Why is Turkey (a NATO ally ?!?) supporting ISIS?
Posted by Unknown Member on October 12, 2014 at 8:58 amSo, as brave YPG Kurdish fighters brave all odds and fight to save Kobani from ISIS, Turkey will neither let Turkish Kurds join the fight nor will Turkey’s own military help out.
I don’t get it.
US warplanes are bombing ISIS, anti-ISIS focres on the ground are struggling and a supposed NATO ally will neither help in the effort nor will it even allow its own Kurdish population to join the fight on America’s side.
Whose side is Turkey on?
Are they on America’s side?
Or are they on the ISIS side?
There are only two sides in the battle for Kobani.
One the one side are Syrian Kurdish fightersand their Kurdish allies in Turkey who want to join them, US and allied warplanes.
And on the other side is ISIS – the same savages who rape women and sell underage girls as commodities and behead medical air workers and journalists.
Whose side is Turkey on?
satyanar replied 1 year, 7 months ago 13 Members · 155 Replies -
155 Replies
Tukey was at war with the kurds as recently as 10 years ago. I can see how they are not too thrilled to do anything that strengthens the kurds claim to autonomy.
Turkey is on Turkey’s side.
They have a very complex calculus to do with this. For now they have determined that they fear the Kurdish PKK more than they do ISIS.
The rest of the world (NATO/USA/etc.) is going to have to push them a little bit.
Turkeys Stria problem in five Maps.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 12, 2014 at 3:34 pmYes, but in this case, US warplanes and American fighter/bomber pilots are risking their lives flying over hostile airspace to battle ISIS.
It should be unacceptable to the US government that when the United States Air Force is involved in combat operations against a ground based enemy, a NATO country with land forces one mile from the conflict zone is not only not helping out at all – but is even preventing volunteers from joining the fight on the US side.
Preventing PKK fighters from entering Kobani to shore up YPG forces strengthens the enemy that America is fighting against.
Also…we all know that those ISIS beasts will massacre the civilian population if Kobani falls.
For humanitarian reasons also, Turkey should let PKK fighters cross over.
If Kobani falls, I think it will inflame Turkish Kurds and renew the separatist cause – the opposite of what Turkey wants.
Actually, the best thing to make Turkish Kurds loyal to the Turkish state would be pictures on world television of Turkish soldiers, PKK fighters, and YPG fighters all fighting together against ISIS with American and allied warplanes bombing ISIS from above.
Moderate Kurds and moderate Turks have way more in common with each other than either does with ISIS.
To expect turkey to support the PKK would be to expect the ATF to support mexican drug cartels.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 12, 2014 at 6:36 pmYes except that in this case the PKK is on America’s side.
Turkey is enabling the enemy that America is fighting against.
ISIS is the just like Taliban and Al Qaeda – Sunni extremists who like beheadings, hate women, hate Shias, hate non-Muslims, and want to return the world to the Middle Ages. They also seem to be perverts who want to have sex with 12 year old girls they kidnap from yazidi villages. They are also like the nazis – they said in their magazine “dabiq” that sotloff deserved the be beheaded because he was Jewish – the nazis also believed that Jews should be killed – just like ISIS. So they are a bunch of Nazi child molesters.
If the PKK are willing to fight ISIS and Turkey is helping ISIS, perhaps the U.S. should support the Kurds.
If the Kurds are with America, we should stand with the Kurds too.
I find it interesting that Turkey allowed numerous people to cross its border to join ISIS but it won’t let Kurds cross the border to fight ISIS.
Quote from SadRad
Yes except that in this case the PKK is on America’s side. .
Today they are. Tomorrow they’ll gladly kill us. Many of the groups that eventually joined Bin Laden were once ‘on americas side’.
The goal of the PKK is the formation of a marxist leninist state in the areas occupied by the kurdish speaking people. Both NATO and the EU list the PKK as a terrorist organization. Maybe, just for once, we should listen to the folks who have been dealing with the PKK for 30 years on what to do with them.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 12, 2014 at 6:56 pmMuch much better to support a Marxist Kurdish separatist than to support the islamofascist nazi child molesters who behead people in desert for recreation.
Quote from SadRad
Much much better to support a Marxist Kurdish separatist than to support the islamofascist nazi child molesters who behead people in desert for recreation.
