[b]McCarthy Claims Terrorists Are Crossing the Border [/b]
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) claimed that hed spoken to border agents in El Paso who told him that suspected terrorists have attempted to cross the border into the United Statesbut he provided no evidence to back it up, the [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/16/mccarthy-terrorists-border-gallego-escobar/?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=wp_homepage]Washington Post[/link] reports.
I guess a Democrat is back in the White House. ISIS only crosses the Mexican border when the it’s a Dem in charge.-
“We Republicans are not racists or white supremacists, we just don’t like criminals and terrorists. They all just happen to be Black or Hispanic.
ISIS? Who is ISIS? Oh yeah, them too.” -
Quote from dergon
[b]McCarthy Claims Terrorists Are Crossing the Border [/b]
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) claimed that hed spoken to border agents in El Paso who told him that suspected terrorists have attempted to cross the border into the United Statesbut he provided no evidence to back it up, the [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/16/mccarthy-terrorists-border-gallego-escobar/?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=wp_homepage]Washington Post[/link] reports.___
I guess a Democrat is back in the White House. ISIS only crosses the Mexican border when the it’s a Dem in charge.Sounds a bit like rampant voter fraud and sasquatch. they should play the video where people easily scale the fence by shimmying up the slats and then sliding down the slats.
[h1][b]$5 Ladders Thwarting Trumps Border Wall[/b][/h1]
A busy section of Donald Trumps southern border wall which cost $27 million a mile to build is being foiled by inexpensive ladders, the [link=https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/trump-border-wall-ladders/]Texas Monthly[/link] reports.…..
and in related news ….
[h1][b]House GOP Will Run on Reviving Border Wall[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/congress/gop-would-revive-trump-border-wall-house-majority]Washington Examiner[/link]: House Republicans, eager to elevate border security to a top 2022 campaign issue, said Monday they would revive the now-stalled construction of the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border that was championed by former President Donald Trump and nixed by President Joe Biden.
Wasn’t this predicted. Exactly this. High tech ladders.
some more athletic Mexicanos actually can just shimmy right up and slide down. I’ve seen those videos posted.
[b]Biden Cancels Military Funds Diversion for Border Wall[/b][/h1]
President Biden is cancelling projects to build a wall along the southern border using diverted defense funds and will use some funding to repair environmental damage from the walls construction, [link=https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/551227-biden-cancels-military-funded-border-wall-projects]The Hill[/link] reports.
[b]54 More Migrant Children Reunited with Parents[/b][/h1]
In the last month, lawyers working to reunite migrant families separated at the southern border during the Trump administration were able to connect 54 more children with their parents, [link=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/lawyers-find-parents-54-more-migrant-children-families-separated-under-n1267974]NBC News[/link] reports. -
[link=https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/watchdog-says-u-s-forced-deported-parents-to-leave-kids-behind]Watchdog says U.S. forced deported parents to leave kids behind
A government watchdog says the Trump administration, under its practice of separating families at the border, forced migrant parents to leave the U.S. without their children, contradicting claims by officials that parents were willingly leaving them behind.
The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General said in a report released Monday that it found at least 348 cases in which Immigration and Customs Enforcement had no records showing migrants wanted to leave their children in the U.S. It also found some cases in which agency officials deported parents even while knowing they wanted to take their children with them.
That contradicted assertions by senior DHS officials that parents were choosing to leave their children in the U.S. to stay with family or for other reasons while they were deported in 2017 and 2018 as the administration sought to enforce a hard-line approach to immigration enforcement.[/QUOTE]
Caitlyn Jenner wants to use funds for bullet train project to build rest of Trump border wall
The Hill
[ul][*][link=https://politicalwire.com/2021/06/10/abbott-pledges-to-finish-trumps-border-wall/]Abbott Pledges to Finish Trumps Border Wall[/link] [/ul]
Biden Scuttles Trumps Dreams for Border Wall[/h1]
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/11/biden-border-wall-funds-493506]Politico[/link]: The White House on Friday detailed its plans for handling money Trump diverted for the project, plus border wall funding Congress passed last year. More than $2 billion Trump diverted from military construction projects will be returned, funding 66 military projects in 11 states, three territories and 16 countries.
