Future of US-Israeli relations
Posted by Unknown Member on March 20, 2015 at 2:44 pmAmerica has had a long standing friendship and alliance with Israel that has lasted decades. This friendship has persisted whether Republicans or Democrats have controlled the white house or congress. This alliance was based on a shared set of values and interests. Most Americans had respect for Israel and its people.
However, recent events have caused many Americans to question Israel’s intentions and values. Will most Americans continue to stand by Israel even as it becomes more authoritarian and less democratic? American Jews have traditionally been a strong supporter of the Israeli leader, but Netanyahu’s recent actions have alienated even this reliable group.
Most Americans believe that Palestinian Arabs, like Jews, are entitled to a sovereign state. We believe that it is wrong for Israel to build settlements on land it does not own. We believe that ethnic minorities are entitled to participate in the political process and that they shouldn’t be villified to scare up votes.
Netanyahu is a rogue leader. He regularly ignores international norms and committments. On the issue of a two state solution, he changed back and forth on his position three times within the course of a week. No serious international leader trusts Netanyahu.
More and more Americans are growing tired of the Israeli government’s reckless actions. It is time for Israel to take sincere steps to secure peace in the Middle East. It is time for Israel to join the international community and obey its laws. If not, even America will not support it and Israel will stand alone.btomba_77 replied 1 year, 11 months ago 10 Members · 130 Replies -
130 Replies
I the prospect for good relations is bright. Obama wont be around forever.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 20, 2015 at 3:19 pmThe “tolerant” left speaks again. With malice toward none. With charity for all… Oh, wait, wrong president.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 20, 2015 at 3:59 pmIt seems that aladoc has nothing of substance to say so he posts a cryptic note that no one understands.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 20, 2015 at 4:21 pmDoes Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address ring a bell? Or did you not learn that in eight grade?
I understand, the concepts of grace and equanimity in victory or defeat are not part of the ethos of the left. Maybe divide and destroy make more sense to you.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 20, 2015 at 5:02 pmHeh, nice try aladoc.
You are implying that Republicans have grace and equinimity in victory or defeat? You really are off your rocker. When Obama defeated the Republican candidate to win the presidential election in 2008 and 2012, Republicans had a hissy fit. Republicans vowed to obstruct Obama at every turn.
I love Lincoln. He was a great president and defeated the Confederate traitors. Quoting him as it relates to the OP regarding US-Israeli relations makes no sense, especially without further elaboration. Add to the discussion or be quiet.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 20, 2015 at 7:05 pmsea64
You should post more often.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 21, 2015 at 9:19 pm
Quote from SadRad
You should post more often.
Thanks SadRad
amen..Preach sea
Quote from sea64
Heh, nice try aladoc.
You are implying that Republicans have grace and equinimity in victory or defeat? You really are off your rocker. When Obama defeated the Republican candidate to win the presidential election in 2008 and 2012, Republicans had a hissy fit. Republicans vowed to obstruct Obama at every turn.
I love Lincoln. He was a great president and defeated the Confederate traitors. Quoting him as it relates to the OP regarding US-Israeli relations makes no sense, especially without further elaboration. Add to the discussion or be quiet.
have y’all notice the Powell pic at the top…I feel like Bush is looking into our community
Quote from aldadoc
Does Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address ring a bell? Or did you not learn that in eight grade?
I understand, the concepts of grace and equanimity in victory or defeat are not part of the ethos of the left. Maybe divide and destroy make more sense to you.
You mean this part, Alda? Not a direct analogy since Israeli Arabs make up about 20% and it is governments outside of Israel that want to restrict the territorial enlargement by returning the occupied territories to the Palestinians but…
One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it.
You certainly can’t be referring to the last paragraph of the speech because there certainly is a lot of malice towards all on both sides with little charity seen.
Here’s a quote from John Lennon for you Alda,
“Give peace a chance.”
Un-occupy Palestine. Destroy the settlements, start by really actually suspending all new building in the occupied territories. But then that pits Bibi against his own crazy Fundamentalists, doesn’t it.
So what’s your solution, Alda, the Arabs can’t be driven out of the Middle East any more than the Jews can be so something else has to be done. The Palestinians would like a home country to build.
So finish Lincoln’s speech with a real solution, not a pretend one.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
American voters were not fooled by Mitt’s flip flop first debate performance..you are a 47% guy…sadly the Israeli’s got fooled ..I see see ucla divestures on the rise for imho no one can trust the bigot imho known as bibi
JB continues his decline in morality to hang out with the bigot while on vacation from working..what a legacy imho
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 21, 2015 at 8:23 amFrumious, please be a realist. Israel cannot offer to carve out its country and still exist. The Palestinians have proven themselves unable to govern themselves in the West Bank. They don’t want a two-state solution. That has been offered to them before and they rejected it. They want to destroy Israel.
The incomparable Dr Charles Krarthammer addressed this issue in a recent essay (read the whole thing):
[i]”Of all the idiocies uttered in reaction to Benjamin Netanyahus stunning election victory, none is more ubiquitous than the idea that peace prospects are now dead because Netanyahu has declared that there will be no Palestinian state while he is Israels prime minister. [/i]
[i] I have news for the lowing herds: There would be no peace and no Palestinian state if Isaac Herzog were prime minister either. Or Ehud Barak or Ehud Olmert for that matter. The latter two were (non-Likud) prime ministers who offered the Palestinians their own state with its capital in Jerusalem and every Israeli settlement in the new Palestine uprooted only to be rudely rejected.[/i]”
What prompted me to quote Lincoln was the original post in the thread, which was full of vitriol aimed toward Netanyahu, the entire diatribe was based on factual inaccuracies, slander and misguided analysis. It strikes me as a tool of a concerted smear campaign orchestrated by the White House. The White House’s Alinski game of: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. may be effective in the short term, but it is ultimately divisive and very damaging. Look at what it has done to this country. In matters of foreign policy the left should not be engaging in these games. Follow Lincoln example, heal, reconcile and move on. Try to re-build, not destroy. We have been thrust into a simplistic black or white paradigm that prevents us from playing effectively in a geopolitical 3-dimentional chess match. It is a fallacy to believe the engaging in personal destruction politics validates an inherently flawed approach.
Bibi won the election, not because of trickery, but because the Israelis understand the gravity of their situation. Obama’s sore loser attitude and the left’s smear campaign is destructive and will ultimately fail to advance anything. Elections have consequences. Bibi won, it is time for the left to get over it.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 21, 2015 at 9:23 amObama just handed over the keys to the armory and the sheriff badge to the Ayatollahs. This can’t end well.
Quote from aldadoc
Frumious, please be a realist. Israel cannot offer to carve out its country and still exist.
