[b]Biden Gets Big Bounce with Hispanics[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/29/politics/hispanics-biden-bounce-analysis/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_allpolitics+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Politics%29]Harry Enten[/link]: Take a look at Gallup polling during the Biden presidency. Aggregating all the polls it has conducted so far (in order to get a large sample size), Bidens approval rating with Hispanics stands at 72% compared to a 55% overall approval rating.
That 72% is a clear improvement from how Biden did in the election with Hispanics. Biden won 65% of Hispanics, according to the network exit polls. An estimate from the Democratic firm Catalist (which lines up well with what we saw in pre-election polls) had Biden taking 61% of Hispanics. So this Gallup data suggests Bidens support may be up anywhere from 7 to 11 points from the election. -
[link=https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2021/06/Fox_June-19-22-2021_National_Topline_June-23-Release-1.pdf]Fox News Poll [/link] has Biden at 56% approve.
538 average 52.7% ….. pretty steady and boring
[b]Biden Gets High Marks for Handling Pandemic, Under Water on Immigration[/b][/h1]
A new [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/post-abc-poll-biden/2021/07/03/54e95b6e-db43-11eb-8fb8-aea56b785b00_story.html]Washington Post-ABC News poll[/link] finds 62% of Americans say they approve of the job President Biden has done in dealing with the pandemic, almost identical to findings in April as he neared the end of his first 100 days in office.
His overall approval stands at 50% positive and 42% negative, figures that are also virtually the same as in April.
One low mark for the president comes on the issue of immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, where 33% of Americans say they approve of how he is handling the issue, amid a surge of migrants attempting to cross into the country.-
So subtract about 5% to get the real numbers since there’s no way in hell the pollsters are getting an accurate count of Trumpers/rural people/etc. and you’ve got essentially the same approval range as Trump. Also heading lower everyday as even the pumped up polls can barely keep Biden above 50 lately.
Americans’ Life Ratings Reach Record High:
The percentage of Americans who evaluate their lives well enough to be considered “thriving” on Gallup’s Live Evaluation Index reached 59.2% in June, the highest in over 13 years of ongoing measurement and exceeding the previous high of 57.3% from September 2017. During the initial COVID-19 outbreak and economic shutdown, the thriving percentage plunged nearly 10 percentage points to 46.4% by late April 2020, tying the record low last measured during the Great Recession.
Notably, even as current life satisfaction has increased in recent months, anticipated life satisfaction remains elevated compared with pre-COVID levels. The rapid recovery of current life satisfaction, coupled with the sustained elevated level of anticipated life satisfaction, has fueled the thriving percentage to its current heights.
[link=https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-bidens-approval-rating-has-barely-budged-in-his-first-6-months/]Why Bidens Approval Rating Has Barely Budged In His First 6 Months
Bidens steady approval rating outdid even that of former President Donald Trump, whose numbers were [link=https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trumps-approval-rating-is-incredibly-steady-is-that-weird-or-the-new-normal/]notoriously steady[/link]. Trumps approval numbers had about a 10-point spread, from 38.0 percent to 47.8 percent in his first six months in office. Other recent presidents, such as Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, all saw considerably more volatility in their ratings during the same period in office.
…{P}olarization has helped Biden stay above 50 percent because he has nearly unified backing among Democrats. It hasnt been unusual for a president to have the support of at least 90 percent of his partys base early on Obama and Bush also had that level of backing in their first six months but Biden may be better positioned to hold on to that support going forward. We only have to look at Trumps standing in the latter half of his presidency for evidence of this, as he [link=https://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/presidential-approval-ratings-donald-trump.aspx]regularly polled[/link] at around 90 percent among his party base even though fewer than 10 percent of Democrats approved of him.
That said, Biden [link=https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/news_and_polls/ipsos-core-political-survey-presidential-approval-tracker-05202021]is running[/link] somewhere close to even [link=https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/w2zmwpzsq0/econTabReport.pdf]among independents[/link], depending on the poll. By comparison, Trump was [link=https://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/trump-job-approval/edit#!minpct=0&maxpct=100&mindate=2000-01-01&maxdate=2021-07-19&smoothing=moderate&showpoints=yes&showsplines=yes&hiddenpollsters=&hiddensubpops=A,A%20-%20D,A%20-%20R,RV,RV%20-%20D,RV%20-%20R,LV,LV%20-%20D,LV%20-%20R&partisanship=S,P,N&parties=D,R,I,N&selected=approve,disapprove&fudge=1]notably underwater among independents[/link] throughout his presidency. How Biden continues to fare with independents will be key, as his showing among that group during his first six months is another reason why his average approval rating has been 53.4 percent, or 12 points better than Trumps 41.4 percent.[/QUOTE]
[b]Bidens Approval Rating Hasnt Budged[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/25/politics/biden-approval-rating-analysis/index.html]Harry Enten[/link]: The lack of a topsy turvy first few months has translated to Bidens approval rating. Its been the most stable for any president since the end of World War II.
Quote from dergon
[b]Bidens Approval Rating Hasnt Budged[/b]
[link=https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/25/politics/biden-approval-rating-analysis/index.html]Harry Enten[/link]: The lack of a topsy turvy first few months has translated to Bidens approval rating. Its been the most stable for any president since the end of World War II.
Yep. He dropped in Gallup. But he wass up Over the last few weeks in Rasmussen and I think AP.
The aggregate of polling is flat at about 52.5, right where he was at inauguration.