For now, I agree.
For Turkey the decision is much harder.
Quote from SadRad
Much much better to support a Marxist Kurdish separatist than to support the islamofascist nazi child molesters who behead people in desert for recreation.
That ixs easy for you to say from the safety of your home in the US. The turks had to put up with 30 years of pkk terrorism, doing anything to support pkk is a political no-go in turkey. The turks are not worried about isis invading into their territory, if it happens it is a nato article 5 case and they have the resources to defend their territory.
Complex issue, yes, but funny since kpack was lecturing me on how great Turkey is and how un-Islamic they are, which is a joke
Ataturk was an atheist secularist which is why they made any “advances” at all (my quotes are because this is a western view of advances, mainly material)-
clearly this Isis never read the history of the Egyptian Goddess Isis..for she would never approve of their acts
Turkey will need to feel their NATO membership is at risk if you want them to do something
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 15, 2014 at 6:35 pmAgreed.
Kobani still stands.
In a bit of good news today, US airstrikes have killed several hundred ISIS fighters.
YPG fighters give the US Air Force the targets so the good ol USAF can do the needful honorable thing by sending these terrorists to hell.
Meanwhile, our gallant NATO ally sits one mile away, watching the fight but doing nothing to help the US Air Force.
Seriously, the best way to make Turkish Kurds loyal to the Turkish state is by having Turkey help to defend Kobani from ISIS.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 15, 2014 at 9:17 pmTurkey needs to be kicked out of NATO. They have never helped in any NATO cause. The Turks have gradually stepped away from Ataturk style secularism and are more and more Islamist dominated. If you remember, during the Iraq war, they refused the US flyover rights and refused to allow the US to launch ground troops from Turkey in a Northern assault. This forced a massive re-direction and strategy change, diverting US forces hundreds of miles further.
Kick the turkeys out! Nobody needs an “ally” who will shoot you in the back.-
Perhaps if Bush had gone and gotten NATO coordination for his actions in Iraq, Turkey would’ve helped.
They were under no obligation to aid “The coalition of the willing”.
Turkey did support UN action (like most of the rest of the world) during the 1991 Gulf war. They opposed US action (like most of the rest of the world) in Gulf War II.
I think it would be tough but potentially smart diplomacy to try to find a role for NATO in this mission against ISIS. That could drag Turkey along and also provide Erdogan political cover in “just meeting our NATO obligation”. But to think that TUrkey is going to somehow be the tip of the sword in this action is a bit pollyannish.
Hey now! Don’t forget the US Navy has a big dog in this fight too! Perhaps an even bigger dog than USAF …. Go Navy bomb ISIS
Kurds Get Closer to a State of Their Own[/b][/h1]With Cuba and North Korea dominating the headlines, Americans may have missed the good news from a corner of the world that has provided very little: Iraq. Kurdish peshmerga fighters have inflicted a [link=http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/19/world/middleeast/backed-by-us-airstrikes-kurds-regain-ground-from-isis.html?ref=middleeast]series of defeats [/link]on Islamic State forces, freeing a broad swath of northern Iraq from the jihadists’ control.
These battlefield victories underline an equally striking change in U.S. policy: Starting in 2015, the U.S. military will be [link=http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-seeks-to-build-lean-iraqi-force-to-fight-the-islamic-state/2014/11/27/f9539046-757b-11e4-bd1b-03009bd3e984_story.html]training[/link] three brigades of peshmerga and spending more than $350 million equipping them for battle with the fanatics tearing Iraq apart. While the Kurds have been semi-independent since 1991, with their own government, militias and foreign policy, this is the biggest step yet toward Washington allowing them to have a state of their own.
…the question of a Kurdish state is getting harder to avoid. In July, Massoud Barzani, the president of the Kurdistan region, came out in support of a referendum on Kurdish independence from Iraq. The month before, Kurdish fighters had taken up posts abandoned by the Iraqi army in Kirkuk, a strategic city at the heart of disputes between Baghdad and the Kurdish region.
Even though Kurdistan is landlocked, its no longer such a stretch to imagine it being independent. Kurdish customs officials already stamp your passport at its airports. The Kurds have their diplomats and lobbyists in foreign capitals. And now, thanks to an [link=http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/03/world/middleeast/kurd-pact-with-baghdad-against-islamic-state.html]oil deal[/link] reached early this month with Baghdad, they have staved off financial collapse and gotten Baghdad to agree to pay the salaries of their Peshmerga fighters.
