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  • kayla.meyer_144

    October 11, 2016 at 10:07 am

    I’m looking over the past decades & trying to remember last when gridlock worked for the better. & I remember Dems in the House, Senate & POTUS & Obamacare as well as bringing back the economy being done. Since the GOP has taken over the House & Senate, what have they done that is so very good?
    Clinton & impeachment? Not exactly bi-partisanship getting things accomplished.
    Bush after 2004? OK, that was 1 party control, wasn’t good at all for anything. Got the Recession as reward.
    So I think it depends on which Party owns the government if you want good results. & if you want bi-partisanship, a Democratic Congress with a Republican President. With a Democratic President & a Republican Congress you have a recipe for impeachment and antics. Gridlock is not a good thing. Who exactly wants a government that can’t do anything right?
    A government drowned in the bathtub is not an accomplishment. Government shutdown is not an accomplishment. It’s disaster, especially in this world with economic turmoil and players like ISIS & Syria & Putin.

    • jquinones8812_854

      October 11, 2016 at 12:33 pm

      1980s especially from 1981-1985. 
      1980s from 1994 until impeachment. 
      Both led to relatively good government and good economic growth. 

      On the other hand can you think of a period where single party control had success?
      Obama got Obamacare, but raised the debt by about $10 trillion over a decade in a little over 2 years.  As for the economy, if you are using that metric, it only came back AFTER the GOP took over. I think using economic timing, either as a positive or negative, is hard, and will stipulate to that. 
      I personally think both parties right now are inherently broken, and do not deserve any total control. 

      • kayla.meyer_144

        October 12, 2016 at 2:21 am

        Quote from MISTRAD

        1980s especially from 1981-1985. 
        1980s from 1994 until impeachment. 

        Both led to relatively good government and good economic growth. 

        On the other hand can you think of a period where single party control had success?

        Obama got Obamacare, but raised the debt by about $10 trillion over a decade in a little over 2 years.  As for the economy, if you are using that metric, it only came back AFTER the GOP took over. I think using economic timing, either as a positive or negative, is hard, and will stipulate to that. 

        I personally think both parties right now are inherently broken, and do not deserve any total control. 

        Yeah, yeah, yeah, the debt, as if no other country suffered from reduced GDP and federal revenue from the 2008 Recession and recovering from its effects trying to counter the downturn in the private sector and upturn in unemployment and support the economy and people.
        Reality is, has the GOP shown ability and responsibility to govern for all these past years, whether as a majority or as a minority? And the simple answer is, no. They can’t govern as a majority nor as a minority. They don’t deserve power until they grow up and become responsible adults. Who wants a petulant child leading the Nation? That’s exactly what the GOP and Trump’s supporters have provided as Trump, the GOP representative.
        Hillary and the Democrats, for all their flaws at least are working for the better. The GOP has not been trying to do anything like that for many a year. Trump is the result of years of GOP positions and rhetoric.

        • jquinones8812_854

          October 12, 2016 at 6:05 am

          Quote from Frumious

          Quote from MISTRAD

          1980s especially from 1981-1985. 
          1980s from 1994 until impeachment. 

          Both led to relatively good government and good economic growth. 

          On the other hand can you think of a period where single party control had success?

          Obama got Obamacare, but raised the debt by about $10 trillion over a decade in a little over 2 years.  As for the economy, if you are using that metric, it only came back AFTER the GOP took over. I think using economic timing, either as a positive or negative, is hard, and will stipulate to that. 

          I personally think both parties right now are inherently broken, and do not deserve any total control. 

          Yeah, yeah, yeah, the debt, as if no other country suffered from reduced GDP and federal revenue from the 2008 Recession and recovering from its effects trying to counter the downturn in the private sector and upturn in unemployment and support the economy and people.

          Reality is, has the GOP shown ability and responsibility to govern for all these past years, whether as a majority or as a minority? And the simple answer is, no. They can’t govern as a majority nor as a minority. They don’t deserve power until they grow up and become responsible adults. Who wants a petulant child leading the Nation? That’s exactly what the GOP and Trump’s supporters have provided as Trump, the GOP representative.

          Hillary and the Democrats, for all their flaws at least are working for the better. The GOP has not been trying to do anything like that for many a year. Trump is the result of years of GOP positions and rhetoric.

          The problem as always is about your priorities.

          If your priority is to grow government without worrying about whether they solve problems, you probably view the Obama years as a success.
          If your priority is to solve problems, without worrying about whether you are growing government or not is your priority, you probably think the Obama years had mixed results at best, and was a failure at worse. 
          This is the same game we always play.  Eye of the beholder, and whatnot. 

          • kayla.meyer_144

            October 12, 2016 at 7:04 am

            No, the priorities are what is more important. It has zero to do with growing the government and if growing the government can save lives and the economy, why is the size of the government taking priority against helping people? Too expensive to help?
            Obamacare has provided health care to many who would not be able to get it otherwise. I think that’s a good investment and purpose for government. And that’s a start. It’s as appropriate as providing public education. The private sector’s priorities are not about public health, education and welfare. So I’d rather not see a vacuum instead of growing government to accommodate. And if spending is a priority of yours, private sector controlling health care guarantees even more expense for many reasons.
            I don’t think the size of our 1795 government is an appropriate government size for today’s world and needs and Grover doesn’t give a damn about the public welfare.

