Are we still being invaded???
Posted by Unknown Member on November 7, 2018 at 4:09 pmNow that the election is over are we still being invaded by a caravan of illegal Muslims and MS13 gang members
Just askin if Fox News and trumpers were still getting ready to go to war?
btomba_77 replied 1 year, 7 months ago 14 Members · 241 Replies -
241 Replies
Apparently now the election is over, “what invasion?”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 8, 2018 at 6:59 amBut I thought General Soros was leading an army of migrant terrorists and MS13 gang members to invade our southern border
Have we been lied too????
Whoever put on that ‘caravan’ succeeded at giving the president something to scream about while giving stump speeches for candidates he supported. I am sure his propaganda office is very thankful for the support they received from whoever funded that effort.
Most likely a False Flag conspiracy operation by the Republicans.
Who knows more about False Flag operations than the Republicans? And the Russians.
Quote from Frumious
Most likely a False Flag conspiracy operation by the Republicans.
Who knows more about False Flag operations than the Republicans? And the Russians.
Yup, the Russians. Default explanation that simple minds can’t understand.
Uh no, I said the Republicans first and most likely executing a False Flag operation to instigate fear in the base. I only said the Russians were also familiar with False Flag propaganda.
I see reading comprehension is still a problem for you.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 8, 2018 at 1:52 pmfw has been a little off lately because of his creepy old guy obsession with Alexandria Ocasio-Ortiz
Hasn’t been himself since the fixation with her started
I think he ahs a little creepy crush on her
Quote from Frumious
Uh no, I said the Republicans first and most likely executing a False Flag operation to instigate fear in the base. I only said the Russians were also familiar with False Flag propaganda.
I see reading comprehension is still a problem for you.
Russians, Russians, everywhere Russians. Doesn’t matter whether they are involved or not, Russians.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 8, 2018 at 3:04 pmWash your hands
Hmmm, is this real or satire. It’s Fox so reality has nothing to do with anything.
His whole Fox family was mortified to discover Gary still believed in the horrifying vision of the caravan, even after Election Day.
In the green room, colleagues rolled their eyes as he kept asking, Where is it? Why cant we still see it? and What happened to [link=https://thehill.com/policy/defense/415552-pentagon-drops-operation-faithful-patriot-as-name-of-military-mission-at]Operation Faithful Patriot[/link]?
I cant believe he doesnt know, one female colleague mused. Its kind of, whats the word? Sad.
I think he actually thinks this was all real, a male colleague ventured, peering through an open door at the producer, who was frantically scrolling on his phone to see whether he could find any footage or coverage of the caravan. Hes really worried about it. He took me aside at lunch and retold the plot of an entire Doctor Who episode where if you looked away from something scary it would suddenly be much closer, and he couldnt believe we were taking our eyes off this very real threat.
Here is the byline:
November 8
FOX NEWS HQ, PROBABLYThe fact that you didn’t immediately recognize this as parody shows what kind of a partisan fool you are.
DUH, idiot. Of course it’s parody.
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/people/alexandra-petri/]Alexandra Petri[/link] is a Washington Post columnist offering a lighter take on the news and opinions of the day. She is the author of “A Field Guide to Awkward Silences.”
We’ve been invaded since the 1960s, when the politicians lied to everyone and sold out the country. Every decaded since then has just been a cyclical flavor of distraction from an ever increasing central government.
That’s why every leftist on this board can’t answer what it means to “be American” in any meaningful or specific way.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 12, 2018 at 8:42 amNot only are you Nostradumbarse……. now you are also Captain America
What it means to be an American
Im a 2nd generation grandson of immigrants
All 4 grandparents came to this country from Europe around the turn of the last century
My dad a decorated WW2 vet and a coal miner raised 6 kids and made sure they all got their college degree because he never had the opportunity for higher education
Myself and my other siblings are all very successful people and we are following the plan set forward for us by our immigrant parents of 2 generations ago
Opportunity education and work ethic
Thats what it means to be an American
Apparently according to F@gan & the Birchers, el all the nutters, we’ve already been invaded for over 50 years.
The worst ones are the Canadians – they look and talk like “European” Americans! Northern European that is.
Quote from Frumious
Apparently according to F@gan & the Birchers, el all the nutters, we’ve already been invaded for over 50 years.
The worst ones are the Canadians – they look and talk like “European” Americans! Northern European that is.
Oh Geez, eh. Guess our caravan of two trucks, 8 Canadians, and associated golf equipment may make the Faux news (nous parlons français, eh) as we try to get past the border on our way to Myrtle. AND we can’t even take our legal pot with us. What the hey, eh?
Quote from walshnuc
Oh Geez, eh. Guess our caravan of two trucks, 8 Canadians, and associated golf equipment may make the Faux news (nous parlons français, eh) as we try to get past the border on our way to Myrtle. AND we can’t even take our legal pot with us. What the hey, eh?
Hollywood, FL gets invaded by french-canadians every winter.
Thank god, creates a market for good coffee and pastries.
Quote from samichlaus
Wait, there’s no invasion and no tax cut?
Invasion is back on. It was on npr, so it must be true.
Taxes are still down.
Quote from fw
Quote from samichlaus
Wait, there’s no invasion and no tax cut?
Invasion is back on. It was on npr, so it must be true.
Taxes are still down.
But where’s the middle class tax cut he promised before the midterms?
Quote from kpack123
Not only are you Nostradumbarse……. now you are also Captain America
What it means to be an American
Im a 2nd generation grandson of immigrants
All 4 grandparents came to this country from Europe around the turn of the last century
My dad a decorated WW2 vet and a coal miner raised 6 kids and made sure they all got their college degree because he never had the opportunity for higher education
Myself and my other siblings are all very successful people and we are following the plan set forward for us by our immigrant parents of 2 generations ago
Opportunity education and work ethic
Thats what it means to be an American
Good. Your parents and grandparents also didn’t receive welfare, yet everyone you “support” politically now does, and it’s for votes, so you are a witness against yourself that you are in fact conflicted and un-american, according to your own criteria. You, via your favored elected officials, put foreign nationals above americans, both in terms of opportunity and education, also as a function of said welfare. So digging deeper your criteria, which are debatable too (other nations could say the same thing, nothing is distinctly American about what you stated) aren’t even fulfilled.
I have a similar background, I’m just more clear about what has gone on, and what is going on. -
Quote from kpack123
Not only are you Nostradumbarse……. now you are also Captain America
What it means to be an American
Im a 2nd generation grandson of immigrants
All 4 grandparents came to this country from Europe around the turn of the last century
My dad a decorated WW2 vet and a coal miner raised 6 kids and made sure they all got their college degree because he never had the opportunity for higher education
Myself and my other siblings are all very successful people and we are following the plan set forward for us by our immigrant parents of 2 generations ago
Opportunity education and work ethic
Thats what it means to be an American
Yes, that is the American dream. Strong work ethic, self-reliance, and ambition.-
That is what people coming to our borders are looking for and have. Look at the immigrants in your neighborhood & you’ll see this work ethic & ambition and self-reliance.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 14, 2018 at 7:56 amYes, and we welcome immigrants to our country. On average about 1 million per year. Just like every sovereign nation there is a process to become a legal immigrant. The President takes a vow to uphold the laws of our country. Please explain to me why we should ignore our current immigration laws. You do realize that immigration laws are created by congress not the President. Lets see if the incoming congress will address immigration. I doubt it. If a comprehensive immigration bill was adopted by the democrats the democrats would lose their political football. Funny how immigration was not addressed by the democrats when they controlled all three branches.
Who is saying anything about ignoring immigration laws other than Republicans? But since when has it become a crime to ask for asylum? Asking for asylum became a crime under this Administration. The Federal government has lost children they removed from people requesting refugee status. Since when has it been OK to remove and lose children from parents who are legally requesting asylum?