Kenneth Katzman, an Iraq expert at the Congressional Research Service, said the new training and the fact that Congress gave the administration the authority to directly arm the Kurds and bypass Baghdad in legislation passed this month has weakened the longstanding one-Iraq policy.
Katzman says this policy shift reflects the tremendous threat the Islamic State poses to Iraqs sovereignty. The bottom line is that the one-Iraq policy has been weakened by the exigencies of the situation in Iraq, mainly the Islamic State, Katzman said. So these policies are in response to a dire threat that could turn Iraq into a failed state.
For now, the Kurds are partners in helping to destroy the makeshift caliphate that has effectively erased the border between Syria and Iraq. For this the world owes them a debt of gratitude. But by training and equipping a modern Kurdish army to achieve this task, Obama may find that he is helping destroy Iraq in order to save it.
Turks can’t be happy but …… ef ’em.
Sad Rad – why do you assume that your enemy’s enemy is your friend? It is this simplistic foreign policy that has hurt our country irreparably.
Support for Saddam Hussein during the Iran Iraq conflict, support for the Mujaheddin during the Soviet incursion. The list goes on and on.-
Good point canuck.
When is the west going to realize that Islam is incompatible?
Every bloody border in the world is islamic on at least one side.
Many poor poor countries do not have bloody borders.
Obama Gave Turkey the Push It Needed[/h1]In [link=http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-10-21/u-s-drop-weapons-as-turkey-allows-iraq-kurds-into-kobani.html]air-dropping weapons[/link] to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units in Kobani this week, President Barack Obama has applied the pressure needed to get Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to finally help push back against Islamic State in Syria. Erdogan will now allow Peshmerga troops to cross Turkish territory to reinforce and supply the city of Kobani, just across the Syrian border.
Erdogan may not have liked being pushed, but Obama did the right thing. He may have to push harder still to get Turkey, a core NATO ally, to allow the U.S. to use its bases in Turkey for the anti-Islamic State campaign. But in getting Erdogan to move this far, Obama has done Turkey a great favor. If Erdogan had persisted in blocking Kurdish action in northern Syria, he would have done lasting damage to the fragile peace Turkey has reached with its own Kurdish population.
Erdogan has been slow to recognize how fundamentally the situation in the Middle East has changed over the past year[b], [/b]as Islamic State’s power has grown and the Kurds of northern Iraq and northern Syria have been called upon to resist its advances on the ground. Now, Turkey needs to come to terms with some form of autonomous Kurdish entity on its borders, and that means making peace domestically with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK…
Erdogan wants Obama to enlarge the fight against Islamic State to make it an action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. On this, Erdogan has a strong argument to make: Assad, after all, is responsible for many times as many deaths and war crimes as Islamic State. And he has a strong hand to play: Ultimately, the U.S.-led campaign needs Turkey’s help to succeed.
Yet the best way for Erdogan to make his case is to turn the Kurds into allies rather than enemies. By cooperating with them in Syria as well as in Iraq, he can join the U.S. coalition as a fully engaged member — and help lead it. -
Every bloody 2-bit Fascist dictator who claimed to be anti-Communist automatically got our assistance in the past. Just look at the governments of Central & South America & Africa & Asia for evidence of that. That includes all the Muslim countries too.
Rigid binary thinking, seeing everything in strictly black and white terms. -
Turkey carries out first ever strikes against Islamic State in Syria[/url][/h1]
Took them a while, but Ankara looks to be singing a different tune on ISIS. They’re also letting US jets use Turkish bases for strikes.-
Considering the bind they have been in recently, no wonder.
[url=http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/22/world/middleeast/obama-syria-kurds-isis-turkey-military-commandos.html]Obama considers arming Syrian Kurds to fight Isis[/url]
Deciding whether to arm the Syrian Kurds is a difficult decision for Mr. Obama, who is caught in the middle trying to balance the territorial and political ambitions of Turkey and the Syrian Kurds, two warring American allies that Washington needs to combat the Islamic insurgency.
