How much do you drink?
Posted by Melenas on December 12, 2021 at 4:45 pmThe national guideline seems to be 2 drinks per day for a man and one drink for woman per day on average.
2 drinks on a Friday night to me seems so restricted, may as well not drink. I can put down 4 beers quick and crave for another 2 before the night is over. I gotta be an alcoholic.
So, how much is too much? Are these guidelines overly protective or are they based on solid science?
Do you like to take a shot prior to going to bed?
xavivillagran_893 replied 3 years, 2 months ago 28 Members · 58 Replies -
58 Replies
You do understand the mathematical construct of ‘on average’, right ?
And on the regular nightcap the answer is no.
1-2 glasses of wine per month.
1 glass of bourbon a month.
No beer.
The problem with the “1 glass of wine per day” thing is the same as people who drink coffee. 1 glass of 4 oz becomes 1 glass of 8 oz over time and then a glass and a half…and so on.
Very hard for humans to stick to the same amount every day, especially with something that comes from a larger “pourable” like wine and coffee.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 12, 2021 at 7:56 pm
Quote from Cubsfan10
1 glass of bourbon a month.
I don’ know what to make of this?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 12, 2021 at 9:28 pmA lot less than I used to. Still too much. Beer, wine, bourbon, brandy, tequila, jezynowka in the winter
Strong cultural proclivity for alcohol as supplement to any entertainment around here. I spend a lot of time in outdoor activity, uncommon to not have a flask in pocket. No social event is ever dry.
Almost never drink to inebriation for many years now. -
Quote from drad123
Quote from Cubsfan10
1 glass of bourbon a month.
I don’ know what to make of this?
If Pappy VanWinkle, maybe Cubsfan can’t afford it more often
An alcoholic is someone who drinks more than me
Quote from SP333
Quote from drad123
Quote from Cubsfan10
1 glass of bourbon a month.
I don’ know what to make of this?
If Pappy VanWinkle, maybe Cubsfan can’t afford it more often
Lol what is going on here?
I only drink a glass when I have certain out of town friend(s) over which averages out to about once/month.
average 3 glasses white wine/night with dinner. Incorporated lower carb/alcohol wine last few months so hard to exactly come up with an equivalent. At times I wonder if I’m some type of alcoholic/wino or alcohol dependent but when I assess my overall health/fitness, I am happy where I am at…Last time I had hard liquor was probably over 10 years ago when I was out and about trying to get some (lot’s of stoli & red bull-unique, awful alcohol/power drink hang-over, fun times!)…if there was no white wine, then I guess I would try red but can’t do beer/hard stuff at this point.
[link=https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/alcohol/alcohol-fact-sheet#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20strong%20scientific%20consensus%20that%20alcohol,of%20alcoholic%20beverages%20as%20a%20known%20human%20carcinogen.]Alcohol and Cancer Risk Fact Sheet – National Cancer Institute[/link]
“Even those who have no more than one drink per day and binge drinkers (those who consume 4 or more drinks for women and 5 or more drinks for men in one sitting) have a modestly increased risk of some cancers” -
I only drink a couple of times a month on a weekend day ( mainly wine, low alcohol content and with food).
From personal experience, alcohol will not reduce stress, it will add to it over time. It will not help you to sleep, will make it worse over time. It may relax you for a day here and there, but will make you anxious as you get older.
So, drink up if you want to and are younger…as you may no longer like it / tolerate it !
My brother has had exactly the same experience and he hardly drinks at all.
To OP: Night cap/ shot at night is a no no. Don’t get into that habit. Keep your sleep clean.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 12, 2021 at 7:36 pmOnly time Ive had alcohol was when my dad gave me a sip of beer when I was 6.
On Monday, I’ll go ‘christmas shopping’ with a couple of buddies. The first time they asked me along, I didn’t know that we were ‘shopping’ for drinks in a series of bars 🙂
Other than that, my house is where ‘beer goes to die’. If I have leftovers from some family event, it usually goes stale before it gets consumed.
Ha ha …I was 13 when my dad gave me a taste of beer. ” Better at home than outside and ONLY a taste ” he had said….I am glad I didn’t like the taste of it until older.
Looks like turned out ok ! -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 13, 2021 at 6:54 am2 or 3 old fashioneds or manhattans a week. Sometimes i will have a scotch or bourbon straight/neat. Wine with the Mrs one or two a week. No beer or shots. Try to keep the calories down. Once every 2 to 3 months i go “all out” and have champagne at da club lol. Pay dearly for it the next day. Whoever develops a real Hangover cure pill will be the first trillionaire.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 13, 2021 at 7:25 amI avoid alcohol on the weekdays. Drink most weekends- try to limit it to 2-3 drinks. Filthy habit. Grandmother was an alcoholic. I have a brother who is an alcoholic. Dangerous stuff.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 13, 2021 at 7:43 amRemoved due to GDPR request
One or two drinks per month. Alcohol is terrible for the body and mind.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 13, 2021 at 10:31 am[Deleted by Admin]
It depends how much time I spend on Aunt Minnie reading these forums.
