Did police brutality cure COVID?
Posted by jtvanaus on June 2, 2020 at 5:34 pmWTF happened to COVID?
btomba_77 replied 1 year, 6 months ago 23 Members · 424 Replies -
424 Replies
Mainstream media doesn’t need it no more, on to a new narrative to advance their cause!
Im glad the protests are happening
It is a much needed wake up call about police brutality and racism
And it will put to rest the debate about reopening the economy and the second wave thats supposedly coming. If we get a new wave, then we Know this virus here to stay. If cases and deaths continue to downtrend, then we can admit we overreacted and just move on from this
Theres a reason stock market is celebrating the riots, namely its going to be a final nail in the sham lockdowns.
Even the most unintelligent voters can put 2 and 2 together when 2 weeks later ICUs are still half empty.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 2, 2020 at 7:19 pmRemoved due to GDPR request
Right. So well have an answer one way or another.
If the protests dont cause a massive uptick in case, we overestimated the ability of the virus to spread beyond an initial wave
Temperature doesnt mean squat, look at Mexico and Brazil.
If theres no spike in cases after this week, it means the pandemic is going to end in one wave.
Fingers crossed, unless youre rooting for the virus
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 2, 2020 at 7:45 pmRemoved due to GDPR request
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 2, 2020 at 7:54 pm
Quote from AngryBirds
Temperature doesnt mean squat, look at Mexico and Brazil.
If theres no spike in cases after this week, it means the pandemic is going to end in one wave.
Fingers crossed, unless youre rooting for the virus
Weather should make a difference. The virus is spread predominantly via person to person and not via surfaces. If the weather is too hot or too cold, people tend to stay indoors and social distancing is harder so easier to transmit. Arizona is having rising cases and it’s over 100 degrees outside regularly. If the weather is nice and people can go outside then there is more distancing…-
The Italian docs have been saying that the virulence is way down…..new swabs have infinitesimally small amounts in nasal swabs as compared to previous cases in Northern Italy. May be the virus is mutating and trying to survive within the host rather than killing the host?
I pray that these protests remain peaceful and that there is no further violence, loss of life or property and that this horrible virus is on its last legs.
Quote from Picasso01
I pray that these protests remain peaceful and that there is no further violence, loss of life or property and that this horrible virus is on its last legs.
Those protests will kill hundreds of people. Not by violence but by the virus the dumb millennials pick up and bring home to parents and relatives. I guess we’ll learn that if you cram people together outdoors, you can still get pretty efficient transmission.
Or the death and hospitalization rate will continue to decrease and we MIGHT see an uptick in positive cases in young people (which doesn’t really matter). I guess we will find out!
Did your virology and epidemiology lectures teach you that all pandemics infect 100% of vulnerable hosts and occur in multiple waves?
No. Did I ever say that or is that not directed at me?
Quote from Cubsfan10
No. Did I ever say that or is that not directed at me?
I dont think that was directed at you CF. Its one of the problem we face here if posters dont quote and reply below the last post.
I actually wish public sites would quit publishing positive cases and instead only publish daily hospitalizations and deaths and healthcare utilization percentages as compared to normal (although that’s hard info to get accurately). Positive cases are a red herring going forward with so many asymptomatic people, healthy people having a 99.97% survival, and increased testing.
If governments only use an increase in positive tests as the reason to lockdown again in the Fall (not hospitalizations, deaths, hospital resources, etc), I firmly believe that is terrible policy and others will likely agree. Hopefully, no additional riots in response to that but who knows at this point. -
I guess it could be like the 1957-1958 H2N2 pandemic. Also came in a couple waves. -
CF, I believe you are correct. I would like the same thing. However, there are many people that are not yet willing to accept your analysis. It is perfectly understandable and should not be attacked. Just like the police should not confront peaceful protesting with shows of force. All it does is antagonize further and then we get emotional reactions. There is no way for anything good to occur in that situation.
An observation. Young people are willing to risk their lives to solve both of our current global crises. While I have concerns about how it will play out, I am proud of their willingness to speak up and participate. -
So, hopefully people here understand that degree of media coverage of events isn’t the same as the importance of the actual events.
If it was, our news would be nothing but failing education systems, income inequality, and climate change. 😉Quote from Picasso01
I pray that these protests remain peaceful and that there is no further violence, loss of life or property and that this horrible virus is on its last legs.
I also hope that we are past the worst of the violence. (I think it is important to separate the “protests” from the “riots and looting” … they’re separate events.)
And, while I would love to think that there’s a possibility that the virus in “on its last legs,” there is absolutely no reason to believe that. At best, a transient lull during the warm weather …. but it’s here until we get a vaccine or herd immunity (and millions of deaths)
Quote from fw
Those protests will kill hundreds of people. Not by violence but by the virus the dumb millennials pick up and bring home to parents and relatives. I guess we’ll learn that if you cram people together outdoors, you can still get pretty efficient transmission.
Yep. -
How is the present not like February when we all were told that COVID would miraculously disappear? A “nothingburger?”
And here we are with that nothingburger having killed over 108,000 people in America and still going strong at about 1,000 deaths per day?
Quote from dergon
And, while I would love to think that there’s a possibility that the virus in “on its last legs,” there is absolutely no reason to believe that. At best, a transient lull during the warm weather …. but it’s here until we get a vaccine or herd immunity (and millions of deaths)
That was a nice post dergon. I agree with a lot of what you wrote. The only part I question is the parenthetical. Is that a prediction for the U.S.? -
Were coming up on two weeks post Memorial Day when everyone was shocked and worried about the lack of social distancing at gatherings that weekend and we havent seen any significant spike in cases yet. Also, before Memorial Day weekend there were many reopen America protests where fewer people in the protests were wearing masks compared to BLM protested, as a symbol supporting their reopen messaging. I have a hard time believing cases wont continue to downtrend towards zero just like all the other countries that have opened up, such as Spain that reported 0 deaths over a 24 hour period a few days ago.
