Who is looking forward to practice with medicare for all?
Posted by mferg47_176 on January 8, 2021 at 6:59 amWith both houses of US Congress and President controlled by the same political party, with the perceived backing of the US Supreme Court favoring that political party, looks like medicare for all (MFA) is inevitable. What are your thoughts about practicing when MFA is enacted?
Unknown Member replied 3 years, 11 months ago 15 Members · 26 Replies -
26 Replies
For groups with large “self-pay” or large ER volumes, could actually be a bump (assuming private pay will still exist, which I think it will). The question becomes does private pay start slashing their rates downward.
Not going to happen. Neither chamber could pass it even if they tried. There are 10-15 house Dems and 2-3 Senate Dems who wouldn’t go for it. Not to mention Biden himself said he didn’t want it – although who knows what he will do in the future.
The likelihood of MFA in the next 5-10 years is near-zero. The only thing even remotely possible might be a lowering of the qualification age to 55.
Perhaps Dems and Republicans could trade 55 Medicare age for 75 Social Security age.
Biden has voiced support for strengthening Obamacare and introducing a public option. However, whatever public option they create will not be a threat to the multi-billion dollar private insurance industry. Probably some low level Medicaid type public option. Biden is a corporate democrat career politician.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 8, 2021 at 8:23 am
Quote from Waduh Dong
Biden has voiced support for strengthening Obamacare and introducing a public option. However, whatever public option they create will not be a threat to the multi-billion dollar private insurance industry. Probably some low level Medicaid type public option. Biden is a corporate democrat career politician.
Wasn’t Johnson a corporate democrat career politician?
Slash the defense budget by 80%, put it into health care, pay doctors more.
MFA is not a threat in the near or midterm future. Increase on tax to capital gains and increase in social security taxes are the more immediate pressing concerns. (You can add in income tax hike but boohoo on the extra 2-3% over 400k, Im not worried about that one)
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 10, 2021 at 10:28 am
Quote from Mrdrsrow08
MFA is not a threat in the near or midterm future. Increase on tax to capital gains and increase in social security taxes are the more immediate pressing concerns. (You can add in income tax hike but boohoo on the extra 2-3% over 400k, Im not worried about that one)
Agree. The new admin will increase the capital gains on people making over 1 mil in the first stage. Then they will increase it for people making above 500K. Also increasing the tax bracket for incomes above 450K will come soon.
Long story short, don’t work too hard. It’s not worth it.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 8, 2021 at 10:43 am
Quote from ChuckI
Slash the defense budget by 80%, put it into health care, pay doctors more.
How about slash the defense budget by 80% and pay off some of the 28 T debt
Seems reasonable. Would put us at around 56% of China’s budget. We could lead by example!
I actually don’t care if it does or doesn’t go forward. The question is will volume go up and income go down or will both volume and income go down or up. If we’re heading to something like Canada where there’s a long imaging wait time, I can deal with the decreased income and volume but I’d retire if the scenario of higher and higher volume for even lesser pay. Other than that, I’m fine with govt healthcare. Seems like they’re doing fine with everything else.
Quote from Waduh Dong
Biden has voiced support for strengthening Obamacare and introducing a public option. However, whatever public option they create will not be a threat to the multi-billion dollar private insurance industry. Probably some low level Medicaid type public option. Biden is a corporate democrat career politician.
Public option and using some new tax revenue to shore up the exchanges and/or get more subsidy support for lower income ACA plan buying is about as left as you are going to see.
Quote from Cubsfan10
The only thing even remotely possible might be a lowering of the qualification age to 55.
If this were to happen I might retire within a year of it.-
The increase in SS taxes (removing the 137,000 cap) is very likely IMO. It’s easy to do and the majority of people will see it as an easy way for the nasty rich people to pay more of their “fair share”.
I hope there will be a discussion of raising the SS age if they are going to remove the cap but I have my doubts. Adjusting for life expectancy, the SS age should be at least in the low 70s.-
Medicare is supposed to hit a financial inflection point within a couple years, my guess is probably a hybrid higher taxes and public option creep.
Private health insurance has been broken for a while, huge deductibles/copays, no coverage, etc..people are getting sick of a second mortgage payment for health insurance.