So if you are fleeing violence at your home country, why should it become a crime if you request asylum? These people ARE legally requesting to be admitted to the US. -
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Lets see if the incoming congress will address immigration. I doubt it. If a comprehensive immigration bill was adopted by the democrats the democrats would lose their political football. Funny how immigration was not addressed by the democrats when they controlled all three branches.
Likely not since the Senate would oppose any actual language addressing immigration. Bills have been proposed for over 10 years now that go nowhere. You need a certain number of votes to pass immigration legislation and every single time reform was attempted it went down in defeat. In 2007 Harry Reid – DEMOCRAT – attempted votes and failed.
The [b]Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007[/b] (full name: [b]Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007[/b] ([link=https://www.congress.gov/bill/110th-congress/senate-bill/1348]S. 1348[/link][size=”0″])) was a bill discussed in the [/size][link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/110th_United_States_Congress]110th[/link][size=”0″] [/size][link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Congress]United States Congress[/link][size=”0″] that would have provided legal status and a path to citizenship for the approximately 12 million undocumented immigrants residing in the [/size][link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States]United States[/link][size=”0″]. The bill was portrayed as a compromise between providing a path to citizenship for illegal aliens and increased border enforcement: it included funding for 300 miles (480 km) of vehicle barriers, 105 camera and radar towers, and 20,000 more Border Patrol agents, while simultaneously restructuring visa criteria around high-skilled workers. The bill also received heated criticism from both sides of the immigration debate. [b]The bill was introduced in the [/b][/size][b][link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate]United States Senate[/link][size=”0″] on May 9, 2007, but was never voted on, though a series of votes on amendments and [/size][link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloture]cloture[/link][size=”0″] took place. The last vote on cloture, on June 7, 2007, 11:59 AM, failed 3461 effectively ending the bill’s chances. A related bill S. 1639, on June 28, 2007, 11:04 AM, also failed 4653.[/size][/b]
The bill was a compromise based largely on three previous failed immigration reform bills:
[ul][*][link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_America_and_Orderly_Immigration_Act_(S._1033)]The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act (S. 1033)[/link], a bill proposed in May 2005 by Senators [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Kennedy]Ted Kennedy[/link] and [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain]John McCain[/link], sometimes referred to as the “McCainKennedy or McKennedy Bill.”[*][b]The Comprehensive Enforcement and Immigration Reform Act of 2005 (S. 1438)[/b], a bill proposed in July 2005 by Senators [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Cornyn]John Cornyn[/link] and [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Kyl]Jon Kyl[/link], sometimes referred to as the “CornynKyl Bill.”[*][link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2006]The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S. 2611)[/link], sponsored by Senator [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arlen_Specter]Arlen Specter[/link], which was passed in the Senate in May 2006 but never passed in the House. [/ul] [b]The bill’s sole sponsor in the Senate was Majority Leader [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Reid]Harry Reid[/link],[/b] though it was crafted in large part as a result of efforts by Senators Kennedy, McCain and Kyl, along with Senator [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindsey_Graham]Lindsey Graham[/link], and input from President [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush]George W. Bush[/link], who strongly supported the bill. For that reason it was referred to in the press by various combinations of these five men’s names, most commonly “KennedyKyl”. [b]A larger group of senators was involved in creating the bill, sometimes referred to as the ‘Gang of 12’.[link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007#cite_note-1][1][/link][/sup] Senator [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Vitter]David Vitter[/link] of Louisiana led the opposition to the bill, clashing with McCain and Senator [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Hagel]Chuck Hagel[/link] of Nebraska.[link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007#cite_note-2][2][/link][/sup][/b]
At the same time, the [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_Through_Regularized_Immigration_and_a_Vibrant_Economy_Act_of_2007]Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy Act of 2007[/link] was being considered in the [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_of_Representatives]United States House of Representatives[/link], although to considerably less public attention.
On June 7, three Senate votes on cloture (a move to end discussion) for the bill failed with the first losing 3363, the second losing 3461 and the third losing 4550.[link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007#cite_note-3][3][/link][/sup]This had been thought by some observers to signal the end of the bill’s chances, since on that day, after the first failing vote, Harry Reid had told reporters that, if another vote on cloture failed, “the bill’s over with. The bill’s gone.”[link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007#cite_note-4][4][/link][/sup]
However, at the urging of President Bush, the bill was brought back for discussion in the Senate as bill S. 1639 on June 25.[link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007#cite_note-5][5][/link][/sup] On June 26, a motion to proceed passed the Senate, by a margin of 6435 (under Senate rules it needed 60 votes).[link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007#cite_note-6][6][/link][/sup] [b]A number of amendments to the bill were considered and rejected. On June 28, the bill failed to get the 60 votes necessary to end debate. The final [link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloture]cloture[/link] vote lost, 4653.[/b][link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007#cite_note-7][7][/link][/sup] This effectively ended its chances, and President Bush said he was disappointed at Congress’s failure to act on the issue.[link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007#cite_note-8][8][/link][/sup][/sup]
Funny how Republicans forget or don’t even know the history of immigration reform attempts while carelessly flinging false accusations. AKA, “FAKE NEWS”
Quote from jd4540
Yes, that is the American dream. Strong work ethic, self-reliance, and ambition.
I thought it’s celebrity worship, transgenerational wealth and nepotism.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 14, 2018 at 12:16 pmTrump family values
Celebrity worship transgenerational wealth and nepotism
Quote from kpack123
Trump family values
Celebrity worship transgenerational wealth and nepotism
I was thinking Kennedys.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 14, 2018 at 1:20 pmI was thinking trump
Quote from kpack123
I was thinking trump
You said that already. It’s that repeating yourself thing again, again. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 14, 2018 at 2:06 pmI think you are distorted by you creepy old guy obsession with Alexanders Ocasio-Cortes
You brought her up 150 times before you got called out now your creepy feelings got you all in a tizzy
Not cool
Quote from kpack123
I think you are distorted by you creepy old guy obsession with Alexanders Ocasio-Cortes
You brought her up 150 times before you got called out now your creepy feelings got you all in a tizzy
Not cool
What you are doing is called projection. -
yeah… totally kidding
like kidding in the same way that Gym Jordan said he was “kidding” about having China investigate the Bidens.[image]https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif[/image]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 24, 2019 at 5:56 amExactly
Just Kidding … so gullible .. I’m kicking myself
12:10 p.m.: [b]Navarro dodges question on whether he asked China to investigate the Bidens[/b]In an interview with CNNs Jim Sciutto, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro [link=https://twitter.com/oliverdarcy/status/1187384677520117760]repeatedly declined to say[/link] whether he asked Chinese officials to investigate the Bidens as part of the ongoing U.S.-China trade negotiations.
Im asking you a direct question, Sciutto said. Did you bring up investigating the Bidens as part of the negotiations?
Navarro demurred, saying, Its not an appropriate question, in my judgment.
Earlier in the interview, Navarro told Sciutto: You dont have a right to know what happens behind closed doors in the administration.”
is It becoming increasingly hard to understand republican support for trump. I get they might be primaried but if thats the worry you should be voted out anyway. If youre more interested in keeping your cushy government position than doing whats right.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
is It becoming increasingly hard to understand republican support for trump. I get they might be primaried but if thats the worry you should be voted out anyway. If youre more interested in keeping your cushy government position than doing whats right.
Rich Lowry, editor from the National Review explains the support very well.
If Senate Republicans vote to remove Trump, it would leave the GOP a smoldering ruin. It wouldnt matter who the Democrats nominated for 2020. They could run Bernie Sanders on a ticket balanced by Elizabeth Warren and promise to make Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez secretary of the Treasury and Ilhan Omar secretary of Defense, and theyd still win.
A significant portion of the Republican Party would consider a Senate conviction of Trump a dastardly betrayal. Perhaps most would get over it, as partisan feelings kicked in around a national election, but not all. And so [b]a party that has managed to win the popular vote in a presidential election only once since 1988[/b] would hurtle toward November 2020 divided.
