited energy transition from climate-warming fossil fuels to climate-saving renewables.
Yet that transition has hit a snag. Two counties in the state have enacted drastic restrictions on new wind projects in an attempt to save coal mining jobs, despite protests from landowners whod like to rent their land to wind energy companies. Its a sign of how difficult that transition can be for communities that depend on coal for jobs and tax revenue.-
Quote from dergon
[b]North Dakota Blocks Wind Power to Save Coal Jobs[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/02/25/npr-north-dakota-officials-block-wind-power-in-effort-to-save-coal]Minnesota Public Radio[/link]: North Dakota has lots of coal. It also has strong and consistent winds. It might be the perfect spot to showcase the long-awaited energy transition from climate-warming fossil fuels to climate-saving renewables.
Yet that transition has hit a snag. Two counties in the state have enacted drastic restrictions on new wind projects in an attempt to save coal mining jobs, despite protests from landowners whod like to rent their land to wind energy companies. Its a sign of how difficult that transition can be for communities that depend on coal for jobs and tax revenue.
Tilting at windmills, literally.
The local yokels probably figure that they just have to make it through the next 4 years until the triumphant return of king coal.
[link=https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/542126-interior-moves-closer-to-approving-first-us-commercial-scale]Interior moves closer to approving first US commercial-scale offshore wind project[/link]
[link=https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/542126-interior-moves-closer-to-approving-first-us-commercial-scale]Interior moves closer to approving first US commercial-scale offshore wind project[/link]
Interior released a Final Environmental Impact Statement, the last step before it issues a decision on whether it will approve or deny the request to build the 800-megawatt project 12 miles from Marthas Vineyard.
If approved, the Vineyard Wind 1 project, a joint venture between Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and Avangrid Renewable, would be expected to be completed in 2023.
It is much larger than the countrys existing offshore wind farms, the 30-megawatt Block Island Wind Farm and the 12-megawatt Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind pilot project.
Bidens infrastructure plan aims to turbocharge U.S. shift from fossil fuels[/h1] [h2]New standard would mandate renewable-energy use by utilities, while tax breaks and spending would promote climate-friendly technologies[/h2]
The linchpin of Bidens plan, which he detailed in a speech Wednesday in Pittsburgh, is the creation of a national standard requiring utilities to use a specific amount of solar, wind and other renewable energy to power American homes, businesses and factories. The amount would increase over time, cutting the nations use of coal, gas and oil over the next 15 years.
While 30 states and the District of Columbia [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2020/07/30/biden-calls-100-percent-clean-electricity-by-2035-heres-how-far-we-have-go/?itid=lk_inline_manual_5]already direct their utilities to include some portion of renewable energy[/link], Bidens strategy would amount to the most sweeping federal intervention in the electricity sector in generations.
Biden said his plan would confront climate change, while putting the U.S. ahead of its economic competitors. Its going to boost Americas innovative edge in markets where global leadership is up for grabs, he said.[/QUOTE]
Interesting location. If you go east towards Johnstown theres windmills all over the old coal mining hills.
[h1][b]Texas Legislation Attacks Renewables Despite Natural Gas Failures[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.texastribune.org/2021/04/19/texas-renewable-energy-oil-gas/]Texas Tribune[/link]: Texas lawmakers have been advancing sweeping legislation to address some of the major issues stemming from Februarys deadly winter storm and catastrophic power outages.
But some of the legislative moves are targeting renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, which experts and some lawmakers say seems more like a way to protect oil and gas interests than fix problems with the states beleaguered power grid.
It’s 2021 and they had people freeze to death. Kids FFS.
[b]Biden Moves to Unwind Trump Auto-Emissions Policy[/b][/h1]
The Biden administration is moving to end a legal battle with California over the states authority to regulate motor-vehicle emissions, setting the stage for stricter regulations on the auto industry, the [link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-administration-moves-to-unwind-trump-auto-emissions-policy-11619023946]Wall Street Journal[/link] reports.
Administration officials could announce their first steps as early as Friday, these people said, as President Biden concludes a two-day international summit via videoconference to address climate change. It would be the latest in a series of efforts to unwind Trump administration policies that eased environmental rules. -
[h1][b]EPA Will Let California Set Climate Limits for Cars[/b][/h1]
The Environmental Protection Agency announced Monday that it will move to grant California permission to set stricter climate requirements for cars and SUVs, a reversal of a [link=https://politicalwire.com/2019/09/17/trump-will-end-californias-stricter-auto-emissions-rules/]key Trump administration policy[/link], the [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2021/04/26/california-car-climate-waiver/]Washington Post[/link] reports.
