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  • btomba_77

    March 23, 2021 at 7:24 am

    [h1]U.S. Satisfaction Continues to Improve[/h1]  
    [link=]Gallup[/link]: Americans satisfaction with the way things are going in the U.S. continued to improve in March, as 32% say they are satisfied with the direction of the country. This is the second monthly increase Gallup has recorded after the measure fell to its lowest point in nearly a decade in January.


  • btomba_77

    March 28, 2021 at 9:19 am

    [link=]ABC News/Ipsos poll[/link]:  Bidens approval  at 72% for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, Underwater on guns/ immigration

    A clear majority of Americans (60%) also approve of Biden’s stewardship on repairing the beleaguered economy, which continues to be hobbled by the coronavirus, and nearly 4 in 10 Americans disapprove.
    Biden’s standing on the pandemic is buttressed by overwhelming support from those who identify with his party, with about 9 in 10 Democrats approving of his handling of the public health crisis (96%), vaccine delivery (92%) and the economic response (89%). Strong majorities of independents also approve of Biden on all three fronts: 74%, 77% and 63%, respectively.

    Biden, at the same time, is facing some early tests in his first two months in office, finding himself underwater for his handling of gun violence [link=]after two mass shootings[/link] in a week and the [link=]surge of migrants[/link] crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, which has brought at least 18,000 unaccompanied children into U.S. custody.
    An equal 57% of Americans disapprove of his approach on both issues, while just over 4 in 10 Americans approve.


    • alyaa.rifaie_129

      March 28, 2021 at 9:38 am

      Kind of hard for him to talk to us about guns when his family (Hunter)  can’t follow the laws. Clean up your own house first.

      • kaldridgewv2211

        March 28, 2021 at 10:59 am

        Why not? Laws should apply equally and that includes his kid

        • alyaa.rifaie_129

          March 28, 2021 at 12:18 pm


          • btomba_77

            March 28, 2021 at 5:39 pm

            I trying to picture the Venn diagram of the number of people who disapprove of Biden because of his  handling of the Hunter Biden Gun “issue” but who would otherwise approve of his performance.

            • clickpenguin_460

              March 28, 2021 at 5:46 pm

              It’s funny that he gets 72% on covid when he has done nothing except continue the Trump policies but then he is underwater on two issues he is the anti-Trump on.

              • kaldridgewv2211

                March 28, 2021 at 6:40 pm

                Hes been about a 180 from Trump on Covid. Trump was pretending Covid didnt exist.

                • btomba_77

                  March 28, 2021 at 6:45 pm

                  Which is why his approval is the inverse of Trumps

                  • kayla.meyer_144

                    March 28, 2021 at 9:28 pm

                    Biden sounds rational & not in denial. Compared to the Chaos President & minions, fear levels drop quite a bit as chaos & fear are no longer the primary goals.

                    • btomba_77

                      March 29, 2021 at 4:19 am

                      Huge partisan split on what the top issues are.
                      Dems/Dem leaners:  Healthcare, Race relations, Inequality, Environment, Hunger/Homelessness
                      Republican/Rep leaners: Immigration, Deficit, Economy, Energy affordability, Terrorism

  • btomba_77

    March 29, 2021 at 9:29 am

    [b]Harvard CAPS/Harris poll


    [/b][color=”#2b2c30″][b]Biden approval 61% with disapprove 39%


    The latest Harvard CAPS/Harris poll found that 71 percent of voters approve of how he has reacted to the outbreak, up 3 points since February, before Congress passed a massive $1.9 stimulus package to address the fallout from Covid-19. 

    Immigration is the presidents biggest vulnerability, according to the poll. Forty-eight percent of respondents approve of his handling of the issue, an 8-point decrease since February. Immigration is the only issue on which Bidens approval stands below the 50-percent mark.
    On the economy, Biden gets 60 percent approval compared to the 56 percent Trump received in a January Harvard CAPS/Harris poll. Likewise, when it comes to administering the government, 60 percent say they approve of the job Biden is doing. Trump scored 49 percent on that front before he left office.

    And for the first time in the Harvard CAPS/Harris polls roughly four-year history, more voters say the country is on the right track than the wrong track. Forty-six percent of respondents gave the countrys overall direction a positive review compared to 43 percent who said it is on the wrong track.


    • clickpenguin_460

      March 29, 2021 at 9:33 am

      So we are believing polls again?

      • richarnp4215

        March 29, 2021 at 9:36 am

        No more kids in cages.

        • btomba_77

          March 30, 2021 at 1:29 pm

          [link=]David Catanese[/link]:

          [h1]McConnells tough sell: Brighter days ahead dont belong to Democrats[/h1]

          Mitch McConnell can see the future and knows its likely to place Republicans in a pickle.
          He sees a rapidly recovering economy, an increasingly vaccinated population and general optimism budding across the country like bluegrass at the start of springtime. And hes realized the GOP needs an explanation for the shower of good news coming in the opening months of a new Democratic administration.

