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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    September 13, 2020 at 1:58 pm

    It’s still amazing that dozens of the phones of the Mueller investigation lawyers were wiped.  It’s too big of a thing to swallow.  The Inspector General wanted to see what the Mueller investigation had been up to, so the Mueller team destroyed all their evidence.  Which taxpayers had paid for and which had been used to impeach a president.  
    The special counsel impeached a president then destroyed the materials they used in the course of building the case for impeachment.  It’s astonishing.  Corruption of the highest possible order.  And they’ll almost certainly get away with it; it’s such a baldly stunning act, and they have full Democratic support, which is no surprise given Hillary, Comey, and her homebrew server that also got wiped.

    • clickpenguin_460

      September 13, 2020 at 1:59 pm

      I mean Hillary wiped her computer, phone, etc. too. No accountability when you’ve brainwashed half the electorate with cries of racism and the religion of climate change.   Just look at the mess that is California.

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        September 13, 2020 at 2:19 pm

        And theyre enjoying everything they voted for.

        • clickpenguin_460

          September 13, 2020 at 3:13 pm

          Quote from radgrinder

          And theyre enjoying everything they voted for.

          The sad thing is that they don’t realize it’s their fault.  They just blame Orange Man and Mother Earth.

  • kayla.meyer_144

    September 14, 2020 at 5:09 am

    The problem is that ever 2-3 days, the information released is anything but fake as Trump himself always confirms the worst of it out of his own mouth saying, “So what, what are you going to do about it?”
    He’s been doing that since before the Pu22y tapes and now with “What did the president know and when did he know it?” about COVID. He comes right out and admits it all.

    • kayla.meyer_144

      September 17, 2020 at 5:58 am

      Barr shows his spots on partisan insanity:

      Attorney General William Barr is facing criticism for [link=]comparing calls for a nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus to slavery[/link]. “Putting a national lockdown, stay-at-home orders, is like house arrest,” he said during an event at Hillsdale College. “Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.” Barr also launched into a tirade against the hundreds of Justice Department prosecutors working beneath him, equating them to preschoolers and essentially saying the opinions of politically appointed Justice Department leaders are more important than those of career attorneys who have served through multiple presidencies. Barr also recently suggested [link=]charging violent protesters with the rarely used accusation of sedition[/link] — conspiracy to overthrow the US government.

  • btomba_77

    September 25, 2020 at 9:58 am


    Four House committee chairs Schiff, Nadler, Maloney and Lofgren ask DOJ inspector general to conduct an “emergency investigation” into Bill Barr’s handling of the Durham investigation and whether he has authority to issue an ‘interim’ report.

  • btomba_77

    September 26, 2020 at 1:22 pm

    [link=]U.S. Attorney Says William Barr ‘Dishonors’ Justice Department[/link]

    While I am a federal prosecutor, I am writing to express my own views, clearly not those of the department, on a matter that should concern all citizens: the unprecedented politicization of the office of the attorney general, said James D. Herbert, assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts, in a letter to [link=]The Boston Globe[/link] published Thursday.
    Herbert said he felt compelled to speak out against Barr after the attorney general earlier this month [link=]lambasted the prosecutors who work for him.[/link]
    The attorney general acts as though his job is to serve only the political interests of Donald J. Trump. This is a dangerous abuse of power, Herbert wrote, citing [link=]Barrs misleading summary of the Mueller Report[/link] and [link=]his false claims about mail-in voting.[/link]
    More recently, Barr took the unprecedented step of [link=]throwing the weight of the Justice Department[/link] behind Trump in a lawsuit filed by a rape accuser. Barr also recently [link=]designated[/link] New York City, Seattle and Portland, Oregon, anarchist jurisdictions in a bid to cut federal funding to the cities perceived as liberal.
    William Barr has done the presidents bidding at every turn, Herbert wrote. For 30 years I have been proud to say I work for the Department of Justice, but the current attorney general has brought shame on the department he purports to lead.