You are allowed to violently protest cops and perceived systemic racism that is caused by whites, Republicans, and Trump.
You are not allowed to peacefully protest loss of freedoms, jobs, and businesses caused by Dems.
The media tells me so. -
Exactly, CF. Also, the media will tell you (as will dergon) that the protests and riots and looting are separate events. Thats not what the videos show. When you watch the videos of riots and looting, who are the people doing that? Should we believe the media that its white nationalists? That message doesnt match up with the people doing the rioting. I didnt hear of any riots and looting with the reopen America protests. I also havent heard of any COVID-19 spikes on reopen protesters.
Remember the Ozarks pool party a couple weeks ago? What a joke.
Quote from Pedrad2017
Remember the Ozarks pool party a couple weeks ago? What a joke.
Considering that the majority of attendees was from outside the jurisdiction, is now scattered over a 3 state area and are likely to remain asymptomatic or low-symptomatic themselves, that’s not unexpected. -
The only semi reasonable thought Ive heard about the virus reducing in virulence so quickly (not something coronavirus was generally do) is IF it was a gain of function research virus that leaked out of the Wuhan lab, then whatever mutation /insertion that caused its increased virility/infectivity (in this case I believe it was that furin cleavage site on the spike protein that binds to ace2), could have been inherently unstable and may have been randomly become excluded over time. However, Id assume if people are doing virus genomics in Italy now someone would have noticed or announced this if it were the case
Some viruses just naturally become less deadly over time due to mutations. Doesn’t have to be a lab mutation or whatever.
I’m optimistically hoping for covid to be a 70 curve of peak virulence and mortality as we have seen in almost every country from when cases peaked to then declined and then the virus naturally declines due to some humans having innate immunity from previous coronaviruses and the covid19 virus mutating to a less virulent/deadly form. Not enough science to back that all up yet but I’m hopeful for it.
Also, I’m sure the media will be issuing their apologies tonight – [link=https://www.foxnews.com/health/no-new-coronavirus-cases-lake-of-the-ozarks-pool-parties]https://www.foxnews.com/h…he-ozarks-pool-parties[/link] -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 4, 2020 at 10:35 amIf you haven’t been informed about fake news or it took you this long, you are beyond hope.
The propaganda of COVID and the riots is thick. It was never a deadly virus, and ruining people’s livelihoods was always more dangerous, as it is part and parcel to the rioting. Now the media doesn’t care about social distancing, again for the wrong reasons, but they always perpetuate lies. Nothing to see here, again. -
Looting and burning everything we love is not the answer. Anarchy and chaos are not revolution. We are not animals.
This is interesting. Perhaps this won’t play out like the Dems thought it would.
[link=https://www.foxnews.com/us/shaun-king-democrats-cities-police-brutality]https://www.foxnews.com/u…ities-police-brutality[/link] -
Wow. Fox News viewers think Democrats running American cities are screwing it all up and Fox News likes to blame Democrats stuff.
Really blew the lid off a story there.
Quote from dergon
Wow. Fox News viewers think Democrats running American cities are screwing it all up and Fox News likes to blame Democrats stuff.
Really blew the lid off a story there.
Do you know who Shaun King is ?
The remarkable part about that article is that Shaun King came around to that realization.
I believe San Diego is the only city that has been ruled by republicans for most of the last few decades. And while it has its warts, its not a rathole. -
And don’t forget these democratically controlled cities are the mayors and council members that approve the police union contracts. Now we watch them all demand police reform.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 1, 2020 at 7:38 amWhy do the Dems support such behavior then? LOL
[h2]A Latino man and a Black man went missing three months apart in Florida. Both vanished after getting in a patrol car driven by the same White deputy sheriff[/h2]
[link=https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2Finteractive%2F2023%2F04%2Fus%2Fnaples-florida-deputy-missing-men%2F%97]https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023…-missing-men/[/link] One morning 19 years ago, Marcia Williams woke up praying for her son. Terrance worked two jobs, and liked reading Socrates, and had a scar on his right hand, near the thumb, from one time when he played with matches as a little boy. He was Marcias only child. She prayed and prayed, fighting against this inexplicable feeling that something terrible was about to happen.
A few hours later, Terrance crossed paths with a deputy sheriff. He got in the deputys patrol car. Then he disappeared.
The deputy said hed given Terrance a ride to a Circle K convenience store. But there was no proof that Terrance arrived at the Circle K. And his mother never saw him again.
Eventually, Marcia learned something astonishing about this deputy sheriff.
Three months earlier, another man had also taken a ride in his patrol car.
Just like Terrance Williams, Felipe Santos had been driving illegally.
Just like Williams, he encountered Cpl. Steven Calkins of the Collier County Sheriffs Office.
And just like Williams, he disappeared right after that.
The deputy said hed dropped Santos off at a Circle K convenience store. But there was no proof that Santos arrived at the Circle K. And his family never saw him again.
Calkins is White. Santos was Latino. Williams was Black.
Its been crazy what weve heard lately. Like the recording of the sheriffs talking about killing/lynching. So unfortunately it seems like theres a non 0 chance that a cop would be killing people.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Its been crazy what weve heard lately. Like the recording of the sheriffs talking about killing/lynching. So unfortunately it seems like theres a non 0 chance that a cop would be killing people.
This whole “get rid of them” thing isn’t new.
Google Canadian “Starlight Tours” of indigenous folks.
Yeah Canada doesnt have a good history with the native inhabitants either.
[link=https://www.cbsnews.com/news/keith-murriel-death-police-officers-indicted-murder-manslaughter-arrest-tased-video-mississippi/]3 former Mississippi police officers indicted for murder, manslaughter in death of Black man in custody
Three former Jackson police officers were indicted this week on murder and manslaughter charges in connection with the death of Keith Murriel, a 41-year-old Black man who was pinned down and repeatedly shocked with stun guns during a New Year’s Eve arrest. A Mississippi grand jury indicted two of the ex-officers on murder charges and the third on a manslaughter charge.