Unless you know of some territory that everyone, Israel and Palestinians had been talking about that is not the occupied territories? I don’t know of any other territory available. Jordan? Syria? Gaza? Lebanon? Is there some land I’ve missed that is not Israel proper or any other country? I’ve looked on the map & can’t see this land you allude to that is not Israel yet the Palestinians have refused? All I see is the West Bank which is occuied by Israel. You are saying that the West Bank is Israel & therefore cannot give that to the Palestinians? Must be since I see so many Israeli settlements all over the place with continued building in spite of Bibi’s assurances that no building is taking place? Doesn’t that make Bibi a liar?
The biggest fear Israel has is giving the Palestinians in the occupied territories the right to vote as a citizen. That would bring the votes at least 50/50 Jewish/Palestinian, running the risk of Israel no longer being a “Jewish” State. The only way to keep Israel Jewish is to suppress the Palestinian votes. Hence, Bibi’s warning about Arabs voting & “real” Jews losing the election.
Hmmmm, sounds a lot like Palin, “real” Americans vs people like me.
Bibi sucks ..he is a bigot ….
te=Frumious]Quote from aldadoc
Frumious, please be a realist. Israel cannot offer to carve out its country and still exist.
Unless you know of some territory that everyone, Israel and Palestinians had been talking about that is not the occupied territories? I don’t know of any other territory available. Jordan? Syria? Gaza? Lebanon? Is there some land I’ve missed that is not Israel proper or any other country? I’ve looked on the map & can’t see this land you allude to that is not Israel yet the Palestinians have refused? All I see is the West Bank which is occuied by Israel. You are saying that the West Bank is Israel & therefore cannot give that to the Palestinians? Must be since I see so many Israeli settlements all over the place with continued building in spite of Bibi’s assurances that no building is taking place? Doesn’t that make Bibi a liar?
The biggest fear Israel has is giving the Palestinians in the occupied territories the right to vote as a citizen. That would bring the votes at least 50/50 Jewish/Palestinian, running the risk of Israel no longer being a “Jewish” State. The only way to keep Israel Jewish is to suppress the Palestinian votes. Hence, Bibi’s warning about Arabs voting & “real” Jews losing the election.
Hmmmm, sounds a lot like Palin, “real” Americans vs people like me.
US Israel relations will be bad for the remainder of the Obama administration. Just [i]how bad[/i] remains to be seen. The rest of the developed world will continue to move away from support for Israel and that will accelerate over the next couple of years.
In the short term, I predict that the US declines to Veto a UN motion against Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, signalling the lack of support.
But foreign aid, intel, and military support goes forward without any alteration.
I also do not think that the US will support moves against Israel by the Palestinians in the ICC. It would be unlikely for the US not to veto Palestinian statehood moves in the UN… but it could happen if Netanyahu doesn’t at least make [i]some[/i] concessionary measure to move closer to administration positions.
Come 2017 it is virtually certain that any candidate ( R or D) will be well to the right of the Obama administration.
All Republicans will voice unwavering support for Israel.
Hillary is quite comfortable to the Right of Obama on Israel and will run on being the person “best able to restore the relationship with our important ally”.
Barring an unlikely primary challenge, there will not be any significant heat on Clinton to have to stay to the Left on Israel issues. She is also naturally more hawkish than Obama. She has in the past made statements supporting settlements and Israel’s right to security in territories.
The longer run comes over the next decade. Does the overall sentiment among the US population continue to drift more anti-Israel? Hard to tell. If Netanyahu continues as his past would predict then the answer is almost certainly “Yes”.
I could easily envision a 2020 or 2024 cycle where Europe has sanctions in place and US college campuses are pushing the US to do the same and for University endowments to divest, similar to South Africa in the 80s.
Depending on other happenings in the region, the US may well continue to drift away from unflinching support for Israel.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 22, 2015 at 3:19 pm“Death to America”. Seems like our effort to negotiate nicely
with Iran is paying off well. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 22, 2015 at 9:33 pmAs Neville Chamberlain fades from memory, the names Obama and Kerry will live in infamy as metaphors for appeasement.
Elections have consequences…Israelis put Bibi back in charge and they will pay the price. Meanwhile Iran is further from a nuke than at any time during the Bush admin. There is no current alternative to the successful conclusion to the P5+1…maybe then the IAEA can get Israel to agree to inspections too
Quote from aldadoc
As Neville Chamberlain fades from memory, the names Obama and Kerry will live in infamy as metaphors for appeasement.
Or not.
Just “not” -
Great now we have members of Congress acting as foreign agents
Perhaps they can move to Israel…after all they have nice socialized medicine there -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 24, 2015 at 9:07 amHmmm…I wonder why the US Congress has to get info about
Iranian negotiations from the Israelis? -
Like most sensitive negotiations there is a desire to [i]not[/i] release details every step of the way. This prevents political opposition from developing ahead of a final agreement.
That Israel would want to spy on those negotiations in order to leak the information and hope to sh*t on the deal should not surprise anyone. That Israel chose to leak to the GOP congress should surprise us even less. -
Congress will be apprised when there is a deal…it is not necessary to inform them every step of the way
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMarch 24, 2015 at 9:45 amWith the reelection of Netanyahu the world is a safer place.
Just a reminder of Bibi following 9/11
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, ”It’s very good.” Then he edited himself: ”Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.” He predicted that the attack would ”strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we’ve experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror.”
The man who called 9/11 a good thing is not our ally -
Quote from IR_CONSULT
With the reelection of Netanyahu the world is a safer place.
Are you suited up to join the military for boots on the ground in Iran?
One can only hope for the next war being with Iran. -
bigotry does not change overnight with walkback statements..Bibi’s true nature came out thru his desperate need to win…he is a bigot and has no intention to have a 2 state solution..quite sad that Israel chose to re-elect this pathetic bigot but the GOP seem enraptured..why..given the radiosilence on the guy who killed himself due to the smear campaign he felt that people in the conservative part were smearing him because of his jewish background /and the replacement of Cantor with david duke without the baggage…I think democratic Jewish people need to be very careful of the karl rove tricks to dip into democratic traditional voting base
Quote from Frumious
Quote from IR_CONSULT
With the reelection of Netanyahu the world is a safer place.
Are you suited up to join the military for boots on the ground in Iran?
One can only hope for the next war being with Iran.
SNL the rock Obama was funny…orange man got tossed out the window
yes Bibi..you are my god..what I saw today with Mitch statement made me vomit
CNN has an excellent series showing on Sundays up to easter..I finally saw the he left a trace;the gospel of Judas(forgive them lord for they know not what they do)
“Deadline” for Iran talks today. (Not actually a true deadline … a self-imposed date with the actual deadline at the end of June)
Will be interesting to see what comes out of it, if anything.
Today has the chance to shake up the US Israel dynamic a bit.
The talks are becoming more interesting as they’re coinciding with all this other middle east going on. Israel has it’s interests with the Iran deal. You’ve got Iran backing the houthis in Yemen, and the US backing the Arab coalition against the Houthis. Then in Iraq it seems the US and Iran are both fighting ISIS in some form. It’s very complicated.