    • btomba_77

      September 27, 2020 at 12:48 pm


      [link=]Maria Bartiromo[/link]
      Breaking news: NO John durham interim report. No indictments before election – Bartiromo sources

      • kayla.meyer_144

        September 27, 2020 at 1:02 pm

        They must be very disappointed that nothing was found to display.

  • btomba_77

    October 1, 2020 at 2:36 pm

    [link=][b]Former Justice Department lawyers accuse Barr of using DOJ to undermine fair election[/b]


    A group of over 1,600 former Justice Department (DOJ) attorneys are accusing Attorney General Bill Barr of seeking to help [link=]President Trump[/link] win reelection. 
    “We fear that Attorney General Barr intends to use the DOJ’s vast law enforcement powers to undermine our most fundamental democratic value: free and fair elections,” the group wrote [link=]in an open letter[/link] published Thursday on Medium.
    Among other things, the group says Barrs effort to cast doubt on mail-in voting is an inappropriate use of his authority. 
    We speak out again now because we fear that Attorney General Barr intends to use the DOJs vast law enforcement powers to undermine our most fundamental democratic value: free and fair elections, the group wrote. He has signaled this intention in myriad ways, from making [link=]false statements[/link] about the security of mail-in voting from foreign hackers to [link=]falsely suggesting[/link] that mail-in ballots are subject to widespread fraud and coercion.
    The group said that there are serious questions about whether there is a legitimate basis for the investigation led by U.S. Attorney [link=]John Durham[/link], who is looking into the origins of the Russia investigation. 

    But even if there is a legitimate predicate for the Durham investigation, there is clearly no justification for taking public action on it in such close proximity to the November election, the group wrote. Such a blatant politicization and abuse of federal law enforcement power risks immense and lasting harm to our democracy and to the integrity and reputation of the DOJ.

  • btomba_77

    October 8, 2020 at 5:03 am

    [b]Durham Probe Not Expected Before Election[/b][/h1]  
    The presidents hours-long Twitter screed this week about the Russia probe and his allies recent declassification blitzes dont appear to be coincidences, Politico reports.
    U.S. Attorney John Durham tasked by Attorney General William Barr to review the 2016-era Russia investigation is not expected to release information related to the probe before Election Day Senate Republicans running similar investigations were told of the intention within the last week and its why theyve been stepping up their releases of declassified documents.


    • btomba_77

      October 8, 2020 at 8:15 am

      [h1][b]Trump Slams Barr for Not Prosecuting Prior Administration, calls FBI Director Disappointing[/b][/h1]  

      President Trump called FBI director Christopher Wray disappointing, criticizing him for not doing more to investigate voter fraud, after Wray said there is no evidence of any coordinated fraud ahead of the election. [link=]CBS News[/link] reports.
      Said Trump: Hes been disappointing. He doesnt see the voting ballots as a problem.
      Trump also expressed frustration with Attorney General William Barr, arguing that he had not done enough to prosecute the presidents political enemies.

      Mr. Trump said Barr would either go down in history as “the greatest” attorney general or as a “sad situation,” depending on whether he prosecuted members of the previous administration for launching an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
      “I’ll be honest with you. He’s got all the information he needs. They want to get more, more, more. They keep getting more. I said, ‘You don’t need any more,'” Mr. Trump said, arguing that former President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden should be indicted. Barr tapped U.S. Attorney John Durham last year [link=]to investigate the origins[/link] of the FBI investigation into potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials in 2016.
      The Justice Department declined to comment on the president’s remarks Thursday morning.[/QUOTE]

      • kaldridgewv2211

        October 8, 2020 at 10:51 am

        TRump had his own partisan hack commission that was looking at his baseless claims.  They found nothing and that was his own hacks.