Officials in the state capital of Jackson released body camera footage Wednesday that showed then-officers Avery Willis, Kenya McCarty and James Land struggling to handcuff Keith Murriel as he was apparently stunned numerous times over 10 minutes.
The officers had tackled Murriel while arresting him for allegedly trespassing at a hotel shortly before midnight on Dec. 31, 2022, authorities said.
McCarty and Willis have been charged with second-degree murder, and Land with manslaughter, court records showed. All three were placed on administrative leave after the incident. McCarty was fired in February, and Willis and Land in April. Willis and Land were fired for a policy violation, along with Cazinova Reed, CBS affiliate [link=https://www.wjtv.com/news/local-news/jackson-mayor-holds-news-conference-5/]WJTV[/link] reported.
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/05/25/aderrien-murry-mississippi-police-shooting-911/] 11-year-old Aderrien Murry shot by police after calling 911 .[/h3] [/link]An unarmed 11-year-old Black boy in Mississippi was shot by a police officer after he called 911 to report a domestic disturbance to try to protect his mother, his familys attorney said.
The family of Aderrien Murry and the community in Indianola, Miss., are calling for the officer who shot him early Saturday morning to be fired. Aderrien was released from the hospital Wednesday after being placed on a ventilator and chest tube for a collapsed lung, fractured ribs and lacerated liver, Carlos Moore, the attorney representing the family, told The Washington Post.
The boy was given a cellphone by his mother and told to call the police during a domestic disturbance involving the father of another one of her children, Moore said. After the child called 911, an Indianola police officer who was identified by the attorney as Greg Capers had his gun blazing upon arrival at the home at around 4 a.m., Moore said.
[link=https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/-not-release-dog-hands-unarmed-black-man-mauled-police-canine-ohio-pur-rcna95808]’Do not release the dog with his hands up!’ Black man mauled by police canine after Ohio pursuit
A Motor Carrier Enforcement inspector with the Ohio State Highway Patrol tried to stop Jadarrius Rose, 23, who was driving a semi-tractor trailer, because it “was missing a left rear mud flap,” according to an incident report. Rose was traveling westbound on U.S. Route 35 and failed to stop for the inspector and troopers who were called in for help.
Rose can be seen on video released by the highway patrol standing in front of troopers with his hands in the air.
A Circleville police officer who has a dog can be heard telling Rose to “go on the ground or youre gonna get bit.” Meanwhile, a trooper with the highway patrol tells Rose to “come to me.”…
“Do not release the dog with his hands up!” a trooper can be heard yelling multiple times before Speakman releases the dog.
I’m not sure I see the police brutality here. He didn’t stop for the inspector, he didn’t stop for the troopers who used tire deflating devices twice on his truck. Sure sounds like he was running from them and for something that could’ve been a ticket or less. Missing mudflap. So you F’d around, and you found out by getting some dog bites on the arm. Which hardly seems like a mauling. Not only that it looks like they get the dog off him and arrest him.
This story could’ve been man gets warning to get a mud flap replaced from highway inspector. -
Mass grave in Brazil, Manaus from Covid ( which has winter starting now) , courtesy The Guardian. You can google it. Looks pretty deadly.
That jpost article is similar to a foxnews one about texas I posted on another thread. Those numbers of new cases are still really low per capita. A jump from 80 to 120 is statistical noise. Also as I’ve mentioned before, positive cases are a red herring….only hospitalizations and deaths should be followed publicly
Still not a lot in a city of 1,000,000 and positive cases only are still not useful
Quote from Cubsfan10
Still not a lot in a city of 1,000,000 and positive cases only are still not useful
It’s incredible to me that so few understand this point. -
Quote from Cubsfan10
Also as I’ve mentioned before, positive cases are a red herring….only hospitalizations and deaths should be followed publicly
Looking at deaths tells you where the epidemic was heading 3 weeks ago. If that is the thing you are interested in, sure look at deaths. Maybe you can even argue some of them away and make yourself feel even warmer and fuzzier.
‘Cases’ is an imperfect measure as it is dominated by those who are symptomatic enough to seek medical help or close enough to a sick contact to get tested. Still, the data has shown us that ‘hospitalizations’ and ‘deaths’ follow ‘cases’. -
Redfield is cautioning that use of pepper spray and other agents that induce coughing may be leading to spread of Coronavirus.
He advises protestors to get tested. -
“We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and replace it with a transformative new model of public safety”
“According to the [link=https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-city-council-to-vote-on-first-changes-to-police/571032682/?refresh=true]Minneapolis Star Tribune[/link], Bender sees the city’s potentially revamped public safety force as potentially [b]sending social workers or other civilian personnel into situations that are traditionally handled by police[/b].”
I don’t even know what to say to this. -
I know what to say:
Unarmed, well-meaning individuals with formal training in psychology and conflict de-escalation and without the negative baggage of community mistrust and a history of violence are likely able to more effectively perform most of the duties traditionally handled by local law enforcement. -
Quote from dergon
I know what to say:
Unarmed, well-meaning individuals with formal training in psychology and conflict de-escalation and without the negative baggage of community mistrust and a history of violence are likely able to more effectively perform most of the duties traditionally handled by local law enforcement.
After the first couple of do-gooders get shot, that plan will be re-evaluated.
The egg-heads who propose that kind of stuff dont set foot into those neighborhoods after the sun goes down. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 5, 2020 at 5:48 amWell it will get a lot of lower income people who may or may not be breaking the law killed.
This is a key point. The objective of police officers is to PROTECT lawbreakers. Protect them.
Without a trained police force, communities form loosely organized vigilante groups with much less training, fewer rules and regulations, no capacity to arrest and so on.
So what happens to someone who is even accused of a crime? They are much more likely to be killed or seriously injured than if there were a police force who were trained and heavily regulated.