If Congress cancels border wall funding, OMB said, the money could instead be used for effective border management measures like enhanced technology between points of entry and improved infrastructure at land ports. -
[b]Lara Trump suggest vigilantes take to the Border with guns[/b]
In an appearance on [link=https://www.newsweek.com/topic/fox-news]Fox News[/link]’ [i]Justice With Judge Jeanine[/i], Trump, who currently works as a contributor for the network, called Biden’s border response “disgraceful.”
“I don’t know what to tell the people that live at the southern border. I guess they better arm up, get guns and be ready, and maybe they’ll have to start taking matters into their own hands,” she said. “It should never happen. These people should never make this dangerous journey here.”
[h1][b]How Trump Bypassed Congress to Build His Border Wall[/b][/h1]
[link=https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/06/trump-congress-wall-pentagon-502652]Politico[/link]:The newly released documents provide the first-ever look at the inner workings of how that money was moved around and its not a pretty sight for congressional committees, which were left in the dark and denied basic answers about the accounting maneuvers. The Defense Department ignored statutory language in the appropriations laws specifying how the dollars were to be used. Millions of dollars were moved to never-before-seen project lines created by the Comptroller and then written into the military services construction budgets without the knowledge of Congress.
Without doubt, the Pentagon enjoyed immense discretion once the White House invoked its singular construction powers after declaring a national emergency in early 2019. The relevant statute, enacted in 1982 and known in political shorthand as 2808, allowed DOD to proceed without regard to any other provision of law.
But what made the ensuing process so remarkable was its lack of transparency: It hid from Congress and the federal courts the full scope of what was being tossed aside in favor of the wall spending.
And yet, did not this Supreme Court rule for the Trump administration to allow just that?
[b]Trump Wanted to Bomb Mexico[/b][/h1]
Former President Donald Trump asked Mark Esper, his defense secretary, about the possibility of launching missiles into Mexico to destroy the drug labs and wipe out the cartels, maintaining that the United States involvement in a strike against its southern neighbor could be kept secret, Mr. Esper recounts in his upcoming memoir, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/05/us/politics/mark-esper-book.html]New York Times[/link] reports.
Those remarkable discussions in 2020 were among several moments that Mr. Esper described in the book, [i][link=https://amzn.to/3vNmFFP]A Sacred Oath[/link][/i], as leaving him all but speechless when he served the 45th president.
Mr. Esper, the last Senate-confirmed defense secretary under Mr. Trump, also had concerns about speculation that the president might misuse the military around Election Day by, for instance, having soldiers seize ballot boxes.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 6, 2022 at 9:00 amI actually know Esper quite well
Very solid guy
He only got involved in the trump administration because of his friendship with Pompeo
Im retrospect it was probably good he was there
are solid people friends with Pompeo? Pompeo seems like a next level clown.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 6, 2022 at 9:41 amIn this case yes
Ive know him since we were 8-9 yrs old
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 6, 2022 at 9:43 amBut I agree with you on Pompeo even though I dont know him he seems like a tool
They were classmates at West Point and I believe esper introduced Pompeo to his wife
[b]Abbott Sends Tank-Like Military Vehicles to Border[/b][/h1]
Three days after Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted a legally dubious invocation of the invasion clause of the U.S. and Texas constitutions over the high number of migrant encounters at the Texas-Mexico border, his border mission is set to include armored personnel carriers designed to carry troops into battle alongside tanks, the [link=https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/18/texas-border-military-armored-vehicles-operation-lone-star/]Texas Tribune[/link] reports. -
[link=https://www.fairus.org/legislation/presidential-administration/border-security/biden-and-trudeau-agree-expand-safe-third]Biden and Trudeau Agree to Expand Safe Third Country Agreement
As Marjorie Taylor Greene puts it: “It seems that Canada wants to participate in Mexicos invasion of the United States”
Mayorkas was getting the full on Fox highlight clip treatment today.
