Kanye West total tool
Posted by kayla.meyer_144 on May 6, 2018 at 1:09 pmWho needs white racists when you have Kanye. Afrticans were complicit in their made-in-the-shade slavery. 400 years, what else could it be?
btomba_77 replied 2 years ago 10 Members · 49 Replies -
49 Replies
It’s only a matter of time until he’s part of the Trump admin.
Quote from Frumious
Who needs white racists when you have Kanye. Afrticans were complicit in their made-in-the-shade slavery. 400 years, what else could it be?
Why does anyone care what this pothead has to say ?
Ironically, he is at least partially correct on the historical record. It was africans who captured other africans to sell them to the slave traders. Not so different from the genocide young male african americans perpetrate against other young male african americans today.
You mean white people were the junkies of the real slavers? We were the real victims?
And as for examples, we white people have shown the world how to live in peace and harmony. Starting from at least 1939 right up to former Yougoslavia. Not to mention the African colonies in Congo & South Africa & Rhodesia, etc. No murderous exploiters we in our history.
Oh for simplistic explanations.
Next is how lucky the slaves really were.
Glass houses everywhere.
You mean white people were the junkies of the real slavers? We were the real victims?
And as for examples, we white people have shown the world how to live in peace and harmony. Starting from at least 1939 right up to former Yugoslavia. Not to mention the African colonies in Congo & South Africa & Rhodesia, etc. No murderous exploiters we in our history.
Oh for simplistic explanations.
Next is how lucky the slaves really were.
Glass houses everywhere.
Heres some examples of acquiescence & self complicity of black people & slavery.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 6, 2018 at 8:35 pmWow, a black man stepping off the democrats plantation is nothing but a tool. Kind of racist Frum. After all Obama did for black Americans. How dare Kanye. I think black unemployment has tripled under Trump. Remember when Obama was President and blacks were never killed recklessly by law enforcement. Life for black Americans has become unbearable since Trump became president.
Facts don’t matter to people like Frumi. Just the narrative. The Islamic slave trade was bigger than anything Frumi has ever known, yet she was not even taught about this in school. It’s always “white people” who are the problem, yet every single person in the world still wants to go to all these “racist” countries that are all european civilizations. Something doesn’t fit there
Oh yeah, she hates reality. I’m guessing that’s a proxy for hating god for how “unfair” this world is, even though we are just passing through -
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Wow, a black man stepping off the democrats plantation is nothing but a tool. Kind of racist Frum. After all Obama did for black Americans. How dare Kanye. I think black unemployment has tripled under Trump. Remember when Obama was President and blacks were never killed recklessly by law enforcement. Life for black Americans has become unbearable since Trump became president.
Get your facts straight for a change & leave the alternative facts propaganda trollisms to cigar/F@gan.
Firing back at criticism from Jay-Z, President Donald Trump went too far when he claimed the black unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history because of my policies.
While its true that the black unemployment rate recently reached its lowest level in decades, the rate has been in steady decline for about the last seven years.
[attachment=0] -
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Wow, a black man stepping off the democrats plantation is nothing but a tool. Kind of racist Frum. After all Obama did for black Americans. How dare Kanye. I think black unemployment has tripled under Trump. Remember when Obama was President and blacks were never killed recklessly by law enforcement. Life for black Americans has become unbearable since Trump became president.
I don’t think it matters what color Kanye’s skin is. Half if not more of the BS coming out of his mouth is ignorance, incoherent ramblings, and just crazy.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 7, 2018 at 6:29 amKanye is America’s answer to Justin Bieber. And both have had their 15 minutes.
Kanye’s got a lot in common with Trump. Could be our President someday.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 7, 2018 at 9:36 am
Quote from Frumious
Kanye’s got a lot in common with Trump. Could be our President someday.
Heh. Fascinating, is it not, living in Poe’s Law.-
Someday, cigar/Little F@gan and IR could be extolling the virtues of Kanye as POTUS and MAGA.
Quote from Frumious
Kanye’s got a lot in common with Trump. Could be our President someday.
