Quote from W24
The number of threads on how RVUs work is a reflection of what is so wrong with RVUs. If youre going to use RVUs, make it transparent, especially for those that actually produce the RVUs!
It’s a reflection of what a piss-poor job most residencies do to explain how this all works. I was lucky in that we had both a rotation with a private group and ‘community faculty’ who would come in for some of the resident lectures. One of them had a equipment owning practice. He took some of his lecture time to explain to us how radiology is reimbursed, what a joint venture is, how contracts and preapprovals work etc. RVUs are actually one of the easier things to grasp.
But that’s a general thing with medical schools and residencies. Money is treated as something icky that we better leave to the men in suits to handle and then we are suprised if those suits take a big bite out of our earnings.