Directly providing weapons for the first time to the Syrian Kurds, whom American commanders view as their most effective ground partner against the Islamic State, would help build momentum for the assault on Raqqa. But arming them would also aggravate Mr. Obamas already tense relations with Turkeys president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The United States and Turkey sharply disagree over Syrias Kurdish militias, which Turkey sees as its main enemy in Syria.
The plan has filtered up through the Pentagons Central Command, which oversees American military operations in the Middle East. It calls for providing the Syrian Kurds with small arms and ammunition, and some other supplies, for specific missions, but no heavy weapons such as antitank or antiaircraft weapons.-
I don’t think we can keep everyone happy. Not sure that Erdogan is a trustworthy ally. The Kurds are taking the fight to ISIS, and seem aligned with the US. I say arm them to the gills, give them support/training, and let them put a beat down on ISIS.
Screw Erdogon, the real questionable allies are Americans, specifically Republicans who both want Obama to commit anything and everything to stop ISIS & Bashar al-Assad and every other hot spot in the Middle East including declaring war on Iran all while spending no more $ and not putting boots on the ground AND want us to pull back on commitments.
Damned no matter what happens.-
[url=https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-05-09/trump-approves-arming-kurds-in-syria-over-turkey-s-objections]Trump will arm the Kurds in Syria over Turkish objections[/url]
So much for staying out of it … but I actually agree with this move.
Couple that with Trump’s plans to start bumping up troop numbers in Afghanistan again and he’s look a lot more like a tradition neo-con than an isolationist.
McCain and Graham must be dancing a jig.-
wonder what will happen to those Trump towers in Istanbul
Quote from dergon
[link=https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-05-09/trump-approves-arming-kurds-in-syria-over-turkey-s-objections]Trump will arm the Kurds in Syria over Turkish objections[/link]
So much for staying out of it … but I actually agree with this move.
Couple that with Trump’s plans to start bumping up troop numbers in Afghanistan again and he’s look a lot more like a tradition neo-con than an isolationist.
McCain and Graham must be dancing a jig.
against the wishes of his supporters and what he promised–but he to be a republican now–democrat Jared and Independent Ivanka can’t help him now with looming impeachment
Quote from dergon
[link=https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-05-09/trump-approves-arming-kurds-in-syria-over-turkey-s-objections]Trump will arm the Kurds in Syria over Turkish objections[/link]
So much for staying out of it … but I actually agree with this move.
Couple that with Trump’s plans to start bumping up troop numbers in Afghanistan again and he’s look a lot more like a tradition neo-con than an isolationist.
McCain and Graham must be dancing a jig.
It’s like we’re fighting WW3 via proxy war. The Kurds can fight though and I’m all for anyone who’s killing ISIS. I was trying to find where I read this but the Turkish commanders were quoted as saying something like if the Americans are with the Kurds we will bomb them too. They did bomb some US backed forces in Turkey. The whole Middle East is FUBAR.
At the risk of being an SLN I’m going to reply to myself. I was going to note that Trump has also completely botched the choice for Army Secretary. Two candidates bailed out.
AM doesn’t work well on iPad and edit doesn’t work.
Germany to Withdraw Forces From Incirlik Base in Turkey as rift deepens[/url][/h1][link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/germany/index.html?inline=nyt-geo]Germany[/link] said on Wednesday that it would withdraw its forces from a military base in southern [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/turkey/index.html?inline=nyt-geo]Turkey[/link] after the government of President [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/e/recep_tayyip_erdogan/index.html?inline=nyt-per]Recep Tayyip Erdogan[/link] refused to guarantee visits to forces there by German lawmakers, deepening a rift between the [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/n/north_atlantic_treaty_organization/index.html?inline=nyt-org]NATO[/link] allies.
The decision by the German cabinet to transfer to Jordan troops, surveillance planes and refueling jets at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey came after Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel failed to persuade others in the Turkish government to ensure the visits by German representatives.