The step, coming days after the Transportation Department withdrew Trump-era restrictions of state tailpipe emission rules, could help pave the way for a broader climate deal with the nations automakers.
Chernobyl warming up again with nuclear reactions?
Thirty-five years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine exploded in the worlds worst nuclear accident, fission reactions are smoldering again in uranium fuel masses buried deep inside a mangled reactor hall. Its like the embers in a barbecue pit, says Neil Hyatt, a nuclear materials chemist at the University of Sheffield. Now, Ukrainian scientists are scrambling to determine whether the reactions will wink out on their ownor require extraordinary interventions to avert another accident.
Sensors are tracking a rising number of neutrons, a signal of fission, streaming from one inaccessible room, Anatolii Doroshenko of the Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants (ISPNPP) in Kyiv, Ukraine, reported last week during discussions about dismantling the reactor. There are many uncertainties, says ISPNPPs Maxim Saveliev. But we cant rule out the possibility of [an] accident. The neutron counts are rising slowly, Saveliev says, suggesting managers still have a few years to figure out how to stifle the threat. Any remedy he and his colleagues come up with will be of keen interest to Japan, which is [link=https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/03/physician-has-studied-fukushima-disaster-decade-and-found-surprising-health-threat]coping with the aftermath of its own nuclear disaster[/link] 10 years ago at Fukushima, Hyatt notes. Its a similar magnitude of hazard.
The specter of self-sustaining fission, or criticality, in the nuclear ruins has long haunted Chernobyl.
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2021/05/26/exxonmobil-rebel-shareholders-win-board-seats/]Washington Post[/link]: ExxonMobil shareholders voted Wednesday to install at least two new independent directors to the companys board, a resounding defeat for chief executive Darren Woods and a ratification of shareholders unhappiness with the way the company had been addressing climate change and its lagging financial performance.Both sides spent tens of millions of dollars on the hard-fought campaign.
Shell Loses Climate Case That May Set Precedent for Big Oil[/h1]
[link=https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/RDSA:LN]Royal Dutch Shell Plc[/link] was ordered by a Dutch court to slash its emissions harder and faster than planned, a ruling that could have far-reaching consequences for the rest of the global fossil fuel industry.
Shell, which said it expects to appeal the ruling, has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 20% within a decade, and to net-zero before 2050. Thats not enough, a court in The Hague ruled Wednesday, ordering the oil producer to slash emissions 45% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels.
The court said the ruling applies to the entire Shell group, which is headquartered in the Dutch city and incorporated in the U.K. That raises the prospect of the company having to radically speed up its current climate and divestment policies in order to hit the new target. The ruling will be scrutinized globally amid a new era of litigation related to climate change.
This is big news for carbon emitters everywhere, not just in the oil industry, Angus Walker, an environmental lawyer at BDP Pitmans in London, said. This may spread from large emitters to small, and from the Netherlands to other countries, at least in terms of challenges, if not successful ones.
[link=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-27/shell-s-court-rebuke-marks-the-start-of-a-new-war-against-big-oil?srnd=premium]Shells Court Rebuke Marks the Start of a New War Against Big Oil
The case probably wont have an impact on U.S. courts, he said, which have jurisdiction over some of the worlds biggest oil companies. This approach is not something that works with the framework we have in the U.S. because we dont have statutes, he said. If you want change or liability at a company level, you need to ask congress to pass a law, and thats been the stumbling block in the U.S.
Still, pressure will continue to increase on U.S. oil companies which have so far lagged their European competitors on green plans, Carbon Trackers Coffin said. In another sign that the energy transition has reached a point of no return, stock investors [link=https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-27/big-oil-s-climate-change-takedown-arrives-with-stunning-rebukes?srnd=green&sref=FUtuEW8l]on Wednesday[/link] ousted two Exxon directors seen as insufficiently attuned to climate change.
That climate litigation and shareholder activism have suddenly become real risks for the worlds largest producers of fossil fuels is good for climate, but good for investors too, Coffin said. It should reduce the amount of potentially stranded assets that a company owns, leaving investors less exposed to a sector that will decline as the energy transition advances.[/QUOTE]
[b]Texas Energy Grid Was Within Minutes of Collapse[/b][/h1] [link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/texas-electrical-grid-bigger-disaster-february-freeze-black-starts-11622124896?mod=politics_featst_pos3]Wall Street Journal[/link] –
The Texas electric grid came within five minutes of a complete collapse in mid-February.”
If grid operators had completely lost control of the situationthey didnt, although they came closethe spotty performance of the black start units could have left Texans without power for much longer than a few days. How long is impossible to say, though by the grid operators own estimate, a total collapse could have caused weeks or even months of outages.