Quote from fw
Quote from dergon
[b]Bidens Approval Rating Hasnt Budged[/b]
[link=https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/25/politics/biden-approval-rating-analysis/index.html]Harry Enten[/link]: The lack of a topsy turvy first few months has translated to Bidens approval rating. Its been the most stable for any president since the end of World War II.[link=https://news.gallup.com/poll/352733/biden-approval-drops-lowest-date.aspx]https://news.gallup.com/p…drops-lowest-date.aspx[/link]
Ok… you’re right.
It’s down. 538 average down to 50.6% down across just about every poll. (Mostly attributed to Covid approval among independents)-
Quote from dergon
It’s down. 538 average down to 50.6% down across just about every poll. (Mostly attributed to Covid approval among independents)
If he drops below 50, he gets removed from office. Isn’t that what the 25th amendment says ?
Quote from fw
Quote from dergon
It’s down. 538 average down to 50.6% down across just about every poll. (Mostly attributed to Covid approval among independents)
If he drops below 50, he gets removed from office. Isn’t that what the 25th amendment says ?
[b]Bidens Approval Drops Below 50%[/b][/h1]
[link=https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/]FiveThirtyEight[/link] shows President Bidens approval rate has dropped below 50% for the first time in his presidency.
[link=https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2021/08/18/bidens-approval-rating-drops-below-50-494023?nname=playbook&nid=0000014f-1646-d88f-a1cf-5f46b7bd0000&nrid=0000014e-f0ed-dd93-ad7f-f8edad790000&nlid=630318]Playbook[/link]: The dip has been driven by a slow erosion among independents that seems tied to the Delta surge and predates the problems in Afghanistan.
Biden now under water on the 538 aggregate polling
I found a poll you’d love dergon.
Trump +1 on Biden.
I know it’s meaningless but pretty funny. -
Quote from dergon
Biden now under water on the 538 aggregate polling
Based on the standards set by the press back during the Bush43 years, that means he now has to resign, right ?
Yeah I guess so.
Or if you fall below 45% then you get impeached for something.
Ive noticed something the last few days that I dont remember from before. I listen mostly to NPR on morning and afternoon drives. Ive heard several stories in the last few days about the slip in Bidens approval rating. No mention of a number. Even on here the only reference to a number without going deeper is below 50%.
Its almost as though there was a decision to avoid pointing out 43-44% as if it wasnt mentioned it would just go away.
Quote from Nutty Buddha
Ive noticed something the last few days that I dont remember from before. I listen mostly to NPR on morning and afternoon drives. Ive heard several stories in the last few days about the slip in Bidens approval rating. No mention of a number. Even on here the only reference to a number without going deeper is below 50%.
Its almost as though there was a decision to avoid pointing out 43-44% as if it wasnt mentioned it would just go away.
Good point. And in our modern hyper-partisan environment and with the normal pro-Dem polling…43 is pretty bad. 43 is really more like 40-41 without the polling error which is probably equivalent to 30ish in the “before Obama” era when people were less partisan.
All politicians have a 40ish percent floor now of people that will approve/vote for them no matter what they do – same as we saw with Trump and Obama even when things were terrible at times for them.
Some guy on RCP pointed this out when he was tying approval rating to house/senate seats. There’s a huge difference between 45 and 50% (like 4-5 senate seats).-
Nate Cohn: A little early to tell, but if you squint at the numbers there’s a case that Biden’s numbers are inching back up a bit as Afghanistan fades from the news. Here, Monmouth with Biden at 46/46
Biden approval steady overall after vaccine mandate rollout
But he has lost support from black voters (likely made up in support from white independents)
Biden approval moves to an all-time low of 43.5% with 50% disapprove.
It moved down on the heals of a [link=https://www.kcci.com/article/president-joe-bidens-approval-rating-continues-to-decline/38012031]Grinnell College/Selzer national poll[/link] that finds his approval rating has fallen to 37% to 50%.
Ann Selzer: In 2020 exit polling, President Biden won independent voters by a 54% to 41% margin. If the election were held today, our poll shows former President Trump winning that group 45% to 28%. It is a massive shift in a demographic that helped carry Biden to victory less than two years ago.
What do we think the main driver is? Honeymoon has worn off? His agenda is tanking thanks to a few turd burglar senators? Unfortunately nothing is getting done. It’s hard to say it’s the economy. Even by TRump’s measure of the stock market it’s great. The stagflation sure sucks.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
What do we think the main driver is? Honeymoon has worn off? His agenda is tanking thanks to a few turd burglar senators? Unfortunately nothing is getting done. It’s hard to say it’s the economy. Even by TRump’s measure of the stock market it’s great. The stagflation sure sucks.
Why do you refer to Manchin as a turd senator? WV should have a R-senator. Dems should be thankful they have Manchin there, doesn’t he typical vote with the dems? I honestly don’t know too much about the AZ senator. I assumed that she leaned quite a bit to the left but apparently I may be wrong.
On a side note, do senators have an obligation to the people they represent (for Manchin WV) or to toe the party line regardless how it affects their constituents/re-electability? -
He’s a turd. He’s been there forever, and WV ranks at the bottom in just about everything. He is a republican.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
He’s a turd. He’s been there forever, and WV ranks at the bottom in just about everything. He is a republican.
Turd is descriptor of the vast majority of politicians…I don’t know details about WV (aside from John Denvers song which makes it sound like a pretty place). Regardless I suspect that WV’s problems have little to do with his Democratic/Republicanish voting. Would you rather have a pseudo-republican or a true republican in a red state such as WV?