The German defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, said that German surveillance planes were an important part of operations against the Islamic State. Not having them available for two or three months, however, would have more of a symbolic than practical effect putting two NATO allies publicly at odds rather than working together.-
Quote from dergon
Germany to Withdraw Forces From Incirlik Base in Turkey as rift deepens[/link][link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/germany/index.html?inline=nyt-geo]Germany[/link] said on Wednesday that it would withdraw its forces from a military base in southern [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/turkey/index.html?inline=nyt-geo]Turkey[/link] after the government of President [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/e/recep_tayyip_erdogan/index.html?inline=nyt-per]Recep Tayyip Erdogan[/link] refused to guarantee visits to forces there by German lawmakers, deepening a rift between the [link=http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/n/north_atlantic_treaty_organization/index.html?inline=nyt-org]NATO[/link] allies.
The decision by the German cabinet to transfer to Jordan troops, surveillance planes and refueling jets at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey came after Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel failed to persuade others in the Turkish government to ensure the visits by German representatives.
The German defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, said that German surveillance planes were an important part of operations against the Islamic State. Not having them available for two or three months, however, would have more of a symbolic than practical effect putting two NATO allies publicly at odds rather than working together.
That was the result of a tit-for-tat revolving around turkish politicians campaigning for Erdogans ‘constituional reforms’ in europe. Then the german parliament passed a resolution calling the Armenian genocide a genocide. At the same time, the turks are ticked off that the german parliament still considers the PKK to be some sort of freedom fighters when Turkey considers them terrorists. As any good autocrat would, Erdogan decided to retaliate in the most petty manner he could come up with.
[url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria/erdogan-we-will-strangle-u-s-backed-force-in-syria-before-its-even-born-idUSKBN1F41HJ]Erdogan: We will ‘strangle’ US-led force in Syria before it is born[/url]
Turkeys Tayyip Erdogan threatened on Monday to strangle a planned 30,000-strong U.S.-backed force in Syria before its even born, as Washingtons backing for Kurdish fighters drove a wedge into relations with one of its main Middle East allies.
The United States announced its support on Sunday for plans for a border force to defend territory held by U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led fighters in northern Syria.
But the strongest denunciation came from Erdogan, who has presided as relations between the United States and its biggest Muslim ally within NATO have stretched to the breaking point.[/QUOTE]
I think it makes sense to establish a country of kurdistan. I just don’t know how they’d do it. It would need to take region of Iraq, Syria, Turkey. They could perhaps be another normalized country like Jordan.
Turkey will but its new anti-aircraft defense system from Russia instead of the US
My cousin is getting deployed over to turkey right after the new year. He’s an officer in air national guard out of Toledo. Something like Incilik air base. Not really sure why as they can’t elaborate more than being deployed.
Trump announces this am that the US is pulling out of Syria to allow Turkey to roll in
The misery of the Kurds is about to get a lot worse. Erdogan is coming to wipe out the threat.
Our allies are seeing our word, our friendship & our support is purely transactional. And highly fickle by the minute.
[h1]In My Great and Unmatched Wisdom[/h1]
After receiving considerable push back from Republicans in his decision to abandon Kurdish fighters in Syria, President Trump issued this warning:
As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, [b]in my great and unmatched wisdom,[/b] consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (Ive done before!). They must, with Europe and others, watch over the captured ISIS fighters and families.
He continued: The U.S. has done far more than anyone could have ever expected, including the capture of 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. It is time now for others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their own territory. THE USA IS GREAT!
[h1]Trump Loses Fox & Friends on Syria Pullout[/h1] [i]Fox & Friends[/i] host Brian Kilmeade blasted President Trumps decision to withdraw troops from Syria.
Said Kimeade: What kind of message is that to the next ally that wants to side with us? All we did is arm them, and they did all the work. And now we say good luck. Good luck surviving.’
He added: What a disaster.
This certainly seems to be a good thing for Putin and Iran.
& Assad. A gift from America to murderous dictators.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 7, 2019 at 2:34 pmThank God we finally have a president who stands up to the neocons and neolibs who wants the US to be in a perennial warfare state.
There are 10s of thousands of terrorists and ISIS-sympathizing soldiers in camps run by the Kurds.
I’m sure that once the Kurds have to turn attention to Turkish forces wiping them out and all those ISIS guys go running free and re-form it won’t mite us in the a$$ at all.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 7, 2019 at 3:51 pmNot our problem.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 7, 2019 at 4:44 pmI really dont think trump is on our side
He plays for the other team
In Turkey Vs. Kurds Dispute, Trump Chooses The Side Where He Has A Condo Complex[/h1]
He for sure has conflicts of interest in Turkey but he didn’t eliminate any of those when he became POTUS. It all smells foul.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 7, 2019 at 5:07 pmThe question is, are you guys pro-war neolibs or are you simply primed to throw contrarian tantrums regardless of what Trump does?