It was never Democrats who refused to address immigration, it was always a hard-core core of conservatives who opposed doing something. One must assume that solving the problem would remove a key divisive issue that keeps their core angry and mobilized and can’t have that! Conservatives are not about solving problems but keeping them. Almost 20 years of Democratic efforts stopped by conservatives from finding a solution.
[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/14/us/politics/immigration-legislation-congress.html]https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/14/us/politics/immigration-legislation-congress.html[/link]On May 25, 2006, the Republican-led Senate passed the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 by a [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/26/washington/26immig.html]vote of 62 to 36[/link]. Twenty-three Republicans including Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the current minority leader supported the bill, along with all but four Democrats and one independent. The Republican-led House never took it up.
After congressional Republicans suffered punishing defeats in the 2006 midterms, new Democratic majorities in the Senate and House tried to tackle immigration again. But the new bill failed to clear a series of procedural hurdles in the Senate in June 2007 and never received a final vote in either chamber.
Senator Jeff Sessions, the Alabama Republican who would go on to carry out a zero-tolerance policy for unlawful border crossings as President Donald J. Trumps attorney general, led a conservative revolt against the bill, denouncing it as amnesty.
In December 2010, Democratic congressional leaders, poised to lose control of the House, held votes on the DREAM Act: legislation that aimed to give undocumented migrants brought to the country as children, often referred to as Dreamers, an opportunity to gain legal status. The House passed the bill by a vote of 216 to 198, with eight Republicans in favor and 38 Democrats opposed. Ten days later, the Democrat-led Senate [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/19/us/politics/19immig.html]fell five votes short[/link] of breaking a filibuster blocking it from a vote.
Conservative Republicans [/b]in the Senate campaigned against the bill as a grant of amnesty, persuading all but three of their colleagues to oppose it….Five moderate Democrats refused to back the bill because it did not include a broader immigration plan the five votes they needed to clear the Senates 60-vote procedural hurdle and allow it to advance.
After the 2012 presidential election and a [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/19/us/politics/republicans-plan-overhaul-for-2016-primary-season.html]Republican autopsy[/link] that concluded the party had to shift its hard-line stance on immigration, momentum built for a compromise bill. On June 27, 2013, the Senate, voting 68 to 32, [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/28/us/politics/immigration-bill-clears-final-hurdle-to-senate-approval.html]passed a compromise immigration bill[/link] addressing both border security and expanded immigration pathways, with 14 Republicans on board. But the G.O.P.-led House never acted on it.
The bill easily passed the Senate but was effectively dead on arrival in the increasingly right-wing House. Speaker John Boehner, Republican of Ohio, repeatedly refused to give it a vote,.
After Mr. Trump ended an Obama-era program that extended deportation reprieves and work permits to undocumented immigrants who had been brought to the United States as children, pressure mounted for Congress to codify new protections for them.
But Mr. Trump said any such bill would have to include an end to decades of family-based migration policies, the construction of a border wall and a vast crackdown on other undocumented immigrants. House Republicans tried to pass an immigration overhaul they pitched as a compromise between their own moderates and conservatives. But all House Democrats and about half of House Republicans opposed it, and [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/27/us/politics/trump-immigration-house-vote.html]the measure failed[/link] in a 121-to-301 vote on June 27, 2018.
[h1]Homeless Men Were Recruited to Pose as Veterans Displaced by Migrants [/h1] Three men currently staying at a homeless shelter in Poughkeepsie said they were among a group of 15 recruited a few days ago to portray homeless veterans displaced from upstate hotels by incoming migrants, the [link=https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesunion.com%2Fhudsonvalley%2Fnews%2Farticle%2Fhomeless-men-recruited-veterans-scam-18108478.php]Albany Times Union[/link] reports.