4/1/15: interesting day for Palestine to become a party to the international criminal court
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 2, 2015 at 12:54 pm
Quote from DICOM_Dan
You’ve got Iran backing the houthis in Yemen, and the US backing the Arab coalition against the Houthis.
well, if Houthi is in Yemen, then the Blowfish can’t be far behind. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 2, 2015 at 1:19 pmTime for Israel to really build up military.
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Time for Israel to really build up military.
I hope they do it with someone else’s money.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 2, 2015 at 1:42 pmI predict that once the ” community organizer in chief” is out of office and a real leader steps in, relations with Israel will become strong again. I see that happening whether a democrat or republican occupies the oval office. Real leaders don’t have such thin skin and don’t react as if these
relations are a personal afront. Real leaders put personal feelings aside and lead the country.
I am thankful that there is now a good chance that the Iranian framework will be in full implementation by the time the next US leader comes into office.
Obama has been looking for a deal with Iran since before he was President. This is a major accomplishment with the potential for historical benefits for our Middle East relations.
There was a nice [url=http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/02/opinion/nicholas-kristof-a-nuclear-deal-with-iran-isnt-just-about-bombs.html?ref=opinion&_r=1] NYT Piece[/url] talking about the Iran deal.[b]A Nuclear Deal With Iran Isnt Just About Bombs[/b]
{L}ets remember that this isnt just about centrifuges but also about creating some chance over time of realigning the Middle East and bringing Iran out of the cold. Its a long shot, yes, but its one reason Saudi Arabia is alarmed, along with Iranian hard-liners themselves. Those hard-liners survive on a narrative of conflict with the West, and depriving them of that narrative undermines them.
{T}his isnt just about uranium but also about undermining an odious regime and creating the conditions for Iran to become a normal country. Ive rarely been to a more pro-American country, at the grass-roots, and theres a pent-up anger at corruption and hypocrisy. That doesnt mean that theres going to be a revolution anytime soon. But it means that theres a chance for movement after the death of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is 75 and underwent prostate surgery last year.
So, sure, a nuclear deal carries risks and will be ugly and imperfect, but, on balance, it probably reduces the risk that Iran gets the bomb in the next 10 years. It may also, after Ayatollah Khamenei is gone, create an opportunity for Iran to end its chapter in extremism, so that the country is defined less by rapacious ayatollahs and more by those doting matrons in Mashhad. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 2, 2015 at 3:17 pmYes, its refreshing how we can negotiate with the Iranians so nicely. We have a new best friend in the middle east.
[link=http://freebeacon.com/national-security/iran-accuses-u-s-of-lying-about-new-nuke-agreement/]http://freebeacon.com/national-security/iran-accuses-u-s-of-lying-about-new-nuke-agreement/[/link] -
Iranians celebrating in the streets after the agreement.
[link=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2015/04/02/videos-show-iranians-partying-in-the-streets-after-iran-deal/]http://www.washingtonpost…reets-after-iran-deal/[/link]On social media, there were multiple signs of approval, even joy, from Iranian users and users based in Iran. While these social media users cannot be taken as representative of all of Iranian opinion (many social networking sites are technically blocked in Iran), they do offer a glimpse of how ordinary Iranians responded to the deal.
A number of people reported public celebrations in Iran after the agreement was announced, even though it was almost midnight local time and the Iranian holiday of Sizdah Bedar.
#Breaking: Some Iranians have taken to streets to celebrate the announcement of agreement in Tehran. #IranTalks
Maysam Bizær (@m_bizar) April 2, 2015
Contact in Tehran: “I’m going out to celebrate.” #IranTalks #Iran
Golnaz Esfandiari (@GEsfandiari) April 2, 2015
Firework in Tehran… Some people are surely celebrating … Don’t know if only my neighborhood in northeastern Tehran…
Najmeh Bozorgmehr (@Najmeh_Tehran) April 2, 2015
State TV in #Iran are already headlining that an understanding has been reached – apparently car horn frenzy has already started in Karaj
Golnar Motevalli (@golnarM) April 2, 2015
A number of photos and videos shared on social media appear to show public celebrations, though it is unclear how widespread the celebrations were.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 2, 2015 at 6:45 pmOf course. Did you expect anything different.
All the terrorists of the world are probably
celebrating in the streets. -
Quote from dergon
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Time for Israel to really build up military.
I hope they do it with someone else’s money.
Outside of Turkey, they are already and have been the largest military in the Mid-East.
Yes, and much of it was with our $$$. -
yeah well if they take money from housing the Israeli’s will themselves boot Bibi
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Time for Israel to really build up military.
You dont want a war with Iran. You dont want to bomb that country because the unintended consequences will set the world aflame. So if you can get something thats decent, you give it a shot. I think thats a legitimate point.”
~Bill O’Reilly
well I think the deal has some real detail in terms of reduction of centrifuges,etc…it has this because Kerry said we let the politicians step aside and let the nuclear scientists work on the project( because as rads what can a politician tell me on how to implement a screening lung cancer protocol).. People are tired of war.bomb..war. The gop went down in flames on gay right’s this week and they need to be very cautious as to both the people and bizness get together and say no more war(as the mob said in the Godfather: war is bad for bizness)
to run a nuclear medicine department in a hospital requires a great deal of detail which a politician may not be able to help unless there is a shortage of supply and you need to get some from another countryQuote from dergon
You dont want a war with Iran. You dont want to bomb that country because the unintended consequences will set the world aflame. So if you can get something thats decent, you give it a shot. I think thats a legitimate point.”
~Bill O’Reilly
Happy Passover
good Friday…the saddest day of the year for me -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserApril 2, 2015 at 8:11 pmStrong military is deterrent to war.
now Dick Cheney learn from the past
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Strong military is deterrent to war.
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Strong military is deterrent to war.
Israel has the strongest military in the Middle East already, bar Turkey.
Or are you proposing we, in the USA start up the military draft again?
Suit up, we’re going to war with Iran. YIPPIE! ANOTHER WAR! -
Quote from IR_CONSULT
Strong military is deterrent to war.
Yes it is.
Which is why I am amazed that Netanyahu seems to wholly discount the fact that his massive military advantage is indeed a deterrent to Iran. -
Bibi got slammed this weekend:Feinstein told him to contain himself and Baker bragged about banning him from the state department…
banned for lies and distirtions…jump to the future and maybe should be banned for his bigoted comment during the election
Jeb/GOP get a clue…Bibi is a toxic glue(imho) -
Iran’s supreme leader throws shade on the deal…no idiot would agree to say all sanctions stop but their is the idiot cotton with we can bomb for 3 days(what a idiot as if there will not be bombing by iran with god forbide capture of our soldiers…throw isreal in that..let bibi do it to get rid of his chicken crap status
They’re loving the US and apparently a soccer team there is changes their name to like the “Jerusalem Trumps”. However, here’s what I think everyone suspected would happen
By 7 p.m., 52 Palestinians, including several teenagers, were dead and more than 2,400 were injured in Gaza, the Health Ministry said. Israeli soldiers and snipers used barrages of tear gas as well as live gunfire to keep protesters from entering Israeli territory.