Whereas rich people would hire trained security forces to protect their neighborhoods.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 5, 2020 at 5:59 amIts an excellent suggestion if you are a higher income individual. The point is, lower income/poor people vastly outnumber people with the salaries of radiologists and beyond.
If poor white, black, Hispanic, etc., people ever truly realized they have much more in common than they have in differences and came together, then they would raise taxes on the wealthy the next day.
So by playing identity politics and finding ways to pit people who otherwise could help each other against one another, the rich stay on top.
An excellent way of furthering this objective is to remove a trained police force which is by law responsible to all parties and does have to answer to infractions against poor people. Doing that will ratchet up tensions between different portions of the population and preserve the status quo.
Its the devils work, but highly lucrative. I hate the idea from a moral perspective.
“Dergon moves to inner city Cleveland after police force is disbanded to help community outreach and inclusiveness. Puts social workers and therapists on speed dial in case any crimes are committed.”
Dergon already lives in inner city Cleveland and believes that the majority of police work is not about stopping crime, but is handling inter-personal conflict and addressing minor misdemeanors …which could be handled by non-traditional law enforcement personnel with different training programs than local police.
[b][i]Unarmed, well-meaning individuals with formal training in psychology and conflict de-escalation[/i][/b]
Unbelievable. Do you really think this will work? If so I have ocean front beach property in Colorado I would like to sell you. Yes let’s send these unarmed well meaning individuals into a nasty domestic violence call. Tell me sir how does it feel to have your wife asking for divorce and is cheating on you? How is your stress today? It must be hard to be unemployed w three kids to feed. Lets sit down and talk about it.
The race card being played is a mask to hide the true intentions here. This is all about divide and conquer. When this transformative safety crap fails civil unrest will escalate requiring authoritative figures (that want control) to step in to take control.
AG Barr in his conference the other day beside naming Antifa also said there are foreign bad actors involved here. People are being led to believe it is all about systemic racism. They are being fed selective data by the media and mayors and governors that are the biggest hypocrites for the sole purpose to enrage them. The same mayors and governors that have forced economic lock downs only to not worry about them because they see this issue more likely to get them votes.
Those of you that are Trump haters may want to stop and think if this continues down this path this could be the one issue that gets him reelected. Suburban moms worried about the their kids future growing up in anarchy.Minority moms in the inner cities afraid for their kids as they watch the addicts shoot up in front of their homes. Mionority business owners that have built a business to better them selves only to have it destroyed by these groups.
This is all part of a bigger plan. MN AG Ellison was tweeted a picture of himself when he was a US Rep holding the Antifa handbook. He took it down shortly after that. His son Jeremiah sits on the Minneapolis city council. He has tweeted he will eliminate the PD. He is also a known supporter of Anitifa. Race is the mask for bigger plans.
Dergon when your wife is being dragged out of her car as they attempt to hijack it I hope there is a well trained unarmed individual there to ask the hijacker how they fell about dragging your wife from her car. -
Quote from fw
Quote from Cubsfan10
Also as I’ve mentioned before, positive cases are a red herring….only hospitalizations and deaths should be followed publicly
Looking at deaths tells you where the epidemic was heading 3 weeks ago. If that is the thing you are interested in, sure look at deaths. Maybe you can even argue some of them away and make yourself feel even warmer and fuzzier.
‘Cases’ is an imperfect measure as it is dominated by those who are symptomatic enough to seek medical help or close enough to a sick contact to get tested. Still, the data has shown us that ‘hospitalizations’ and ‘deaths’ follow ‘cases’.
Yes, your last paragraph is true. The point CF is trying to make is the curve flattening was supposed to be to make sure hospitals were not overwhelmed. Measuring cases is fine. If they spike should we go back into lockdown right away? It is a noble goal to change that the plan to save every life possible. The question is at what cost: Economic, emotional, social? What do you believe should be the goal now?
I think giving police departments need more money to help hire higher quality police officers and pay for better training, particularly de-escalation training which would be greatly helpful. Gun violence is horrible, but it is part of our history and a reality of today. I think there needs to be future gun control to ban the selling and access of these military-grade weapons to civilians. I hope one day there are no guns and no cause to want to use a gun in the United States-but until that timeyou know who resolves the problem of a person in an active shooter situation?another person with a gun. Im hoping recent events will open up dialogue about this issues so positive changes can be made.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 4, 2020 at 7:34 pm
Quote from RADD2010
Mass grave in Brazil, Manaus from Covid ( which has winter starting now) , courtesy The Guardian. You can google it. Looks pretty deadly.
“Winter” in Brazil is not a real winter. It’s mild to warm temperatures…not cold at all.
Also, it’s regularly over 100 degrees in Arizona and cases are spiking there. -
“Cases spiking”. In the absence of increased hospitalizations and mortality this should be celebrated, not feared.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 4, 2020 at 8:15 pm
Quote from Thread Enhancer
“Cases spiking”. In the absence of increased hospitalizations and mortality this should be celebrated, not feared.
Arizona currently has 2x as many hospitalized COVID patients than they did 2 months ago (1,000 vs 500).
Quote from Thread Enhancer
“Cases spiking”. In the absence of increased hospitalizations and mortality this should be celebrated, not feared.
No, they won’t understand this either. Sheeple just think it sounds bad, Don Lemon must have told them he knows more than we do.
Who wants to bet that there’s going to be no spike in 2 weeks, yet Democratic governors will dig in their heels and insist on keeping their cattle locked down until after election anyways?
They do have a couple exit strategies if they want out but don’t want to look like complete tools admitting they were wrong all along:
1) Virus mutated and is no longer as “dangerous”
2) We were following WHO which is supposed to be legit but turn out it was indeed compromised by bioterrorists over in Beijing-
Oklahoma State linebacker announced Tuesday on Twitter that he has tested positive for COVID-19, after attending rally. These are all young people though, but will be going back to their homes with possibly older relatives.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 3, 2020 at 4:58 amUnless COVID 19 mysteriously disappears like the 1976 swine flu,
it will resurge. The vast majority of the US population is still susceptible to the virus if one believes the low seroprevalence data so it will continue to find targets for replication. Why would it stop?-
Are some of you actual physicians? Because it sure seems some of you missed the part in medical school when we learned about virology and epidemiology.