          • kayla.meyer_144

            October 12, 2016 at 7:23 am

            Regarding growth in government spending:

            When excluding World War II (therefore, since 1946), the average increase in government spending was 2.4% under a Democratic President and 2.2% under a Republican President.
            When excluding World War II, the average spending as a percentage of GDP under a Democratic President was 19.0% and under a Republican President 19.6%.


          • kayla.meyer_144

            October 12, 2016 at 7:32 am

            As for debt, let’s get some honest perspective. Debt had been decreasing since WWII up to Reagan where it began to balloon. During Clinton’s term the debt began to decrease again until Dubbya. Then the Recession & Obama’s continuation of Bush’s TARP, etc to address the failed economy caused debt to increase yet more. But it all comes down to decreasing government revenue more than anything else as we have to borrow to meet normal expenses.

            When excluding World War II (therefore, 1946 to end of year 2015), the average increase in the federal debt was 4.7% under a Democratic President and 7.9% under a Republican President.


            • btomba_77

              October 12, 2016 at 8:40 am

              New poll for Utah since the tape was released:

              Trump: 26
              Clinton: 26
              McMullin: 22
              Johnson: 14
              Wow…. utah

              • 100574

                October 12, 2016 at 9:59 am

                did u see Georgia
                Trump has no ground game and no money

                Quote from dergon

                New poll for Utah since the tape was released:

                Trump: 26
                Clinton: 26
                McMullin: 22
                Johnson: 14

                Wow…. utah

              • kaldridgewv2211

                October 12, 2016 at 10:08 am

                Quote from dergon

                New poll for Utah since the tape was released:

                Trump: 26
                Clinton: 26
                McMullin: 22
                Johnson: 14

                Wow…. utah

                Looked up McMullin.  Kind of like him based on his web page.  Not even on the ballot in Ohio.  So he’s a non-starter.

                • btomba_77

                  October 12, 2016 at 10:28 am

                  Quote from DICOM_Dan

                  Quote from dergon

                  New poll for Utah since the tape was released:

                  Trump: 26
                  Clinton: 26
                  McMullin: 22
                  Johnson: 14

                  Wow…. utah


                  Looked up McMullin.  Kind of like him based on his web page.  Not even on the ballot in Ohio.  So he’s a non-starter.

                  He was never supposed to win.  He was supposed to be a place for establishment republicans to park their support.
                  That so many of the establishment ended up going over to Trump rather than McMullin was a blow to the #NeverTrump movement.  (Admittedly, it was supposed to be Mitt Romney in that roll who, given how events are shaking out now might have looked like a genius by jumping in … McMullin was a third or fourth choice … no one else wanted to jump iun)

                  • 100574

                    October 12, 2016 at 2:53 pm

                    the reason the GOP hate on black women is because they vote and they vote Blue
                    why Huckabee threw shade a B and to sell books

            • jquinones8812_854

              October 12, 2016 at 9:18 am

              Quote from Frumious

              As for debt, let’s get some honest perspective. Debt had been decreasing since WWII up to Reagan where it began to balloon. During Clinton’s term the debt began to decrease again until Dubbya. Then the Recession & Obama’s continuation of Bush’s TARP, etc to address the failed economy caused debt to increase yet more. But it all comes down to decreasing government revenue more than anything else as we have to borrow to meet normal expenses.


              When excluding World War II (therefore, 1946 to end of year 2015), the average increase in the federal debt was 4.7% under a Democratic President and 7.9% under a Republican President.


              The irony of your graph is that the best periods were with divided rule. 
              Note that Obama has set us on a path to ever growing deficits for as long as the eye can see, with a temporary slowdown expected in 2017-18…largely all because of actions done with one party power in 2009-2010.
              Again, lot of this is eye of beholder. And also, partisan glasses. People excuse away a lot. Conservatives excuse Reagan’s ballooning deficits. Liberals are excusing Obama’s record of increasing wealth disparity. 
              I think good governance is best of all, but for the most part we don’t get that. 

              • tdetlie_105

                October 12, 2016 at 9:33 am

                MISTRAD, nice to have you back, particularly since you are bringing some balance/objectivity on the political front!

    • 100574

      October 11, 2016 at 12:33 pm

      HRC in Miami with Gore..overflow crowd..

      • afazio.uk_887

        October 11, 2016 at 12:45 pm

        Yes, if you are an idealouge your prefer all the power in the hands of your party to pass ur liberal garbage like Obamacare or conservative garbage etc.

        However, most normal people are in between and thus prefer checks and balances.

        Obama was a polarizing figure (mostly cause of his race) which resulted in the GOP obstructionism. They got what they deserved however with Trump the end result of their approach.

        • 100574

          October 11, 2016 at 12:48 pm

          only bigots, non millennials and idiots view Obama as a polarizing figure 

          Quote from yesterdaysnews

          Yes, if you are an idealouge your prefer all the power in the hands of your party to pass ur liberal garbage like Obamacare or conservative garbage etc.

          However, most normal people are in between and thus prefer checks and balances.

          Obama was a polarizing figure (mostly cause of his race) which resulted in the GOP obstructionism. They got what they deserved however with Trump the end result of their approach.

          • 100574

            October 11, 2016 at 12:52 pm

            HRC takes down Rubio at Miami rally

        • kayla.meyer_144

          October 11, 2016 at 1:10 pm

          Quote from yesterdaysnews

          Yes, if you are an idealouge your prefer all the power in the hands of your party to pass ur liberal garbage like Obamacare or conservative garbage etc.

          However, most normal people are in between and thus prefer checks and balances.