Personally I think it’ll start with the unions switching to some public option. They are getting destroyed by increasing premiums, and they could probably spin it that they will be saving the tax payer money. Unions followed by Medicare is my guess, then the private sector gets boiled like a frog.
I hope we get MCA and that medical school tuition continues to increase. Then, only people who really want to be doctors will become doctors! Haha
Quote from docholliday126
Medicare is supposed to hit a financial inflection point within a couple years, my guess is probably a hybrid higher taxes and public option creep.
With that said, how would the system support all those new enrollees? Seems like the system already has its hands filled covering >65 y/o’s
Quote from docholliday126
Personally I think it’ll start with the unions switching to some public option. They are getting destroyed by increasing premiums, and they could probably spin it that they will be saving the tax payer money. Unions followed by Medicare is my guess, then the private sector gets boiled like a frog.
Would Unions go for that? I always thought having great “Cadillac” plans were a major attraction of unions-
5% of people with chronic diseases use 50-60% of all healthcare. There are tons of things you could do to lower costs but many of them would be super unpopular so we will just keep doing what we are doing.
– More focus on those 5%/chronic conditions being treated at outpatient centers and not hospitals. Force hospitals to “de-centralize” their acute care centers.
– More penalties for “going to the ED” for patients that go for non-emergent things (something like if you’re labeled a 4-5 in triage, then you’re penalized)
– More focus on preventative care and screening and penalties for those who do not follow the directives
– Better end-of-life care and less emphasis on “do everything you can for as long as you can” type of medicine
– Bring back cheap resident/fellow clinics that can see patients for little/no cost without an attending or at least without an attending billing the care
Some unpopular Medicare solutions: 1) raise the age to 70 2) Allow employees/wealthy people to stay on their private insurance for up to 10 years after retirement and use that first instead of Medicare first
Quote from Cubsfan10
5% of people with chronic diseases use 50-60% of all healthcare. There are tons of things you could do to lower costs but many of them would be super unpopular so we will just keep doing what we are doing.
– More focus on those 5%/chronic conditions being treated at outpatient centers and not hospitals. Force hospitals to “de-centralize” their acute care centers.
– More penalties for “going to the ED” for patients that go for non-emergent things (something like if you’re labeled a 4-5 in triage, then you’re penalized)
– More focus on preventative care and screening and penalties for those who do not follow the directives
– Better end-of-life care and less emphasis on “do everything you can for as long as you can” type of medicine
– Bring back cheap resident/fellow clinics that can see patients for little/no cost without an attending or at least without an attending billing the careSome unpopular Medicare solutions: 1) raise the age to 70 2) Allow employees/wealthy people to stay on their private insurance for up to 10 years after retirement and use that first instead of Medicare first
This is also the reason why those of us who help [b]all comers[/b] as physicians see no problem worrying about historically unhealthy people “dying with covid” – especially when any sane person realizes healthy people don’t die from this foolish virus, nor does it require any crushing and killing of others lives and economies of all scale and sector to save fatasses and 90 year olds.
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 10, 2021 at 3:19 pm
Quote from radanon
With both houses of US Congress and President controlled by the same political party, with the perceived backing of the US Supreme Court favoring that political party, looks like medicare for all (MFA) is inevitable. What are your thoughts about practicing when MFA is enacted?
I’d like you to explain how Medicare For All is “inevitable,” considering Senate rules on passing legislation, and the limitations of budget reconciliation.
I’m also interested in knowing why you think the 6-3 conservative majority, including 3 Trump appointees and ultra far right appointees Clarence Thomas and Alito, favors any party but the GOP.-
Quote from RadJedi
I’m also interested in knowing why you think the 6-3 conservative majority, including 3 Trump appointees and ultra far right appointees Clarence Thomas and Alito, favors any party but the GOP.
You clearly don’t pay much attention to the SCOTUS-
But by the way, I don’t think M4A is coming anytime soon either, I do think a lot of other damaging things will happen with this dead man and deranged cankle jockey as our “leaders”
Unknown Member
Deleted UserJanuary 12, 2021 at 5:11 pmPay me the 1500$ you owe me
Ill informed comment and a fixed false belief. If you keep repeating it 100K times, it still won’t happen and is still a fixed false belief. Good slogan to rile up your supporters though.