A lot of Trump supporters are going to want to blame the Republican establishment even if Trump loses in 2020 fair and square, with the backing of the united party apparatus. Imagine what they will think if a couple of dozen Republican senators decide to deny him the opportunity to run for reelection, without a single Republican voter having a say on his ultimate fate.
Trump himself isnt going to get convicted by the Senate and say, Well, Im a little disappointed in your judgment to be honest. But it was a close call, and Mike Pence is a great guy, and Im just grateful I had the opportunity to serve this country in the White House for more than three years.
He wont go away quietly to lick his wounds. He wont delete his Twitter account. He wont make it easy on anyone. He will vent his anger and resentment at every opportunity. It will be human scum every single day.
Texas judge blocks construction of go-fund-me border wall that was set to begin on private land. -
[b]Judge Blocks Trumps Attempt to Divert Funds for Wall [/b]
A federal judge in El Paso blocked the Trump administrations plan to pay for border barrier construction with $3.6 billion in military funds, ruling that the administration does not have the authority to divert money appropriated by Congress for a different purpose, the [link=https://wapo.st/2rCs3xc]Washington Post[/link] reports.
“The ruling marked the first instance of a local jurisdiction successfully suing to block construction of Trumps border barrier.”“El Paso County, one of the two plaintiffs in the suit, had argued that the new barrier was unwanted by the community and would inflict permanent harm on its reputation as a welcoming, cross-border place.
Quote from fw
Quote from kpack123
Trump family values
Celebrity worship transgenerational wealth and nepotism
I was thinking Kennedys.
Kennedys? You mean the President of 55 years ago, before you were even born? But you don’t see your President of today?
Talk about blinders.
Quote from fw
Taxes are still down.
Deficits still climbing.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 13, 2018 at 11:01 amMore spent on debt than defense
Not just yet, but soon.
[size=”0″]Besides I’m an American so I’m more interested in my tax cut than whether the country goes broke paying interest on debt to pay for my tax cut.[/size]
“Ask not what you can do for your Country, ask what your Country can do for you!”
Kennedy said that, right? Just before his tax cut?
The new National motto for these times, “What’s in it for me?”-
Quote from Frumious
Not just yet, but soon.
[size=”0″]Besides I’m an American so I’m more interested in my tax cut than whether the country goes broke paying interest on debt to pay for my tax cut.[/size]
“Ask not what you can do for your Country, ask what your Country can do for you!”
Kennedy said that, right? Just before his tax cut?
The new National motto for these times, “What’s in it for me?”
This is always among the most brainless, deluded notions of the left. That someone is “paying for a tax cut.” First of all, the government has nothing but what it takes (yes steals) from its people. If it is not stealing, what do you call threat of force to take something involuntarily? Now that that’s settled, becauseit’s incontrovertible, I don’t go around spending money and then ask you for money because I have a payment problem. You didn’t pay me, so if I don’t make as much money this month, you must PAY for my extra goodies. Oh, you won’t? Ahh, maybe it is what I thought, a spending problem. Oh yes
Which brings up the larger point for you mentally challenged: if you spend more than you take in, why are we paying taxes at all? We by definition don’t have the money, so we shouldn’t be “spending”.
I’m guessing there won’t be any response to this, or it’ll be so unintelligible from a logic point of view, it’ll make Frumi look like (s)he’s on another PMS episode.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 14, 2018 at 9:19 amOk, let’s see if the new congress can adopt a reasonable bill.
I doubt it. Seems like endless investigations are a bigger priority.
Let’s see if the democrats make any effort to govern or spend the next two years investigating.
You still need the Senate which would rather pull out their teeth with pliers than do immigration.
As for governing, Democrats do that routinely. It’s the Republicans who can’t govern. They’ve held all 3 branches for 2 years and can’t govern & during last Administration all they could do was investigation after investigation and oppose any and all proposals from the White House.
You surely did not forget already? BENGHAZI! How many times?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 15, 2018 at 3:38 amThe republicans are governing. Tax cut, decreased regulations, cooling down little rocket man, sanctions against Russia and Iran., appointing 2 supreme court judges. Just because you don’t like Trump doesn’t mean that governing is not happening. It will now stop because the democrats don’t want to govern. And please save your whataboutisms.
I think this election shows your claim of “good government” by Republicans is not shared by the majority of Americans who did not think Republicans were doing an excellent job of governing. Including Kansas.
What’s sad as Trump would say is that he sent 5000+ troops away for thanksgiving and he’s burning through a couple hundred million. Something he claims to be offended by with the Muller investigation.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 14, 2018 at 8:10 pmActually Im calling out your creepy behavior/fixation
Quote from kpack123
Actually Im calling out your creepy behavior/fixation
You keep bringing her up in threads that have nothing to do with uninformed millennials. You seem to be the one with the obsession. I get it, there is not much else happening in your party, still not a reason to be a creep about the only one that is something worth looking at. You are almost as sad as the folks who got excited about Sarah Palin.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 15, 2018 at 12:08 pmTouched a nerve
A creeper nerve
OMG! Ammon Bundy braking with Trump over immigration, calling it all “fear based!” George Soros is not behind all “Liberal” conspiracies.
Any twits from Trump out there yet? I’m sure Trump will be offended after he gave the family pardons & this is how the Bundys repay his generosity!
How long before Bundy becomes ex-RightWingnut Hero & becomes new Right Wingnut pariah?
On Tuesday night, an unlikely critic took President Trump to task for his comments [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/11/26/these-children-are-barefoot-diapers-choking-tear-gas/?utm_term=.bb7eac6d8f54]portraying members[/link] of the migrant caravan now massed in Tijuana as criminals and gang members. In a video [link=https://www.facebook.com/ammonbundy/videos/1449824841818948/]posted on Facebook[/link], Ammon Bundy, the anti-government militia leader, pushed back against Trumps heated rhetoric.
He has basically called them all criminals and said theyre not coming in here. It seems that theres been this group stereotype, Bundy said in a 17-minute clip. But what about those who have come here for reasons of need? … What about the fathers, the mothers, the children, who have come here and are willing to go through the process to apply for asylum so they can come into this country and benefit from not having to be oppressed continually by criminals?”
[b]Its all fear-based, and frankly its based upon selfishness Im going to lose something by them coming in, Bundy said of the anti-migrant rhetoric. I think thats incorrect. But also to base your arguments or your motives or your actions upon fear is a very dangerous thing to do.[/b]
In his video Tuesday night, Ammon Bundy said he attempted to do his own research on the border to separate fact from fiction.
I tried to go outside of the media, both in this case the media from the conservative side and the media from the liberal side because I do not believe either one of them are telling the truth, he said. On the liberal side, you have, Oh weve got to let them in. . . . Then, you have the conservative side of it that has it theyre here because theyve been sent by the U.N. or theyre being paid by George Soros, theyre a bunch of terrorists. I have found that is a bunch of garbage, too.
Why is it fear based? There are thousands of people trying to get into US. I don’t get why this specific group should get special treatment.
I feel like the only legitimate way you could argue for letting caravan in is by arguing for open borders. Anything else and you are giving preferential treatment.
Trump’s playing to fears of his base. Notably we’ve launched tear gas on people. Tear gas is banned for use in war but not domestic issues. We already had a way to deal with asylum seekers, not sure why we’re trying to reinvent the wheel all the sudden to keep people in Mexico.
It’s also hilarious to hear Trump complain about wasting money on Mueller when he spent $100m on this stunt to make troops miss thanksgiving.-
[b][i]Exactly five years earlier, during the Obama administration, border agents repelled a gang of rock and bottle throwing illegals using pepper spray. This was just one of 151 uses of pepper spray at the border that year alone, in addition to 27 uses of tear gas, and all without a peep about war crimes or the Holocaust. [/i][/b]USA Today
Manufactured rage by the media. Jim Acosta’s claim about the fallacy the immigrants would jump the border has also proven false by this incident.