The Israeli military said that some in the crowds were planting or hurling explosives, and that many were flying flaming kites into Israel; at least one kite outside the Nahal Oz kibbutz, near Gaza City, ignited a wildfire.
By midafternoon, the protest nearest to Gaza City had turned into a pitched battle a chaotic panorama of smoke, sirens and tear gas that stretched along the fence. Emergency workers with stretchers carried off a stream of injured protesters, many with leg wounds but some having been shot in the abdomen. A number were teenagers.
A spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces, Lt. Colonel Jonathan Conricus, cast doubt on the casualty numbers from the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry; he said a large number of those listed as wounded had suffered only tear-gas inhalation.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
However, here’s what I think everyone suspected would happen
By 7 p.m., 52 Palestinians, including several teenagers, were dead and more than 2,400 were injured in Gaza, the Health Ministry said. Israeli soldiers and snipers used barrages of tear gas as well as live gunfire to keep protesters from entering Israeli territory.
The Israeli military said that some in the crowds were planting or hurling explosives, and that many were flying flaming kites into Israel; at least one kite outside the Nahal Oz kibbutz, near Gaza City, ignited a wildfire.
By midafternoon, the protest nearest to Gaza City had turned into a pitched battle a chaotic panorama of smoke, sirens and tear gas that stretched along the fence. Emergency workers with stretchers carried off a stream of injured protesters, many with leg wounds but some having been shot in the abdomen. A number were teenagers.
A spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces, Lt. Colonel Jonathan Conricus, cast doubt on the casualty numbers from the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry; he said a large number of those listed as wounded had suffered only tear-gas inhalation.
You could say ‘I like apples’ and the palestinians will be sent out to riot. Its like the GEICO commercial, ‘because that is what you do’. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 14, 2018 at 6:15 pmIts inevitable. We in the western world must align with Iran. Iran’s statist peaceful religious vision is pure and peaceful. Simply put, Iran is more in tune with the future of the world. Theocracy is where its at!!
Just think about it…it might have been millions who died if Iran’s proud friend Assad werent in power, instead of a few 100k disgruntled Syrians and Isis who Assad bravely used his forces to quell. Assad was so effective that the press, probably trump driven, had to release periodic stories of chemical warfare against this staunch brave leader of his country. Its just like when his great father had to get rid of a few unruly Palestinians. It might have been in fact magnitudes higher numbers than Palestinians ever harmed by Israel, but it was right because it was Assad!
And look at Lebanon. If Iranian-Hezbollah forces werent controlling it, that culture would have oriented itself more to the west. Lebanese culture needed more of the Ayatollah, and less of “Paris on the Mediterranean” . Bless the mighty Hezbollah warriors. That harsh untruth that PM Rafic Hariri was murdered by the great Assad kingdom..another Western lie!!
It was so so so spontaneous and alive that these proud Hamas martyrs today at this illegal wall who died clashing with Israeli forces. Iran, learned American/Western left must function to eradicate those not approved by the just religion expressed by the Iranian state. Iran, for the good of its peaceful religious vision, cant let Israel continue to educated any more Islamic women, so they can earn their own money. These brave martyrs today were motivated by the righteousness of their cuase. They deserve the 25K USD each family will receive from Iran, but there is no way to link that money had anything to do with any of their martyrdom–no evidence at all!
President Obama proudly gave Iran that US money to support Iran and their righteous foreign policy like this, why else would he do it!?
And let’s look at Iraq, who have just elected the anti-US Shiite Moktada al-Sadr & Communist coalition.
I don’t think it’s that simple as being anti-US. From the accounts I’ve heard on NPR he didn’t run a sectarian race. His coalition is Shia, Sunni, and Communist (who i’m guessing are one or the other religion). He doesn’t want to be Iran’s puppet which seems good. We don’t want Iranian influence in Iraq and they’ve been responsible for propping up a lot of the murderous groups. He also ran as anti-corruption.
He was, however, responsible for a lot of the violence in the past. Can a zebra change his stripes? -
No one is quite sure where this runs yet. Maybe for the better for a change. But Sadr also changed a bit due to ISIS.
Unintended consequences, the whole explanation of our adventures in the Middle East including support for Israel. If not for the Iraq invasion, Iran would likely not have the reach it has today. If not for the Iraq invasion, ISIS would likely never have existed. If not for the Iraq invasion, Sadr would not be in the position he is in today.
Unless Israel exterminates the Palestinians, they will continue to fight Israel as Israel offers them nothing but death and poverty and continues to take land away from Israeli Palestinians living in Israel who live an apartheid life. What future does Israel offer them even if they became supplicants?
Heard our ambassador speaking of the rights and existence of Israel. He rejected 1947 as the beginning of Israel, he referred back to their god’s covenant with Abraham 2,000 years ago as the Israeli title to the land.
Crazy religious zealots are the reason for more death in the world than famine and disease. -
interesting the IDF posted a bad attempt at a fake palestinian funeral. Bodies covered in white sheets with scrawling on them, however, the one dude was moving around under the sheet. Now if you google that clip, it almost has the appearance of being from 2014. So are the passing old video off as new video.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 17, 2018 at 8:47 amAnyone hear the Fox News host claiming Trump fulfilled biblical prophecies
Ummmmmm he pays of porn stars you stupid fng beatchhh
How is that fulfilling biblical prophecy?
I forget where I saw the segment but Evangelical types make a bunch of money on the end of the world type tourism in Israel. So they believe something like the Jews come back to Jerusalem and then they finally accept Jesus as the savior. Which is like an end of times scenario. So this legitimizes Jerusalem as the Jewish capital and signals that Armageddon.
I guess it just depends on what you believe. God gave man free will so we kind of set our own destiny is how I see it.
Jerusalem is really special to Jews, Christians, etc… I cold have seen it being better off like maybe Washington DC. You have a Palestinian state, a Jewish state, and district of Jerusalem to be shared by all. -
Hooray for Armageddon! Bring it on! End of times!
Another death cult religion, Evangelicals. -
Unknown Member
Deleted UserMay 17, 2018 at 10:25 amAmerican evangelicals are probably the biggest supporters of the porn industry
Once again, Israel fumbles its response to BDS[/h1]The [u][link=https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/15/world/middleeast/trump-israel-omar-tlaib.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage]decision[/link][/u] to deny Reps. [link=https://thehill.com/people/rashida-tlaib]Rashida Tlaib[/link] (D-Mich.) and [link=https://thehill.com/people/ilhan-omar]Ilhan Omar[/link] (D-Minn.) entry into Israel may be one of Israeli Prime Minister [link=https://thehill.com/people/benjamin-bibi-netanyahu]Benjamin Netanyahu[/link] worst strategic mistakes in recent times.