What does he have in common with Trump ?-
Ego and bragging bull elbowing others out of the way to get in the spotlight. Two self-promoting salesmen spouting alternate facts with a desperate need for publicity and celebrity by hanging around 3rd tier celebrities.
And talent. Although Seth & James…
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 7, 2018 at 12:23 pmAnd yet the country remains great. Much to your disappointment…
Quote from IR_CONSULT
And yet the country remains great. Much to your disappointment…
Mine? It was great before Nov 2016 & it’s still coasting on Obama’s policies. You were the one disappointed voting for Trump.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 7, 2018 at 12:44 pmYou must be the life of the party. Sorry your life fell apart back in November 16. Sorry to disappoint you but I didn’t vote for Trump. I was out of the country and was frankly disinterested in the election. Funny but my life has been unaffected by any election. I get the feeling that your incessant complaints have more to do with general unhappiness with your life and less to do with the current administration. Be well…..
It might seem that way and even I have noticed a little extra pay in my check. I look at Don as the long con. Example. I’m getting that little extra now but we’re looking at bigger debts and blowing budgets earlier/often. We’re not meeting his unrealistic growth expectation. We’re not building this first class infrastructure. We’re not improving education. Just creating more debt that we as a country owe.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Just creating more debt that we as a country owe.
Isn’t this what typically occurs regardless of who is in power?
Quote from jd4540
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Just creating more debt that we as a country owe.
Isn’t this what typically occurs regardless of who is in power?
No. What evidence do you have that both Parties increase debt? Examples?
Go back and look at the history of spending vs revenue. Republicans always push up debt and deficits since Reagan.
By now, nobody should be surprised when the Republican Party violates its claims of fiscal rectitude. Increasing the deficit through big tax cuts, mostly for the rich has been the defining feature of the partys economic policy for decades. When Paul Ryan and other Republicans call themselves fiscal conservatives, theyre basically doing a version of [link=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0023969/quotes]the old Marx Brothers bit[/link]: Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?
Ever so slowly, conventional wisdom has started to recognize this reality. After Ryans retirement announcement last week, only a few headlines called him a deficit hawk. People are catching on to the con.
But there is still a major way that the conventional wisdom is wrong: It doesnt give the Democratic Party enough credit for its actual fiscal conservatism.
[b]Over the last few decades, Democrats have repeatedly reduced the deficit. They have [link=http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/statistics/historical-highest-marginal-income-tax-rates]raised taxes[/link]. They have cut military spending and corporate welfare. Some of them have even tried to hold down the cost of cherished social programs. Obamacare, for example, included enough cost controls and tax increases that [link=https://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/114th-congress-2015-2016/reports/50252-effectsofacarepeal.pdf]its cut the deficit on net[/link].[/b]
Since 1977, the three presidential administrations that have overseen the deficit increases are the three Republican ones. President Trumps tax cut is virtually assured to make him the fourth of four. And the three administrations that have overseen deficit reductions are the three Democratic ones, including a small decline under Barack Obama. [style=”color: #ff0000;”][i][u][b]If you want to know whether a post-1976 president increased or reduced the deficit, the only thing you need to know is his party.[/b][/u][/i][/style]
[b]So it would certainly be false to claim that Democrats are perfect fiscal stewards and that Republicans are all profligates. Yet its just as false to claim that the parties arent fundamentally different. One party has now spent almost 40 years cutting taxes and expanding government programs without paying for them. The other party has raised taxes and usually been careful to pay for its new programs.[/b][b][/b]
If you know of facts that dispute this, please provide. I have been arguing that Republicans are the party of fiscal irresponsibility for years & have posted the facts behind my conclusion.
My I see your facts? -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 7, 2018 at 8:28 pmRecord federal government tax collections in April. How is that possible with Trumps tax cuts…
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Record federal government tax collections in April. How is that possible with Trumps tax cuts…
Is the 1 month collection more than the spending and therefore will reduce the deficit and debt? That’s the only question.
However, despite the record tax collections so far this fiscal year, and despite the one-month surplus in January, the federal government is still running a cumulative deficit in this fiscal year of $175,718,000,000.