Why are you calling them asylum seekers when they are jumping the border, throwing rocks, and carrying the flag of their country? Sounds more like an invasion.-
Quote from Ixrayu
[b][i]Exactly five years earlier, during the Obama administration, border agents repelled a gang of rock and bottle throwing illegals using pepper spray. This was just one of 151 uses of pepper spray at the border that year alone, in addition to 27 uses of tear gas, and all without a peep about war crimes or the Holocaust. [/i][/b]USA Today
Manufactured rage by the media. Jim Acosta’s claim about the fallacy the immigrants would jump the border has also proven false by this incident.
Why are you calling them asylum seekers when they are jumping the border, throwing rocks, and carrying the flag of their country? Sounds more like an invasion.
I don’t think it has to do with Obama or Trump or anyone. Tear gas is used by even local police departments. Pepper spray is not the same thing as tear gas.
Some of this is just ridiculous. They have a right to seek asylum. First step as published by the US government is to arrive in the USA. We’re purposefully keeping them out. Have a look at the process.
This flag thing is dumper of an argument. Ever go to an Irish bar. They probably have a Irish flag on the wall. Does that mean it’s un-American?-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 28, 2018 at 10:30 amTrump probably has a Russian flag in the Oval Office
Many people say that
The process is what has been violated. The incident in question occurred because they attempted to cross the border at an entry point other than San Ysidro.
As for your comment of the flag in an Irish Pub that is very different. The Irish pubs and other similar businesses are owned by LEGAL US citizens simply proudly displaying their heritage not to mention add to the atmosphere of their business.
Big difference displaying a flag in a business owned by a LEGAL citizen than charging a border hurling rocks at authorities and attempting not to enter at the required legal port of entry and not following the process you linked.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 28, 2018 at 11:51 amHide
Lock your doors
The Soros funded mob of MS13 and Muslims are coming to get you
Conflation of tear gas and pepper spray meant to distract and confuse the issue. Fox even argues that pepper spray is a “food.” Yes, I use pepper & if cutting peppers & I’m careless with my hands my eyes get irritated but while I use hot peppers and shake peppercorns on my food I have never sprayed pepper spray on my food.
And CN/CS is chemically different than pepper spray, CS gas, or [link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CS_gas]2-chlorobenzalmalnonitrile[/link], or, more rarely, CN gas, or [link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CN_gas]phenylcyl chloride[/link]
are not capsaicin.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 28, 2018 at 12:06 pmI heard trump say that we used a very mild form of tear gas
Scoot yeh manufacturing company……. there is only one type of tear gas
He is such a fng lying peice of poop
Having been at the receiving end of both, I prefer CS over OC.
Having used it on someone else, the combination CS/OC products seem to work quite well.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 28, 2018 at 1:27 pmYou are too cool
But does he season his nachos with CS/OC per recommendation by FOX?
Quote from kpack123
I heard trump say that we used a very mild form of tear gas
Scoot yeh manufacturing company……. there is only one type of tear gas
He is such a fng lying peice of poop
Given the situation, what was the alternative? Rubber bullets?
Never thought the wall was a good idea but if caravans are the new norm then a physical barrier would be best/safest for all involved and there wouldn’t be a need for tear gas etc
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 28, 2018 at 10:00 amThey are coming to get you
You better lock your doors
All those soros led thugs are heading straight for your small town
Quote from Ixrayu
The process is what has been violated. The incident in question occurred because they attempted to cross the border at an entry point other than San Ysidro.
As for your comment of the flag in an Irish Pub that is very different. The Irish pubs and other similar businesses are owned by LEGAL US citizens simply proudly displaying their heritage not to mention add to the atmosphere of their business.
Big difference displaying a flag in a business owned by a LEGAL citizen than charging a border hurling rocks at authorities and attempting not to enter at the required legal port of entry and not following the process you linked.
So you’re OK with other flags for citizens but these people aren’t able to become citizens since we(Trumpsters) don’t want them. Only meritorious people can come in like Russians buying Trump condos. 10-4.
or they can become citizens, if they go through the appropriate channels, just like everyone else.
again, why do they get special treatment? I have no objection to them becoming citizens, just like I have no objection to anyone else, provided they go through the appropriate process to do so.-
so do you guys think we should just let them in and make them citizens? what do we do with everyone else in application for citizenship?
are you for an open border?
like I said the only way to have a logically consistent viewpoint and to let them in is to have an open border.-
IR, they don’t have logic, they are drones, and they are anti-American since they want to fundamentally change America into something that makes America unrecognizable. That’s what California did, and they love it. As if California became the leftist hellhole it is from persuading people — umm, no, they imported those votes. You guessed it — ILLEGALLY.
Quote from IR27
so do you guys think we should just let them in and make them citizens? what do we do with everyone else in application for citizenship?
are you for an open border?like I said the only way to have a logically consistent viewpoint and to let them in is to have an open border.
The left’s position on this is confusing. They say they don’t want open borders but evidently want to let everyone from this caravan into the US (and I’m assuming the other caravans that are) which seems like open borders.
Also weren’t many in the caravan offered asylum in Mexico but declined?-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 28, 2018 at 8:32 pmTear gassing moms and babies is real tough
Proud Mericans
Quote from kpack123
Tear gassing moms and babies is real tough
Proud Mericans
Majority of caravan is made of males (some of which were throwing rocks/projectiles at American border patrol). Guess its Merican USA to just let these men and women that protect our borders to get hit in the head and not allow themselves to protect themselves?
Irresponsible for parents to expose their babies to this situation but I suppose asylum in Mexico was not sufficient and that they were coached to come to the US border at any cost (including their personal well-being).
So if no tear gassing then what? Rubber or real bullets? Physical barrier/Wall? What do you propose? Let everyone in?-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 28, 2018 at 9:06 pmThe majority of the caravan is women and children
You are right they all need to be gassed
Gas those babies before they crawl over our border
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 28, 2018 at 9:07 pmInstead of a wall joe about a baby gate????
Thats what my wife and used to keep our kids from crawling outside
Quote from jd4540
The left’s position on this is confusing. They say they don’t want open borders but evidently want to let everyone from this caravan into the US (and I’m assuming the other caravans that are) which seems like open borders.
Quote from IR27
Again sell me on caravan without open borders
Sorry, could either of you point out “lefty” proposals to totally open the border and let everyone in? Or disband the Border Patrol?
Other than on Right wing media like Fox & Rush, et al making those proposals I haven’t found any “Left” media proposing the same. Please enlighten.
Because if you can’t, you are both believers in and purveyors of “Fake News.”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 29, 2018 at 6:05 amIts total bull sheet
80% women and children……. and we choose to gas them
Big tough guys
We should attempt to use as minimal force as possible. If they are forcibly trying to enter country then obviously we have to defend that. I have no idea regarding tear gas and etc, no idea what is typical. There’s probably sensationalism on both sides.
Frumious, so you are in favor of letting them in? What is your position? Like I said I don’t see how you can support letting them in without being in favor of open borders. What is it about their case that is special? If we let them in and to become citizens what do we tell to everyone else? We would then have to let them all become citizens to be logically consistent.
Like how can you support letting them in without an open border. So every time someone has a sob story we have to let them in? That’s a horrible precedent to set.
I agree with what kpack said regarding made up emergency. I think they should be treated similar to anyone else trying to force thru border. No special treatment, positively or negatively.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 29, 2018 at 7:26 amNo one is for open borders
This is a political tool used strictly as a strategy to divide
One easy way to solve it
You can put the National guard at the border and force congress to solve the issue
Force a bipartisan compromise….. then sign the bill
But trump doesnt want that…… he wants a divisive wedge issue to distract from his other political problems
But you dont gas mothers and babies….. thats the kinda sheet they do in syria or under Sadaam Hussein in Iraq
I thought we were better than that as a country but under trumps America we are not
We are just as bad or certainly on that pathway to being just as bad
Quote from Frumious
Quote from jd4540
The left’s position on this is confusing. They say they don’t want open borders but evidently want to let everyone from this caravan into the US (and I’m assuming the other caravans that are) which seems like open borders.