        • btomba_77

          October 15, 2020 at 4:55 am

          Career GOP prosecutor who took down Duncan Hunter and Duke Cunningham:


          [h1] I wont work in Attorney General William Barrs Justice Department any longer[/h1] By PHILLIP HALPERN

          After 36 years, Im fleeing what was the U.S. Department of Justice where I proudly served 19 different attorneys general and six different presidents. For the last three-plus decades, I have respected our leadership regardless of whether we were led by a Republican or a Democrat. I always believed the departments past leaders were dedicated to the rule of law and the guiding principle that justice is blind. That is a bygone era, but it should not be forgotten.
          Maybe I shouldve seen this coming, but like many of my colleagues, I fervently hoped that Attorney General William Barrs preemptive misrepresentation of special counsel Robert Muellers report was an honest mistake or a solitary misstep rather than a deliberate attempt to conceal potential presidential misconduct. After all, Barr has never actually investigated, charged or tried a case. Hes a well-trained bureaucrat but has no actual experience as a prosecutor.
          Unfortunately, over the last year, Barrs resentment toward rule-of-law prosecutors became increasingly difficult to ignore, as did his slavish obedience to Donald Trumps will in his selective meddling with the criminal justice system in the Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone cases. In each of these cases, Barr overruled career prosecutors in order to assist the presidents associates and/or friends, who potentially harbor incriminating information. This career bureaucrat seems determined to turn our democracy into an autocracy.

          I remained in government service this past year at least partly because I was concerned that the department would interfere with the Hunter prosecution in my absence. Unfortunately, many of my colleagues without such a rationale appear to have started abandoning Barrs ship. Equally troubling, highly qualified lawyers appear to be unwilling to apply to be federal prosecutors while Barr remains at the helm. Yet, as I leave government service, I take great comfort in the fact that the career people who remain in the Department of Justice are firmly committed to the rule of law, and are some of the most dedicated, ethical and industrious individuals we have in government. At times like these, I take heart in knowing that they are all committed to preserving and rebuilding the Department of Justice that I was privileged to serve.


  • btomba_77

    October 31, 2020 at 5:21 am


    (Note that these are *currently serving* prosecutors in the US Attorney for Marylands office )

    [h1]As prosecutors, we find William Barrs words repugnant[/h1]

    As federal prosecutors with decades of experience, we feel it necessary to express our disfavor of recent actions and comments by Attorney General William P.Barr. These are our own views and clearly do not represent those of the Justice Department we work for or the leadership of our offices. We can no longer be silent. We believe Mr. Barr is wrong to [link=]question without evidence[/link] the fairness of the upcoming election. We believe Mr. Barrs [link=]order to law enforcement to clear protesters from Lafayette Square[/link] and the manner in which it was done were outrageous. We also believe that [link=]Mr. Barrs comments[/link] that quarantining because of the novel [link=]coronavirus[/link] was other than slavery … the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history were misguided, incorrect and insulting. 
    We take our jobs as prosecutors seriously and professionally, and we believe that the attorney generals words are repugnant to the notion of fair and evenhanded justice.

    [b]David I. Salem[/b],[i] Greenbelt[/i]
    [b]Christopher J. Romano[/b], [i]Baltimore[/i]
    [b]Hollis Raphael Weisman[/b], [i]Greenbelt[/i]
    [b]P. Michael Cunningham[/b], [i]Baltimore[/i]

  • btomba_77

    November 2, 2020 at 4:02 pm

    [b]Bill Barr meets, prays with, and holds photo-op with Right Wing extremist who called for Hillary Clinton’s execution[/b]
    Daubenmire is a … [link=]right-wing[/link] [link=]conspiracy theorist[/link]the sort who proudly declares that women become lesbians [link=]because[/link] they are so ugly that no man could ever love them, asserts that Barack Obama [link=]was[/link] a quasi-Muslim freak and [link=]an emissary from Hell,[/link] warns that Oprah Winfrey was planning to run for president in order [link=]to carry out[/link] a white genocide, [link=]complains[/link] that he is not allowed to say the N-word, [link=]gripes[/link] that the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was a psy-op intended to promote the blending of the races, and [link=]calls[/link] interracial marriage spiritual AIDS.
    Daubenmire has [link=]defended[/link] former Republican senatorial nominee Roy Moore, the anti-gay [link=]Westboro Baptist Church[/link], and the extremists he deemed [link=]patriots[/link] who marched at the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. He has also [link=]declared[/link] that only evangelical Christians should be allowed to serve on the Supreme Court, [link=]proclaimed[/link] that a woman can never be president because women are not to have authority over men, [link=]lamented[/link] that the North won the Civil War, and [link=]called for[/link] the embrace of a more violent Christianity.