That is because while the Treasury was collecting its record $1,130,550,000,000 in taxes from October through January, it was spending $1,306,268,000,000.
The levels of federal taxes and federal spending fluctuate from month to month, and it is not unusualbut not always the casefor the federal government to run a surplus in January.
Over the last twenty fiscal years, going back to 1999, the federal government has run surpluses in the month of January 13 times and deficits 7 times. Six of the Januaries in which the federal government ran deficits overlapped President Barack Obamas time in officeincluding January 2009, the month Obama was inaugurated, and the Januaries in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2016.
The federal government also ran a deficit in January 2004, when President George W. Bush was in office.
[link=https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/21/us/politics/will-tax-plan-affect-my-2017-taxes.html]According to an analysis published on Dec. 21 by the New York Times[/link], a “majority of provisions” in the tax law President Trump signed in December would “go into effect” in January. However, [link=https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/12/21/us/politics/will-tax-plan-affect-my-2017-taxes.html]according to the Times’ analysis[/link], February “is the earliest that most will see changes in their paychecks.”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 8, 2018 at 6:05 amQuote:
The federal government took in a record tax haul in April en route to its biggest-ever monthly budget surplus, the Congressional Budget Office said, as a surging economy left Americans with more money in their paychecks and this more to pay to Uncle Sam.
[b]All told the government collected $515 billion and spent $297 billion, for a total monthly surplus of $218 billion. That swamped the previous monthly record of $190 billion, set in 2001.[/b]
CBO analysts were surprised by the surplus, which was some $40 billion more than theyd guessed at less than a month ago.
define surging economy? unemployment dropped a little. Markets have pulled back from highs. GDP still growing at 2%. Consumer spending barely up. Not much extra money in the pay check of an middle income person. Waiting on that surge.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 8, 2018 at 6:22 amI guess you’re right. The sky is falling.
I didn’t say that. I just don’t drink the Koolaid of DJT biased statements. He’s kind of like Kim Ding Dong. He tells everyone the sun shines out of his butt and he believes people should believe him. There’s nothing wrong with thinking critical about DJT. in the tax plan his assumption is we’re at 3% growth of GDP (we’re not), so what are the consequences of that? Also in the near term 2025 most of the cuts for people run out.
Quote from IR_CONSULT
The federal government took in a record tax haul in April en route to its biggest-ever monthly budget surplus, the Congressional Budget Office said, as a surging economy left Americans with more money in their paychecks and this more to pay to Uncle Sam.
[b]All told the government collected $515 billion and spent $297 billion, for a total monthly surplus of $218 billion. That swamped the previous monthly record of $190 billion, set in 2001.[/b]
CBO analysts were surprised by the surplus, which was some $40 billion more than theyd guessed at less than a month ago.Right now things are estimates for April. The real question is will receipts surpass outlays over the long run. Only the Supply-Side believers believe in spite of the facts since Reagan, that cutting taxes will always increase revenue regardless of the economy performance. There are no economists who believe the recent tax cuts will decrease the debt and deficit. I believe in order for that to happen the economy will have to grow over 4% per year from now on were the estimates I recall. No one believes the country can do that over the long haul.
Reagan cut taxes and deficits and debt increased. Bush II cut taxes and debt and deficits increased. Other than the estimate for April, when has revenue increased due to tax cuts? Can you provide examples?
The federal budget deficit was $382 billion for the first seven months of fiscal year 2018, the Congressional Budget Office estimates, $37 billion more than the shortfall recorded during the same period last year. Revenues and outlays were higher, by 4 percent and 5 percent, respectively, than they were during the first seven months of fiscal year 2017.
Receipts collected in April were $30 billion to $40 billion larger than CBO expected when it prepared the estimates reported in [link=https://www.cbo.gov/publication/53651]The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018 to 2028[/link], which it issued on April 9. The bulk of that difference stems from larger-than-anticipated payments of individual income taxes. Those payments were mostly related to economic activity in 2017 and may reflect stronger-than-expected income growth in that year. Part of the strength in receipts also may reflect larger-than-anticipated payments for economic activity in 2018. The reasons for the added revenues will be better understood as more detailed information becomes available later this year.