Quote from IR27
Again sell me on caravan without open borders
Sorry, could either of you point out “lefty” proposals to totally open the border and let everyone in? Or disband the Border Patrol?Other than on Right wing media like Fox & Rush, et al making those proposals I haven’t found any “Left” media proposing the same. Please enlighten.
Because if you can’t, you are both believers in and purveyors of “Fake News.”
I love how if you don’t completely share Frumi’s views then you are automatically designated a right wing looney. Very black or white thinking, no shades of gray, no middle ground, us versus them, good stuff…
Please enlighten us with what exactly is the left’s policy on borders? They appear to want to allow everyone from the caravan in but then say they don’t want open borders so what is it? Bottom line is that immigration reform could have been passed by either party in the past 10 years but wasn’t so now we have this mess/humanitarian crisis.-
Quote from jd4540
Quote from Frumious
Quote from jd4540
The left’s position on this is confusing. They say they don’t want open borders but evidently want to let everyone from this caravan into the US (and I’m assuming the other caravans that are) which seems like open borders.
Quote from IR27
Again sell me on caravan without open borders
Sorry, could either of you point out “lefty” proposals to totally open the border and let everyone in? Or disband the Border Patrol?Other than on Right wing media like Fox & Rush, et al making those proposals I haven’t found any “Left” media proposing the same. Please enlighten.
Because if you can’t, you are both believers in and purveyors of “Fake News.”
I love how if you don’t completely share Frumi’s views then you are automatically designated a right wing looney. Very black or white thinking, no shades of gray, no middle ground, us versus them, good stuff…
Please enlighten us with what exactly is the left’s policy on borders? They appear to want to allow everyone from the caravan in but then say they don’t want open borders so what is it? Bottom line is that immigration reform could have been passed by either party in the past 10 years but wasn’t so now we have this mess/humanitarian crisis.
??? I asked you a question based on your own language. You are defensive about your own statements?I already answered it to IR’s inquiry. But you have answered nothing. Are your arguments pure cynical hyperbole or do you actually believe in what you are writing? And if you believe, provide links that show the “lefty” belief is for open borders.
Put up please or fold.
I think we are in agreement Frumious regarding what should be done. I havent seen anyone calling for open borders. I’m just saying for the people that say we should let them in I don’t see how one could make that argument and be logically consistent without also being in favor of open borders, as you’d be giving special treatment to the caravan.
Quote from IR27
I think we are in agreement Frumious regarding what should be done. I havent seen anyone calling for open borders. I’m just saying for the people that say we should let them in I don’t see how one could make that argument and be logically consistent without also being in favor of open borders, as you’d be giving special treatment to the caravan.
They are let in according to law and processing as has been the case in the past before they were called “invaders” and criminals.
Poor phrasing by me. By let in I meant made citizens
Quote from IR27
Poor phrasing by me. By let in I meant made citizens
That is a whole other step and discussion completely. No one is made a citizen just by being accepted at the border whether they are waiting for final processing or get a green card, etc. There is a process for citizenship that has seemed to work very well for decades.
That said I do support the 14th Amendment and I do support the Dreamers. What is to be gained by throwing people out to their country of origin when they have no memory of being anything but raised an American? These Dreamers are highly productive and believe in America the same as you & I and many have even served in the military, in combat. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 29, 2018 at 8:45 amTo answer the question posed above
What is my source of 80 of caravan being women and children
Its on the Homeland security website
50% children
25-30% adult women
The Daily from the New York Times has a good explanation for my opinions about helping refugees. Is has to do with the poem at the Statue of Liberty and all the stories about the Jews fleeing Europe in the 1930’s who were turned away from America because “they were jumping ahead of the line” and “had to apply the way everyone else does.” They were also turned away for multiple other countries. I’m sure it had nothing to do with anti-Semitism. Many refugees were returned to Europe where many ended up in concentration camps and were murdered. As a result America swore never again would refugees be turned away & returned to danger.
Well, here we are again. They just aren’t the right kind of people apparently and they are lying, not fleeing danger but just looking for free handouts. And the mothers who bring their children out of danger to the border where they are gassed should be ashamed bringing their children into danger from America.
[link=https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/27/podcasts/the-daily/trump-asylum.html]https://www.nytimes.com/2…aily/trump-asylum.html[/link] -
If this people have it so bad where is the rest of the world stepping in to help them? Why is every refugee in the world our problem?
I’m all for doing our part but on a global level from a humanitarian aspect America is so far ahead of everyone else. We need to expect more of our allies.
From Jennifer Rubin, no Lefty Liberal. I agree with her, it’s facts that have become the 1st casualty in discussions, as it is with almost all.
Anti-immigrant zealots have maintained that with enforcement the numbers of illegal immigrants could be greatly reduced, leaving just those who really are part of American society and the American workforce. Well, theyre right and were at that point now! Of course, instead of recognizing that weve made huge progress in controlling illegal immigration and moving on to consider how to legalize those with substantial ties to the United States, the anti-immigrant crowd paints a dire picture, invents a crime wave (for which they hold immigrants responsible) and wants to cut the number of legal immigrants and/or repeal birthright citizenship.
This is precisely the kind of issue of which the Trump GOP cares not one wit about the facts.
Its not possible to have a reasoned debate unless immigration opponents are ready to admit to facts. Like climate-change deniers, the anti-immigrant crowd resents elites who tell them they are wrong or uninformed. Well, sometimes reality isnt what youd like it to be. Nevertheless, the rest of us shouldnt turn our economy inside out, engage in inhumane practices, waste billions on a wall, misuse our military and fan bigotry to preserve these peoples fantastical view of immigration, essentially a fictional creation that allows President Trump and his ilk to whip up their base.
Its time to engage in good faith with those who demonstrate good faith and that means agreement on a set of indisputable facts.
She presented no facts there, just called people names. That’s all I see = “deniers” and the like
Also editorialization of her opinions “Turn our economy inside out”, “inhumane” ; “waste billions” — as if we don’t waste billions on illegals and the problems they create, which are way bigger, then the classic appeal to “bigotry”
Jennifer Rubin, lol
good try -
Quote from IR27
If this people have it so bad where is the rest of the world stepping in to help them? Why is every refugee in the world our problem?
I’m all for doing our part but on a global level from a humanitarian aspect America is so far ahead of everyone else. We need to expect more of our allies.
That’s not even remotely true. Europe has taken in over a million of refugees compared to our fraction of refugees. According to PEW in 2015 European countries took in over 1.3 million refugees. The US did not come close. As for Latin America, most refugees are coming from 3 countries, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The governments are corrupt and crime and violence is rampant and the countries have been economically poor since they became countries and our history with them had made things worse. The countries surrounding them are economically poor and not much better off and taking in refugees make a bigger impact on Mexico that they would on the US. The US is an obvious destination for our stable government and safety. Where else should they go? South? Panama? Columbia? Venezuela?
And Canada is dealing with tens of thousands of our refugees who cross our border with Canada fleeing the US.
Quote from IR27
If this people have it so bad where is the rest of the world stepping in to help them? Why is every refugee in the world our problem?
I’m all for doing our part but on a global level from a humanitarian aspect America is so far ahead of everyone else. We need to expect more of our allies.
IR, I think you know what’s going on. -
<YAWN> The Russian doll troll returns.
Quote from kpack123
To answer the question posed above
What is my source of 80 of caravan being women and children
Its on the Homeland security website
50% children
25-30% adult women
From the DHS:
The caravan members are predominately male, Department of Homeland Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen [link=https://www.facebook.com/179587888720522/posts/2230592780286679/]said in a statement[/link]. It appears in some cases that the limited number of women and children in the caravan are being used by the organizers as human shields when they confront law enforcement.
[h2]Q: Is the caravan only women and children?[/h2] A: No, reports on the ground from our foreign partners suggest that approximately 50 percent are single adults. However, the Guatemalan Intel Minister said that the caravan is employing tactics to push women and children to the front to act as human shields as the caravan pushes against its military forces.
