House Investigations of the Trump administration
btomba_77 replied 3 years, 8 months ago 9 Members · 109 Replies
Trump’s lawyer is now in court .. reduced to arguing that the Watergate congressional investigations were illegal after all.
Throwing a hail mary to SCOTUS in hopes of a massive overturn of legal precedence. (I mean like [i]Marbury v Madison[/i] level of overturn.)
U.S. District Court judge Amit Mehta raised pointed doubts about arguments by President Trumps legal team that a Democratic effort to subpoena Trumps financial records was an invalid exercise of congressional power, [link=https://www.politico.com/story/2019/05/14/trump-subpoena-congress-legal-1318867?nname=playbook-pm&nid=0000015a-dd3e-d536-a37b-dd7fd8af0000&nrid=0000014e-f0fe-dd93-ad7f-f8ff7e290000&nlid=964328]Politico[/link] reports.
Mehta indicated that he would have trouble ruling that Congress goal in accessing the presidents records was unconstitutional as Trumps lawyers have argued and he underscored that he believes Congress has a significant informing function that doesnt necessarily require an explicit legislative purpose to justify an investigation involving the president.
sorry I cant cut and paste links
Walter Dellinger’s opinion piece in the WP is short and to the point.-
[b][size=”5″]Brennan and Comey are F’d in the A[/size][/b]
They better get 5-fold more lawyers, there’s trouble a-brewin’
So sorry-
[b]Judge Upholds Subpoena for Trump Financial Records
[/b][/h1] [b]
A federal judge in Washington D.C. refused to block a House subpoena to President Trumps accounting firm for his financial records on Monday, [link=https://www.axios.com/dc-judge-upholds-house-subpoena-trumps-financial-records-acde1f07-cc4e-442c-b144-b0e7c535cb5f.html?stream=politics&utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alerts_politics]Axios[/link] reports.
[link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/judge-rejects-trump-request-to-block-subpoena-for-accounting-records-11558386548?mod=djemalertNEWS]Wall Street Journal[/link]: The House Oversight Committee is seeking eight years of financial statements and other records related to Mr. Trump, his real-estate company, his foundation and other entities belonging to the president.-
They appealed and the judge is supposed to be Merrick Garland. Thats a karma moment.
House Judiciary Subpoenas Hope Hicks[/h1]
The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed former White House communications director Hope Hicks for documents and testimony related to its investigation into possible obstruction of justice and public corruption by the Trump administration, [link=https://www.axios.com/house-judiciary-committee-subpoenas-hope-hicks-ae88c865-08a3-460b-ae6d-349930333f9d.html?stream=politics&utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alerts_politics]Axios[/link]reports.-
[b]House pauses on Barr Contrempt vote, will look to the courts to enforce subpoenas of Trump administration officials [/b]
After weeks of pledging to hold Attorney General William Barr and the former White House counsel Donald McGahn in contempt for defying subpoenas, House Democrats appear poised to pursue an alternative path to try to force them into sharing information, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/06/us/politics/house-contempt-resolution.html]New York Times [/link]reports.
A resolution that the House Rules Committee unveiled on Thursday would authorize the House to petition a federal court to enforce its requests for information and testimony related to the report of the special counsel, Robert Mueller, but without mentioning contempt.
The Democratic party looks more weak and feckless every day.
You would prefer they declare Barr in contempt & then try to have him arrested? Wouldn’t that be a circus.
What would you advise they do?
Keeping up the pressure is the best way.
In 1832 the Supreme Court ruled against President Jackson about the forced taking of American-Indian lands by Stares and the Federal government. Jackson’s response?
John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.
I’m not sure Pelosi and Schumer commanding Barr’s arrest is the best answer.
What’s the matter with 25K a day fines?
Don’t arrest them, take their assets.-
Because it will still go to the Courts bor them to decide.
[b]House Votes to Enforce Subpoenas [/b]
The House took its strongest step yet in the standoff with President Trump over congressional oversight, voting Tuesday to seek court enforcement of subpoenas for Attorney General William Barr and former White House counsel Donald McGahn, the [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/stepping-up-trump-clash-house-to-vote-to-enforce-barr-and-mcgahn-subpoenas/2019/06/11/a1343cea-8c4f-11e9-b6f4-033356502dce_story.html?utm_term=.535caf87bcda&wpisrc=al_news__alert-politics–alert-national&wpmk=1]Washington Post[/link] reports.