          McConnells response, sprinkled in a drumbeat of speeches and media appearances during the month of March, is that the past is prologue. President Joe Biden and Democrats shouldnt get the credit for all of this, he says, when it was the Republican-led work during former President Donald Trumps final year in office that set the stage for this moment to begin to emerge from the pandemic.

          In Washington, the debate can be reframed quickly and popular policies can lose favor over time — but the countrys economic trajectory emerging from a 100-year pandemic is one storyline that wont be fading anytime soon.
          The question is when McConnell decides to target his arguments elsewhere.


          • clickpenguin_460

            March 30, 2021 at 1:44 pm

            Actually the real story should be that Biden needs to get the immigration debacle under control or Dems are screwed.
            Covid is the only thing propping up Biden’s approval right now and he’s earning that credit via Trump’s coat-tails.  
            Republicans just have to be optimistic too about covid, give Biden his portion of the credit, and then wait for the after-covid Dem implosion.

            • btomba_77

              March 30, 2021 at 2:15 pm

              *should* carrying a lot of weight there.
              Immigration is only a top issue for Republican voters…. it’s down well below economy/covid/ healtchare or independents and nowhere near the top for Democrats.
              It certainly motivates GOP voters.
              But as far as it plays into Biden’s approval, it is a relative drop in the bucket compared to the economy and jobs and the bigger picture. The people that view the border as the most important issue are very, very, likely to already have a negative view of Biden and to be unshakable from that view.
              (Note I said pretty much the same thing about Trump … the economy – and I still believe that absent Covid with the economy we had in Feb 2020 projected forward another 6 months he coasts to a second term)

              • kayla.meyer_144

                March 30, 2021 at 2:49 pm

                Those Canadians crossing the border fleeing Justins tyranny is sure scaring the bejeesus out of Republicans.

                • kaldridgewv2211

                  March 30, 2021 at 5:11 pm

                  You cant have it both ways. The GOP plan is like cut aid to countries in the southern triangle and also build a wall. You cut aid people are gonna come here. How do you fix the root of the problem?

                  Also I generally migration should be going up right now. Seasonal workers are all going to be coming in.

                  • clickpenguin_460

                    March 30, 2021 at 5:26 pm

                    I actually agree.  We shouldn’t be cutting aid. In fact, we should have been helping Latin America a lot more than we have.  Although to be fair, we did try a lot and their corrupt governments didn’t help 😛
                    There’s no reason why Mexico can’t be a prosperous nation, for example.

        • ruszja

          March 30, 2021 at 2:09 pm

          Quote from jimbob899

          No more kids in cages.

          That’s easy to claim if you don’t allow anyone to report from the facilities. Because you know, covid !

  • btomba_77

    April 1, 2021 at 7:11 am

    [h1][b]Why Bidens Infrastructure Plan Has a Good Chance: Biden’s Approval Rating[/b][/h1]  
    [link=]Jonathan Bernstein[/link]: The chances of passing this package over Republican opposition are enhanced by one striking factor: It appears that Democrats have agreed that one of the big lessons of 2009-2010 is that helping a Democratic president look like a success is more important to the re-election efforts of senators and representatives than siding with districts on individual bills or trying to differentiate themselves from the national party.
    In an age of partisan polarization, the presidents approval rating matters more in midterm congressional elections than anything any individual member can do to please district voters. As long as Democrats believe that, theyre going to try to stick together to pass things.

  • btomba_77

    April 12, 2021 at 9:44 am

    [b]Biden continues to have near universal support from Democrats[/b]


    Bidens overall approval rate has also been higher than any point in Trumps entire four years in office.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      April 12, 2021 at 10:57 am

      Build back better

      No more dumb tweets

      No more lies and conspiracy

      No more pettiness

      • kayla.meyer_144

        April 12, 2021 at 1:55 pm

        Things are soooooo quiet and un-chaotic compared to the past 4 years.

  • btomba_77

    April 14, 2021 at 4:14 am

     [link=]Politico/Morning Consult poll[/link] finds President Joe Bidens approval rate at 60%.

    Economy: 55/34
    Jobs: 53/32
    Healthcare: 55/30
    Immigration: 41/46
    Climate: 52/30
    Environment: 52/31
    Energy: 49/33
    Education: 52/31
    National Security: 50/34
    Gun Policy: 47/39
    Medicare/SS: 51/27
    Coronavirus: 63/29
    Voting Rights: 53/33
    Foreign Policy:  45/36

  • btomba_77

    April 15, 2021 at 9:44 am

    Polarized opinions on Biden give him the largest approval gap ever measured.[/b]

    [link=]Gallup poll[/link] finds an 86-point gap in Biden’s approval rating between Democratic and Republican voters, 96% to 10%.