Are some of you actually practicing physicians? It seems your med schools forgot to teach you about virology and epidemiology. Or that you were trained at liberty university
The virus is not gone. It is what it is. If people go out and dont distances themselves it will spread faster. There will increases in detected cases. Maybe a lot.
The most important thing is to keep the newly exposed separate from the more vulnerable hopefully all of the protesters are smart about that and self quarantine. As long as their local hospital systems are not overwhelmed each community will the increase in case just fine. Each area will be that much closer to the extinguish point.
I do worry about regions that kept the virus at very low levels early on. They are very susceptible to surges in their first wave. They should be looking for something in between
It is not about the media or political leaders concerns for the welfare of all its citizens. Suddenly their lockdowns that were so important just days ago are not important to them because they need to pander to the votes of the protestors and push their agenda. The mayor of NYC just weeks ago sending cops to break up a Jewish funeral over covid now his cops are being assaulted. Last night in NYC two cops shot and another stabbed in the neck by a protestor. You have the mayor of LA who has continued to keep his city in pandemic lockdown yesterday taking a knee in the middle of a large group w/o a mask. He also announced he would cut the LAPD budget by $150m. You have congress women Tlaib and others on the left no calling for the elimination of police departments. And yes the liberal media keeps trying to pull in white supremacists into this argument of the violence while ignoring the other groups.
Maybe police throughout this country need to have a blue flu day right in the middle of this rather than go out in these riots to have cement filled or frozen water bottles, bricks, sticks and anything else that is staged in the area aimed at them.-
20 year history of murder data out of Chicago, published in 2011. 70% of murderers were black and 75% of murder deaths were black. Black on black violence is a much larger problem than police brutality. Only 3.5% of murderers in Chicago were white people. This is a large longitudinal, evidence based study.
Quote from Pedrad2017
20 year history of murder data out of Chicago, published in 2011. 70% of murderers were black and 75% of murder deaths were black. Black on black violence is a much larger problem than police brutality. Only 3.5% of murderers in Chicago were white people. This is a large longitudinal, evidence based study.
[link=https://home.chicagopolice.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/2011-Murder-Report.pdf]https://home.chicagopolice.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/2011-Murder-Report.pdf[/link]Wonderful! We have a cop murdering a man in slow motion on video with other officers assisting in the murder while bystanders plead with the police to stop and physician posters on AM argue the right-wing meme that whats the big deal, black people kill other black people all the time because the majority of black murders is black-on-black violence, but black people murdered by white people are in a small minority of cases! So what’s the big deal? Floyd isn’t a man, he’s a black man.
No, this was never about race, goes their argument. There is no racism except by liberals and democrats in this upside-down rationalization.
Quote from Ixrayu
He also announced he would cut the LAPD budget by $150m. You have congress women Tlaib and others on the left no calling for the elimination of police departments.This is why there has been a massive spike in gun purchases.
[b]When did upholding the law become political?[/b]
It should be about what is right in the interest of fairness and justice not who is right (dems or repub).-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 4, 2020 at 9:21 amYes exactly.
Remember a month or so ago when the news was going nuts about all the people with guns who were peacefully protesting the shutdown at the capital in Michigan and Virginia?
No one got hurt, there was not even a hint of violence or disruption. But those governors were going after them, trying to break them up.
But when different groups of violent protestors attack police officers, loot and burn, kill law abiding members of their own community in cold blood on the street, and certain governors and mayors express encouragement and understanding for the violence…..well, thats a clear demonstration of a particular ideology.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 4, 2020 at 3:59 pmRemoved due to GDPR request
[b][i]handling inter-personal conflict and addressing minor misdemeanors .[/i][/b]
The problem w that thinking is it assumes that all minor misdemeanors involve ALL people that will readily comply.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 5, 2020 at 7:35 amI mean I get it dergon. Create two separate security forces, one which is answerable only to the rich, one to both rich and poor but really only the rich since thats who would pay for them. Two sets of rules, one for the rich and one for the poor.
Control the poor by recruiting their most capable for the force controlling them, who the rich pay for. Strengthen the status quo. Create a caste system while convincing folks its progress.
I understand the power play dergon. Its wickedly brilliant. Im not going to go along with it, but I admit that I underestimated you.
Yep keep control over the poor by keeping the kids in the tough neighborhoods and require them to attend poor inner city schools. The blacks are being played by the dems. All these so called great social programs have not worked.
Quote from radgrinder
I mean I get it dergon. Create two separate security forces, one which is answerable only to the rich, one to both rich and poor but really only the rich since thats who would pay for them. Two sets of rules, one for the rich and one for the poor.
Control the poor by recruiting their most capable for the force controlling them, who the rich pay for. Strengthen the status quo. Create a caste system while convincing folks its progress.
I understand the power play dergon. Its wickedly brilliant. Im not going to go along with it, but I admit that I underestimated you.
That’s what they Dems/Black Leaders have been doing for decades. Same playbook.
You can’t underestimate dergon, only overestimate him, btw.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 5, 2020 at 8:23 amRidiculous.
Im afraid dismantling the police department will create chaos and too many crimes of opportunity for serial criminals. Im afraid this will also likely affect the poor black community the most-they are already the most vulnerable and most affected by violence. Most cops are good people. Police departments are already underfunded. More more should go into their vetting and education. I dont get whats going on. Who will you call if you have a home invasion or something? Things are nuts!
President Trump declaring this has been a “Great Day” for George Floyd!
Outside of the minority of people who rioted, most demonstrations are peaceful. It is the police who are rioting and doing violence against peaceful demonstrators.
Abolishing police forces is a silly idea as police serve a usefull purpose. But many, very many it seems according to videos of police violence against demonstrators shows many police need to be fired and disciplined if not outright prosecuted according to the law. Police need to be reorganized and trained. First thing is to stop supplying military equipment to police as if they are fighting a war with the public.