    • kayla.meyer_144

      November 2, 2020 at 4:16 pm

      How can anyone resist Daubenmire’s siren call. A “more” violent Christianity! Just as Jesus preached!
      It’s irresistible! It’s compelling!
      It’s in Lunatic-Vision.

  • btomba_77

    November 3, 2020 at 12:55 pm


    [h1][b]How Trump and Barrs October Surprise Went Bust[/b][/h1]

    On September 10, Nora Dannehy resigned as the deputy to John Durham, the federal prosecutor investigating the governments probe into the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election. Dannehy left her post and the Justice Department in part because of [link=]Attorney General William Barr[/link]s pressure on Durham to release a report on his investigations findings before Election Day, according to a person familiar with her thinking. Trump had long been hoping a report out this fall would damage Democrats, including Joe Biden, and help him win reelection. In Trumps terminology, Durhams report would reveal an attempted overthrow of his administration by Democratic insiders. But Justice Department guidelines restrict prosecutors from taking such actions within 60 days of an election because they might affect the outcome of the election. Both Durham and Dannehy believed that if they complied with Barrs demands they would be violating this doctrine, according to two people familiar with their thinking.

    Shortly after the resignation of his prized deputy and with the election looming on the horizon, Durham phoned Barr. He forcefully told the attorney general that his office would not be releasing a report or taking any other significant public actions before Election Day, according to a person with knowledge of the phone call. Dannehys resignation constituted an implied but unspoken threat to Barr that Durham or others on his team might resign if the attorney general attempted to force the issue, according to a person familiar with Durhams thinking.

    After hearing there would be no October surprise, Trump excoriated Barr, telling Rush Limbaugh: I think its a terrible thing, and Ill say it to his face.


    • btomba_77

      November 8, 2020 at 6:33 am

      Trump’s legal team desperately trying to pull in Bill Barr

      So far he is still MIA

      • ruszja

        November 8, 2020 at 6:54 am

        I wonder whether now that the election is over, Durham’s report is goong to be released or whether it will be memory-holed by the new administration.

  • clickpenguin_460

    November 9, 2020 at 7:02 pm

    Barr authorizes the DoJ to look into the voting issues

    • cpmolnar

      November 9, 2020 at 7:07 pm

      If youre getting fired, may as well swing for the fences.

      • kaldridgewv2211

        November 9, 2020 at 7:47 pm

        Its paywalled but NYT headline indicates top official under Barr quit over this. Id suspect any respectable DOJ folks might do the same.

        • kaldridgewv2211

          November 9, 2020 at 8:27 pm

          From axios

          Richard Pilger, a Department of Justice official who oversees investigations of voter fraud, stepped down from his role on Monday after Attorney General Bill Barr authorized U.S. attorneys to probe alleged voter fraud, the New York Times reports.

          Details: “Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications I must regretfully resign from my role as Director of the Election Crimes Branch,” Pilger said in an email to colleagues, per the NYT.


          • ruszja

            November 9, 2020 at 8:30 pm

            Quote from DICOM_Dan

            From axios

            Richard Pilger, a Department of Justice official who oversees investigations of voter fraud, stepped down from his role on Monday after Attorney General Bill Barr authorized U.S. attorneys to probe alleged voter fraud, the New York Times reports.

            Details: “Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications I must regretfully resign from my role as Director of the Election Crimes Branch,” Pilger said in an email to colleagues, per the NYT.


            As usual, the ‘resignation’ is limited to a job function, not his civil service position.