          Obama was a polarizing figure (mostly cause of his race) which resulted in the GOP obstructionism. They got what they deserved however with Trump the end result of their approach.

          Seriously? Polarizing because of his race? Or is he an ideologue because of his race?
          You mean he had a choice to not be black?
          Maybe the partisan Americans who don’t like black people could have chosen not to be “partisan” themselves.
          So why is he evil? Romneycare? Recovering the economy from recession? Just being black? What?
          And besides, my original question was when is the last time a Republican Congress worked with a Democratic President & what’s so good about a government that does not work? There are plenty of countries with non-functional governments who would be happy to have another “citizen” I’m sure.
          Your argument makes no sense outside of you being a partisan yourself.

          • afazio.uk_887

            October 11, 2016 at 2:19 pm

            I’m left center but I am discussing the other side. You can bury ur head in the sand if u want but the obstructionist position of the GOP was fueled by their constituents, who’s opinion if Obama was most certainly significantly influenced by his race. The whole post-racial America is a bunch a BS and racism is alive a well in this country. I’d bet my house that Obama would not have ever engender the degree of vitriol from the GOP base if he were a white Christian guy.

            The whole birther movement on which Trump built his political career was pure racism.

            • 100574

              October 11, 2016 at 6:17 pm

              Pence fund raiser rallies canceled in Nebraska and NJ due to lack of interest

              • 100574

                October 11, 2016 at 11:24 pm

                Pence big fail to that girl talking revolution..he should have said we as Americans respect any he just claims a revolution will occur..well what if u lose

  • kayla.meyer_144

    October 12, 2016 at 2:10 am

    Quote from yesterdaysnews

    I’m left center but I am discussing the other side. You can bury ur head in the sand if u want but the obstructionist position of the GOP was fueled by their constituents, who’s opinion if Obama was most certainly significantly influenced by his race. The whole post-racial America is a bunch a BS and racism is alive a well in this country. I’d bet my house that Obama would not have ever engender the degree of vitriol from the GOP base if he were a white Christian guy.
    Put that way, I agree on all that.
    The whole birther movement on which Trump built his political career was pure racism.

  • kayla.meyer_144

    October 12, 2016 at 10:01 am

    I have no issue with “divided” rule, per se. But from Bill Clinton on wards, “divided rule” has meant irresponsible rule from a Republican Congress when a Democrat sits in the White House. Once Republicans took over Congress in Bill Clinton’s Administration, we had government shutdown and impeachment and conspiracies galore and the evils of government. Once Republicans took over Congress during Obama’s Administration we got more dysfunction and hostility & more shutdown.
    Divided rule assumes adults are participating. The problem is that 1 party is acting as a petulant child trying to bring government down. And as I recall, you once cheered the prospect of tying Obama’s hands into a government shutdown. I don’t consider that a responsible governing posture that is good for the country.

  • btomba_77

    October 13, 2016 at 4:18 am

    [b]Pennsylvania[/b]: Clinton 51%, Trump 42% ([link=]Bloomberg[/link])
    [b]New Hampshire[/b]: Clinton 48%, Trump 37% ([link=]PPP[/link])
    And likely on the basis of that (and other) polling: 
    [url=]Trump campaign pulls out of Virginia[/url]

    • 100574

      October 13, 2016 at 10:02 am

      Michelle Obama just rallied the base in NH

      Quote from dergon

      [b]Pennsylvania[/b]: Clinton 51%, Trump 42% ([link=]Bloomberg[/link])
      [b]New Hampshire[/b]: Clinton 48%, Trump 37% ([link=]PPP[/link])

      And likely on the basis of that (and other) polling: 

      [link=]Trump campaign pulls out of Virginia[/link]

      • Unknown Member

        Deleted User
        October 13, 2016 at 10:10 am

        Are radiologists or any physicians seriously calling Obamacare a success when Congress and WH were Democratic? It was designed to fail at the end of Obama’s term as we’re seeing now and the architect literally said “it only passed because of the stupidity of Americans”
        I hope GOP keeps the house. Always better to have checks and balances. I could’ve supported Obama if he had criminally prosecuted those responsible for 2008. But not only did he not do that, but also let many other illegal activities such as LIBOR scandal pass by without holding those responsible to the same laws that you and I are subject to

        • btomba_77

          October 13, 2016 at 12:17 pm

          [url=]On conference call, Paul Ryan worried about the House flipping to Dems [/url]

          During a conference call, Ryan said he believed that House Republicans had taken a serious hit amid Donald Trumps freefall following release of the now-infamous “Access Hollywood” video, according to a person who was on the call. Ryan noted that Republicans lost more than 20 seats in 2008, when John McCain lost to Barack Obama by seven percentage points. By comparison, Ryan pointed out grimly, Trump is trailing by around 10 percent nationally.

          • kayla.meyer_144

            October 13, 2016 at 12:30 pm

            Now that would be something.

            • kaldridgewv2211

              October 13, 2016 at 2:17 pm

              Wonder how many people are regretting voting for Trump.  All the never Hillary build a wall to Mexico goofs.  Not only is Trump having a Jean Van de Velde, Chernobyl, DeathStar imploding, epic meltdown…… the GOP is going to get rear ended in congress.