As for sending in social scientists instead of police, how about police being trained to better handle these situations instead of escalating and “controlling” them regardless of the reality on the ground. Too many people die due to this need to escalate and “control.” In many cases this “control” magnifies the original problem, too often with fatal results to a civilian.-
[i][b]First thing is to stop supplying military equipment to police as if they are fighting a war with the public.[/b][/i]
Typical left regurgitated talking point. The problem w these statements is that it assumes that everyone in the crowd is peaceful. As we have seen they are not. There are people that are there for the sole intent of harming the police. [i]
In their own words
Not sure the % that feel this way but to say protests n riots are distinct is dubious
Quote from illinois
In their own words
Not sure the % that feel this way but to say protests n riots are distinct is dubious
They are. Look at the news & you’ll see many many peaceful protests. Unless you count police-caused violence as the fault of the demonstrators.
These last two posts are a great example of how people naturally get so into their beliefs they cant come up with reasonable plans prospectively. Each one makes sound points. Rather than being open minded these two are likely to get more and more agitated with each other and start making personal jabs. Its the way it goes on message boards.
Take that natural tendency to the streets and in the heat of the moment there is going to be aggression and blood shed. There should be some thought put into what makes it less likely to get to that point.
the time to make friends is before they are needed-
Belief?? No its a fact. The reality is there is evil in the world. There are people that have the sole intent of causing harm. Is it unfortunate? Yes. Do I wish the police did not require such equipment? Yes.
I can remember a time when police walked around w .38 caliber 6 shot pistol on their hips, extra bullets, and a pair of handcuffs. Now they carry glocks, shot guns, or AK47 in their cruisers. Why? Because the evil element strive to out gun them.
Do you know about the 1997 LA bank robbers? Robbers showed up wearing armor and automatic rifles and engaged LA police in a horrific shoot out. During the robbery there was a large contingent of LA cops fighting two robbers w .38, some had glocks, and a couple of cruisers had shotguns. Twelve cops shot along w some citizens and 2000 rounds of ammo fired. LA cops were completely out gunned despite there being two robbers and a massive amount of police. This is one of the events that lead to PD around the country become heavily armed.
Belief? No its a fact.-
[b][i]Unless you count police-caused violence as the fault of the demonstrators.[/i][/b]
Yes it was all peaceful. The bottles, bricks, fire extinguishers, shootings from the crowd is all imagined. Got it.-
Quote from Ixrayu
[b][i]Unless you count police-caused violence as the fault of the demonstrators.[/i][/b]
Yes it was all peaceful. The bottles, bricks, fire extinguishers, shootings from the crowd is all imagined. Got it.
You left out thrown bananas.
Expand your news sources. There is more reality out there that is much bigger than your small world and sources.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 6, 2020 at 9:38 amAZ COVID current hospitalizations, COVID ICU beds used, COVID ventilators used, new COVID ED visits hit all time highs yesterday. New intubations hit 2nd most all time yesterday.
Quote from ztune
AZ COVID current hospitalizations, COVID ICU beds used, COVID ventilators used, new COVID ED visits hit all time highs yesterday. New intubations hit 2nd most all time yesterday.
Must be fake news because everyone knows the virus goes away in the heat.
Oh, and I forgot ‘it loses its potency because of mutation you know’.
[/h6] [h6][link=https://www.axios.com/black-man-paraplegia-ohio-police-drag-investigation-d8ff468f-1976-4918-8c47-c61502e99fad.html]Video shows Black man with paraplegia dragged from car by Ohio police[/link][/h6] [h1][b]Video shows Black man with paraplegia dragged from car by Ohio police[/b][/h1]
Newly released [link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuKqFSy4e5Q]bodycam footage shows[/link] Clifford Owensby having his hair pulled as he’s pulled from his car during his Sept. 30 arrest. He can be heard moments earlier telling a police officer, “I can’t step outside the car, sir. I’m a paraplegic,” adding that he’d received help getting into the vehicle.
[ul][*]The 39-year-old declines an officer’s offer to help him get out of the vehicle, but asks for the attendance of a supervisor.[*]An officer tells him he “can cooperate and get out of this car” or the police will “drag” him out. Owensby screams for help as he’s pulled from the car, “I’m a paraplegic, bro, you can hurt me!” before he’s handcuffed. [/ul][/QUOTE]
I was not aware that Floyd was armed as you described in the LA shootout. I thought he was unarmed.
Same for all the other people killed, such as in “no-knock” entries. Or Eric Garner.
I was not aware all those people were so dangerous. -
Quote from Ixrayu
Belief?? No its a fact. The reality is there is evil in the world. There are people that have the sole intent of causing harm. Is it unfortunate? Yes. Do I wish the police did not require such equipment? Yes.
I can remember a time when police walked around w .38 caliber 6 shot pistol on their hips, extra bullets, and a pair of handcuffs. Now they carry glocks, shot guns, or AK47 in their cruisers. Why? Because the evil element strive to out gun them.
Do you know about the 1997 LA bank robbers? Robbers showed up wearing armor and automatic rifles and engaged LA police in a horrific shoot out. During the robbery there was a large contingent of LA cops fighting two robbers w .38, some had glocks, and a couple of cruisers had shotguns. Twelve cops shot along w some citizens and 2000 rounds of ammo fired. LA cops were completely out gunned despite there being two robbers and a massive amount of police. This is one of the events that lead to PD around the country become heavily armed.
Belief? No its a fact.
Im sorry my post got you agitated. Im just pointing out how the aggression begets aggression and while facts are important it is responses like yours that fuel the fire. I have said before that I am naturally inclined to agree with you. I am trying to become more inclined to look at things from multiple perspectives. I am not very good at it yet but I think it is worth working on.
Quote from Ixrayu
And don’t forget these democratically controlled cities are the mayors and council members that approve the police union contracts. Now we watch them all demand police reform.