[W]e cannot confirm the backgrounds and identities of all caravan members which possess a national security and public safety risk to our country. However, at this point we have confirmed that there are over 600 convicted criminals traveling with the caravan flow. This includes individuals known to law enforcement for assault, battery, drug crimes, burglary, rape, child abuse and more. This is serious,” Nielsen wrote. “Additionally, Mexico has already arrested 100 caravan members for criminal violations in Mexico.”
Quote from Frumious
Quote from jd4540
Quote from Frumious
Quote from jd4540
The left’s position on this is confusing. They say they don’t want open borders but evidently want to let everyone from this caravan into the US (and I’m assuming the other caravans that are) which seems like open borders.
Quote from IR27
Again sell me on caravan without open borders
Sorry, could either of you point out “lefty” proposals to totally open the border and let everyone in? Or disband the Border Patrol?Other than on Right wing media like Fox & Rush, et al making those proposals I haven’t found any “Left” media proposing the same. Please enlighten.
Because if you can’t, you are both believers in and purveyors of “Fake News.”
I love how if you don’t completely share Frumi’s views then you are automatically designated a right wing looney. Very black or white thinking, no shades of gray, no middle ground, us versus them, good stuff…
Please enlighten us with what exactly is the left’s policy on borders? They appear to want to allow everyone from the caravan in but then say they don’t want open borders so what is it? Bottom line is that immigration reform could have been passed by either party in the past 10 years but wasn’t so now we have this mess/humanitarian crisis.
??? I asked you a question based on your own language. You are defensive about your own statements?
I already answered it to IR’s inquiry. But you have answered nothing. Are your arguments pure cynical hyperbole or do you actually believe in what you are writing? And if you believe, provide links that show the “lefty” belief is for open borders.
Put up please or fold.
You answered the question after my post. Some of us actually have to work for a living and don’t have the luxury of mentally masturbating on this forum all day and looking for links to post. Off the top of my head didn’t Cummings state that everyone in the caravan should be allowed in?
And my opinion of you has not changed. You see things in black or white and lack the ability/empathy to understand a POV that differs from you. So honestly maybe you should just fold bc you’re part of the problem when it comes to the political divisiveness in our country.
You can’t even discuss issues you just resort to hyperbole. Okie doke.
Again sell me on caravan without open borders
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 29, 2018 at 4:35 amIts a made up emergency
These are 80% womyand children
And we are fng gassing them
Call out the national guard to watch them and send them back but dont gas babies
There is something desperately wrong with this situation
Quote from kpack123
Its a made up emergency
These are 80% womyand children
And we are fng gassing them
Call out the national guard to watch them and send them back but dont gas babies
There is something desperately wrong with this situation
What is your source that 80% are women and children? Shows on CNN/Fox state that most are youngish men.
How would the national guard respond to having rocks/projectiles thrown at them?
Babies don’t just crawl up to border. They are brought there by misguided individuals, some who think that throwing crap at another countries border control is a good idea that should help their cause.
Quote from IR27
We should attempt to use as minimal force as possible. If they are forcibly trying to enter country then obviously we have to defend that. I have no idea regarding tear gas and etc, no idea what is typical. There’s probably sensationalism on both sides.
Frumious, so you are in favor of letting them in? What is your position? Like I said I don’t see how you can support letting them in without being in favor of open borders. What is it about their case that is special? If we let them in and to become citizens what do we tell to everyone else? We would then have to let them all become citizens to be logically consistent.
I am in favor of reviewing their cases individually for merit as has always been done. There is gross hysteria being pumped up by this Administration who have made criminals of people who enter & request asylum. They are lawfully allowed to apply for asylum, period. Even if they enter at non-processing centers. There is no need to remove children which was done deliberately in order to punish people requesting asylum and deter those who had not yet applied. This is appalling especially when the idiots keep no records and effectively lose children in the system. A variation of Sophie’s Choice is the American policy for applicants?
The Administration’s excuse was that there were too many applicants at the border? As far as I know the applicants are reduced from past levels outside of this caravan “invasion.” No wonder if the government deliberately reduces resources to process applicants – yet has enough $ for staging events like sending the military to the border as if Posse Comitatus Act never existed.
Now I ask you and JD, do you two really believe Democrats and/or Liberals/Lefites want to open borders fully, as if between states to all comers? Or is it mere hyperbole used as hyperbole but no belief behind it? If you believe, again I ask for your sources of what “lefties” and Liberals re calling for open borders? -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 29, 2018 at 12:32 pmFair point
But we dont need to tear gas women and children
Thats just bad on many levels and makes no better than the dictatorships that we demonize for there behavior
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 29, 2018 at 12:43 pmIf its such a problem
Trump should declare a national emergency with the assistance of the Texas governor
The Governor can activate National Guard personnel to “State Active Duty” in response to natural or man-made disasters or Homeland Defense missions. … Title 32 activation can only be done by the President or SECDEF with the approval and consent of the state Governor.
They would have more effective power than out military
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 29, 2018 at 12:44 pmCalifornia
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 29, 2018 at 12:44 pmCalifornia
In 1964, the historian Richard Hofstadter published an essay titled [link=https://harpers.org/archive/1964/11/the-paranoid-style-in-american-politics/]The Paranoid Style in American Politics[/link] in Harpers Magazine, and maybe that set it all in motion. In recent years we have seen angry minds at work mainly among extreme right-wingers, Hofstadter wrote. But behind this I believe there is a style of mind that is far from new and that is not necessarily right-wing. I call it the paranoid style simply because no other word adequately evokes the sense of heated exaggeration, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial fantasy that I have in mind.
First, an example. When the now-famous [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/26/world/americas/tear-gas-migrant-children-photo.html]Reuters photograph[/link] by Kim Kyung-Hoon of [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/11/26/how-photographer-captured-image-migrant-mother-her-children-fleeing-tear-gas/?utm_term=.0ef603b75f6d]a mother and children[/link] fleeing tear gas at the San Ysidro point of entry appeared online Sunday, liberals quickly began sharing it along with demands for humane treatment of migrants at the U.S. border with Mexico. Some conservatives adopted what Hofstadter would doubtlessly characterize as the paranoid style, arguing that the photo had been [link=https://www.rt.com/usa/444998-migrant-caravan-mostly-men-msnbc/]intentionally selected[/link] to misrepresent the situation at the border. Others argued that, pitiful as the depicted events were, they were [link=https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/11/central-american-caravan-arrives-us-mexico-border/]necessary[/link] and not all that different from those used in the Obama era. And a third set celebrated the photo, hamming up their delight with tweets like Ive found my Christmas card photo. #Caring, and Watching the USA FINALLY defend our borders was the HIGHLIGHT of my Thanksgiving weekend. This last category of response exemplifies the triggering style.
The triggering style isnt really about convincing anyone of anything; its a rhetorical method that speaks to the other side, but without interest in persuasion. Indeed, the triggering style doesnt even aim to reinforce onlooking conservatives view that liberals are wrong. Instead, the triggering style attempts to shatter that calm, intellectual satisfaction that annoyed Will and earned Barack Obama such wide conservative resentment. By intentionally trying to cause liberals maximum emotional upset, the triggering style strives to compromise liberals most valued attributes: placid objectivity, moral certainty, intellectual strength, powers of analysis capable of theorizing and responding to opposing political viewpoints.
I don’t even know where to start with that one lol
In short liberals are great, the right is scum.
Seems logical
using the word placid to describe a group who is “triggered” is an oxymoron
Everyone is biased. if you can’t realize that then your head is up your butt-
“Everyone is biased” without context is totally meaningless. Where is your context? Everyone is biased so therefore any bias is meaningless. What is the point? The truth cannot be known because everyone is biased? And you end up where exactly and what does that statement explain about anything? You don’t like Liberals because you are biased – like everyone else about everything – explains what exactly about Liberals or bias or your viewpoint?