    • kayla.meyer_144

      October 13, 2016 at 10:07 am

      So who thinks the GOP will get better after Trump has his arse handed to him – but finds a new career in show biz?
      My bet is that many Republicans will double down on what they’ve been doing the past 8+ years. The rationale will be multi-layered starting with Trump wasn’t a real Conservative and the election was stolen by minorities voting illegally, etc. Instead of the black terrorist-loving Kenyan Muslim they’ll have the woman criminal who had an email server in her basement. The arguments and obstruction will get crazier and more hysterical for the next 8 years & in 4 & 8 years we’ll see a new line-up of a dozen POTUS candidates from the GOP making ever crazier statements.
      Place your bets.

  • btomba_77

    October 13, 2016 at 3:33 pm

    Fox News national poll has Clinton +7 with Johnson, +8 head-to-head

    • afazio.uk_887

      October 13, 2016 at 4:14 pm

      I’m sure there is a lot of regret- given they will lose the Supreme Court for the next 30 years or more now. Worst possible election cycle for the GOP to put up a joker like Trump.

      This is a dream situation for the left, probably better than they could have ever hoped for. Considering the changing demographics as well, there will be considerably shift towards the left over the rest of our lifetimes if HRC wins.

      • jquinones8812_854

        October 13, 2016 at 6:06 pm

        Quote from yesterdaysnews

        I’m sure there is a lot of regret- given they will lose the Supreme Court for the next 30 years or more now. Worst possible election cycle for the GOP to put up a joker like Trump.

        This is a dream situation for the left, probably better than they could have ever hoped for. Considering the changing demographics as well, there will be considerably shift towards the left over the rest of our lifetimes if HRC wins.

        The only thing that could possibly save the Right is Hillary’s own corruption and incompetence.

        But that all depends on what clown the GOP picks to run the party going forward. 

        • kaldridgewv2211

          October 13, 2016 at 6:19 pm

          I think one of the Clinton staff email that came out in wiki leaks was someone saying even a clown like Cruz would’ve had a 50/50.

          They could’ve put any number of legit people in. Kasich would’ve been good. Hell his running mate Pence is. Better option than Donald.

          what day will the clip come out where Donald says he hates puppies

          • tdetlie_105

            October 13, 2016 at 8:13 pm

            Quote from DICOM_Dan

            what day will the clip come out where Donald says he hates puppies

            Thats the lead story on CNN tomorrow…honestly, this election gets uglier by the day. Nothing about issues, all about making the other candidate (more) despicable, well both campaigns have succeeded…we should give Obama another year, cancel the election and let both parties regroup

          • ruszja

            October 14, 2016 at 3:55 am

            Quote from DICOM_Dan

            what day will the clip come out where Donald says he hates puppies

            Come to think of it, I have never seen a picture of him with a dog. There may be some truth to this 😉

        • btomba_77

          October 14, 2016 at 3:58 am

          Quote from MISTRAD

          Quote from yesterdaysnews

          I’m sure there is a lot of regret- given they will lose the Supreme Court for the next 30 years or more now. Worst possible election cycle for the GOP to put up a joker like Trump.

          This is a dream situation for the left, probably better than they could have ever hoped for. Considering the changing demographics as well, there will be considerably shift towards the left over the rest of our lifetimes if HRC wins.

          The only thing that could possibly save the Right is Hillary’s own corruption and incompetence.

          But that all depends on what clown the GOP picks to run the party going forward. 

          Boy. Even with changing demographics and the GOP chaos I have a hard time seeing how Hillary Clinton holds a second term.  
          I know each election is its own event, but she’d better hope for strong economic growth, massive GOP over-reach (or preferably both) in order to have a hope of making it 16 years of Democratic rule.

          • kayla.meyer_144

            October 14, 2016 at 4:37 am

            I think she could win a 2nd term. What competence has the GOP shown for years, even decades? The past 2 lineups of GOP candidates have been a comedy, a satire of politics, not to mention the “ideas” discussed. After this burnout, what will be left of the GOP except more inflamed anger & resentment? The Party of Trump & Palin & Bachman whose motto should be, “Ignorance is strength!”
            But then it does depend on whether the Democrat voters get complacent & stay home as we know the Republican voters are motivated with white-hot anger & resentment, something evident for several elections. And this election in the Trump voters.

            • alyaa.rifaie_129

              October 14, 2016 at 4:54 am

              Perhaps she could win again but she is very prone to scandal. The public does not like or trust her. Also the email leaks show she is phony. Recent dump of emails even her own campaign staff was questioning why she was running. The Dems wanted Trump to win because they knew she could beat him. She may have had difficulty w some of the others that were running especially after the email dumps.
              Out today she gave her answers to the questions asked regarding the lawsuit. Twenty one times her answer was I cannot recall. She consistently has a problem w the truth.

              • ruszja

                October 14, 2016 at 6:12 am

                Quote from Ixrayu

                Perhaps she could win again but she is very prone to scandal. The public does not like or trust her. Also the email leaks show she is phony.

                A phony politician ? I am shocked, I tell you I am shocked !

                Out today she gave her answers to the questions asked regarding the lawsuit. Twenty one times her answer was I cannot recall. She consistently has a problem w the truth.

                Well, maybe she gets a TV show, like Oliver North.

                • savpruitt_28

                  October 14, 2016 at 7:11 am

                  ”Boy. Even with changing demographics and the GOP chaos I have a hard time seeing how Hillary Clinton holds a second term.”

                  You’re assuming, sometime between Nov 9 and 2020, the toxic stew that spawned Trump magically goes away (as does Trump) and the GOP reverts to something ummm “normal” that everyone likes to fantasize it was was back in the day….. Nope, that is not going to happen.