[link=https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.politico.com%2Fnews%2F2023%2F05%2F19%2Fnew-york-prosecutors-hotel-veterans-migrants-00097886]Politico[/link]: The accusation that about 20 veterans were tossed from a Newburgh hotel in Orange County to make way for the asylum-seekers [link=https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fnypost.com%2F2023%2F05%2F12%2Fhomeless-vets-are-being-booted-from-ny-hotels-to-make-room-for-migrants-advocates%2F]drew national headlines[/link] and broad condemnation. But the claims soon began to unravel when the hotel showed proof that it was not housing homeless veterans and that no one was displaced when the migrants arrived.
and, fo course, Fox went with it whole hog
[b]If Youre Hearing About the Border, Someone Is Trying to Scare You[/b][/h1] Our post-9/11 fixation on terrorists has faded, but we have retained, as a legacy from that frightened era, the habit of thinking about the border as a security risk that must be mastered.
The dreaded post-Title 42 surge didnt come. In fact, encounters between Border Patrol agents and migrants [link=https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-homeland-security-chief-says-border-crossings-are-down-50-since-title-42-2023-05-14/]dropped 50 percent[/link] after the ordinance was lifted. But thats not to say everything is fine. The Biden administration has now put in place a new and harsher set of border measures, which may or may not [link=https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/immigrants-rights-advocates-sue-biden-administration-over-new-asylum-ban]survive a legal challenge[/link] from immigrant rights organizations and the American Civil Liberties Union.
Behind all these maneuvers and stopgaps, the United States has no coherent immigration policy, and politicians have little motivation to discuss the issue honestly. Along with the rest of the worlds wealthy countries, we contort our laws so we can [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/02/opinion/asylum-refugees-immigration.html]duck our treaty obligations[/link] to receive refugees.
But we dont talk about that; instead, we talk about the border. Our southwestern frontier is not simply a geographic region; its a concept into which we stuff all our trepidation and disingenuousness about immigration, asylum and the economic future. We dress those complicated questions in stories of smuggling and encounters with migrants, illustrate them with images of exhausted foreigners and agents with badges.
On May 11, a representative stood in the House and [link=https://twitter.com/RepMcClintock/status/1656728263341768724]announced[/link] that the border had dissolved and U.S. civilization was under threat. In March, Mr. Ortiz provoked controversy by [link=https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/15/politics/border-control-hearing/index.html]admitting that his agency[/link] does not have complete operational control over the border. And of course, that is true. The border has never been under control.
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/05/23/congress-immigration-legislation/]Washington Post[/link]
Hispanic women to introduce bipartisan immigration bill in House[/h1] [h2]The two lawmakers from border areas hope they can reignite a good-faith conversation between the parties on an issue one called the most toxic topic in Congress[/h2]
The result is a roughly 500-page bill called The Dignity Act that, among other things, would provide billions of dollars for border security measures, create pathways to citizenship for some undocumented migrants already in the United States, update the legal immigration process, and establish humanitarian campuses on the U.S. border that would process asylum claims in 60 days.
The bipartisan bill is another[b] [/b]step in the effort to force[b] [/b]a conversation between the parties as immigration-related issues continue to affect communities around the country. A growing group of lawmakers, who were elected after[b] [/b]the last push for comprehensive[b] [/b]immigration reform failed in 2013, is eager to engage in the debate, while many who came before them have lost hope. Salazar called immigration reform the most toxic topic in Congress.…
The partnership also is the first bipartisan bill since 2013[b] [/b]that includes a path to citizenship for adult undocumented immigrants and changes legal immigration[b] [/b]pathways that have prevented many from acquiring visas. Its introduction comes after House Republicans [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/05/11/house-gop-set-approve-border-security-proposal-title-42-ends/?itid=lk_inline_manual_13]passed a border security bill[/link] this month along party lines; House Republican leaders have said since last year that consideration of a large-scale immigration[b] [/b]overhaul would not happen until a border security plan had passed the chamber.
Glenn Youngkin wins the Virtue Signalling of the Year 2023 award!
VA National Guard Deployed to US Southern Border-
Quote from dergon
Glenn Youngkin wins the Virtue Signalling of the Year 2023 award!
VA National Guard Deployed to US Southern Border
that level of political grandstanding suggests he may throw his hat in the ring for POTUS, I assume