On a party-line vote of 229-to-191, the House passed a resolution that would empower the House Judiciary Committee to go to court against Barr and McGahn over non-compliance with requests for documents and testimony.-
Hey! Someone want to tell Jerry Nadler the 70’s called. They want John Dean back. What a joke – then Rep Greasy fingered Kentucky Fried Chicken Cohen crying boo-hoo about cable news outlets complaining that they didn’t get any coverage by the news outlets except CSPAN 3, he claimed doesn’t have the coverage, because they all covered the chopper crash in NYC instead of convicted CNN hack Dean. So was it really that important to have a 70’s convict throwback or was all about the theater they wanted so badly to get out of it?
It’s political theater but that’s not to say John Dean doesn’t have unique insight on history.
It gave Gym Jordan and Matt Gaetz a chance to look like goofs also.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 11, 2019 at 9:10 pmMonthly reminder that Leftists were theatrically up in arms at the notion that Trump wouldn’t accept the election results should he lose.
Just goes to show that Leftists always lie and project.-
does he accept the results? Like didn’t he try and make things up about illegal votes by the millions. Just a couple of examples.
Trump Speaking
“In many places, like California, the same person votes many times you’ve probably heard about that,” Trump said. “They always like to say ‘oh that’s a conspiracy theory’ not a conspiracy theory folks. Millions and millions of people.”
Trump Tweet
Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California – so why isn’t the media reporting on this? Serious bias – big problem!-
Look like goofs – They made him look an old man in a time warp by showing what a hack he is and that he brought nothing to the table. The guy is a paid pundit for CNN appearing hundreds of times. CNN tried protecting him putting out story lines about Nadler shuts down Jordan. Actually Jordan made Nadler look bad when Nadler accused him of disparaging the witness and Jordan come right back at him with, How am “I disparaging him I am reading his own words?”
Dean is a political throwback that has made several comments in the past when a situation occurs that this is “worse than Watergate.” It was pure theater for 2020 and it totally backfired. Dems are getting nervous – what will Barr, IG, and Durham turn up? They are trying to distract from what may possibly be several indictments.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 12, 2019 at 7:31 amDean looks younger than trump
Trump looks like a fat old guy riding a scooter at Disney
Did you see him in England??? 300lbs sweaty and out of breath
Poor slob wont be able to walk in a few years
Traitor Don boldly states yesterday that he would welcome more Russian interference this coming election!
Traitor McConnell will help the Russians and Traitor Don by twiddling and dawdling.
Patriotic traitors. And the Tea Baggers were for the Constitution and America? -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 13, 2019 at 11:33 am
Quote from kpack123
Dean looks younger than trump
Trump looks like a fat old guy riding a scooter at Disney
Did you see him in England??? 300lbs sweaty and out of breath
Poor slob wont be able to walk in a few years
He sure walks better than HRC and slurs less than Biden.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 13, 2019 at 11:48 amNot really
He looks like a scooter grandpa at Walmart
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 13, 2019 at 11:52 amEl Puerco
I love the direction this thread is going
It’s awesome too that we get to see another 4 years of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
When people go to jail it’ll even be funnier, finally real justice, not SJW imagination. -
With Russia’s help again – [u][i]maybe[/i][/u] Comrade Fartiblartfast.
Then again maybe not. Maybe Comrade Trump will go to prison which is why he fears not getting reelected so much.
You can bring Comrade Trump lunch, Comrade Fartiblartfast, and tell him what a great hero to Mother Russia he was. -
When you start talking about how Biden is a chinese agent, we’ll start taking you seriously. Until then, you are the hack we know you are.
A Chinese agent? You mean Biden is behind that Chinese conspiracy of climate warming?
I KNEW it!
You ARE a total tool idiot. -
Trump knows there is no Deep State conspiracy.
During an interview with ABCs George Stephanopoulos that aired in full on Sunday, President Donald Trump accidentally undercut the conspiracy theory hes been pushing about how the Obama-era FBI leadership purportedly conspired to keep him from winning the 2016 election.