              • kayla.meyer_144

                October 14, 2016 at 7:16 am

                Elucidate me. Seriously.
                Outside of the hoopla about email, what are these numerous scandals of Hillary’s?
                Whitewater? Attempting a health care plan? Involvement with Vince Foster’s murder? The other murders? Anti-woman? Laughing about getting a rapist finding of not guilty? Not being photogenic & bubbly to press & critics and being secretive? Benghazi? Did I mention Benghazi? Ordering the military rescue to stand down in Benghazi?
                What am I missing?
                This is a wish list of scandal but so far there is nothing material that’s been turned up in the past 2.5 decades by her enemies.
                So fill me in what I’m missing. Oh, but 2-1/2 decades worth of nothing actually proves she’s being protected by a conspiracy.
                Just asking.

                • kaldridgewv2211

                  October 14, 2016 at 7:27 am

                  “What am I missing?”
                  The culmination of everything makes her look very untrustworthy.  She comes off as conniving.
                  – private email
                  – two faced, telling one group one thing, and everyone else something else.  She plays to the people but is she really with the banks
                  – Pay to play
                  – obvious lies
                  – she uses tax loopholes too, I think it’s called the Delaware tax loophole.
                  The difference to me is Donald is just a plain old creeper who is possibly delusional.  We deserve better than what we’re getting in this election.  

                  • kayla.meyer_144

                    October 14, 2016 at 7:45 am

                    Not exactly scandals. I mean 3 years of Benghazi hearings & nothing to show except egg on Republicans’ faces? Years of Whitewater?
                    Maybe that’s the full story about Clinton’s “scandals,” nothing there except frustration by Republicans about finding nothing. But they can broadcast every second so that it appears there is something there besides their frustration.
                    I read it on the Internet so it must be true.

                    • kaldridgewv2211

                      October 14, 2016 at 7:55 am

                      I say untrustworth but here’s an article from July saying here untrustworthyness was at 67%
                      That’s closing in on Benedict Arnold.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      October 14, 2016 at 8:01 am

                      Townhall? Townhall is part of the decades-long rumor-mongering problem & if you expect the truth from them, I have a bridge I can sell you for sucha deal!
                      Might as well ask Fox for the truth on any matter.

                    • kaldridgewv2211

                      October 14, 2016 at 9:11 am

                      Quote from Frumious

                      Townhall? Townhall is part of the decades-long rumor-mongering problem & if you expect the truth from them, I have a bridge I can sell you for sucha deal!

                      Might as well ask Fox for the truth on any matter.

                      It is not a rumor that she has issues with her trust ratings.  It looked like Townhall was viewing NYT polling.

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      October 14, 2016 at 9:40 am

                      So if I create rumors that global warming isn’t real & is a conspiracy created by scientists on the take to do fake studies or a conspiracy by the Chinese & it is reported in the NYTimes that a number of people believe those stories, does that make it truthier?
                      How about Obama being born in Kenya is believed by a number of people and as such by the NYTimes and repeated in other media. Does that make it truer?
                      Just because you see it on the Internet, or repeated in Townhall does not make it a fact. The “fact” that Hillary is untrustworthy might just be repetition of an outright lie and exaggeration.
                      Polls and rumors are not fact, they just show belief. Possibly even in Fairies and such.

                    • tdetlie_105

                      October 14, 2016 at 10:03 am

                      Quote from Frumious

                      Polls and rumors are not fact, they just show belief. Possibly even in Fairies and such.

                      Belief/perception sorta create reality, no? Check out and, seems like 2 different races/2 different countries…maybe HRC is no more dishonest/corrupt than your typically politician but for some reason she does not wear it as well

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      October 14, 2016 at 10:13 am

                      Quote from jd4540

                      Quote from Frumious

                      Polls and rumors are not fact, they just show belief. Possibly even in Fairies and such.

                      Belief/perception sorta create reality, no? Check out and, seems like 2 different races/2 different countries…maybe HRC is no more dishonest/corrupt than your typically politician but for some reason she does not wear it as well

                      Yes they can. A reason eyewitness reports are not believed 100% anymore. Is the memory real or planted from viewing another version?

                    • kayla.meyer_144

                      October 14, 2016 at 8:17 am

                      It’s politics. Only a few years ago, Republicans though Hillary was the best thing since white bread. The fact that she goes from being praised before her candidacy for President to pariah who should be jailed before she’s found guilty of anything says everything there is to say about her being “evil.”

                      Former Vice President Dick Cheney had some unusually kind words for Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday, saying she might be a better fit in the Oval Office than President Obama.

                      Perhaps she might have been easier for some of us who are critics of the president to work with, Cheney said in an interview on Fox News Sunday.

                      He said Obamas decision to make her secretary of state was one of his better ideas.

                      I have a sense that she is one of the more competent members of the current administration, and it would be interesting to speculate about how she might perform were she to be president, Cheney said.


  • kayla.meyer_144

    October 14, 2016 at 7:07 am

    Ollie? Now there’s a hero!

  • kayla.meyer_144

    October 14, 2016 at 9:59 am

    Another reason not to like her, she curses like a sailor.

    Ive been bingeing on a lot of anti-Hillary Clinton books lately. Some of their gripes are legitimate and verifiable; some are halfway down the six-lane expressway to bonkersville. But of all the unlikely themes to emerge from them, of all the conspiracies they propose and the outrages they cite, the strangest of all is quite straightforward: that Mrs. Clinton is a potty mouth.

