Education Standardized Testing, Homework, and “Inequality”
Posted by clickpenguin_460 on November 27, 2020 at 6:24 amIs this really what we are coming to as a society? Elimination of homework and standardized testing because it’s “unfair” to minorities and poor people?
This is just more of the same process of dragging down the successful and bright instead of trying to pull up the opposite. Our society is devolving from a meritocracy that venerated success and hard work to a society of mediocrity that labels success and hard work as racist.
Successful civilizations usually implode from within. We will be along shortly to do the same. #China2040kayla.meyer_144 replied 4 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
It’s pure laziness on the parent(s). You mean to tell me that since almost all kids are studying from home now and can operate, navigate and program an iPhone or PC, they are unable to attend class, take a lesson or ask a question? I have seen any articles (especially from CNN or MSN) stating that at Homes do not have the tools necessary to study.
It appears to me that we are putting the burden of Non Minorities to work and finance a school system that does not promote reward for good work or attempts. Hell, I can’t remember 5th grade Math at times. It’s called Google / YouTube.
It’s another cop-out to blame everyone else. You don’t work… You don’t eat.-
Kids with parents who care do better than those who have parents who dont. What’s new ?
When my kids were in K-8 homework became a pet peeve and contentious between my kids teachers and me. Homework, with the exception of math, has very little value to it. One of the issues I saw was it became busy work. When my kids would have to spend 2-3 hours in K-8 I started emailing the teacher and principle. The assignments were absurd, and many assignments had absolutely no value to their learning. It also interfered with kids after school activities. When I complained I would be told they should only do one hour a night. The assignments most nights could not be done in an hour. When I stopped them at one hour I would email the teacher and tell her. The next day my son would be told no recess stay in and finish their hw. Huh?
Many assignments the teachers proved to me that they did not even know themselves the full scope of the assignment. Here are some examples of idiotic teachers hw was:
Did not recognize some questions were repeated. Just asked differently.
Teacher would send home a study guide the day before the exam. Class was told if they complete it (optional) they would get up to 5 bonus points on the exam. First study guide I told my son he didnt have to do it. Study notes /cards instead. He didnt do it. She made him do the assignment after the test despite telling the class it was optional. Next study guide he did it. It was 97 answers for 5 points. I complained to her. She told me it was not 97 answers. I asked her did you count them because I did. No reply. Took him almost two hours and less time to just sit and study. I asked her if this was a study guide dont you think it would be more beneficial for learning if the kids got this when they started the new material and could do some each night and use it to learn the main points? Yep she had a good grasp of pedagogy.
Send home a map and make a 7[sup]th[/sup] grader color it. Graded for neatness. Did you ever see a 7[sup]th[/sup] grade boy color? Do you really think a 7[sup]th[/sup] grader should be coloring?
This assignment was the most ridiculous. In science learning genetics. Pick a genetic condition, my son did Marfans. Answer the following 11 questions. Type it and it MUST only be TWO paragraphs. If it exceeds two paragraphs points will be deducted. Science teacher was undoing any thing he learned in English on correct writing. So he answered 11 questions in two paragraphs and of course broke the rules for paragraph syntax. When I said something to the learning resources teacher that her assignment was teaching the kids bad writing structure she agreed but couldnt do anything about it.
This was not only at my sons schools. Other parents I knew at other schools had similar stories.
So I am a big believer hw should be banned.-
I agree with fw, involved parents will improve their children’s learning as a general rule.
But I really agree with Ixrayu. My experience with homework, not college, was that it was more busy work than teaching me or reinforcing anything for me. I had a world history teacher who thought teaching was assigning us to read the chapter & outline it in a notebook then he would check the notebook. We really did not review much in class about world history. History was always a favorite subject for me but he killed interest in his class for me. Truthfully, doing homework was always a problem for me & always got me in trouble in school in spite of high marks in all my classes.
Then when my kids went to school they had hours of assignments each night. Many nights not much time for anything except get home, change, do homework, eat, finish homework, go to bed. That’s crazy. Learning is one thing and it’s very important but killing interest in learning by piling on busy stultifying extra work is the worst thing to do to kids.
Learning should be interesting and fun, almost entertainment. Math classes could be the worst, oh so boring, making kids think they can’t handle simple arithmetic.
[size=”0″]There are better ways.[/size]