Big cultural differences across the Atlantic, although the millennials over here are generally more puritan in their drinking too.
I thought lots of you proclaimed Irish, Scandinavian or northern European origins!
The old UK definition of an alcoholic was someone who drank more than their doctor.
Quote from max13
Big cultural differences across the Atlantic, although the millennials over here are generally more puritan in their drinking too.
I thought lots of you proclaimed Irish, Scandinavian or northern European origins!
The old UK definition of an alcoholic was someone who drank more than their doctor.
Both my parents are Eastern European which may explain my drinking habits and tolerance…Honestly the US over-consumption/addiction to refined sugar/processed food and factory farmed processed meat (w/all the crap that is put into these animals), is way more a health risk than having a few drinks each night. Dry Farm Wines is really good. I had regular wine the other night at dinner and felt like cr*p afterward. -
Quote from jd4540
Dry Farm Wines is really good.
Another plug for DFW. Lower alcohol. No residual sugar. No SO2 during vinification. Can be a bit funky because they are “natural” wines and things can go wrong. A good trade off to sleep better and avoid the hangover but also enjoy a glass or two with the evening meal. We used to share a bottle of CA “cult” wine a night. That was not good. Been ten plus years since those days.
a couple times per year i drink (heavily)
otherwise zero alcohol -
Quote from Thread Killer
Quote from jd4540
Dry Farm Wines is really good.
Another plug for DFW. Lower alcohol. No residual sugar. No SO2 during vinification. Can be a bit funky because they are “natural” wines and things can go wrong. A good trade off to sleep better and avoid the hangover but also enjoy a glass or two with the evening meal. We used to share a bottle of CA “cult” wine a night. That was not good. Been ten plus years since those days.
Yeah the other night my wife and I were out and ordered the normal stuff, seemed extremely heavy and just off compared to DFW. Def affected my sleep/mood next day -
Meh. Saying natural doesnt cause hangovers is crap. Kinda like people that eat organic or non GMO. Also crap pseudoscience placebo. I drink good wine a lot without issue. Mostly french, spanish portuguese and italian red. Never under $20 a bottle and always highly rated wines.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 14, 2021 at 9:14 pm…
Usually 2-3 drinks a night, 6-7 on weekends. 2, maybe 3 nights off a week. Liver looks fine on US and LFTs, everything else is good. Not so worried about it.
Quote from nighthawker
Usually 2-3 drinks a night, 6-7 on weekends. 2, maybe 3 nights off a week.
Right there with ya’
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 15, 2021 at 6:26 amI tried a wine called “Fit Vine”. It is supposed to have less sugars and be more “natural”. I had a headache for 2 days afterwards. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.
Quote from Sir Read Alot
I tried a wine called “Fit Vine”. It is supposed to have less sugars and be more “natural”. I had a headache for 2 days afterwards. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.
I checked out their website. Truly frightening. -
Quote from chitownrads18
Meh. Saying natural doesnt cause hangovers is crap. Kinda like people that eat organic or non GMO. Also crap pseudoscience placebo. I drink good wine a lot without issue. Mostly french, spanish portuguese and italian red. Never under $20 a bottle and always highly rated wines.
Nobody said natural does not cause hangovers. If DFWs dont it would only be due to lower alcohol. One thing they do have less of is histamines. Helps with those of us with less diamine oxidase in the gut.
I drink all of those also. DFW May overlap. The wine is not made by them only sourced. Most are French.
I really dont have too much issue with hangovers its the waking up at 2AM part that is nice to avoid. Lower alcohol and residual sugar definitely helps there.
I try to limit my intake to Friday and Saturday nights only. Goal is 3-4 beers or glasses or wine with the Mrs. from 5pm to 9pm for the desired hour/drink metabolic standard which does seem to keep any hangover in check. Lots of water too. Any greater indulgence is just not worth the inevitable poor sleep and hangover. Occasional ounce of bourbon a couple of times/month. May also have 1-2 drinks/evening during a week that I’m on vacation. Since I hit late middle age (now in early 60’s), I frankly don’t seem to enjoy alcohol as much as I did in my younger days. I’ve also wondered/worried that I’m a binge alcoholic based upon the literature. As I recall, the vast majority of alcohol consumption (esp. more than 2 drinks/day) occurs in a single digit minority of all drinkers. Definite history of EtOH in my family tree.
Like OP, I think about this with greater frequency each year. Never gave it a second thought before my mid 50’s. -
If you’re concerned enough to ask about this on an anonymous internet BB, it’s time to stop drinking.