  • btomba_77

    October 20, 2016 at 2:20 am

    [url=]Larry Sabato update:[/url].   He even has added a “Leans McMullin” category (though Utah currently a toss-up)



    Our conclusion is simple. As we reassess our Electoral College ratings, we dont think any new states are moving toward Trump at this point, and there are some surprising conservative places where he is registering very thin, soft support.

    A striking development in recent days has been the smattering of polling showing Trump with weak leads in some reliably Republican states. Hes barely ahead in some polls of Alaska, Indiana, Missouri, South Carolina, and Texas states that shouldnt be close in any competitive election. We still guess Trump will win all of them, but by significantly reduced margins from Mitt Romneys 2012 performance. All of these states move from Safe Republican to Likely Republican. The Clinton campaign is set to spend money on Indiana and Missouri, probably as more of an effort to help Democrats Evan Bayh and Jason Kander, respectively, in their Toss-up Senate races.

    But perhaps most fascinating of all is Utah, where independent conservative Evan McMullin is dedicating much time and energy. After the release of the Trump/Billy Bush video and the mass rejection of Trump by Republican leaders in the Beehive State, we moved Utah all the way from Safe Republican to Leans Republican. Since then, polls have shown a close three-way race among McMullin, Trump, and Clinton. In a state where neither major-party candidate is spending much time or money, McMullins cultivation of Utah (hes a Mormon who went to Brigham Young University) could bear fruit, and he may have the most room to grow in a state where Clinton and Trump are very unpopular.

    • kayla.meyer_144

      October 20, 2016 at 4:44 am

      Unless all the polls and predictions are dead wrong about everything, or unless something happens to make Clinton’s supporters stay home or remove their support, this election is over only waiting on the formality of the voting & Electoral College. Trump has proven over and over again the smallness of his mind and how he does not deserve being elected to the President of the US.
      On Nov 9 we’ll see how Trump himself reacts to defeat and most importantly, his supporters and Republicans in general. What happens to and from Congress is the next question. 8 more years of vitriol and civil war stasis & political warfare from Republicans.

      • kaldridgewv2211

        October 20, 2016 at 11:00 am

        Evan McMullin.  “So you’re saying there’s a chance”

        • btomba_77

          October 22, 2016 at 2:22 am

          State polling round up with less than 3 weeks to go:

          Indiana: Trump 43%, Clinton 37%, Johnson 9% (Ball State)

          Utah: Trump 30%, McMullin 29%, Clinton 25%, Johnson 5% (Dan Jones & Assoc)

          Virginia: Clinton 45%, Trump 33%, Johnson 8% (Christopher Newport University)

          Georgia: Trump 44%, Clinton 42%, Johnson 9% (Atlanta Journal Constitution)

          Georgia: Trump 47%, Clinton 43%, Johnson 5% (Landmark)

          Georgia: Trump 50%, Clinton 46%, Johnson 3% (Opinion Savvy)

          Florida: Clinton 49%, Trump 45%, Johnson 3% (Opinion Savvy)

          Maine: Clinton 42%, Trump 36%, Johnson 9% (Maine Peoples Resource Center)

          Iowa: Clinton 41%, Trump 37%, Johnson 10% (Lucid)

          Pennsylvania: Clinton 47%, Trump 38%, Johnson 7% (Lucid)

          Ohio: Clinton 44%, Trump 39%, Johnson 7%  (Lucid)

          Indiana: Trump 43%, Clinton 37%, Johnson 10% (Lucid)

          • btomba_77

            November 5, 2016 at 5:00 am

            Hillary stopped the bleeding?

            ABC tracker looks like it might have bounced off the bottom.

            The enthusiasm numbers also help decrease my intake of Valium.


            • eyoab2011_711

              November 6, 2016 at 11:05 am

              4 years ago this time the polls were trending toward a Romney victory. Remember a lot of this is also done to drive clicks and ratings..who benefits from a horserace mentality

  • btomba_77

    November 6, 2016 at 3:01 pm

    Latino Decisions Poll: [url=]Latino support for Clinton set to hit record high for a presidential candidate and for Trump, a new low [/url]


    Not only are Latino voters set for record turnout this election, but a new poll Sunday shows Latino support for Donald Trump may be lower than for any Republican presidential candidate in more than 30 years.

    Hillary Clinton has support from 76% of the Latino electorate, according to the Noticias Telemundo/Latino Decisions /NALEO Educational Fund poll. That’s a higher level of support than President Obama won in both of his elections. Latino Decisions’ survey showed 75% of Latinos backed Obama in 2012. Exit polling put his support at 71%.

    Just 14% of Latino voters backed Trump, the survey found, That’s about half of Mitt Romney’s 27% showing with Latinos and fewer than the GOP’s low-point when Bob Dole won 21% of the Latino vote in 1996.

    • kaldridgewv2211

      November 6, 2016 at 3:42 pm

      Did they need a poll for that one. It’s dude who wants to kick you out vs open borders.

      • btomba_77

        November 6, 2016 at 3:47 pm

        Quote from DICOM_Dan

        Did they need a poll for that one. It’s dude who wants to kick you out vs open borders.

        Many Republicans and people in the Trump campaign have argued that Latinos are “naturally conservative” and “drawn to the Trump message”.  They have often claimed that Trump will not only do well with, but win the Latino vote.
        But yes, this looks historically bad is should have been totally predictable.

        • kaldridgewv2211

          November 7, 2016 at 7:26 am

          Quote from dergon

          Quote from DICOM_Dan

          Did they need a poll for that one. It’s dude who wants to kick you out vs open borders.