Quote from Frumious
“Everyone is biased” without context is totally meaningless. Where is your context? Everyone is biased so therefore any bias is meaningless. What is the point? The truth cannot be known because everyone is biased? And you end up where exactly and what does that statement explain about anything? You don’t like Liberals because you are biased – like everyone else about everything – explains what exactly about Liberals or bias or your viewpoint?
Dear Lord Frummy, You can’t understand IR meaning? You respond back like an Political Lawyer. Yada Yada Yada and no ending with no logic. Everyone has skeletons in their closets, Everyone Sins, Everyone is Biased in one way or another. That includes you, Kpack, Me, Dr. Fager and IR. EVERYONE! Your view comes off as “Liberals are not always right… their just never Wrong”. Tell us that you’re not biased on anything… Please. I don’t think you can.
Quote from Frumious
“Everyone is biased” without context is totally meaningless. Where is your context? Everyone is biased so therefore any bias is meaningless. What is the point? The truth cannot be known because everyone is biased? And you end up where exactly and what does that statement explain about anything? You don’t like Liberals because you are biased – like everyone else about everything – explains what exactly about Liberals or bias or your viewpoint?
It has context because you posted an article where it calls liberals objective“By intentionally trying to cause liberals maximum emotional upset, the triggering style strives to compromise liberals most valued attributes: placid objectivity, moral certainty, intellectual strength, powers of analysis capable of theorizing and responding to opposing political viewpoints.”
I don’t dislike liberals. I have many viewpoints in common with liberals. I have many disagreements with liberals. They are people, they are entitled to their opinion. My point is anyone who calls themselves objective is probably a fool. Like I said I can shred what they wrote in 2 seconds. They talk about triggering and then call liberals placid. Do they understand what the word placid means? Have they ever been to a college campus? I promise it’s not the right asking for safe spaces. Someone who is placid is not upset by other people having contrary opinions and they certainly don’t require a space specific for their placidity.
Intellectual strength? I would say there are a ton of people on both sides who are incredibly intelligent. Powers of analysis? Yes liberals have a monopoly on that too, clearly.Moral certainty? Morals are entirely subjective and based on your viewpoint.
It’s like they tried to put as many oxymorons and false statements into one little block as possible. I’m truly impressed.
It is not pointless to acknowledge there is bias. I mean she writes for the washington post. Do I have to go on? This just shows the problem, you are unable to accept your own side isn’t the arbiter of truth. Fox news is biased. Yes. The washington post is biased. Yes.
By acknowledging you have a biased outlook on something you are admitting that the other side may actually have some viability to their viewpoint and they aren’t a bunch of whackos. Because this stuff isn’t cut and dry, it’s a billion shades of gray in the middle. Everybody brings something to the table.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 30, 2018 at 4:12 amAgain
We should be a better country
We should not tear gas moms and babies
Thats the type of stuff we criticize other countries for
If you are content with being no better than other countries then fine..,….. but thats not making America great
Quote from IR27
It is not pointless to acknowledge there is bias. I mean she writes for the washington post. Do I have to go on? This just shows the problem, you are unable to accept your own side isn’t the arbiter of truth. Fox news is biased. Yes. The washington post is biased. Yes.
By acknowledging you have a biased outlook on something you are admitting that the other side may actually have some viability to their viewpoint and they aren’t a bunch of whackos. Because this stuff isn’t cut and dry, it’s a billion shades of gray in the middle. Everybody brings something to the table.
It is all too easy to say everyone and everything is biased. So what is your point? If we are all equally biased where is your center?
Feel free to join in Cuda. I’d like to know how “everyone is biased” answers anything of use. Where is your center? Christianity? Obviously biased & they can’t even decide on a single flavor. Evangelicals? Where is the moral center if everyone is equally biased?
I’ve told you the point.
You said “the right is against everyone and everything.”Yes the right wants the country to collapse. You can honestly say that?
You’re just not reasonable. That’s the difference. I can admit mistakes, agree with you about stuff, etc. You see things as absolutes to the point where you can say the right is against everyone. I have no idea what that means. Apparently they have successfully fooled almost half the country that votes for them.
Quote from IR27
I’ve told you the point.
You said “the right is against everyone and everything.”Yes the right wants the country to collapse. You can honestly say that?
You’re just not reasonable. That’s the difference. I can admit mistakes, agree with you about stuff, etc. You see things as absolutes to the point where you can say the right is against everyone. I have no idea what that means. Apparently they have successfully fooled almost half the country that votes for them.
So post something constructive that the Right wants to build that we both can agree on. So far I haven’t seen any such posts. Where are they & what topics? So far you have posted about immigrants invading America and your mistaken belief that America has taken in more refugees than anyone in the world, about how Democrats all want open borders. None of that is based on any true facts & the only thing you can brag is that you are no alone in these mistaken beliefs. But I am biased because I call the Right out for these mistaken beliefs.
So show me some issue on the Right platform that we can agree on. Something the Republicans have done that is constructive, some they plan that is constructive. The Right is all about Trump is what I see & his nihilism and self-promotion, aggrandizement and making himself richer.
While you’re at it name me some Republicans who, let’s say represent Reagan’s, “Morning in America” and not Trump’s twilight.
I mean Republicans can’t even do criminal justice reform when even the majority of Republicans and Democrats agree on the reform package.
Show me.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 30, 2018 at 8:43 amEvangelicals talk about a war on Christmas…….. but they defend tear gassing the mothers and babies
Is that Where you want to be when Jesus comes back?
I posted about a book written in 1964 about the paranoid style of some conservatives at the time who were then considered very extremist, so much so that William F. Buckley disavowed them and reluctantly so did Barry Goldwater. They were so nutty that Eisenhower was a Commie to them and government was a conspiracy and stealing their money through taxes. Today those extremists are Republican mainstream with their extremist ideas. After all Alex Jones and InfoWars and Rush Limbaugh and Fox with its “Truthiness” at best when they are not outright lying are all rightwing constructs who find it necessary to create falsehoods and outright lies to keep their believers mobilized and angry. And then there is right wing domestic violence. There is no similar on the left at this time for any of that.
What does the Right stand for? What constructive ideas. What constructive plans. The Right is against everything and everyone. Except the Russians. Vlad is awesome and should be POTUS. All the admiring statements for Vlad from Republicans over the years. Waiting for Vlad to run as a main contender in 2020 for POTUS.
The moderate Republicans who are not crazies, ie Kasich for example, are seen by mainstream Republicans and Right-wing media as traitors and RINOs and a great many have broken ranks with the Party because they also view the Party as having moved into nutville territory. Even Ryan can’t keep up the act of lies so he’s resigned along with others.
As for liberals are always right, that is a non sequitur that are your construction. But at least Democrats want to preserve and build things.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 30, 2018 at 7:11 amId just like to ask the republicans/trumpers on the board this
At what point will you stop seluyour souls and justifying this lying BS that we are being fed daily by your leader????
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 30, 2018 at 7:14 amSelling your souls
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 30, 2018 at 7:15 amSelling your souls
Unknown Member
Deleted UserNovember 30, 2018 at 7:17 amCuda,
You talk about we are all sinners
Ok I get that but
Do we repent at some point??????
Or do we just keep on sinning and claim everything is OK because we are evangelical
Im not getting it
I forgot to add the anti-immigration fear-mongering paranoid rhetoric to my complaints about the Right. An invasion of “them.”
I’ve shown that Europe for example absorbs more refugees than the US. Where are the responses? This is not an invasion.
Also forgot, my objection to the Right is their blind support for the corruption of Trump and family.
Quote from IR27
I don’t dislike liberals. My point is anyone who calls themselves objective is probably a fool. Like I said I can shred what they wrote in 2 seconds. They talk about triggering and then call liberals placid. Do they understand what the word placid means? Have they ever been to a college campus? I promise it’s not the right asking for safe spaces. Someone who is placid is not upset by other people having contrary opinions and they certainly don’t require a space specific for their placidity.
Regarding “safe spaces,” Van Jones. From the Washington Examiner, not exactly your “Liberal” media.