As was the case last year, this years outlays were affected by shifts in the timing of certain payments that otherwise would have been due on a weekend. If not for those shifts, outlays and the deficit through April would have been larger, by roughly $40 billion, both this year and last yearbut the year-to-year changes would not have been very different.
Outlays for the first seven months of fiscal year 2018 were $2,394 billion, $121 billion (or 5 percent) higher than they were during the same period last year, CBO estimates.
Estimated Surplus in April 2018: $218 Billion[/h3] The federal government realized a surplus of $218 billion in April 2018, CBO estimates$35 billion larger than the surplus in April 2017.
CBO estimates that receipts in April 2018 totaled $515 billion$59 billion (or 13 percent) more than those in the same month last year. Individual income and payroll taxes rose by $73 billion (or 20 percent), on net. Nonwithheld payments for those taxes, largely final payments of 2017 taxes, rose by $60 billion. Withholding of individual income and payroll taxes rose by $7 billion (or 4 percent). Withheld taxes rose both because wages and salaries were higher and because April 2018 had one more business day than April 2017. However, those factors were partially offset because the share of wages withheld for taxes was lower, CBO estimates, reflecting the new withholding tables issued in January. Corporate income tax payments declined by $14 billion (or 24 percent).
Total spending in April 2018 was $297 billion, CBO estimates$24 billion more than the sum in April 2017.
Actual Deficit in March 2018: $209 Billion[/h3] The Treasury Department reported a deficit of $209 billion for April$2 billion more than CBO estimated last month, on the basis of the Daily Treasury Statements, in the [link=https://www.cbo.gov/publication/53718]Monthly Budget Review for March 2018[/link].
Quote from Frumious
Ego and bragging bull elbowing others out of the way to get in the spotlight. Two self-promoting salesmen spouting alternate facts with a desperate need for publicity and celebrity by hanging around 3rd tier celebrities.
And talent. Although Seth & James…
Kanye wrote Gold Digger and Donald is married to a Gold Digger. or maybe him and Melania is a love match.
Someone leaked to Vice News the parts of the Tucker Carlson Kanye interview that even he deemed were too nuts to put on air.
In one more aside, Ye told Carlson that he was going to be the first Latino president. That statement was aired, but it was followed by something that wasnt. I just, I trust Latinos when I, you know, when I work with them, he told Carlson. I trust them more than he paused. I’ll be safe, certain other businessmen, you know. (Carlson did not ask which businessmen those might be.) Carlsons program also didnt air a strange claim from Ye that fake children had been placed in his house to manipulate his children.
I mean, like actors, professional actors, placed into my house to sexualize my kids, he told Carlson. He referred to the so-called son of an associate, seemingly to imply the child was fake.
At another point, when complaining that his children are going to a school that celebrates Kwanzaa, Ye added, I prefer my kids knew Hanukkah than Kwanzaa. At least it will come with some financial engineering. (The belief that Jews control the financial system is one of the oldest and most deeply-rooted antisemitic claims. Its unclear if thats what he meant by financial engineering, a term generally associated with the creation of exotic financial instruments.)
Ye be catching a lot of turds lately. Apparently 13 years ago the singe Pink tweeted he was the biggest piece of trash on earth. He also started a non-accredited grade school called Donda (I think it’s his album also). His shoes are ugly AF.
IMO he also tries to play up this I’m a misunderstood artist BS. Go F yourself Kanye.
College Dropout was a solid album though.-
Musically the guy has had some absolutely insanely good albums.
I actually think some of his shoes are legit. His clothes suck. He has a mental illness. He needs treatment. Luckily for him, he’s a billionaire, so none of this ultimately fazes him.-
maybe I’ve not seen enough shows. Most of the ones I’ve seen look like they were carved out of Nerf footballs. I’m surprised it’s not a TJ Maxx special.
Adidas cut ties with Kanye West, ending what may have been his most significant corporate fashion partnership after he made antisemitic remarks.