          Many Republicans and people in the Trump campaign have argued that Latinos are “naturally conservative” and “drawn to the Trump message”.  They have often claimed that Trump will not only do well with, but win the Latino vote.

          But yes, this looks historically bad is should have been totally predictable.

          That’s his modus operandi.  Just claim you’re doing well and going to win that particular group.  Like he’s probably claimed the Rosie O’Donnell fan vote.  
          I’m 50/50 on the Trump plan.  I know the local sheriff and he says that most of the illegals actually go in fix blighted houses, live there, raise a family, and are decent members of the community.  However, those same people also fostered the bad egg that murdered a woman in her house, and was shooting at people on the trails.  That was after he tried to rape his cousin.  They could’ve gave him the stanky boot a few weeks before his crime spree too.
          [link=  ]…mig_1.html  [/link]
          “Razo’s arrest sparked a debate about illegal immigration when it was revealed that Painesville police encountered Razo more than three weeks before the crime spree, but border control agents declined to detain him.
          The revelation led city and police officials to issue a statement denying that Painesville — home to one of Northeast Ohio’s largest Hispanic communities — is a sanctuary for undocumented immigrants.
          Lake County Sheriff Daniel Dunlap, a Republican, defended his deputies by saying that “current rules and regulations are making it extremely difficult for any police officer on the street to know which laws they can or cannot enforce in the area of undocumented persons.”

          • heenadevk1119_462

            November 7, 2016 at 2:05 pm

            Silver was wrong about the primaries, and he’s unsure about what’s coming; at least he’s hedging because he knows momentum is on Trump’s side
            Donald Trump to the House!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    November 6, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    What’s interesting in Florida will be what happens to Rubio

    The latinos are turning out in record numbers, but the growing puerta rican vote doesn’t necessarily care for the Cuban Rubio

    There is talk that they are canceling each other out and Murphy may win

    • 100574

      November 6, 2016 at 5:30 pm

      the Comey move imho was a hail Mary to save the senate for the GOP–we must show them that tricks are for kids and vote out Rubio who does not want the gig anyway and already lost once in the state during the primary
      don’t reward bad behavior–reclaim the senate and stop GOP obstruction

      Quote from kpack123

      What’s interesting in Florida will be what happens to Rubio

      The latinos are turning out in record numbers, but the growing puerta rican vote doesn’t necessarily care for the Cuban Rubio

      There is talk that they are canceling each other out and Murphy may win

  • btomba_77

    November 7, 2016 at 5:04 am

    Early state poll monday:

    New Hampshire: Clinton 49%, Trump 38%, Johnson 6% (University of New Hampshire)

    Virginia: Clinton 48%, Trump 42% (Christopher Newport University)

    Ohio: Trump 43%, Clinton 40%, Johnson 8% (William and Mary)

    The final Bloomberg Politics national poll finds Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by three points, 44% to 41%, with Gary Johnson at 4% and Jill Stein at 2%.

    The final NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll shows Clinton leading Trump by six points, 47% to 41%, with Johnson at 6% and Stein at 3%.

  • btomba_77

    November 8, 2016 at 5:06 am

    [link=]Political Wire’s map of maps.[/link]  The final consensus of all the major polling outfits.


    Which also happens to be exactly [url=]Larry Sabato’s final prediction[/url] 

    • jquinones8812_854

      November 8, 2016 at 6:49 am

      Quote from dergon

      [link=]Political Wire’s map of maps.[/link]  The final consensus of all the major polling outfits.


      Which also happens to be exactly [link=]Larry Sabato’s final prediction[/link] 

      Looks about right. I think NC and NH could easily flip. FL, OH, NV next likely to flip either way.  But no matter what, don’t see Trump winning. 

      • kaldridgewv2211

        November 8, 2016 at 9:31 am

        I think Cleveland is pretty much going to be blue.  If the repubs can score Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, we should be red this year.  Ohio is mostly solid red except for the cities, but Cleveland has more votes than rural Ashtabula.  Like my polling station in the suburbs was whiter than a polka concert and they’re all voting republican.

        • tdetlie_105

          November 8, 2016 at 11:14 am

          Quote from DICOM_Dan

          I think Cleveland is pretty much going to be blue.  If the repubs can score Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, we should be red this year.  Ohio is mostly solid red except for the cities, but Cleveland has more votes than rural Ashtabula.  Like my polling station in the suburbs was whiter than a polka concert and they’re all voting republican.

          general question-how does vote work on the county/state level, does each county carry certain amount of points (like a mini-electoral college) and its winner take all or is it still based on overall popular vote where losing closely still helps candidate?

          • btomba_77

            November 8, 2016 at 11:23 am

            Quote from jd4540

            Quote from DICOM_Dan

            I think Cleveland is pretty much going to be blue.  If the repubs can score Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, we should be red this year.  Ohio is mostly solid red except for the cities, but Cleveland has more votes than rural Ashtabula.  Like my polling station in the suburbs was whiter than a polka concert and they’re all voting republican.

            general question-how does vote work on the county/state level, does each county carry certain amount of points (like a mini-electoral college) and its winner take all or is it still based on overall popular vote where losing closely still helps candidate?

            The vote in Ohio is state-wide winner take all popular vote, as is the case in the majority of states.
            The candidate who gets the largest share of the vote get all of the EV.