Whatever points he scored with [link=https://thehill.com/people/donald-trump]President Trump[/link], whatever damage he believes would be prevented by barring the lawmakers visit, it pales in comparison to the damage this decision causes to Israels campaign against its delegitmization. The decision to reverse the ban on Tlaib on [u][link=https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-israel-approves-rashida-tlaib-petition-to-enter-on-humanitarian-grounds-1.7689445?utm_source=Push_Notification&utm_medium=web_push&utm_campaign=General]humanitarian grounds[/link][/u] does little to undo the damage, especially since Tlaib rejected the offer. Tlaib cited Israels [u][link=https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-grants-permission-congresswoman-tlaib-visit-west-bank-n1043026]oppressive conditions[/link][/u] of travel as her reasoning, which became the headline of the day. Israel played right into her hands.
Delegitimization is and should be treated as a threat to Israel. It presents a serious challenge to Israels ability to maintain its Jewish character, which is increasingly viewed as incompatible with the modern values of the international society. Though the BDS movement has had little success in hurting Israels economy or diplomatic relations with political elites, it has made considerable strides at the grassroots level, with civil society, on campuses, labor unions and churches.
If Israel hopes to successfully defeat the delegitimization campaign, it must avoid at all cost illiberal, largely ceremonial actions that serve little to enhance its security. Barring American students and lawmakers, even those most critical of Israel, represents a short-sighted and misguided approach to addressing the challenge. In many ways, Israel is contributing to the very threat it seeks to thwart.
Instead, Israel should have opened its doors to them. Demonstrating that it has nothing to hide. Perhaps Tlaib and Omar would have refused to meet with Israelis while on their trip, perhaps they would have met with Israeli groups that are strong critics of the government and this would have highlighted Israels openness to criticism. Perhaps they would have also met with Israeli and Palestinian victims of political violence. We will never know.
[b]All that is left is the image of Israel as an oppressive state, one that does Trumps bidding[/b], thereby alienating the very liberal audiences that Israel must win over if it hopes to defeat the delegitimziation campaign against it. With this decision, Netanyahu has done more to undermine Israeli security than the visit by Tlaib and Omar could have.
If You Think Trump Is Helping Israel, Youre a Fool[/h1]
[b]By barring Representatives Omar and Tlaib, Netanyahu made the president happy. But he has poisoned relations with America.[/b]
I am going to say this as simply and clearly as I can: If youre an American Jew and youre planning on voting for Donald Trump because you think he is pro-Israel, youre a damn fool.
Trumps way of and motivation for expressing his affection for Israel is guided by his political desire to improve his re-election chances by depicting the entire Republican Party as pro-Israel and the entire Democratic Party as anti-Israel.
As a result, Trump with the knowing help of Israels current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is doing something no American president and Israeli prime minister have done before: Theyre making support for Israel a wedge issue in American politics.
Trump is trying to replace Pelosi as the demon with these brown women, especially these 2 Muslim women.
His supporters don’t care so much for Israel (except Evangelists hoping for End Times) so much as being directed by Trump what to be riled about. 4 brown women definitely fit the bill especially the 2. As Fox has already declared, they are “not American!” Rather like Obama being born in Kenya and a secret Muslim. These women hit all the buttons including the additional one that they are women that Trump’s Birtherism lies made. -
If Congress had a spine not one more dollar would flow towards Israel.
I can agree with that, but you know who you can’t criticize, right DICOM?
Tell Frumi to lay off the color stuff. Trotsky made that garbage up years ago to divide people. Maybe you can get through to her, she’s obsessed with people’s skin color
As if Trump has to help those women embarrassing themselves, the foremost Pelosi
Only clown world would desire these women to rule over you, how sad it is that these pathetic displays have supporters that think they are anything but weak mouthy haters -
For once… I love Bill Maher. Oh no!!! an Irish Jew telling like it is to a couple of brat liars and opportunist that didn’t go over with the first group of delegates. Why didn’t she go??? Because she wanted to GRAND STAND. Crocodile Tears.
It’s obvious, she hate America, hates all Jews, hate men, support cultures that kill gays and ALL other religions and beliefs. Wont speakout about Womans rights around the world and Sharia law. Friends with Linda SourAss. You socialist don’t get it. SHE DON”T LIKE YOU EITHER. YOU WOULD HAVE NO VALUE TO HER.
What a pathetic, low life, lying evil scum bag of a person. She’s got you all dupped. Booo Hooo. -
There is a serious disconnect and comedy to listen to Trump supporters criticize any Democrat, whether the 4 or anyone else, as being liars and opportunists and even anti-Semitic racists )forgetting that 2 of the women are Semitic) and then making absurd and laughable claims about them supporting Sharia law including being anti-women.
Take off the blinders, these women are American representatives, something not allowed in our “friend” MBS’s country of Saudi Arabia where women are tortured, where Sharia law actually exists and whose country is exporting extremist Wahhabism. Recall “our friend” had a dissident butchered in their embassy.
But, but Omar and Tlaib said Israel is a racist country!
[link=https://news.yahoo.com/lie-freedom-why-jailed-saudi-011500382.html]https://news.yahoo.com/li…d-saudi-011500382.html[/link] -
If I’m not mistaken in what I’ve seen today. Trump has anointed himself King of the Jews. Which I’m sure will endear him to the Jewish folks around the world.
Isnt that why Jesus was crucified?
Next rally, Bigger crowds than Jesus! Trump is bigger than Jesus himself!
& the supporters will love him for it. Including Evangelicals.
Bibi –
“I would like to start with congratulations for Joe Biden [color=”#14171a”]and Kamala Harris. I have a long and warm personal connection with Joe Biden for nearly 40 years, and I know him as a great friend of the State of Israel.”[/color]
[color=”#14171a”]It will be very interesting to watch US/Israel relations over the Biden admin. There will be a pivot back to Iran, which Bibi raged against the first time. The embassy move Biden criticized. Probably a lot more focus on the Palestinians and settlements.
Bibi had a really ugly relationship with Obama. How much of that was personal? Will Biden be able to keep it positive despite policy shifts?[/color]
All of the kudos flowing into Joe Biden from around the world certainly is making things feel a lot more real/settled. I know there’s all kinds of talk about Trump lawsuits and BS. Bibi needs a reality check. Maybe Joe will deliver it to him. Over all our reputation around the world should improve by about a million %.
Just what are they going to do without Kushner bringing peace to the middle east ?
Quote from fw
Just what are they going to do without Kushner bringing peace to the middle east ?
Not just in the middle east.
The loss of Jared’s expertise will hurt the US in so many arenas. A true loss.