This I agree with. Democratic politicians have been historically at risk of getting labelled as “soft on crime” … and police unions have used that leverage to gain advantage.
I hope it’s not too late for some political courage (or that the winds have shifted enough that what used to require courage now becomes necessary for political survival)-
Soft on crime? They are pro-criminal at this point:
Release criminals into the population
Don’t prosecute illegals, disobey immigration laws with sanctuary cities
Make up fake news stories on criminals acting out and then meeting law enforcement, as if that were the police or others’ fault (Brown, Gray, Floyd, the list goes on and on)
Nearly every headline story put forth was a hoax, just ask Obama’s DOJ, who found the same thing as the locals did, and therefore, did nothing. -
Quote from dergon
Quote from Ixrayu
And don’t forget these democratically controlled cities are the mayors and council members that approve the police union contracts. Now we watch them all demand police reform.
This I agree with. Democratic politicians have been historically at risk of getting labelled as “soft on crime” … and police unions have used that leverage to gain advantage.
I hope it’s not too late for some political courage (or that the winds have shifted enough that what used to require courage now becomes necessary for political survival)
Not a fan of DeBlasio but who wants to exchange places with him regarding NYC’s police unions? He tried to make reasonable comments about police and race & got blamed by the unions for being anti-crime and pro-murdering of police. “Blood on his hands” was the quote I believe & they turned their backs on him. He was not strongly supported by anyone to fight back against the unions. Now he makes weasel comments supporting the police and he is lambasted again.
Damned if you do & damned if you don’t.
And regarding this blue state terrible thing, who is the Mayor of Ferguson again? A Democrat? Who is the mayor of Missouri? A Democrat?
Let’s recall the DOJ found that Missouri literally targeted black Americans and used courts and citations to literally increase revenue.
I have to hike my britches up to avoid sinking in the stinking propaganda.
[link=https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/504714-former-police-officer-charged-with-battery-after-video-shows-him]Former police officer charged with battery after video shows him kneeling on Florida woman’s neck[/link]
[link=https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/504539-new-york-police-officer-arrested-and-charged-with-using-illegal]New York police officer arrested and charged with using illegal chokehold[/link]
[link=https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/504335-off-duty-officer-in-trump-hat-placed-on-leave-for-threatening]Off-duty officer in Trump hat placed on leave for threatening man in viral video[/link][link=https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/status/1275177222521982977]https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/sta…77222521982977[/link]An off-duty police officer in Missouri has been removed from his official duties and placed on administrative duty pending an investigation after he was seen in a viral video threatening a man following a car accident.
The St. Josephs Police Department said [link=https://www.facebook.com/pg/sjpd.info/posts/?ref=page_internal]in a statement[/link] that the agency has reviewed portions of the video and an investigation will be conducted.
Police officers are the most conspicuous representatives of government and, to the majority of people, they are a symbol of stability and authority upon which they can rely, the release states. Unbecoming conduct on the part of police officers adversely affects the operations of the department and ultimately destroys public confidence in it. All matters involving officer misconduct allegations are and will be investigated by the department.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJune 26, 2020 at 3:28 pmJust curious as to what your point is with your post. 4 stories about alleged police misconduct. Are you suggesting that represents the majority of officers? You want to abolish your local police department?You do realize that I could just as easily post 4 stories about misconduct among academic radiologists in Ohio. You love posting meaningless reports. Why don’t you ever share with us the point you are trying to make? Please fill us in…
dergon, read Solzhenitsyn. Please
Your mind’s eye is warped from decades of lies. There’s always a chance to turn it around.-
[b]GOP Powerbroker to Texas Governor: Shoot to Kill[/b][/h1]
In the days after George Floyds killing in police custody in Minneapolis last month, as massive protests against police brutality spread across Texas and other states, conservative power broker Steve Hotze of Houston called Gov. Greg Abbotts chief of staff to pass along [link=https://static.texastribune.org/media/files/7453d268de1f732b3fa0fce894862a79/hotzevoicemail.mp3?_ga=2.183486566.1946572349.1594031851-1273624672.1594031851]a message[/link], the [link=https://www.texastribune.org/2020/07/03/steve-hotze-texas-greg-abbott-rioters/]Texas Tribune[/link] reports.
Said Hotze: I want you to give a message to the governor. I want to make sure that he has National Guard down here and they have the order to shoot to kill if any of these son-of-a-bitch people start rioting like they have in Dallas, start tearing down businesses shoot to kill the son of a bitches. Thats the only way you restore order. Kill em. Thank you.-
[link=https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/507668-former-officer-gets-4-year-sentence-after-making-homeless-man-to-lick]Former officer gets 4-year sentence after making homeless man lick urinal[/link] The Hill
Wow, sick dude.
Are we training people to be evil these days or is our culture just letting them out from under their rocks?-
I think some bad people become cops because of the “power trip.” Just remember that like most professions, only a minority are actually bad. Not saying we shouldn’t do anything, but over-reaction doesn’t help either. Watching a lot of good cops retire and lose their jobs due to lack of funding won’t help society.
Quote from Cubsfan10
I think some bad people become cops because of the “power trip.” Just remember that[b] like most professions, only a minority are actually bad. [/b]Not saying we shouldn’t do anything, but over-reaction doesn’t help either. Watching a lot of good cops retire and lose their jobs due to lack of funding won’t help society.
Yup, just like the few anesthesiologists doing IV Fentanyl in the OR bathroom before cases. Should we defund anesthesia?
Yeah, a “few bad apples” in policing and medicine.
But do the other police and physicians have to support the bad apples by giving them a free pass if not outright supporting them? Everyone knows who they are and yet they still keep working and getting promoted.-
No they shouldn’t. That’s why unions need to be reigned in. They have their purpose but some have made it impossible to fire “bad” cops, teachers, etc.
We do protect bad docs. Its not that hard to keep your license as an addict if you agree to regular drug testing and rehab. Ive seen it. We should treat it like any disability, physical or mental. Addiction is a disease.