  • btomba_77

    April 23, 2021 at 4:06 am

    [h1]Biden Very Popular with Young Americans[/h1]  
    The new [link=]Harvard Institute of Politics [/link]Survey of Young Americans Attitudes toward Politics and Public Service:

    Survey of 18- to 29-year-old Americans finds President Biden with the highest favorability among this group of any first-term president over the 21 years this poll has been conducted.
    Fifty-six percent of young Americans are hopeful about the countrys future, including 72% of Black people and 69% of Hispanic people.

  • btomba_77

    April 26, 2021 at 3:12 am

    Flurry of polling ahead of the Biden 100 day mark.


    FiverThirtyEight polling average 54.5% and highly stable.

    YouGov 58%
    Ispos 54%
    Morning Consult 58%
    Rasmussen 52%
    ABC/WaPo  52%
    Fox  54%
    Gallup 57%
    ARG  59%
    NBC  53% 

    (all within the last week)

  • btomba_77

    April 26, 2021 at 2:31 pm

    [h1][b]Keep an Eye on Bidens Disapproval Numbers[/b][/h1]  
    [link=]Dan Pfeiffer[/link]: We live in an era of negative partisanship where hatred for the other party is the biggest driving factor in political action. This is why Bidens policies can poll in the seventies, and his approval rating can be in the low fifties. Hatred towards Trump was the number one factor in Democratic turnout in 2020.
    Therefore, as we think about 2022, we should focus a little more on Bidens disapproval rating. In the aforementioned ABC/[i]Washington Post[/i] poll, only 42 percent of respondents disapprove of Bidens job performance. Based on recent history, this number is impressively low. At this point in his Presidency, Trumps disapproval was 53 percent. Bidens number is only three points higher than Bill Clintons at the 100-day mark in a radically less polarized era.
    [b]Biden hasnt gotten Republican voters to like him, but he has prevented them from hating him [/b] a truly remarkable achievement. And one that bodes well for 2022 if it continues. Republicans need high turnout in the midterms, which might be difficult to achieve without Trump on the ballot if they cant turn Biden into a scary and hated figure.

  • btomba_77

    May 2, 2021 at 8:50 am

    [link=]ABC News/Ipsos poll[/link]
    [ul][*]Almost two-thirds (64%) of Americans say they are optimistic about the direction of the country over the next twelve months compared to just over a third (36%) who describe themselves as pessimistic. [/ul]  

  • btomba_77

    May 10, 2021 at 6:48 am

    one of the strongest in a while …

    [link=]Biden hits 63 percent approval rating in new AP poll


    [link=]The poll[/link] found 96 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of independents and 23 percent of Republicans surveyed approve of Biden’s work in his first three full months in office.
    The survey also showed Americans with a growing sense of optimism about the direction of the country, with 54 percent saying the nation is on the right track, compared to 44 percent who believe it is on the wrong track. The 54 percent mark is the highest of any AP-NORC poll response to the question since 2017.



  • btomba_77

    May 24, 2021 at 9:07 am


    Some good polls, including a 54% favorable from Rasmussen, give Biden his highest average approval since just after the inauguration.

  • btomba_77

    May 24, 2021 at 1:44 pm

    Hot off the presses —


    Biden’s job approval ticks upward to 62 percent[/h1]

    Overall, 62 percent of respondents said they either strongly or somewhat approve of the job Biden is doing in the White House, while 38 percent said they disapprove. By comparison, former [link=]President Trump[/link] scored 45 percent approval in a May 2017 Harvard CAPS/Harris poll.
    Biden gets his highest marks for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with 70 percent saying they like the job hes done so far to rein in the outbreak. 
    The Biden honeymoon rolls on as people see the virus receding and the economy improving no drop at all in approval of Biden and if anything the country is warming to both political parties for the first time, said [link=]Mark Penn[/link], the director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris poll.

    Another major positive for Biden, he’s at 53% approval on border and immigration, where he had been underwater for a while.

  • btomba_77

    May 25, 2021 at 9:14 am

    Series of good Biden approval polls continues.
    538 average now 54.7% approve, almost the high from inauguration.,
    59% in Zogby this am, with 55% of independents and near Universal Democratic approval

    The biggest news is that Bidens job approval rating as of May 20th in our poll has shows an approval rating of 59%, and a disapproval rating of 40% this is a big gain for him since the election.
    Were not entirely sure that Obama ever reached this level of favorability and Donald Trump never came close.
    Biden has 96% approval among Democrats and seems to be keeping their coalition together. He also is getting a majority of Independent voters at this time (55% approval).
    Among Republicans, 76% disapprove, but the whats interesting and important is the following 24% approve of his job, and remember he only received 4% of the Republican vote in the election.
    28% of conservatives and 29% of those who identify as very conservative approve of his job.

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