[link=https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-hires-ex-breitbart-journalist-as-campaign-chief/]Netanyahu names ex-Breitbart journalist as his campaign chief as opponent brings on Lincoln Project [/link]
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has named a former journalist with the right-wing Breitbart news site, who authored books challenging Barack Obamas fitness for president, as his campaign chief for Marchs national elections.
Klein is the author of a number of books about Obama. They include: The Manchurian President: Barack Obamas Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists; Fool Me Twice: Obamas Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed; and Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office.Netanyahu, who is fighting a tough reelection battle, has a long history of using American campaign advisers. One of his main challengers, Gideon Saar, recently hired several founders of The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump Republican organization, as advisers.
nice little political proxy war
BIBI Benji is doing everything possible to not get on Biden’s good side. One has to assume he feels safe from any administration sanctions.
Wonder what ever happened with Bibi corruption charges.
[h1]Biden Will Keep Embassy in Jerusalem[/h1] The White House confirmed Tuesday that President Joe Biden intends to keep the U.S. embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, where it was relocated during the Trump administration, [link=https://www.rollcall.com/2021/02/09/white-house-confirms-biden-will-keep-embassy-in-jerusalem/]Roll Call[/link] reports.
P5+1 reaches reaches a basis of agreement on Iran nuclear.
All Bibi could do was front run the announcement with an angry tweet.
Now we’ll see whether his efforts in the US pay off with a veto-proof majority in Congress to push through more sanctions.
Bibi needs to start working on a united coalition..I hear demands are increasing by the other parties
Quote from dergon
P5+1 reaches reaches a basis of agreement on Iran nuclear.
All Bibi could do was front run the announcement with an angry tweet.
Now we’ll see whether his efforts in the US pay off with a veto-proof majority in Congress to push through more sanctions.
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/biden-israel-relations/2021/04/17/5d97dd58-9d31-11eb-b7a8-014b14aeb9e4_story.html]Washington Post[/link]
[h1][b]Bidens Less Cozy Relationship with Israel[/b][/h1]
Biden campaigned on a pledge to return to the Iran deal, which was brokered by President Barack Obama over the fierce objections of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But until the talks began this month, it was not clear how either leader would handle their differences of opinion, or what they portended for an alliance already in flux.
An [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/04/12/faq-natanz-nuclear-site-attack-israel/?itid=lk_inline_manual_5]attack on a key Iranian nuclear facility[/link], widely attributed to Israel, has made the simmering disagreement suddenly acute.
That attack, an apparent act of sabotage ahead of the second round of talks that opened Thursday, did not derail the effort. But it may make the question of U.S.-Israeli ties more personal for Biden, since his prestige is tied up in the Iran talks.
Should be interesting to see what happens over the next few days. It really seems to be popping off over there now. Lots of rockets being fired into Israel by Hamas. Not helping the Palestinian side. Most or all getting smoked by iron dome. Its impressive to see it intercept missiles but nothing like a phalanx 20mm cannon.
The fully polarized nature of US domestic politics is now on display. The left is *much* more concerned with Israeli forced evictions of Palestinians from East Jerusalem.. and they’re being just as loud as pro-Israel forces in Washington.
So far the left as given Biden a lot of latitude in pursuing his domestic agenda. I think you see a lot more vocal criticism is he decides to use the tradition bland “the US is a great supporter of our ally Israel” language.
unfortunately it looks like the some children have been killed. Just kind of reading a bit but they’re trying to evict people from their homes under the claim that it was owned by Jewish people in the 1940s. That doesn’t seem reasonable.
It doesn’t “seem” reasonable because it isn’t reasonable.
I would not be surprised if this escalates into another Intifada. Israeli leadership (Bibi) probably sees political advantage and even if he wanted to de-escalate the Palestinian leadership is so fragmented and worthless that there’s really no negotiating partner.-
It seems easy to de-escalate though. Just say we’re not going to evict you. These people who want this spot will need to move to some other neighborhood.
These are people who believe God gave them the land & Palestinians were just renters who weren’t paying the rent. And after taking land from Palestinians since 1948, can’t understand why Palestinians just don’t peacefully leave their ancestral lands & give the land away/back to its rightful owners, the decendants of Moses and King David.
UN is saying this might turn into full scale war. Im reading twitters that theres a whole lot of rockets being fired into Israeli cities. Israel is carrying strikes also. Theyre saying rockets by the 100s being fired into Israel.
Israeli airstrike destroys building housing The Associated Press and Al Jazeera offices
Biden finally called Bibi today and told him he expects a de-escalation.
Pretty soft in his approach to Israel on this so far.
It sounds like the idea of unwavering support is falling out of favor with younger generations in the US. John Oliver said something like you can be a good friend by telling your other friend they’re acting like a butthole. Unfortunately so much of this seems like it’s based on Israel treating the Palestinians like 3rd rate people. Then things get jacked by Hamas losers. It seems like a 2 state solution is far past gone. So it’s time to treat them and give them rights like any other Israeli citizen.
If you make the entire Palestinian population full Israeli citizenship, Israel quickly cases to be a Jewish state… which Israel considers an existential threat.
Have to get back to 2-state solution, imho
How though? If Israel takes over all the land what’s left for Palestinians? Maybe they should move to Germany and say something like we lived here 40k years ago. You need to get out and we’re going to build settlements.
Ethnic cleansing is Israels solution to Palestinians of all stripes.
[b]Sen. Bernie Sanders to introduce resolution of disapproval on $735 million U.S. arms sale to Israel[/b][/h1] [b]
[h2]The action comes as Biden calls for a significant de-escalation of hostilities between Israel and Hamas[/h2]
AOC has introduced similar legislation in the House._______________________
Bibi has succeeded in one thing for sure … he has successfully fully polarized US political opinion over Israel.. as predicted.
this is like the equivalent of I’ll write them a sternly worded letter.
[link=https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/555124-federal-judges-says-georgias-anti-bds-law-violates-first-amendment]Federal judge says Georgia’s anti-BDS law violates First Amendment[/link]
In a ruling issued Friday, District Court Judge Mark Cohen rejected state officials’ efforts to dismiss a lawsuit from Abby Martin, a progressive journalist and documentary filmmaker, challenging the law.
Cohen said in a 29-page decision that the law “prohibits inherently expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment, burdens Martin’s right to free speech, and is not narrowly tailored to further a substantial state interest.”
“Even assuming that Georgia’s interest in furthering foreign policy goals regarding relations with Israel is a substantial state interest, Defendants fail to explain how Martin’s advocacy of a boycott of Israel has any bearing on Georgia’s ability to advance foreign policy goals with Israel,” Cohen, who was appointed to the bench by former President Obama, wrote in the decision.
Looks like Bibi is finally out.
Naftali Bennett forming a coalition government in Israel, will become Prime Minister until 2023.