Either a finger of bourbon or a beer a day. Sometimes two if Ive had a really rough shift. Probably 6 days a week. Binge drinking for me is 4 drinks on a night out maybe once a month. Im enjoying drinking less the older I get. I prioritize a good morning gym session over having two drinks and feeling bad in the am.
Quote from Dr. Joseph Mama
If you’re concerned enough to ask about this on an anonymous internet BB, it’s time to stop drinking.
I appreciate your advice, although that wasn’t the intent of my musings . Rather, I was trying to present another perspective, as most responses seem to trend towards abstinence – minimal consumption, which is not at all my experience with colleagues and friends through the years. -
“most responses seem to trend towards abstinence”
participation bias. -
Yeah I think there is a participation bias here. I don’t drink (bad family history) but perhaps because I live in a major metro everyone else I know does way more than is presented here.
I was drinking about 3 glassed of red wine per night. Started to cut back when I finished a bottle one night (4.5 glasses). Now I drink maybe 1-2 glasses every other night and 3-4 on weekends. I dont see a problem with it but wife doesnt like it. In my opinion youre still better off drinking 3-4 glasses of red wine per night than being a fat slob. My guess is your liver is also more at risk by being a fatso too. If youre already obese and drinking that much, likely should reconsider your priorities and stick to being a fatty or drink but not both
Quote from chitownrads18
I was drinking about 3 glassed of red wine per night. Started to cut back when I finished a bottle one night (4.5 glasses). Now I drink maybe 1-2 glasses every other night and 3-4 on weekends. I dont see a problem with it but wife doesnt like it. In my opinion youre still better off drinking 3-4 glasses of red wine per night than being a fat slob. My guess is your liver is also more at risk by being a fatso too. If youre already obese and drinking that much, likely should reconsider your priorities and stick to being a fatty or drink but not both
You sound a lot like me 4-5 years ago. Trying to cut back a bit more and DFW helps lower overall alcohol consumptions. -
Quote from Thread Killer
Quote from chitownrads18
I was drinking about 3 glassed of red wine per night. Started to cut back when I finished a bottle one night (4.5 glasses). Now I drink maybe 1-2 glasses every other night and 3-4 on weekends. I dont see a problem with it but wife doesnt like it. In my opinion youre still better off drinking 3-4 glasses of red wine per night than being a fat slob. My guess is your liver is also more at risk by being a fatso too. If youre already obese and drinking that much, likely should reconsider your priorities and stick to being a fatty or drink but not both
You sound a lot like me 4-5 years ago. Trying to cut back a bit more and DFW helps lower overall alcohol consumptions.
I mix my DFW with lower carb/alcohol wine (typically Yellow Tail which is around 8.5% compared to the typical 12-13%). Since I drink white I also throw in ice cubes. Though this reveals my lack of sophistication when it comes to wine, it seems to work for me (no issues with weight gain and no longer have the 3 am wake-up). As already mentioned, there’s more to DFW that its slightly lower alcohol content.
Overall interesting thread. My sense is there is still a strong stigma against those that drink “too” much. Yet being over-weight/obese and regularly eating garbage on a daily basis is socially acceptable. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 16, 2021 at 8:34 am
Quote from chitownrads18
I was drinking about 3 glassed of red wine per night. Started to cut back when I finished a bottle one night (4.5 glasses). Now I drink maybe 1-2 glasses every other night and 3-4 on weekends. I dont see a problem with it but wife doesnt like it. In my opinion youre still better off drinking 3-4 glasses of red wine per night than being a fat slob. My guess is your liver is also more at risk by being a fatso too. If youre already obese and drinking that much, likely should reconsider your priorities and stick to being a fatty or drink but not both
Listen to your wife.
Basically none. Quit maybe 6 years ago? Was just not enjoying it enough to make up for bad sleep and life was very busy. I also suffer from periodic depression and found alcohol exacerbated that.
Dont miss it one bit. If there is a truly exceptional wine being consumed I will have a sip.When you arent consuming regularly you can really taste the bitter alcohol in anything but the best wine and it is fairly unpleasant.
certainly a lot of people get a lot of pleasure from it. But if you dont anymore, just quit.
For anyone who wonders whether alcohol affects their life/health, there is a simple test, and it’s free:
Don’t drink for a week. If after a week you are not sure, don’t drink for a month.
If alcohol doesn’t affect your life, this will be easy to do. If you find out that it is hard…… -
Quote from fw
For anyone who wonders whether alcohol affects their life/health, there is a simple test, and it’s free:
Don’t drink for a week. If after a week you are not sure, don’t drink for a month.