After Trump demeaned top FBI brass as lowlives, claimed that the entire investigation into Russian interference and his campaigns role in it was a setup that President Barack Obama must have known about, and referenced an August 2016 text message in which then-FBI agent Peter Strzok mentioned an insurance policy, Stephanopoulos asked him a critical question.
If they were determined to prevent you from becoming president, why wouldnt they leak it beforehand? he said.
But instead of pushing back, Trump acknowledged that Stephanopouloss premise was correct.
You know what, youd have to ask them, Trump said. And you know what had that gone out before the election, I dont think I would have had enough time to defend myself.
In other words, even Trump agrees that had top FBI officials leaked word about the Trump campaigns contacts with Russia being under investigation in the months leading up to the election, it likely would have been fatal to his presidential hopes.
And yet Comey did find it necessary to talk about new findings with Hillarys email only a few days before Election Day!
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 17, 2019 at 11:02 amIts not about right or wrong
Its not about honesty or character
Its about winning and argument by seeing if you can totally bull sheet the opposing side
Thats what winning is all about in todays reality show president
One day we are going to look back on this time period in total disbelief
Robert Mueller to finally testify before a Congress.
About time.
Quote from Frumious
A Chinese agent? You mean Biden is behind that Chinese conspiracy of climate warming?
I KNEW it!
You ARE a total tool idiot.
It gets worse. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you really are uninformed. If you do, you are again, proven to be a liar. You lose, yet again.
Billions to Hunter Biden and you talk about the president. You are really are the saddest piece of internet dookie possible. -
[b]Trump Lashes Out at House Investigations [/b]
President Trump on Thursday laid into congressional Democrats over their investigations into his administration and 2016 campaign, asking, How many bites at the apple do they get?,’ [link=https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/11/donald-trump-subpoenas-1406488]Politico[/link] reports.
The tweets, which came as part of a larger spree of almost two dozen tweets over the course of the morning, came moments before the House Judiciary Committee gathered to vote on authorizing subpoenas to 12 witnesses in the Mueller investigation.
[link=https://www.vox.com/2019/7/11/20690150/trump-tweets-off-the-rails-july-11-2019]Vox[/link]: Trumps latest morning of tweets was off the rails, even by his standards. -
[link=https://www.politico.com/story/2019/07/11/house-judiciary-approves-subpoenas-for-12-key-mueller-witnesses-including-jared-kushner-1407428]House Judiciary approves subpoenas for 12 key Mueller witnesses, including Jared Kushner[/link]
Some dork from Texas is apparently filing impeachment papers today. Seems pretty dumb move if you’re not going to go through the hearings. The whole point is to wall to wall paper DJT’s dirty deeds.
[h1][b]House Democrats Can Sue to Force McGahn to Testify[/b][/h1]
A federal appeals court ruled that House Democrats can sue to force former White House counsel Donald McGahn to comply with a congressional subpoena, the [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/legal-issues/house-can-sue-to-force-testimony-from-former-white-house-counsel-donald-mcgahn/2020/08/07/6301a7f2-b0c8-11ea-8758-bfd1d045525a_story.html?wpmk=1&wpisrc=al_news__alert-politics–alert-national&utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wp_news_alert_revere&location=alert&pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.MK3gDmxo4u_5kQWnr6Fc0ctAQ2VZrrrLvtHGEkeFa4M]Washington Post[/link] reports.
[link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/appeals-court-revives-house-democrats-lawsuit-seeking-testimony-of-former-trump-white-house-counsel-11596811377?mod=djemalertNEWS]Wall Street Journal[/link]: Fridays decision, by the full membership of the appeals court, replaces a prior three-judge panel ruling from the same court that declined to enforce the subpoena on the grounds that the judiciary should not referee the dispute.
While the ruling removes a major hurdle for the House, it doesnt fully clear the way for the Judiciary Committee to enforce the subpoena because Mr. McGahn has additional legal arguments that havent been resolved.
[b]McGahn to Sit for Interview with House Democrats[/b][/h1]
Former White House counsel Don McGahn will sit for a closed-door interview with House Democrats as part of an agreement to end a nearly two-year legal battle between the Trump White House and Congress, [link=https://thehill.com/homenews/house/553277-mcgahn-to-sit-for-closed-door-interview-with-house-democrats-ending-long]The Hill[/link] reports.