Pennsylvania cop KNEELS on man’s neck during arrest as bystanders cry out ‘he can’t breathe’ in scenes reminiscent of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis -/
In a statement, the Allentown Police Department confirmed it is aware of the video and is actively investigating the incident.
We are aware, we are actively investigating, and depending on what we can get done today, we may have additional information regarding the incident released later this evening, a spokesperson said.
Earlier this month, the police department banned officers from using choke holds and other neck restraints.
banned officers from using choke holds and other neck restraints.
Looks like he put his knee on the guys head for a few seconds.
Jack-booted Federal police find their Antifa protestor among violent protesters.
[b]Police: ‘Umbrella Man’ was a white supremacist trying to incite George Floyd rioting [/b]
A masked man who was [link=https://twitter.com/javimorillo/status/1266142878889316353]seen in a viral video[/link] smashing the windows of a south Minneapolis auto parts store during the George Floyd protests, earning him the moniker Umbrella Man, is suspected to be a member of the Hells Angels biker gang seeking to incite racial tension in a demonstration that until then had been peaceful, police said.
A Minneapolis police arson investigator said the mans actions at the AutoZone on East Lake Street set off a chain reaction that led to days of looting and rioting. The building was later burned to the ground.
This was the first fire that set off a string of fires and looting throughout the precinct and the rest of the city, Erika Christensen wrote in a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week. Until the actions of the person your affiant has been calling Umbrella man, the protests had been relatively peaceful. The actions of this person created an atmosphere of hostility and tension. Your affiant believes that this individuals sole aim was to incite violence.
[b]A Nevada library wanted to back Black Lives Matter. The sheriff said he wouldnt respond to 911 calls there.[/b]
The Douglas County, Nev., public library wanted to take a stand this week: Everyone is welcome, read a proposed diversity statement, which added that the library denounces all acts of racism, violence and disregard for human rights. We support #BlackLivesMatter.
But Douglas County Sheriff Daniel Coverley quickly took a stand of his own.
Due to your support of Black Lives Matter and the obvious lack of support or trust with the Douglas County Sheriffs Office, please do not feel the need to call 911 for help, Coverley wrote in a letter to the library published Monday. I wish you good luck with disturbances and lewd behavior.
Be cool if some good lawyers helped the library pro-bono in a lawsuit aimed at the sheriff. Sounds a lot like malfeasance.
Also the people of that county should vote him out of office.-
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Be cool if some good lawyers helped the library pro-bono in a lawsuit aimed at the sheriff. Sounds a lot like malfeasance.
Also the people of that county should vote him out of office.
Let’s see…
A organization (BLM) has stated that their primary mission is to remove your job and all of your friends’ jobs and the same organization supports violence against you and all of your friends while working. A separate business (library in this case) has said it fully supports the organization, herego supports you losing your job and being physically hurt.
So, the cops have to decide if they are altruistic enough to help those that hate them and wish them harm. I’m not surprised that some would react the way that sheriff did.
Seems like the best solution would be 1) removal of sheriff/cops who don’t do their jobs and tell them they have to protect everyone no matter what and 2) removal of BLM as it pertains to their anti-cop agenda
Disagree? You’d like BLM and its supporters to continue to do whatever they want, target cops, etc. and have the cops just sit and take it and continue to do their jobs? That’s what I thought. Classic.-
[b][link=https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/509707-video-shows-ark-police-saying-if-you-can-talk-you-can-breathe-before-man]Video shows Arkansas police saying ‘If you can talk you can breathe’ before man dies in custody[/link][/b]
An Arkansas police officer during a February arrest told a man who later died in police custody, If you can talk, you can breathe,” according to newly-released footage.
As an officer places his knee against Morriss back, Morris can be heard saying he is unable to breathe, while the officer responds, If you can talk, you can breathe.
Prosecuting attorney Carol Crews has said Morris was placed in a recovery position and rolled onto his side, but this is not visible in the video.
The police report states Morris was moved to a recovery position after beginning to vomit, and that he was pulseless and unresponsive by the time medical personnel arrived. He was taken to a local hospital and pronounced dead.
Crews has said no charges should be filed against the officers. She attributed his death to “methamphetamine intoxication with exertion, struggle, restraint and conducted electrical weapon deployment.”
Most Americans view events in WI as sign of broader issue with policing, but down from the time of the George Floyd–
Most Americans (62%) view the incident with Blake, which has left him paralyzed from the waist down, as a sign of broader problems in the treatment of African Americans by police. But that number is not as stark as the 74% who said the same in the wake of the killing of Floyd.
The downward trend is driven by a decline across ideological and racial groups, but most sharply among Republicans and white Americans. The last time this question was posed by ABC News/Ipsos was in early June, when 55% of Republicans and 70% of whites said the fatal incident involving Floyd was a sign of a broader problematic pattern.
Now, only 27% of Republicans and 52% of whites say the same, a decrease of 28 and 18 points, respectively.-
Quote from dergon
Most Americans view events in WI as sign of broader issue with policing, but down from the time of the George Floyd–
Maybe because that’s because the two killings were under vastly different circumstances. One guy was strangled to death begging for his life (while not actively resisting), the other was a felon with a knife who had just managed to shake off two cops and refused to drop his weapon.-
[link=https://www.cbsnews.com/video/eye-opener-black-man-dies-after-being-restrained-by-rochester-police/]Eye Opener: Black man dies after being restrained by Rochester police[/link]
There are calls for the firing and arrest of several Rochester, New York police officers after video was released showing them placing a hood over the head of a Black man who later died
I think theres definitely corruption everywhere and mob mentality can happen on both sidesbut seriously, crime is up, and defunding the police is one of the worst possible things we could do right now. I respect the police where I livethey are part of the community and keep us safe. Many police departments are already underfundedit is not a good idea right now to take away funding.
If anyone wants to defund the police then get criminals to stop breaking laws.