  • btomba_77

    December 1, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    Get ready for the tweet storm …
    [b]Barr Sees No Evidence of Widespread Voting Fraud[/b][/h1]  
    Attorney General William Barr told the [link=]Associated Press[/link] that the Justice Department hasnt uncovered widespread voting fraud that could have changed 2020 election outcome.
    The comments are especially direct coming from Barr, who has been one of the presidents most ardent allies. Before the election, he had repeatedly raised the notion that mail-in voter fraud could be especially vulnerable to fraud during the coronavirus pandemic as Americans feared going to polls and instead chose to vote by mail.


    • clickpenguin_460

      December 1, 2020 at 12:42 pm

      No fraud.  Dems just changed the rules and Republicans did nothing to stop them and now are crying about it.  Same as what happened in 2018 in CA when Dems first started widespread ballot harvesting.  This year, Repubs did their own ballot harvesting and did fine.
      Dems are always 1 cycle ahead on their scheming then it evens out.

      • btomba_77

        December 1, 2020 at 1:04 pm

        Nearly every close state that expanded mail-in voting did so through Republican dominated legislatures and many with GOP control over the state voting apparatus … PA, WI, GA 
        Democrats motivated their base to take advantage of the new rules while Trump told his base *not* to. 

    • ruszja

      December 1, 2020 at 1:55 pm

      Quote from dergon

      Get ready for the tweet storm …

      [b]Barr Sees No Evidence of Widespread Voting Fraud[/b]  

      Attorney General William Barr told the [link=]Associated Press[/link] that the Justice Department hasnt uncovered widespread voting fraud that could have changed 2020 election outcome.

      The comments are especially direct coming from Barr, who has been one of the presidents most ardent allies. Before the election, he had repeatedly raised the notion that mail-in voter fraud could be especially vulnerable to fraud during the coronavirus pandemic as Americans feared going to polls and instead chose to vote by mail.

      Which is ironic because when Barra authorized US attorneys to start looking at the election while it happened there was lots of screaming and yelling about his ‘undemocratic actions’ even leading to the ‘resignation’ of a career prosecutor. Now that he states that there is no evidence of misconduct relating to the election, he is another ‘beacon of truth’.
      Funny how that happens.

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        December 1, 2020 at 2:36 pm

        Why is Barr distancing himself from trump

        Thats the 64 thousand dollar question

        • btomba_77

          December 1, 2020 at 3:34 pm

          Quote from Chirorad84

          Why is Barr distancing himself from trump

          Thats the 64 thousand dollar question

          Because he doesn’t have the charisma to be a Fox talking head and he’s not running for elected office.
          So his best path forward is billing $1,000/hr as a partner in a DC law firm.  He can be so toxic that the PR of hiring him makes it impossible to pull off.

      • kayla.meyer_144

        December 2, 2020 at 12:38 pm

        Quote from fw

        Which is ironic because when Barra authorized US attorneys to start looking at the election while it happened there was lots of screaming and yelling about his ‘undemocratic actions’ even leading to the ‘resignation’ of a career prosecutor. Now that he states that there is no evidence of misconduct relating to the election, he is another ‘beacon of truth’.

        Funny how that happens.

        Not really. Barr is no ones hero. Its just after so many of Barrs antics in support of Thump, its a refreshing surprise to see that even Barr has his limits as to how far he is willing to support Trumps imaginative Twits. One has to presume even Barr knows Trumps lost all his attempts to overturn the election to award the election to the Loser, Trump himself, and there is no future or gain for Barr to continue the charade.
        And Barr knows he will likely be fired before Inauguration Day, to no ones surprise.

        • btomba_77

          December 2, 2020 at 4:22 pm

          [link=]Trump blasts special counsel Durham for moving too slowly[/link]
          We caught them all, Trump said. Were still waiting for a report from a man named Durham who Ive never spoken to and never met. They can go after me before the election as much as they want, but unfortunately Mr. Durham didnt want to go after these peoplebefore the election, so who knows if hell ever even do a report.
          Attorney General [link=]William Barr[/link] appointed Durham, a prosecutor investigating the origins of the 2016 Russia probe, as special counsel to ensure his investigation continues even after President-elect [link=]Joe Biden[/link] takes office.
          Durham was appointed under the same statute that governed [link=]Robert Mueller[/link] when he was made special counsel to investigate the Trump campaign and its contacts with Russia. 