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 7, 2019 at 5:29 pmIm ok with leaving as long as we set the Kurds up to defend themselves
They helped us get rid of ISIS and did most of the fighting
They cant defend themselves against turkey without our support
We should at least have an exit strategy that protects our ally
Quote from Knob Creek Rye
The question is, are you guys pro-war neolibs or are you simply primed to throw contrarian tantrums regardless of what Trump does?
As was stated before the Iraq War, you break it you own it.
We broke it.
We cat just walk away anymore. Like dergon stated, it will bite us eventually. You wont enlist but our people will have to deal with the broken China regardless. & of course, fixing it isnt a free ride. We wasted billion$ if not already trillion$ on just Iraq alone.
We broke it. The refugees from Syria are partially due to our war mongering. ISIS & the Muslim terrorists will see this as our yellow belly exposed.-
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 7, 2019 at 7:48 pm[link=https://www.behavioraleconomics.com/resources/mini-encyclopedia-of-be/sunk-cost-fallacy/]https://www.behavioraleconomics.com/resources/mini-encyclopedia-of-be/sunk-cost-fallacy/[/link]
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 8, 2019 at 3:08 amI would expect nothing less than a twice divorced multiple bankruptcy lying turd selling out an ally
I guess thats what winning looks like
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 8, 2019 at 3:19 amBut again knowing trump
While everyone is talking about impeachment….. hope people are looking elsewhere while he pads his pockets
[h1]Trump Says ISIS Fighters Will Likely Flee to Europe[/h1]
When asked if he was concerned that Islamic State fighters would be able to escape because of Turkeys military operation in Syria, Trump predicted that the militants would not travel to the United States, [link=https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/1182024913965785089]CBS News[/link] reports.
Said Trump: Theyre going to be escaping to Europe.
His comment was apparently meant to reassure Americans.
Fluck you Europeans! & fluck you NATO!
As if we would be able to do the Pontius Pilate routine with the Europeans after deliberately releasing terrorists into Europe.
Well, the used to be allies.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2019 at 4:29 pmAlternatively, Europe could grow up and start tightening their own immigration policies. Probably the subtext of Trump’s comment.
Hmmm, so if these terrorists were shipped to the US/Mexico border or Florida by the Kurds or Putin or even the Europeans in general, that would be fine.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2019 at 5:11 pmIt would be if we had same people in charge of our government instead of the current crop of Democrats and neocons.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2019 at 5:39 pmTrump family owns or is part owner of 118 properties in turkey
Estimated value of 850 million
But joe Biden is corrupt
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 9, 2019 at 7:14 pmDirty Rudy
Five ISIS militants have broken out of a prison in northern Syria after Turkish shelling nearby, the Independent reports.
The detainees escaped from a prison in Qamishli city.
I’m sure Trump will send Erdogan a letter scolding him for that.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 12, 2019 at 2:47 amDon the Con stabbed our Kurdish allies in the back.
After thousands died fighting alongside the U.S.
Trump is just awful.-
Making Vlad happy …
“You have given up on us. You are leaving us to be slaughtered.”
“I need to know if you are capable of protecting my people, of stopping these bombs falling on us or not. I need to know, because if you’re not, I need to make a deal with Russia and the regime now and invite their planes to protect this region.”
Gen. Mazloum Kobani Abdi, speaking to Deputy Special Envoy to the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, William Roebuck, in a meeting Thursday
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 12, 2019 at 11:53 amThats the plan
Trump is Russian agent
[h1]Mattis Says ISIS Will Come Back[/h1]
Former Defense Secretary James Mattis told [link=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/mattis-warns-isis-could-resurge-enemy-gets-vote-after-trump-n1065431]NBC News[/link] that the presidents decision to pull troops from Syrias border in advance of a Turkish incursion could have dire consequences and lead to ISISs resurgence.
Said Mattis: We may want a war over; we may even declare it over. You can pull your troops out as President Obama learned the hard way out of Iraq, but the enemy gets the vote, we say in the military. And in this case, if we dont keep the pressure on, then ISIS will resurge. Its absolutely a given that they will come back.