Nice. In thought Bibi was still in trouble with the law too
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Nice. In thought Bibi was still in trouble with the law too
Yes. A large part of his goal of remaining in power is to avoid trial, preferably by legislating his own immunity before he departs.
[b]Israel Oppositon Makes Deal to Topple Netanyahu[/b][/h1]
Israeli opposition parties on Wednesday reached a coalition agreement to form a government and oust Benjamin Netanyahu, the longest-serving prime minister in Israeli history and a dominant figure who has pushed his nations politics to the right, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/06/02/world/israel-government-netanyahu-bennett#coalition-talks-bennett-lapid]New York Times[/link] reports.
The new coalition is an unusual and awkward alliance between eight political parties from a diverse array of ideologies, from the left to the far right.
[link=https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/556610-biden-congratulates-election-of-new-israeli-president-amid-agreement]Biden congratulates election of new Israeli president amid agreement to oust Netanyahu
Biden made no mention of Netanyahu in his statement late Wednesday, hours after a coalition reported to Rivlin that it had reached an agreement to replace the prime minister amid political turmoil in the country.
Biden said in the statement that he extend my warm congratulations to Isaac Herzog on his election to serve as the 11th President of the State of Israel.
Throughout his career, President-elect Herzog has demonstrated his unwavering commitment to strengthening Israels security, advancing dialogue, and building bridges across the global Jewish community, Biden said. I am confident that under his presidency, the partnership between Israel and the United States will continue to grow and deepen.
A Bibi ally is able to delay the actual vote for 10 days … so Netanyahu will spend the next week pulling out every stop to try to disrupt the coalition aligned against him or at least peel off enough defectors to keep him in power.
[h1]Netanyahu Suggests Hes Being Overthrown[/h1]
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu retweeted a statement that said overthrowing him would cause the collapse of the global right-wing, the [link=https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/pm-netanyahu-shares-article-calling-him-an-icon-of-the-global-right-670134]Jerusalem Post[/link] reports.
(As for the collapse of the global right wing … we should be so lucky)
[h1][b]Israeli Security Issues Insurrection Warning[/b][/h1]
The head of Israels internal security service said that extremely violent and inciting discourse targeting the lawmakers who are seeking to end Benjamin Netanyahus 12-year tenure as prime minister could take a potentially lethal form a grim echo of the warnings ahead of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the [link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/netanyahu-trump-capitol-mob-siege/2021/06/06/40a1d10e-c68a-11eb-89a4-b7ae22aa193e_story.html]Washington Post[/link] reports.
[h1][b]Netanyahu Tries Trump Playbook to Stay In Power[/b][/h1] [b]
On the verge of being replaced after 12 years in power, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is waging a desperate, Trump-style campaign to de-legitimize the incoming government and accuse its leaders of perpetrating the fraud of the century.
The situation has become so tense with members of the Israeli Knesset facing death threats and demonstrations from angry Netanyahu supporters outside their homes that the director of Israels Shin Bet domestic security agency issued a rare warning of potential political violence.
Feel like the fraud of the century is still either Bernie MAdoff, or TRump winning the presidency. It’s unfortunate to see other leaders pulling this BS and stirring up violence against their own people. Politics has become a what’ good for you vs what’s good for the people you serve business.
[b]Netanyahu Blames Deep State for His Ouster[/b][/h1]
[link=https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-joe-biden-israel-middle-east-government-and-politics-9785d2410bf55bce06b893b19b3e6234]Associated Press[/link]: In what appear to be the final days of his historic 12-year rule, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not leaving the political stage quietly.
The longtime leader is accusing his opponents of betraying their voters, and some have needed special security protection. Netanyahu says he is the victim of a deep state conspiracy. He speaks in apocalyptic terms when talking about the country without his leadership.-
It’s finally officia
“Israel’s new prime minister is sworn in, ending Netanyahu’s 12-year grip on power”
[link=https://www.timesofisrael.com/at-first-cabinet-meeting-bennett-lapid-vow-to-work-to-make-new-government-last/]Bibi goes out petty as Trump[/link]:
Likuds Benjamin Netanyahu, expected to be chosen as the next opposition leader, will hold a meeting with Bennett on Monday to hand over the reins of the premiership, his office said in a statement during the new cabinet meeting.
The meeting will take place at the Prime Ministers Office in Jerusalem, the statement said, making clear that the outgoing prime minister will not take part in a traditional handover toast with the new prime minister at prime ministers residence.
And his truly shocking decision Monday to forgo the traditional public handover ceremony, with a toast for the incoming prime minister, was malevolent, disrespectful to the office of prime minister, and unpatriotic.Shimon Peres surmounted the pain of his narrow defeat, overcame the still-fresh grief over the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, and put aside whatever thoughts he may have had regarding Netanyahus role in the pre-assassination climate of incitement against Rabin, to courteously hand over the premiership to Netanyahu in 1996. However deeply he is raging at being forced into opposition, Netanyahu owed it to his country and its people to usher in the new government and its head with publicly expressed warmth and support.
Instead, he reportedly gave Bennett less than an hour of his time, and then departed to convene his new opposition forces in a Knesset meeting room. Introduced there by ex-coalition chief Miki Zohar as prime minister, Netanyahu renewed his pledge to quickly oust this dangerous left-wing government this fraudulent government, claiming he could feel its weak points at the tips of my fingers. Unsurprisingly, he did not refer to Prime Minister Bennett; indeed, he did not mention Bennett at all.
The former prime minister worked strategically to discredit Israeli law enforcement the police, the state prosecution, the judiciary as part of his efforts to thwart his corruption trial. He stirred up hostility to the media, as purported enemies of the state, and likewise sought to demonize political opponents, who were all branded dangerous leftists irrespective of their ideology. He delegitimized the attorney general, and routinely disregarded his advice. Last year, in an incident that was quickly forgotten but should not have been, his loyalist Knesset speaker Yuli Edelstein, a man who has ambitions to succeed him, flagrantly defied a Supreme Court ruling at his insistence.-
Ive got to imagine jail time might be in his future. Not sure where that corruption scandal goes from here.
Quote from DICOM_Dan
Not sure where that corruption scandal goes from here.
To trial 🙂
[link=https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/06/14/netanyahu-farewell-speech-recalls-trump/]Max Boot in The Washington Post[/link]:
Netanyahu has genuine accomplishments to boast of from Israels covid-19 vaccination campaign to winning recognition of Israel from four Muslim states. He is much smarter than Trump and much more skilled at politics. But his farewell speech shows why so many of his [link=https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/elections/.premium.HIGHLIGHT.MAGAZINE-bibi-raised-and-betrayed-a-generation-of-politicians-today-they-dethroned-him-1.9863827]former allies turned against him[/link] and ultimately turfed him out of office. Like Trump, Netanyahu suffers from a crippling character defect. He lies, schemes and backstabs because politics, for him, is ultimately about self-promotion not national service. His farewell address showed why he should never be given another chance to lead.
didn’t he sandbag the Palestinians from getting access to the vax?
