$12M seems more than a slap on the hand and I can assure you that they made sure this was more than what was owed. I have to say that I’ve seen Drs. in the past who seemed to feel the supervision rules could be stretched or ignored and it seems there are quite a few out there who do not understand or chose to understand that medicare requires the Rad Onc to be on site when patients are being treated. This may not be convenient or even make sense to some but it is the rule that we have to abide by. On the other hand to address what I think is your question- I think a large $$ fine is much more of a deterrent and punishment for those who might also think about stretching the rule and a headline like this reminds everyone of the rule. Yes, they will be watched closely and those around them can no longer use ignorance as an excuse.
This will certainly help therapists who spend a lot of time arguing with their rad oncs who want them to treat when they are not there. Been there.