If alcohol doesn’t affect your life, this will be easy to do. If you find out that it is hard……
I do a dry January every year. Not only is it easy I get in better shape and generally feel better. I often start thinking what I am going to do with my wine cellar towards the end because I might not drink again. Then there is a particular meal or some other event I want to enjoy a glass or cocktail with and go back to the routine. Not sure what that says
Quote from pov
Basically none. Quit maybe 6 years ago? Was just not enjoying it enough to make up for bad sleep and life was very busy. I also suffer from periodic depression and found alcohol exacerbated that.
Dont miss it one bit. If there is a truly exceptional wine being consumed I will have a sip.
When you arent consuming regularly you can really taste the bitter alcohol in anything but the best wine and it is fairly unpleasant.
certainly a lot of people get a lot of pleasure from it. But if you dont anymore, just quit.
Good point. Def there are issues if one does not gain pleasure from it yet continue to drink simple to numb out.
Definitely going to get lots of selection bias here. Nobodys going to report drinking a 12 pack at night or something.
That said, usually a glass of wine with dinner if cooking at home. And a six pack of beer on the weekends during college football tailgating season.
Quote from acpce1
Definitely going to get lots of selection bias here. Nobodys going to report drinking a 12 pack at night or something.
That said, usually a glass of wine with dinner if cooking at home. And a six pack of beer on the weekends during college football tailgating season.
Cannot argue with your statements but have you heard of AA? Joking aside, life is hard/challenging/fleeting. Do what you need to do in order to live the best life you can. As long as one fulfills their duties as parent/spouse/physician etc, all is good in my book. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 17, 2021 at 6:55 amI worry that my drinking will increase as i approach and reach retirement
Quote from Sir Read Alot
I worry that my drinking will increase as i approach and reach retirement
Got to be fully present in life to truly enjoy it. That concept (and my wife!) help me keep things in check. -
Quote from K Edge
Quote from Sir Read Alot
I worry that my drinking will increase as i approach and reach retirement
Got to be fully present in life to truly enjoy it. That concept (and my wife!) help me keep things in check.
As a recent retiree (one year this month), alcohol consumption creep can be rather insidious. I also have a strong family hx of alcoholism so it’s been in the back of my mind for several years now. It’s easy to just have “just one more” when you don’t have the same work responsibilities next morning. I’ve also found there is a bit of a grieving process that occurs when you lose your professional persona as your work can be a large part of your identity. That part kind of surprised me as many people I know count the days to retirement. I didn’t do that but was burning out, had enough years in for a full pension and had a consulting opportunity that interested me. I decided to retire for good after my last project finished up.
I’m lucky to have a wife that keeps me on track and busy, grandkids that definitely keep me on the run, and Search and Rescue requires I stay in some semblance of shape. That said I’m not teetotal, just drink in moderation…usually. -
On the contrary, you won’t be able to tolerate that much as you get older. Your sleep will get disturbed and you will slowly cherish your sleep more than the drink.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 17, 2021 at 2:02 pmHmmm I already do love my naps…
Quote from K Edge
Quote from Dr. Joseph Mama
If you’re concerned enough to ask about this on an anonymous internet BB, it’s time to stop drinking.
I appreciate your advice, although that wasn’t the intent of my musings . Rather, I was trying to present another perspective, as most responses seem to trend towards abstinence – minimal consumption, which is not at all my experience with colleagues and friends through the years.
My response was meant for the OP and as a general response to posting about concerns regarding one’s alcohol consumption. Sorry for any confusion.
I try to be non-judgmental regarding another person’s alcohol intake though I’ll freely admit that, having had both personal and professional interactions with alcoholics of varying degrees of (dis)function, I may be easily “triggered.” For me, it’s not so much that amount and/or frequency of alcohol intake that’s troublesome, it’s more how the person handles the amount they are imbibing. A lot of who you are is the average of the five people you spend the most time with and if one (or more) of them is a sloppy/angry drunk, it’ll bring you down.
Perhaps the last vestige of any religious education/indoctrination from my youth is giving up booze for Lent. Have been doing it since my 20’s (oh so long ago) with the thought that if I ever get to the point where I can’t give up booze for 40 days, then it’s time for me to give it up completely. Have noticed for the last 10 years or so that I do feel generally better during Lent and have used that realization to cut down generally outside of Lent. Confounding factor could be a twinge of seasonal affective disorder that lifts as winter abates and spring takes hold.
Quote from Sir Read Alot
2 or 3 old fashioneds or manhattans a week. Sometimes i will have a scotch or bourbon straight/neat. Wine with the Mrs one or two a week. No beer or shots. Try to keep the calories down. Once every 2 to 3 months i go “all out” and have champagne at da club lol. Pay dearly for it the next day. Whoever develops a real Hangover cure pill will be the first trillionaire.
The hangover thing is real, if coffee didn’t exist, I probably wouldn’t drink as much as I do sometimes (haha) … message me Sir RA