[h1][b]Trump Blasts Netanyahu for Disloyalty[/b][/h1] Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu were the closest of political allies during the four years they overlapped in office, at least in public. Not anymore, [link=https://www.axios.com/trump-netanyahu-disloyalty-fuck-him-276ac6cc-3f70-4fba-b315-c82a59603e67.html]Axios[/link] reports.
The final straw for Trump was when Netanyahu congratulated President-elect Biden for his election victory while Trump was still disputing the result.
Said Trump: I havent spoken to him since. F*ck him.
Conservative author Mona Charen (pro-israel writer who also authored the piece “I’m glad I got booed at CPAC”) likens Trump’s foreign policy to a mob boss.
“”We should be used to this now, but we’re still not. The fact is, for Trump, there is absolutely no understanding of the way international relations work, right? I mean, Netanyahu was leader of another country whose relations with the united states, not trump, are his main concern, right? if trump is no longer the president, he has to have good relationships with the next president.”
“For Trump, everything is personal. He’s like a mafia boss, and it’s like you disrespected me and so now you’re over. By the way, if Netanyahu grovels and comes back with Trump, then they’ll be good again, but it is just this complete disconnect with this man about the way the world works. And he brings his own really sick mafia approach to relationships that ought to be professional and run by international rules.”
Holy Cow. Listen to the Trump interview with Barak Ravid.
Hes on tape saying IS Jews dont love Israel like the evangelicals.
jaw dropping.
Trump: "evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews" in the US
"it used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress"
"the Jewish people...in the US either don't like Israel or don't care about Israel"
"they're Jewish people that run the NYT" https://t.co/oKkiyfLYxz
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) December 17, 2021
Is that really surprising? Evangelicals are the ones supporting Trump. Jews? Not so much.
that’s a really doozey of an interview there.
Those jews at the New York Times …-
My take away was less that the evangelical love Israel and more like holy $h1t. He said all this stuff on a taped interview. That NYT dig plays right into the worst conspiracy realm too.
The thing that I guess I would not be surprised by is that none of his supporters will probably give a hoot.
Quote from dergon
that’s a really doozey of an interview there.
Those jews at the New York Times …
What did Dalai always claim? “Self-hating Jews” who vote Democratic?
Somehow though, I don’t see Trump as the Jewish Messiah. Call me biased.-
Middle East scholar Aaron David Miller: Benjamin Netanyahu will now lead The most hardline right wing government in Israels history
Barak Ravid:[link=https://www.axios.com/2022/11/02/israel-election-extreme-far-right-rise-netanyahu-victory?utm_campaign=editorial&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social]https://www.axios.com/202…&utm_medium=social[/link]
[h1]The rise of Israel’s extreme right[/h1]
The next Israeli government will include a large number of politicians known for their racist, misogynistic, ultra-religious, anti-Arab or anti-LGBTQ rhetoric.
[b]F[/b]or many years, Netanyahu kept his distance from the extreme right, especially Jewish supremacist politician Itamar Ben-Gvir and his Jewish Power party.
But since the 2019 elections, he cultivated his relationship with extreme right politicians as he worked to unite its different factions. Unlike any previous Likud leader, Netanyahu normalized this relationship inside his constituency.[/QUOTE]
[link=https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-is-the-projected-winner-but-it-was-ben-gvir-crowned-on-election-night/]Netanyahu is the projected winner, but it was Ben Gvir crowned on election night
[h2]The once unthinkably fringe politician is likely headed into the government, where his stances and those of others in the far-right may play a large role in shaping Israels future[/h2]Within two years, Ben Gvir has catapulted from unelectable bogeyman to Cinderella story, driving an untold number of votes to Religious Zionism and making it the Knessets third-largest party and a likely senior coalition partner, if current projections stand.
Ben Gvirs view of security is often viewed as incitement, especially by Arab citizens of Israel and Palestinians, whose politicians have denounced him and his party. Underscoring the point, several of Otzma Yehudits supporters chanted death to terrorists with terrorist sometimes used as a euphemism for Arabs at the partys Tuesday evening celebration.
His territorially-maximalist view also calls for Israel to assert its control over the flashpoint Temple Mount where the current status quo blocks non-Muslim prayer and in the West Bank, which Ben Gvir and his allies have pushed to absorb into Israel, without extending equal rights or citizenship to the millions of Palestinians who live there.
[h3][link=https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-troops-shoot-palestinian-man-west-bank-ahead-blinken-visit-2023-01-30/]Blinken reaffirms need for two-state solution in Talks with Netanyahu – Reuters[/link][/h3]
As I said to the prime minister, anything that would move us away from that vision is, in our judgment, detrimental to Israel’s longterm security and longterm identity as a Jewish and democratic state.[link=https://www.timesofisrael.com/diplomatically-but-firmly-blinken-advises-netanyahu-not-to-harm-israeli-democracy/]Diplomatically but firmly, Blinken advises Netanyahu not to harm Israeli democracy [/link][/h3]
Quote from Secretary of State Anthony Blinken
These efforts are not a substitute for progress between Israelis and Palestinians, but as we advance Israels integration, we can do so in ways that improve the daily lives of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. And thats crucial to moving toward our enduring goal of Palestinians and Israelis enjoying equal measures of freedom, security, opportunity, justice, and dignity. President Biden remains fully committed to that goal.
We continue to believe that the best way to achieve it is through preserving and then realizing the vision of two states. As I said to the prime minister, anything that moves us away from that vision is, in our judgment, detrimental to Israels long-term security and its long-term identity as a Jewish and democratic state. Thats why were urging all sides now to take urgent steps to restore calm, to de-escalate. We want to make sure that theres an environment in which we can, I hope, at some point create the conditions where we can start to restore a sense of security for Israelis and Palestinians alike, which of course is sorely lacking.
We also remain committed to supporting religious coexistence and diversity, including in Jerusalem. We continue to support upholding the historic status quo at Jerusalems holy places, including the Temple Mount Haram al-Sharif. Were grateful to the prime minister for his repeated expressions of support for that position.
One of the things that makes the partnership between us so strong is that it goes well beyond any one American or Israeli government. Few people understand that better than President Biden, whos worked closely with every Israeli prime minister since Golda Meir, and Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has worked closely with his share of American presidents.[/QUOTE]
[b]Israel Votes for 5th Time Since 2019[/b][/h1]
As Israelis vote on Tuesday in their fifth parliamentary election in less than four years, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping to return to power, but polls are predicting another deadlock, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/11/01/world/israel-election]New York Times[/link] reports.
Once again, voters are choosing between a right-wing bloc led by Mr. Netanyahu, who is currently the opposition leader, and the governing alliance of right-wing, left-wing and centrist parties that share little beyond their opposition to the former prime minister.