          • btomba_77

            December 7, 2020 at 4:34 am

            [b]Attorney General Barr considering leaving post before Trump exits office, source says[/b]
            [link=]NY Times [/link]

            • btomba_77

              December 14, 2020 at 4:15 pm

              Bill Barr to resign before X-mas.
              I guess Trump didn’t take well to that news of Barr doing his job and following DOJ guidelines on keeping the Hunter Biden story under wraps and…. not weaponizing the DOJ to overturn the election.

              • btomba_77

                December 21, 2020 at 9:50 am

                Barr develops a conscience, joins the “deep state” 😉
                [hr] At a presser a few minutes ago, Barr said:

                – No special counsel needed for Hunter Biden investigation
                – No special counsel needed for vote fraud investigation
                – Hack was of Russian origin
                – No authority to seize voting machines

                Barr Won’t Appoint Special Counsel to Probe Hunter Biden, Vote Fraud
                [i]Attorney general says he believes the investigation into the son of President-elect Joe Biden is being handled responsibly and professionally[/i]

                [i] [/i]

                • clickpenguin_460

                  December 21, 2020 at 10:00 am

                  He’s joined the people who are mad at Trump after Trump offended them and made fun of them.
                  Seriously though, I don’t see anything wrong with any of those declarations.  Hunter Biden is already under investigation.  I’m not a big fan of using special counsels as political tools.  Didn’t like it when Dems did it and I don’t like it now.
                  I’m a bit disappointed we aren’t treating the Russia hack as an attack on the US though.  Some retaliation is needed.  IMO, a digital attack in 2020 is no different than sinking a boat in 1900.

  • btomba_77

    December 2, 2020 at 12:04 pm

    President Trumps spokeswoman refused to say whether Trump still has faith in Attorney General William Barr, a day after Barr said there was no significant evidence to support the presidents claim that widespread ballot fraud led to his defeat by President-elect Joe Biden, [link=]CNBC[/link] reports.
    Said press secretary Kayleigh McEnany: If we have any personnel announcements, Ill let you know.

  • btomba_77

    December 2, 2020 at 12:06 pm

    Jonathan Swan: POTUS is actively considering firing Barr and replacing with somebody more willing to do his bidding on election and Durham.

  • btomba_77

    January 6, 2021 at 10:57 am

    Trump: “I like Bill Barr, but he changed, because he didn’t want to be considered my personal attorney.”

  • btomba_77

    January 19, 2021 at 4:59 am


    Barr told Trump that theories about stolen election were ‘bullsh*t’:[/h1]

    Barr, during a meeting with Trump at the White House in early December, told the president that such theories of a stolen election were “bullshi*,” [link=]Axios[/link] reported Monday.
    The meeting came as Barr had publicly undercut the president’s baseless allegations of widespread voter fraud, telling The Associated Press that the Justice Department had not uncovered evidence to back up the claims.
    Barr responded that “these things aren’t panning out” and “the stuff that these people are filling your ear with just isnt true,” Axios reported. The attorney general reportedly emphasized that the DOJ had reviewed the major claims put forward by the president’s lawyers.
    Trump [link=]announced[/link] almost two weeks later, on Dec. 14, that Barr would step down from his position in the Trump administration…[/QUOTE]

    • btomba_77

      February 27, 2021 at 4:35 am

      [b]John Durham, Prosecutor Investigating Russia Probe, Resigns[/b]  
      John Durham, the federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr assigned to investigate possible criminal wrongdoing in Robert Muellers Russia probe, [link=]announced he was resigning[/link].


      • btomba_77

        April 5, 2021 at 5:15 am

        Statement from the 45th President of the United States:
        ‘Wheres Durham? Is he a living, breathing human being? Will there ever be a Durham report?’ [/h2]  

        • Unknown Member

          Deleted User
          April 5, 2021 at 6:25 am

          Anyone seriously paying attention to trump anymore?

          Maybe in rural areas that are 10 yrs behind the times but everywhere else he is forgotten

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