After Adidas dropped Kanye West, he showed up today at the LA office of another shoe company, unannounced and uninvited, with a film crew. He was escorted out.
The company was Skechers.
Yes, this really happened.
Saw some funny Kanye spotted closed Pay Less shoes location memes. The Donda academy closed to. I’d really love to know which parents were dumb enough to spend $15k a year to send their kids to Kanye’s non-accredited school.
Yeezy My Slippers.
— Paul Leigh-Some Rascal on the Internet 🟧🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@Pleightx) October 27, 2022
Costume. Antisemitic shoe salesman
Last minute costume ideas! pic.twitter.com/cDHZhwXHQO
— Kiersten Warren (@KierstenWarren) October 29, 2022
[b]The Kanye West Brand Is in Shambles[/b]
[link=https://morningconsult.com/2022/11/07/kanye-west-ye-brand-antisemitism/]https://morningconsult.com/2022/11/07/kanye-west-ye-brand-antisemitism/[/link][h1]Americans Resoundingly Say Nay to Ye[/h1] [h2]A large majority of U.S. consumers have a negative opinion of Kanye West and have no interest in buying his music or products following the rappers antisemitic comments, per a new Morning Consult survey[/h2]
former Cavalier Cryrie Irving seems to be going down the Kanye rabbit hole.
I dont get it. What does he have against Jewish people?
When Alex jones is giving you push back on the things you’re saying….. I’m starting to feel a little bad for him. He’s got to be having some kind of mental break because he’s really spiralling.
Put that man on suicide/homicide watch and seize any weapons he may have.
This tweet made me laugh. Kanyes manager watching the interview
Kanye West's manager watching his interview pic.twitter.com/QFNCXQdXj4
— Classy (@Class) December 1, 2022
that didn’t last long …
[link=https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/dec/02/kanye-west-suspended-from-twitter-after-posting-swastika-inside-the-star-of-david] Kanye West suspended from Twitter after posting swastika inside Star of David[/link]
Quote from DICOM_Dan
When Alex jones is giving you push back on the things you’re saying….. I’m starting to feel a little bad for him. He’s got to be having some kind of mental break because he’s really spiralling.
Yep. Kanye West is so anti-semitic that he’s too anti-semitic for alex jones.
[h1][b]Right-Wingers Criticize Kanye For Not Using Platform To Raise Awareness Of Lesser-Known Nazis[/b][/h1]
[h2][b]Why Not Teach Kids About Heinrich Himmler Or Otto Skorzeny Instead? Suggest Far-Right Commentators[/b][/h2]Saying the musicians behavior in the past weeks had been a deep disappointment, far-right commentators criticized Kanye West on Friday for not using his platform to raise awareness of the many lesser-known Nazis.
Ye had a clear educational opportunity to shed light on forgotten figures from the National Socialist Partys historybrilliant racists like Rudolf Jung and Hermann Göringand yet he chose the single Nazi we all know best, said right-wing podcaster Andrew Hampton, one of many conservative writers who expressed frustration, stating that West had misused his Infowars appearances to restate their already well-established admiration for the Führer.
Look, I get it. We all love Hitler. But what about all the budding antisemites who could be inspired in the mission to exterminate Jews, Blacks, and the disabled? Why not talk about Leni Riefenstahl or Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, so some little girl can grow up in their proud Jew-hating footsteps? Theres such a robust well of hatred in the Nazi Party. Its a shame to focus on just one super obvious guy. Hampton added that for that matter, Kanye might also remind his fans about Americas many homegrown Nazis, like Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and David Duke.
[h1][b]Trump Defends His Dinner with Kanye West[/b][/h1]
Donald Trump defended his dinner with Kanye West [link=https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/donald-trump-running-for-president-2024.html]in a New York magazine interview[/link] saying that he is overly generous.
Said Trump: I do that for people, sometimes at my own risk, I guess. But I do that for people. I like helping people that have difficulties in life. And I think, you know, from that standpoint, I did the right thing.
He added: I believe I am overly generous, and I dont think thats a bad thing. But sometimes it can make life a little bit more difficult.