          • alyaa.rifaie_129

            November 8, 2016 at 12:41 pm

            Winner take all except in Maine and Nebraska –

            • 100574

              November 8, 2016 at 5:24 pm

              Clinton wins Guam -predictor of every presidential race since 1980 by over 70%

  • tdetlie_105

    November 8, 2016 at 5:37 pm

    Quote from sentinel lymph node

    Clinton wins Guam -predictor of every presidential race since 1980 by over 70%

    did you have a picture of Sarah Palin with a similar message in 2008?

    • 100574

      November 8, 2016 at 5:48 pm

      was she the GOP nominee for President in 08

      Quote from jd4540

      Quote from sentinel lymph node

      Clinton wins Guam -predictor of every presidential race since 1980 by over 70%

      did you have a picture of Sarah Palin with a similar message in 2008?

      • ruszja

        November 8, 2016 at 5:51 pm

        70% that’s slightly better than a coin flip.

      • tdetlie_105

        November 8, 2016 at 6:24 pm

        Quote from sentinel lymph node

        was she the GOP nominee for President in 08

        Quote from jd4540

        Quote from sentinel lymph node

        Clinton wins Guam -predictor of every presidential race since 1980 by over 70%

        did you have a picture of Sarah Palin with a similar message in 2008?

        No VP but still pretty impressive 

        • kaldridgewv2211

          November 8, 2016 at 8:07 pm

          Local news. Clinton on par with BO in Cleveland. One county easy where I live 83% reported Clinton not even at 40% Trump at 56%. Pretty much what I thought. All red except for Cleveland.

          • Unknown Member

            Deleted User
            November 8, 2016 at 8:17 pm

            Trump just needs Michigan now and he takes the election.

            • 100574

              November 8, 2016 at 8:20 pm

              if he wins–it will be a very sad reflection on this country–1 step forward and 5 steps back

              • 100574

                November 8, 2016 at 8:26 pm

                Comey should be fired tomorrow

                • tdetlie_105

                  November 8, 2016 at 8:30 pm

                  Quote from sentinel lymph node

                  Comey should be fired tomorrow

                   c’mon HRC can still win

                  • kaldridgewv2211

                    November 8, 2016 at 8:34 pm

                    What about a trifecta. Republican house, senate, president. Can the democrats be obstructionist if that happened.

  • 100574

    November 8, 2016 at 8:41 pm

    if Trump wins–get ready red states to have your kids deployed within 2 years

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      November 8, 2016 at 8:44 pm

      He is going to win.  Just accept it. He will probably not be nearly as bad as everyone is predicting either.   Buying opportunity in the stock market tomorrow.

    • tdetlie_105

      November 8, 2016 at 8:44 pm

      Quote from sentinel lymph node

      if Trump wins–get ready red states to have your kids deployed within 2 years

      C’mon, even if Trump wins, nothing is really going to change…

      • 100574

        November 8, 2016 at 8:47 pm

        it will be chaos
        far right justice
        hope red states get the kids ready for deployment within the next 2 years
        bye healthcare
        markets will crash

        Quote from jd4540

        Quote from sentinel lymph node

        if Trump wins–get ready red states to have your kids deployed within 2 years

        C’mon, even if Trump wins, nothing is really going to change…

        • aaishafatima999_432

          November 9, 2016 at 3:01 pm

          Well……now we move forward to make America strong, respected and economically vibrant once again. 
          We welcome all aboard. 
          It was a good fight, and we respect our opposition. 
          But, as Obama said in 2008 we won and that has consequences. 

          • kayla.meyer_144

            November 9, 2016 at 3:45 pm

            Yes, and we know how you felt about that. So I think we should take the same position as you and Republicans did.
            No thanks. The goal is to make Trump a single term President by practicing the same tactics taught us by Republicans, total opposition.

            • aryfa_995

              November 9, 2016 at 4:37 pm

              Too bad democrats are spineless weiners who won’t resort to those sorts of tactics.

              • kayla.meyer_144

                November 9, 2016 at 4:41 pm

                Mistrad used to say the same ridiculing about Obama who showed up & defeated the Republicans in several encounters. Won’t you be surprised if the Dems grow that spine you ridicule them for lacking. Will you cheer for them then? Mistrad didn’t.

          • heenadevk1119_462

            November 10, 2016 at 2:41 pm

            Quote from MSK/SW

            Well……now we move forward to make America strong, respected and economically vibrant once again. 
            We welcome all aboard. 
            It was a good fight, and we respect our opposition. 
            But, as Obama said in 2008 we won and that has consequences. 


            • aryfa_995

              November 10, 2016 at 2:51 pm

              You misunderstand. I wish the dems would grow a pair. But they never do.

              First thing GOP is gonna do is destroy the filibuster. Hold on to your Medicare and social security cards…

              • kayla.meyer_144

                November 11, 2016 at 3:12 am

                Quote from deadwing

                You misunderstand. I wish the dems would grow a pair. But they never do.

                First thing GOP is gonna do is destroy the filibuster. Hold on to your Medicare and social security cards…

                Yes, I did, Sorry.
                The voters who brought Trump in are in for a very nasty surprise & they won’t have the woman or the black guy to blame, it’s all their choice and consequence.

  • 100574

    November 10, 2016 at 8:03 pm

    well at least good bye to Kelly Ayotte –u won’t see this puppy trail behind the rest of the GOP obstructionist
    but this is a head scratcher–if Florida can call a race and get votes counted then why in the heck is NH still how many people are in that state

    • 100574

      November 10, 2016 at 8:11 pm

      CA has 39 million people–why do we get only 55 electoral votes

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