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  • Need Rank Order Advice

    Posted by hjbae_909 on January 14, 2022 at 9:14 am

    I’m a 4th year medical student applying for DR and will likely pursue private practice. Looking for advice for ranking the top 5 of my current rank list:
    Univ of Colorado
    I am not super interested in prestige, just want great training with a good culture and location. Specifically, not sure how to rank OSU vs Cincinnati.
    Thanks for any input!

    Unknown Member replied 2 years, 11 months ago 9 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • irene9285_548

    January 15, 2022 at 7:08 am

    Would rank based on preferred location more than anything else tbh. Those are all excellent tbh. Id rank CCF number one just bc Id have a lot of fellowship options between them and case western in the same town and not have to move.

    That assumes youd prefer Cleveland over the other locations. I feel this website is roughly 40% about whether Cleveland is a good town or not.

    • luciairegui

      January 15, 2022 at 11:42 am

      Where are you trying to end up for fellowship or long term. Location matters most.
      Otherwise, I think CCF probably has the best “name”, OSU and Cinci are both good programs. Don’t know much about Colorado or MUSC but if you want to be in the west or south they would be the best bets.

      • vuonganhhmuk112_783

        January 15, 2022 at 4:35 pm

        Rank based on location.

        • marchirner

          January 17, 2022 at 10:38 am

          SC is a 648% better state than Ohio.

          • btomba_77

            January 17, 2022 at 10:40 am

            All good institutions-

            First question I would ask: Where do you want to practice after training?

            If it is in any of those Ohio cities, then start there. If it is SC start there . If its in the mountains, then UC

          • ruszja

            January 17, 2022 at 10:43 am

            Career and option wise, go wherever you want to end up geographically .

            Otoh, residency and fellowship are a good time to see a place different from the one you grew up in. Nobody knows how the market will be 6 years from now and whether hometown bonus is a necessary thing to have.

            • btomba_77

              January 17, 2022 at 10:46 am


              And unless your hometown is a super competitive market, its generally easy to get a job and come home

            • hjbae_909

              January 17, 2022 at 10:54 am

              Not sure where I want to end up after training, but I’ve lived in Ohio all of my life and would like to experience something new. I could see myself moving again for a “big name” fellowship as it seems like a lot of people do that, so ranking based off fellowship options isn’t that big of a deal for me.
              Is regional bias that important for getting a job after fellowship? A lot of the private practice groups seems to have people from a wide variety of residencies.
              My hometown is definitely not a super competitive market – fairly rural.

              • btomba_77

                January 17, 2022 at 11:09 am

                As for regional bias:

                Yes. There are places people who dont have connections move to and stay and there are places that if people move there and dont have local ties they leave

                Groups in industrial Midwest, rural areas, Great Plains know this very well and wont put a lot of recruitment effort into outsiders without ties.

                Groups in AZ, Fl and big cities on the coasts not so
                Much concern.

                Ps- if youre considering Cleveland for training, dont forget UH. Ill put our residency at least on par with CCF and we actively recruit our trainees for faculty positions

                • Unknown Member

                  Deleted User
                  January 17, 2022 at 3:48 pm

                  great advice above. 
                  go train at the place closest to where you think you will ultimately settle down. All politics are local.  Don’t think the prestige of a certain well-known regional program is necessarily going to open doors in a small town. Yes it might, but many groups have no love for carpetbaggers especially if they have a strong CV/pedigree. There is something in many a community radiologist that wants to ask the guy from “Haavad”,  “how you like them apples?”
                  * “My boy’s wicked smaat”

                  • Unknown Member

                    Deleted User
                    January 18, 2022 at 5:55 pm

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