ORIGINAL: garynuke
The problem is…the side where science doesn’t matter appears to be on the left…
i.e., stem cell research, and creation vs evolution.
Creation pretty much obliterates all science, does it not?Much of the right agrees with stem cell research. At most, you are talking about half of the conservative movement. I for one support stem cell research. As for creation vs. evolution…as far as I can tell, there are three total states where this has been made a true issue (though there are loud mouths anywhere). To call this the majority view of the right is ignorance.
As for the left….they want us to blindly accept everything they tell us, regardless of the science. It is exactly the same thing as the extremists on the right…except that in the left, it is MAINSTREAM. That is the difference. There is a religious tinge to the right, to be sure…but John McCain was pro stem cell research and certainly believed only in evolution.
Our current president believes global warming is an absolute, and there is no more discussion to be had…which is a RELIGIOUS, DOGMATIC BELIEF. It is not a scientific one. And that is by far the majority view of the left…simply look at yourselves.
So don’t talk to be about lack of scientific belief…there is plenty to go around, and plenty on the left.