And they now know that we have a paper tiger leadership
Hundreds of ISIS Supporters Escape:
Syrian Kurdish officials said clashes near Ain Eissa, a key Kurdish-held town in northern Syria, allowed 950 Islamic State supporters to escape from a camp for displaced people near a U.S.-led coalition base, the AP reports.
Esper: Turkey ‘appears to be’ committing war crimes in northern Syria[/h1]
I think Erdogan will form an alliance with Assad & Russians against America.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 16, 2019 at 3:30 pm
Quote from dergon
[h1]Mattis Says ISIS Will Come Back[/h1]
Former Defense Secretary James Mattis told [link=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/mattis-warns-isis-could-resurge-enemy-gets-vote-after-trump-n1065431]NBC News[/link] that the presidents decision to pull troops from Syrias border in advance of a Turkish incursion could have dire consequences and lead to ISISs resurgence.
Said Mattis: We may want a war over; we may even declare it over. You can pull your troops out as President Obama learned the hard way out of Iraq, but the enemy gets the vote, we say in the military. And in this case, if we dont keep the pressure on, then ISIS will resurge. Its absolutely a given that they will come back.
In other news, the Middle East remains the Middle East.
[b]U.S. Bombs Its Own Bases to Keep Them from Turkey [/b]
On Wednesday, the U.S. military said two F-15E jet fighters carried out an airstrike to destroy an ammunition-storage facility, latrines, tents and other parts of the Syria headquarters of the American campaign to destroy Islamic State after pulling its forces from the base, the [link=https://www.wsj.com/articles/turkey-rejects-u-s-call-for-immediate-cease-fire-in-syria-11571219662]Wall Street Journal[/link] reports.
The decision to target the base, which included warehouses used to train-and-equip the Kurdish-led fighters, came after Turkish-backed forces moved on the facility on Tuesday.-
Putin is laughing at his useful idiot, mocking Trump/Erdogan “letter”.
Kremlin spokesman Peskov: You dont often encounter such language in correspondence between heads of state. Its a highly unusual letter,
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 17, 2019 at 6:02 amMy daughter sent it to me and honestly I thought it was fake
Useful, emphasis on Idiot!
Remind me again about the Trumpets criticizing the Democratic line up for not coming up to their specs & how the Democrats are looney.
Looney compared to Trump? And his letter to Erdogan?
Like Nancy said, all of Trumps roads lead to Putin. Putins Puppet.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserOctober 17, 2019 at 7:12 amAs the guy said yesterday…… the trumpers are the SANE ones
Holy sheet I wonder what they think insanity is
[h1]U.S. Forces Unable to transfer High-Value ISIS Detainees[/h1]
The American military was unable to carry out a plan to transfer about five dozen high value Islamic State detainees out of Kurdish-run wartime prisons before the Pentagon decided to move its forces out of northern Syria and pave the way for a Turkish-led invasion, the [link=https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/13/world/middleeast/syria-turkey-invasion-isis.html]New York Times[/link] reports.
In the same area on Sunday, hundreds of Islamic State sympathizers escaped from a low-security detention camp in the region, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Turkish ground invasion and the accompanying strikes.
There Is Blood on Trumps Hands[/h1]
Gen. John Allen, the former commander of American forces in Afghanistan, told [link=https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/13/politics/syria-marine-general-john-allen-trump/index.html]CNN[/link] that there is blood on Trumps hands for abandoning our Kurdish allies.
Said Allen: There was no chance Erdogan would keep his promise, and full blown ethnic cleansing is underway by Turkish supported militias. This is what happens when Trump follows his instincts and because of his alignment with autocrats.
He added: I said there would be blood, but could not have imagined this outcome.-
[h1]Kurdish forces backed by US strike deal with Syria’s Assad, in major shift in 8-year war[/h1]
Vlad Smiles … a move to Assad is a big win for Russia
Yes sir. Trump is very tough on Russia though. You’d never know since most of his policy seems to be what Putin wants.
Chris Wallace interview with Esper was pretty good yesterday. HE got called out for not backing the Kurds. Guy is just there spouting the admin lines. They’ve been fighting for 200 years. Also totally got burned on the sending 1800 troops to our Ally Saudi Arabia.