During an event at the University of Chicago last week, progressive pundit Van Jones jumped on the bandwagon, [link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zms3EqGbFOk]telling students[/link], “I don’t want you to be safe ideologically. I don’t want you to be safe emotionally. I want you to be strong that’s different. I’m not going to pave the jungle for you. Put on some boots and learn how to deal with adversity.”
“I’m not going to take all the weights out of the gym,” he said. “That’s the whole point of the gym.”
Separately, Jones also criticized college students for lacking perspective. “[My parents] dealt with fire hoses, they dealt with dogs, they dealt with beatings. You can’t deal with a mean tweet?” he asked.
This is all helpful, especially so coming from the lips of a liberal like Jones.
But in this same critique of safe space culture, Jones said something much more interesting.
Addressing his “liberal colleagues” on campuses, Jones said, “You are creating a kind of liberalism that the minute it crosses the street into the real world, that is not just useless, but obnoxious and dangerous.”
The article goes on:
From Obama to Jones, many on the Left have been reasonable enough to stand up for the free exchange of ideas. But, here, Jones touched on something different.
Campuses are incubating a breed of liberalism that is not capable of withstanding the scrutiny of the outside world. This strain of liberalism lives in a generation of young progressives who are pushing the Democratic Party further towards its fringes, damaging its appeal with moderate Americans.
This is not liberalism.
Also read Jonathan Haidt who also talks about this. -
[url=https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/17/doj-property-seizures-border-wall-1093736]Politico: [/url] [b]
[h1]DOJ hiring attorneys to handle property seizures for border wall[/b][/h1]The Justice Department placed an online job posting for a pair of attorneys to tackle border wall litigation in South Texas a sign of coming property seizures and other legal controversies that President Donald Trump anticipates if he plows ahead with his signature project.
The federal government has been partially shut down for 27 days over Trumps $5.7 billion border wall request, but the administration already faces thorny lawsuits from border residents who have resisted wall construction. High-profile cases in South Texas involve a butterfly sanctuary and the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville, which owns property with a small chapel in the path of planned wall construction.
Thats where the lawyers come into play.
The two advertised jobs, based in McAllen and Brownsville, will pay between $53,062 and $138,790, according to [link=https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/518732800][u]a posting[/u][/link] to a federal jobs website.
The attorneys likely will deal with eminent domain property seizures and quarrels with landowners over what their land is worth, according to Chris Rickerd, the American Civil Liberties Unions senior policy counsel on border and immigration issues.
That should go over well with Texas republican voters-
If the wall is so important to Trump that land must be a very valuable asset.
[b]Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Resigns[/b]
[link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/homeland-security-secretary-kirstjen-nielsen-resigns-11554674345]Resignation comes two days after she visited U.S. southern border with President Trump[/link]I very much look forward to her *next* testimony on capital hill. Will she continue as good soldier or be “unconstrained”?
Quote from dergon
[b]Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Resigns[/b]
[link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/homeland-security-secretary-kirstjen-nielsen-resigns-11554674345]Resignation comes two days after she visited U.S. southern border with President Trump[/link]
I very much look forward to her *next* testimony on capital hill. Will she continue as good soldier or be “unconstrained”?
I think she’ll be a good Soldier. I anxious to see the next guy and what he will do. Hopefully, request more troops down there; Assist with Building the wall faster. You know…. Finish what Obama started, you know… the rest of the wall he started on his shift. Wait? Did he mean that or was he just giving lip again?
As I’ve asked to my left friends… Why haven’t you assisted the helpless down there with your presence or money?-
I can’t speak for the “left”, but we donated both to the ACLU and to RAICES during this crisis.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
If the wall is so important to Trump that land must be a very valuable asset.
[b]Trump Tells Aides Take the Land[/b][/h1]
President Trumps signature campaign promise to build a wall along the southwestern border is far behind schedule. So he has told his aides to get the job done by [b]whatever means necessary, including by seizing land[/b] on the Mexican frontier, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/28/us/politics/trump-border-wall.html]New York Times[/link] reports.
The president has repeatedly suggested during meetings on immigration policy that aides take the land and get it done, according to a person who has heard him say it.
The [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/take-the-land-president-trump-wants-a-border-wall-he-wants-it-black-and-he-wants-it-by-election-day/2019/08/27/37b80018-c821-11e9-a4f3-c081a126de70_story.html]Washington Post[/link] first reported that Mr. Trump had brought up the land seizures, and had [b]floated the idea of offering pardons to aides willing to break the law[/b], a suggestion he has made before when exploring ways to fulfill his campaign promises.-
[link=https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-09-10/senate-democrats-trump-border-emergency-declaration]Senate Democrats to try again on rescinding Trump’s border emergency declaration[/link]
Los Angeles Times:
Senate Democrats will force a vote in Congress in an attempt to reverse President Trumps [link=https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-emergency-20190215-story.html]national emergency declaration[/link] that authorized the use of money from other parts of the federal budget for the construction of a border wall.
Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced Tuesday that Democratic senators will vote on a resolution to void Trumps border emergency declaration.
This rises to a large and vital constitutional issue: Does our country truly have checks and balances, particularly important when we have such an overreaching president? Schumer said [link=https://twitter.com/SenSchumer/status/1171422992972337152?s=20]on Twitter[/link], sharing [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/senate-democrats-to-force-one-more-vote-against-trumps-border-emergency-declaration/2019/09/09/dde07b66-d378-11e9-9610-fb56c5522e1c_story.html]a story from the Washington Post[/link] that first broke the news.
Congress, which is allowed to force a vote on the resolution every six months, last voted in March to reject the emergency declaration. In response, Trump [link=https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-first-veto-border-emergency-disapproval-20190315-story.html]issued[/link] the first veto of his presidency, insisting on his power to bypass the legislative branch to fund a border wall.
This rises to a large & vital constitutional issue:
Do we truly have checks & balances—particularly important when we have such an overreaching president?
Democrats will again force a vote to terminate @realDonaldTrump’s national emergency declaration.https://t.co/7QeLkLn0Vh
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) September 10, 2019
Air Force report says Trump’s money redirect for Wall funding puts US Security at risk
I still don’t understand how he can pull funds that are appropriated for something and move them to building some slats. He took $ from on base day care too. Nobody supports the troops like old Donny T.
He’s “building a WALL!” His doing it for his supporters to keep the invaders out. Even his supporters believe funding the troops comes second to walling out the invaders.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 13, 2019 at 11:26 pmGotta love the posts attempting to distract from the reality that more and more people are catching on to the fact that the only reason Democrats oppose a wall is that it would interfere with their plan to import a new electorate.
You have to be a citizen to vote. Or didnt you know that?
Suck down that Kool-aid kid,
[b]Kirstjen Nielsens Legacy: the woman who put children in cages.
Jeffrey Toobin said on [link=https://twitter.com/NewDay/status/1115211885278715904]CNN[/link] that departing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will be remembered by people asSaid Toobin: Kirstjen Nielsen I think is a great example of what happens when you go to work for Donald Trump. He is the great reputation killer. Here is this woman who was a reasonably admired bureaucrat. For the rest of her life people will look at her and think, Oh, thats the woman who put children in cages.’
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 8, 2019 at 10:40 amEven mainstream media now forced to admit that the border is in shambles and that we are in the midst of a crisis.
The perennial duality of Leftism is exposed, again: a repugnant mixture of dishonesty and stupidity. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 8, 2019 at 10:46 am
Quote from dergon
[b]Kirstjen Nielsens Legacy: the woman who put children in cages.
Jeffrey Toobin said on [link=https://twitter.com/NewDay/status/1115211885278715904]CNN[/link] that departing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will be remembered by people asSaid Toobin: Kirstjen Nielsen I think is a great example of what happens when you go to work for Donald Trump. He is the great reputation killer. Here is this woman who was a reasonably admired bureaucrat. For the rest of her life people will look at her and think, Oh, thats the woman who put children in cages.’
The people who think like that are dweebs.